Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies a patch (content file) to the destination
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destination">The destination that contains the previous version of the data</param>
        /// <param name="patch">The content file that the destination is patched with</param>
        public void Patch(string[] destination, Library.Interface.ICompression patch)
            Snapshots.ISystemIO SystemIO = Utility.Utility.IsClientLinux ? (Snapshots.ISystemIO)new Snapshots.SystemIOLinux() : (Snapshots.ISystemIO)new Snapshots.SystemIOWindows();

            if (m_partialDeltas == null)
                m_partialDeltas = new Dictionary<string, XervBackup.Library.Utility.TempFile>();

            if (m_folderTimestamps == null)
                m_folderTimestamps = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();

            for (int i = 0; i < destination.Length; i++)
                destination[i] = Utility.Utility.AppendDirSeparator(destination[i]);

            bool isUtc = patch.FileExists(UTC_TIME_MARKER);

            //Set up the filter system to avoid dealing with filtered items
            FilterHelper fh = new FilterHelper(this, destination, m_filter);

            //Delete all files that were removed
            if (patch.FileExists(DELETED_FILES))
                foreach (string s in fh.Filterlist(FilenamesFromPlatformIndependant(patch.ReadAllLines(DELETED_FILES)), false))
                    if (SystemIO.FileExists(s))
                            //TODO: Perhaps read ahead in patches to prevent creation
                            long size = SystemIO.FileLength(s);

                            if (m_stat as RestoreStatistics != null)
                                (m_stat as RestoreStatistics).FilesRestored--;
                                (m_stat as RestoreStatistics).SizeOfRestoredFiles -= size;
                                (m_stat as RestoreStatistics).FilesDeleted++;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (m_stat != null)
                                m_stat.LogError(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.DeleteFileError, s, ex.Message), ex);
                            Logging.Log.WriteMessage(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.DeleteFileError, s, ex.Message), XervBackup.Library.Logging.LogMessageType.Warning, ex);
                        Logging.Log.WriteMessage(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.FileToDeleteMissingError, s), XervBackup.Library.Logging.LogMessageType.Warning);

            //Delete all folders that were removed
            if (patch.FileExists(DELETED_FOLDERS))
                if (m_folders_to_delete == null)
                    m_folders_to_delete = new List<string>();
                List<string> deletedfolders = new List<string>(fh.Filterlist(FilenamesFromPlatformIndependant(patch.ReadAllLines(DELETED_FOLDERS)), true));
                //Make sure subfolders are deleted first

                //Append to the list of folders to remove.
                //The folders are removed when the patch sequence is finalized,
                //because the deleted file list is not present until
                //the last content file has been applied.

            //Add folders. This mainly applies to empty folders,
            //as non-empty folders will also be created when files are restored
            if (patch.FileExists(ADDED_FOLDERS))
                List<string> addedfolders = new List<string>(fh.Filterlist(FilenamesFromPlatformIndependant(patch.ReadAllLines(ADDED_FOLDERS)), true));

                //Make sure topfolders are created first

                foreach (string s in addedfolders)
                    if (!SystemIO.DirectoryExists(s))
                            if (m_stat as RestoreStatistics != null)
                                (m_stat as RestoreStatistics).FoldersRestored++;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (m_stat != null)
                                m_stat.LogError(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.CreateFolderError, s, ex.Message), ex);
                            Logging.Log.WriteMessage(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.CreateFolderError, s, ex.Message), XervBackup.Library.Logging.LogMessageType.Warning, ex);

            if (patch.FileExists(ADDED_FOLDERS_TIMESTAMPS))
                //These times are always utc
                string[] folders = FilenamesFromPlatformIndependant(patch.ReadAllLines(ADDED_FOLDERS));
                string[] timestamps = patch.ReadAllLines(ADDED_FOLDERS_TIMESTAMPS);

                for (int i = 0; i < folders.Length; i++)
                    m_folderTimestamps[RSyncDir.GetFullPathFromRelname(destination, folders[i])] = Utility.Utility.EPOCH.AddSeconds(long.Parse(timestamps[i]));

            if (patch.FileExists(UPDATED_FOLDERS) && patch.FileExists(UPDATED_FOLDERS_TIMESTAMPS))
                //These times are always utc
                string[] folders = FilenamesFromPlatformIndependant(patch.ReadAllLines(UPDATED_FOLDERS));
                string[] timestamps = patch.ReadAllLines(UPDATED_FOLDERS_TIMESTAMPS);
                long l;

                for (int i = 0; i < folders.Length; i++)
                    if (long.TryParse(timestamps[i], out l))
                        m_folderTimestamps[RSyncDir.GetFullPathFromRelname(destination, folders[i])] = Utility.Utility.EPOCH.AddSeconds(l);

            PartialEntryRecord pe = null;
            if (patch.FileExists(INCOMPLETE_FILE))
                pe = new PartialEntryRecord(patch.ReadAllLines(INCOMPLETE_FILE));

            PartialEntryRecord fe = null;
            if (patch.FileExists(COMPLETED_FILE))
                fe = new PartialEntryRecord(patch.ReadAllLines(COMPLETED_FILE));

            int lastPg = -1;

            string contentprefix = Utility.Utility.AppendDirSeparator(CONTENT_ROOT);
            List<string> contentfiles = m_filter.FilterList(contentprefix, patch.ListFiles(contentprefix));

            string deltaprefix = Utility.Utility.AppendDirSeparator(DELTA_ROOT);
            List<string> deltafiles = m_filter.FilterList(deltaprefix, patch.ListFiles(deltaprefix));

            string symlinkprefix = Utility.Utility.AppendDirSeparator(SYMLINK_ROOT);
            List<string> symlinks = m_filter.FilterList(symlinkprefix, patch.ListFiles(symlinkprefix));

            long totalfiles = deltafiles.Count + contentfiles.Count;
            long fileindex = 0;

            //Restore new files
            foreach (string s in contentfiles)
                string target = GetFullPathFromRelname(destination, s.Substring(contentprefix.Length));
                    if (!SystemIO.DirectoryExists(SystemIO.PathGetDirectoryName(target)))
                        Logging.Log.WriteMessage(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.RestoreFolderMissingError, target), XervBackup.Library.Logging.LogMessageType.Warning);

                    //Update each 0.5%
                    int pg = (int)((fileindex / (double)totalfiles) * 200);
                    if (pg != lastPg)
                        ProgressEvent(pg / 2, target);
                        lastPg = pg;

                    using (System.IO.Stream s1 = patch.OpenRead(s))
                        PartialEntryRecord pex = null;
                        Utility.TempFile partialFile = null;

                        if (pe != null && string.Equals(pe.PlatformConvertedFilename, s))
                            pex = pe; //The file is incomplete
                        else if (fe != null && string.Equals(fe.PlatformConvertedFilename, s))
                            pex = fe; //The file has the final segment

                        if (pex != null && string.Equals(pex.PlatformConvertedFilename, s))
                            //Ensure that the partial file list is in the correct state
                            if (pex.StartOffset == 0 && m_partialDeltas.ContainsKey(s))
                                throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.InvalidPartialFileEntry, s));
                            else if (pex.StartOffset != 0 && !m_partialDeltas.ContainsKey(s))
                                throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.InvalidPartialFileEntry, s));
                            else if (pex.StartOffset == 0) //First entry, so create a temp file
                                m_partialDeltas.Add(s, new XervBackup.Library.Utility.TempFile());

                            partialFile = m_partialDeltas[s];
                        else if (m_partialDeltas.ContainsKey(s))
                            throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.FileShouldBePartialError, s));

                        long startOffset = pex == null ? 0 : pex.StartOffset;
                        using (System.IO.Stream s2 = SystemIO.FileOpenWrite(partialFile == null ? target : (string)partialFile))
                            if (s2.Length != startOffset)
                                throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.InvalidPartialFileEntry, s));

                            s2.Position = startOffset;
                            if (startOffset == 0)

                            Utility.Utility.CopyStream(s1, s2);

                        if (pex != null && pex == fe)
                            if (SystemIO.FileExists(target))
                            SystemIO.FileMove(partialFile, target);

                        if (m_stat is RestoreStatistics && (partialFile == null || pex == fe))
                            (m_stat as RestoreStatistics).FilesRestored++;
                            (m_stat as RestoreStatistics).SizeOfRestoredFiles += SystemIO.FileLength(target);

                    if (File.Exists(target))
                        DateTime t = patch.GetLastWriteTime(s);
                        if (!isUtc)
                            t = t.ToUniversalTime();
                        try { SystemIO.FileSetLastWriteTimeUtc(target, t); }
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (m_stat != null)
                                m_stat.LogWarning(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.FailedToSetFileWriteTime, target, ex.Message), ex);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (m_stat != null)
                        m_stat.LogError(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.RestoreFileError, s, ex.Message), ex);
                    Logging.Log.WriteMessage(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.RestoreFileError, s, ex.Message), XervBackup.Library.Logging.LogMessageType.Error, ex);

            //Patch modfied files
            foreach (string s in deltafiles)
                string target = GetFullPathFromRelname(destination, s.Substring(deltaprefix.Length));
                    //Update each 0.5%
                    int pg = (int)((fileindex / (double)totalfiles) * 200);
                    if (pg != lastPg)
                        ProgressEvent(pg / 2, target);
                        lastPg = pg;

                    if (!SystemIO.DirectoryExists(SystemIO.PathGetDirectoryName(target)))
                        Logging.Log.WriteMessage(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.RestoreFolderDeltaError, target), XervBackup.Library.Logging.LogMessageType.Warning);

                    PartialEntryRecord pex = null;
                    if (pe != null && string.Equals(pe.PlatformConvertedFilename, s))
                        pex = pe; //The file is incomplete
                    else if (fe != null && string.Equals(fe.PlatformConvertedFilename, s))
                        pex = fe; //The file has the final segment

                    Utility.TempFile tempDelta = null;

                    if (pex != null && string.Equals(pex.PlatformConvertedFilename, s))
                        //Ensure that the partial file list is in the correct state
                        if (pex.StartOffset == 0 && m_partialDeltas.ContainsKey(s))
                            throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.InvalidPartialFileEntry, s));
                        else if (pex.StartOffset != 0 && !m_partialDeltas.ContainsKey(s))
                            throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.InvalidPartialFileEntry, s));
                        else if (pex.StartOffset == 0) //First entry, so create a temp file
                            m_partialDeltas.Add(s, new XervBackup.Library.Utility.TempFile());

                        //Dump the content in the temp file at the specified offset
                        using (System.IO.Stream st = SystemIO.FileOpenWrite(m_partialDeltas[s]))
                            if (st.Length != pex.StartOffset)
                                throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.InvalidPartialFileEntry, s));
                            st.Position = pex.StartOffset;
                            using (System.IO.Stream s2 = patch.OpenRead(s))
                                Utility.Utility.CopyStream(s2, st);

                        //We can't process it until it is received completely
                        if (pex != fe)

                        tempDelta = m_partialDeltas[s];
                    else if (m_partialDeltas.ContainsKey(s))
                        throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.FileShouldBePartialError, s));

                    using (Utility.TempFile tempfile = new Utility.TempFile())
                    using (tempDelta) //May be null, but the using directive does not care
                        //Use either the patch directly, or the partial temp file
                        System.IO.Stream deltaStream = tempDelta == null ? patch.OpenRead(s) : SystemIO.FileOpenRead(tempDelta);
                        using (System.IO.Stream s2 = deltaStream)
                        using (System.IO.Stream s1 = SystemIO.FileOpenRead(target))
                        using (System.IO.Stream s3 = SystemIO.FileCreate(tempfile))
                            SharpRSync.Interface.PatchFile(s1, s2, s3);

                        if (m_stat as RestoreStatistics != null)
                            (m_stat as RestoreStatistics).SizeOfRestoredFiles -= SystemIO.FileLength(target);
                            (m_stat as RestoreStatistics).SizeOfRestoredFiles += SystemIO.FileLength(tempfile);
                            (m_stat as RestoreStatistics).FilesPatched++;


                        try { SystemIO.FileMove(tempfile, target); }
                            //The OS sometimes reports the file as existing even after a delete
                            // this seems to be related to MS Security Essentials?
                            SystemIO.FileMove(tempfile, target);

                    if (File.Exists(target))
                        DateTime t = patch.GetLastWriteTime(s);
                        if (!isUtc)
                            t = t.ToUniversalTime();

                        try { SystemIO.FileSetLastWriteTimeUtc(target, t); }
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (m_stat != null)
                                m_stat.LogWarning(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.FailedToSetFileWriteTime, target, ex.Message), ex);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (m_stat != null)
                        m_stat.LogError(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.RestoreFileError, s, ex.Message), ex);
                    Logging.Log.WriteMessage(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.RestoreFileError, s, ex.Message), XervBackup.Library.Logging.LogMessageType.Error, ex);

                    try { SystemIO.FileDelete(target); }
                    catch { }

            //Re-create symlinks (no progress report here, should be really fast)
            foreach (string s in symlinks)
                string target = GetFullPathFromRelname(destination, s.Substring(symlinkprefix.Length));
                string symlinktarget = "";
                    symlinktarget = FilenamesFromPlatformIndependant(new string[] { Encoding.UTF8.GetString(patch.ReadAllBytes(s)) })[0];
                    bool isDir = symlinktarget[symlinktarget.Length - 1] == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
                    if (isDir)
                        symlinktarget = symlinktarget.Substring(0, symlinktarget.Length - 1);

                        //In case another symlink is present, we "update" it
                        if (SystemIO.FileExists(target) && (SystemIO.GetFileAttributes(target) & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) != 0)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logging.Log.WriteMessage(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.RestoreFileError, s, ex.Message), XervBackup.Library.Logging.LogMessageType.Error, ex);

                    SystemIO.CreateSymlink(target, symlinktarget, isDir);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (m_stat != null)
                        m_stat.LogError(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.RestoreFileError, s, ex.Message), ex);
                    Logging.Log.WriteMessage(string.Format(Strings.RSyncDir.RestoreFileError, s, ex.Message), XervBackup.Library.Logging.LogMessageType.Error, ex);

                    try { SystemIO.FileDelete(target); }
                    catch { }

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(symlinktarget))
                            using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(SystemIO.FileOpenWrite(target)))
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all files in the target backend
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">A value indicating if the results should be filtered according to the delete transaction</param>
        /// <returns>All files in the target backend</returns>
        public List<Library.Interface.IFileEntry> List(bool filter)
            List<Library.Interface.IFileEntry> result = (List<Library.Interface.IFileEntry>)ProtectedInvoke("ListInternal");

            if (!filter)
                return result;

            m_transactionFile = null;
            List<DeleteTransactionEntry> found = new List<DeleteTransactionEntry>();

            foreach (Library.Interface.IFileEntry f in result)
                DeleteTransactionEntry de = m_filenamestrategy.ParseAsDeleteTransaction(f);
                if (de != null)

            if (found.Count > 0)
                if (found.Count > 1)
                    throw new Exception(Strings.BackendWrapper.MultipleDeleteTransactionsFoundError);

                m_transactionFile = found[0];

                if (m_statistics != null)
                    //Show the warning to the user unless we will
                    // actually delete the files later, as that would
                    // produce the warning twice
                    bool logWarning = true;

                    switch (m_options.MainAction)
                        case DuplicatiOperationMode.Backup:
                        case DuplicatiOperationMode.BackupFull:
                        case DuplicatiOperationMode.BackupIncremental:
                            logWarning = !m_options.AutoCleanup;

                        case DuplicatiOperationMode.CleanUp:
                        case DuplicatiOperationMode.DeleteAllButN:
                        case DuplicatiOperationMode.DeleteAllButNFull:
                        case DuplicatiOperationMode.DeleteOlderThan:
                            logWarning = false;

                    if (logWarning)
                        m_statistics.LogWarning(Strings.BackendWrapper.DeleteTransactionFileFoundWarning, null);

                Dictionary<string, string> lookup = new Dictionary<string,string>();
                    using (Library.Utility.TempFile tf = new Utility.TempFile())
                        this.Get(m_transactionFile, null, tf, null);
                        System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();

                        foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode n in doc.SelectNodes("files/file"))
                            lookup[n.InnerText] = null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.BackendWrapper.DeleteTransactionFileReadError, m_transactionFile.Filename, ex.Message), ex);

                m_leftovers = new List<Library.Interface.IFileEntry>();

                //Filter the results reported to look as if the delete was completed,
                // and keep a list of not-yet-deleted entries
                for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                    if (lookup.ContainsKey(result[i].Name))

            return result;