void WaveCompleted() { //begin new round Debug.Log("Wave Complete"); state = SpawnState.COUNTING; waveCountdown = timeBetweenWaves; /* instead of this if * a random wave selection variable can * be used. */ //nextWave = Random.Range(0, waves.Length); if (nextWave + 1 > waves.Length - 1) { nextWave = 0; Debug.Log("All waves done"); return; } nextWave++; audioManager = AudioStuff.AudioManager.instance; audioManager.PlaySound("WaveComplete"); }
void BullEffect(Vector3 hitPosition, Vector3 hitNormal) { Transform trail = Instantiate(BulletEffect, firePoint.position, firePoint.rotation) as Transform; LineRenderer lr = trail.GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); if (lr != null) { //SET POSITION lr.SetPosition(0, firePoint.position); lr.SetPosition(1, hitPosition); } Destroy(trail.gameObject, 0.02f); if (hitNormal != new Vector3(9999, 9999, 9999)) { Transform hit = Instantiate(hitPrefab, hitPosition, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right, hitNormal)) as Transform; Destroy(hit.gameObject, 1f); } Transform MuzzleClone = (Transform)Instantiate(MuzzleFlash, firePoint.position, firePoint.rotation); float size = Random.Range(1f, 2.0f); MuzzleClone.localScale = new Vector3(size, size, size); Destroy(MuzzleClone.gameObject, 0.02f); //shake camera camShake.Shake(camShakeAmt, length); audioManager = AudioStuff.AudioManager.instance; audioManager.PlaySound("GunSound"); }
public IEnumerator _RespawnPlayer() { //"TODO: Add fancy particle system and sounds"); audioManager = AudioStuff.AudioManager.instance; audioManager.PlaySound(spawnSoundName); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(spawnDelay)); Instantiate(playerPrefab, spawnPoint.position, spawnPoint.rotation); GameObject ss = Instantiate(spawnPrefab, spawnPoint.position, spawnPoint.rotation).gameObject as GameObject; Destroy(ss, 3f); }
public void DamagePlayer(int damage) { stats.curHealth -= damage; audioManager = AudioStuff.AudioManager.instance; if (stats.curHealth <= 0) { audioManager.PlaySound("PlayerDead"); GameMaster.KillPlayer(this); Debug.Log("No player on the properties panel lol"); return; } statusIndicator.SetHealth(stats.curHealth, stats.maxHealth); audioManager.PlaySound("PlayerDamage"); }
void Start() { if (cameraShake == null) { Debug.LogError("No camera shaker found"); } _remainingLives = maxLives; //caching audioManager = AudioStuff.AudioManager.instance; if (audioManager == null) { Debug.LogError("No audio manager found in scene"); } audioManager.PlaySound("Signature"); }
public void DamageEnemy(int damage) { audioManager = AudioStuff.AudioManager.instance; stats.curHealth -= damage; if (stats.curHealth <= 0) { GameMaster.KillEnemy(this); audioManager.PlaySound("EnemyDead"); //Debug.Log("Some Spaceship died"); } if (statusIndicator != null) { statusIndicator.SetHealth(stats.curHealth, stats.maxHealth); } }