public Texture2D GetWeapon(bool isBow = false) { WeaponSpriteType type = WeaponSpriteType.Standing; switch (charRef.State) { case CharacterActionState.Walking: switch (_data.walkFrame) { case 1: type = WeaponSpriteType.WalkFrame1; break; case 2: type = WeaponSpriteType.WalkFrame2; break; case 3: type = WeaponSpriteType.WalkFrame3; break; case 4: type = WeaponSpriteType.WalkFrame4; break; } break; case CharacterActionState.Attacking: if (isBow) { switch (_data.attackFrame) { case 1: type = WeaponSpriteType.Shooting; break; case 2: type = WeaponSpriteType.Standing; break; } } else { switch (_data.attackFrame) { case 1: type = WeaponSpriteType.SwingFrame1; break; case 2: type = _data.facing == EODirection.Down || _data.facing == EODirection.Right ? WeaponSpriteType.SwingFrame2Spec : WeaponSpriteType.SwingFrame2; break; } } break; case CharacterActionState.SpellCast: type = WeaponSpriteType.SpellCast; break; case CharacterActionState.Sitting: return(null); //no weapon when sitting } short baseWeaponValue = (short)((_data.weapon - 1) * 100); GFXTypes gfxFile = _data.gender == 0 ? GFXTypes.FemaleWeapons : GFXTypes.MaleWeapons; int factor = (_data.facing == EODirection.Down || _data.facing == EODirection.Right) ? 0 : 1; factor *= getFactor(type); int gfxNumber = baseWeaponValue + (int)type + factor; return(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(gfxFile, gfxNumber, true)); }
public Texture2D TextureFromResource(GFXTypes file, int resourceVal, bool transparent = false, bool reloadFromFile = false) { Texture2D ret; var key = new LibraryGraphicPair((int)file, 100 + resourceVal); if (!reloadFromFile && cache.ContainsKey(key)) { return cache[key]; } if (cache.ContainsKey(key) && reloadFromFile) { if (cache[key] != null) cache[key].Dispose(); cache.Remove(key); } using (var mem = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { using (var i = BitmapFromResource(file, resourceVal, transparent)) i.Save(mem, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); ret = Texture2D.FromStream(_device, mem); } //need to double-check that the key isn't already in the cache: // multiple threads can enter this method simultaneously //avoiding a lock because this method is used for every graphic if (!cache.ContainsKey(key)) cache.Add(key, ret); return ret; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hair texture from the GFX file based on gender, direction, style, and color /// </summary> /// <param name="refresh">True to refresh from the GFX file, false to use the hair texture cached in this EOSpriteSheet instance</param> /// <returns>Texture2D with the hair data</returns> public Texture2D GetHair(bool refresh) { byte turnedOffset = (byte)((_data.facing == EODirection.Left || _data.facing == EODirection.Up) ? 2 : 0); GFXTypes gfxFile = (_data.gender == 0) ? GFXTypes.FemaleHair : GFXTypes.MaleHair; int gfxNumber = 2 + ((_data.hairstyle - 1) * 40) + (_data.haircolor * 4) + turnedOffset; return(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(gfxFile, gfxNumber, true, refresh)); }
public LibraryLoadException(string libraryNumber, GFXTypes which) : base(string.Format("Error {1} when loading library {0}\n{2}", libraryNumber, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message)) { WhichGFX = which; }
public Texture2D GetHat() { short baseHatValue = (short)((_data.hat - 1) * 10); GFXTypes gfxFile = _data.gender == 0 ? GFXTypes.FemaleHat : GFXTypes.MaleHat; int factor = (_data.facing == EODirection.Down || _data.facing == EODirection.Right) ? 0 : 2; int gfxNumber = baseHatValue + factor + 1; return(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(gfxFile, gfxNumber, true)); }
public Bitmap LoadGFX(GFXTypes file, int resourceVal) { var library = _modules[file]; var image = LoadLibraryImage(file, library, resourceVal); Bitmap ret = Image.FromHbitmap(image); Win32.DeleteObject(image); return ret; }
private IntPtr LoadLibraryModule(GFXTypes file) { var number = ((int)file).ToString("D3"); var fName = System.IO.Path.Combine("gfx", "gfx" + number + ".egf"); var library = Win32.LoadLibrary(fName); if (library == IntPtr.Zero) throw new LibraryLoadException(number, file); return library; }
private Mock <IPEFile> SetupPEFileForGFXType(GFXTypes type, byte[] array) { var collectionMock = Mock.Get(_modules); var peFile = new Mock <IPEFile>(); collectionMock.Setup(x => x[type]).Returns(peFile.Object); peFile.Setup(x => x.GetEmbeddedBitmapResourceByID(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>())) .Returns(array); return(peFile); }
public Bitmap LoadGFX(GFXTypes file, int resourceValue) { var fileBytes = _modules[file].GetEmbeddedBitmapResourceByID(resourceValue + 100); if (fileBytes.Length == 0) { throw new GFXLoadException(resourceValue, file); } var ms = new MemoryStream(fileBytes); return((Bitmap)Image.FromStream(ms)); }
private static Bitmap BitmapFromResource(GFXTypes file, int resourceVal, bool transparent) { if (device == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("The GFX loader must be initialized with a graphics device by calling GFXLoader.Initialize() in your game class."); } string number = ((int)file).ToString("D3"); string fName = System.IO.Path.Combine(new [] { "gfx", "gfx" + number + ".egf" }); IntPtr library = LoadLibrary(fName); if (library == IntPtr.Zero) { int err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Exception(string.Format("Error {1} when loading library {0}\n{2}", number, err, new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(err).Message)); } IntPtr image = LoadImage(library, (uint)(100 + resourceVal), 0 /*IMAGE_BITMAP*/, 0, 0, 0x00008000 | 0x00002000 /*LR_DEFAULT*/); if (image == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new GFXLoadException(resourceVal, file); } Bitmap ret = Image.FromHbitmap(image); if (transparent) { if (file != GFXTypes.FemaleHat && file != GFXTypes.MaleHat) { ret.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); } // for hats: 0x080000 is transparent, 0x000000 is supposed to clip hair below it if (file == GFXTypes.FemaleHat || file == GFXTypes.MaleHat) { //ret.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); ret.MakeTransparent(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00)); } } FreeLibrary(library); DeleteObject(image); return(ret); }
public Texture2D GetBoots(bool isBow = false) { BootsSpriteType type = BootsSpriteType.Standing; switch (charRef.State) { case CharacterActionState.Walking: switch (_data.walkFrame) { case 1: type = BootsSpriteType.WalkFrame1; break; case 2: type = BootsSpriteType.WalkFrame2; break; case 3: type = BootsSpriteType.WalkFrame3; break; case 4: type = BootsSpriteType.WalkFrame4; break; } break; case CharacterActionState.Attacking: if (!isBow && _data.attackFrame == 2 || isBow && _data.attackFrame == 1) { type = BootsSpriteType.Attack; } break; case CharacterActionState.Sitting: switch (_data.sitting) { case SitState.Chair: type = BootsSpriteType.SitChair; break; case SitState.Floor: type = BootsSpriteType.SitGround; break; } break; } short baseBootsValue = (short)(( - 1) * 40); GFXTypes gfxFile = _data.gender == 0 ? GFXTypes.FemaleShoes : GFXTypes.MaleShoes; int factor = (_data.facing == EODirection.Down || _data.facing == EODirection.Right) ? 0 : 1; factor *= getFactor(type); int gfxNumber = baseBootsValue + (int)type + factor; return(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(gfxFile, gfxNumber, true)); }
private static void TryInitializePEFiles(GFXTypes file, IPEFile peFile) { var number = ((int)file).ToString("D3"); try { peFile.Initialize(); } catch (IOException) { throw new LibraryLoadException(number, file); } if (!peFile.Initialized) { throw new LibraryLoadException(number, file); } }
private Bitmap BitmapFromResource(GFXTypes file, int resourceVal, bool transparent) { var ret = _gfxLoader.LoadGFX(file, resourceVal); if (transparent) { if (file != GFXTypes.FemaleHat && file != GFXTypes.MaleHat) ret.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); // for hats: 0x080000 is transparent, 0x000000 is supposed to clip hair below it if (file == GFXTypes.FemaleHat || file == GFXTypes.MaleHat) { //ret.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); ret.MakeTransparent(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00)); } } return ret; }
public Texture2D TextureFromResource(GFXTypes file, int resourceVal, bool transparent = false, bool reloadFromFile = false) { Texture2D ret; var key = new LibraryGraphicPair((int)file, 100 + resourceVal); if (!reloadFromFile && _cache.ContainsKey(key)) { return(_cache[key]); } if (_cache.ContainsKey(key) && reloadFromFile) { if (_cache[key] != null) { _cache[key].Dispose(); } _cache.Remove(key); } using (var mem = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { using (var i = BitmapFromResource(file, resourceVal, transparent)) i.Save(mem, ImageFormat.Png); ret = Texture2D.FromStream(_graphicsDeviceProvider.GraphicsDevice, mem); } //need to double-check that the key isn't already in the cache: // multiple threads can enter this method simultaneously //avoiding a lock because this method is used for every graphic if (!_cache.ContainsKey(key)) { _cache.Add(key, ret); } else { ret.Dispose(); ret = _cache[key]; } return(ret); }
private Bitmap BitmapFromResource(GFXTypes file, int resourceVal, bool transparent) { var ret = _gfxLoader.LoadGFX(file, resourceVal); if (transparent) { if (file != GFXTypes.FemaleHat && file != GFXTypes.MaleHat) { ret.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); } // for hats: 0x080000 is transparent, 0x000000 is supposed to clip hair below it if (file == GFXTypes.FemaleHat || file == GFXTypes.MaleHat) { //ret.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); ret.MakeTransparent(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00)); } } return(ret); }
private Bitmap BitmapFromResource(GFXTypes file, int resourceVal, bool transparent) { var ret = _gfxLoader.LoadGFX(file, resourceVal); if (transparent) { // TODO: 0x000000 is supposed to clip hair below it // need to figure out how to clip this // if (file != GFXTypes.FemaleHat && file != GFXTypes.MaleHat) CrossPlatformMakeTransparent(ret, Color.Black); // for hats: 0x080000 is transparent if (file == GFXTypes.FemaleHat || file == GFXTypes.MaleHat) { CrossPlatformMakeTransparent(ret, Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00)); CrossPlatformMakeTransparent(ret, Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00)); CrossPlatformMakeTransparent(ret, Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08)); } } return(ret); }
public Texture2D TextureFromResource(GFXTypes file, int resourceVal, bool transparent = false, bool reloadFromFile = false) { Texture2D ret; var key = new LibraryGraphicPair((int)file, 100 + resourceVal); lock (__cachelock__) { if (!reloadFromFile && _cache.ContainsKey(key)) { return(_cache[key]); } if (_cache.ContainsKey(key) && reloadFromFile) { if (_cache[key] != null) { _cache[key].Dispose(); } _cache.Remove(key); } } using (var mem = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { using (var i = BitmapFromResource(file, resourceVal, transparent)) i.Save(mem, ImageFormat.Png); ret = Texture2D.FromStream(_graphicsDeviceProvider.GraphicsDevice, mem); } lock (__cachelock__) { _cache.Add(key, ret); } return(ret); }
protected override void Initialize() { try { //yup. class named the same as a namespace. #whut #rekt XNAControls.XNAControls.Initialize(this); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Something super weird happened: " + ex.Message); Exit(); return; } IsMouseVisible = true; Dispatcher = new KeyboardDispatcher(Window); ResetPeopleIndices(); try { GFXLoader.Initialize(GraphicsDevice); World w = World.Instance; //set up the world w.Init(); host = World.Instance.Host; port = World.Instance.Port; } catch (WorldLoadException wle) //could be thrown from World's constructor { MessageBox.Show(wle.Message, "Error"); Exit(); return; } catch (ConfigStringLoadException csle) { host = World.Instance.Host; port = World.Instance.Port; switch (csle.WhichString) { case ConfigStrings.Host: MessageBox.Show( string.Format("There was an error loading the host/port from the config file. Defaults will be used: {0}:{1}", host, port), "Config Load Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); break; case ConfigStrings.Port: MessageBox.Show( string.Format("There was an error loading the port from the config file. Default will be used: {0}:{1}", host, port), "Config Load Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); break; } } catch (ArgumentException ex) //could be thrown from GFXLoader.Initialize { MessageBox.Show("Error initializing GFXLoader: " + ex.Message, "Error"); Exit(); return; } if (World.Instance.EIF != null && World.Instance.EIF.Version == 0) { MessageBox.Show("The item pub file you are using is using an older format of the EIF specification. Some features may not work properly. Run the file through a batch processor or use updated pub files.", "Warning"); } GFXTypes curValue = 0; try { Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(GFXTypes)); foreach (GFXTypes value in values) { curValue = value; //check for GFX files. Each file has a GFX 1. using (Texture2D throwAway = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(value, -99)) { throwAway.Name = ""; //no-op to keep resharper happy } } } catch { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("There was an error loading GFX{0:000}.EGF : {1}. Place all .GFX files in .\\gfx\\", (int)curValue, curValue.ToString()), "Error"); Exit(); return; } try { SoundManager = new EOSoundManager(); } catch { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("There was an error initializing the sound manager."), "Error"); Exit(); return; } if (World.Instance.MusicEnabled) { SoundManager.PlayBackgroundMusic(1); //mfx001 == main menu theme } base.Initialize(); }
private static Bitmap BitmapFromResource(GFXTypes file, int resourceVal, bool transparent) { if (device == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("The GFX loader must be initialized with a graphics device by calling GFXLoader.Initialize() in your game class."); } string number = ((int)file).ToString("D3"); string fName = System.IO.Path.Combine(new [] { "gfx", "gfx" + number + ".egf" }); IntPtr library = LoadLibrary(fName); if (library == IntPtr.Zero) { int err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Exception(string.Format("Error {1} when loading library {0}\n{2}", number, err, new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(err).Message)); } IntPtr image = LoadImage(library, (uint)(100 + resourceVal), 0 /*IMAGE_BITMAP*/, 0, 0, 0x00008000 | 0x00002000 /*LR_DEFAULT*/); if (image == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new GFXLoadException(resourceVal, file); } Bitmap ret = Image.FromHbitmap(image); if (transparent) { if (file != GFXTypes.FemaleHat && file != GFXTypes.MaleHat) ret.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); // for hats: 0x080000 is transparent, 0x000000 is supposed to clip hair below it if (file == GFXTypes.FemaleHat || file == GFXTypes.MaleHat) { //ret.MakeTransparent(Color.Black); ret.MakeTransparent(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00)); } } FreeLibrary(library); DeleteObject(image); return ret; }
public GFXLoadException(int resource, GFXTypes gfx) : base(string.Format("Unable to load graphic {0} from file gfx{1:000}.egf", resource + 100, (int)gfx)) { }
public GFXLoadException(int resource, GFXTypes gfx) : base($"Unable to load graphic {resource + 100} from file gfx{(int) gfx:000}.egf") { }
public Texture2D GetShield(bool shieldIsOnBack) { //front shields have one size gfx, back arrows/wings have another size. ArmorShieldSpriteType type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.Standing; int factor; if (!shieldIsOnBack) { if (charRef.State == CharacterActionState.Walking) { switch (_data.walkFrame) { case 1: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.WalkFrame1; break; case 2: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.WalkFrame2; break; case 3: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.WalkFrame3; break; case 4: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.WalkFrame4; break; } } else if (charRef.State == CharacterActionState.Attacking) { switch (_data.attackFrame) { case 1: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.PunchFrame1; break; case 2: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.PunchFrame2; break; } } else if (charRef.State == CharacterActionState.SpellCast) { type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.SpellCast; } else { //hide shield graphic when sitting return(null); } factor = (_data.facing == EODirection.Down || _data.facing == EODirection.Right) ? 0 : 1; factor *= getFactor(type); } else { //sitting is valid for arrows and wings and bag //Standing = 1/2 //Attacking = 3/4 //Extra = 5 (unused?) if (charRef.State == CharacterActionState.Attacking && _data.attackFrame == 1) { type = (ArmorShieldSpriteType)3; } factor = (_data.facing == EODirection.Down || _data.facing == EODirection.Right) ? 0 : 1; } short baseShieldValue = (short)((_data.shield - 1) * 50); GFXTypes gfxFile = _data.gender == 0 ? GFXTypes.FemaleBack : GFXTypes.MaleBack; int gfxNumber = baseShieldValue + (int)type + factor; return(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(gfxFile, gfxNumber, true)); }
public Texture2D GetArmor(bool isBow = false) { ArmorShieldSpriteType type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.Standing; switch (charRef.State) { case CharacterActionState.Walking: switch (_data.walkFrame) { case 1: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.WalkFrame1; break; case 2: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.WalkFrame2; break; case 3: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.WalkFrame3; break; case 4: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.WalkFrame4; break; } break; case CharacterActionState.Attacking: if (isBow) { switch (_data.attackFrame) { case 1: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.Bow; break; case 2: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.Standing; break; } } else { switch (_data.attackFrame) { case 1: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.PunchFrame1; break; case 2: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.PunchFrame2; break; } } break; case CharacterActionState.SpellCast: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.SpellCast; break; case CharacterActionState.Sitting: switch (_data.sitting) { case SitState.Chair: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.SitChair; break; case SitState.Floor: type = ArmorShieldSpriteType.SitGround; break; } break; } short baseArmorValue = (short)((_data.armor - 1) * 50); GFXTypes gfxFile = (_data.gender == 0) ? GFXTypes.FemaleArmor : GFXTypes.MaleArmor; int factor = (_data.facing == EODirection.Down || _data.facing == EODirection.Right) ? 0 : 1; //multiplier for the direction faced factor *= getFactor(type); int gfxNumber = baseArmorValue + (int)type + factor; return(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(gfxFile, gfxNumber, true)); }
private IntPtr LoadLibraryImage(GFXTypes file, IntPtr library, int resourceVal) { var image = Win32.LoadImage(library, (uint)(100 + resourceVal), 0 /*IMAGE_BITMAP*/, 0, 0, 0x00008000 | 0x00002000 /*LR_DEFAULT*/); if (image == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new GFXLoadException(resourceVal, file); } return image; }