Esempio n. 1
 internal SocketAsyncEventArgs GiveBack()
     if (Program.watchProgramFlow == true)   //for testing
         receiveSendToken = (DataHoldingUserToken)this.saeaObject.UserToken;
         Program.testWriter.WriteLine("Mediator GiveBack() " + receiveSendToken.TokenId);
Esempio n. 2
 internal void HandleData(DataHolder incomingDataHolder)
     if (Program.watchProgramFlow == true)   //for testing
         receiveSendToken = (DataHoldingUserToken)this.saeaObject.UserToken;
         Program.testWriter.WriteLine("Mediator HandleData() " + receiveSendToken.TokenId);
     theDataHolder = theIncomingDataPreparer.HandleReceivedData(incomingDataHolder, this.saeaObject);
Esempio n. 3
        internal void PrepareOutgoingData()
            if (Program.watchProgramFlow == true)   //for testing
                receiveSendToken = (DataHoldingUserToken)this.saeaObject.UserToken;
                Program.testWriter.WriteLine("Mediator PrepareOutgoingData() " + receiveSendToken.TokenId);

            theOutgoingDataPreparer.PrepareOutgoingData(saeaObject, theDataHolder);
Esempio n. 4
        internal void PrepareOutgoingData(SocketAsyncEventArgs e, DataHolder handledDataHolder)
            DataHoldingUserToken theUserToken = (DataHoldingUserToken)e.UserToken;

            if (Program.watchProgramFlow == true)   //for testing
                Program.testWriter.WriteLine("Mediator PrepareOutgoingData() " + theUserToken.TokenId);

            theDataHolder = handledDataHolder;

            //In this example code, we will send back the receivedTransMissionId,
            // followed by the
            //message that the client sent to the server. And we must
            //prefix it with the length of the message. So we put 3
            //things into the array.
            // 1) prefix,
            // 2) receivedTransMissionId,
            // 3) the message that we received from the client, which
            // we stored in our DataHolder until we needed it.
            //That is our communication protocol. The client must know the protocol.

            //Convert the receivedTransMissionId to byte array.
            Byte[] idByteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(theDataHolder.receivedTransMissionId);

            //Determine the length of all the data that we will send back.
            Int32 lengthOfCurrentOutgoingMessage = idByteArray.Length + theDataHolder.dataMessageReceived.Length;

            //So, now we convert the length integer into a byte array.
            //Aren't byte arrays wonderful? Maybe you'll dream about byte arrays tonight!
            Byte[] arrayOfBytesInPrefix = BitConverter.GetBytes(lengthOfCurrentOutgoingMessage);

            //Create the byte array to send.
            theUserToken.dataToSend = new Byte[theUserToken.sendPrefixLength + lengthOfCurrentOutgoingMessage];

            //Now copy the 3 things to the theUserToken.dataToSend.
            Buffer.BlockCopy(arrayOfBytesInPrefix, 0, theUserToken.dataToSend, 0, theUserToken.sendPrefixLength);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(idByteArray, 0, theUserToken.dataToSend, theUserToken.sendPrefixLength, idByteArray.Length);
            //The message that the client sent is already in a byte array, in DataHolder.
            Buffer.BlockCopy(theDataHolder.dataMessageReceived, 0, theUserToken.dataToSend, theUserToken.sendPrefixLength + idByteArray.Length, theDataHolder.dataMessageReceived.Length);

            theUserToken.sendBytesRemainingCount = theUserToken.sendPrefixLength + lengthOfCurrentOutgoingMessage;
            theUserToken.bytesSentAlreadyCount   = 0;
Esempio n. 5
        public void SendBufferSetter(SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
            //Let's send back the receivedTransMissionId, followed by the
            //message that the client sent to the server. And we have to
            //prefix it with the length of the message. So we have to put 3
            //things into the array.
            // 1) first prefix that tells the length
            // 2) then the receivedTransMissionId
            // 3) and last the message that we received from the client, which
            // we have stored in our trusty DataHolder until we needed it.
            //That is our data protocol.

            //Convert the receivedTransMissionId to byte array.
            Byte[] idByteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(theDataHolder.receivedTransMissionId);

            //Determine the length of all the data that we will send back.
            Int32 lengthOfArrayToSend = Program.receivePrefixLength + idByteArray.Length + theDataHolder.dataMessageReceived.Length;

            //So, now we convert the integer which tells the length into a byte array.
            //Aren't byte arrays wonderful? Maybe you'll dream about byte arrays tonight
            Byte[] arrayOfBytesInPrefix = BitConverter.GetBytes(lengthOfArrayToSend - Program.receivePrefixLength);

            //Create the byte array to send.
            Byte[] arrayOfBytesToSend = new Byte[lengthOfArrayToSend];

            //Now copy the 3 things to the arrayOfBytesToSend.
            Buffer.BlockCopy(arrayOfBytesInPrefix, 0, arrayOfBytesToSend, 0, Program.receivePrefixLength);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(idByteArray, 0, arrayOfBytesToSend, Program.receivePrefixLength, idByteArray.Length);
            //The message that the client sent is already in a byte array, in DataHolder.
            Buffer.BlockCopy(theDataHolder.dataMessageReceived, 0, arrayOfBytesToSend, Program.receivePrefixLength + idByteArray.Length, theDataHolder.dataMessageReceived.Length);

            // Great! Now tell SocketAsyncEventArgs object to send this byte array.
            //Your client will have to know the data protocol, in order to separate
            //the receivedTransMissionId from the message that we are echoing back,
            //because the message is ASCII but the receivedTransMissionId is binary.

            DataHoldingUserToken theUserToken = (DataHoldingUserToken)e.UserToken;

            Console.WriteLine("offset for send in DP = " + theUserToken.sendBufferOffset);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(arrayOfBytesToSend, 0, e.Buffer, theUserToken.sendBufferOffset, lengthOfArrayToSend);

            e.SetBuffer(e.Buffer, theUserToken.sendBufferOffset, lengthOfArrayToSend);
        internal DataHolder HandleReceivedData(DataHolder incomingDataHolder, SocketAsyncEventArgs theSaeaObject)
            DataHoldingUserToken receiveToken = (DataHoldingUserToken)theSaeaObject.UserToken;

            if (Program.watchProgramFlow == true)   //for testing
                Program.testWriter.WriteLine("HandleReceivedData() " + receiveToken.TokenId);
            theDataHolder           = incomingDataHolder;
            theDataHolder.sessionId = receiveToken.SessionId;
            theDataHolder.receivedTransMissionId = this.ReceivedTransMissionIdGetter();
            theDataHolder.remoteEndpoint         = this.GetRemoteEndpoint();
            if ((Program.watchData == true) & (Program.runLongTest == false))

Esempio n. 7
        public Int32 HandlePrefix(SocketAsyncEventArgs e, DataHoldingUserToken receiveSendToken, Int32 remainingBytesToProcess)
            //receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount tells us how many prefix bytes were
            //processed during previous receive ops which contained data for
            //this message. Usually there will NOT have been any previous
            //receive ops here. So in that case,
            //receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount would equal 0.
            //Create a byte array to put the new prefix in, if we have not
            //already done it in a previous loop.
            if (receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount == 0)
                if (Program.watchProgramFlow == true)   //for testing
                    Program.testWriter.WriteLine("PrefixHandler, create prefix array " + receiveSendToken.TokenId);
                receiveSendToken.byteArrayForPrefix = new Byte[receiveSendToken.receivePrefixLength];

            // If this next if-statement is true, then we have received >=
            // enough bytes to have the prefix. So we can determine the
            // length of the message that we are working on.
            if (remainingBytesToProcess >= receiveSendToken.receivePrefixLength - receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount)
                if (Program.watchProgramFlow == true)   //for testing
                    Program.testWriter.WriteLine("PrefixHandler, enough for prefix " + receiveSendToken.TokenId + ". remainingBytesToProcess = " + remainingBytesToProcess);
                //Now copy that many bytes to byteArrayForPrefix.
                //We can use the variable receiveMessageOffset as our main
                //index to show which index to get data from in the TCP
                Buffer.BlockCopy(e.Buffer, receiveSendToken.receiveMessageOffset - receiveSendToken.receivePrefixLength + receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount, receiveSendToken.byteArrayForPrefix, receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount, receiveSendToken.receivePrefixLength - receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount);

                remainingBytesToProcess = remainingBytesToProcess - receiveSendToken.receivePrefixLength + receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount;

                receiveSendToken.recPrefixBytesDoneThisOp = receiveSendToken.receivePrefixLength - receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount;

                receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount = receiveSendToken.receivePrefixLength;

                receiveSendToken.lengthOfCurrentIncomingMessage = BitConverter.ToInt32(receiveSendToken.byteArrayForPrefix, 0);

                if (Program.watchData == true)
                    //Now see what integer the prefix bytes represent, for the length.
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(receiveSendToken.byteArrayForPrefix.Length);
                    sb.Append(" Token id " + receiveSendToken.TokenId + ". " + receiveSendToken.receivePrefixLength + " bytes in prefix:");
                    foreach (byte theByte in receiveSendToken.byteArrayForPrefix)
                        sb.Append(" " + theByte.ToString());
                    sb.Append(". Message length: " + receiveSendToken.lengthOfCurrentIncomingMessage);


            //This next else-statement deals with the situation
            //where we have some bytes
            //of this prefix in this receive operation, but not all.
                if (Program.watchProgramFlow == true)   //for testing
                    Program.testWriter.WriteLine("PrefixHandler, NOT all of prefix " + receiveSendToken.TokenId + ". remainingBytesToProcess = " + remainingBytesToProcess);
                //Write the bytes to the array where we are putting the
                //prefix data, to save for the next loop.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(e.Buffer, receiveSendToken.receiveMessageOffset - receiveSendToken.receivePrefixLength + receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount, receiveSendToken.byteArrayForPrefix, receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount, remainingBytesToProcess);

                receiveSendToken.recPrefixBytesDoneThisOp      = remainingBytesToProcess;
                receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount += remainingBytesToProcess;
                remainingBytesToProcess = 0;

            // This section is needed when we have received
            // an amount of data exactly equal to the amount needed for the prefix,
            // but no more. And also needed with the situation where we have received
            // less than the amount of data needed for prefix.
            if (remainingBytesToProcess == 0)
                receiveSendToken.receiveMessageOffset     = receiveSendToken.receiveMessageOffset - receiveSendToken.recPrefixBytesDoneThisOp;
                receiveSendToken.recPrefixBytesDoneThisOp = 0;
Esempio n. 8
        public bool HandleMessage(SocketAsyncEventArgs receiveSendEventArgs, DataHoldingUserToken receiveSendToken, Int32 remainingBytesToProcess)
            bool incomingTcpMessageIsReady = false;

            //Create the array where we'll store the complete message,
            //if it has not been created on a previous receive op.
            if (receiveSendToken.receivedMessageBytesDoneCount == 0)
                if (Program.watchProgramFlow == true)   //for testing
                    Program.testWriter.WriteLine("MessageHandler, creating receive array " + receiveSendToken.TokenId);

                receiveSendToken.theDataHolder.dataMessageReceived = new Byte[receiveSendToken.lengthOfCurrentIncomingMessage];

            // Remember there is a receiveSendToken.receivedPrefixBytesDoneCount
            // variable, which allowed us to handle the prefix even when it
            // requires multiple receive ops. In the same way, we have a
            // receiveSendToken.receivedMessageBytesDoneCount variable, which
            // helps us handle message data, whether it requires one receive
            // operation or many.
            if (remainingBytesToProcess + receiveSendToken.receivedMessageBytesDoneCount == receiveSendToken.lengthOfCurrentIncomingMessage)
                // If we are inside this if-statement, then we got
                // the end of the message. In other words,
                // the total number of bytes we received for this message matched the
                // message length value that we got from the prefix.

                if (Program.watchProgramFlow == true)   //for testing
                    Program.testWriter.WriteLine("MessageHandler, length is right for " + receiveSendToken.TokenId);

                // Write/append the bytes received to the byte array in the
                // DataHolder object that we are using to store our data.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(receiveSendEventArgs.Buffer, receiveSendToken.receiveMessageOffset, receiveSendToken.theDataHolder.dataMessageReceived, receiveSendToken.receivedMessageBytesDoneCount, remainingBytesToProcess);

                incomingTcpMessageIsReady = true;

                // If we are inside this else-statement, then that means that we
                // need another receive op. We still haven't got the whole message,
                // even though we have examined all the data that was received.
                // Not a problem. In SocketListener.ProcessReceive we will just call
                // StartReceive to do another receive op to receive more data.

                if (Program.watchProgramFlow == true)   //for testing
                    Program.testWriter.WriteLine(" MessageHandler, length is short for " + receiveSendToken.TokenId);

                Buffer.BlockCopy(receiveSendEventArgs.Buffer, receiveSendToken.receiveMessageOffset, receiveSendToken.theDataHolder.dataMessageReceived, receiveSendToken.receivedMessageBytesDoneCount, remainingBytesToProcess);

                receiveSendToken.receiveMessageOffset = receiveSendToken.receiveMessageOffset - receiveSendToken.recPrefixBytesDoneThisOp;

                receiveSendToken.receivedMessageBytesDoneCount += remainingBytesToProcess;
