Esempio n. 1
        public TempleInformation()
            TileName = "Temple";
            TileDescription = "";

            SpriteName = "Temple";

            MoneyCost = -8;
            PeopleCost = -1;
            NotCost = 1;

            // TODO - Doubles the influence and money gained from the tiles around it.
            OnPlacement = new AllBuildingBuff(this);

            OnTurnStart = new RefreshActions();

            TileAction1 = new SacrficeAction1();
Esempio n. 2
        public SacrificingTableInformation()
            TileName = "Sacrifice Table";
            TileDescription = "Kill people to save the human race!";

            SpriteName = "SacrificeTable";

            OnTurnStart = new RefreshActions();

            TileAction1 = new SacrficeAction1();
            TileAction2 = new SacrficeAction2();
            TileAction3 = new SacrficeAction3();