Esempio n. 1
        private ImportedMaterial ConvertMaterial(Material mat)
            ImportedMaterial iMat;

            if (mat != null)
                iMat = ImportedHelpers.FindMaterial(mat.m_Name, MaterialList);
                if (iMat != null)
                iMat      = new ImportedMaterial();
                iMat.Name = mat.m_Name;
                foreach (var col in mat.m_Colors)
                    var color = new Color4(col.second[0], col.second[1], col.second[2], col.second[3]);
                    switch (col.first)
                    case "_Color":
                        iMat.Diffuse = color;

                    case "_SColor":
                        iMat.Ambient = color;

                    case "_EmissionColor":
                        iMat.Emissive = color;

                    case "_SpecColor":
                        iMat.Specular = color;

                    case "_RimColor":
                    case "_OutlineColor":
                    case "_ShadowColor":

                foreach (var flt in mat.m_Floats)
                    switch (flt.first)
                    case "_Shininess":
                        iMat.Power = flt.second;

                    case "_RimPower":
                    case "_Outline":

                iMat.Textures   = new string[5];
                iMat.TexOffsets = new Vector2[5];
                iMat.TexScales  = new Vector2[5];
                foreach (var texEnv in mat.m_TexEnvs)
                    Texture2D tex2D = null;
                    if (assetsfileList.TryGetPD(texEnv.m_Texture, out var TexturePD) && TexturePD.Type == ClassIDReference.Texture2D)//TODO other Texture
                        tex2D = new Texture2D(TexturePD, true);

                    if (tex2D == null)
                    int dest = == "_MainTex" ? 0 : == "_BumpMap" ? 4 :"Spec") ? 2 :"Norm") ? 3 : -1;
                    if (dest < 0 || iMat.Textures[dest] != null)
                    iMat.Textures[dest]   = TexturePD.Text + ".png";
                    iMat.TexOffsets[dest] = new Vector2(texEnv.m_Offset[0], texEnv.m_Offset[1]);
                    iMat.TexScales[dest]  = new Vector2(texEnv.m_Scale[0], texEnv.m_Scale[1]);
                    ConvertTexture2D(tex2D, iMat.Textures[dest]);

                iMat = new ImportedMaterial();
Esempio n. 2
        private ImportedMaterial ConvertMaterial(Material mat)
            ImportedMaterial iMat;

            if (mat != null)
                iMat = ImportedHelpers.FindMaterial(mat.m_Name, MaterialList);
                if (iMat != null)
                iMat      = new ImportedMaterial();
                iMat.Name = mat.m_Name;
                foreach (var col in mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Colors)
                    switch (col.Key)
                    case "_Color":
                        iMat.Diffuse = col.Value;

                    case "_SColor":
                        iMat.Ambient = col.Value;

                    case "_EmissionColor":
                        iMat.Emissive = col.Value;

                    case "_SpecularColor":
                    case "_SpecColor":
                        iMat.Specular = col.Value;

                    case "_ReflectColor":
                        iMat.Reflection = col.Value;

                foreach (var flt in mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Floats)
                    switch (flt.Key)
                    case "_Shininess":
                        iMat.Shininess = flt.Value;

                    case "_Transparency":
                        iMat.Transparency = flt.Value;

                iMat.Textures = new List <ImportedMaterialTexture>();
                foreach (var texEnv in mat.m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs)
                    if (!texEnv.Value.m_Texture.TryGet <Texture2D>(out var m_Texture2D)) //TODO other Texture

                    var texture = new ImportedMaterialTexture();

                    int dest = -1;
                    if (texEnv.Key == "_MainTex")
                        dest = 0;
                    else if (texEnv.Key == "_BumpMap")
                        dest = 3;
                    else if (texEnv.Key.Contains("Specular"))
                        dest = 2;
                    else if (texEnv.Key.Contains("Normal"))
                        dest = 1;

                    texture.Dest = dest;

                    if (textureNameDictionary.TryGetValue(m_Texture2D, out var textureName))
                        texture.Name = textureName;
                    else if (ImportedHelpers.FindTexture(m_Texture2D.m_Name + ".png", TextureList) != null) //已有相同名字的图片
                        for (int i = 1; ; i++)
                            var name = m_Texture2D.m_Name + $" ({i}).png";
                            if (ImportedHelpers.FindTexture(name, TextureList) == null)
                                texture.Name = name;
                                textureNameDictionary.Add(m_Texture2D, name);
                        texture.Name = m_Texture2D.m_Name + ".png";
                        textureNameDictionary.Add(m_Texture2D, texture.Name);

                    texture.Offset = texEnv.Value.m_Offset;
                    texture.Scale  = texEnv.Value.m_Scale;
                    ConvertTexture2D(m_Texture2D, texture.Name);

                iMat = new ImportedMaterial();
Esempio n. 3
        private void ConvertMeshRenderer(MeshRenderer meshR)
            var mesh = GetMesh(meshR);

            if (mesh == null)
            var iMesh = new ImportedMesh();

            assetsfileList.TryGetGameObject(meshR.m_GameObject, out var m_GameObject2);
            assetsfileList.TryGetTransform(m_GameObject2.m_Transform, out var meshTransform);
            iMesh.Name        = GetTransformPath(meshTransform);
            iMesh.SubmeshList = new List <ImportedSubmesh>();
            var subHashSet   = new HashSet <int>();
            var combine      = false;
            int firstSubMesh = 0;

            if (meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo?.subMeshCount > 0)
                firstSubMesh = meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.firstSubMesh;
                var finalSubMesh = meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.firstSubMesh + meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.subMeshCount;
                for (int i = meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.firstSubMesh; i < finalSubMesh; i++)
                combine = true;
            else if (meshR.m_SubsetIndices?.Length > 0)
                firstSubMesh = (int)meshR.m_SubsetIndices.Min(x => x);
                foreach (var index in meshR.m_SubsetIndices)
                combine = true;
            int firstFace = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_SubMeshes.Count; i++)
                int numFaces = (int)mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].indexCount / 3;
                if (subHashSet.Count > 0 && !subHashSet.Contains(i))
                    firstFace += numFaces;
                var      submesh  = mesh.m_SubMeshes[i];
                var      iSubmesh = new ImportedSubmesh();
                Material mat      = null;
                if (i - firstSubMesh < meshR.m_Materials.Length)
                    if (assetsfileList.TryGetPD(meshR.m_Materials[i - firstSubMesh], out var MaterialPD))
                        mat = new Material(MaterialPD);
                ImportedMaterial iMat = ConvertMaterial(mat);
                iSubmesh.Material   = iMat.Name;
                iSubmesh.VertexList = new List <ImportedVertex>((int)submesh.vertexCount);
                var vertexColours = mesh.m_Colors != null && (mesh.m_Colors.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3 || mesh.m_Colors.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4);
                for (var j = mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].firstVertex; j < mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].firstVertex + mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].vertexCount; j++)
                    var iVertex = vertexColours ? new ImportedVertexWithColour() : new ImportedVertex();
                    int c = 3;
                    if (mesh.m_Vertices.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                        c = 4;
                    iVertex.Position = new Vector3(-mesh.m_Vertices[j * c], mesh.m_Vertices[j * c + 1], mesh.m_Vertices[j * c + 2]);
                    if (mesh.m_Normals?.Length > 0)
                        if (mesh.m_Normals.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3)
                            c = 3;
                        else if (mesh.m_Normals.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                            c = 4;
                        iVertex.Normal = new Vector3(-mesh.m_Normals[j * c], mesh.m_Normals[j * c + 1], mesh.m_Normals[j * c + 2]);
                    if (vertexColours)
                        if (mesh.m_Colors.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3)
                            ((ImportedVertexWithColour)iVertex).Colour = new Color4(mesh.m_Colors[j * 3], mesh.m_Colors[j * 3 + 1], mesh.m_Colors[j * 3 + 2], 1.0f);
                            ((ImportedVertexWithColour)iVertex).Colour = new Color4(mesh.m_Colors[j * 4], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 1], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 2], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 3]);
                    if (mesh.m_UV1 != null && mesh.m_UV1.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 2)
                        iVertex.UV = new[] { mesh.m_UV1[j * 2], -mesh.m_UV1[j * 2 + 1] };
                    else if (mesh.m_UV2 != null && mesh.m_UV2.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 2)
                        iVertex.UV = new[] { mesh.m_UV2[j * 2], -mesh.m_UV2[j * 2 + 1] };
                    if (mesh.m_Tangents != null && mesh.m_Tangents.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                        iVertex.Tangent = new Vector4(-mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 1], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 2], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 3]);
                    if (mesh.m_Skin.Length > 0)
                        var inf = mesh.m_Skin[j];
                        iVertex.BoneIndices = new byte[inf.Count];
                        iVertex.Weights     = new float[inf.Count];
                        for (var k = 0; k < inf.Count; k++)
                            iVertex.BoneIndices[k] = (byte)inf[k].boneIndex;
                            iVertex.Weights[k]     = inf[k].weight;
                iSubmesh.FaceList = new List <ImportedFace>(numFaces);
                var end = firstFace + numFaces;
                for (int f = firstFace; f < end; f++)
                    var face = new ImportedFace();
                    face.VertexIndices    = new int[3];
                    face.VertexIndices[0] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3 + 2] - submesh.firstVertex);
                    face.VertexIndices[1] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3 + 1] - submesh.firstVertex);
                    face.VertexIndices[2] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3] - submesh.firstVertex);
                firstFace = end;

            if (meshR is SkinnedMeshRenderer sMesh)
                iMesh.BoneList = new List <ImportedBone>(sMesh.m_Bones.Length);

                /*if (sMesh.m_Bones.Length >= 256)
                 * {
                 *  throw new Exception("Too many bones (" + mesh.m_BindPose.Length + ")");
                 * }*/
                for (int i = 0; i < sMesh.m_Bones.Length; i++)
                    var bone = new ImportedBone();
                    if (assetsfileList.TryGetTransform(sMesh.m_Bones[i], out var m_Transform))
                        if (assetsfileList.TryGetGameObject(m_Transform.m_GameObject, out var m_GameObject))
                            bone.Name = m_GameObject.m_Name;
                    //No first use m_BoneNameHashes, because it may be wrong
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bone.Name))
                        var boneHash = mesh.m_BoneNameHashes[i];
                        bone.Name = GetNameFromBonePathHashes(boneHash);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bone.Name))
                            bone.Name = avatar?.FindBoneName(boneHash);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bone.Name))
                            //throw new Exception("A Bone could neither be found by hash in Avatar nor by index in SkinnedMeshRenderer.");
                    var om = new float[4, 4];
                    var m  = mesh.m_BindPose[i];
                    om[0, 0]    = m[0, 0];
                    om[0, 1]    = -m[1, 0];
                    om[0, 2]    = -m[2, 0];
                    om[0, 3]    = m[3, 0];
                    om[1, 0]    = -m[0, 1];
                    om[1, 1]    = m[1, 1];
                    om[1, 2]    = m[2, 1];
                    om[1, 3]    = m[3, 1];
                    om[2, 0]    = -m[0, 2];
                    om[2, 1]    = m[1, 2];
                    om[2, 2]    = m[2, 2];
                    om[2, 3]    = m[3, 2];
                    om[3, 0]    = -m[0, 3];
                    om[3, 1]    = m[1, 3];
                    om[3, 2]    = m[2, 3];
                    om[3, 3]    = m[3, 3];
                    bone.Matrix = om;

                if (mesh.m_Shapes != null)
                    foreach (var channel in mesh.m_Shapes.channels)
                        morphChannelInfo[channel.nameHash] =;
                    if (mesh.m_Shapes.shapes.Count > 0)
                        ImportedMorph morph     = null;
                        string        lastGroup = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_Shapes.channels.Count; i++)
                            string group = BlendShapeNameGroup(mesh, i);
                            if (group != lastGroup)
                                morph = new ImportedMorph();
                                morph.Name         = iMesh.Name;
                                morph.ClipName     = group;
                                morph.Channels     = new List <Tuple <float, int, int> >(mesh.m_Shapes.channels.Count);
                                morph.KeyframeList = new List <ImportedMorphKeyframe>(mesh.m_Shapes.shapes.Count);
                                lastGroup          = group;

                            morph.Channels.Add(new Tuple <float, int, int>(i < sMesh.m_BlendShapeWeights.Count ? sMesh.m_BlendShapeWeights[i] : 0f, morph.KeyframeList.Count, mesh.m_Shapes.channels[i].frameCount));
                            for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < mesh.m_Shapes.channels[i].frameCount; frameIdx++)
                                ImportedMorphKeyframe keyframe = new ImportedMorphKeyframe();
                                keyframe.Name = BlendShapeNameExtension(mesh, i) + "_" + frameIdx;
                                int shapeIdx = mesh.m_Shapes.channels[i].frameIndex + frameIdx;
                                keyframe.VertexList           = new List <ImportedVertex>((int)mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].vertexCount);
                                keyframe.MorphedVertexIndices = new List <ushort>((int)mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].vertexCount);
                                keyframe.Weight = shapeIdx < mesh.m_Shapes.fullWeights.Count ? mesh.m_Shapes.fullWeights[shapeIdx] : 100f;
                                int lastVertIndex = (int)(mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].firstVertex + mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].vertexCount);
                                for (int j = (int)mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].firstVertex; j < lastVertIndex; j++)
                                    var            morphVert = mesh.m_Shapes.vertices[j];
                                    ImportedVertex vert      = GetSourceVertex(iMesh.SubmeshList, (int)morphVert.index);
                                    ImportedVertex destVert  = new ImportedVertex();
                                    Vector3        morphPos  = morphVert.vertex;
                                    morphPos.X       *= -1;
                                    destVert.Position = vert.Position + morphPos;
                                    Vector3 morphNormal = morphVert.normal;
                                    morphNormal.X  *= -1;
                                    destVert.Normal = morphNormal;
                                    Vector4 morphTangent = new Vector4(morphVert.tangent, 0);
                                    morphTangent.X  *= -1;
                                    destVert.Tangent = morphTangent;


            if (combine)
                assetsfileList.TryGetGameObject(meshR.m_GameObject, out var m_GameObject);
                foreach (var root in FrameList)
                    var frame = ImportedHelpers.FindFrame(m_GameObject.m_Name, root);
                    if (frame?.Parent != null)
                        var parent = frame;
                        while (true)
                            if (parent.Parent != null)
                                parent = parent.Parent;
                                frame.LocalRotation = parent.LocalRotation;
                                frame.LocalScale    = parent.LocalScale;
                                frame.LocalPosition = parent.LocalPosition;

Esempio n. 4
        private void ConvertMeshRenderer(Renderer meshR)
            var mesh = GetMesh(meshR);

            if (mesh == null)
            var iMesh = new ImportedMesh();

            meshR.m_GameObject.TryGet(out var m_GameObject2);
            iMesh.Path        = GetTransformPath(m_GameObject2.m_Transform);
            iMesh.SubmeshList = new List <ImportedSubmesh>();
            var subHashSet   = new HashSet <int>();
            var combine      = false;
            int firstSubMesh = 0;

            if (meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo?.subMeshCount > 0)
                firstSubMesh = meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.firstSubMesh;
                var finalSubMesh = meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.firstSubMesh + meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.subMeshCount;
                for (int i = meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.firstSubMesh; i < finalSubMesh; i++)
                combine = true;
            else if (meshR.m_SubsetIndices?.Length > 0)
                firstSubMesh = (int)meshR.m_SubsetIndices.Min(x => x);
                foreach (var index in meshR.m_SubsetIndices)
                combine = true;
            int firstFace = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_SubMeshes.Length; i++)
                int numFaces = (int)mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].indexCount / 3;
                if (subHashSet.Count > 0 && !subHashSet.Contains(i))
                    firstFace += numFaces;
                var      submesh  = mesh.m_SubMeshes[i];
                var      iSubmesh = new ImportedSubmesh();
                Material mat      = null;
                if (i - firstSubMesh < meshR.m_Materials.Length)
                    if (meshR.m_Materials[i - firstSubMesh].TryGet(out var m_Material))
                        mat = m_Material;
                ImportedMaterial iMat = ConvertMaterial(mat);
                iSubmesh.Material   = iMat.Name;
                iSubmesh.VertexList = new List <ImportedVertex>((int)submesh.vertexCount);
                var vertexColours = mesh.m_Colors != null && (mesh.m_Colors.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3 || mesh.m_Colors.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4);
                for (var j = mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].firstVertex; j < mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].firstVertex + mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].vertexCount; j++)
                    var iVertex = vertexColours ? new ImportedVertexWithColour() : new ImportedVertex();
                    int c = 3;
                    if (mesh.m_Vertices.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                        c = 4;
                    iVertex.Position = new Vector3(-mesh.m_Vertices[j * c], mesh.m_Vertices[j * c + 1], mesh.m_Vertices[j * c + 2]);
                    if (mesh.m_Normals?.Length > 0)
                        if (mesh.m_Normals.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3)
                            c = 3;
                        else if (mesh.m_Normals.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                            c = 4;
                        iVertex.Normal = new Vector3(-mesh.m_Normals[j * c], mesh.m_Normals[j * c + 1], mesh.m_Normals[j * c + 2]);
                    if (vertexColours)
                        if (mesh.m_Colors.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3)
                            ((ImportedVertexWithColour)iVertex).Colour = new Color(mesh.m_Colors[j * 3], mesh.m_Colors[j * 3 + 1], mesh.m_Colors[j * 3 + 2], 1.0f);
                            ((ImportedVertexWithColour)iVertex).Colour = new Color(mesh.m_Colors[j * 4], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 1], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 2], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 3]);
                    if (mesh.m_UV0 != null && mesh.m_UV0.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 2)
                        iVertex.UV = new[] { mesh.m_UV0[j * 2], mesh.m_UV0[j * 2 + 1] };
                    else if (mesh.m_UV1 != null && mesh.m_UV1.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 2)
                        iVertex.UV = new[] { mesh.m_UV1[j * 2], mesh.m_UV1[j * 2 + 1] };
                    if (mesh.m_Tangents != null && mesh.m_Tangents.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                        iVertex.Tangent = new Vector4(-mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 1], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 2], -mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 3]);
                    if (mesh.m_Skin?.Length > 0)
                        var inf = mesh.m_Skin[j];
                        iVertex.BoneIndices = new int[4];
                        iVertex.Weights     = new float[4];
                        for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                            iVertex.BoneIndices[k] = inf.boneIndex[k];
                            iVertex.Weights[k]     = inf.weight[k];
                iSubmesh.FaceList = new List <ImportedFace>(numFaces);
                var end = firstFace + numFaces;
                for (int f = firstFace; f < end; f++)
                    var face = new ImportedFace();
                    face.VertexIndices    = new int[3];
                    face.VertexIndices[0] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3 + 2] - submesh.firstVertex);
                    face.VertexIndices[1] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3 + 1] - submesh.firstVertex);
                    face.VertexIndices[2] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3] - submesh.firstVertex);
                firstFace = end;

            if (meshR is SkinnedMeshRenderer sMesh)
                if (sMesh.m_Bones.Length > 0)
                    var boneMax = Math.Min(sMesh.m_Bones.Length, mesh.m_BindPose.Length);
                    iMesh.BoneList = new List <ImportedBone>(boneMax);
                    for (int i = 0; i < boneMax; i++)
                        var bone = new ImportedBone();
                        if (sMesh.m_Bones[i].TryGet(out var m_Transform))
                            bone.Path = GetTransformPath(m_Transform);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bone.Path))
                            var convert = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(-1, 1, 1));
                            bone.Matrix = convert * mesh.m_BindPose[i] * convert;
                if (iMesh.BoneList == null || iMesh.BoneList.Count == 0)
                    if (mesh.m_BindPose.Length > 0 && mesh.m_BoneNameHashes?.Length > 0)
                        var boneMax = Math.Min(mesh.m_BindPose.Length, mesh.m_BoneNameHashes.Length);
                        iMesh.BoneList = new List <ImportedBone>(boneMax);
                        for (int i = 0; i < boneMax; i++)
                            var bone     = new ImportedBone();
                            var boneHash = mesh.m_BoneNameHashes[i];
                            var path     = GetPathFromHash(boneHash);
                            bone.Path = FixBonePath(path);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bone.Path))
                                var convert = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(-1, 1, 1));
                                bone.Matrix = convert * mesh.m_BindPose[i] * convert;

                if (mesh.m_Shapes?.channels?.Length > 0)
                    var morph = new ImportedMorph();
                    morph.Path     = iMesh.Path;
                    morph.Channels = new List <ImportedMorphChannel>(mesh.m_Shapes.channels.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_Shapes.channels.Length; i++)
                        var channel = new ImportedMorphChannel();
                        var shapeChannel = mesh.m_Shapes.channels[i];
                        channel.Name         =;
                        channel.KeyframeList = new List <ImportedMorphKeyframe>(shapeChannel.frameCount);
                        var frameEnd = shapeChannel.frameIndex + shapeChannel.frameCount;
                        for (int frameIdx = shapeChannel.frameIndex; frameIdx < frameEnd; frameIdx++)
                            var keyframe = new ImportedMorphKeyframe();
                            keyframe.Weight = mesh.m_Shapes.fullWeights[frameIdx];
                            var shape = mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[frameIdx];
                            keyframe.hasNormals  = shape.hasNormals;
                            keyframe.hasTangents = shape.hasTangents;
                            keyframe.VertexList  = new List <ImportedMorphVertex>((int)shape.vertexCount);
                            var vertexEnd = shape.firstVertex + shape.vertexCount;
                            for (uint j = shape.firstVertex; j < vertexEnd; j++)
                                var destVertex = new ImportedMorphVertex();
                                var morphVertex = mesh.m_Shapes.vertices[j];
                                destVertex.Index = morphVertex.index;
                                var sourceVertex = GetSourceVertex(iMesh.SubmeshList, (int)morphVertex.index);
                                destVertex.Vertex = new ImportedVertex();
                                var morphPos = morphVertex.vertex;
                                destVertex.Vertex.Position = sourceVertex.Position + new Vector3(-morphPos.X, morphPos.Y, morphPos.Z);
                                if (shape.hasNormals)
                                    var morphNormal = morphVertex.normal;
                                    destVertex.Vertex.Normal = new Vector3(-morphNormal.X, morphNormal.Y, morphNormal.Z);
                                if (shape.hasTangents)
                                    var morphTangent = morphVertex.tangent;
                                    destVertex.Vertex.Tangent = new Vector4(-morphTangent.X, morphTangent.Y, morphTangent.Z, 0);

            //TODO combine mesh
            if (combine)
                meshR.m_GameObject.TryGet(out var m_GameObject);
                var frame = RootFrame.FindChild(m_GameObject.m_Name);
                if (frame != null)
                    frame.LocalPosition = RootFrame.LocalPosition;
                    frame.LocalRotation = RootFrame.LocalRotation;
                    while (frame.Parent != null)
                        frame = frame.Parent;
                        frame.LocalPosition = RootFrame.LocalPosition;
                        frame.LocalRotation = RootFrame.LocalRotation;

Esempio n. 5
        private void ConvertMeshRenderer(Renderer meshR)
            var mesh = GetMesh(meshR);

            if (mesh == null)
            var iMesh = new ImportedMesh();

            meshR.m_GameObject.TryGet(out var m_GameObject2);
            iMesh.Path        = GetTransformPath(m_GameObject2.m_Transform);
            iMesh.SubmeshList = new List <ImportedSubmesh>();
            var subHashSet   = new HashSet <int>();
            var combine      = false;
            int firstSubMesh = 0;

            if (meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo?.subMeshCount > 0)
                firstSubMesh = meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.firstSubMesh;
                var finalSubMesh = meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.firstSubMesh + meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.subMeshCount;
                for (int i = meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.firstSubMesh; i < finalSubMesh; i++)
                combine = true;
            else if (meshR.m_SubsetIndices?.Length > 0)
                firstSubMesh = (int)meshR.m_SubsetIndices.Min(x => x);
                foreach (var index in meshR.m_SubsetIndices)
                combine = true;

            iMesh.hasNormal = mesh.m_Normals?.Length > 0;
            iMesh.hasUV     = new bool[8];
            for (int uv = 0; uv < 8; uv++)
                iMesh.hasUV[uv] = mesh.GetUV(uv)?.Length > 0;
            iMesh.hasTangent = mesh.m_Tangents != null && mesh.m_Tangents.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4;
            iMesh.hasColor   = mesh.m_Colors?.Length > 0;

            int firstFace = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_SubMeshes.Length; i++)
                int numFaces = (int)mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].indexCount / 3;
                if (subHashSet.Count > 0 && !subHashSet.Contains(i))
                    firstFace += numFaces;
                var      submesh  = mesh.m_SubMeshes[i];
                var      iSubmesh = new ImportedSubmesh();
                Material mat      = null;
                if (i - firstSubMesh < meshR.m_Materials.Length)
                    if (meshR.m_Materials[i - firstSubMesh].TryGet(out var m_Material))
                        mat = m_Material;
                ImportedMaterial iMat = ConvertMaterial(mat);
                iSubmesh.Material   = iMat.Name;
                iSubmesh.VertexList = new List <ImportedVertex>((int)submesh.vertexCount);
                for (var j = mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].firstVertex; j < mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].firstVertex + mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].vertexCount; j++)
                    var iVertex = new ImportedVertex();
                    int c = 3;
                    if (mesh.m_Vertices.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                        c = 4;
                    iVertex.Vertex = new Vector3(-mesh.m_Vertices[j * c], mesh.m_Vertices[j * c + 1], mesh.m_Vertices[j * c + 2]);
                    if (iMesh.hasNormal)
                        if (mesh.m_Normals.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3)
                            c = 3;
                        else if (mesh.m_Normals.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                            c = 4;
                        iVertex.Normal = new Vector3(-mesh.m_Normals[j * c], mesh.m_Normals[j * c + 1], mesh.m_Normals[j * c + 2]);
                    iVertex.UV = new float[8][];
                    for (int uv = 0; uv < 8; uv++)
                        if (iMesh.hasUV[uv])
                            var m_UV = mesh.GetUV(uv);
                            if (m_UV.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 2)
                                c = 2;
                            else if (m_UV.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3)
                                c = 3;
                            iVertex.UV[uv] = new[] { m_UV[j * c], m_UV[j * c + 1] };
                    if (iMesh.hasTangent)
                        iVertex.Tangent = new Vector4(-mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 1], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 2], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 3]);
                    if (iMesh.hasColor)
                        if (mesh.m_Colors.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3)
                            iVertex.Color = new Color(mesh.m_Colors[j * 3], mesh.m_Colors[j * 3 + 1], mesh.m_Colors[j * 3 + 2], 1.0f);
                            iVertex.Color = new Color(mesh.m_Colors[j * 4], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 1], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 2], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 3]);
                    if (mesh.m_Skin?.Length > 0)
                        var inf = mesh.m_Skin[j];
                        iVertex.BoneIndices = new int[4];
                        iVertex.Weights     = new float[4];
                        for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                            iVertex.BoneIndices[k] = inf.boneIndex[k];
                            iVertex.Weights[k]     = inf.weight[k];
                iSubmesh.FaceList = new List <ImportedFace>(numFaces);
                var end = firstFace + numFaces;
                for (int f = firstFace; f < end; f++)
                    var face = new ImportedFace();
                    face.VertexIndices    = new int[3];
                    face.VertexIndices[0] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3 + 2] - submesh.firstVertex);
                    face.VertexIndices[1] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3 + 1] - submesh.firstVertex);
                    face.VertexIndices[2] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3] - submesh.firstVertex);
                firstFace = end;

            if (meshR is SkinnedMeshRenderer sMesh)

                 * 0 - None
                 * 1 - m_Bones
                 * 2 - m_BoneNameHashes
                var boneType = 0;
                if (sMesh.m_Bones.Length > 0)
                    if (sMesh.m_Bones.Length == mesh.m_BindPose.Length)
                        var verifiedBoneCount = sMesh.m_Bones.Count(x => x.TryGet(out _));
                        if (verifiedBoneCount > 0)
                            boneType = 1;
                        if (verifiedBoneCount != sMesh.m_Bones.Length)
                            //尝试使用m_BoneNameHashes 4.3 and up
                            if (mesh.m_BindPose.Length > 0 && (mesh.m_BindPose.Length == mesh.m_BoneNameHashes?.Length))
                                var verifiedBoneCount2 = mesh.m_BoneNameHashes.Count(x => FixBonePath(GetPathFromHash(x)) != null);
                                if (verifiedBoneCount2 > verifiedBoneCount)
                                    boneType = 2;
                    //尝试使用m_BoneNameHashes 4.3 and up
                    if (mesh.m_BindPose.Length > 0 && (mesh.m_BindPose.Length == mesh.m_BoneNameHashes?.Length))
                        boneType = 2;

                if (boneType == 1)
                    var boneCount = sMesh.m_Bones.Length;
                    iMesh.BoneList = new List <ImportedBone>(boneCount);
                    for (int i = 0; i < boneCount; i++)
                        var bone = new ImportedBone();
                        if (sMesh.m_Bones[i].TryGet(out var m_Transform))
                            bone.Path = GetTransformPath(m_Transform);
                        var convert = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(-1, 1, 1));
                        bone.Matrix = convert * mesh.m_BindPose[i] * convert;
                else if (boneType == 2)
                    var boneCount = mesh.m_BindPose.Length;
                    iMesh.BoneList = new List <ImportedBone>(boneCount);
                    for (int i = 0; i < boneCount; i++)
                        var bone     = new ImportedBone();
                        var boneHash = mesh.m_BoneNameHashes[i];
                        var path     = GetPathFromHash(boneHash);
                        bone.Path = FixBonePath(path);
                        var convert = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(-1, 1, 1));
                        bone.Matrix = convert * mesh.m_BindPose[i] * convert;

                if (mesh.m_Shapes?.channels?.Length > 0)
                    var morph = new ImportedMorph();
                    morph.Path     = iMesh.Path;
                    morph.Channels = new List <ImportedMorphChannel>(mesh.m_Shapes.channels.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_Shapes.channels.Length; i++)
                        var channel = new ImportedMorphChannel();
                        var shapeChannel = mesh.m_Shapes.channels[i];

                        var blendShapeName = "blendShape." +;
                        var crc            = new SevenZip.CRC();
                        var bytes          = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(blendShapeName);
                        crc.Update(bytes, 0, (uint)bytes.Length);
                        morphChannelNames[crc.GetDigest()] = blendShapeName;

                        channel.Name         =;
                        channel.KeyframeList = new List <ImportedMorphKeyframe>(shapeChannel.frameCount);
                        var frameEnd = shapeChannel.frameIndex + shapeChannel.frameCount;
                        for (int frameIdx = shapeChannel.frameIndex; frameIdx < frameEnd; frameIdx++)
                            var keyframe = new ImportedMorphKeyframe();
                            keyframe.Weight = mesh.m_Shapes.fullWeights[frameIdx];
                            var shape = mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[frameIdx];
                            keyframe.hasNormals  = shape.hasNormals;
                            keyframe.hasTangents = shape.hasTangents;
                            keyframe.VertexList  = new List <ImportedMorphVertex>((int)shape.vertexCount);
                            var vertexEnd = shape.firstVertex + shape.vertexCount;
                            for (uint j = shape.firstVertex; j < vertexEnd; j++)
                                var destVertex = new ImportedMorphVertex();
                                var morphVertex = mesh.m_Shapes.vertices[j];
                                destVertex.Index = morphVertex.index;
                                var sourceVertex = GetSourceVertex(iMesh.SubmeshList, (int)morphVertex.index);
                                destVertex.Vertex = new ImportedVertex();
                                var morphPos = morphVertex.vertex;
                                destVertex.Vertex.Vertex = sourceVertex.Vertex + new Vector3(-morphPos.X, morphPos.Y, morphPos.Z);
                                if (shape.hasNormals)
                                    var morphNormal = morphVertex.normal;
                                    destVertex.Vertex.Normal = new Vector3(-morphNormal.X, morphNormal.Y, morphNormal.Z);
                                if (shape.hasTangents)
                                    var morphTangent = morphVertex.tangent;
                                    destVertex.Vertex.Tangent = new Vector4(-morphTangent.X, morphTangent.Y, morphTangent.Z, 0);

            //TODO combine mesh
            if (combine)
                meshR.m_GameObject.TryGet(out var m_GameObject);
                var frame = RootFrame.FindChild(m_GameObject.m_Name);
                if (frame != null)
                    frame.LocalPosition = RootFrame.LocalPosition;
                    frame.LocalRotation = RootFrame.LocalRotation;
                    while (frame.Parent != null)
                        frame = frame.Parent;
                        frame.LocalPosition = RootFrame.LocalPosition;
                        frame.LocalRotation = RootFrame.LocalRotation;

Esempio n. 6
        private ImportedMaterial ConvertMaterial(Material mat)
            ImportedMaterial iMat;

            if (mat != null)
                iMat = ImportedHelpers.FindMaterial(mat.m_Name, MaterialList);
                if (iMat != null)
                iMat      = new ImportedMaterial();
                iMat.Name = mat.m_Name;
                foreach (var col in mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Colors)
                    switch (col.Key)
                    case "_Color":
                        iMat.Diffuse = col.Value;

                    case "_SColor":
                        iMat.Ambient = col.Value;

                    case "_EmissionColor":
                        iMat.Emissive = col.Value;

                    case "_SpecColor":
                        iMat.Specular = col.Value;

                    case "_RimColor":
                    case "_OutlineColor":
                    case "_ShadowColor":

                foreach (var flt in mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Floats)
                    switch (flt.Key)
                    case "_Shininess":
                        iMat.Power = flt.Value;

                    case "_RimPower":
                    case "_Outline":

                iMat.Textures   = new string[5];
                iMat.TexOffsets = new Vector2[5];
                iMat.TexScales  = new Vector2[5];
                foreach (var texEnv in mat.m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs)
                    Texture2D m_Texture2D = null;
                    if (texEnv.Value.m_Texture.TryGet <Texture2D>(out var m_Texture)) //TODO other Texture
                        m_Texture2D = m_Texture;

                    if (m_Texture2D == null)
                    int dest = -1;
                    if (texEnv.Key == "_MainTex")
                        dest = 0;
                    else if (texEnv.Key == "_BumpMap")
                        dest = 4;
                    else if (texEnv.Key.Contains("Spec"))
                        dest = 2;
                    else if (texEnv.Key.Contains("Norm"))
                        dest = 3;
                    if (dest < 0 || iMat.Textures[dest] != null)

                    if (textureNameDictionary.TryGetValue(m_Texture, out var textureName))
                        iMat.Textures[dest] = textureName;
                    else if (ImportedHelpers.FindTexture(m_Texture2D.m_Name + ".png", TextureList) != null) //已有相同名字的图片
                        for (int i = 1; ; i++)
                            var name = m_Texture2D.m_Name + $" ({i}).png";
                            if (ImportedHelpers.FindTexture(name, TextureList) == null)
                                iMat.Textures[dest] = name;
                                textureNameDictionary.Add(m_Texture, name);
                        iMat.Textures[dest] = m_Texture2D.m_Name + ".png";
                        textureNameDictionary.Add(m_Texture, iMat.Textures[dest]);
                    iMat.TexOffsets[dest] = texEnv.Value.m_Offset;
                    iMat.TexScales[dest]  = texEnv.Value.m_Scale;
                    ConvertTexture2D(m_Texture2D, iMat.Textures[dest]);

                iMat = new ImportedMaterial();
Esempio n. 7
        private void ConvertMeshRenderer(MeshRenderer meshR)
            var mesh = GetMesh(meshR);

            if (mesh == null)
            var iMesh = new ImportedMesh();

            assetsfileList.TryGetGameObject(meshR.m_GameObject, out var m_GameObject2);
            assetsfileList.TryGetTransform(m_GameObject2.m_Transform, out var meshTransform);
            iMesh.Name        = GetTransformPath(meshTransform);
            iMesh.SubmeshList = new List <ImportedSubmesh>(mesh.m_SubMeshes.Count);
            int sum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_SubMeshes.Count; i++)
                var submesh  = mesh.m_SubMeshes[i];
                var iSubmesh = new ImportedSubmesh();
                iSubmesh.Index   = i;
                iSubmesh.Visible = true;
                Material mat = null;
                if (i < meshR.m_Materials.Length)
                    if (assetsfileList.TryGetPD(meshR.m_Materials[i], out var MaterialPD))
                        mat = new Material(MaterialPD);
                ImportedMaterial iMat = ConvertMaterial(mat);
                iSubmesh.Material   = iMat.Name;
                iSubmesh.VertexList = new List <ImportedVertex>((int)submesh.vertexCount);
                var vertexColours = mesh.m_Colors != null && mesh.m_Colors.Length > 0;
                for (var j = mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].firstVertex; j < mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].firstVertex + mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].vertexCount; j++)
                    var iVertex = vertexColours ? new ImportedVertexWithColour() : new ImportedVertex();
                    int c = 3;
                    if (mesh.m_Vertices.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                        c = 4;
                    iVertex.Position = new Vector3(-mesh.m_Vertices[j * c], mesh.m_Vertices[j * c + 1], mesh.m_Vertices[j * c + 2]);
                    if (mesh.m_Normals != null && mesh.m_Normals.Length > 0)
                        if (mesh.m_Normals.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3)
                            c = 3;
                        else if (mesh.m_Normals.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                            c = 4;
                        iVertex.Normal = new Vector3(-mesh.m_Normals[j * c], mesh.m_Normals[j * c + 1], mesh.m_Normals[j * c + 2]);
                    if (vertexColours)
                        if (mesh.m_Colors.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3)
                            ((ImportedVertexWithColour)iVertex).Colour = new Color4(mesh.m_Colors[j * 3], mesh.m_Colors[j * 3 + 1], mesh.m_Colors[j * 3 + 2], 1.0f);
                            ((ImportedVertexWithColour)iVertex).Colour = new Color4(mesh.m_Colors[j * 4], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 1], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 2], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 3]);
                    if (mesh.m_UV1 != null && mesh.m_UV1.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 2)
                        iVertex.UV = new[] { mesh.m_UV1[j * 2], -mesh.m_UV1[j * 2 + 1] };
                    else if (mesh.m_UV2 != null && mesh.m_UV2.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 2)
                        iVertex.UV = new[] { mesh.m_UV2[j * 2], -mesh.m_UV2[j * 2 + 1] };
                    if (mesh.m_Tangents != null)
                        iVertex.Tangent = new Vector4(-mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 1], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 2], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 3]);
                    if (mesh.m_Skin.Length > 0)
                        var inf = mesh.m_Skin[j];
                        iVertex.BoneIndices = new byte[inf.Count];
                        iVertex.Weights     = new float[inf.Count];
                        for (var k = 0; k < inf.Count; k++)
                            iVertex.BoneIndices[k] = (byte)inf[k].boneIndex;
                            iVertex.Weights[k]     = inf[k].weight;
                int numFaces = (int)mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].indexCount / 3;
                iSubmesh.FaceList = new List <ImportedFace>(numFaces);
                var end = sum + numFaces;
                for (int f = sum; f < end; f++)
                    var face = new ImportedFace();
                    face.VertexIndices    = new int[3];
                    face.VertexIndices[0] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3 + 2] - submesh.firstVertex);
                    face.VertexIndices[1] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3 + 1] - submesh.firstVertex);
                    face.VertexIndices[2] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3] - submesh.firstVertex);
                sum = end;

            if (meshR is SkinnedMeshRenderer sMesh)
                iMesh.BoneList = new List <ImportedBone>(sMesh.m_Bones.Length);

                /*if (sMesh.m_Bones.Length >= 256)
                 * {
                 *  throw new Exception("Too many bones (" + mesh.m_BindPose.Length + ")");
                 * }*/
                for (int i = 0; i < sMesh.m_Bones.Length; i++)
                    var bone = new ImportedBone();
                    if (assetsfileList.TryGetTransform(sMesh.m_Bones[i], out var m_Transform))
                        if (assetsfileList.TryGetGameObject(m_Transform.m_GameObject, out var m_GameObject))
                            bone.Name = m_GameObject.m_Name;
                    //No first use m_BoneNameHashes, because it may be wrong
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bone.Name))
                        var boneHash = mesh.m_BoneNameHashes[i];
                        bone.Name = GetNameFromBonePathHashes(boneHash);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bone.Name))
                            bone.Name = avatar?.FindBoneName(boneHash);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bone.Name))
                            throw new Exception("A Bone could neither be found by hash in Avatar nor by index in SkinnedMeshRenderer.");

                    var om = new Matrix();
                    for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
                            om[x, y] = mesh.m_BindPose[i][x, y];
                    var m = Matrix.Transpose(om);
                    m.Decompose(out var s, out var q, out var t);
                    t.X        *= -1;
                    q.Y        *= -1;
                    q.Z        *= -1;
                    bone.Matrix = Matrix.Scaling(s) * Matrix.RotationQuaternion(q) * Matrix.Translation(t);

                foreach (var channel in mesh.m_Shapes.channels)
                if (mesh.m_Shapes.shapes.Count > 0)
                    ImportedMorph morph     = null;
                    string        lastGroup = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_Shapes.channels.Count; i++)
                        string group = BlendShapeNameGroup(mesh, i);
                        if (group != lastGroup)
                            morph = new ImportedMorph();
                            morph.Name         = iMesh.Name;
                            morph.ClipName     = group;
                            morph.Channels     = new List <Tuple <float, int, int> >(mesh.m_Shapes.channels.Count);
                            morph.KeyframeList = new List <ImportedMorphKeyframe>(mesh.m_Shapes.shapes.Count);
                            lastGroup          = group;

                        morph.Channels.Add(new Tuple <float, int, int>(i < sMesh.m_BlendShapeWeights.Count ? sMesh.m_BlendShapeWeights[i] : 0f, morph.KeyframeList.Count, mesh.m_Shapes.channels[i].frameCount));
                        for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < mesh.m_Shapes.channels[i].frameCount; frameIdx++)
                            ImportedMorphKeyframe keyframe = new ImportedMorphKeyframe();
                            keyframe.Name = BlendShapeNameExtension(mesh, i) + "_" + frameIdx;
                            int shapeIdx = mesh.m_Shapes.channels[i].frameIndex + frameIdx;
                            keyframe.VertexList           = new List <ImportedVertex>((int)mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].vertexCount);
                            keyframe.MorphedVertexIndices = new List <ushort>((int)mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].vertexCount);
                            keyframe.Weight = shapeIdx < mesh.m_Shapes.fullWeights.Count ? mesh.m_Shapes.fullWeights[shapeIdx] : 100f;
                            int lastVertIndex = (int)(mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].firstVertex + mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].vertexCount);
                            for (int j = (int)mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].firstVertex; j < lastVertIndex; j++)
                                var            morphVert = mesh.m_Shapes.vertices[j];
                                ImportedVertex vert      = GetSourceVertex(iMesh.SubmeshList, (int)morphVert.index);
                                ImportedVertex destVert  = new ImportedVertex();
                                Vector3        morphPos  = morphVert.vertex;
                                morphPos.X       *= -1;
                                destVert.Position = vert.Position + morphPos;
                                Vector3 morphNormal = morphVert.normal;
                                morphNormal.X  *= -1;
                                destVert.Normal = morphNormal;
                                Vector4 morphTangent = new Vector4(morphVert.tangent, 0);
                                morphTangent.X  *= -1;
                                destVert.Tangent = morphTangent;


Esempio n. 8
        private void ConvertMeshRenderer(Renderer meshR)
            var mesh = GetMesh(meshR);

            if (mesh == null)
            var iMesh = new ImportedMesh();

            meshR.m_GameObject.TryGet(out var m_GameObject2);
            iMesh.Path        = GetTransformPath(m_GameObject2.m_Transform);
            iMesh.SubmeshList = new List <ImportedSubmesh>();
            var subHashSet   = new HashSet <int>();
            var combine      = false;
            int firstSubMesh = 0;

            if (meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo?.subMeshCount > 0)
                firstSubMesh = meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.firstSubMesh;
                var finalSubMesh = meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.firstSubMesh + meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.subMeshCount;
                for (int i = meshR.m_StaticBatchInfo.firstSubMesh; i < finalSubMesh; i++)
                combine = true;
            else if (meshR.m_SubsetIndices?.Length > 0)
                firstSubMesh = (int)meshR.m_SubsetIndices.Min(x => x);
                foreach (var index in meshR.m_SubsetIndices)
                combine = true;
            int firstFace = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_SubMeshes.Length; i++)
                int numFaces = (int)mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].indexCount / 3;
                if (subHashSet.Count > 0 && !subHashSet.Contains(i))
                    firstFace += numFaces;
                var      submesh  = mesh.m_SubMeshes[i];
                var      iSubmesh = new ImportedSubmesh();
                Material mat      = null;
                if (i - firstSubMesh < meshR.m_Materials.Length)
                    if (meshR.m_Materials[i - firstSubMesh].TryGet(out var m_Material))
                        mat = m_Material;
                ImportedMaterial iMat = ConvertMaterial(mat);
                iSubmesh.Material   = iMat.Name;
                iSubmesh.VertexList = new List <ImportedVertex>((int)submesh.vertexCount);
                var vertexColours = mesh.m_Colors != null && (mesh.m_Colors.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3 || mesh.m_Colors.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4);
                for (var j = mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].firstVertex; j < mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].firstVertex + mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].vertexCount; j++)
                    var iVertex = vertexColours ? new ImportedVertexWithColour() : new ImportedVertex();
                    int c = 3;
                    if (mesh.m_Vertices.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                        c = 4;
                    iVertex.Position = new Vector3(-mesh.m_Vertices[j * c], mesh.m_Vertices[j * c + 1], mesh.m_Vertices[j * c + 2]);
                    if (mesh.m_Normals?.Length > 0)
                        if (mesh.m_Normals.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3)
                            c = 3;
                        else if (mesh.m_Normals.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                            c = 4;
                        iVertex.Normal = new Vector3(-mesh.m_Normals[j * c], mesh.m_Normals[j * c + 1], mesh.m_Normals[j * c + 2]);
                    if (vertexColours)
                        if (mesh.m_Colors.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 3)
                            ((ImportedVertexWithColour)iVertex).Colour = new Color4(mesh.m_Colors[j * 3], mesh.m_Colors[j * 3 + 1], mesh.m_Colors[j * 3 + 2], 1.0f);
                            ((ImportedVertexWithColour)iVertex).Colour = new Color4(mesh.m_Colors[j * 4], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 1], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 2], mesh.m_Colors[j * 4 + 3]);
                    if (mesh.m_UV0 != null && mesh.m_UV0.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 2)
                        iVertex.UV = new[] { mesh.m_UV0[j * 2], mesh.m_UV0[j * 2 + 1] };
                    else if (mesh.m_UV1 != null && mesh.m_UV1.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 2)
                        iVertex.UV = new[] { mesh.m_UV1[j * 2], mesh.m_UV1[j * 2 + 1] };
                    if (mesh.m_Tangents != null && mesh.m_Tangents.Length == mesh.m_VertexCount * 4)
                        iVertex.Tangent = new Vector4(-mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 1], mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 2], -mesh.m_Tangents[j * 4 + 3]);
                    if (mesh.m_Skin?.Length > 0)
                        var inf = mesh.m_Skin[j];
                        iVertex.BoneIndices = new int[4];
                        iVertex.Weights     = new float[4];
                        for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                            iVertex.BoneIndices[k] = inf.boneIndex[k];
                            iVertex.Weights[k]     = inf.weight[k];
                iSubmesh.FaceList = new List <ImportedFace>(numFaces);
                var end = firstFace + numFaces;
                for (int f = firstFace; f < end; f++)
                    var face = new ImportedFace();
                    face.VertexIndices    = new int[3];
                    face.VertexIndices[0] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3 + 2] - submesh.firstVertex);
                    face.VertexIndices[1] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3 + 1] - submesh.firstVertex);
                    face.VertexIndices[2] = (int)(mesh.m_Indices[f * 3] - submesh.firstVertex);
                firstFace = end;

            if (meshR is SkinnedMeshRenderer sMesh)
                if (sMesh.m_Bones.Length > 0)
                    iMesh.BoneList = new List <ImportedBone>(sMesh.m_Bones.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < sMesh.m_Bones.Length; i++)
                        var bone = new ImportedBone();
                        if (sMesh.m_Bones[i].TryGet(out var m_Transform))
                            bone.Path = GetTransformPath(m_Transform);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bone.Path))
                            var convert = Matrix.Scaling(new Vector3(-1, 1, 1));
                            bone.Matrix = convert * Matrix.Transpose(mesh.m_BindPose[i]) * convert;
                else if (mesh.m_BindPose.Length > 0 && mesh.m_BoneNameHashes?.Length > 0 && mesh.m_BindPose.Length == mesh.m_BoneNameHashes.Length)
                    iMesh.BoneList = new List <ImportedBone>(mesh.m_BoneNameHashes.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_BoneNameHashes.Length; i++)
                        var bone     = new ImportedBone();
                        var boneHash = mesh.m_BoneNameHashes[i];
                        var path     = GetPathFromHash(boneHash);
                        bone.Path = FixBonePath(path);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bone.Path))
                            var convert = Matrix.Scaling(new Vector3(-1, 1, 1));
                            bone.Matrix = convert * Matrix.Transpose(mesh.m_BindPose[i]) * convert;

                if (mesh.m_Shapes?.shapes != null)
                    if (mesh.m_Shapes.shapes.Length > 0)
                        ImportedMorph morph     = null;
                        string        lastGroup = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_Shapes.channels.Length; i++)
                            string group = BlendShapeNameGroup(mesh, i);
                            if (group != lastGroup)
                                morph = new ImportedMorph();
                                morph.Path         = iMesh.Path;
                                morph.ClipName     = group;
                                morph.Channels     = new List <Tuple <float, int, int> >(mesh.m_Shapes.channels.Length);
                                morph.KeyframeList = new List <ImportedMorphKeyframe>(mesh.m_Shapes.shapes.Length);
                                lastGroup          = group;

                            morph.Channels.Add(new Tuple <float, int, int>(i < sMesh.m_BlendShapeWeights.Length ? sMesh.m_BlendShapeWeights[i] : 0f, morph.KeyframeList.Count, mesh.m_Shapes.channels[i].frameCount));
                            for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < mesh.m_Shapes.channels[i].frameCount; frameIdx++)
                                ImportedMorphKeyframe keyframe = new ImportedMorphKeyframe();
                                keyframe.Name = BlendShapeNameExtension(mesh, i) + "_" + frameIdx;
                                int shapeIdx = mesh.m_Shapes.channels[i].frameIndex + frameIdx;
                                keyframe.VertexList           = new List <ImportedVertex>((int)mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].vertexCount);
                                keyframe.MorphedVertexIndices = new List <ushort>((int)mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].vertexCount);
                                keyframe.Weight = shapeIdx < mesh.m_Shapes.fullWeights.Length ? mesh.m_Shapes.fullWeights[shapeIdx] : 100f;
                                int lastVertIndex = (int)(mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].firstVertex + mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].vertexCount);
                                for (int j = (int)mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[shapeIdx].firstVertex; j < lastVertIndex; j++)
                                    var            morphVert = mesh.m_Shapes.vertices[j];
                                    ImportedVertex vert      = GetSourceVertex(iMesh.SubmeshList, (int)morphVert.index);
                                    ImportedVertex destVert  = new ImportedVertex();
                                    Vector3        morphPos  = morphVert.vertex;
                                    morphPos.X       *= -1;
                                    destVert.Position = vert.Position + morphPos;
                                    Vector3 morphNormal = morphVert.normal;
                                    morphNormal.X  *= -1;
                                    destVert.Normal = morphNormal;
                                    Vector4 morphTangent = new Vector4(morphVert.tangent, 0);
                                    morphTangent.X  *= -1;
                                    destVert.Tangent = morphTangent;


            //TODO combine mesh
            if (combine)
                meshR.m_GameObject.TryGet(out var m_GameObject);
                var frame = RootFrame.FindChild(m_GameObject.m_Name);
                frame.LocalPosition = RootFrame.LocalPosition;
                frame.LocalRotation = RootFrame.LocalRotation;
                while (frame.Parent != null)
                    frame = frame.Parent;
                    frame.LocalPosition = RootFrame.LocalPosition;
                    frame.LocalRotation = RootFrame.LocalRotation;
