Esempio n. 1
		void CreateBitmapData (string str, out byte[] bitmapData, out int width, out int height)
			Paint paint = new Paint ();
			paint.TextSize = 128;
			paint.TextAlign = Paint.Align.Left;
			paint.SetTypeface (Typeface.Default);
			width = height = 256;
			float textWidth = paint.MeasureText (str);

			using (Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap (width, height, Bitmap.Config.Argb8888)) {
				Canvas canvas = new Canvas (bitmap);
				paint.Color = str != " " ? Color.White : Color.LightGray;
				canvas.DrawRect (new Rect (0, 0, width, height), paint);
				paint.Color = Color.Black;
				canvas.DrawText (str, (256 - textWidth) / 2f, (256 - paint.Descent () - paint.Ascent ()) / 2f, paint);
				bitmapData = new byte [width * height * 4];
				Java.Nio.ByteBuffer buffer = Java.Nio.ByteBuffer.Allocate (bitmapData.Length);
				bitmap.CopyPixelsToBuffer (buffer);
				buffer.Rewind ();
				buffer.Get (bitmapData, 0, bitmapData.Length);
Esempio n. 2
		void Initialize ()
			_basePaint = new Paint ();
			_basePaint.Color = Color.Black;
			_basePaint.AntiAlias = true;
			_basePaint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Fill);

			_gridPaint = new Paint ();
			_gridPaint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Stroke);
			_gridPaint.Color = Color.ParseColor (RSColors.RS_LIGHT_GRAY);

			_circlesPaint = new Paint ();
			_circlesPaint.Color = Color.ParseColor (RSColors.PURPLE_4);
			_circlesPaint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Fill);
			_circlesPaint.AntiAlias = true;

			_dataLabelPaint = new Paint ();
			_dataLabelPaint.Color = Color.ParseColor (RSColors.GREEN_4);
			_dataLabelPaint.TextSize = PixelUtil.GetPixelFromDP (dataLabelSize, _context.Resources);
			_dataLabelPaint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Stroke);
			_dataLabelPaint.AntiAlias = true;
			_dataLabelPaint.SetTypeface (Typeface.DefaultBold);
			_dataLabelPaint.TextAlign = Paint.Align.Center;

			_dataLabelBgPaint = new Paint ();
			_dataLabelBgPaint.Color = Color.White;
			_dataLabelBgPaint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Fill);

			_xLabelPaint = new Paint ();
			_xLabelPaint.Color = Color.Black;
			_xLabelPaint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Stroke);
			_xLabelPaint.AntiAlias = true;
			_xLabelPaint.TextAlign = Paint.Align.Center;
			_xLabelPaint.TextSize = PixelUtil.GetPixelFromDP (xLabelSize, _context.Resources);
Esempio n. 3
	public DrawingImageView(Context context, Fragment fragment): base(context) {
		mPaint = new Paint();
		mPaint.AntiAlias = true;
		mPaint.Dither = true;
		mPaint.Color = Color.Yellow;
		mPaint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Stroke);
		mPaint.StrokeJoin = Paint.Join.Round;
		mPaint.StrokeCap = Paint.Cap.Round;
		mPaint.StrokeWidth = 10;

		cPaint = new Paint ();
		cPaint.Color = Color.Yellow;
		cPaint.StrokeJoin = Paint.Join.Round;
		cPaint.StrokeCap = Paint.Cap.Round;
		cPaint.TextSize = 40;

		mPath = new Android.Graphics.Path();
		mBitmapPaint = new Paint();
		mBitmapPaint.Color = Color.Yellow;

		DrawingStatus = DrawingType.None;

		_fragment = fragment;
			public override Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable GetBackgroundForPage (int row, int column)
				Point pt = new Point (column, row);
				Drawable drawable;
				if (!mBackgrounds.ContainsKey(pt))
					// the key wasn't found in Dictionary
					var bm = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(200, 200, Bitmap.Config.Argb8888);
					var c = new Canvas(bm);
					var p = new Paint();
					// Clear previous image.
					c.DrawRect(0, 0, 200, 200, p);
					p.AntiAlias = true;
					p.TextSize = 64;
					p.Color = Color.LightGray;
					p.TextAlign = Paint.Align.Center;
					c.DrawText(column + "-" + row, 100, 100, p);
					drawable = new BitmapDrawable(owner.Resources, bm);
					mBackgrounds.Add(pt, drawable);
					// the key was found
					drawable = mBackgrounds[pt];
				return drawable;
Esempio n. 5
        public Task <Bitmap> LoadImageAsync(
            ImageSource imagesource,
            Context context,
            CancellationToken cancelationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            Bitmap image      = null;
            var    fontsource = imagesource as FontImageSource;

            if (fontsource != null)
                using var paint = new Paint
                          TextSize  = TypedValue.ApplyDimension(ComplexUnitType.Dip, (float)fontsource.Size, context.Resources.DisplayMetrics),
                          Color     = (fontsource.Color != null ? fontsource.Color : Colors.White).ToAndroid(),
                          TextAlign = Paint.Align.Left,
                          AntiAlias = true,


                var width    = (int)(paint.MeasureText(fontsource.Glyph) + .5f);
                var baseline = (int)(-paint.Ascent() + .5f);
                var height   = (int)(baseline + paint.Descent() + .5f);
                image            = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.Argb8888);
                using var canvas = new Canvas(image);
                canvas.DrawText(fontsource.Glyph, 0, baseline, paint);

        private static void ApplyCustomTypeFace(Paint paint, Typeface tf, Android.Graphics.Color color)
            int oldStyle;
            Typeface old = paint.Typeface;
            if (old == null)
                oldStyle = 0;
                oldStyle = (int)old.Style;

            int fake = oldStyle & ~(int)tf.Style;
            if ((fake & (int)TypefaceStyle.Bold) != 0)
                paint.FakeBoldText = true;

            if ((fake & (int)TypefaceStyle.Italic) != 0)
                paint.TextSkewX = -0.25f;

            paint.SetARGB(color.A, color.R, color.G, color.B);

			void InitStepCountPaint()
				stepcountPaint = new Paint();
				//stepcountPaint.Color = Color.White;
				stepcountPaint.SetARGB(255, 50, 151, 218);
				stepcountPaint.SetTypeface(Typeface.Create(Typeface.SansSerif, TypefaceStyle.Normal));
				stepcountPaint.AntiAlias = true;
				stepcountPaint.TextSize = owner.Resources.GetDimension(Resource.Dimension.StepCountTextSize);
        private static void ApplyCustomTypeface(Paint paint, Typeface tf, TypefaceStyle style, int size)
            if (style == TypefaceStyle.Italic)
                paint.TextSkewX = -0.25f;

            if(size > 0)
                paint.TextSize = size;

            paint.SetTypeface (tf);
Esempio n. 9
        public static void SetFont(this AG.Paint paint, FontData font)

            // textsize is in pixel, fontsize in points
            // point = pix * 72 / screen.dpi => pix = point * dpi / 72
            paint.TextSize = (float)(font.Size * Xdpi / 72f) * FontFactor;
#if __ANDROID_21__
            paint.LetterSpacing = ....
 private void ApplyCustomTypeFace(Paint paint, Typeface tf)
     paint.FakeBoldText = false;
     paint.TextSkewX = 0f;
     if (_rotate)
     if (_iconSizeRatio > 0)
         paint.TextSize = (paint.TextSize * _iconSizeRatio);
     else if (_iconSizePx > 0)
         paint.TextSize = _iconSizePx;
     if (_iconColor < Int32.MaxValue)
         paint.Color = new Color(_iconColor);
     paint.Flags = paint.Flags | PaintFlags.SubpixelText;
        /// <Docs>The Canvas to which the View is rendered.</Docs>
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the specified canvas.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="canvas">Canvas.</param>
        public override void Draw(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas)

            var paintForAngle = new Paint { Color = (Android.Graphics.Color.White), TextSize = 37f };
            paintForAngle.SetTypeface(Typeface.CreateFromAsset(Forms.Context.Assets, "Fonts/fontawesome.ttf"));

            canvas.DrawText('\uf078'.ToString(), (float)(canvas.ClipBounds.CenterX() * 1.65), (float)(canvas.ClipBounds.CenterY() * 1.15), paintForAngle);

            #region Disposing 
Esempio n. 12
        internal void DrawText(string text, Paint p, Typeface font, float size, Rectangle rect, ReoGridHorAlign halign, ReoGridVerAlign valign)
            p.TextSize = size;

            var measuredRect = new Rect();

            p.GetTextBounds(text, 0, text.Length, measuredRect);

            float x = rect.Left, y = rect.Top;

            switch (halign)
            case ReoGridHorAlign.General:
            case ReoGridHorAlign.Left:
                x = rect.Left;

            case ReoGridHorAlign.Center:
                x = rect.Left + (rect.Width - measuredRect.Width()) / 2;

            case ReoGridHorAlign.Right:
                x = rect.Right - measuredRect.Width();

            switch (valign)
            case ReoGridVerAlign.Top:
                y = rect.Top + measuredRect.Height();

            case ReoGridVerAlign.Middle:
                y = rect.Bottom - (rect.Height - measuredRect.Height()) / 2;

            case ReoGridVerAlign.General:
            case ReoGridVerAlign.Bottom:
                y = rect.Bottom;

            this.canvas.DrawText(text, x, y, p);
        private static void apply(Paint paint, Typeface tf) {
            TypefaceStyle oldStyle;
            var old = paint.Typeface;
            if (old == null) {
                oldStyle = 0;
            } else {
                oldStyle = old.Style;

            var fake = oldStyle & ~tf.Style;
            if ((fake & TypefaceStyle.Bold) == TypefaceStyle.Bold) {
                paint.FakeBoldText = true;

            if ((fake & TypefaceStyle.Italic) == TypefaceStyle.Italic) {
                paint.TextSkewX = -0.25f;

            paint.Flags = paint.Flags | PaintFlags.SubpixelText;
Esempio n. 14
        public static float AdjustTextToSize(string text, SizeF box, float edgeInset, Context context)
            SizeF constrainSize = new SizeF (box.Width - edgeInset, 9999);
            float toReturn = 0f;

            Paint paint = new Paint (PaintFlags.AntiAlias);
            paint.TextSize = 16f;
            paint.SetTypeface (Typeface.Default);
            float height = ImageHelper.convertDpToPixel (paint.MeasureText (text), context);

            if (height > box.Height - edgeInset) {

                do {
                    height -= 0.5f;
                    paint.TextSize = height;
                    height = ImageHelper.convertDpToPixel (paint.MeasureText (text), context);
                } while (height > box.Height - edgeInset);

                toReturn = paint.TextSize;

            } else if (height < box.Height - edgeInset) {

                do {
                    height += 0.5f;
                    paint.TextSize = height;
                    height = ImageHelper.convertDpToPixel (paint.MeasureText (text), context);

                } while (height < box.Height - edgeInset);

                toReturn = paint.TextSize;

            } else {

                toReturn = paint.TextSize;

            }//end if else

            return toReturn;
Esempio n. 15
 private void Apply(Paint paint)
Esempio n. 16
        private void Init()
            this.Focusable = true;
            if (list == null)
                list = new List<Sentence>();
                var sen = new Sentence(0, "��ʱû��֪ͨ����");

            // �Ǹ�������
            mPaint = new Paint
                AntiAlias = true,
                TextSize = 16,
                Color = Color.Black

            // �������� ��ǰ���
            mPathPaint = new Paint
                AntiAlias = true,
                Color = Color.Red,
                TextSize = 18
Esempio n. 17
        protected override void OnDraw(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas)
            if (mixerValue == null) // don't do anything if we're not connected to a mixervalue

            if (bmp == null) {
                bmp = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource (Resources, Resource.Drawable.Fader_Knob);
                Bitmap scaled = Bitmap.CreateScaledBitmap (bmp, 25, 55, true);
                bmp = scaled;

            int margin = 60;
            float radius = 4;
            int center = (Width / 2) + 5;
            int minY1 = margin - (bmp.Height / 2);
            int maxY1 = Height - margin - (bmp.Height / 2);
            rangeY = maxY1 - minY1;
            float factor = (float)mixerValue.GetValue() / (float)maxValue;

            bitmapX1 = center - bmp.Width / 2;
            bitmapY1 = maxY1 - (int)(factor * (float)rangeY);

            base.OnDraw (canvas);

            var paint = new Paint ();
            paint.Color = Color.White;
            paint.TextAlign = Paint.Align.Center;
            paint.TextSize = (float)12.0;

            if (channel_name != null)
                canvas.DrawText (channel_name, center - 5, 14, paint); // align with pan control

            int levelX1 = center - (bmp.Width / 2) - 2;
            int levelX2 = center + (bmp.Width / 2);

            paint.TextSize = (float)10.0;
            paint.TextAlign = Paint.Align.Right;

            foreach (var level in faderLevels) {
                float factorLevel = (float)level.Key / (float)maxValue;
                int levelY = maxY1 - (int)(factorLevel * (float)rangeY) + (bmp.Height / 2);

                canvas.DrawRect (levelX1, levelY - 1, levelX2, levelY, paint);
                canvas.DrawText (level.Value, levelX1 - 4, levelY + 3, paint);

            paint.Color = Color.DarkGray;
            RectF rect = new RectF (center - 2, margin, center + 2, Height - margin);
            canvas.DrawRoundRect(rect, radius, radius, paint);
            paint.Color = Color.Black;
            rect = new RectF (center - 1, margin + 1, center + 1, Height - margin - 1);
            canvas.DrawRoundRect(rect, radius, radius, paint);

            bitmapX2 = bitmapX1 + bmp.Width;
            bitmapY2 = bitmapY1 + bmp.Height;

            if (isActive) {
                paint.Alpha = 255;
            } else {
                paint.Alpha = 180;

            canvas.DrawBitmap (bmp, bitmapX1, bitmapY1, paint);

            //bmp.Recycle ();
			void Apply(Paint paint)
				float value = Font.ToScaledPixel();
				paint.TextSize = TypedValue.ApplyDimension(ComplexUnitType.Sp, value, TextView.Resources.DisplayMetrics);
 private Paint CreateTextPaint(Color defaultInteractiveColor, Typeface typeface)
     Paint paint = new Paint ();
     paint.Color = defaultInteractiveColor;
     paint.SetTypeface (typeface);
     paint.AntiAlias = true;
     return paint;
Esempio n. 20
        Paint BuildDroidPaint(Font font, Color c, Paint.Style style)
            var paint = new Paint ();
            paint.Color = Android.Graphics.Color.Argb (c.Alpha, c.Red, c.Green, c.Blue);
            paint.AntiAlias = true;
            paint.SetStyle (style);

            // Fix for font issue on android.
            if(null != font)
                paint.TextSize = _font.Size;
                Typeface tf;
                if(font.FontFamily == "Monospace")
                    tf = Typeface.Create (Typeface.Monospace, GetDroidTypefaceStyle(font));
                else if(font.FontFamily == "SystemFont")
                    tf = Typeface.Default;
                        tf = Typeface.DefaultBold;
                    tf = Typeface.Create(font.FontFamily, GetDroidTypefaceStyle(font));



            return paint;
Esempio n. 21
        public CompassView(Context context, Android.Util.IAttributeSet attrs, int defStyle)
            : base(context, attrs, defStyle)
            _paint = new Paint();
            _paint.AntiAlias = true;
            _paint.TextSize = (float)DIRECTION_TEXT_HEIGHT;
            _paint.SetTypeface(Typeface.Create("sans-serif-thin", TypefaceStyle.Normal));

            _tickPaint = new Paint();
            _tickPaint.StrokeWidth = (float)TICK_WIDTH;
            _tickPaint.AntiAlias = true;
            _tickPaint.Color = Color.White;

            _placePaint = new TextPaint();
            _placePaint.AntiAlias = true;
            _placePaint.Color = Color.White;
            _placePaint.TextSize = (float)PLACE_TEXT_HEIGHT;
            _placePaint.SetTypeface(Typeface.Create("sans-serif-light", TypefaceStyle.Normal));

            _path = new Path();
            _textBounds = new Rect();
            _allBounds = new List<Rect>();

            _distanceFormat = NumberFormat.GetNumberInstance(Locale.Default);
            _distanceFormat.MinimumFractionDigits = 0;
            _distanceFormat.MaximumFractionDigits = 1;

            _placeBitmap = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(context.Resources, Resource.Drawable.place_mark);
            _animatedHeading = Double.NaN;

            _directions = context.Resources.GetStringArray(Resource.Array.direction_abbreviations);

            _animator = new ValueAnimator();
Esempio n. 22
        static void ApplyFontToPaint(Font f, Paint p)
            var fi = GetFontInfo (f);

            p.SetTypeface (fi.Typeface);
            p.TextSize = f.Size;

            if (fi.FontMetrics == null) {
                fi.FontMetrics = new AndroidFontMetrics (p);
Esempio n. 23
 private void ApplyCustomTypeFace(Paint paint, Typeface typeface)
     paint.FakeBoldText = false;
     paint.TextSkewX = 0f;
     if (_rotate)
     if (_iconSizeRatio > 0)
         paint.TextSize = paint.TextSize*_iconSizeRatio;
     else if (_iconSizePx > 0)
         paint.TextSize = _iconSizePx;
     if (_iconColor < int.MaxValue)
         paint.Color = _iconColor;
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns the text parameters for the given callout text area.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A Pair<UIFont, SizeF> containing the font and text size.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name='textRect'>
        /// The current text area of the callout.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='text'>
        /// The text for which to calculate and create the parameters.
        /// </param>
        public static float GetTextParamsForCallout(RectangleF textRect, string text, Context context)
            SizeF constrainSize = new SizeF (textRect.Width, 9999);
            Paint paint = new Paint (PaintFlags.AntiAlias);
            paint.TextSize = 18f;
            paint.SetTypeface (Typeface.Default);
            float height = ImageHelper.convertDpToPixel (paint.MeasureText (text), context);

            float minHeight = textRect.Height - 2f;

            if (height > minHeight) {

                do {
                    height -= 1f;
                    paint.TextSize = height;
                    height = ImageHelper.convertDpToPixel (paint.MeasureText (text), context);
                } while (height > textRect.Height);

            } else if (height < minHeight) {

                do {
                    height += 1f;
                    paint.TextSize = height;
                    height = ImageHelper.convertDpToPixel (paint.MeasureText (text), context);
                } while (height < minHeight);

            }//end if else

            return paint.TextSize;
Esempio n. 25
        void Initialize()
            if (robotoCondensed == null)
                LoadTypefaces (Context.Assets);
            prefs = new PreferenceManager (Context);

            digitPaint = new Paint {
                AntiAlias = true,
                Color = Color.White,
                TextAlign = Paint.Align.Center,
                TextScaleX = .85f
            unitPaint = new Paint {
                AntiAlias = true,
                Color = Color.Rgb (0xc0, 0xba, 0xb0),
                TextAlign = Paint.Align.Center,
            descPaint = new Paint {
                AntiAlias = true,
                Color = Color.Rgb (0xdb, 0xd7, 0xcf),
                TextAlign = Paint.Align.Center,
            unitPaint.SetTypeface (robotoCondensed);
            descPaint.SetTypeface (robotoCondensed);

            SetBackgroundResource (;
        public Size MeasureString(string text, Font font)
            using (var p = new Paint(this.paint))
            using (var bounds = new Rect())
            using (var fm = p.GetFontMetrics())
                p.TextSize = font.Size;

                p.GetTextBounds(text, 0, text.Length, bounds);
                var width = bounds.Width();
                var height = -fm.Top + fm.Bottom;

                return new SizeF(width, height).ToSize();
Esempio n. 27
        private void InitializeImages()
            if(_pressedImage != null)
            if(_unpressedImage != null)

            _unpressedImage = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(Width, Settings.IsSquared ? Width : Height, Bitmap.Config.Argb8888);
            _pressedImage = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(Width, Settings.IsSquared ? Width : Height, Bitmap.Config.Argb8888);
            Canvas unpressedCanvas = new Canvas(_unpressedImage);
            Canvas pressedCanvas = new Canvas(_pressedImage);

            Settings.SetTextSize(ComplexUnitType.Px, Settings.TextSize == 0f ? Height * Settings.TextSizeRatio : Settings.TextSize);
            Settings.StrokeBorderWidth = Height * Settings.StrokeBorderWidthRatio;
            Settings.StrokeTextWidth = Height * Settings.StrokeTextWidthRatio;

            // Background fill paint
            Paint fillBackPaint = new Paint();
            fillBackPaint.Color = Settings.FillColor;
            fillBackPaint.AntiAlias = true;

            // Background stroke paint
            Paint strokeBackPaint = new Paint();
            strokeBackPaint.Color = Settings.StrokeColor;
            strokeBackPaint.StrokeWidth = Settings.StrokeBorderWidth;
            strokeBackPaint.AntiAlias = true;

            // Text paint
            Paint textPaint = new Paint();
            textPaint.Color = Settings.IsTextStroked ? Settings.FillColor : Settings.StrokeColor;
            textPaint.TextAlign = Paint.Align.Center;
            textPaint.TextSize = Settings.TextSize;
            textPaint.AntiAlias = true;

            // Text stroke paint
            Paint strokePaint = new Paint();
            strokePaint.Color = Settings.StrokeColor;
            strokePaint.TextAlign = Paint.Align.Center;
            strokePaint.TextSize = Settings.TextSize;
            strokePaint.StrokeWidth = Settings.StrokeTextWidth;
            strokePaint.AntiAlias = true;

            // Background bounds
            Rect local = new Rect();
            RectF bounds = new RectF(local);
            bounds.Top += Settings.StrokeBorderWidth/2;
            bounds.Left += Settings.StrokeBorderWidth/2;
            bounds.Right -= Settings.StrokeBorderWidth/2;
            bounds.Bottom -= Settings.StrokeBorderWidth/2;

            while(bounds.Top > Height)
                bounds.Top -= Height;
            while(bounds.Bottom > Height)
                bounds.Bottom -= Height;
            while(bounds.Left > Width)
                bounds.Left -= Width;
            while(bounds.Right > Width)
                bounds.Right -= Width;

            // Text location
            Rect r = new Rect();
            strokePaint.GetTextBounds(Text, 0, Text.Length, r);
            while(r.Width() + Settings.StrokeTextWidth >= bounds.Width())
                Settings.SetTextSize(ComplexUnitType.Px, Settings.TextSize-1);
                textPaint.TextSize = Settings.TextSize;
                strokePaint.TextSize = Settings.TextSize;
                strokePaint.GetTextBounds(Text, 0, Text.Length, r);

            float x=0, y=0;
            switch (Settings.Gravity)
            case GravityFlags.Top:
                y = PaddingTop + r.Height()/2;
            case GravityFlags.Bottom:
                y = Height - r.Height()/2 - PaddingBottom;
                y = Height / 2f + r.Height() / 2f - r.Bottom;
            switch (Settings.Gravity)
            case GravityFlags.Left:
                x = PaddingLeft + r.Width()/2;
            case GravityFlags.Right:
                x = Width - r.Width()/2 - PaddingRight;
                x = Width/2;

            // Draw unpressed
            DrawBackground(unpressedCanvas, bounds, fillBackPaint, strokeBackPaint);
                unpressedCanvas.DrawText(Text, x, y, strokePaint);
            unpressedCanvas.DrawText(Text, x, y, textPaint);

            // Change colors
            fillBackPaint.Color = Settings.StrokeColor;
            strokeBackPaint.Color = Settings.FillColor;
            strokePaint.Color = Settings.FillColor;
            textPaint.Color = Settings.IsTextStroked ? Settings.StrokeColor : Settings.FillColor;

            // Draw pressed
            DrawBackground(pressedCanvas, bounds, fillBackPaint, strokeBackPaint);
                pressedCanvas.DrawText(Text, x, y, strokePaint);
            pressedCanvas.DrawText(Text, x, y, textPaint);

            // Set images for states
            StateListDrawable states = new StateListDrawable();
            states.AddState(new int[] {Android.Resource.Attribute.StatePressed}, new BitmapDrawable(_pressedImage));
            states.AddState(new int[] {Android.Resource.Attribute.StateFocused}, new BitmapDrawable(_pressedImage));
            states.AddState(new int[] {Android.Resource.Attribute.StateSelected}, new BitmapDrawable(_pressedImage));
            states.AddState(new int[] { }, new BitmapDrawable(_unpressedImage));

 private void ApplyCustomTypeFace(Paint paint, Typeface tf)
     paint.FakeBoldText = false;
     paint.TextSkewX = 0f;
     if (rotate) paint.ClearShadowLayer();
     if (iconSizeRatio > 0) paint.TextSize = paint.TextSize * iconSizeRatio;
     else if (iconSizePx > 0) paint.TextSize = iconSizePx;
     if (iconColor < int.MaxValue) paint.Color = new Color(iconColor);
Esempio n. 29
 private void Initialize()
     textPaint = new Paint () {
         Color = Color.Rgb (0xf3, 0xf3, 0xf3),
         AntiAlias = true,
         TextAlign = Paint.Align.Center,
         TextSize = DefaultFontSize
     textPaint.SetTypeface (Typeface.DefaultBold);
     lightPaint = new Paint () {
         Color = Color.Rgb (0xff, 0xff, 0xff),
         AntiAlias = true,
         TextAlign = Paint.Align.Center,
         TextSize = DefaultFontSize
     lightPaint.SetTypeface (Typeface.DefaultBold);
     darkPaint = new Paint () {
         Color = Color.Argb (0x30, 0, 0, 0),
         AntiAlias = true,
         TextAlign = Paint.Align.Center,
         TextSize = DefaultFontSize
     darkPaint.SetTypeface (Typeface.DefaultBold);
			public override ImageReference GetBackground (int row, int col)
				var pt = new Point (row, col);
				ImageReference imgRef = null;
					imgRef = mBackgrounds [pt];
				if (imgRef == null) {
					var bm = Bitmap.CreateBitmap (200, 200, Bitmap.Config.Argb8888);
					var c = new Canvas (bm);
					var p = new Paint ();
					c.DrawRect (0, 0, 200, 200, p);
					p.AntiAlias = true;
					p.SetTypeface (Typeface.Default);
					p.TextSize = 64;
					p.Color = Color.LightGray;
					c.DrawText (col + "-" + row, 20, 100, p);
					imgRef = ImageReference.ForBitmap (bm);
					mBackgrounds.Add (pt, imgRef);
				return imgRef;