Esempio n. 1
        public UInt32 AddDBlock(DemodulatedBlock db)
            lock (dbAddLock)
                mySqlComm = mySql.CreateCommand();
                // extract the data that we're going to put in the sql database
                string clusterName = db.Config.Settings["cluster"] as string;
                int clusterIndex = (int)db.Config.Settings["clusterIndex"];
                string aTag = db.DemodulationConfig.AnalysisTag;
                bool eState = (bool)db.Config.Settings["eState"];
                bool bState = (bool)db.Config.Settings["bState"];
                bool rfState = (bool)db.Config.Settings["rfState"];

                DateTime timeStamp = db.TimeStamp;
                double ePlus = (double)db.Config.Settings["ePlus"];
                double eMinus = (double)db.Config.Settings["eMinus"];
                byte[] dBlockBytes = serializeDBlockAsByteArray(db);

                mySqlComm = mySql.CreateCommand();
                mySqlComm.CommandText =
                    "INSERT INTO DBLOCKS " +
                    "VALUES(?uint, ?cluster, ?clusterIndex, ?aTag, ?eState, ?bState, ?rfState, ?ts, " +
                    "?ePlus, ?eMinus);";
                // the uid column is defined auto_increment
                mySqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?uint", null);
                mySqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?cluster", clusterName);
                mySqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?clusterIndex", clusterIndex);
                mySqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?aTag", aTag);
                mySqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?eState", eState);
                mySqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?bState", bState);
                mySqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?rfState", rfState);
                mySqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?ts", timeStamp);
                mySqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?ePlus", ePlus);
                mySqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?eMinus", eMinus);

                UInt32 uid = (UInt32)mySqlComm.LastInsertedId;

                mySqlComm = mySql.CreateCommand();
                mySqlComm.CommandText =
                  "INSERT INTO DBLOCKDATA VALUES(?uint, ?dblock);";
                mySqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?uint", uid);
                mySqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?dblock", dBlockBytes);


                return uid;
Esempio n. 2
        //public void Clear()
        public void AddDBlock(DemodulatedBlock dblock)
            QuickEDMAnalysis analysis = QuickEDMAnalysis.AnalyseDBlock(dblock);

            //Append LiveViewer text with edm errors, B, DB & DB/SIG
                (Math.Pow(10, 26) * analysis.RawEDMErr).ToString("G3")
                + "\t" + (Math.Pow(10, 26) * analysis.RawEDMErrNormed).ToString("G3")
                + "\t\t" + (analysis.BValAndErr[0]).ToString("N2")
                + "\t" + (analysis.DBValAndErr[0]).ToString("N2")
                + "\t" + (analysis.DBValAndErr[0] / analysis.SIGValAndErr[0]).ToString("N3")
                + Environment.NewLine);

            // Rollings values of edm error
            clusterVariance =
                ((clusterVariance * (blockCount - 1)) + analysis.RawEDMErr * analysis.RawEDMErr) / blockCount;
            double edmPerDay = Math.Sqrt(clusterVariance / blocksPerDay);
            clusterVarianceNormed =
                ((clusterVarianceNormed * (blockCount - 1))
                + analysis.RawEDMErrNormed * analysis.RawEDMErrNormed) / blockCount;
            double edmPerDayNormed = Math.Sqrt(clusterVarianceNormed / blocksPerDay);

                "errorPerDay: " + edmPerDay.ToString("E3")
                + "\terrorPerDayNormed: " + edmPerDayNormed.ToString("E3")
                + Environment.NewLine + "block count: " + blockCount);

            //Update Plots
            AppendToSigScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.SIGValAndErr[0] });
            AppendToSigNoiseScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.SIGValAndErr[1] });
            AppendToBScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.BValAndErr[0] });
            AppendToDBScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.DBValAndErr[0] });
            AppendToEDMScatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { Math.Pow(10, 26) * analysis.RawEDMErr });
            AppendToEDMNormedScatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { Math.Pow(10, 26) * analysis.RawEDMErrNormed });
            AppendSigmaToSIGScatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { analysis.SIGValAndErr[0] + analysis.SIGValAndErr[1] },
                new double[] { analysis.SIGValAndErr[0] - analysis.SIGValAndErr[1] });
            AppendSigmaToBScatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { analysis.BValAndErr[0] + analysis.BValAndErr[1] },
                new double[] { analysis.BValAndErr[0] - analysis.BValAndErr[1] });
            AppendSigmaToDBScatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { analysis.DBValAndErr[0] + analysis.DBValAndErr[1] },
                new double[] { analysis.DBValAndErr[0] - analysis.DBValAndErr[1] });
            AppendToNorthLeakageScatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { analysis.NorthCurrentValAndError[0] });
            AppendToSouthLeakageScatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { analysis.SouthCurrentValAndError[0] });
            AppendToNorthLeakageErrorScatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { analysis.NorthCurrentValAndError[1] });
            AppendToSouthLeakageErrorScatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { analysis.SouthCurrentValAndError[1] });
            AppendToNorthECorrLeakageScatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { analysis.NorthECorrCurrentValAndError[0] });
            AppendToSouthECorrLeakageScatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { analysis.SouthECorrCurrentValAndError[0] });
            AppendToMagNoiseScatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { analysis.MagValandErr[1] });
            AppendToRfCurrentScatter(new double[] {blockCount },
                new double[] {analysis.rfCurrent[0]});
            AppendToLF1Scatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.LFValandErr[0] });
            AppendToLF1NoiseScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.LFValandErr[1] });
            AppendToRF1AScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.rf1AmpAndErr[0] });
            AppendToRF2AScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.rf2AmpAndErr[0] });
            AppendToRF1FScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.rf1FreqAndErr[0] });
            AppendToRF2FScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.rf2FreqAndErr[0] });

            if (blockCount == 1)
                initProbePD = analysis.probePD[0];
                initPumpPD = analysis.pumpPD[0];
            AppendTopProbePDScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.probePD[0] / initProbePD });
            AppendTopPumpPDScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.pumpPD[0] / initPumpPD });

            AppendToLF1DBDBScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.LF1DBDB[0] });
            AppendToLF2DBDBScatter(new double[] { blockCount }, new double[] { analysis.LF2DBDB[0] });
            AppendSigmaToLF1Scatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { analysis.LF1DBDB[0] + analysis.LF1DBDB[1] },
                new double[] { analysis.LF1DBDB[0] - analysis.LF1DBDB[1] });
            AppendSigmaToLF2Scatter(new double[] { blockCount },
                new double[] { analysis.LF2DBDB[0] + analysis.LF2DBDB[1] },
                new double[] { analysis.LF2DBDB[0] - analysis.LF2DBDB[1] });

            blockCount = blockCount + 1;
Esempio n. 3
        // This function gates the detector data first, and then demodulates the channels.
        // This means that it can give innacurate results for non-linear combinations
        // of channels that vary appreciably over the TOF. There's another, slower, function
        // DemodulateBlockNL that takes care of this.
        public DemodulatedBlock DemodulateBlock(Block b, DemodulationConfig config)
            // *** copy across the metadata ***
            DemodulatedBlock db = new DemodulatedBlock();

            db.TimeStamp          = b.TimeStamp;
            db.Config             = b.Config;
            db.DemodulationConfig = config;

            // *** extract the gated detector data using the given config ***
            List <GatedDetectorData> gatedDetectorData = new List <GatedDetectorData>();
            int ind = 0;

            foreach (string d in b.detectors)
                GatedDetectorExtractSpec gdes;
                config.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.TryGetValue(d, out gdes);

                if (gdes != null)
                    gatedDetectorData.Add(GatedDetectorData.ExtractFromBlock(b, gdes));
                    db.DetectorIndices.Add(gdes.Name, ind);

            //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, GatedDetectorExtractSpec> spec in config.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs)
            //    GatedDetectorExtractSpec gate = spec.Value;
            //    gatedDetectorData.Add(GatedDetectorData.ExtractFromBlock(b, gate));
            //    db.DetectorIndices.Add(gate.Name, ind);
            //    ind++;
            //    db.DetectorCalibrations.Add(gate.Name,
            //        ((TOF)((EDMPoint)b.Points[0]).Shot.TOFs[gate.Index]).Calibration);

            // ** normalise the top detector **
                gatedDetectorData[db.DetectorIndices["top"]] / gatedDetectorData[db.DetectorIndices["norm"]]);
            db.DetectorIndices.Add("topNormed", db.DetectorIndices.Count);

            // *** extract the point detector data ***
            List <PointDetectorData> pointDetectorData = new List <PointDetectorData>();

            foreach (string channel in config.PointDetectorChannels)
                pointDetectorData.Add(PointDetectorData.ExtractFromBlock(b, channel));
                // for the moment all single point detector channels are set to have a calibration
                // of 1.0 .
                db.DetectorCalibrations.Add(channel, 1.0);

            // *** build the list of detector data ***
            List <DetectorData> detectorData = new List <DetectorData>();

            for (int i = 0; i < gatedDetectorData.Count; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < config.PointDetectorChannels.Count; i++)
                db.DetectorIndices.Add(config.PointDetectorChannels[i], i + gatedDetectorData.Count);

            // calculate the norm FFT
            db.NormFourier = DetectorFT.MakeFT(gatedDetectorData[db.DetectorIndices["norm"]], kFourierAverage);

            // *** demodulate channels ***
            // ** build the list of modulations **
            List <string>   modNames     = new List <string>();
            List <Waveform> modWaveforms = new List <Waveform>();

            foreach (AnalogModulation mod in b.Config.AnalogModulations)
            foreach (DigitalModulation mod in b.Config.DigitalModulations)
            foreach (TimingModulation mod in b.Config.TimingModulations)
            // ** work out the switch state for each point **
            int           blockLength = modWaveforms[0].Length;
            List <bool[]> wfBits      = new List <bool[]>();

            foreach (Waveform wf in modWaveforms)
            List <uint> switchStates = new List <uint>(blockLength);

            for (int i = 0; i < blockLength; i++)
                uint switchState = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < wfBits.Count; j++)
                    if (wfBits[j][i])
                        switchState += (uint)Math.Pow(2, j);
            // pre-calculate the state signs for each analysis channel
            // the first index selects the analysis channel, the second the switchState
            int numStates = (int)Math.Pow(2, modWaveforms.Count);

            int[,] stateSigns = new int[numStates, numStates];
            for (uint i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
                for (uint j = 0; j < numStates; j++)
                    stateSigns[i, j] = stateSign(j, i);

            // ** the following needs to be done for each detector **
            for (int detector = 0; detector < detectorData.Count; detector++)
                DetectorChannelValues dcv = new DetectorChannelValues();
                for (int i = 0; i < modNames.Count; i++)
                    dcv.SwitchMasks.Add(modNames[i], (uint)(1 << i));
                // * divide the data up into bins according to switch state *
                List <List <double> > statePoints = new List <List <double> >(numStates);
                for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
                    statePoints.Add(new List <double>(blockLength / numStates));
                for (int i = 0; i < blockLength; i++)

                // * calculate the channel values *
                int subLength = blockLength / numStates;
                double[,] channelValues = new double[numStates, subLength];
                for (int channel = 0; channel < numStates; channel++)
                    for (int subIndex = 0; subIndex < subLength; subIndex++)
                        double chanVal = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
                            chanVal +=
                                stateSigns[channel, i] * statePoints[i][subIndex];
                        chanVal /= (double)numStates;
                        channelValues[channel, subIndex] = chanVal;
                //* calculate the channel means *
                double[] channelMeans = new double[numStates];
                for (int channel = 0; channel < numStates; channel++)
                    double total = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < subLength; i++)
                        total += channelValues[channel, i];
                    total /= blockLength / numStates;
                    channelMeans[channel] = total;
                dcv.Values = channelMeans;

                //* calculate the channel errors *
                double[] channelErrors = new double[numStates];
                for (int channel = 0; channel < numStates; channel++)
                    double total = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < subLength; i++)
                        total += Math.Pow(channelValues[channel, i] - channelMeans[channel], 2);
                    total /= subLength * (subLength - 1);
                    total  = Math.Sqrt(total);
                    channelErrors[channel] = total;
                dcv.Errors = channelErrors;


Esempio n. 4
        // DemodulateBlockNL augments the channel values returned by DemodulateBlock
        // with several non-linear combinations of channels (E.B/DB, the correction, etc).
        // These non-linear channels are calculated point-by-point for the TOF and then
        // integrated according to the Demodulation config. This is calculated for top and
        // topNormed detectors only for speed.
        public DemodulatedBlock DemodulateBlockNL(Block b, DemodulationConfig config)
            // we start with the standard demodulated block
            DemodulatedBlock dblock = DemodulateBlock(b, config);
            // First do everything for the un-normalised top detector
            int tdi = dblock.DetectorIndices["top"];
            // TOF demodulate the block to get the channel wiggles
            // the BlockTOFDemodulator only demodulates the PMT detector
            BlockTOFDemodulator btdt = new BlockTOFDemodulator();
            TOFChannelSet       tcst = btdt.TOFDemodulateBlock(b, tdi, false);

            // now repeat having normed the block
            // normalise the PMT signal
            int tndi = dblock.DetectorIndices["topNormed"];
            // TOF demodulate the block to get the channel wiggles
            // the BlockTOFDemodulator only demodulates the PMT detector
            BlockTOFDemodulator btd = new BlockTOFDemodulator();
            TOFChannelSet       tcs = btd.TOFDemodulateBlock(b, tndi, false);

            // get hold of the gating data
            GatedDetectorExtractSpec gate = config.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs["top"];

            // gate the special channels
            TOFChannel edmDB          = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("EDMDB");
            double     edmDBG         = edmDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel corrDB         = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("CORRDB");
            double     corrDBG        = corrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel edmCorrDB      = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("EDMCORRDB");
            double     edmCorrDBG     = edmCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel corrDB_old     = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("CORRDB_OLD");
            double     corrDBG_old    = corrDB_old.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel edmCorrDB_old  = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("EDMCORRDB_OLD");
            double     edmCorrDBG_old = edmCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1fDB         = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF1FDB");
            double     rf1fDBG        = rf1fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2fDB         = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF2FDB");
            double     rf2fDBG        = rf2fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1fDBDB       = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF1FDBDB");
            double     rf1fDBDBG      = rf1fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2fDBDB       = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF2FDBDB");
            double     rf2fDBDBG      = rf2fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1aDB         = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF1ADB");
            double     rf1aDBG        = rf1aDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2aDB         = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF2ADB");
            double     rf2aDBG        = rf2aDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1aDBDB       = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF1ADBDB");
            double     rf1aDBDBG      = rf1aDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2aDBDB       = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF2ADBDB");
            double     rf2aDBDBG      = rf2aDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf1DB          = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("LF1DB");
            double     lf1DBG         = lf1DB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf1DBDB        = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("LF1DBDB");
            double     lf1DBDBG       = lf1DBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf2DB          = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("LF2DB");
            double     lf2DBG         = lf2DB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf2DBDB        = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("LF2DBDB");
            double     lf2DBDBG       = lf2DBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel BDB            = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("BDB");
            double     BDBG           = BDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf1fDB        = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("ERF1FDB");
            double     erf1fDBG       = erf1fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf2fDB        = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("ERF2FDB");
            double     erf2fDBG       = erf2fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf1fDBDB      = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("ERF1FDBDB");
            double     erf1fDBDBG     = erf1fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf2fDBDB      = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("ERF2FDBDB");
            double     erf2fDBDBG     = erf2fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel brf1fCorrDB    = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("BRF1FCORRDB");
            double     brf1fCorrDBG   = brf1fCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel brf2fCorrDB    = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("BRF2FCORRDB");
            double     brf2fCorrDBG   = brf2fCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);

            //Repeat for top

            TOFChannel edmDBtop          = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("EDMDB");
            double     edmDBGtop         = edmDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel corrDBtop         = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("CORRDB");
            double     corrDBGtop        = corrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel edmCorrDBtop      = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("EDMCORRDB");
            double     edmCorrDBGtop     = edmCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel corrDB_oldtop     = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("CORRDB_OLD");
            double     corrDBG_oldtop    = corrDB_old.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel edmCorrDB_oldtop  = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("EDMCORRDB_OLD");
            double     edmCorrDBG_oldtop = edmCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1fDBtop         = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF1FDB");
            double     rf1fDBGtop        = rf1fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2fDBtop         = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF2FDB");
            double     rf2fDBGtop        = rf2fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1fDBDBtop       = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF1FDBDB");
            double     rf1fDBDBGtop      = rf1fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2fDBDBtop       = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF2FDBDB");
            double     rf2fDBDBGtop      = rf2fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1aDBtop         = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF1ADB");
            double     rf1aDBGtop        = rf1aDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2aDBtop         = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF2ADB");
            double     rf2aDBGtop        = rf2aDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1aDBDBtop       = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF1ADBDB");
            double     rf1aDBDBGtop      = rf1aDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2aDBDBtop       = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF2ADBDB");
            double     rf2aDBDBGtop      = rf2aDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf1DBtop          = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("LF1DB");
            double     lf1DBGtop         = lf1DB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf1DBDBtop        = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("LF1DBDB");
            double     lf1DBDBGtop       = lf1DBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf2DBtop          = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("LF2DB");
            double     lf2DBGtop         = lf2DB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf2DBDBtop        = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("LF2DBDB");
            double     lf2DBDBGtop       = lf2DBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel BDBtop            = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("BDB");
            double     BDBGtop           = BDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf1fDBtop        = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("ERF1FDB");
            double     erf1fDBGtop       = erf1fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf2fDBtop        = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("ERF2FDB");
            double     erf2fDBGtop       = erf2fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf1fDBDBtop      = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("ERF1FDBDB");
            double     erf1fDBDBGtop     = erf1fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf2fDBDBtop      = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("ERF2FDBDB");
            double     erf2fDBDBGtop     = erf2fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel brf1fCorrDBtop    = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("BRF1FCORRDB");
            double     brf1fCorrDBGtop   = brf1fCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel brf2fCorrDBtop    = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("BRF2FCORRDB");
            double     brf2fCorrDBGtop   = brf2fCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);

            // we bodge the errors, which aren't really used for much anyway
            // by just using the error from the normal dblock. I ignore the error in DB.
            // I use the simple correction error for the full correction. Doesn't much matter.
            DetectorChannelValues dcv = dblock.ChannelValues[tndi];
            double edmDBE             = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "E", "B" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double corrDBE            = Math.Sqrt(
                Math.Pow(dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "E", "DB" }) * dcv.GetError(new string[] { "B" }), 2) +
                Math.Pow(dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "B" }) * dcv.GetError(new string[] { "E", "DB" }), 2))
                                        / Math.Pow(dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" }), 2);
            double edmCorrDBE = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(edmDBE, 2) + Math.Pow(corrDBE, 2));

            double rf1fDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "RF1F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2fDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "RF2F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf1fDBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF1F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2fDBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF2F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            double rf1aDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "RF1A" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2aDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "RF2A" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf1aDBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF1A" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2aDBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF2A" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            double lf1DBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "LF1" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double lf1DBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "LF1" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double lf2DBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "LF2" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double lf2DBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "LF2" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            double brf1fDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "B", "RF1F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double brf2fDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "B", "RF2F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf1fDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "E", "RF1F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf2fDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "E", "RF2F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf1fDBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "E", "DB", "RF1F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf2fDBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "E", "DB", "RF2F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double BDBE       = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "B" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            //repeat for top
            DetectorChannelValues dcvt = dblock.ChannelValues[tdi];
            double lf2DBEtop           = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "LF2" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });       //Change the db channel back to topNormed
            double lf2DBDBEtop         = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "LF2" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" }); //Change the db channel back to topNormed

            double edmDBEtop  = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "E", "B" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double corrDBEtop = Math.Sqrt(
                Math.Pow(dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "E", "DB" }) * dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "B" }), 2) +
                Math.Pow(dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "B" }) * dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "E", "DB" }), 2))
                                / Math.Pow(dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" }), 2);
            double edmCorrDBEtop = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(edmDBEtop, 2) + Math.Pow(corrDBEtop, 2));

            double rf1fDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "RF1F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2fDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "RF2F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf1fDBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF1F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2fDBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF2F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            double rf1aDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "RF1A" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2aDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "RF2A" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf1aDBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF1A" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2aDBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF2A" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            double lf1DBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "LF1" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double lf1DBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "LF1" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            double brf1fDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "B", "RF1F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double brf2fDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "B", "RF2F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf1fDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "E", "RF1F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf2fDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "E", "RF2F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf1fDBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "E", "DB", "RF1F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf2fDBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "E", "DB", "RF2F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double BDBEtop       = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "B" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            // stuff the data into the dblock
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["EDMDB"]         = new double[] { edmDBG, edmDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["CORRDB"]        = new double[] { corrDBG, corrDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["EDMCORRDB"]     = new double[] { edmCorrDBG, edmCorrDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["CORRDB_OLD"]    = new double[] { corrDBG_old, corrDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["EDMCORRDB_OLD"] = new double[] { edmCorrDBG_old, edmCorrDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF1FDB"]        = new double[] { rf1fDBG, rf1fDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF2FDB"]        = new double[] { rf2fDBG, rf2fDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF1FDBDB"]      = new double[] { rf1fDBDBG, rf1fDBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF2FDBDB"]      = new double[] { rf2fDBDBG, rf2fDBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF1ADB"]        = new double[] { rf1aDBG, rf1aDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF2ADB"]        = new double[] { rf2aDBG, rf2aDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF1ADBDB"]      = new double[] { rf1aDBDBG, rf1aDBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF2ADBDB"]      = new double[] { rf2aDBDBG, rf2aDBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["BRF1FCORRDB"]   = new double[] { brf1fCorrDBG, brf1fDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["BRF2FCORRDB"]   = new double[] { brf2fCorrDBG, brf2fDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["ERF1FDB"]       = new double[] { erf1fDBG, erf1fDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["ERF2FDB"]       = new double[] { erf2fDBG, erf2fDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["ERF1FDBDB"]     = new double[] { erf1fDBDBG, erf1fDBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["ERF2FDBDB"]     = new double[] { erf2fDBDBG, erf2fDBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["LF1DB"]         = new double[] { lf1DBG, lf1DBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["LF1DBDB"]       = new double[] { lf1DBDBG, lf1DBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["LF2DB"]         = new double[] { lf2DBG, lf2DBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["LF2DBDB"]       = new double[] { lf2DBDBG, lf2DBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["BDB"]           = new double[] { BDBG, BDBE };

            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["EDMDB"]         = new double[] { edmDBGtop, edmDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["CORRDB"]        = new double[] { corrDBGtop, corrDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["EDMCORRDB"]     = new double[] { edmCorrDBGtop, edmCorrDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["CORRDB_OLD"]    = new double[] { corrDBG_oldtop, corrDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["EDMCORRDB_OLD"] = new double[] { edmCorrDBG_oldtop, edmCorrDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF1FDB"]        = new double[] { rf1fDBGtop, rf1fDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF2FDB"]        = new double[] { rf2fDBGtop, rf2fDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF1FDBDB"]      = new double[] { rf1fDBDBGtop, rf1fDBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF2FDBDB"]      = new double[] { rf2fDBDBGtop, rf2fDBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF1ADB"]        = new double[] { rf1aDBGtop, rf1aDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF2ADB"]        = new double[] { rf2aDBGtop, rf2aDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF1ADBDB"]      = new double[] { rf1aDBDBGtop, rf1aDBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF2ADBDB"]      = new double[] { rf2aDBDBGtop, rf2aDBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["BRF1FCORRDB"]   = new double[] { brf1fCorrDBGtop, brf1fDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["BRF2FCORRDB"]   = new double[] { brf2fCorrDBGtop, brf2fDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["ERF1FDB"]       = new double[] { erf1fDBGtop, erf1fDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["ERF2FDB"]       = new double[] { erf2fDBGtop, erf2fDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["ERF1FDBDB"]     = new double[] { erf1fDBDBGtop, erf1fDBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["ERF2FDBDB"]     = new double[] { erf2fDBDBGtop, erf2fDBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["LF1DB"]         = new double[] { lf1DBGtop, lf1DBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["LF1DBDB"]       = new double[] { lf1DBDBGtop, lf1DBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["LF2DB"]         = new double[] { lf2DBGtop, lf2DBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["LF2DBDB"]       = new double[] { lf2DBDBGtop, lf2DBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["BDB"]           = new double[] { BDBGtop, BDBEtop };

Esempio n. 5
        public DemodulatedBlock DemodulateBlock(Block b, DemodulationConfig demodulationConfig, int[] tofChannelsToAnalyse)
            if (!b.detectors.Contains("asymmetry"))

            int blockLength = b.Points.Count;

            DemodulatedBlock db = new DemodulatedBlock(b.TimeStamp, b.Config, demodulationConfig);

            Dictionary <string, double[]> pointDetectorData = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();

            foreach (string d in demodulationConfig.GatedDetectors)
                pointDetectorData.Add(d, GetGatedDetectorData(b, d, demodulationConfig.Gates.GetGate(d)));
            foreach (string d in demodulationConfig.PointDetectors)
                pointDetectorData.Add(d, GetPointDetectorData(b, d));

            Dictionary <string, TOF[]> tofDetectorData = new Dictionary <string, TOF[]>();

            foreach (string d in demodulationConfig.TOFDetectors)
                tofDetectorData.Add(d, GetTOFDetectorData(b, d));

            // ----Demodulate channels----
            // --Build list of modulations--
            List <Modulation> modulations = GetModulations(b);

            // --Work out switch state for each point--
            List <uint> switchStates = GetSwitchStates(modulations);

            // --Calculate state signs for each analysis channel--
            // The first index selects the analysis channel, the second the switchState
            int numStates = (int)Math.Pow(2, modulations.Count);

            int[,] stateSigns = GetStateSigns(numStates);

            // --This is done for each point/gated detector--
            foreach (string d in pointDetectorData.Keys)
                int detectorIndex = b.detectors.IndexOf(d);

                // We obtain one Channel Set for each detector
                ChannelSet <PointWithError> channelSet = new ChannelSet <PointWithError>();

                // Detector calibration
                double calibration = ((TOF)((EDMPoint)b.Points[0]).Shot.TOFs[detectorIndex]).Calibration;

                // Divide points into bins depending on switch state
                List <List <double> > statePoints = new List <List <double> >(numStates);
                for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
                    statePoints.Add(new List <double>(blockLength / numStates));
                for (int i = 0; i < blockLength; i++)
                int subLength = blockLength / numStates;

                // For each analysis channel, calculate the mean and standard error, then add to ChannelSet
                for (int channel = 0; channel < numStates; channel++)
                    RunningStatistics stats = new RunningStatistics();
                    for (int subIndex = 0; subIndex < subLength; subIndex++)
                        double onVal  = 0.0;
                        double offVal = 0.0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
                            if (stateSigns[channel, i] == 1)
                                onVal += statePoints[i][subIndex];
                                offVal += statePoints[i][subIndex];
                        onVal  /= numStates;
                        offVal /= numStates;
                        stats.Push(onVal - offVal);

                    PointWithError pointWithError = new PointWithError()
                        Value = stats.Mean, Error = stats.StandardErrorOfSampleMean

                    // add the channel to the ChannelSet
                    List <string> usedSwitches = new List <string>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < modulations.Count; i++)
                        if ((channel & (1 << i)) != 0)
                    string[] channelName = usedSwitches.ToArray();
                    // the SIG channel has a special name
                    if (channel == 0)
                        channelName = new string[] { "SIG" }
                    channelSet.AddChannel(channelName, pointWithError);

                // Add the ChannelSet to the demodulated block
                db.AddDetector(b.detectors[detectorIndex], calibration, channelSet);

            // --This is done for each TOF detector--
            foreach (string d in tofDetectorData.Keys)
                int detectorIndex = b.detectors.IndexOf(d);

                // We obtain one Channel Set for each detector
                ChannelSet <TOFWithError> channelSet = new ChannelSet <TOFWithError>();

                // Detector calibration
                double calibration = ((TOF)((EDMPoint)b.Points[0]).Shot.TOFs[detectorIndex]).Calibration;

                // Divide TOFs into bins depending on switch state
                List <List <TOF> > statePoints = new List <List <TOF> >(numStates);
                for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
                    statePoints.Add(new List <TOF>(blockLength / numStates));
                for (int i = 0; i < blockLength; i++)
                int subLength = blockLength / numStates;

                // For each analysis channel, calculate the mean and standard error, then add to ChannelSet
                foreach (int channel in tofChannelsToAnalyse)
                    TOFAccumulator tofAccumulator = new TOFAccumulator();
                    for (int subIndex = 0; subIndex < subLength; subIndex++)
                        TOF onTOF  = new TOF();
                        TOF offTOF = new TOF();
                        for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
                            if (stateSigns[channel, i] == 1)
                                onTOF += statePoints[i][subIndex];
                                offTOF += statePoints[i][subIndex];
                        onTOF  /= numStates;
                        offTOF /= numStates;
                        tofAccumulator.Add(onTOF - offTOF);

                    // add the channel to the ChannelSet
                    List <string> usedSwitches = new List <string>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < modulations.Count; i++)
                        if ((channel & (1 << i)) != 0)
                    string[] channelName = usedSwitches.ToArray();
                    // the SIG channel has a special name
                    if (channel == 0)
                        channelName = new string[] { "SIG" }
                    channelSet.AddChannel(channelName, tofAccumulator.GetResult());

                // If the detector is a molecule detector, add the special channels
                if (MOLECULE_DETECTORS.Contains(d))
                    channelSet = AppendChannelSetWithSpecialValues(channelSet);

                // Add the ChannelSet to the demodulated block
                db.AddDetector(d, calibration, channelSet);

Esempio n. 6
        public static QuickEDMAnalysis AnalyseDBlock(DemodulatedBlock dblock)
            QuickEDMAnalysis analysis = new QuickEDMAnalysis();

            BlockConfig config = dblock.Config;
            //edm factor calculation
            double dbStep    = ((AnalogModulation)config.GetModulationByName("DB")).Step;
            double magCal    = (double)config.Settings["magnetCalibration"];
            double eField    = cField((double)config.Settings["ePlus"], (double)config.Settings["eMinus"]);//arguments are in volts not kV
            double edmFactor = (bohrMagneton * dbStep * magCal * Math.Pow(10, -9)) /
                               (electronCharge * saturatedEffectiveField * polarisationFactor(eField));
            //Add in interferometer length instead of 800 10^-6 after testing is done with old blocks
            double dbPhaseStep = dbStep * magCal * Math.Pow(10, -9) * bohrMagneton * 800 * Math.Pow(10, -6) / hbar;

            analysis.SIGValAndErrtp = ConvertPointToArray(dblock.GetPointChannel(new string[] { "SIG" }, "topProbeNoBackground"));
            analysis.SIGValAndErrbp = ConvertPointToArray(dblock.GetPointChannel(new string[] { "SIG" }, "bottomProbeScaled"));

            analysis.SIGValAndErr = dblock.GetTOFChannel(new string[] { "SIG" }, "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.BValAndErr   = dblock.GetTOFChannel(new string[] { "B" }, "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.DBValAndErr  = dblock.GetTOFChannel(new string[] { "DB" }, "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.EValAndErr   = dblock.GetTOFChannel(new string[] { "E" }, "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.EBValAndErr  = dblock.GetTOFChannel(new string[] { "E", "B" }, "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.BDBValAndErr = dblock.GetTOFChannel("BDB", "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);

            double bottomProbeCalibration = dblock.GetCalibration("bottomProbeScaled");
            double topProbeCalibration    = dblock.GetCalibration("topProbeNoBackground");

            //Replace 510 with the calibrations above after testing is done with old blocks
            analysis.ShotNoise = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(analysis.SIGValAndErrbp[0] * 510 + analysis.SIGValAndErrtp[0] * 510);
            analysis.Contrast  = analysis.DBValAndErr[0] / 2 / dbPhaseStep;

            //raw edm in asymmetry detector
            double[] edmdb;
            edmdb = dblock.GetTOFChannel("EDMDB", "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.RawEDMValAndErr = new double[2] {
                edmFactor *edmdb[0], edmFactor *edmdb[1]

            //leakage currents
            analysis.NorthCurrentValAndError =
                ConvertPointToArray(dblock.GetPointChannel(new string[] { "SIG" }, "NorthCurrent"));
            analysis.SouthCurrentValAndError =
                ConvertPointToArray(dblock.GetPointChannel(new string[] { "SIG" }, "SouthCurrent"));
            analysis.NorthECorrCurrentValAndError =
                ConvertPointToArray(dblock.GetPointChannel(new string[] { "E" }, "NorthCurrent"));
            analysis.SouthECorrCurrentValAndError =
                ConvertPointToArray(dblock.GetPointChannel(new string[] { "E" }, "SouthCurrent"));

            //magnetometer (I know it is not signed right but I just want the noise so any waveform will do)
            analysis.MagValandErr = ConvertPointToArray(dblock.GetPointChannel(new string[] { "SIG" }, "magnetometer"));

            //rf freq
            analysis.rf1FreqAndErr = dblock.GetTOFChannel(new string[] { "RF1F" }, "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.rf2FreqAndErr = dblock.GetTOFChannel(new string[] { "RF2F" }, "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.RF1FDBDB      = dblock.GetTOFChannel("RF1FDBDB", "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.RF2FDBDB      = dblock.GetTOFChannel("RF2FDBDB", "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);

            //rf amp
            analysis.rf1AmpAndErr = dblock.GetTOFChannel(new string[] { "RF1A" }, "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.rf2AmpAndErr = dblock.GetTOFChannel(new string[] { "RF2A" }, "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.RF1ADBDB     = dblock.GetTOFChannel("RF1ADBDB", "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.RF2ADBDB     = dblock.GetTOFChannel("RF2ADBDB", "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);

            //probe laser frequency
            analysis.LF1ValAndErr = dblock.GetTOFChannel(new string[] { "LF1" }, "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.LF1DB        = dblock.GetTOFChannel("LF1DB", "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);
            analysis.LF1DBDB      = dblock.GetTOFChannel("LF1DBDB", "asymmetry").GatedWeightedMeanAndUncertainty(GATE_LOW, GATE_HIGH);

            //probe photodiode monitors
            analysis.TopPDSIG    = ConvertPointToArray(dblock.GetPointChannel(new string[] { "SIG" }, "topPD"));
            analysis.BottomPDSIG = ConvertPointToArray(dblock.GetPointChannel(new string[] { "SIG" }, "bottomPD"));
Esempio n. 7
        public static QuickEDMAnalysis AnalyseDBlock(DemodulatedBlock dblock)
            QuickEDMAnalysis analysis = new QuickEDMAnalysis();

            BlockConfig config = dblock.Config;
            //edm factor calculation
            double dbStep    = ((AnalogModulation)config.GetModulationByName("DB")).Step;
            double magCal    = (double)config.Settings["magnetCalibration"];
            double eField    = cField((double)config.Settings["ePlus"], (double)config.Settings["eMinus"]);//arguments are in volts not kV
            double edmFactor = (bohrMagneton * dbStep * magCal * Math.Pow(10, -9)) /
                               (electronCharge * saturatedEffectiveField * polarisationFactor(eField));

            //Get relevant channel values and errors
            analysis.SIGValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "top");
            analysis.BValAndErr   = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "B" }, "top");
            analysis.DBValAndErr  = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "DB" }, "top");
            analysis.EValAndErr   = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "top");
            analysis.EBValAndErr  = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "B" }, "top");

            //edm error calculation
            analysis.RawEDM    = edmFactor * (analysis.EBValAndErr[0] / analysis.DBValAndErr[0]);
            analysis.RawEDMErr = Math.Abs(analysis.RawEDM)
                                 * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(analysis.EBValAndErr[1] / analysis.EBValAndErr[0], 2)
                                             + Math.Pow(analysis.DBValAndErr[1] / analysis.DBValAndErr[0], 2));

            //same again for normed data.
            analysis.SIGValAndErrNormed = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "topNormed");
            analysis.BValAndErrNormed   = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "B" }, "topNormed");
            analysis.DBValAndErrNormed  = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "DB" }, "topNormed");
            analysis.EValAndErrNormed   = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "topNormed");
            analysis.EBValAndErrNormed  = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "B" }, "topNormed");

            //normed edm error
            analysis.RawEDMNormed    = edmFactor * (analysis.EBValAndErrNormed[0] / analysis.DBValAndErrNormed[0]);
            analysis.RawEDMErrNormed = Math.Abs(analysis.RawEDMNormed)
                                       * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(analysis.EBValAndErrNormed[1] / analysis.EBValAndErrNormed[0], 2)
                                                   + Math.Pow(analysis.DBValAndErrNormed[1] / analysis.DBValAndErrNormed[0], 2));

            //leakage currents
            analysis.NorthCurrentValAndError =
                dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "NorthCurrent");
            analysis.SouthCurrentValAndError =
                dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "SouthCurrent");
            analysis.NorthECorrCurrentValAndError =
                dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "NorthCurrent");
            analysis.SouthECorrCurrentValAndError =
                dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "SouthCurrent");

            //magnetometer (I know it is not signed right but I just want the noise so any waveform will do)
            analysis.MagValandErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "magnetometer");

            //laser freq
            analysis.LFValandErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "LF1" }, "top");
            //analysis.LF1DBDB = dblock.ChannelValues[6].GetSpecialValue("LF1DBDB"); // 5 is topNormed TODO: make GetSpecialValuesAndError work
            //analysis.LF2DBDB = dblock.ChannelValues[6].GetSpecialValue("LF2DBDB");
            analysis.LF1DBDB = dblock.GetSpecialChannelValueAndError("LF1DBDB", "topNormed"); // 5 is topNormed TODO: make GetSpecialValuesAndError work
            analysis.LF2DBDB = dblock.GetSpecialChannelValueAndError("LF2DBDB", "top");

            //rf freq
            analysis.rf1FreqAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1F" }, "top");
            analysis.rf2FreqAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2F" }, "top");

            //rf amp
            analysis.rf1AmpAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1A" }, "top");
            analysis.rf2AmpAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2A" }, "top");

            analysis.probePD = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "ProbePD");
            analysis.pumpPD  = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "PumpPD");

            analysis.rfCurrent = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "rfCurrent");

Esempio n. 8
        public static QuickEDMAnalysis AnalyseDBlock(DemodulatedBlock dblock)
            QuickEDMAnalysis analysis = new QuickEDMAnalysis();

            BlockConfig config = dblock.Config;
            //edm factor calculation
            double dbStep    = ((AnalogModulation)config.GetModulationByName("DB")).Step;
            double magCal    = (double)config.Settings["magnetCalibration"];
            double eField    = cField((double)config.Settings["ePlus"], (double)config.Settings["eMinus"]);//arguments are in volts not kV
            double edmFactor = (bohrMagneton * dbStep * magCal * Math.Pow(10, -9)) /
                               (electronCharge * saturatedEffectiveField * polarisationFactor(eField));

            ////Get relevant channel values and errors for top probe
            //analysis.SIGValAndErrtp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "topProbe");
            //analysis.BValAndErrtp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "B", "MW" }, "topProbe");
            //analysis.DBValAndErrtp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "DB", "MW" }, "topProbe");
            //analysis.EValAndErrtp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "MW" }, "topProbe");
            //analysis.EBValAndErrtp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "B", "MW" }, "topProbe");

            //Get relevant channel values and errors for top probe, no MW switching
            analysis.SIGValAndErrtp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "topProbe");
            analysis.BValAndErrtp   = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "B" }, "topProbe");
            analysis.DBValAndErrtp  = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "DB" }, "topProbe");
            analysis.EValAndErrtp   = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "topProbe");
            analysis.EBValAndErrtp  = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "B" }, "topProbe");

            //edm error calculation
            analysis.RawEDMtp    = edmFactor * (analysis.EBValAndErrtp[0] / analysis.DBValAndErrtp[0]);
            analysis.RawEDMErrtp = Math.Abs(analysis.RawEDMtp)
                                   * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(analysis.EBValAndErrtp[1] / analysis.EBValAndErrtp[0], 2)
                                               + Math.Pow(analysis.DBValAndErrtp[1] / analysis.DBValAndErrtp[0], 2));

            ////Get relevant channel values and errors for bottom probe
            //analysis.SIGValAndErrbp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "bottomProbe");
            //analysis.BValAndErrbp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "B", "MW" }, "bottomProbe");
            //analysis.DBValAndErrbp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "DB" , "MW"}, "bottomProbe");
            //analysis.EValAndErrbp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "MW" }, "bottomProbe");
            //analysis.EBValAndErrbp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "B", "MW" }, "bottomProbe");

            //Get relevant channel values and errors for bottom probe, no MW switching
            analysis.SIGValAndErrbp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "bottomProbe");
            analysis.BValAndErrbp   = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "B" }, "bottomProbe");
            analysis.DBValAndErrbp  = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "DB" }, "bottomProbe");
            analysis.EValAndErrbp   = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "bottomProbe");
            analysis.EBValAndErrbp  = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "B" }, "bottomProbe");

            //edm error calculation for bottom probe
            analysis.RawEDMbp    = edmFactor * (analysis.EBValAndErrbp[0] / analysis.DBValAndErrbp[0]);
            analysis.RawEDMErrbp = Math.Abs(analysis.RawEDMbp)
                                   * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(analysis.EBValAndErrbp[1] / analysis.EBValAndErrbp[0], 2)
                                               + Math.Pow(analysis.DBValAndErrbp[1] / analysis.DBValAndErrbp[0], 2));

            ////Get relevant channel values and errors for asymmetry
            //analysis.SIGValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "asymmetry");
            //analysis.BValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "B", "MW" }, "asymmetry");
            //analysis.DBValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "DB", "MW" }, "asymmetry");
            //analysis.EValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "MW" }, "asymmetry");
            //analysis.EBValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "B", "MW" }, "asymmetry");
            //analysis.BDBValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "B", "DB", "MW" }, "asymmetry");

            //Get relevant channel values and errors for asymmetry, no MW switching
            analysis.SIGValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "asymmetry");
            analysis.BValAndErr   = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "B" }, "asymmetry");
            analysis.DBValAndErr  = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "DB" }, "asymmetry");
            analysis.EValAndErr   = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "asymmetry");
            analysis.EBValAndErr  = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "B" }, "asymmetry");
            analysis.BDBValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "B", "DB" }, "asymmetry");

            //edm error calculation for asymmetry
            analysis.RawEDM    = edmFactor * (analysis.EBValAndErr[0] / analysis.DBValAndErr[0]);
            analysis.RawEDMErr = Math.Abs(analysis.RawEDM)
                                 * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(analysis.EBValAndErr[1] / analysis.EBValAndErr[0], 2)
                                             + Math.Pow(analysis.DBValAndErr[1] / analysis.DBValAndErr[0], 2));

            //leakage currents
            analysis.NorthCurrentValAndError =
                dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "NorthCurrent");
            analysis.SouthCurrentValAndError =
                dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "SouthCurrent");
            analysis.NorthECorrCurrentValAndError =
                dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "NorthCurrent");
            analysis.SouthECorrCurrentValAndError =
                dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "SouthCurrent");

            //magnetometer (I know it is not signed right but I just want the noise so any waveform will do)
            analysis.MagValandErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "magnetometer");

            //rf freq
            analysis.rf1FreqAndErrtp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1F" }, "topProbe");
            analysis.rf2FreqAndErrtp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2F" }, "topProbe");
            analysis.rf1FreqAndErrbp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1F" }, "bottomProbe");
            analysis.rf2FreqAndErrbp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2F" }, "bottompProbe");
            //analysis.RF1FDBDB = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1F", "DB", "MW" }, "asymmetry");
            //analysis.RF2FDBDB = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2F", "DB", "MW" }, "asymmetry");
            // no MW switch
            analysis.RF1FDBDB = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1F", "DB" }, "asymmetry");
            analysis.RF2FDBDB = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2F", "DB" }, "asymmetry");

            //rf amp
            analysis.rf1AmpAndErrtp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1A" }, "topProbe");
            analysis.rf2AmpAndErrtp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2A" }, "topProbe");
            analysis.rf1AmpAndErrbp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1A" }, "bottomProbe");
            analysis.rf2AmpAndErrbp = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2A" }, "bottomProbe");
            //analysis.RF1ADBDB = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1A", "DB", "MW" }, "asymmetry");
            //analysis.RF2ADBDB = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2A", "DB", "MW" }, "asymmetry");
            // no MW switch
            analysis.RF1ADBDB = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1A", "DB" }, "asymmetry");
            analysis.RF2ADBDB = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2A", "DB" }, "asymmetry");

Esempio n. 9
        // This function gates the detector data first, and then demodulates the channels.
        // This means that it can give innacurate results for non-linear combinations
        // of channels that vary appreciably over the TOF. There's another, slower, function
        // DemodulateBlockNL that takes care of this.
        public DemodulatedBlock DemodulateBlock(Block b, DemodulationConfig config)
            // *** copy across the metadata ***
            DemodulatedBlock db = new DemodulatedBlock();
            db.TimeStamp = b.TimeStamp;
            db.Config = b.Config;
            db.DemodulationConfig = config;

            // *** extract the gated detector data using the given config ***
            List<GatedDetectorData> gatedDetectorData = new List<GatedDetectorData>();
            int ind = 0;
            foreach (string d in b.detectors)
                GatedDetectorExtractSpec gdes;
                config.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.TryGetValue(d, out gdes);

                if (gdes != null)
                    gatedDetectorData.Add(GatedDetectorData.ExtractFromBlock(b, gdes));
                    db.DetectorIndices.Add(gdes.Name, ind);

            //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, GatedDetectorExtractSpec> spec in config.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs)
            //    GatedDetectorExtractSpec gate = spec.Value;
            //    gatedDetectorData.Add(GatedDetectorData.ExtractFromBlock(b, gate));
            //    db.DetectorIndices.Add(gate.Name, ind);
            //    ind++;
            //    db.DetectorCalibrations.Add(gate.Name,
            //        ((TOF)((EDMPoint)b.Points[0]).Shot.TOFs[gate.Index]).Calibration);

            // ** normalise the top detector **
                gatedDetectorData[db.DetectorIndices["top"]] / gatedDetectorData[db.DetectorIndices["norm"]]);
            db.DetectorIndices.Add("topNormed", db.DetectorIndices.Count);

            // *** extract the point detector data ***
            List<PointDetectorData> pointDetectorData = new List<PointDetectorData>();
            foreach (string channel in config.PointDetectorChannels)
                pointDetectorData.Add(PointDetectorData.ExtractFromBlock(b, channel));
                // for the moment all single point detector channels are set to have a calibration
                // of 1.0 .
                db.DetectorCalibrations.Add(channel, 1.0);

            // *** build the list of detector data ***
            List<DetectorData> detectorData = new List<DetectorData>();
            for (int i = 0; i < gatedDetectorData.Count; i++) detectorData.Add(gatedDetectorData[i]);
            for (int i = 0; i < config.PointDetectorChannels.Count; i++)
                db.DetectorIndices.Add(config.PointDetectorChannels[i], i + gatedDetectorData.Count);

            // calculate the norm FFT
            db.NormFourier = DetectorFT.MakeFT(gatedDetectorData[db.DetectorIndices["norm"]], kFourierAverage);

            // *** demodulate channels ***
            // ** build the list of modulations **
            List<string> modNames = new List<string>();
            List<Waveform> modWaveforms = new List<Waveform>();
            foreach (AnalogModulation mod in b.Config.AnalogModulations)
            foreach (DigitalModulation mod in b.Config.DigitalModulations)
            foreach (TimingModulation mod in b.Config.TimingModulations)
            // ** work out the switch state for each point **
            int blockLength = modWaveforms[0].Length;
            List<bool[]> wfBits = new List<bool[]>();
            foreach (Waveform wf in modWaveforms) wfBits.Add(wf.Bits);
            List<uint> switchStates = new List<uint>(blockLength);
            for (int i = 0; i < blockLength; i++)
                uint switchState = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < wfBits.Count; j++)
                    if (wfBits[j][i]) switchState += (uint)Math.Pow(2, j);
            // pre-calculate the state signs for each analysis channel
            // the first index selects the analysis channel, the second the switchState
            int numStates = (int)Math.Pow(2, modWaveforms.Count);
            int[,] stateSigns = new int[numStates, numStates];
            for (uint i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
                for (uint j = 0; j < numStates; j++)
                    stateSigns[i, j] = stateSign(j, i);

            // ** the following needs to be done for each detector **
            for (int detector = 0; detector < detectorData.Count; detector++)
                DetectorChannelValues dcv = new DetectorChannelValues();
                for (int i = 0; i < modNames.Count; i++) dcv.SwitchMasks.Add(modNames[i], (uint)(1 << i));
                // * divide the data up into bins according to switch state *
                List<List<double>> statePoints = new List<List<double>>(numStates);
                for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) statePoints.Add(new List<double>(blockLength / numStates));
                for (int i = 0; i < blockLength; i++)

                // * calculate the channel values *
                int subLength = blockLength / numStates;
                double[,] channelValues = new double[numStates, subLength];
                for (int channel = 0; channel < numStates; channel++)
                    for (int subIndex = 0; subIndex < subLength; subIndex++)
                        double chanVal = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) chanVal +=
                            stateSigns[channel, i] * statePoints[i][subIndex];
                        chanVal /= (double)numStates;
                        channelValues[channel, subIndex] = chanVal;
                //* calculate the channel means *
                double[] channelMeans = new double[numStates];
                for (int channel = 0; channel < numStates; channel++)
                    double total = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < subLength; i++) total += channelValues[channel, i];
                    total /= blockLength / numStates;
                    channelMeans[channel] = total;
                dcv.Values = channelMeans;

                //* calculate the channel errors *
                double[] channelErrors = new double[numStates];
                for (int channel = 0; channel < numStates; channel++)
                    double total = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < subLength; i++)
                        total += Math.Pow(channelValues[channel, i] - channelMeans[channel], 2);
                    total /= subLength * (subLength - 1);
                    total = Math.Sqrt(total);
                    channelErrors[channel] = total;
                dcv.Errors = channelErrors;


            return db;
Esempio n. 10
        public static QuickEDMAnalysis AnalyseDBlock(DemodulatedBlock dblock)
            QuickEDMAnalysis analysis = new QuickEDMAnalysis();

            BlockConfig config = dblock.Config;
            //edm factor calculation
            double dbStep = ((AnalogModulation)config.GetModulationByName("DB")).Step;
            double magCal = (double)config.Settings["magnetCalibration"];
            double eField = cField((double)config.Settings["ePlus"], (double)config.Settings["eMinus"]);//arguments are in volts not kV
            double edmFactor = (bohrMagneton * dbStep * magCal * Math.Pow(10, -9)) /
                        (electronCharge * saturatedEffectiveField * polarisationFactor(eField));

            //Get relevant channel values and errors
            analysis.SIGValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "top");
            analysis.BValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "B" }, "top");
            analysis.DBValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "DB" }, "top");
            analysis.EValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "top");
            analysis.EBValAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "B" }, "top");

            //edm error calculation
            analysis.RawEDM = edmFactor * (analysis.EBValAndErr[0] / analysis.DBValAndErr[0]);
            analysis.RawEDMErr = Math.Abs(analysis.RawEDM)
                * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(analysis.EBValAndErr[1] / analysis.EBValAndErr[0], 2)
                               + Math.Pow(analysis.DBValAndErr[1] / analysis.DBValAndErr[0], 2));

            //same again for normed data.
            analysis.SIGValAndErrNormed = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "topNormed");
            analysis.BValAndErrNormed = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "B" }, "topNormed");
            analysis.DBValAndErrNormed = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "DB" }, "topNormed");
            analysis.BDBValAndErrNormed = dblock.GetSpecialChannelValueAndError( "BDB", "topNormed" );
            analysis.EValAndErrNormed = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "topNormed");
            analysis.EBValAndErrNormed = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E", "B" }, "topNormed");

            //normed edm error
            analysis.RawEDMNormed = edmFactor * (analysis.EBValAndErrNormed[0] / analysis.DBValAndErrNormed[0]);
            analysis.RawEDMErrNormed = Math.Abs(analysis.RawEDMNormed)
                * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(analysis.EBValAndErrNormed[1] / analysis.EBValAndErrNormed[0], 2)
                                     + Math.Pow(analysis.DBValAndErrNormed[1] / analysis.DBValAndErrNormed[0], 2));

            //leakage currents
            analysis.NorthCurrentValAndError =
                dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "NorthCurrent");
            analysis.SouthCurrentValAndError =
                dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "SouthCurrent");
            analysis.NorthECorrCurrentValAndError =
                dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "NorthCurrent");
            analysis.SouthECorrCurrentValAndError =
                dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "E" }, "SouthCurrent");

            //magnetometer (I know it is not signed right but I just want the noise so any waveform will do)
            analysis.MagValandErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "magnetometer");

            //laser freq
            analysis.LFValandErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "LF1" }, "top");
            analysis.LF1DBDB = dblock.GetSpecialChannelValueAndError( "LF1DBDB", "topNormed" );
            analysis.LF2DBDB = dblock.GetSpecialChannelValueAndError( "LF2DBDB", "top" );

            //rf freq
            analysis.rf1FreqAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1F" }, "top");
            analysis.rf2FreqAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2F" }, "top");
            analysis.rf1FreqAndErrNormed = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1F" }, "topNormed");
            analysis.rf2FreqAndErrNormed = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2F" }, "topNormed");
            analysis.RF1FDBDB = dblock.GetSpecialChannelValueAndError( "RF1FDBDB", "topNormed" );
            analysis.RF2FDBDB = dblock.GetSpecialChannelValueAndError( "RF2FDBDB", "topNormed" );

            //rf amp
            analysis.rf1AmpAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1A" }, "top");
            analysis.rf2AmpAndErr = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2A" }, "top");
            analysis.rf1AmpAndErrNormed = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF1A" }, "topNormed");
            analysis.rf2AmpAndErrNormed = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "RF2A" }, "topNormed");
            analysis.RF1ADBDB = dblock.GetSpecialChannelValueAndError( "RF1ADBDB", "topNormed" );
            analysis.RF2ADBDB = dblock.GetSpecialChannelValueAndError( "RF2ADBDB", "topNormed" );

            analysis.probePD = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "ProbePD");
            analysis.pumpPD = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] {"SIG"}, "PumpPD");

            analysis.rfCurrent = dblock.GetChannelValueAndError(new string[] { "SIG" }, "rfCurrent");

            return analysis;
Esempio n. 11
 private byte[] serializeDBlockAsByteArray(DemodulatedBlock db)
     BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
     MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
     bf.Serialize(ms, db);
     byte[] buffer = new Byte[ms.Length];
     ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
     ms.Read(buffer, 0, (int)ms.Length);
     return buffer;
Esempio n. 12
        public void AcquisitionFinished(Block b)
            this.Block = b;
            mainWindow.AppendToTextArea("Demodulating block.");
            // "cgate11Fixed" for Ar, "centreFixedKr" for Kr
            DemodulationConfig dc = DemodulationConfig.GetStandardDemodulationConfig("wgate4", b); // was cgate11fixed
            DBlock = blockDemodulator.DemodulateBlockNL(b, dc); // blockDemodulator.DemodulateBlock(b, dc);

            haveBlock = true;
            appState = AppState.stopped;
            mainWindow.AppendToTextArea("Acquisition finished");