protected void gvrGrid_rowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { GridView gev = (GridView)e.Row.FindControl("elGrid"); Affinity.ExportLogs el = new Affinity.ExportLogs(this.phreezer); // populate current exports grid Affinity.ExportLogCriteria elc = new Affinity.ExportLogCriteria(); Affinity.Request r = (Affinity.Request)e.Row.DataItem; elc.RequestID = r.Id; el.Query(elc); gev.DataSource = el; gev.DataBind(); GridView guv = (GridView)e.Row.FindControl("ulGrid"); Affinity.UploadLogs ul = new Affinity.UploadLogs(this.phreezer); // populate current uploads grid Affinity.UploadLogCriteria ulc = new Affinity.UploadLogCriteria(); ulc.RequestID = r.Id; ul.Query(ulc); guv.DataSource = ul; guv.DataBind(); } }
/// <summary> /// Send a survey services notification /// </summary> /// <param name="r"></param> /// <param name="isCancel"></param> /// <param name="isNew"></param> protected void SendSurveyNotification(Affinity.Request r, bool isCancel, bool isNew) { string to = this.GetSystemSetting("SurveyServicesEmail"); // send the notification email if the originator wants it if (!to.Equals("")) { string url = this.GetSystemSetting("RootUrl") + "AdminOrder.aspx?id=" + r.Order.Id.ToString(); string header = isNew ? "Survey Request" : "Survey Cancellation"; string subject = "Affinity " + header + " For " + r.Order.WorkingId; // send the email Com.VerySimple.Email.Mailer mailer = new Com.VerySimple.Email.Mailer(this.GetSystemSetting("SmtpHost")); string msg = "* This is an automated notification from the Affinity Web System *\r\n\r\n" + "Type: " + header + "\r\n" + "Submitted By: " + r.Order.Account.FullName + "\r\n" + "Working ID: " + r.Order.WorkingId + "\r\n" + "PIN: " + r.Order.Pin + "\r\n" + "Friendly: " + r.Order.ClientName + "\r\n" + "Tracking Code: " + r.Order.CustomerId + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "URL: " + url + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "If you no longer wish to receive these notifications, please contact the Affinity Administrator.\r\n" + this.GetSystemSetting("EmailFooter"); mailer.Send( this.GetSystemSetting("SendFromEmail") , to.Replace(";", ",") , subject , msg); } }
/// <summary> /// The form controls are created at this point. if we create them at page load /// then their viewstate will not be persisted. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> override protected void PageBase_Init(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // we have to call the base first so phreezer is instantiated base.PageBase_Init(sender, e); int id = NoNull.GetInt(Request["id"], 0); request = new Affinity.Request(this.phreezer); Affinity.Order order = new Affinity.Order(this.phreezer); order.Load(id); Affinity.RequestCriteria criteria = new Affinity.RequestCriteria(); Affinity.Requests reqs = order.GetOrderRequests(criteria); Affinity.Request req = (Affinity.Request)reqs[0]; this.request.Load(req.Id); }
override protected void PageBase_Init(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // we have to call the base first so phreezer is instantiated base.PageBase_Init(sender, e); int id = NoNull.GetInt(Request["id"], 0); request = new Affinity.Request(this.phreezer); this.request.Load(id); // add the form for the request details XmlForm xf = new XmlForm(this.request.Account); pnlDetails.Controls.Add(xf.GetFormFieldControl(request.RequestType.Definition, request.Xml)); }
/// <summary> /// submit the order /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RequirePermission(Affinity.RolePermission.AffinityManager); if (!fuAttachment.HasFile) { pnlResults.Visible = true; pResults.InnerHtml = "<h3 style=\"color:red;\">No File Uploaded. Please choose an Excel file to upload.<h3>"; } else { int accountidInt = 0; string originalfilename = fuAttachment.FileName; string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fuAttachment.FileName); string accountid = ddNewOriginator.SelectedValue; string county = txtPropertyCounty.Text; string transactiontype = ddTransactionType.SelectedValue; string tractsearch = (TractSearch.Checked.Equals("True")? "Yes" : "No"); int.TryParse(accountid, out accountidInt); // Get the next available Internal ID and then increment for each order int internalId = 0; using (MySqlDataReader reader = this.phreezer.ExecuteReader("select Max(REPLACE(REPLACE(o_internal_id, 'AFF_', ''), 'AFF', '')) as maxId from `order` where o_internal_id like 'AFF%'")) { if (reader.Read()) { string numStr = reader["maxId"].ToString(); int.TryParse(numStr, out internalId); internalId++; } } string internalIdStr = internalId.ToString(); string filename = internalIdStr + ext; int uploadidInt = 0; using (MySqlDataReader reader = this.phreezer.ExecuteReader("insert into order_upload_log (oul_a_id, oul_original_filename, oul_filename, oul_starting_internal_id, oul_created, oul_modified) VALUES (" + this.GetAccount().Id.ToString() + ", '" + originalfilename + "', '" + filename + "', " + internalIdStr + ", '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'); SELECT @@IDENTITY as id;")) { if (reader.Read()) { int.TryParse(reader["id"].ToString(), out uploadidInt); } } SpreadsheetInfo.SetLicense("FREE-LIMITED-KEY"); string path = Server.MapPath(".\\") + "XlsUploads\\"; string filepath = path + filename; if (File.Exists(filepath)) { File.Delete(filepath); } fuAttachment.SaveAs(filepath); ExcelFile xlsFile = new ExcelFile(); if (ext.Equals(".xlsx")) { string zippath = path + internalIdStr + "\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(zippath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(zippath); } string zipfilepath = path + internalIdStr + ".zip"; if (File.Exists(zipfilepath)) { File.Delete(zipfilepath); } File.Move(filepath, zipfilepath); Xceed.Zip.Licenser.LicenseKey = "ZIN20N4AFUNK71J44NA"; string[] sarr = { "*" }; Xceed.Zip.QuickZip.Unzip(zipfilepath, zippath, sarr); xlsFile.LoadXlsxFromDirectory(zippath, XlsxOptions.None); } else { xlsFile.LoadXls(path); } ExcelWorksheet ws = xlsFile.Worksheets[0]; pnlResults.Visible = true; pnlForm.Visible = false; btnSubmit.Visible = false; btnCancel.Text = "Back to Admin"; ListDictionary duplicatePINs = new ListDictionary(); string pin = " "; string address = " "; string address1 = ""; string address2 = ""; string city = ""; string state = ""; string zip = ""; string firmname = ""; string attorney = ""; string attorneyaddress1 = ""; string attorneyaddress2 = ""; string attorneycity = ""; string attorneystate = ""; string attorneyzip = ""; string attorneyphone = ""; string attorneyemail = ""; string attorneyattentionto = ""; int idx = 1; /**************************************************************************************** * GET ACCOUNT INFORMATION ****************************************************************************************/ Affinity.Account account = new Affinity.Account(this.phreezer); account.Load(accountid); XmlDocument preferencesXML = new XmlDocument(); preferencesXML.LoadXml(account.PreferencesXml); XmlNode node = preferencesXML.SelectSingleNode("//Field[@name='ApplicantName']"); if (node != null) { firmname = node.InnerText; } node = preferencesXML.SelectSingleNode("//Field[@name='ApplicantAttorneyName']"); if (node != null) { attorney = node.InnerText; } node = preferencesXML.SelectSingleNode("//Field[@name='ApplicantAddress']"); if (node != null) { attorneyaddress1 = node.InnerText; } node = preferencesXML.SelectSingleNode("//Field[@name='ApplicantAddress2']"); if (node != null) { attorneyaddress2 = node.InnerText; } node = preferencesXML.SelectSingleNode("//Field[@name='ApplicantCity']"); if (node != null) { attorneycity = node.InnerText; } node = preferencesXML.SelectSingleNode("//Field[@name='ApplicantState']"); if (node != null) { attorneystate = node.InnerText; } node = preferencesXML.SelectSingleNode("//Field[@name='ApplicantZip']"); if (node != null) { attorneyzip = node.InnerText; } node = preferencesXML.SelectSingleNode("//Field[@name='ApplicantPhone']"); if (node != null) { attorneyphone = node.InnerText; } node = preferencesXML.SelectSingleNode("//Field[@name='ApplicantEmail']"); if (node != null) { attorneyemail = node.InnerText; } node = preferencesXML.SelectSingleNode("//Field[@name='ApplicantAttentionTo']"); if (node != null) { attorneyattentionto = node.InnerText; } string xml = "<response><field name=\"CommittmentDeadline\"></field><field name=\"PreviousTitleEvidence\"></field><field name=\"Prior\"></field><field name=\"TypeOfProperty\">Single Family</field><field name=\"PropertyUse\"></field><field name=\"TransactionType\">[TRANSACTIONTYPE]</field><field name=\"TractSearch\">[TRACTSEARCH]</field><field name=\"ShortSale\"></field><field name=\"Foreclosure\"></field><field name=\"CashSale\"></field><field name=\"ConstructionEscrow\"></field><field name=\"ReverseMortgage\"></field><field name=\"EndorsementEPA\"></field><field name=\"EndorsementLocation\"></field><field name=\"EndorsementCondo\"></field><field name=\"EndorsementComp\"></field><field name=\"EndorsementARM\"></field><field name=\"EndorsementPUD\"></field><field name=\"EndorsementBalloon\"></field><field name=\"EndorsementOther\"></field><field name=\"MortgageAmount\">1.00</field><field name=\"PurchasePrice\"></field><field name=\"TRID\">No</field><field name=\"LoanNumber\"></field><field name=\"SecondMortgage\">No</field><field name=\"SecondMortgageAmount\"></field><field name=\"LoanNumber2nd\"></field><field name=\"ChainOfTitle\">No</field><field name=\"Buyer\">" + (TractSearch.Checked.Equals("True")? "." : "") + "</field><field name=\"Buyer1Name2\"></field><field name=\"AddBuyer2\"></field><field name=\"Buyer2Name1\"></field><field name=\"Buyer2Name2\"></field><field name=\"AddBuyer3\"></field><field name=\"Buyer3Name1\"></field><field name=\"Buyer3Name2\"></field><field name=\"AddBuyer4\"></field><field name=\"Buyer4Name1\"></field><field name=\"Buyer4Name2\"></field><field name=\"AddBuyer5\"></field><field name=\"Buyer5Name1\"></field><field name=\"Buyer5Name2\"></field><field name=\"Seller\"></field><field name=\"Seller1Name2\"></field><field name=\"AddSeller2\"></field><field name=\"Seller2Name1\"></field><field name=\"Seller2Name2\"></field><field name=\"AddSeller3\"></field><field name=\"Seller3Name1\"></field><field name=\"Seller3Name2\"></field><field name=\"AddSeller4\"></field><field name=\"Seller4Name1\"></field><field name=\"Seller4Name2\"></field><field name=\"AddSeller5\"></field><field name=\"Seller5Name1\"></field><field name=\"Seller5Name2\"></field><field name=\"Underwriter\"></field><field name=\"ApplicantName\">[FIRMNAME]</field><field name=\"ApplicantAttorneyName\">[ATTORNEY]</field><field name=\"ApplicantAddress\">[ADDRESS1]</field><field name=\"ApplicantAddress2\">[ADDRESS1]</field><field name=\"ApplicantCity\">[CITY]</field><field name=\"ApplicantState\">[STATE]</field><field name=\"ApplicantZip\">[ZIP]</field><field name=\"ApplicantPhone\">[PHONE]</field><field name=\"ApplicantFax\"></field><field name=\"ApplicantEmail\">[EMAIL]</field><field name=\"ApplicantAttentionTo\">[ATTENTIONTO]</field><field name=\"CopyApplicationTo\"></field><field name=\"LenderName\"></field><field name=\"LenderContact\"></field><field name=\"LenderAddress\"></field><field name=\"LenderAddress2\"></field><field name=\"LenderCity\"></field><field name=\"LenderState\"></field><field name=\"LenderZip\"></field><field name=\"LenderPhone\"></field><field name=\"LenderFax\"></field><field name=\"LenderEmail\"></field><field name=\"BrokerName\"></field><field name=\"BrokerLoanOfficer\"></field><field name=\"BrokerAddress\"></field><field name=\"BrokerAddress2\"></field><field name=\"BrokerCity\"></field><field name=\"BrokerState\"></field><field name=\"BrokerZip\"></field><field name=\"BrokerPhone\"></field><field name=\"BrokerFax\"></field><field name=\"BrokerEmail\"></field><field name=\"Notes\"></field><field name=\"Source\">Web Order ID</field><field name=\"SubmittedDate\">[DATE]</field><field name=\"OrderRequestStatus\">Requested</field></response>".Replace("[TRANSACTIONTYPE]", transactiontype).Replace("[TRACTSEARCH]", tractsearch).Replace("[FIRMNAME]", firmname).Replace("[ATTORNEY]", attorney).Replace("[ADDRESS1]", attorneyaddress1).Replace("[ADDRESS2]", attorneyaddress2).Replace("[CITY]", attorneycity).Replace("[STATE]", attorneystate).Replace("[ZIP]", attorneyzip).Replace("[PHONE]", attorneyphone).Replace("[EMAIL]", attorneyemail).Replace("[ATTENTIONTO]", attorneyattentionto).Replace("[DATE]", DateTime.Now.ToString()); /**************************************************************************************** * END GETTING ACCOUNT INFORMATION ****************************************************************************************/ while (!pin.Equals("") && ws.Rows[idx] != null && ws.Rows[idx].Cells[1] != null && ws.Rows[idx].Cells[1].Value != null) { pin = ws.Rows[idx].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); address = ws.Rows[idx].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); address1 = ""; address2 = ""; city = ""; state = ""; zip = ""; firmname = ""; attorney = ""; attorneyaddress1 = ""; attorneyaddress2 = ""; attorneycity = ""; attorneystate = ""; attorneyzip = ""; attorneyphone = ""; attorneyemail = ""; attorneyattentionto = ""; if (!address.Equals("")) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); string url = "" + address + "&key="; System.Net.HttpWebRequest req = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url); req.Method = "GET"; req.Accept = "text/xml"; req.KeepAlive = false; System.Net.HttpWebResponse response = null; using (response = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse()) //attempt to get the response. { using (Stream RespStrm = response.GetResponseStream()) { doc.Load(RespStrm); } } XmlNode streetnumbernode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/GeocodeResponse/result/address_component[type='street_number']"); if (streetnumbernode != null) { address1 += streetnumbernode.SelectSingleNode("long_name").InnerText; } XmlNode routenode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/GeocodeResponse/result/address_component[type='route']"); if (routenode != null) { address1 += " " + routenode.SelectSingleNode("long_name").InnerText; } XmlNode citynode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/GeocodeResponse/result/address_component[type='locality']"); if (citynode != null) { city = citynode.SelectSingleNode("long_name").InnerText; } if (county.Equals("")) { XmlNode countynode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/GeocodeResponse/result/address_component[type='administrative_area_level_2']"); if (countynode != null) { county = countynode.SelectSingleNode("long_name").InnerText; } } XmlNode statenode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/GeocodeResponse/result/address_component[type='administrative_area_level_1']"); if (statenode != null) { state = statenode.SelectSingleNode("short_name").InnerText; } XmlNode zipnode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/GeocodeResponse/result/address_component[type='postal_code']"); if (zipnode != null) { zip = zipnode.SelectSingleNode("long_name").InnerText; } //Response.Write(idx.ToString() + " - " + pin + " - " + address1 + " - " + city + " - " + state + " - " + zip + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "<br/>"); // create a new order for this request Affinity.Order order = new Affinity.Order(this.phreezer); order.OriginatorId = accountidInt; order.CustomerStatusCode = Affinity.OrderStatus.ReadyCode; order.InternalStatusCode = Affinity.OrderStatus.ReadyCode; order.InternalId = ""; order.ClientName = ""; order.Pin = pin; order.AdditionalPins = ""; order.PropertyAddress = address1; order.PropertyAddress2 = address2; order.PropertyCity = city; order.PropertyState = state; order.PropertyZip = zip; order.CustomerId = pin; order.PropertyCounty = county; order.PropertyUse = "Residential"; order.OrderUploadLogId = uploadidInt; try { Affinity.Order PreviousOrder = order.GetPrevious(); // verify the user has not submitted this PIN in the past if (PreviousOrder == null) { order.Insert(); internalId++; Affinity.Request rq = new Affinity.Request(this.phreezer); rq.OrderId = order.Id; rq.OriginatorId = accountidInt; rq.RequestTypeCode = "Refinance"; rq.StatusCode = Affinity.RequestStatus.DefaultCode; rq.Xml = xml; rq.Insert(); } else { duplicatePINs.Add(pin, ""); } } catch (FormatException ex) { this.Master.ShowFeedback("Please check that the estimated closing date is valid and in the format 'mm/dd/yyyy'", MasterPage.FeedbackType.Error); } } idx++; } pnlResults.Visible = true; pResults.InnerHtml = "<h1 style=\"color:black;\">" + (idx - duplicatePINs.Count).ToString() + " orders have been imported. " + duplicatePINs.Count.ToString() + " records failed.</h1>"; } }
/// <summary> /// Sends a notification to the affinity administrator if set in the system settings /// </summary> /// <param name="r"></param> protected void SendNotification(Affinity.Request r) { bool isNewRequest = this.isChange == false && r.RequestTypeCode != Affinity.RequestType.DefaultChangeCode; bool isClosing = (r.RequestTypeCode == Affinity.RequestType.ClosingRequestCode); bool isClerking = (r.RequestTypeCode == Affinity.RequestType.ClerkingRequestCode); bool isNotSurveyServices = r.GetDataValue("SurveyServices").Equals(""); string to = isClosing ? this.GetSystemSetting("ClosingRequestEmail") : this.GetSystemSetting("NewOrderEmail"); if (isClerking) { if (to.Equals("")) { to = this.GetSystemSetting("ClerkingRequestEmail"); } else { to += ", " + this.GetSystemSetting("ClerkingRequestEmail"); } } string state = order.PropertyState.ToUpper(); if (isNotSurveyServices && (state.Equals("IN") || state.Equals("MI") || state.Equals("FL"))) { string addEmailTo = (state.Equals("IN"))? "*****@*****.**" : (state.Equals("MI"))? "*****@*****.**" : "*****@*****.**"; if (to.Equals("")) { to = addEmailTo; } else { to += ", " + addEmailTo; } } // send the notification email if the originator wants it if (!to.Equals("")) { string url = this.GetSystemSetting("RootUrl") + "AdminOrder.aspx?id=" + r.Order.Id.ToString(); string subject = "Affinity " + r.RequestTypeCode + " Notification For " + r.Order.WorkingId; string header = isNewRequest ? "New Request" : "Change Request"; // send the email Com.VerySimple.Email.Mailer mailer = new Com.VerySimple.Email.Mailer(this.GetSystemSetting("SmtpHost")); string msg = "* This is an automated notification from the Affinity Web System *\r\n\r\n" + "Type: " + r.RequestTypeCode + " - " + header + "\r\n" + "Submitted By: " + r.Order.Account.FullName + "\r\n" + "Working ID: " + r.Order.WorkingId + "\r\n" + "PIN: " + r.Order.Pin + "\r\n" + "Friendly: " + r.Order.ClientName + "\r\n" + "Tracking Code: " + r.Order.CustomerId + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "URL: " + url + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "If you no longer wish to receive these notifications, please contact the Affinity Administrator.\r\n" + this.GetSystemSetting("EmailFooter"); mailer.Send( this.GetSystemSetting("SendFromEmail") , to.Replace(";", ",") , subject , msg); } }
/// <summary> /// The form controls are created at this point. if we create them at page load /// then their viewstate will not be persisted. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> override protected void PageBase_Init(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { bool isRefinance = (Request["Refinance"] != null && Request["Refinance"].Equals("True")); // we have to call the base first so phreezer is instantiated base.PageBase_Init(sender, e); int orderId = NoNull.GetInt(Request["id"], 0); string requestCode = NoNull.GetString(Request["code"], Affinity.RequestType.DefaultCode); this.order = new Affinity.Order(this.phreezer); order.Load(orderId); // make sure this user has permission to make updates to this order if (!order.CanUpdate(this.GetAccount())) { this.Crash(300, "Permission denied."); } this.rtype = new Affinity.RequestType(this.phreezer); rtype.Load(requestCode); this.xmlForm = new XmlForm(this.order.Account); this.changeId = NoNull.GetInt(Request["change"], 0); this.isChange = (!changeId.Equals(0)); if (this.rtype.Code.Equals("ClerkingRequest")) { ContentFooterSpan.InnerHtml = "© Copyright <%=DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() %>, Advocate Title Services, LLC"; } string busindxml = "<field name=\"BusinessLicenseID\">" + this.GetAccount().BusinessLicenseID + "</field>" + "<field name=\"IndividualLicenseID\">" + this.GetAccount().IndividualLicenseID + "</field>"; if (this.isChange) { // create a form for a change request Affinity.Request req = new Affinity.Request(this.phreezer); req.Load(changeId); pnlForm.Controls.Add(this.xmlForm.GetFormFieldControl(rtype.Definition, req.Xml.Replace("</response>", "") + busindxml + "</response>")); this.btnCancelChange.Visible = true; this.btnChange.Visible = true; this.btnCancelSubmit.Visible = false; this.btnSubmit.Visible = false; } else if (rtype.Code == Affinity.RequestType.DefaultChangeCode) { // this is a change to the main order, we store this as a request as well // but we treat it a little bit differently string resXml = XmlForm.XmlToString(order.GetResponse()); pnlForm.Controls.Add(this.xmlForm.GetFormFieldControl(rtype.Definition, resXml.Replace("</response>", "") + busindxml + "</response>")); this.btnCancelChange.Visible = true; this.btnChange.Visible = true; this.btnCancelSubmit.Visible = false; this.btnSubmit.Visible = false; } else { // create a form for a new request //string reqXml = XmlForm.XmlToString(order.GetResponse()); string reqXml = this.GetAccount().PreferencesXml; if (this.rtype.Code.Equals("ClerkingRequest")) { Affinity.RequestCriteria rc = new Affinity.RequestCriteria(); rc.RequestTypeCode = "Order"; Affinity.Requests reqs = order.GetOrderRequests(rc); if (reqs.Count > 0) { Affinity.Request r = (Affinity.Request)reqs[reqs.Count - 1]; //log.Debug(r.Xml); reqXml = reqXml.Replace("</response>", "") + busindxml + XmlForm.XmlToString(order.GetResponse()).Replace("<response>", "").Replace("</response>", "") + r.Xml.Replace("<response>", ""); pnlForm.Controls.Add(this.xmlForm.GetFormFieldControl(rtype.Definition, reqXml)); } else { reqXml = reqXml.Replace("</response>", "") + busindxml + XmlForm.XmlToString(order.GetResponse()).Replace("<response>", "").Replace("</response>", ""); pnlForm.Controls.Add(this.xmlForm.GetFormFieldControl(rtype.Definition, XmlForm.XmlToString(order.GetResponse()))); } } else { pnlForm.Controls.Add(this.xmlForm.GetFormFieldControl(rtype.Definition, reqXml)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Hides the form and shows the results of the request submission /// </summary> protected void ShowConfirmation() { pnlResults.Visible = true; // hide all the form controls pnlForm.Visible = false; btnSubmit.Visible = false; btnChange.Visible = false; btnCancelChange.Visible = false; btnCancelSubmit.Visible = false; pnlResults.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class=\"actions\">")); bool isTaxStampsSet = false; Affinity.RequestCriteria rc = new Affinity.RequestCriteria(); rc.RequestTypeCode = "ClerkingRequest"; Affinity.Requests reqs = order.GetOrderRequests(rc); int requestCount = reqs.Count; string changeParameter = ""; // check to see if any Clerking Requests exist if (requestCount > 0) { Affinity.Request req = (Affinity.Request)reqs[requestCount - 1]; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(req.Xml); XmlNode clerkingservicenode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//field[@name='ClerkingServicesSuburbanTransferStamps']"); if (clerkingservicenode != null) { string [] csnArry = clerkingservicenode.InnerText.ToLower().Split(','); int csnLen = csnArry.GetLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < csnLen; i++) { // verify if city is selected if (csnArry[i].Equals(order.PropertyCity.ToLower())) { isTaxStampsSet = true; break; } } } changeParameter = "change=" + req.Id.ToString() + "&"; } if (!isTaxStampsSet && order.IsTaxStampsRequired()) { if (changeParameter.Equals("")) { pnlResults.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class=\"notice\">The Tax District, " + order.PropertyCity + ", requires the purchase of tax stamps.<br>You can add tax stamps to this order by clicking on \"Add a Clerking Services Request to this Order\" below: </div>")); } else { pnlResults.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class=\"notice\">The Tax District, " + order.PropertyCity + ", requires the purchase of tax stamps.<br>You have an existing Clerking Request, but you didn't pick the stamp for your city.<br>You can add the tax stamp for your city to this order by clicking on \"Add a Clerking Services Request to this Order\" below and under the section heading \"SUBURBAN TRANSFER STAMPS\", check the checkbox next to " + order.PropertyCity + ": </div>")); } } else { isTaxStampsSet = true; } // show the available actions that can be done with this order Affinity.RequestTypes rts = order.GetAvailableRequestTypes(); pnlResults.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class=\"actions\">")); foreach (Affinity.RequestType rt in rts) { if (rt.Code.Equals("ClerkingRequest")) { isTaxStampsSet = true; } pnlResults.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div><a class=\"add\" href=\"MyRequestSubmit.aspx?id=" + order.Id + "&code=" + rt.Code + "\">Add a " + rt.Description + " to this Order</a></div>")); } if (!isTaxStampsSet) { pnlResults.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div><a class=\"add\" href=\"MyRequestSubmit.aspx?" + changeParameter + "id=" + order.Id + "&code=ClerkingRequest\">Add a Clerking Services Request to this Order</a></div></div>")); } pnlResults.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</div>")); pnlResults.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div><a class=\"order\" href=\"MyOrder.aspx?id=" + order.Id + "\">View My Order</a></div>")); pnlResults.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div><a class=\"home\" href=\"MyAccount.aspx\">Return To My Account</a></div>")); pnlResults.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</div>")); }
/// <summary> /// submits the order /// </summary> protected void SubmitOrder() { this.header.InnerText = "Your order has been submitted"; this.Master.SetLayout(this.header.InnerText, MasterPage.LayoutStyle.ContentOnly); // parse the controls on the page and generate an xml doc XmlDocument doc = this.xmlForm.GetResponse(pnlForm); XmlNode TractSearchNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//field[@name = 'TractSearch']"); XmlNode BuyerNameNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//field[@name = 'Buyer']"); if (TractSearchNode != null && TractSearchNode.InnerText.Equals("Yes") && BuyerNameNode != null && BuyerNameNode.InnerText.Equals("")) { BuyerNameNode.InnerText = "."; } Affinity.Request req = new Affinity.Request(this.phreezer); req.OrderId = order.Id; req.OriginatorId = this.GetAccount().Id; req.RequestTypeCode = this.rtype.Code; req.StatusCode = (this.isChange || this.rtype.Code == Affinity.RequestType.DefaultChangeCode) ? Affinity.RequestStatus.ChangedCode : Affinity.RequestStatus.DefaultCode; req.Xml = XmlForm.XmlToString(doc).Replace("’", "'"); req.Insert(); string surveyServices = req.GetDataValue("SurveyServices"); // if this is a change, we have to update any previous requests of the // same type so they are no longer recognized as the most current and we // know that they have been replaced by a newer request if (this.isChange) { Affinity.Request cr = new Affinity.Request(this.phreezer); cr.Load(this.changeId); // just a safety check to block any querystring monkeybusiness if (cr.OrderId == order.Id) { cr.IsCurrent = false; cr.Update(); } if (surveyServices != cr.GetDataValue("SurveyServices")) { // the survey services has been changed. it's either new or cancelled SendSurveyNotification(req, (surveyServices != "REQUIRED"), (surveyServices == "REQUIRED")); } } else if (surveyServices == "REQUIRED") { // send a notification that a new survey service has been requested SendSurveyNotification(req, false, true); } // if this was a property change, we need to update the master order record // as well so the data on the datagrids shows correctly if (this.rtype.Code == Affinity.RequestType.DefaultChangeCode) { order.ClientName = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "ClientName", order.ClientName); order.Pin = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PIN", order.Pin); // case is different order.AdditionalPins = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "AdditionalPins", order.AdditionalPins); order.PropertyAddress = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PropertyAddress", order.PropertyAddress2); order.PropertyAddress2 = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PropertyAddress2", order.PropertyAddress); order.PropertyCity = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PropertyCity", order.PropertyCity); order.PropertyState = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PropertyState", order.PropertyState); order.PropertyZip = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PropertyZip", order.PropertyZip); order.CustomerId = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "CustomerId", order.CustomerId); order.PropertyCounty = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PropertyCounty", order.PropertyCounty); string closingDate = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "ClosingDate", order.ClosingDate.ToShortDateString()); try { order.ClosingDate = DateTime.Parse(closingDate); } catch (FormatException ex) { // TODO: check this at an earlier stage so we can roll back the transaction this.Master.ShowFeedback("Your order was updated however the new closing date was ignored because it was not a valid date in the format 'mm/dd/yyyy'", MasterPage.FeedbackType.Error); } } // we have to sync the status of the order because any new requests may change it // this will also call Update on the order if we've made any changes order.SyncStatus(); // notify affinity if specified in system settings SendNotification(req); //TODO: redirect to a thank-you page instead of just showing the message ShowConfirmation(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RequirePermission(Affinity.RolePermission.SubmitOrders); string id = NoNull.GetString(Request["id"]); string keyAttribute = NoNull.GetString(Request["key"], "sp_id"); string format = NoNull.GetString(Request["format"], "hash"); string exportformat = "PFT"; if (!format.Equals("entire")) { Affinity.Request r = new Affinity.Request(this.phreezer); r.Load(id); // make sure this user has permission to make updates to this order if (!r.Order.CanRead(this.GetAccount())) { this.Crash(300, "Permission denied."); } IBaseRenderer renderer = null; // depending on the format requested, get the correct renderer object switch (format) { case "entire": break; case "xml": exportformat = "Generic XML"; renderer = new XmlRenderer(r, this.GetSystemSettings()); break; case "rei": exportformat = "REI XML"; renderer = new XmlREIRenderer(r, this.GetSystemSettings()); break; case "change": exportformat = "PFT (Changes Only)"; renderer = new PFTChangeRenderer(r, this.GetSystemSettings()); break; case "TPS": exportformat = "TPS"; renderer = new TPSServicePFTRenderer(r, this.GetSystemSettings()); break; //case "special": // renderer = new XmlSpecialRenderer(r, this.GetSystemSettings()); // break; default: renderer = new PFTRenderer(r, this.GetSystemSettings()); break; } Affinity.ExportLog exportlog = new Affinity.ExportLog(this.phreezer); Affinity.Account account = this.GetAccount(); exportlog.AccountID = account.Id; exportlog.OrderID = r.OrderId; exportlog.RequestID = r.Id; exportlog.ExportFormat = exportformat; exportlog.Insert(); // output the results of the renderer OutputRenderer(renderer, keyAttribute); } else { Affinity.RequestTypes rts = new Affinity.RequestTypes(this.phreezer); Affinity.RequestTypeCriteria rtc = new Affinity.RequestTypeCriteria(); rtc.IsActive = 1; rts.Query(rtc); Object [] renderers = new Object[rts.Count]; IEnumerator i = rts.GetEnumerator(); int j = 0; bool isClerkingServices = false; Affinity.Account account = this.GetAccount(); exportformat = "Entire Order"; while (i.MoveNext()) { Affinity.RequestType rt = (Affinity.RequestType)i.Current; Affinity.Order order = new Affinity.Order(this.phreezer); order.Load(id); Affinity.RequestCriteria rc = new Affinity.RequestCriteria(); rc.RequestTypeCode = rt.Code; order.GetOrderRequests(rc); Affinity.Requests reqs = order.GetOrderRequests(rc); Affinity.Request r = null; if (reqs.Count > 0) { r = (Affinity.Request)reqs[0]; if (rt.Code.Equals("ClerkingRequest")) { isClerkingServices = true; } IBaseRenderer renderer = new PFTRenderer(r, this.GetSystemSettings()); renderers[j] = renderer; j++; } if (r != null) { Affinity.ExportLog exportlog = new Affinity.ExportLog(this.phreezer); exportlog.AccountID = account.Id; exportlog.OrderID = r.OrderId; exportlog.RequestID = r.Id; exportlog.ExportFormat = exportformat; exportlog.Insert(); } } OutputMultiRenderer(renderers, keyAttribute, isClerkingServices); } }