// Function: Calculate en render Histogram in window public void renderHistogram(vtk.vtkImageData VoxelData) { // Get size of histogram window int[] size = renHist.GetSize(); width = size[0]; height = size[1]; //Setup parameters histogram Accumulate Filter numBins = width / 2; inputRange = VoxelData.GetScalarRange(); double origin = inputRange[0]; double spacing = 1.0 * (inputRange[1] - origin) / numBins; // Setup Accumulate filter vtk.vtkImageAccumulate accumulate = new vtk.vtkImageAccumulate(); accumulate.SetInput(VoxelData); //Get input voxeldata accumulate.SetComponentExtent(0, numBins - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); accumulate.SetComponentOrigin(origin, 0.0, 0.0); accumulate.SetComponentSpacing(spacing, 1.0, 1.0); // Make Data object from Accumulated object data = accumulate.GetOutput(); data.Update(); // Initialize first and last point of the transferfunction. npoints = 2; pointsx[0] = 0; pointsy[0] = 0; pointsx[1] = width - 1; pointsy[1] = height - 1; pointsc[0] = 1; pointsc[1] = 1; // Draw the histogram in a canvas and add the transferfunction to it drawhisto(); drawcurve(); // Create a color table vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction colorTransferFunction = new vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction(); for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { colorTransferFunction.AddRGBPoint(i, colortable[i, 0], colortable[i, 1], colortable[i, 2]); } // Use the color table to color the histogram window objects vtk.vtkImageMapToColors sColors = new vtk.vtkImageMapToColors(); sColors.SetInputConnection(canvas.GetOutputPort()); sColors.SetLookupTable(colorTransferFunction); // Convert the histogram image to a histogram imagemap vtk.vtkImageMapper histmap = new vtk.vtkImageMapper(); histmap.SetInputConnection(sColors.GetOutputPort()); histmap.RenderToRectangleOn(); histmap.SetColorWindow(256); histmap.SetColorLevel(127); // Create the actor needed to draw the histogram image vtk.vtkActor2D imageactor = new vtk.vtkActor2D(); imageactor.SetMapper(histmap); imageactor.SetPosition(0, 0); // Fit the histogram to the window imageactor.SetPosition2(1, 1); // Add the Histogram Image Render to the window object ren1.AddActor(imageactor); ren1.SetViewport(0, 0, 1, 1); // Fit the histogram to the window renHist.AddRenderer(ren1); // Add a Window (mouse) interactor to the window iren.SetRenderWindow(renHist); // Add mouse events to the window iren.RemoveObserver((uint)vtk.EventIds.LeftButtonPressEvent); iren.AddObserver((uint)vtk.EventIds.LeftButtonPressEvent, new vtk.vtkDotNetCallback(LeftButtonPress)); iren.RemoveObserver((uint)vtk.EventIds.LeftButtonReleaseEvent); iren.AddObserver((uint)vtk.EventIds.LeftButtonReleaseEvent, new vtk.vtkDotNetCallback(LeftButtonRelease)); iren.RemoveObserver((uint)vtk.EventIds.MouseMoveEvent); iren.AddObserver((uint)vtk.EventIds.MouseMoveEvent, new vtk.vtkDotNetCallback(MouseMove)); iren.RemoveObserver((uint)vtk.EventIds.RightButtonPressEvent); iren.AddObserver((uint)vtk.EventIds.RightButtonPressEvent, new vtk.vtkDotNetCallback(RightButtonPress)); iren.RemoveObserver((uint)vtk.EventIds.MiddleButtonPressEvent); iren.AddObserver((uint)vtk.EventIds.MiddleButtonPressEvent, new vtk.vtkDotNetCallback(MiddleButtonPress)); // Set the (display) update rate of the histogram iren.SetStillUpdateRate(5); iren.SetDesiredUpdateRate(5); // Initialize interactor and render histogram iren.Initialize(); renHist.Render(); // Debug output info = "Histogram is created \r\n"; }