private void frmFileReplay_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { this._playState = _playStates.QUIT; }
private void frmFileReplayToolPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this._logFileName != string.Empty) { this._lastPlayState = this._playState; this._playState = _playStates.PLAY; this.Text = "Play: " + this._logFileName; if (this._lastPlayState == _playStates.IDLE) { this.comm.WriteApp("User marker: Start playing " + this._logFileName); } this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Enabled = false; } else { MessageBox.Show("No file open", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } }
private void frmFileReplayToolStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this._playState = _playStates.IDLE; this.comm.Log.CloseFile(); this.comm.File_ResetProtocol(); this.Text = "Stop: " + this._logFileName; this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Enabled = true; }
private void frmFileReplayToolForward_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this._lastPlayState = this._playState; this._playState = _playStates.FORWARD; if (this._playState != this._lastPlayState) { this.comm.WriteApp("User marker: Go forward to next epoch"); } this.Text = "Forward: " + this._logFileName; this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Enabled = false; }
private void frmFileReplayToolPause_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this._lastPlayState = this._playState; this._playState = _playStates.PAUSE; this.Text = "Pause: " + this._logFileName; this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Enabled = true; }
private void frmFileReplayCloseToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this._playState = _playStates.IDLE; if (this._fileHdlr != null) { this._fileHdlr.Close(); } this._fileHdlr = null; this._logFileName = string.Empty; this.Text = "Idle"; this.frmFileReplayOpenToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; }
private void frmFileReplayOpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Title = "Specify log file name:"; dialog.InitialDirectory = @"..\..\logs\"; dialog.Filter = "GP2 (*.gp2)|*.gp2|GPS (*.gps)|*.gps|All files (*.*)|*.*"; dialog.FilterIndex = 1; dialog.CheckPathExists = false; dialog.CheckFileExists = false; if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } this._logFileName = dialog.FileName; this.Text = "Open: " + this._logFileName; this._fileHdlr = new LargeFileHandler(this._logFileName); this._totalFileSize = this._fileHdlr.Length; this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Value = 0; this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Maximum = 100; this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Minimum = 0; this._playState = _playStates.IDLE; this._lastPlayState = this._playState; this.comm.MessageProtocol = this.cboProtocols.SelectedItem.ToString(); string[] strArray = this._logFileName.Split(new char[] { '.' }); if (strArray.Length != 2) { return; } string str = strArray[1].ToUpper(); if (str != null) { if (!(str == "GP2") && !(str == "GPX")) { if (str == "GPS") { this._viewType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.GPS; this._fileType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.GPS; goto Label_01A1; } if (str == "TXT") { this._viewType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.Text; this._fileType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.Text; goto Label_01A1; } if (str == "BIN") { this._viewType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.Hex; this._fileType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.Hex; goto Label_01A1; } } else { this._viewType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.GP2; this._fileType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.GP2; goto Label_01A1; } } this._viewType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.Hex; this._fileType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.Hex; Label_01A1: this._processFileLog = strArray[0] + ".par"; this.frmFileReplayOpenToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; }
private void parseFile() { EventHandler method = null; EventHandler handler2 = null; EventHandler handler3 = null; EventHandler handler4 = null; EventHandler handler5 = null; EventHandler handler6 = null; EventHandler handler7 = null; EventHandler handler8 = null; CommonUtilsClass class2 = new CommonUtilsClass(); string timeStamp = string.Empty; int millisecondsTimeout = 500; bool flag = false; Label_002C: try { switch (this._playState) { case _playStates.IDLE: millisecondsTimeout = 500; this._fileIndex = 0L; if (method == null) { method = delegate { this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Enabled = true; }; } this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Invoke(method); goto Label_080E; case _playStates.PLAY: millisecondsTimeout = this.speedDelay; class2.viewPause = false; if (handler3 == null) { handler3 = delegate { this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Enabled = false; }; } this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Invoke(handler3); if (this._fileHdlr != null) { string csvString = this._fileHdlr[this._fileIndex]; try { string str4; if (csvString == "EOF") { if (MessageBox.Show("End of file reached! -- Rewind?", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes) { this._fileIndex = 0L; this.comm.WriteApp("User marker: Rewind and retart"); } else { this._playState = _playStates.IDLE; if (handler4 == null) { handler4 = delegate { this.Text = "Stop: " + this._logFileName; }; } base.Invoke(handler4); } if (handler5 == null) { handler5 = delegate { this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Value = this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Maximum; }; } this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Invoke(handler5); goto Label_080E; } string inputString = string.Empty; bool flag2 = false; CommonClass.MessageType normal = CommonClass.MessageType.Normal; csvString = csvString.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\n' }); csvString = csvString.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\r' }); switch (this._fileType) { case CommonClass.TransmissionType.Text: inputString = csvString; normal = CommonClass.MessageType.Incoming; timeStamp = string.Empty; goto Label_04F9; case CommonClass.TransmissionType.GP2: { csvString = csvString.ToUpper(); if (!csvString.Contains("A0 A2")) { goto Label_0280; } int index = csvString.IndexOf("A0 A2"); int num3 = csvString.IndexOf("("); inputString = csvString.Substring(index); str4 = csvString.Substring(num3 + 1, 1); if (!(str4 == "0")) { break; } normal = CommonClass.MessageType.Incoming; goto Label_04F9; } case CommonClass.TransmissionType.GPS: { inputString = csvString; normal = CommonClass.MessageType.Normal; csvString = csvString.Replace(" ", ""); string messageProtocol = this.comm.MessageProtocol; if (this.comm.MessageProtocol == "OSP") { messageProtocol = "SSB"; } if (csvString.StartsWith("2,")) { this.comm.getSatellitesDataForGUIFromCSV(2, 0, messageProtocol, csvString); } else if (csvString.StartsWith("4,")) { this.comm.getSatellitesDataForGUIFromCSV(4, 0, messageProtocol, csvString); } else if (csvString.StartsWith("41,")) { this.comm.getSatellitesDataForGUIFromCSV(0x29, 0, messageProtocol, csvString); } else { if (!csvString.StartsWith("225,")) { goto Label_04A1; } if (!csvString.StartsWith("225,00")) { goto Label_03D1; } if (!clsGlobal.IsMarketingUser() && (csvString.Length > 1)) { string str6 = string.Empty; for (int i = 6; i < csvString.Length; i += 2) { byte num5 = (byte) int.Parse(csvString.Substring(i, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber); num5 = (byte) (num5 ^ 0xff); str6 = str6 + Convert.ToChar(num5); } inputString = str6; } } goto Label_04F9; } default: inputString = csvString; normal = CommonClass.MessageType.Normal; timeStamp = string.Empty; goto Label_04F9; } switch (str4) { case "1": case "2": normal = CommonClass.MessageType.Incoming; break; } goto Label_04F9; Label_0280: inputString = csvString; goto Label_04F9; Label_03D1: if (csvString.StartsWith("225,6")) { this.GetTTFFFromCSV(csvString); if (!this.comm.AutoReplyCtrl.AutoReplyParams.AutoReply && (this._ttffDisplay != null)) { ReceiverReset resetCtrl = this.comm.RxCtrl.ResetCtrl; resetCtrl.ResetCount++; this._ttffDisplay.updateTTFFNow(); } } else if (csvString.StartsWith("225,7")) { this.GetTTFFFromCSV(csvString); if (this.comm.AutoReplyCtrl.AutoReplyParams.AutoReply && (this._ttffDisplay != null)) { ReceiverReset reset2 = this.comm.RxCtrl.ResetCtrl; reset2.ResetCount++; this._ttffDisplay.updateTTFFNow(); } } goto Label_04F9; Label_04A1: if (csvString.StartsWith("69,")) { this.comm.AutoReplyCtrl.AutoReplyParams.AutoReply = true; if (csvString.StartsWith("69,1")) { this.getOSPPosition(csvString); } } Label_04F9: flag2 = this.comm.File_DataReceived(normal, inputString, this._isMatchRegularExpression, this._regMatchString, timeStamp); this.rtbDisplayProccess(); if (flag2) { this._count++; if ((this._lastPlayState != _playStates.FORWARD) && (this._lastPlayState != _playStates.BACKWARD)) { if (handler6 == null) { handler6 = delegate { this.frmFileReplayOccurrence.Text = "Match: " + this._count.ToString() + " found"; }; } this.frmFileReplayOccurrence.Invoke(handler6); } this._playState = _playStates.PAUSE; } this._fileIndex = this._fileHdlr.Index + 1L; if (this._totalFileSize != 0L) { int processPercentage = (int) ((((double) this._fileHdlr.Index) / ((double) this._totalFileSize)) * 100.0); this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Value = processPercentage; }); } if (this.comm._isEpochMessage) { this.comm._isEpochMessage = false; if (this._lastPlayState != _playStates.BACKWARD) { if (this._epochList.Count >= 100) { this._epochList.RemoveAt(0); } if (!this._epochList.Contains(this._fileIndex - 1L)) { this._epochList.Add(this._fileIndex - 1L); this._epochIndex = this._epochList.Count - 1; } } } } catch (Exception exception) { if (this._playState != _playStates.QUIT) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Error: {0}\n{1}", exception.Message, csvString), "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); this._fileIndex = this._fileHdlr.Index + 1L; } } } goto Label_080E; case _playStates.PAUSE: millisecondsTimeout = 500; if (handler2 == null) { handler2 = delegate { this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Enabled = true; }; } this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Invoke(handler2); goto Label_080E; case _playStates.FORWARD: if (handler7 == null) { handler7 = delegate { this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Enabled = false; }; } this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Invoke(handler7); this.comm._isCheckEpoch = true; this._lastPlayState = this._playState; this._playState = _playStates.PLAY; this._epochIndex++; if (this._epochIndex > (this._epochList.Count - 1)) { this._epochIndex = this._epochList.Count - 1; if (this._epochIndex < 0) { this._epochIndex = 0; } } goto Label_080E; case _playStates.BACKWARD: if (handler8 == null) { handler8 = delegate { this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Enabled = false; }; } this.frmFileReplayTrackBar.Invoke(handler8); this.comm._isCheckEpoch = true; this._lastPlayState = this._playState; if (this._epochIndex < 1) { MessageBox.Show("Reached end of backward list", "Warning"); this._epochIndex = 0; this._playState = _playStates.PAUSE; } else { this._fileIndex = this._epochList[this._epochIndex - 1]; this._epochIndex--; this._playState = _playStates.PLAY; } goto Label_080E; case _playStates.QUIT: flag = true; goto Label_080E; } millisecondsTimeout = this.speedDelay; } catch (Exception exception2) { if (this._playState != _playStates.QUIT) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Error: frmFileReplay: parseFile() {0}", exception2.ToString()), "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); this._fileIndex = this._fileHdlr.Index + 1L; } } Label_080E: if (flag) { return; } Thread.Sleep(millisecondsTimeout); goto Label_002C; }
protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e) { this._playState = _playStates.QUIT; m_SChildform = null; this.comm.Log.CloseFile(); if (this._fileHdlr != null) { this._fileHdlr.Close(); } if (this._parseThread != null) { this._parseThread.Abort(); this._parseThread.Join(); } if (this._signalMapPanel != null) { this._signalMapPanel.Close(); } if (this._signalStrengthPanel != null) { this._signalStrengthPanel.Close(); } if (this._locationViewPanel != null) { this._locationViewPanel.Close(); } if (this._interferenceReport != null) { this._interferenceReport.Close(); } if (this._messageFilter != null) { this._messageFilter.Close(); } if (this._ttffDisplay != null) { this._ttffDisplay.Close(); } base.OnClosed(e); }
private void fileReplayCloseHandler() { if (_isFileOpen) { _playState = _playStates.IDLE; _playState = _playStates.QUIT; if (_fileHdlr != null) { _fileHdlr.Close(); } _fileHdlr = null; _isFileOpen = false; _logFileName = string.Empty; toolStripOpenFileBtn.Enabled = true; fileOpenToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; filePlayBackTrackBar.Enabled = true; filePlayBackTrackBar.Visible = false; Text = string.Format("{0}: File Playback Close", clsGlobal.SiRFLiveVersion); } }
private DialogResult fileReplayOpenHandler() { bool flag = false; foreach (string str in PortManagerHash.Keys) { if (!(str == clsGlobal.FilePlayBackPortName)) { PortManager manager = (PortManager) PortManagerHash[str]; if ((manager != null) && manager.comm.IsSourceDeviceOpen()) { flag = true; break; } } } if (flag && (MessageBox.Show("Proceeding will close all open ports. Continue?", "File Playback Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.No)) { return DialogResult.Cancel; } foreach (string str2 in PortManagerHash.Keys) { if (str2 != clsGlobal.FilePlayBackPortName) { PortManager tmpP = (PortManager) PortManagerHash[str2]; if (tmpP != null) { if (tmpP.comm.IsSourceDeviceOpen()) { tmpP.comm.ClosePort(); } tmpP.CloseAll(); updateGUIOnConnectNDisconnect(tmpP); } } } updateAllMainBtn(); menuBtnInit(); OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Title = "Specify log file name:"; dialog.InitialDirectory = @"..\..\logs\"; dialog.Filter = "GP2 (*.gp2)|*.gp2|GPS (*.gps)|*.gps|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"; dialog.FilterIndex = 4; dialog.CheckPathExists = false; dialog.CheckFileExists = false; if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { goto Label_04AE; } _logFileName = dialog.FileName; if ((_logFileName == string.Empty) || !File.Exists(_logFileName)) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Error Open file\n {0}", _logFileName), "File Playback Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); _playState = _playStates.IDLE; return DialogResult.Cancel; } Text = string.Format("{0}: File Playback", clsGlobal.SiRFLiveVersion); _fileHdlr = new LargeFileHandler(_logFileName); _totalFileSize = _fileHdlr.Length; filePlayBackTrackBar.Value = 0; filePlayBackTrackBar.Maximum = 100; filePlayBackTrackBar.Minimum = 0; filePlayBackTrackBar.Enabled = true; filePlayBackTrackBar.Visible = true; _playState = _playStates.IDLE; _lastPlayState = _playState; FileInfo info = new FileInfo(_logFileName); if (info.Length == 0L) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("0 length file dectected!\n{0}", _logFileName), "File Playback Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return DialogResult.Cancel; } string str3 = info.Extension.ToUpper(); if (str3 != null) { if (!(str3 == ".GP2") && !(str3 == ".GPX")) { if (str3 == ".GPS") { _viewType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.GPS; _fileType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.GPS; goto Label_033C; } if (str3 == ".TXT") { _viewType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.Text; _fileType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.Text; goto Label_033C; } if (str3 == ".BIN") { _viewType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.Hex; _fileType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.Hex; goto Label_033C; } } else { _viewType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.GPS; _fileType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.GP2; goto Label_033C; } } _viewType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.Hex; _fileType = CommonClass.TransmissionType.Hex; Label_033C: _processFileLog = info.DirectoryName + info.Name + ".par"; PortManager manager3 = setupFileReplayPort(); if (manager3 != null) { manager3.UpdateMainWindow += new PortManager.updateParentEventHandler(updateMainWindowTitle); if (!toolStripPortComboBox.Items.Contains(clsGlobal.FilePlayBackPortName)) { toolStripPortComboBox.Items.Add(clsGlobal.FilePlayBackPortName); } toolStripPortComboBox.Text = clsGlobal.FilePlayBackPortName; if (_lastPlayState == _playStates.IDLE) { manager3.comm.WriteApp("User marker: Open file: " + _logFileName); } manager3.PerPortToolStrip = AddPortToolbar((toolStripMain.Location.Y + (0x19 * PortManagerHash.Count)) + 0x23, manager3.comm.PortName); manager3.ClearSubWindowsData(true); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error Setup Port for File Playback", "File Playback Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); _playState = _playStates.IDLE; return DialogResult.Cancel; } fileOpenToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; toolStripOpenFileBtn.Enabled = false; logManagerStatusLabel.Text = _logFileName; _isFileOpen = true; _parseThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(parseFile)); _parseThread.IsBackground = true; _parseThread.Start(); EnableDisableMenuAndButtonForFilePlayback(true); updateFilePlaybackBtn(true); Label_04AE: return base.DialogResult; }
private void toolStripStopBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_isFileOpen && (_playState != _playStates.IDLE)) { _playState = _playStates.IDLE; Text = string.Format("{0}: File Playback Stop", clsGlobal.SiRFLiveVersion); filePlayBackTrackBar.Enabled = true; updateFilePlaybackPauseBtn(false); } }
private void toolStripPlayBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((_isFileOpen || (fileReplayOpenHandler() != DialogResult.Cancel)) && (_playState != _playStates.PLAY)) { if (_playState != _playStates.PAUSE) { PortManager manager = (PortManager) PortManagerHash[clsGlobal.FilePlayBackPortName]; if (((manager != null) && (manager._SiRFAware != null)) && manager.SiRFawareLocation.IsOpen) { manager._SiRFAware.SirfawareGUIInit(); } } _lastPlayState = _playState; _playState = _playStates.PLAY; Text = string.Format("{0}: File Playback Play", clsGlobal.SiRFLiveVersion); filePlayBackTrackBar.Enabled = false; updateFilePlaybackPauseBtn(false); } }
private void toolStripPause_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _lastPlayState = _playState; if ((_playState != _playStates.IDLE) && (_playState != _playStates.QUIT)) { if (_playState != _playStates.PAUSE) { _playState = _playStates.PAUSE; updateFilePlaybackPauseBtn(true); filePlayBackTrackBar.Enabled = true; Text = string.Format("{0}: -- File Playback Pause ", clsGlobal.SiRFLiveVersion); } else { _playState = _playStates.PLAY; updateFilePlaybackPauseBtn(false); filePlayBackTrackBar.Enabled = false; Text = string.Format("{0}: -- File Playback Play ", clsGlobal.SiRFLiveVersion); } } }
private void toolStripNextBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_playState != _playStates.FORWARD) { _lastPlayState = _playState; _playState = _playStates.FORWARD; Text = string.Format("{0}: -- File Playback Forward ", clsGlobal.SiRFLiveVersion); filePlayBackTrackBar.Enabled = false; updateFilePlaybackPauseBtn(false); } }
private void parseFile() { EventHandler method = null; EventHandler handler2 = null; EventHandler handler3 = null; EventHandler handler4 = null; EventHandler handler5 = null; EventHandler handler6 = null; EventHandler handler7 = null; CommonUtilsClass class2 = new CommonUtilsClass(); string timeStamp = string.Empty; int millisecondsTimeout = 500; bool flag = false; PortManager manager = (PortManager) PortManagerHash[clsGlobal.FilePlayBackPortName]; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = clsGlobal.MyCulture; Label_004F: try { switch (_playState) { case _playStates.IDLE: millisecondsTimeout = 500; _fileIndex = 0L; if (method == null) { method = delegate { filePlayBackTrackBar.Enabled = true; }; } filePlayBackTrackBar.Invoke(method); goto Label_0B9D; case _playStates.PLAY: millisecondsTimeout = _speedDelay; class2.viewPause = false; if (handler3 == null) { handler3 = delegate { filePlayBackTrackBar.Enabled = false; }; } filePlayBackTrackBar.Invoke(handler3); if (_fileHdlr != null) { string input = _fileHdlr[_fileIndex]; try { string str7; if (input == "EOF") { if (MessageBox.Show("End of file reached! -- Rewind?", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk) == DialogResult.Yes) { _fileIndex = 0L; if (((manager != null) && (manager._SiRFAware != null)) && manager.SiRFawareLocation.IsOpen) { manager._SiRFAware.SirfawareGUIInit(); } } else { _playState = _playStates.IDLE; if (handler4 == null) { handler4 = delegate { Text = string.Format("{0}: File Playback Stop", clsGlobal.SiRFLiveVersion); }; } base.Invoke(handler4); } if (handler5 == null) { handler5 = delegate { filePlayBackTrackBar.Value = filePlayBackTrackBar.Maximum; }; } filePlayBackTrackBar.Invoke(handler5); goto Label_0B9D; } string inputString = string.Empty; CommonClass.MessageType normal = CommonClass.MessageType.Normal; input = input.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\n' }); input = input.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\r' }); string pattern = @"\(1\)\tA0 A2 \w+ \w+ 80"; string str5 = @"\(1\)\tA0 A2 \w+ \w+ D6"; string str6 = @"(?<rt>\w+) \w+ \w+ B0 B3"; Regex regex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled); if (regex.IsMatch(input)) { manager.comm.RxCtrl.ResetCtrl.ResetDataInit(); regex = new Regex(str6, RegexOptions.Compiled); if (regex.IsMatch(input)) { try { byte maskByte = byte.Parse(regex.Match(input).Result("${rt}"), NumberStyles.HexNumber); manager.comm.RxCtrl.ResetCtrl.ResetType = SSB_Format.GetResetTypeFromBitMap(maskByte); } catch { } } else { manager.comm.RxCtrl.ResetCtrl.ResetType = "Unknown"; } } regex = new Regex(str5, RegexOptions.Compiled); if (regex.IsMatch(input)) { manager.comm.AutoReplyCtrl.AutoReplyParams.AutoReply = true; } switch (_fileType) { case CommonClass.TransmissionType.Text: inputString = input; normal = CommonClass.MessageType.Incoming; timeStamp = string.Empty; goto Label_0863; case CommonClass.TransmissionType.GP2: { input = input.ToUpper(); if (!input.Contains("A0 A2")) { goto Label_03A9; } int index = input.IndexOf("A0 A2"); int num4 = input.IndexOf("("); inputString = input.Substring(index); str7 = input.Substring(num4 + 1, 1); if (!(str7 == "0")) { break; } normal = CommonClass.MessageType.Incoming; goto Label_0863; } case CommonClass.TransmissionType.GPS: { inputString = input; normal = CommonClass.MessageType.Normal; input = input.Replace(" ", ""); string messageProtocol = manager.comm.MessageProtocol; if (manager.comm.MessageProtocol == "OSP") { messageProtocol = "SSB"; } if (input.StartsWith("2,")) { manager.comm.getSatellitesDataForGUIFromCSV(2, 0, messageProtocol, input); } else if (input.StartsWith("4,")) { manager.comm.getSatellitesDataForGUIFromCSV(4, 0, messageProtocol, input); } else if (input.StartsWith("41,")) { manager.comm.getSatellitesDataForGUIFromCSV(0x29, 0, messageProtocol, input); } else if (input.StartsWith("30,")) { manager.comm.getSatellitesDataForGUIFromCSV(30, 0, messageProtocol, input); } else { if (!input.StartsWith("225,")) { goto Label_05FD; } if (!input.StartsWith("225,00")) { goto Label_053A; } if (!clsGlobal.IsMarketingUser() && (input.Length > 1)) { string str9 = string.Empty; string[] strArray = input.Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 2; i < strArray.Length; i += 2) { byte num6 = (byte) int.Parse(strArray[i], NumberStyles.HexNumber); num6 = (byte) (num6 ^ 0xff); str9 = str9 + Convert.ToChar(num6); } inputString = str9; } } goto Label_0863; } default: inputString = input; normal = CommonClass.MessageType.Normal; timeStamp = string.Empty; goto Label_0863; } switch (str7) { case "1": case "2": normal = CommonClass.MessageType.Outgoing; break; } goto Label_0863; Label_03A9: inputString = input; goto Label_0863; Label_053A: if (input.StartsWith("225,6")) { manager.GetTTFFFromCSVString(input); if ((!manager.comm.AutoReplyCtrl.AutoReplyParams.AutoReply && (manager._ttffDisplay != null)) && manager.TTFFDisplayLocation.IsOpen) { manager._ttffDisplay.updateTTFFNow(); } } else if (input.StartsWith("225,7")) { manager.GetTTFFFromCSVString(input); if ((manager.comm.AutoReplyCtrl.AutoReplyParams.AutoReply && (manager._ttffDisplay != null)) && manager.TTFFDisplayLocation.IsOpen) { manager._ttffDisplay.updateTTFFNow(); } } goto Label_0863; Label_05FD: if (input.StartsWith("69,")) { manager.comm.AutoReplyCtrl.AutoReplyParams.AutoReply = true; if (input.StartsWith("69,1")) { manager.GetOSPPositionFormCSVString(input); } } else if (input.StartsWith("77,")) { if ((manager._SiRFAware != null) && manager.SiRFawareLocation.IsOpen) { Hashtable siRFAwareScanResHash = null; if (input.StartsWith("77,1")) { siRFAwareScanResHash = manager.comm.getMPMStatsDataForGUIFromCSV(0x4d, 1, "OSP", input); } else if (input.StartsWith("77,2")) { siRFAwareScanResHash = manager.comm.getMPMStatsDataForGUIFromCSV(0x4d, 2, "OSP", input); } else if (input.StartsWith("77,3")) { siRFAwareScanResHash = manager.comm.getMPMStatsDataForGUIFromCSV(0x4d, 3, "OSP", input); } else if (input.StartsWith("77,4")) { siRFAwareScanResHash = manager.comm.getMPMStatsDataForGUIFromCSV(0x4d, 4, "OSP", input); } else if (input.StartsWith("77,5")) { siRFAwareScanResHash = manager.comm.getMPMStatsDataForGUIFromCSV(0x4d, 5, "OSP", input); } else if (input.StartsWith("77,7")) { siRFAwareScanResHash = manager.comm.getMPMStatsDataForGUIFromCSV(0x4d, 7, "OSP", input); } manager._SiRFAware.UpdateSiRFawareGUI(siRFAwareScanResHash); } } else if (input.Contains("TTFF(s)")) { try { if (manager._SiRFAware != null) { string[] strArray2 = input.Split(new char[] { '=' }); manager._SiRFAware.TTFF = double.Parse(strArray2[1]); if (manager.SiRFawareLocation.IsOpen) { manager._SiRFAware.UpdateSiRFawareGUITime(); } } } catch { } } else if (input.Contains("TotalTimeinSiRFaware(s)")) { try { if (manager._SiRFAware != null) { string[] strArray3 = input.Split(new char[] { '=' }); manager._SiRFAware.TotalMPMTime = double.Parse(strArray3[1]); if (manager.SiRFawareLocation.IsOpen) { manager._SiRFAware.UpdateSiRFawareGUITime(); } } } catch { } } Label_0863: if (manager.comm.File_DataReceived(normal, inputString, manager.comm.DebugViewIsMatchEnable, manager.comm.DebugViewMatchString, timeStamp)) { _playState = _playStates.PAUSE; updateFilePlaybackPauseBtn(true); } _fileIndex = _fileHdlr.Index + 1L; if (_totalFileSize != 0L) { int processPercentage = (int) ((((double) _fileHdlr.Index) / ((double) _totalFileSize)) * 100.0); filePlayBackTrackBar.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { filePlayBackTrackBar.Value = processPercentage; }); } if (manager.comm._isEpochMessage) { manager.comm._isEpochMessage = false; if (_lastPlayState != _playStates.BACKWARD) { if (_epochList.Count >= 100) { _epochList.RemoveAt(0); } if (!_epochList.Contains(_fileIndex - 1L)) { _epochList.Add(_fileIndex - 1L); _epochIndex = _epochList.Count - 1; } } } } catch (Exception exception) { if (_playState != _playStates.QUIT) { string errorStr = string.Format("Error: {0}\n{1}", exception.Message, input); if ((manager != null) && (manager.comm != null)) { manager.comm.ErrorPrint(errorStr); } _fileIndex = _fileHdlr.Index + 1L; } } } goto Label_0B9D; case _playStates.PAUSE: millisecondsTimeout = 500; if (handler2 == null) { handler2 = delegate { filePlayBackTrackBar.Enabled = true; }; } filePlayBackTrackBar.Invoke(handler2); goto Label_0B9D; case _playStates.FORWARD: if (_playState != _lastPlayState) { manager.comm.WriteApp("User marker: Go forward to next epoch"); } if (handler6 == null) { handler6 = delegate { filePlayBackTrackBar.Enabled = false; }; } filePlayBackTrackBar.Invoke(handler6); manager.comm._isCheckEpoch = true; _lastPlayState = _playState; _playState = _playStates.PLAY; _epochIndex++; if (_epochIndex > (_epochList.Count - 1)) { _epochIndex = _epochList.Count - 1; if (_epochIndex < 0) { _epochIndex = 0; } } goto Label_0B9D; case _playStates.BACKWARD: if (_playState != _lastPlayState) { manager.comm.WriteApp("User marker: Go backward to last epoch"); } if (handler7 == null) { handler7 = delegate { filePlayBackTrackBar.Enabled = false; }; } filePlayBackTrackBar.Invoke(handler7); manager.comm._isCheckEpoch = true; _lastPlayState = _playState; if (_epochIndex < 1) { MessageBox.Show("Reached end of backward list", "File Playback", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); _epochIndex = 0; _playState = _playStates.PAUSE; } else { _fileIndex = _epochList[_epochIndex - 1]; _epochIndex--; _playState = _playStates.PLAY; } goto Label_0B9D; case _playStates.QUIT: updateFilePlaybackPauseBtn(false); flag = true; goto Label_0B9D; } millisecondsTimeout = _speedDelay; } catch (Exception exception2) { if (_playState != _playStates.QUIT) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Error: frmFileReplay: parseFile() {0}", exception2.ToString()), "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); _fileIndex = _fileHdlr.Index + 1L; } } Label_0B9D: if (!flag) { Thread.Sleep(millisecondsTimeout); goto Label_004F; } manager.CloseAll(); base.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { toolStripNumPortTxtBox.Text = PortManagerHash.Count.ToString(); toolStripPortComboBox.Items.Remove(clsGlobal.FilePlayBackPortName); if (toolStripPortComboBox.Items.Count >= 1) { toolStripPortComboBox.Text = toolStripPortComboBox.Items[0].ToString(); } }); class2 = null; if (manager.comm.RxCtrl != null) { manager.comm.RxCtrl.Dispose(); manager.comm.RxCtrl = null; } manager.comm.Dispose(); manager.comm = null; manager = null; GC.Collect(2); }