Esempio n. 1
            public static _Struct Copy(_Struct x, string name)
                var r = new _Struct(name, x.forwardDecl);

                r.isInterface = x.isInterface;
                r.attributes  = x.attributes;
                r.members     = x.members;
Esempio n. 2
        void _InitSymbols()
            for (int i = 0; i < _ns.Length; i++)
                _ns[i] = new _Namespace();
            _sbType = _ns[0].sb;

            _km = _keywordMemory = (char *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4000);

            //Add C++ keywords and types, except those that can only be in function body or other places where we skip.
            //The commented keywords/types are currently not supported and not expected to be in C/C++ headers that we'll parse.

            _Keyword k;

            //_AddKeywords(new _Keyword(cannotStartStatement:true), "__based", "_based"); //0 in SDK
            //_AddKeyword("__event", new _Keyword()); //0 in SDK
            //_AddKeyword("__identifier", new _Keyword()); //0 in SDK
            //_AddKeywords(new _Keyword(), "__if_exists", "_if_exists", "__if_not_exists", "_if_not_exists"); //0 in SDK. Usually used only in function body.
            //_AddKeywords(new _Keyword(cannotStartStatement: true), "__multiple_inheritance", "_multiple_inheritance", "__single_inheritance", "_single_inheritance", "__virtual_inheritance", "_virtual_inheritance"); //0 in SDK
            //_AddKeyword("__uuidof", new _Keyword(cannotStartStatement: true)); //should be only in function body
            //_AddKeyword("alignas", k = new _Keyword(cannotStartStatement: true)); //removed in script
            //_AddKeywords(new _Keyword(cannotStartStatement: true), "alignof", "__alignof"); //should be only in function body
            //_AddKeywords(new _Keyword(cannotStartStatement: true), "false", "true", "nullptr"); //we add enum values for it
            //_AddKeyword("property", k = new _Keyword()); //0 in SDK
            //_AddKeyword("signed", k = new _Keyword()); //replaced in script
            //_AddKeywords(new _Keyword(cannotStartStatement: true), "throw", "noexcept"); //eg void f() throw(int); //will be skipped together with functions
            //_AddKeyword("unsigned", k = new _Keyword()); //replaced in script

            k = new _Keyword(cannotStartStatement: true);
            _AddKeyword("sizeof", k);             //can be like 'member[sizeof(X)]' or '#define X sizeof(Y)'

            k = new _Keyword();
            _AddKeyword("const", k);
            _AddKeyword("extern", k);
            _AddKeyword("namespace", k);             //0 in SDK (1 in CRT, which is removed)
            _AddKeyword("using", k);
            _AddKeyword("virtual", k);

            k = new _Keyword(_KeywordT.TypeDecl);
            _AddKeyword("__interface", k);
            _AddKeyword("class", k);
            _AddKeyword("enum", k);
            _AddKeyword("struct", k);
            _AddKeyword("typedef", k);
            _AddKeyword("union", k);

            _AddKeywords(new _Keyword(_KeywordT.CallConv, cannotStartStatement: true), "__cdecl", "_cdecl", "__fastcall", "_fastcall", "__stdcall", "_stdcall", "__thiscall");

            _AddKeywords(new _Keyword(_KeywordT.IgnoreFuncEtc), "__forceinline", "__inline", "_inline", "inline", "template", "operator", "static_assert");

            _AddKeywords(new _Keyword(_KeywordT.PubPrivProt), "private", "protected", "public");

            //_AddKeywords(new _Keyword(_KeywordT.Ignore), "__unaligned", "__w64", "_w64", "volatile", "explicit", "friend", "mutable", "static", and so on); //removed in script
            //_AddKeywords(k = new _Keyword(_KeywordT.Declspec), "__declspec", "_declspec"); //removed in script

            _AddKeyword("uuid", k = new _Keyword(cannotStartStatement: true));             //was '__declspec(uuid', replaced in script

            _AddKeywords(new _CppType("sbyte", 1, false), "__int8", "char");
            _AddKeywords(new _CppType("short", 2, false), "__int16", "short");
            _AddKeywords(new _CppType("int", 4, false), "__int32", "int", "long");
            _AddKeyword("__int64", new _CppType("long", 8, false));
            _AddKeyword("double", new _CppType("double", 8, false));
            _AddKeyword("float", new _CppType("float", 4, false));
            _AddKeywords(new _CppType("char", 2, true), "__wchar_t", "wchar_t", "char16_t");
            //our preprocessor script replaced 'unsigned type' to 'u$type'
            //also the script replaced 'signed type' to 'type, 'long long' to '__int64', 'long double' to 'double'
            _AddKeywords(new _CppType("byte", 1, true), "u$__int8", "u$char");
            _AddKeywords(new _CppType("ushort", 2, true), "u$__int16", "u$short");
            _AddKeywords(new _CppType("uint", 4, true), "u$__int32", "u$int", "u$long", "char32_t");
            _AddKeyword("u$__int64", new _CppType("ulong", 8, true));
            _AddKeyword("bool", new _CppType("bool", 1, false));
            _AddKeyword("void", new _CppType("void", 0, false));
            //_AddKeywords(new _Keyword(), "__m128", "__m128d", "__m128i"); //our script defined these as struct, because C# does not have a matching type
            //_AddKeywords(new _Keyword(), "__m64"); //not used in SDK
            _AddKeyword("auto", new _CppType("var", 1, false));             //has two meanings depending on compiler options. The old auto is a local variable, and we will not encounter it because we skip function bodies. The new auto is like C# var; it can also be applied to global variables too, unlike in C#; we'll ignore all variable declarations.
            _AddKeyword("IntPtr", new _CppType("IntPtr", _is32bit ? 4 : 8, false));

            _AddSymbol("LPARAM", _sym_LPARAM = new _Struct("LPARAM", false), 0);
            _AddSymbol("HWND", _sym_Wnd      = new _Struct("AWnd", false), 0);