static void Main(string[] args) { var zipService = new ZipService(new AzureStorageRepository()); Console.WriteLine("1-Upload"); Console.WriteLine("2-Download"); int x = int.Parse(Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString()); switch (x) { case 1: OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); string path = string.Empty; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { path = dialog.FileName; } List <PreZipEntryModel> collection = new List <PreZipEntryModel>(); FileStream reader = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); collection.Add(new PreZipEntryModel(reader)); zipService.UploadFile(collection); break; case 2: zipService.OpenZip(); break; } }
public static void DllToModule(string DllName, ref byte[] DllData) { Console.WriteLine("Insert RC4 Key for {0}:", DllName); string RC4Key = Console.ReadLine(); var Key = Program.ParseKey(RC4Key); Key = Program.RC4.Init(Key); var CompressedData = new ZipService().Compress(DllData, 0, DllData.Length); var mw = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(mw); bw.Write(DllData.Length); // Uncompressed buffer bw.Write(CompressedData, 0, CompressedData.Length); // Data bw.Write((byte)Strings.Asc('N')); // \ bw.Write((byte)Strings.Asc('G')); // \ Sign bw.Write((byte)Strings.Asc('I')); // / bw.Write((byte)Strings.Asc('S')); // / var tmpData = mw.ToArray(); var Signature = CreateSignature(tmpData, tmpData.Length - 4); bw.Write(Signature, 0, Signature.Length); tmpData = mw.ToArray(); mw.Close(); mw.Dispose(); Program.RC4.Crypt(ref tmpData, Key); var fs2 = new FileStream(@"Modules\" + DllName.Replace(Path.GetExtension(DllName), "") + ".mod", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); fs2.Write(tmpData, 0, tmpData.Length); fs2.Close(); fs2.Dispose(); }
public async Task LaunchPlayer(Core.Models.Program program, bool isLaunchedFromTile) { await ShowSplashScreen(program.Name); var zipService = new ZipService(); var tempFolder = ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder; var file = await tempFolder.CreateFileAsync(TempProgramName, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); var stream = await file.OpenStreamForWriteAsync(); await zipService.ZipCatrobatPackage(stream, program.BasePath); var options = new Windows.System.LauncherOptions { DisplayApplicationPicker = false }; //await project.Save(); ??? TODO: this was in the previous version of catrobat --> do we need to save the project at this point? await LaunchPlayer(program.Name, isLaunchedFromTile); // TODO: manage closing/relaunching of the Player // TODO: review ...LaunchFileAsync (1 line underneath) --> seems to be that it never finishes //bool success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync(file, options); //if (success) //{ // // File launch success //} //else //{ // // File launch failed //} }
public ActionResult Index(HomeViewModel model) { var zipService = new ZipService(); List <SelectListItem> countyList = GetCountySelectList(model.SelectedCounties); model.CountySelectList = new MultiSelectList(countyList, "Value", "Text"); var excludeList = new List <string>(); if (model.ExcludedZips != null) { excludeList = new List <string>(model.ExcludedZips.Split(new char[] { ',' })); } var includeList = new List <string>(); if (model.IncludeZips != null) { includeList = new List <string>(model.IncludeZips.Split(new char[] { ',' })); } if (model.SelectedCounties != null) { var zipsFound = zipService.GetZips(model.SelectedCounties, excludeList, includeList); model.GeneratedZips = string.Join(System.Environment.NewLine, zipsFound); } return(View(model)); }
public static void ModuleToDll(string ModName, ref byte[] ModData) { // Console.WriteLine("Insert RC4 Key for {0}:", ModName) // Dim RC4Key As String = Console.ReadLine() var Key = Program.ParseKey("ECA9A9D1EAAEFD38CC115062FB92996E"); // ParseKey(RC4Key) Key = Program.RC4.Init(Key); Program.RC4.Crypt(ref ModData, Key); int UncompressedLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(ModData, 0); if (UncompressedLen < 0) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to decrypt {0}, incorrect length.", ModName); return; } var CompressedData = new byte[(ModData.Length - 0x108)]; Array.Copy(ModData, 4, CompressedData, 0, CompressedData.Length); int dataPos = 4 + CompressedData.Length; string Sign = Conversions.ToString((char)ModData[dataPos + 3]) + (char)ModData[dataPos + 2] + (char)ModData[dataPos + 1] + (char)ModData[dataPos]; if (Sign != "SIGN") { Console.WriteLine("Failed to decrypt {0}, sign missing.", ModName); return; } dataPos += 4; var Signature = new byte[256]; Array.Copy(ModData, dataPos, Signature, 0, Signature.Length); // Check signature if (CheckSignature(Signature, ModData, ModData.Length - 0x104) == false) { Console.WriteLine("Signature fail."); return; } var DecompressedData = new ZipService().DeCompress(CompressedData); var fs3 = new FileStream(@"dlls\" + ModName.Replace(Path.GetExtension(ModName), "") + ".before.dll", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); fs3.Write(DecompressedData, 0, DecompressedData.Length); fs3.Close(); fs3.Dispose(); Module_FixDll.FixNormalDll(ref DecompressedData); var fs2 = new FileStream(@"dlls\" + ModName.Replace(Path.GetExtension(ModName), "") + ".after.dll", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); fs2.Write(DecompressedData, 0, DecompressedData.Length); fs2.Close(); fs2.Dispose(); }
public void GetZipsByStateReturnsZipsWithStateCodeMatchingAbbreviation() { var mockZipRepository = new Mock <IRepository <ZipCode> >(); mockZipRepository.Setup(mock => mock.Get()).Returns(_mockData.GetZipCodes); ZipService service = new ZipService(mockZipRepository.Object); var zipCodes = service.GetZipsByState("AK"); Assert.That(zipCodes.Count, Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(zipCodes.Select(zip => zip.StateName).ToArray(), Has.All.Contains("Alaska")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var baseCulture = "english"; var targetCulture = "german"; if (args.Length >= 1) { baseCulture = args[0]; } if (args.Length >= 2) { targetCulture = args[1]; } var basePath = "."; if (args.Length >= 3) { basePath = args[2]; } var modRepository = new ModRepository(@basePath); var modsWithoutGerman = modRepository .GetAllMods() .Where(it => it.LocalizationFiles.Count > 0 && !it.LocalizationFiles.Any(lf => lf.FileName.Contains(targetCulture, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); var zip = new ZipService(); foreach (var mod in modsWithoutGerman) { System.Console.WriteLine("--------------"); System.Console.WriteLine($"{mod.ID} - {mod.Name}"); foreach (var localizationFile in mod.LocalizationFiles) { System.Console.WriteLine($"\t{localizationFile.FileName}"); } var tempFolder = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(mod.Location), "temp"); zip.Extract(mod.Location, tempFolder); new TranslationService().Multiply(tempFolder, baseCulture, new [] { targetCulture }); zip.Compress(tempFolder, mod.Location, ZipService.CompressMode.Backup); Directory.Delete(tempFolder, true); System.Console.WriteLine("--------------"); } }
/* TODO ERROR: Skipped RegionDirectiveTrivia */ public bool LoadModule(string Name, ref byte[] Data, byte[] Key) { Key = RC4.Init(Key); RC4.Crypt(ref Data, Key); int UncompressedLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, 0); if (UncompressedLen < 0) { Console.WriteLine("[WARDEN] Failed to decrypt {0}, incorrect length.", Name); return(false); } var CompressedData = new byte[(Data.Length - 0x108)]; Array.Copy(Data, 4, CompressedData, 0, CompressedData.Length); int dataPos = 4 + CompressedData.Length; string Sign = Conversions.ToString((char)Data[dataPos + 3]) + (char)Data[dataPos + 2] + (char)Data[dataPos + 1] + (char)Data[dataPos]; if (Sign != "SIGN") { Console.WriteLine("[WARDEN] Failed to decrypt {0}, sign missing.", Name); return(false); } dataPos += 4; var Signature = new byte[256]; Array.Copy(Data, dataPos, Signature, 0, Signature.Length); // Check signature if (CheckSignature(Signature, Data, Data.Length - 0x104) == false) { Console.WriteLine("[WARDEN] Signature fail on Warden Module."); return(false); } var DecompressedData = new ZipService().DeCompress(CompressedData); var ms = new MemoryStream(DecompressedData); var br = new BinaryReader(ms); ModuleData = PrepairModule(ref br); ms.Close(); ms.Dispose(); br = null; Console.WriteLine("[WARDEN] Successfully prepaired Warden Module."); if (!InitModule(ref ModuleData)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public async Task ExtractFileTest() { var path = "Assets/"; var expected = "text"; var service = new ZipService(); var target = service.ExtractZip(path); Assert.NotNull(target); Assert.True(File.Exists(target)); var content = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(target); Assert.Equal(expected, content); }
private byte[] GenerateReport(TestClassReport report) { var zipService = new ZipService(); var templateFolder = string.Format("{0}/Templates/{1}", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), ThemeFolder); var templateFileContent = File.ReadAllText(string.Format("{0}/{1}", templateFolder, ThemeTemplateFileName)); var renderedResult = Razor.Parse(templateFileContent, report); var renderedResultContent = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(renderedResult); var renderedZipItem = new ZipService.ZipItem { Name = "index.html", Content = renderedResultContent }; var zipArchive = zipService.Zip(templateFolder, new ZipService.ZipItem[] { renderedZipItem }); return(ZipService.ReadToEnd(zipArchive)); }
public void LoadTest() { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); var path = @"C:\Users\pavel_petrusevich\Desktop\download.jpg"; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { path = dialog.FileName; } var zipService = new ZipService(new AzureStorageRepository()); List <PreZipEntryModel> collection = new List <PreZipEntryModel>(); FileStream reader = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); collection.Add(new PreZipEntryModel(reader)); zipService.UploadFile(collection); reader.Close(); }
private void DownloadAndExtractVersion(GodotVersion selectedVersion) { string fileName; try { fileName = config.UseProxy ? DownloadManagerService.DownloadFileSyncWithProxy(selectedVersion.VersionUrl, "temp", config.ProxyUrl, config.ProxyPort, true) : DownloadManagerService.DownloadFileSync(selectedVersion.VersionUrl, "temp", true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } var extractedFiles = ZipService.UnzipFile(fileName, $"{config.GodotInstallLocation}\\{selectedVersion.VersionName}"); File.Delete(fileName); foreach (var file in extractedFiles) { versionService.InstalledVersions.Add(new GodotVersionInstalled { VersionId = selectedVersion.VersionId, VersionName = selectedVersion.VersionName, BitNum = selectedVersion.BitNum, IsMono = selectedVersion.IsMono, IsStable = selectedVersion.IsStable, InstallPath = file.Replace(@"/", @"\\"), }); } JsonConverterService <List <GodotVersionInstalled> > .Serialize(versionService.InstalledVersions, $"{config.GodotInstallLocation}\\manifest.json"); Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => BuildVersionsTree())); Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => CommonUtilsService.PopupInfoMessage("Info", "Godot version installed successfully!"))); }
/// <summary> /// Main process /// </summary> private static void Process(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("FOLDER ZIP AND UPLOAD v2.0"); Console.WriteLine("by Daniele Arrighi @ Idioblast. [email protected]"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Processing..."); //LOG Utilities.WriteToFile(string.Format("{0}: Executing...", DateTime.Now)); /******************** * DEFAULTS VALUES ********************/ //ZIPs Temporary Path string zipDestinationFolder = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ZipDestinationFolder"]; if (!zipDestinationFolder.EndsWith("\\")) { zipDestinationFolder += "\\"; } //Configuration File to Load string configurationFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "config.xml"; //Verbosity bool verbose = false; /******************** * OVERWRITE DEFAULT VALUES WITH COMMAND ARGUMENTS IF PRESENT ********************/ var options = new Options(); if (Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) { //Verbosity verbose = options.Verbose; //ZIPs Temporary Path if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ZipDestinationFolder)) { zipDestinationFolder = options.ZipDestinationFolder; } //Configuration File to Load if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ConfigFile)) { configurationFile = options.ConfigFile; } //Outputs the encrypted password to save in configuration file. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Password)) { Console.WriteLine("Encrypted Password is: {0}", Security.EncryptText(options.Password)); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } } /******************** * CONFIGURATION ********************/ //Checks if configuration files exist if (!File.Exists(configurationFile)) { Utilities.WriteToFile(string.Format("Missing Configuration File At {0}", configurationFile)); Console.WriteLine("Missing Configuration File At {0}", configurationFile); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } //Checks if the Temporary Directory Exist, or create it if (!Directory.Exists(zipDestinationFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(zipDestinationFolder); } //Gets the folders to process from XML file ProcessQueue folderQueue = new ProcessQueue(configurationFile); //Setup Directory Names string nowFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); /******************** * PROCESS THE QUEUE ********************/ foreach (QueueItem queue in folderQueue.Queue) { //Extra checks if (!queue.FtpDirectory.EndsWith("/")) { queue.FtpDirectory += "/"; } if (!queue.Directory.EndsWith("\\")) { queue.Directory += "\\"; } //Password check if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(queue.FtpPassword)) { Utilities.WriteToFile("Error. Missing password (Encrypted) for FTP connection"); Console.WriteLine("Error. Missing password (Encrypted) for FTP connection"); continue; } else { try { queue.FtpPassword = Security.DecryptText(queue.FtpPassword); } catch { Utilities.WriteToFile("Error. Wrong password format"); Console.WriteLine("Error. Wrong password format"); continue; } } //ELABORATES ALL THE FOLDERS TO ZIP AND UPLOAD if (queue.ProcessSubDirectories) { DirectoryInfo startingDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(queue.Directory); foreach (var currentDirectory in startingDirectory.GetDirectories()) { if (!queue.IsPathExcluded(currentDirectory.FullName)) { WorkPath w = new WorkPath(); w.FullPath = currentDirectory.FullName; w.FullZipPath = Path.Combine(zipDestinationFolder, currentDirectory.Name + ".zip"); if (queue.AppendDateTime) { w.FullZipPath = Path.Combine(zipDestinationFolder, String.Format("{0:yyyMMddHHmmss}-{1}.zip", DateTime.Now, currentDirectory.Name)); } w.IsZipped = ZipService.ZipFolder(currentDirectory.FullName, w.FullZipPath, queue.ExcludedFolders.ToStringArray(), verbose); w.IsUploaded = false; queue.WorkList.Add(w); } } } else { //IF SHOULD NOT PROCSS SUBDIRS, ZIP THE DIRECTORY DIRECTLY DirectoryInfo currentDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(queue.Directory); if (!queue.IsPathExcluded(currentDirectory.FullName)) { WorkPath w = new WorkPath(); w.FullPath = currentDirectory.FullName; w.FullZipPath = Path.Combine(zipDestinationFolder, currentDirectory.Name + ".zip"); if (queue.AppendDateTime) { w.FullZipPath = Path.Combine(zipDestinationFolder, String.Format("{0:yyyMMddHHmmss}-{1}.zip", DateTime.Now, currentDirectory.Name)); } w.IsZipped = ZipService.ZipFolder(currentDirectory.FullName, w.FullZipPath, queue.ExcludedFolders.ToStringArray(), verbose); w.IsUploaded = false; queue.WorkList.Add(w); } } //FTP UPLOAD ALL ELABORATED FOLDER bool uploadSuccess = FtpService.UploadQueue(queue, queue.FtpDirectory + nowFileName + "/", queue.FtpServer, queue.FtpUser, queue.FtpPassword, verbose); //DELETE OLDER FOLDERS IF REQUIRED //TODO: Use same session in UploadQueue and in CleanOldRemoteFolders if (queue.CleanRemote > 0 && uploadSuccess) { FtpService.CleanOldRemoteFolders(queue.CleanRemote, verbose, queue.FtpDirectory, queue.FtpServer, queue.FtpUser, queue.FtpPassword); } //DELETE ALL CREATED ZIP FILES if (queue.DeleteFilesWhenFinished) { FileService.DeleteFilesInQueue(queue, verbose); } } //LOG Utilities.WriteToFile(String.Format("Zip & Upload routine completed at: {0}\n", DateTime.Now)); //SEND MAIL string subject = String.Format("Zip & Upload routine completed at: {0}", DateTime.Now); //Todo: Send more information in the mail body. MailService.Send("Zip & Upload Executed", subject, verbose); //DONE if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); } }
private readonly string baseUrl = ""; /*@"http://localhost:7071/api";*/ public StorageClient(HttpClient client, ZipService zipService) { _client = client; _zipService = zipService; }
public void OpenTest() { var zipService = new ZipService(new AzureStorageRepository()); zipService.OpenZip(); }