Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines whether this XElement instance contains a runat="server" attribute.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// <c>true</c> if this instance contains a runat="server" attribute; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
		/// </returns>
		/// <param name='el'>
		/// The XElement instace to be checked
		/// </param>
		public static bool IsRunAtServer (XElement el)
			XName runat = new XName ("runat");
			foreach (XAttribute a  in el.Attributes) {
				if ((a.Name.ToLower () == runat) && (a.Value.ToLower () == "server"))
					return true;
			return false;
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the value of an attribute with name. The name is queried with a case insensitive search
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// The value of the attribute or null if the an attribute with that name was not found
		/// </returns>
		/// <param name='attributes'>
		/// Attribute collection to be traversed
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='key'>
		/// Name of the attribute.
		/// </param>
		public static string GetAttributeValueCI (XAttributeCollection attributes, string key)
			XName nameKey = new XName (key.ToLowerInvariant ());

			foreach (XAttribute attr in attributes) {
				if (attr.Name.ToLower () == nameKey)
					return attr.Value;
			return String.Empty;
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the value of the attribute as a GUID.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="element">The element.</param>
		/// <param name="attributeName">Name of the attribute.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static Guid AttributeValueAsGuid(this XElement element, XName attributeName)
			XAttribute attribute = element.Attribute(attributeName);
			if (attribute == null)
				string message = String.Format("The required attribute '{0}' was not found on '{1}'.", attributeName, element.Name);
				throw new XmlException(message);
			return attribute.Value.ToGuid();
Esempio n. 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the XAttribute instance of an attribute. The name is queried with a case insensitive search
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// The XAttribute instance of an attribute or null, if none was found.
		/// </returns>
		/// <param name='attributes'>
		/// Attribute collection.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='key'>
		/// Name of the attribute.
		/// </param>
		public static XAttribute GetAttributeCI (XAttributeCollection attributes, string key)
			XName nameKey = new XName (key.ToLowerInvariant ());

			foreach (XAttribute attr in attributes) {
				if (attr.Name.ToLower () == nameKey)
					return attr;
			return null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the value of the attribute as a Boolean.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
 /// <param name="attributeName">Name of the attribute.</param>
 /// <exception cref="XmlException">Thrown if the attribute is missing.</exception>
 public static bool AttributeValueAsBool(this XElement element, XName attributeName)
     return (bool)element.EnsureAttribute(attributeName);
 private static XName GetElementName(string name)
     return(XName.Get(name, XMLElementNamespace));
		protected void AddHtmlAttributeCompletionData (CompletionDataList list, HtmlSchema schema, 
		    XName tagName, Dictionary<string, string> existingAtts)
			//add atts only if they're not aready in the tag
			foreach (CompletionData datum in schema.CompletionProvider.GetAttributeCompletionData (tagName.FullName))
				if (existingAtts == null || !existingAtts.ContainsKey (datum.DisplayText))
					list.Add (datum);
Esempio n. 8
        protected static void AddHtmlTagCompletionData(CompletionDataList list, HtmlSchema schema, XName parentName)
            if (schema == null)

            if (parentName.IsValid)
		protected static async Task AddHtmlTagCompletionData (CompletionDataList list, HtmlSchema schema, XName parentName, CancellationToken token)
			if (schema == null)
			if (parentName.IsValid) {
				list.AddRange (await schema.CompletionProvider.GetChildElementCompletionData (parentName.FullName.ToLower (), token));
			} else {
				list.AddRange (await schema.CompletionProvider.GetElementCompletionData (token));
Esempio n. 10
		static void GenerateCU (XmlParsedDocument doc)
			if (doc.XDocument == null || doc.XDocument.RootElement == null) {
				doc.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Error, 1, 1, "No root node found."));

			XAttribute rootClass = doc.XDocument.RootElement.Attributes [new XName ("x", "Class")];
			if (rootClass == null) {
				doc.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Error, 1, 1, "Root node does not contain an x:Class attribute."));

			bool isApplication = doc.XDocument.RootElement.Name.Name == "Application";
			string rootNamespace, rootType, rootAssembly;
			XamlG.ParseXmlns (rootClass.Value, out rootType, out rootNamespace, out rootAssembly);
			CompilationUnit cu = new CompilationUnit (doc.FileName);
			doc.CompilationUnit = cu;

			DomRegion rootRegion = doc.XDocument.RootElement.Region;
			if (doc.XDocument.RootElement.IsClosed)
				rootRegion.End = doc.XDocument.RootElement.ClosingTag.Region.End;
			DomType declType = new DomType (cu, ClassType.Class, Modifiers.Partial | Modifiers.Public, rootType,
			                                doc.XDocument.RootElement.Region.Start, rootNamespace, rootRegion);
			cu.Add (declType);
			DomMethod initcomp = new DomMethod ();
			initcomp.Name = "InitializeComponent";
			initcomp.Modifiers = Modifiers.Public;
			initcomp.ReturnType = DomReturnType.Void;
			declType.Add (initcomp);
			DomField _contentLoaded = new DomField ("_contentLoaded");
			_contentLoaded.ReturnType = new DomReturnType ("System.Boolean");

			if (isApplication)
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Controls"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Documents"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Input"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Media"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Media.Animation"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Shapes"));
			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Controls.Primitives"));
//			Dictionary<string,string> namespaceMap = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
//			namespaceMap["x"] = "";
			XName nameAtt = new XName ("x", "Name");
			foreach (XElement el in doc.XDocument.RootElement.AllDescendentElements) {
				XAttribute name = el.Attributes [nameAtt];
				if (name != null && name.IsComplete) {
					string type = ResolveType (el);
					if (type == null || type.Length == 0)
						doc.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Error, el.Region.Start, "Could not find namespace for '" + el.Name.FullName + "'."));
						declType.Add (new DomField (name.Value, Modifiers.Internal, el.Region.Start, new DomReturnType (type)));
Esempio n. 11
 private static bool isResourceNameElement(XName elementName)
     return Char.IsUpper(elementName.LocalName, 0) && elementName.Namespace == XmlNs.XFHIR;
Esempio n. 12
            private static void InitFsm()
                var transitions = new Dictionary <int, Transitions>();

                transitions.Add(1, new Transitions(new SingleTransition(XName.Get("Documentation", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 2), new SingleTransition(XName.Get("DefiningQuery", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 4), new SingleTransition(new WildCard("##other", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 5)));
                transitions.Add(2, new Transitions(new SingleTransition(XName.Get("DefiningQuery", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 4), new SingleTransition(new WildCard("##other", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 5)));
                transitions.Add(4, new Transitions(new SingleTransition(new WildCard("##other", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 4)));
                transitions.Add(5, new Transitions(new SingleTransition(new WildCard("##other", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 5)));
                _validationStates = new FSM(1, new Set <int>(new[]
                    2, 1, 4, 5
                }), transitions);
Esempio n. 13
 private static void BuildElementDictionary()
     LocalElementDictionary.Add(XName.Get("Documentation", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), typeof(Documentation));
     LocalElementDictionary.Add(XName.Get("DefiningQuery", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), typeof(string));
Esempio n. 14
 private static void BuildElementDictionary()
     LocalElementDictionary.Add(XName.Get("Documentation", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), typeof(Documentation));
     LocalElementDictionary.Add(XName.Get("End", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), typeof(EndLocalType));
Esempio n. 15
        private static void InitFsm()
            var transitions = new Dictionary <int, Transitions>();

            transitions.Add(1, new Transitions(new SingleTransition(XName.Get("Documentation", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 2), new SingleTransition(XName.Get("EntitySet", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 3), new SingleTransition(XName.Get("AssociationSet", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 3), new SingleTransition(new WildCard("##other", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 7)));
            transitions.Add(2, new Transitions(new SingleTransition(XName.Get("EntitySet", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 2), new SingleTransition(XName.Get("AssociationSet", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 2), new SingleTransition(new WildCard("##other", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 7)));
            transitions.Add(7, new Transitions(new SingleTransition(new WildCard("##other", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 7)));
            transitions.Add(3, new Transitions(new SingleTransition(XName.Get("EntitySet", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 3), new SingleTransition(XName.Get("AssociationSet", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 3), new SingleTransition(new WildCard("##other", XMLNamespaceFactory.SSDL), 7)));
            _validationStates = new FSM(1, new Set <int>(new[]
                2, 1, 3, 7
            }), transitions);
        private static GeometryAndTimes GetGeometries(XElement root)
            var geometries = new List <object>();
            var coordTimes = new List <string[]>();

            if (root.Element(Kml + "MultiGeometry") != null)
                return(GetGeometries(root.Element(Kml + "MultiGeometry")));
            if (root.Element(Kml + "MultiTrack") != null)
                return(GetGeometries(root.Element(Kml + "MultiTrack")));
            if (root.Element(Ext + "MultiTrack") != null)
                return(GetGeometries(root.Element(Ext + "MultiTrack")));

            foreach (var geotype in Geotypes)
                var geometryNodes = root

                if (geometryNodes.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var geomNode in geometryNodes)
                        if (geotype == XName.Get("Point", Kml.NamespaceName))
                            var coordinates = GetCoordinates(geomNode.Element(Kml + "coordinates").Value);
                            if (coordinates != null)
                                var point = new Point {
                                    Coordinates = coordinates

                        else if (geotype == XName.Get("LineString", Kml.NamespaceName))
                            var coordinates = GetCoordinatesArray(geomNode.Element(Kml + "coordinates").Value);

                            if (coordinates != null)
                                var lineString = new LineString {
                                    Coordinates = coordinates

                        else if (geotype == XName.Get("Polygon", Kml.NamespaceName))
                            var rings = new List <XElement>();

                            // Get Inner Boundary Linear Ring:
                            var innerBoundaryNode = geomNode.Element(Kml + "innerBoundaryIs");

                            if (innerBoundaryNode != null)
                                var innerBoundaryRings = innerBoundaryNode.Elements(Kml + "LinearRing");


                            var outerBoundaryNode = geomNode.Element(Kml + "outerBoundaryIs");

                            if (outerBoundaryNode != null)
                                var outerBoundaryRings = outerBoundaryNode.Elements(Kml + "LinearRing");


                            var coordinates = new List <float[][]>();

                            foreach (var ring in rings)
                                var coordinatesNode = ring.Element(Kml + "coordinates")?.Value;

                                var coordinatesOfRing = GetCoordinatesArray(coordinatesNode);
                                if (coordinatesOfRing != null)

                            if (coordinates.Count > 0)
                                var polygon = new Polygon {
                                    Coordinates = coordinates

                        else if (geotype == XName.Get("Track", Kml.NamespaceName) || geotype == XName.Get("Track", Ext.NamespaceName))
                            var track = GetGxCoords(geomNode);

                            if (track.Coordinates != null)
                                var lineString = new LineString {
                                    Coordinates = track.Coordinates

                            var times = track.Times;

                            if (times != null)

            return(new GeometryAndTimes {
                GeometryNodes = geometries.ToArray(), Times = coordTimes.ToArray()
Esempio n. 17
 protected void AddHtmlAttributeValueCompletionData(CompletionDataList list, HtmlSchema schema,
                                                    XName tagName, XName attributeName)
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the value of the attribute as a DateTime.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
 /// <param name="attributeName">Name of the attribute.</param>
 /// <exception cref="XmlException">Thrown if the attribute is missing.</exception>
 public static DateTime AttributeValueAsDateTime(this XElement element, XName attributeName)
     return (DateTime)element.EnsureAttribute(attributeName);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the value of the attribute as a double.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
 /// <param name="attributeName">Name of the attribute.</param>
 /// <exception cref="XmlException">Thrown if the attribute is missing.</exception>
 public static double AttributeValueAsDouble(this XElement element, XName attributeName)
     return (double)element.EnsureAttribute(attributeName);
        protected virtual object Map(object x, XElement root)
            Type objType = x.GetType();

            PropertyInfo[] props = objType.GetProperties();
            bool           deserializeFromContentAttributeAlreadyUsed = false;

            foreach (var prop in props)
                var type         = prop.PropertyType.GetTypeInfo();
                var typeIsPublic = type.IsPublic || type.IsNestedPublic;

                if (!typeIsPublic || !prop.CanWrite)

                bool  deserializeFromContent   = false;
                bool  isNameDefinedInAttribute = false;
                XName name       = null;
                var   attributes = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DeserializeAsAttribute), false);

                if (attributes.Any())
                    DeserializeAsAttribute attribute = (DeserializeAsAttribute)attributes.First();

                    name = attribute.Name.AsNamespaced(Namespace);
                    isNameDefinedInAttribute = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name?.LocalName);

                    deserializeFromContent = attribute.Content;

                    if (deserializeFromContentAttributeAlreadyUsed && deserializeFromContent)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Class cannot have two properties marked with " +
                                                    "SerializeAs(Content = true) attribute.");

                    deserializeFromContentAttributeAlreadyUsed |= deserializeFromContent;

                if (name == null)
                    name = prop.Name.AsNamespaced(Namespace);

                var value = GetValueFromXml(root, name, prop, isNameDefinedInAttribute);

                if (value == null)
                    // special case for text content node
                    if (deserializeFromContent)
                        var textNode = root.Nodes().FirstOrDefault(n => n is XText);
                        if (textNode != null)
                            value = ((XText)textNode).Value;
                            prop.SetValue(x, value, null);

                    // special case for inline list items
                    if (type.IsGenericType)
                        var genericType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                        var first       = GetElementByName(root, genericType.Name);
                        var list        = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(type.AsType());

                        if (first != null && root != null)
                            var elements = root.Elements(first.Name);

                            PopulateListFromElements(genericType, elements, list);

                        prop.SetValue(x, list, null);

                if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>))
                    // if the value is empty, set the property to null...
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString()))
                        prop.SetValue(x, null, null);

                    type = type.GetGenericArguments()[0].GetTypeInfo();

                var asType = type.AsType();
                if (asType == typeof(bool))
                    var toConvert = value.ToString()

                    prop.SetValue(x, XmlConvert.ToBoolean(toConvert), null);
                else if (type.IsPrimitive)
                    prop.SetValue(x, value.ChangeType(asType, Culture), null);
                else if (type.IsEnum)
                    var converted = type.AsType().FindEnumValue(value.ToString(), Culture);

                    prop.SetValue(x, converted, null);
                else if (asType == typeof(Uri))
                    var uri = new Uri(value.ToString(), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                    prop.SetValue(x, uri, null);
                else if (asType == typeof(string))
                    prop.SetValue(x, value, null);
                else if (asType == typeof(DateTime))
                    value = DateFormat.HasValue()
                        ? DateTime.ParseExact(value.ToString(), DateFormat, Culture)
                        : DateTime.Parse(value.ToString(), Culture);

                    prop.SetValue(x, value, null);
                else if (asType == typeof(DateTimeOffset))
                    var toConvert = value.ToString();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toConvert))

                    DateTimeOffset deserialisedValue;

                        deserialisedValue = XmlConvert.ToDateTimeOffset(toConvert);
                        prop.SetValue(x, deserialisedValue, null);
                    catch (Exception)
                        if (TryGetFromString(toConvert, out var result, asType))
                            prop.SetValue(x, result, null);
                            //fallback to parse
                            deserialisedValue = DateTimeOffset.Parse(toConvert);
                            prop.SetValue(x, deserialisedValue, null);
Esempio n. 21
		static void GenerateCU (XmlParsedDocument doc)
			if (doc.XDocument == null || doc.XDocument.RootElement == null) {
				doc.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Error, "No root node found.", 1, 1));

			XAttribute rootClass = doc.XDocument.RootElement.Attributes [new XName ("x", "Class")];
			if (rootClass == null) {
				doc.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Error, "Root node does not contain an x:Class attribute.", 1, 1));

			bool isApplication = doc.XDocument.RootElement.Name.Name == "Application";
			string rootNamespace, rootType, rootAssembly;
			XamlG.ParseXmlns (rootClass.Value, out rootType, out rootNamespace, out rootAssembly);

			var cu = new DefaultParsedDocument (doc.FileName);

			DomRegion rootRegion = doc.XDocument.RootElement.Region;
			if (doc.XDocument.RootElement.IsClosed)
				rootRegion = new DomRegion (doc.XDocument.RootElement.Region.FileName, doc.XDocument.RootElement.Region.Begin, doc.XDocument.RootElement.ClosingTag.Region.End); 
			var declType = new DefaultUnresolvedTypeDefinition (rootNamespace, rootType) {
				Kind = TypeKind.Class,
				Accessibility = Accessibility.Public,
				Region = rootRegion
			cu.TopLevelTypeDefinitions.Add (declType);
			var initcomp = new DefaultUnresolvedMethod (declType, "InitializeComponent") {
				ReturnType = KnownTypeReference.Void,
				Accessibility = Accessibility.Public
			declType.Members.Add (initcomp);
			var _contentLoaded = new DefaultUnresolvedField (declType, "_contentLoaded") {
				ReturnType = KnownTypeReference.Boolean
// was missing in the original code: correct ? 
//			declType.Fields.Add (_contentLoaded);

			if (isApplication)
//			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System"));
//			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows"));
//			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Controls"));
//			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Documents"));
//			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Input"));
//			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Media"));
//			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Media.Animation"));
//			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Shapes"));
//			cu.Add (new DomUsing (DomRegion.Empty, "System.Windows.Controls.Primitives"));
	//		Dictionary<string,string> namespaceMap = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
	//		namespaceMap["x"] = "";
			XName nameAtt = new XName ("x", "Name");
			foreach (XElement el in doc.XDocument.RootElement.AllDescendentElements) {
				XAttribute name = el.Attributes [nameAtt];
				if (name != null && name.IsComplete) {
					string type = ResolveType (el);
					if (type == null || type.Length == 0)
						cu.Add (new Error (ErrorType.Error, "Could not find namespace for '" + el.Name.FullName + "'.", el.Region.Begin));
						declType.Members.Add (new DefaultUnresolvedField (declType, name.Value) {
							Accessibility = Accessibility.Internal,
							Region = el.Region,
							ReturnType = new DefaultUnresolvedTypeDefinition (type)
Esempio n. 22
        public void Execute(InstrumentationResult result, IFileInfo output)
            var hits = _hitsReader.TryReadFromDirectory(result.HitsPath);

            int fileIndex = 0;
            int sequencePointMegaCounter = 0;

            var data = new XProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "type='text/xsl' href='coverage.xsl'");

            var document = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"), data);

            var coverageElement = new XElement(

            var modulesListElement = new XElement("Modules", result.Assemblies.Select(assembly =>
                var moduleElement = new XElement(
                    new XAttribute(XName.Get("hash"), Guid.NewGuid().ToString())

                var fullNameElement = new XElement(
                    new XText(assembly.Name)

                var moduleNameElement = new XElement(
                    new XText(assembly.Name)

                Dictionary <SourceFile, int> dctSourceFileCount = new Dictionary <SourceFile, int>();

                var filesElement = new XElement("Files", assembly.SourceFiles.Select(file =>
                    dctSourceFileCount.Add(file, ++fileIndex);
                    var fileElement = new XElement(
                        new XAttribute(XName.Get("uid"), dctSourceFileCount[file]),
                        new XAttribute(XName.Get("fullPath"), Path.Combine(result.SourcePath, file.Path))


                var classesElement = new XElement("Classes", assembly.SourceFiles.Select(file =>
                    var hitInstructions = file.Sequences.Where(h => hits.WasHit(h.HitId)).ToArray();

                           .GroupBy(instruction => new { instruction.Method.Class })
                           .Select(classes =>
                        var classElement = new XElement(

                        var classfullNameElement = new XElement(
                            new XText(classes.Key.Class)

                        var methodsList = new XElement("Methods", classes
                                                       .GroupBy(instruction => instruction.Method)
                                                       .Select(method =>
                            var nameElement = new XElement(
                                new XText(method.Key.FullName)

                            var fileRefElement = new XElement(
                                new XAttribute(XName.Get("uid"), dctSourceFileCount[file])

                            int sequencePointMiniCounter = 0;

                            var sequencePoints = new XElement("SequencePoints", method
                                                              .OrderBy(methodPoint => methodPoint.StartLine)
                                                              .Select(methodPoint =>
                                var hitCount = hitInstructions.Count(hit => hit.Equals(methodPoint));

                                return new XElement(
                                    new XAttribute(XName.Get("vc"), hitCount),
                                    new XAttribute(XName.Get("uspid"), ++sequencePointMegaCounter),
                                    new XAttribute(XName.Get("ordinal"), ++sequencePointMiniCounter),
                                    new XAttribute(XName.Get("sl"), methodPoint.StartLine),
                                    new XAttribute(XName.Get("sc"), methodPoint.StartColumn),
                                    new XAttribute(XName.Get("el"), methodPoint.EndLine),
                                    new XAttribute(XName.Get("ec"), methodPoint.EndColumn)

                            var methodElement = new XElement(
                                new XAttribute(XName.Get("visited"), method.Any(p => hitInstructions.Any(hit => hit == p))),
                                new XAttribute(XName.Get("isConstructor"), method.Key.Name == ".ctor")


                            return methodElement;


                        return classElement;





            _fileSystem.File.WriteAllText(output.FullName, document.ToString());
		public AspNetDirective (DomLocation start, XName name) : this (start)
		{ = name;
Esempio n. 24
		public static int GetAttributeValue(this XElement element, XName attributeName, int defaultValue)
			int result = element.GetAttributeValue(attributeName, defaultValue, x => int.Parse(x, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
			return result;
		protected async Task AddHtmlAttributeValueCompletionData (CompletionDataList list, HtmlSchema schema, 
		                                                          XName tagName, XName attributeName, CancellationToken token)
			list.AddRange (await schema.CompletionProvider.GetAttributeValueCompletionData (tagName.FullName, 
			                                                                          attributeName.FullName, token));
Esempio n. 26
		public static string GetAttributeValue(this XElement element, XName attributeName, string defaultValue)
			string result = element.GetAttributeValue(attributeName, defaultValue, x => x);
			return result;
Esempio n. 27
 public string Attribute(XName xName)
     return "attr[" + xName + "]";
Esempio n. 28
		public static T GetAttributeValue<T>(this XElement element, XName attributeName, T defaultValue)
			where T : struct
			T result = element.GetAttributeValue(attributeName, defaultValue, x => (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), x, false));
			return result;
Esempio n. 29
		public WebFormsDirective (TextLocation start, XName name) : this (start)
		{ = name;
Esempio n. 30
        public static Formatting Parse(XElement rPr)
            Formatting formatting = new Formatting();

            // Build up the Formatting object.
            foreach (XElement option in rPr.Elements())
                switch (option.Name.LocalName)
                case "lang": formatting.Language = new CultureInfo(option.GetAttribute(XName.Get("val", DocX.w.NamespaceName), null) ?? option.GetAttribute(XName.Get("eastAsia", DocX.w.NamespaceName), null) ?? option.GetAttribute(XName.Get("bidi", DocX.w.NamespaceName))); break;

                case "spacing": formatting.Spacing = Double.Parse(option.GetAttribute(XName.Get("val", DocX.w.NamespaceName))) / 20.0; break;

                case "position": formatting.Position = Int32.Parse(option.GetAttribute(XName.Get("val", DocX.w.NamespaceName))) / 2; break;

                case "kern": formatting.Position = Int32.Parse(option.GetAttribute(XName.Get("val", DocX.w.NamespaceName))) / 2; break;

                case "w": formatting.PercentageScale = Int32.Parse(option.GetAttribute(XName.Get("val", DocX.w.NamespaceName))); break;

                case "rFonts": break;

                case "vanish": formatting.hidden = true; break;

                case "b": formatting.Bold = true; break;

                case "i": formatting.Italic = true; break;

                default: break;

 public static XElement ToXElementIfNotEmpty(this string value, XName name)
     return String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) ? null : new XElement(name, value);
Esempio n. 32
 public XDeferredAxis(Func <XElement, XName, IEnumerable <T> > func, XElement element, XName name)
     if (func == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("func");
     if (element == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("element");
     this.func    = func;
     this.element = element;    = name;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the value of the attribute as a Boolean, or the specified default value if the attribute missing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
 /// <param name="attributeName">Name of the attribute.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultValue">The default value if the attribute is missing.</param>
 public static bool AttributeValueAsBool(this XElement element, XName attributeName, bool defaultValue)
     XAttribute attribute = element.Attribute(attributeName);
     return (attribute == null) ? defaultValue : (bool)attribute;
        /// <summary>
        /// The Get Operation Status operation returns the status of
        /// thespecified operation. After calling an asynchronous operation,
        /// you can call Get Operation Status to determine whether the
        /// operation has succeeded, failed, or is still in progress.  (see
        /// for more information)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='requestId'>
        /// The request ID for the request you wish to track. The request ID is
        /// returned in the x-ms-request-id response header for every request.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
        /// Cancellation token.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
        /// operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
        /// has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
        /// code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself.  If
        /// the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
        /// the HTTP status code for the successful request.  If the
        /// asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
        /// status code for the failed request, and also includes error
        /// information regarding the failure.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <AddOnOperationStatusResponse> GetOperationStatusAsync(string requestId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Validate
            if (requestId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("requestId");

            // Tracing
            bool   shouldTrace  = CloudContext.Configuration.Tracing.IsEnabled;
            string invocationId = null;

            if (shouldTrace)
                invocationId = Tracing.NextInvocationId.ToString();
                Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                tracingParameters.Add("requestId", requestId);
                Tracing.Enter(invocationId, this, "GetOperationStatusAsync", tracingParameters);

            // Construct URL
            string url = new Uri(this.BaseUri, "/").ToString() + this.Credentials.SubscriptionId + "/operations/" + requestId;

            // Create HTTP transport objects
            HttpRequestMessage httpRequest = null;

                httpRequest            = new HttpRequestMessage();
                httpRequest.Method     = HttpMethod.Get;
                httpRequest.RequestUri = new Uri(url);

                // Set Headers
                httpRequest.Headers.Add("x-ms-version", "2013-06-01");

                // Set Credentials
                await this.Credentials.ProcessHttpRequestAsync(httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Send Request
                HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = null;
                    if (shouldTrace)
                        Tracing.SendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest);
                    httpResponse = await this.HttpClient.SendAsync(httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (shouldTrace)
                        Tracing.ReceiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse);
                    HttpStatusCode statusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode;
                    if (statusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        CloudException ex = CloudException.Create(httpRequest, null, httpResponse, await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false), CloudExceptionType.Xml);
                        if (shouldTrace)
                            Tracing.Error(invocationId, ex);
                        throw ex;

                    // Create Result
                    AddOnOperationStatusResponse result = null;
                    // Deserialize Response
                    string responseContent = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    result = new AddOnOperationStatusResponse();
                    XDocument responseDoc = XDocument.Parse(responseContent);

                    XElement operationElement = responseDoc.Element(XName.Get("Operation", ""));
                    if (operationElement != null)
                        XElement idElement = operationElement.Element(XName.Get("ID", ""));
                        if (idElement != null)
                            string idInstance = idElement.Value;
                            result.Id = idInstance;

                        XElement statusElement = operationElement.Element(XName.Get("Status", ""));
                        if (statusElement != null)
                            OperationStatus statusInstance = (OperationStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(OperationStatus), statusElement.Value, false);
                            result.Status = statusInstance;

                        XElement httpStatusCodeElement = operationElement.Element(XName.Get("HttpStatusCode", ""));
                        if (httpStatusCodeElement != null)
                            HttpStatusCode httpStatusCodeInstance = (HttpStatusCode)Enum.Parse(typeof(HttpStatusCode), httpStatusCodeElement.Value, false);
                            result.HttpStatusCode = httpStatusCodeInstance;

                        XElement errorElement = operationElement.Element(XName.Get("Error", ""));
                        if (errorElement != null)
                            AddOnOperationStatusResponse.ErrorDetails errorInstance = new AddOnOperationStatusResponse.ErrorDetails();
                            result.Error = errorInstance;

                            XElement codeElement = errorElement.Element(XName.Get("Code", ""));
                            if (codeElement != null)
                                string codeInstance = codeElement.Value;
                                errorInstance.Code = codeInstance;

                            XElement messageElement = errorElement.Element(XName.Get("Message", ""));
                            if (messageElement != null)
                                string messageInstance = messageElement.Value;
                                errorInstance.Message = messageInstance;

                    result.StatusCode = statusCode;
                    if (httpResponse.Headers.Contains("x-ms-request-id"))
                        result.RequestId = httpResponse.Headers.GetValues("x-ms-request-id").FirstOrDefault();

                    if (shouldTrace)
                        Tracing.Exit(invocationId, result);
                    if (httpResponse != null)
                if (httpRequest != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the value of the attribute as a DateTime, or the specified default value if the attribute missing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
 /// <param name="attributeName">Name of the attribute.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultValue">The default value if the attribute is missing.</param>
 public static DateTime AttributeValueAsDateTime(this XElement element, XName attributeName, DateTime defaultValue)
     XAttribute attribute = element.Attribute(attributeName);
     return (attribute == null) ? defaultValue : (DateTime)attribute;
        // Use a forward-only XmlReader to scan through a possibly huge bundled file,
        // and yield the feed entries, so only one entry is in memory at a time
        internal IEnumerable <XElement> StreamResources()
            var reader = SerializationUtil.XmlReaderFromStream(_input);

            var root = getRootName(reader);

            if (root == "Bundle")
                if (!reader.ReadToDescendant("entry", XmlNs.FHIR))
                    yield break;

                while (!reader.EOF)
                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element &&
                        reader.NamespaceURI == XmlNs.FHIR && reader.LocalName == "entry")
                        var entryNode = (XElement)XElement.ReadFrom(reader);
                        var fullUrl   = entryNode.Elements(XmlNs.XFHIR + "fullUrl").Attributes("value").SingleOrDefault();
                        if (fullUrl != null)
                            var resourceNode = entryNode.Element(XName.Get("resource", XmlNs.FHIR));
                            if (resourceNode != null)
                                var resource = resourceNode.Elements().First();
                                resource.AddAnnotation(new FullUrlAnnotation {
                                    FullUrl = fullUrl.Value
                                yield return(resource);

#if true
            // [WMR 20160908] Originally commented out logic
            //else if (root != null)
            //    var resourceNode = (XElement)XElement.ReadFrom(reader);
            //    var resourceId = resourceNode.Elements(XmlNs.XFHIR + "id").Attributes("value").SingleOrDefault();
            //    if (resourceId != null)
            //    {
            //        var fullUrl = resourceNode.Name.LocalName + "/" + resourceId.Value;
            //        resourceNode.Add(new XAttribute("scannerUrl", fullUrl));
            //        yield return resourceNode;
            //    }

            // [WMR 20160908] Fixed, parse stand-alone (conformance) resources
            else if (root != null)
                var resourceNode = (XElement)XElement.ReadFrom(reader);
                // First try to initialize from canonical url (conformance resources)
                var canonicalUrl = resourceNode.Elements(XmlNs.XFHIR + "url").Attributes("value").SingleOrDefault();
                if (canonicalUrl != null)
                    resourceNode.AddAnnotation(new FullUrlAnnotation {
                        FullUrl = canonicalUrl.Value
                    yield return(resourceNode);
                    // Otherwise try to initialize from resource id
                    var resourceId = resourceNode.Elements(XmlNs.XFHIR + "id").Attributes("value").SingleOrDefault();
                    if (resourceId != null)
                        var fullUrl = resourceNode.Name.LocalName + "/" + resourceId.Value;
                        resourceNode.AddAnnotation(new FullUrlAnnotation {
                            FullUrl = fullUrl
                        yield return(resourceNode);

                yield break;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the value of the attribute as a double, or the specified default value if the attribute is missing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
 /// <param name="attributeName">Name of the attribute.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultValue">The default value if the attribute is missing.</param>
 public static double AttributeValueAsDouble(this XElement element, XName attributeName, double defaultValue)
     XAttribute attribute = element.Attribute(attributeName);
     return (attribute == null) ? defaultValue : (double)attribute;
Esempio n. 38
        // The following method is written using tree modification, not RPFT, because it is easier to write in this fashion.
        // These types of operations are not as easy to write using RPFT.
        // Unless you are completely clear on the semantics of LINQ to XML DML, do not make modifications to this method.
        private static void NormalizeTablesRepeatAndConditional(XElement xDoc, TemplateError te)
            var tables = xDoc.Descendants(PA.Table).ToList();

            foreach (var table in tables)
                var followingElement = table.ElementsAfterSelf().Where(e => e.Name == W.tbl || e.Name == W.p).FirstOrDefault();
                if (followingElement == null || followingElement.Name != W.tbl)
                    table.ReplaceWith(CreateParaErrorMessage("Table metadata is not immediately followed by a table", te));
                // remove superflous paragraph from Table metadata
                // detach w:tbl from parent, and add to Table metadata

            int repeatDepth      = 0;
            int conditionalDepth = 0;

            foreach (var metadata in xDoc.Descendants().Where(d =>
                                                              d.Name == PA.Repeat ||
                                                              d.Name == PA.Conditional ||
                                                              d.Name == PA.EndRepeat ||
                                                              d.Name == PA.EndConditional))
                if (metadata.Name == PA.Repeat)
                    metadata.Add(new XAttribute(PA.Depth, repeatDepth));
                if (metadata.Name == PA.EndRepeat)
                    metadata.Add(new XAttribute(PA.Depth, repeatDepth));
                if (metadata.Name == PA.Conditional)
                    metadata.Add(new XAttribute(PA.Depth, conditionalDepth));
                if (metadata.Name == PA.EndConditional)
                    metadata.Add(new XAttribute(PA.Depth, conditionalDepth));

            while (true)
                bool didReplace = false;
                foreach (var metadata in xDoc.Descendants().Where(d => (d.Name == PA.Repeat || d.Name == PA.Conditional) && d.Attribute(PA.Depth) != null).ToList())
                    var   depth           = (int)metadata.Attribute(PA.Depth);
                    XName matchingEndName = null;
                    if (metadata.Name == PA.Repeat)
                        matchingEndName = PA.EndRepeat;
                    else if (metadata.Name == PA.Conditional)
                        matchingEndName = PA.EndConditional;
                    if (matchingEndName == null)
                        throw new OpenXmlPowerToolsException("Internal error");
                    var matchingEnd = metadata.ElementsAfterSelf(matchingEndName).FirstOrDefault(end => { return((int)end.Attribute(PA.Depth) == depth); });
                    if (matchingEnd == null)
                        metadata.ReplaceWith(CreateParaErrorMessage(string.Format("{0} does not have matching {1}", metadata.Name.LocalName, matchingEndName.LocalName), te));
                    var contentBetween = metadata.ElementsAfterSelf().TakeWhile(after => after != matchingEnd).ToList();
                    foreach (var item in contentBetween)
                    contentBetween = contentBetween.Where(n => n.Name != W.bookmarkStart && n.Name != W.bookmarkEnd).ToList();
                    didReplace = true;
                if (!didReplace)
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the value of the attribute as a GUID, or the default value if the attribute is missing.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="element">The element.</param>
		/// <param name="attributeName">Name of the attribute.</param>
		/// <param name="defaultValue">The default value.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static Guid AttributeValueAsGuid(this XElement element, XName attributeName, Guid defaultValue)
			XAttribute attribute = element.Attribute(attributeName);
			return attribute == null ? defaultValue : attribute.Value.ToGuid();
Esempio n. 40
        private static void UpdateSeries(ChartPart chartPart, ChartData chartData)
            UpdateEmbeddedWorkbook(chartPart, chartData);

            XDocument cpXDoc      = chartPart.GetXDocument();
            XElement  root        = cpXDoc.Root;
            var       firstSeries = root.Descendants(C.ser).FirstOrDefault();
            var       numRef      = firstSeries.Elements(C.val).Elements(C.numRef).FirstOrDefault();
            string    sheetName   = null;
            var       f           = (string)firstSeries.Descendants(C.f).FirstOrDefault();

            if (f != null)
                sheetName = f.Split('!')[0];

            // remove all but first series
            XName chartType = firstSeries.Parent.Name;


            var newSetOfSeries = chartData.SeriesNames
                                 .Select((string sn, int si) =>
                XElement cat = null;

                var oldCat = firstSeries.Elements(;
                if (oldCat == null)
                    throw new OpenXmlPowerToolsException("Invalid chart markup");

                var catHasFormula = oldCat.Descendants(C.f).Any();
                if (catHasFormula)
                    XElement newFormula = null;
                    if (sheetName != null)
                        newFormula = new XElement(C.f, string.Format("{0}!$A$2:$A${1}", sheetName, chartData.CategoryNames.Length + 1));
                    if (chartData.CategoryDataType == ChartDataType.String)
                        cat = new XElement(,
                                           new XElement(C.strRef,
                                                        new XElement(C.strCache,
                                                                     new XElement(C.ptCount, new XAttribute("val", chartData.CategoryNames.Length)),
                                                                     chartData.CategoryNames.Select((string cn, int ci) =>
                            var newPt = new XElement(,
                                                     new XAttribute("idx", ci),
                                                     new XElement(C.v, chartData.CategoryNames[ci]));
                        cat = new XElement(,
                                           new XElement(C.numRef,
                                                        new XElement(C.numCache,
                                                                     new XElement(C.formatCode, FormatCodes[chartData.CategoryFormatCode]),
                                                                     new XElement(C.ptCount, new XAttribute("val", chartData.CategoryNames.Length)),
                                                                     chartData.CategoryNames.Select((string cn, int ci) =>
                            var newPt = new XElement(,
                                                     new XAttribute("idx", ci),
                                                     new XElement(C.v, chartData.CategoryNames[ci]));
                    if (chartData.CategoryDataType == ChartDataType.String)
                        cat = new XElement(,
                                           new XElement(C.strLit,
                                                        new XElement(C.ptCount, new XAttribute("val", chartData.CategoryNames.Length)),
                                                        chartData.CategoryNames.Select((string cn, int ci) =>
                            var newPt = new XElement(,
                                                     new XAttribute("idx", ci),
                                                     new XElement(C.v, chartData.CategoryNames[ci]));
                        cat = new XElement(,
                                           new XElement(C.numLit,
                                                        new XElement(C.ptCount, new XAttribute("val", chartData.CategoryNames.Length)),
                                                        chartData.CategoryNames.Select((string cn, int ci) =>
                            var newPt = new XElement(,
                                                     new XAttribute("idx", ci),
                                                     new XElement(C.v, chartData.CategoryNames[ci]));

                XElement newCval = null;

                if (sheetName == null)
                    newCval = new XElement(C.val,
                                           new XElement(C.numLit,
                                                        new XElement(C.ptCount, new XAttribute("val", chartData.CategoryNames.Length)),
                                                        chartData.CategoryNames.Select((string cn, int ci) =>
                        var newPt = new XElement(,
                                                 new XAttribute("idx", ci),
                                                 new XElement(C.v, chartData.Values[si][ci]));
                    newCval = new XElement(C.val,
                                           new XElement(C.numRef,
                                                        sheetName != null ?
                                                        new XElement(C.f, string.Format("{0}!${2}$2:${2}${1}", sheetName, chartData.CategoryNames.Length + 1, SpreadsheetMLUtil.IntToColumnId(si + 1))) : null,
                                                        new XElement(C.numCache,
                                                                     sheetName != null ? numRef.Descendants(C.formatCode) : null,
                                                                     new XElement(C.ptCount, new XAttribute("val", chartData.CategoryNames.Length)),
                                                                     chartData.CategoryNames.Select((string cn, int ci) =>
                        var newPt = new XElement(,
                                                 new XAttribute("idx", ci),
                                                 new XElement(C.v, chartData.Values[si][ci]));

                var serHasFormula = firstSeries.Descendants(C.f).Any();
                XElement tx       = null;
                if (serHasFormula)
                    XElement newFormula = null;
                    if (sheetName != null)
                        newFormula = new XElement(C.f, string.Format("{0}!${1}$1", sheetName, SpreadsheetMLUtil.IntToColumnId(si + 1)));
                    tx = new XElement(C.tx,
                                      new XElement(C.strRef,
                                                   new XElement(C.strCache,
                                                                new XElement(C.ptCount, new XAttribute("val", 1)),
                                                                new XElement(,
                                                                             new XAttribute("idx", 0),
                                                                             new XElement(C.v, chartData.SeriesNames[si])))));
                    tx = new XElement(C.tx,
                                      new XElement(C.v, chartData.SeriesNames[si]));

                XElement newSer = null;

                if (chartType == C.area3DChart || chartType == C.areaChart)
                    newSer = new XElement(C.ser,
                                          // common
                                          new XElement(C.idx, new XAttribute("val", si)),
                                          new XElement(C.order, new XAttribute("val", si)),

                                          // CT_AreaSer
                else if (chartType == C.bar3DChart || chartType == C.barChart)
                    newSer = new XElement(C.ser,
                                          // common
                                          new XElement(C.idx, new XAttribute("val", si)),
                                          new XElement(C.order, new XAttribute("val", si)),

                                          // CT_BarSer
                else if (chartType == C.line3DChart || chartType == C.lineChart || chartType == C.stockChart)
                    newSer = new XElement(C.ser,
                                          // common
                                          new XElement(C.idx, new XAttribute("val", si)),
                                          new XElement(C.order, new XAttribute("val", si)),

                                          // CT_LineSer
                else if (chartType == C.doughnutChart || chartType == C.ofPieChart || chartType == C.pie3DChart || chartType == C.pieChart)
                    newSer = new XElement(C.ser,
                                          // common
                                          new XElement(C.idx, new XAttribute("val", si)),
                                          new XElement(C.order, new XAttribute("val", si)),

                                          // CT_PieSer
                else if (chartType == C.surface3DChart || chartType == C.surfaceChart)
                    newSer = new XElement(C.ser,
                                          // common
                                          new XElement(C.idx, new XAttribute("val", si)),
                                          new XElement(C.order, new XAttribute("val", si)),

                                          // CT_SurfaceSer

                if (newSer == null)
                    throw new OpenXmlPowerToolsException("Unsupported chart type");

                int accentNumber = (si % 6) + 1;
                newSer           = (XElement)UpdateAccentTransform(newSer, accentNumber);

Esempio n. 41
		static string GetNamespace (XElement el)
			XName attName;
			if (el.Name.HasPrefix) {
				attName = new XName ("xmlns", el.Name.Prefix);
		 	} else {
				attName = new XName ("xmlns");
				XAttribute att = el.Attributes[attName];
				if (att != null)
						return att.Value;
			foreach (XNode node in el.Parents) {
				XElement parentElement = node as XElement;
				if (parentElement != null) {
					XAttribute att = parentElement.Attributes[attName];
					if (att != null)
						return att.Value;
			return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// The List Resource Extensions operation lists the resource
        /// extensions that are available to add to a Virtual Machine. In
        /// Azure, a process can run as a resource extension of a Virtual
        /// Machine. For example, Remote Desktop Access or the Azure
        /// Diagnostics Agent can run as resource extensions to the Virtual
        /// Machine.  (see
        /// for more information)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
        /// Cancellation token.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The List Resource Extensions operation response.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <VirtualMachineExtensionListResponse> ListAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Validate

            // Tracing
            bool   shouldTrace  = TracingAdapter.IsEnabled;
            string invocationId = null;

            if (shouldTrace)
                invocationId = TracingAdapter.NextInvocationId.ToString();
                Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                TracingAdapter.Enter(invocationId, this, "ListAsync", tracingParameters);

            // Construct URL
            string url = "";

            url = url + "/";
            if (this.Client.Credentials.SubscriptionId != null)
                url = url + Uri.EscapeDataString(this.Client.Credentials.SubscriptionId);
            url = url + "/services/resourceextensions";
            string baseUrl = this.Client.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri;

            // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url.
            if (baseUrl[baseUrl.Length - 1] == '/')
                baseUrl = baseUrl.Substring(0, baseUrl.Length - 1);
            if (url[0] == '/')
                url = url.Substring(1);
            url = baseUrl + "/" + url;
            url = url.Replace(" ", "%20");

            // Create HTTP transport objects
            HttpRequestMessage httpRequest = null;

                httpRequest            = new HttpRequestMessage();
                httpRequest.Method     = HttpMethod.Get;
                httpRequest.RequestUri = new Uri(url);

                // Set Headers
                httpRequest.Headers.Add("x-ms-version", "2014-10-01");

                // Set Credentials
                await this.Client.Credentials.ProcessHttpRequestAsync(httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Send Request
                HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = null;
                    if (shouldTrace)
                        TracingAdapter.SendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest);
                    httpResponse = await this.Client.HttpClient.SendAsync(httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (shouldTrace)
                        TracingAdapter.ReceiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse);
                    HttpStatusCode statusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode;
                    if (statusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        CloudException ex = CloudException.Create(httpRequest, null, httpResponse, await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
                        if (shouldTrace)
                            TracingAdapter.Error(invocationId, ex);
                        throw ex;

                    // Create Result
                    VirtualMachineExtensionListResponse result = null;
                    // Deserialize Response
                    if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        string responseContent = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                        result = new VirtualMachineExtensionListResponse();
                        XDocument responseDoc = XDocument.Parse(responseContent);

                        XElement resourceExtensionsSequenceElement = responseDoc.Element(XName.Get("ResourceExtensions", ""));
                        if (resourceExtensionsSequenceElement != null)
                            foreach (XElement resourceExtensionsElement in resourceExtensionsSequenceElement.Elements(XName.Get("ResourceExtension", "")))
                                VirtualMachineExtensionListResponse.ResourceExtension resourceExtensionInstance = new VirtualMachineExtensionListResponse.ResourceExtension();

                                XElement publisherElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("Publisher", ""));
                                if (publisherElement != null)
                                    string publisherInstance = publisherElement.Value;
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.Publisher = publisherInstance;

                                XElement nameElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("Name", ""));
                                if (nameElement != null)
                                    string nameInstance = nameElement.Value;
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.Name = nameInstance;

                                XElement versionElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("Version", ""));
                                if (versionElement != null)
                                    string versionInstance = versionElement.Value;
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.Version = versionInstance;

                                XElement labelElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("Label", ""));
                                if (labelElement != null)
                                    string labelInstance = labelElement.Value;
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.Label = labelInstance;

                                XElement descriptionElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("Description", ""));
                                if (descriptionElement != null)
                                    string descriptionInstance = descriptionElement.Value;
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.Description = descriptionInstance;

                                XElement publicConfigurationSchemaElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("PublicConfigurationSchema", ""));
                                if (publicConfigurationSchemaElement != null)
                                    string publicConfigurationSchemaInstance = TypeConversion.FromBase64String(publicConfigurationSchemaElement.Value);
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.PublicConfigurationSchema = publicConfigurationSchemaInstance;

                                XElement privateConfigurationSchemaElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("PrivateConfigurationSchema", ""));
                                if (privateConfigurationSchemaElement != null)
                                    string privateConfigurationSchemaInstance = TypeConversion.FromBase64String(privateConfigurationSchemaElement.Value);
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.PrivateConfigurationSchema = privateConfigurationSchemaInstance;

                                XElement sampleConfigElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("SampleConfig", ""));
                                if (sampleConfigElement != null)
                                    string sampleConfigInstance = TypeConversion.FromBase64String(sampleConfigElement.Value);
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.SampleConfig = sampleConfigInstance;

                                XElement replicationCompletedElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("ReplicationCompleted", ""));
                                if (replicationCompletedElement != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(replicationCompletedElement.Value))
                                    bool replicationCompletedInstance = bool.Parse(replicationCompletedElement.Value);
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.ReplicationCompleted = replicationCompletedInstance;

                                XElement eulaElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("Eula", ""));
                                if (eulaElement != null)
                                    Uri eulaInstance = TypeConversion.TryParseUri(eulaElement.Value);
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.Eula = eulaInstance;

                                XElement privacyUriElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("PrivacyUri", ""));
                                if (privacyUriElement != null)
                                    Uri privacyUriInstance = TypeConversion.TryParseUri(privacyUriElement.Value);
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.PrivacyUri = privacyUriInstance;

                                XElement homepageUriElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("HomepageUri", ""));
                                if (homepageUriElement != null)
                                    Uri homepageUriInstance = TypeConversion.TryParseUri(homepageUriElement.Value);
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.HomepageUri = homepageUriInstance;

                                XElement isJsonExtensionElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("IsJsonExtension", ""));
                                if (isJsonExtensionElement != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(isJsonExtensionElement.Value))
                                    bool isJsonExtensionInstance = bool.Parse(isJsonExtensionElement.Value);
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.IsJsonExtension = isJsonExtensionInstance;

                                XElement isInternalExtensionElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("IsInternalExtension", ""));
                                if (isInternalExtensionElement != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(isInternalExtensionElement.Value))
                                    bool isInternalExtensionInstance = bool.Parse(isInternalExtensionElement.Value);
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.IsInternalExtension = isInternalExtensionInstance;

                                XElement disallowMajorVersionUpgradeElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade", ""));
                                if (disallowMajorVersionUpgradeElement != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(disallowMajorVersionUpgradeElement.Value))
                                    bool disallowMajorVersionUpgradeInstance = bool.Parse(disallowMajorVersionUpgradeElement.Value);
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade = disallowMajorVersionUpgradeInstance;

                                XElement supportedOSElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("SupportedOS", ""));
                                if (supportedOSElement != null)
                                    string supportedOSInstance = supportedOSElement.Value;
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.SupportedOS = supportedOSInstance;

                                XElement companyNameElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("CompanyName", ""));
                                if (companyNameElement != null)
                                    string companyNameInstance = companyNameElement.Value;
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.CompanyName = companyNameInstance;

                                XElement publishedDateElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("PublishedDate", ""));
                                if (publishedDateElement != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(publishedDateElement.Value))
                                    DateTime publishedDateInstance = DateTime.Parse(publishedDateElement.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.PublishedDate = publishedDateInstance;

                                XElement regionsElement = resourceExtensionsElement.Element(XName.Get("Regions", ""));
                                if (regionsElement != null)
                                    string regionsInstance = regionsElement.Value;
                                    resourceExtensionInstance.Regions = regionsInstance;
                    result.StatusCode = statusCode;
                    if (httpResponse.Headers.Contains("x-ms-request-id"))
                        result.RequestId = httpResponse.Headers.GetValues("x-ms-request-id").FirstOrDefault();

                    if (shouldTrace)
                        TracingAdapter.Exit(invocationId, result);
                    if (httpResponse != null)
                if (httpRequest != null)
		public XClosingTag (XName name, DocumentLocation start) : base (start)
			this.Name = name;
Esempio n. 44
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve a list of Cloud services  (see
        /// for more information)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
        /// Cancellation token.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The response model for the list cloud service operation.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <CloudServiceListResponse> ListAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Validate

            // Tracing
            bool   shouldTrace  = CloudContext.Configuration.Tracing.IsEnabled;
            string invocationId = null;

            if (shouldTrace)
                invocationId = Tracing.NextInvocationId.ToString();
                Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                Tracing.Enter(invocationId, this, "ListAsync", tracingParameters);

            // Construct URL
            string baseUrl = this.Client.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri;
            string url     = "/" + (this.Client.Credentials.SubscriptionId != null ? this.Client.Credentials.SubscriptionId.Trim() : "") + "/cloudservices?";

            url = url + "resourceType=AutomationAccount";
            url = url + "&detailLevel=Full";
            url = url + "&resourceProviderNamespace=automation";
            // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url.
            if (baseUrl[baseUrl.Length - 1] == '/')
                baseUrl = baseUrl.Substring(0, baseUrl.Length - 1);
            if (url[0] == '/')
                url = url.Substring(1);
            url = baseUrl + "/" + url;

            // Create HTTP transport objects
            HttpRequestMessage httpRequest = null;

                httpRequest            = new HttpRequestMessage();
                httpRequest.Method     = HttpMethod.Get;
                httpRequest.RequestUri = new Uri(url);

                // Set Headers
                httpRequest.Headers.Add("x-ms-version", "2013-06-01");

                // Set Credentials
                await this.Client.Credentials.ProcessHttpRequestAsync(httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Send Request
                HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = null;
                    if (shouldTrace)
                        Tracing.SendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest);
                    httpResponse = await this.Client.HttpClient.SendAsync(httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (shouldTrace)
                        Tracing.ReceiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse);
                    HttpStatusCode statusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode;
                    if (statusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        CloudException ex = CloudException.Create(httpRequest, null, httpResponse, await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
                        if (shouldTrace)
                            Tracing.Error(invocationId, ex);
                        throw ex;

                    // Create Result
                    CloudServiceListResponse result = null;
                    // Deserialize Response
                    string responseContent = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    result = new CloudServiceListResponse();
                    XDocument responseDoc = XDocument.Parse(responseContent);

                    XElement cloudServicesSequenceElement = responseDoc.Element(XName.Get("CloudServices", ""));
                    if (cloudServicesSequenceElement != null)
                        foreach (XElement cloudServicesElement in cloudServicesSequenceElement.Elements(XName.Get("CloudService", "")))
                            CloudService cloudServiceInstance = new CloudService();

                            XElement nameElement = cloudServicesElement.Element(XName.Get("Name", ""));
                            if (nameElement != null)
                                string nameInstance = nameElement.Value;
                                cloudServiceInstance.Name = nameInstance;

                            XElement labelElement = cloudServicesElement.Element(XName.Get("Label", ""));
                            if (labelElement != null)
                                string labelInstance = labelElement.Value;
                                cloudServiceInstance.Label = labelInstance;

                            XElement descriptionElement = cloudServicesElement.Element(XName.Get("Description", ""));
                            if (descriptionElement != null)
                                string descriptionInstance = descriptionElement.Value;
                                cloudServiceInstance.Description = descriptionInstance;

                            XElement geoRegionElement = cloudServicesElement.Element(XName.Get("GeoRegion", ""));
                            if (geoRegionElement != null)
                                string geoRegionInstance = geoRegionElement.Value;
                                cloudServiceInstance.GeoRegion = geoRegionInstance;

                            XElement resourcesSequenceElement = cloudServicesElement.Element(XName.Get("Resources", ""));
                            if (resourcesSequenceElement != null)
                                foreach (XElement resourcesElement in resourcesSequenceElement.Elements(XName.Get("Resource", "")))
                                    AutomationResource resourceInstance = new AutomationResource();

                                    XElement resourceProviderNamespaceElement = resourcesElement.Element(XName.Get("ResourceProviderNamespace", ""));
                                    if (resourceProviderNamespaceElement != null)
                                        string resourceProviderNamespaceInstance = resourceProviderNamespaceElement.Value;
                                        resourceInstance.Namespace = resourceProviderNamespaceInstance;

                                    XElement typeElement = resourcesElement.Element(XName.Get("Type", ""));
                                    if (typeElement != null)
                                        string typeInstance = typeElement.Value;
                                        resourceInstance.Type = typeInstance;

                                    XElement nameElement2 = resourcesElement.Element(XName.Get("Name", ""));
                                    if (nameElement2 != null)
                                        string nameInstance2 = nameElement2.Value;
                                        resourceInstance.Name = nameInstance2;

                                    XElement planElement = resourcesElement.Element(XName.Get("Plan", ""));
                                    if (planElement != null)
                                        string planInstance = planElement.Value;
                                        resourceInstance.Plan = planInstance;

                                    XElement schemaVersionElement = resourcesElement.Element(XName.Get("SchemaVersion", ""));
                                    if (schemaVersionElement != null)
                                        string schemaVersionInstance = schemaVersionElement.Value;
                                        resourceInstance.SchemaVersion = schemaVersionInstance;

                                    XElement eTagElement = resourcesElement.Element(XName.Get("ETag", ""));
                                    if (eTagElement != null)
                                        string eTagInstance = eTagElement.Value;
                                        resourceInstance.ETag = eTagInstance;

                                    XElement stateElement = resourcesElement.Element(XName.Get("State", ""));
                                    if (stateElement != null)
                                        string stateInstance = stateElement.Value;
                                        resourceInstance.State = stateInstance;

                    result.StatusCode = statusCode;
                    if (httpResponse.Headers.Contains("x-ms-request-id"))
                        result.RequestId = httpResponse.Headers.GetValues("x-ms-request-id").FirstOrDefault();

                    if (shouldTrace)
                        Tracing.Exit(invocationId, result);
                    if (httpResponse != null)
                if (httpRequest != null)
Esempio n. 45
		void DocumentOutlineSelectionChanged (MonoDevelop.Xml.StateEngine.XNode selNode)
			if (selNode == null)
				return; // not what we are looking for
			XElement el = selNode as XElement;
			if (el == null)
				return; // not a XML tag node
			bool isRunAtServer = false;
			string id = string.Empty;
			XName runatName = new XName ("runat");
			XName idName = new XName ("id");
			foreach (XAttribute attr in el.Attributes) {
				if (attr.Name.ToLower () == runatName) {
					if (attr.Value == "server")
						isRunAtServer = true;
				} else if (attr.Name.ToLower () == idName) {
					id = attr.Value;
			if (isRunAtServer && (id != string.Empty) && (host != null)) {

				// TODO: Add a unique field to editable nodes. the id of the node is not guaranteed to be the component's Site.Name
				IComponent selected = host.DesignerHost.GetComponent (id);

				if (selected != null) {
					//var properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (selected) as PropertyDescriptorCollection;

					var selServ = host.Services.GetService (typeof (ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService;
					selServ.SetSelectedComponents (new IComponent[] {selected});
Esempio n. 46
        static void Main(string[] args)
#if false
            // X-DOM Overview 文档对象模型 概述
                XElement config = XElement.Parse(
	                                <client enabled='true'>

                foreach (XElement child in config.Elements())
                    child.Name.Dump("Child element name");

                XElement client = config.Element("client");

                bool enabled = (bool)client.Attribute("enabled");   // Read attribute
                enabled.Dump("enabled attribute");

                client.Attribute("enabled").SetValue(!enabled);     // Update attribute

                int timeout = (int)client.Element("timeout");       // Read element
                timeout.Dump("timeout element");

                client.Element("timeout").SetValue(timeout * 2);    // Update element

                client.Add(new XElement("retries", 3));             // Add new elememt
            // Instantiation X-DOM 实例化 X-DOM
                // 方法 添加 元素节点 节点值 属性 熟悉值
                XElement lastName = new XElement("lastname", "Bloggs");
                lastName.Add(new XComment("nice name"));

                XElement customer = new XElement("customer");
                customer.Add(new XAttribute("id", 123));
                customer.Add(new XElement("firstname", "Joe"));


                // Functional Construction 函数式构建
                new XElement("customer", new XAttribute("id", 123),
                             new XElement("firstname", "joe"),
                             new XElement("lastname", "bloggs",
                                          new XComment("nice name")

                // Fucntional Construction from Database Query 为每个实体对象 创建 元素节点
                NutshellEntities dataContext = new NutshellEntities();
                new XElement("customers",
                             from c in dataContext.Customer
                             select new XElement("customer",
                                                 new XAttribute("id", c.ID),
                                                 new XElement("name", c.Name,
                                                              new XComment("nice name"))));
                // Automatic Deep Cloing 自动深度克隆
                var address =
                    new XElement("address",
                                 new XElement("street", "Lawley St"),
                                 new XElement("town", "North Beach")

                var customer1 = new XElement("customer1", address);
                var customer2 = new XElement("customer2", address);

                customer1.Element("address").Element("street").Value = "Another St";
#elif false
            // Navigating and Querying 导航查询
                // FirstNode LastNode and Nodes
                var bench =
                    new XElement("bench",
                                 new XElement("toolbox",
                                              new XElement("handtool", "Hammer"),
                                              new XElement("handtool", "Rasp")
                                 new XElement("toolbox",
                                              new XElement("handtool", "Saw"),
                                              new XElement("powertool", "Nailgun")
                                 new XComment("Be careful with the nailgun")


                foreach (XNode node in bench.Nodes())
                    Console.WriteLine(node.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting) + "."); //  toolbox = HammerRasp
                //  toolbox = SawNailgun
                // Enumerating Elements 检索元素
                foreach (XElement e in bench.Elements())
                    Console.WriteLine(e.Name + "=" + e.Value);
                // Quering Elements
                IEnumerable <string> toolboxWithNailgun = from toolbox in bench.Elements()
                                                          where toolbox.Elements().Any(tool => tool.Value == "Nailgun")
                                                          select toolbox.Value;
                var handTools = from toolbox in bench.Elements()
                                from tool in toolbox.Elements()
                                where tool.Name == "handtool"
                                select tool.Value;

                int toolboxCount = bench.Elements("toolbox").Count();

                var handTools2 =
                    from tool in bench.Elements("toolbox").Elements("handtool")
                    select tool.Value.ToUpper();

                toolboxWithNailgun.Dump("The toolbox with the nailgun");
                handTools.Dump("The hand tools in all toolboxes");
                toolboxCount.Dump("Number of toolboxes");
                handTools2.Dump("The hand tools in all toolboxes");

                XElement singnal       = bench.Element("toolbox").Element("xyc");
                string   nullableValue = singnal?.Value;

                // Quering Elements - Recursive
                // Descendants     返回所有叶子节点 并 可筛选
                // DescendantNodes 返回包含所有的父节点 和 叶子节点
                foreach (XNode node in bench.DescendantNodes())
                    from c in bench.DescendantNodes().OfType <XComment>()
                    where c.Value.Contains("careful")
                    orderby c.Value
                    select c.Value
                ).Dump("Comments anywhere in the X-DOM containing the word 'careful'");
#elif false
            // Updating X-DOM 更新 X-DOM
                // SetValue Replaces Child Content
                XElement settings =
                    new XElement("settings",
                                 new XElement("timeout", 30));

                settings.Dump("Original XML");
                settings.Dump("Notice the timeout node has disappeared");

                // SetElementValue 添加或覆盖
                XElement settings2 = new XElement("settings");

                settings.SetElementValue("timeout", 30); settings2.Dump("Adds child element");
                settings.SetElementValue("timeout", 60); settings2.Dump("Updates child element");

                // AddAfterSelf Remove Replace
                XElement items =
                    new XElement("items",
                                 new XElement("one"),
                                 new XElement("three")

                items.Dump("Original XML");
                items.FirstNode.AddAfterSelf(new XElement("two"));
                items.Dump("After calling items.FirstNode.AddAfterSelf");
                items.FirstNode.ReplaceWith(new XComment("One was here"));
                items.Dump("After calling ReplaceWith");

                XElement contacts = XElement.Parse(@"
	                                        <customer name='Mary'/>
	                                        <customer name='Chris' archived='true'/>
	                                        <supplier name='Susan'>
		                                        <phone archived='true'>012345678<!--confidential--></phone>


                contacts.Elements()         // <customer name='Chris' archived='true'/> 被移除
                .Where(e1 => (bool?)e1.Attribute("archived") == true)

                contacts.Descendants()      // 所有 属性archived的值为 true 的元素被移除
                .Where(e2 => (bool?)e2.Attribute("archived") == true)

                .Where(e3 => e3.DescendantNodes().OfType <XComment>().Any(c => c.Value == "confidential"))

                contacts.Descendants().OfType <XComment>().Remove(); // 移除整个树🌳中的注释节点
                contacts.DescendantNodes().OfType <XComment>().Remove();

                // Get and Set Value
                var e = new XElement("date", DateTime.Now);

                DateTime   dt  = (DateTime)e;
                XAttribute a   = new XAttribute("resolution", 1.234);
                double     res = (double)a;

                // Nullables 可空类型
                int?   timeout    = (int?)e.Element("timeout");
                double resolution = (double?)e.Attribute("resolution") ?? 1.0;

                var nullXe = new XElement("Empty");
                    int timeout1 = (int)nullXe.Element("timeout");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ex.Message.Dump("Element (\"timeout\") returns null so the result cannot be cast to int");
                int?timeout2 = (int?)nullXe.Element("timeout");
                timeout2.Dump("Casting to a nullable type solve this problem");

                var data = XElement.Parse(@"
	                            <customer id='1' name='Mary' credit='100' />
	                            <customer id='2' name='John' credit='150' />
	                            <customer id='3' name='Anne' />

                IEnumerable <string> query =
                    from cust in data.Elements()
                    where (int?)cust.Attribute("credit") > 100  // 属性值转换为 nullable,避免 NullReferenceException
                    select cust.Attribute("name").Value;


                IEnumerable <string> query2 =
                    from cust in data.Elements()
                    where cust.Attributes("credit").Any() && (int)cust.Attribute("credit") > 100
                    select cust.Attribute("name").Value;


                // XText 与 XElement 混合内容
                XElement summary =
                    new XElement("summary",
                                 new XText("An XAttribute is "),
                                 new XElement("bold", "not"),
                                 new XText(" an XNode")

                summary.Dump(); // An XAttribute is not an XNode
                    var e1 = new XElement("test", "Hello");
                    var e2 = new XElement("test", "Hello", "World");
                    var e3 = new XElement("test", new XText("Hello"), new XText("World"));
                    e1.Dump(); e2.Dump(); e3.Dump();                     // 均输出 Hello World
                    e1.Nodes().Count().Dump("Number of children in e1"); // 均为 2
                    e2.Nodes().Count().Dump("Number of children in e2");
                    e3.Nodes().Count().Dump("Number of children in e3");
#elif false
            // Documents and Declarations 文档和声明
                // Building an XHTML document 建立一个XHTML 文档{
                    var styleInstruction = new XProcessingInstruction(
                        "xml-stylesheet", "href='styles.css' type='text/css'");

                    var docType = new XDocumentType("html",
                                                    "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN",
                                                    "", null);

                    XNamespace ns   = "";
                    var        root =
                        new XElement(ns + "html",
                                     new XElement(ns + "head",
                                                  new XElement(ns + "title", "An XHTML page")),
                                     new XElement(ns + "body",
                                                  new XElement(ns + "h1", "This is a heading."),
                                                  new XElement(ns + "p", "This is some content."))

                    var doc =
                        new XDocument(
                            new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "no"),
                            new XComment("Reference a stylesheet"),

                    string tempPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "sample.html");
                    Process.Start(tempPath);                      // This will display the page in IE or FireFox

                    doc.Root.Name.LocalName.Dump("Root element's local name");

                    XElement bodyNode = doc.Root.Element(ns + "body");
                    (bodyNode.Document == doc).Dump("bodyNode.Document == doc");

                    (doc.Root.Parent == null).Dump("doc.Root.Parent is null");

                    foreach (XNode node in doc.Nodes())
                        Console.Write(node.Parent == null);
                // Declarations 声明
                    var doc =
                        new XDocument(
                            new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-16", "yes"),
                            new XElement("test", "data")

                    string tempPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "test.xml");

                    var output   = new StringBuilder();
                    var settings = new XmlWriterSettings {
                        Indent = true
                    using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(output, settings))

                    output.ToString().Dump("Notice the encoding is utf-16 and not utf-8");
                // Names and Namespaces 名称和命名空间
                    // 直接使用 {}
                    new XElement("{}customer", "Bloggs");

                    // 使用 XName 和 XNamespace
                    XName localName = "customer";
                    XName fullName1 = "{}customer";

                    XNamespace ns        = "";
                    XName      fullName2 = ns + "customer";
                    fullName2.Dump("fullname2 - same result, but cleaner and more efficient");

                    var data =
                        new XElement(ns + "data",
                                     new XAttribute(ns + "id", 123)

                    XElement x = data.Element(ns + "customer");     // OK
                    XElement y = data.Element("customer");          // null
                    // 为每一个元素分配命名空间
                    var data2 =
                        new XElement(ns + "data",
                                     new XElement("customer", "Bloggs"),
                                     new XElement("purchase", "Bicycle")

                    foreach (XElement e in data2.DescendantsAndSelf())
                        if (e.Name.Namespace == "")
                            e.Name = ns + e.Name.LocalName;

                    // Prefixes 前缀
                    XNamespace ns1 = "";
                    XNamespace ns2 = "";

                    var mix =
                        new XElement(ns1 + "data",
                                     new XElement(ns2 + "element", "value"),
                                     new XElement(ns2 + "element", "value"),
                                     new XElement(ns2 + "element", "value")
                    mix.Dump("Without prefixes");
                    mix.SetAttributeValue(XNamespace.Xmlns + "ns1", ns1);
                    mix.SetAttributeValue(XNamespace.Xmlns + "ns2", ns2);
                    mix.Dump("With prefixes");

                    XNamespace xsi  = "";
                    var        nil  = new XAttribute(xsi + "nil", true);
                    var        cust =
                        new XElement("customers",
                                     new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "xsi", xsi),
                                     new XElement("customer",
                                                  new XElement("lastname", "Bloggs"),
                                                  new XElement("dob", nil),
                                                  new XElement("credit", nil)
#elif true
            // Annotations 注解
#if true
                    XElement e = new XElement("test");
                    e.Annotation <string>().Dump("String annotations");
                    e.RemoveAnnotations <string>();
                    e.Annotation <string>().Dump("String annotations");
                    XElement e = new XElement("test");
                    e.AddAnnotation(new Customer {
                        ID = 13, Name = "Linaggan", Purchase = null
                    e.Annotations <Customer>().First().Name.Dump();
                    e.RemoveAnnotations <Customer>();
                    e.Annotations <Customer>().Count();

            // Projecting into an X-DOM 将数据映射到X-DOM中
                var customers =
                    new XElement("Customers",
                                 new XElement("Customer", new XAttribute("id", 13),
                                              new XElement("name", "Lianggan13"),
                                              new XElement("buys", 3)));
                NutshellEntities dataContext = new NutshellEntities();
                var customers2 =
                    new XElement("Customers",
                                 from c in dataContext.Customer.ToList() // 注:此处 要有 ToList()
                                 select new XElement("Customer", new XAttribute("id", c.ID),
                                                     new XElement("name", c.Name),
                                                     new XElement("buys", (c.Purchase.Count))));

                    IEnumerable <XElement> queryxe =
                        from c in dataContext.Customer
                        select new XElement("Customer", new XAttribute("id", c.ID),
                                            new XElement("name", c.Name),
                                            new XElement("buys", c.Purchase.Count));

                    //var customers3 = new XElement("Customers", queryxe.AsQueryable());
                    // 在查询的客户信息中还包含客户最近的高价购买记录的详细信息 (排除空元素)
                    IEnumerable <XElement> queryxe2 =
                        from c in dataContext.Customer
                        let lastBigBuy = (
                            from p in c.Purchase
                            where p.Price > 1000
                            orderby p.Date descending
                            select p
                                         select new XElement("Customer", new XAttribute("id", c.ID),
                                                             new XElement("name", c.Name),
                                                             new XElement("buys", c.Purchase.Count),
                                                             lastBigBuy == null ? null : // 客户没有lastBigBuy时,返回null,其内容自动被忽略
                                                             new XElement("LastBigBuy",
                                                                          new XElement("Description", lastBigBuy.Description),
                                                                          new XElement("Price", lastBigBuy.Price)

                    // var customers4 = new XElement("Customers", queryxe2);

                // Transfer X-DOM 转换 X-DOM
                // 获取项目文件中的文件信息
                XElement   project    = XElement.Parse(@"
                                    <Project DefaultTargets=""Build"" xmlns="""">
		                                    <Platform Condition="" '$(Platform)' == '' "">AnyCPU</Platform>
		                                    <Compile Include=""ObjectGraph.cs"" />
		                                    <Compile Include=""Program.cs"" />
		                                    <Compile Include=""Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"" />
		                                    <Compile Include=""Tests\Aggregation.cs"" />
		                                    <Compile Include=""Tests\Advanced\RecursiveXml.cs"" />
                XNamespace ns         = project.Name.Namespace;
                var        queryFiles =
                    new XElement("ProjectReport",
                                 from complieItem in project.Elements(ns + "ItemGroup").Elements(ns + "Compile")
                                 let include = complieItem.Attribute("Include")
                                               where include != null
                                               select new XElement("File", include.Value));
                queryFiles.Save(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + "Files.xml");

                var paths =
                    from complieItem in project.Elements(ns + "ItemGroup").Elements(ns + "Compile")
                    let include = complieItem.Attribute("Include")
                                  where include != null
                                  select include.Value;
                var queryFoderFiles = new XElement("ProjectReport", ExpandPaths(paths));
                queryFoderFiles.Save(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + "FoderFiles .xml");
		protected async Task AddHtmlAttributeCompletionData (CompletionDataList list, HtmlSchema schema, 
		                                                     XName tagName, Dictionary<string, string> existingAtts, CancellationToken token)
			//add atts only if they're not aready in the tag
			foreach (var datum in await schema.CompletionProvider.GetAttributeCompletionData (tagName.FullName.ToLower (), token))
				if (existingAtts == null || !existingAtts.ContainsKey (datum.DisplayText))
					list.Add (datum);
Esempio n. 48
		public XElement (DocumentLocation start, XName name) : this (start)
			this.Name = name;
Esempio n. 49
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LicenseAttributes"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 internal LicenseAttributes(XElement xmlData, XName childName)
     this.xmlData   = xmlData ?? new XElement("null");
     this.childName = childName;
Esempio n. 50
        internal protected virtual void Write(IPropertySet pset)
            pset.SetPropertyOrder("DebugSymbols", "DebugType", "Optimize", "OutputPath", "DefineConstants", "ErrorReport");

            FilePath defaultImPath;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Platform))
                defaultImPath = ParentItem.BaseIntermediateOutputPath.Combine(Platform, Name);
                defaultImPath = ParentItem.BaseIntermediateOutputPath.Combine(Name);

            pset.SetValue("IntermediateOutputPath", IntermediateOutputDirectory, defaultImPath);

            // xbuild returns 'false' for DebugSymbols if DebugType==none, no matter which value is defined
            // in the project file. Here we avoid overwriting the value if it has not changed.
            if (debugType != "none" || !debugTypeWasNone)
                pset.SetValue("DebugSymbols", debugMode, false);

            pset.SetValue("OutputPath", outputDirectory, defaultValue: new FilePath("." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
            pset.SetValue("ConsolePause", pauseConsoleOutput, true);
            if (writeExternalConsoleLowercase)
                pset.SetValue("Externalconsole", externalConsole, false);
                pset.SetValue("ExternalConsole", externalConsole, false);
            pset.SetValue("Commandlineparameters", commandLineParameters, "");
            pset.SetValue("RunWithWarnings", runWithWarnings, true);

            if (debugType != "none" || !debugTypeReadAsEmpty)
                pset.SetValue("DebugType", debugType, "");

            // Save the env vars only if the dictionary has changed.

            if (loadedEnvironmentVariables == null || loadedEnvironmentVariables.Count != environmentVariables.Count || loadedEnvironmentVariables.Any(e => !environmentVariables.ContainsKey(e.Key) || environmentVariables[e.Key] != e.Value))
                if (environmentVariables.Count > 0)
                    string   xmlns = GetProjectNamespace();
                    XElement e     = new XElement(XName.Get("EnvironmentVariables", xmlns));
                    foreach (var v in environmentVariables)
                        var val = new XElement(XName.Get("Variable", xmlns));
                        val.SetAttributeValue("name", v.Key);
                        val.SetAttributeValue("value", v.Value);
                    pset.SetValue("EnvironmentVariables", e.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting));
                loadedEnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary <string, string> (environmentVariables);

            pset.WriteObjectProperties(this, GetType(), true);
Esempio n. 51
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets IP Forwarding on a network interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='serviceName'>
        /// Required.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='deploymentName'>
        /// Required.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='roleName'>
        /// Required.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='networkInterfaceName'>
        /// Required.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='parameters'>
        /// Required. Parameters supplied to the Set IP Forwarding on network
        /// interface operation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
        /// Cancellation token.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
        /// operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
        /// has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
        /// code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
        /// the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
        /// the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
        /// asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
        /// status code for the failed request, and also includes error
        /// information regarding the failure.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <OperationStatusResponse> BeginSettingIPForwardingOnNetworkInterfaceAsync(string serviceName, string deploymentName, string roleName, string networkInterfaceName, IPForwardingSetParameters parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Validate
            if (serviceName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceName");
            if (deploymentName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("deploymentName");
            if (roleName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("roleName");
            if (networkInterfaceName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("networkInterfaceName");
            if (parameters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parameters");
            if (parameters.State == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parameters.State");

            // Tracing
            bool   shouldTrace  = TracingAdapter.IsEnabled;
            string invocationId = null;

            if (shouldTrace)
                invocationId = TracingAdapter.NextInvocationId.ToString();
                Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                tracingParameters.Add("serviceName", serviceName);
                tracingParameters.Add("deploymentName", deploymentName);
                tracingParameters.Add("roleName", roleName);
                tracingParameters.Add("networkInterfaceName", networkInterfaceName);
                tracingParameters.Add("parameters", parameters);
                TracingAdapter.Enter(invocationId, this, "BeginSettingIPForwardingOnNetworkInterfaceAsync", tracingParameters);

            // Construct URL
            string url = "";

            url = url + "/";
            if (this.Client.Credentials.SubscriptionId != null)
                url = url + Uri.EscapeDataString(this.Client.Credentials.SubscriptionId);
            url = url + "/services/hostedservices/";
            url = url + Uri.EscapeDataString(serviceName);
            url = url + "/deployments/";
            url = url + Uri.EscapeDataString(deploymentName);
            url = url + "/roles/";
            url = url + Uri.EscapeDataString(roleName);
            url = url + "/networkinterfaces/";
            url = url + Uri.EscapeDataString(networkInterfaceName);
            url = url + "/ipforwarding";
            string baseUrl = this.Client.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri;

            // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url.
            if (baseUrl[baseUrl.Length - 1] == '/')
                baseUrl = baseUrl.Substring(0, baseUrl.Length - 1);
            if (url[0] == '/')
                url = url.Substring(1);
            url = baseUrl + "/" + url;
            url = url.Replace(" ", "%20");

            // Create HTTP transport objects
            HttpRequestMessage httpRequest = null;

                httpRequest            = new HttpRequestMessage();
                httpRequest.Method     = HttpMethod.Post;
                httpRequest.RequestUri = new Uri(url);

                // Set Headers
                httpRequest.Headers.Add("x-ms-version", "2015-04-01");

                // Set Credentials
                await this.Client.Credentials.ProcessHttpRequestAsync(httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Serialize Request
                string    requestContent = null;
                XDocument requestDoc     = new XDocument();

                XElement iPForwardingElement = new XElement(XName.Get("IPForwarding", ""));

                XElement stateElement = new XElement(XName.Get("State", ""));
                stateElement.Value = parameters.State;

                requestContent      = requestDoc.ToString();
                httpRequest.Content = new StringContent(requestContent, Encoding.UTF8);
                httpRequest.Content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/xml");

                // Send Request
                HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = null;
                    if (shouldTrace)
                        TracingAdapter.SendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest);
                    httpResponse = await this.Client.HttpClient.SendAsync(httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (shouldTrace)
                        TracingAdapter.ReceiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse);
                    HttpStatusCode statusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode;
                    if (statusCode != HttpStatusCode.Accepted)
                        CloudException ex = CloudException.Create(httpRequest, requestContent, httpResponse, await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
                        if (shouldTrace)
                            TracingAdapter.Error(invocationId, ex);
                        throw ex;

                    // Create Result
                    OperationStatusResponse result = null;
                    // Deserialize Response
                    result            = new OperationStatusResponse();
                    result.StatusCode = statusCode;
                    if (httpResponse.Headers.Contains("x-ms-request-id"))
                        result.RequestId = httpResponse.Headers.GetValues("x-ms-request-id").FirstOrDefault();

                    if (shouldTrace)
                        TracingAdapter.Exit(invocationId, result);
                    if (httpResponse != null)
                if (httpRequest != null)
Esempio n. 52
        public virtual SelectRecipientDataResponse Decode(string xmlResponse)
            if (xmlResponse == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("xmlResponse");

            var xml = XElement.Parse(xmlResponse);

            if (xml.Name != "Envelope")
                throw new ArgumentException("xmlResponse must have a root <Envelope> node.");

            var bodyXML = xml.Element(XName.Get("Body"));

            bool   success = Convert.ToBoolean(bodyXML.Element(XName.Get("RESULT")).Element(XName.Get("SUCCESS")).Value);
            var    error = bodyXML.Element(XName.Get("Fault"));
            string errorString = "", email = "", recipientId = "", organizationId = "";
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > parsedCols = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

            if (error != null)
                errorString = error.Element(XName.Get("FaultString")).Value;

                var resultBody = bodyXML.Element(XName.Get("RESULT"));

                email          = resultBody.Element(XName.Get("EMAIL")).Value;
                recipientId    = resultBody.Element(XName.Get("RecipientId")).Value;
                organizationId = resultBody.Element(XName.Get("ORGANIZATION_ID")).Value;
                var columns = resultBody.Element(XName.Get("COLUMNS")).Nodes();
                foreach (var column in columns)
                        var colName  = (column as XElement).Element("NAME").Value;
                        var colValue = (column as XElement).Element("VALUE").Value;
                        parsedCols.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(colName, colValue));
                        // Do Nothing ?
                //visitorAssociation = bodyXML.Element(XName.Get("RESULT")).Element(XName.Get("VISITOR_ASSOCIATION")).Value;
            return(new SelectRecipientDataResponse()
                RawResponse = xmlResponse,
                Success = success,
                ErrorString = errorString,
                RecipientId = recipientId,
                OrganizationId = organizationId,
                Email = email,
                Columns = parsedCols
Esempio n. 53
		public XAttribute (DocumentLocation start, XName name, string value) : base (start)
			this.Name = name;
			this.Value = value;
Esempio n. 54
        internal static PackagePart CreateOrGetSettingsPart(Package package)
            PackagePart settingsPart;

            Uri settingsUri = new Uri("/word/settings.xml", UriKind.Relative);

            if (!package.PartExists(settingsUri))
                settingsPart = package.CreatePart(settingsUri, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.settings+xml", CompressionOption.Maximum);

                PackagePart mainDocumentPart = package.GetParts().Where
                    p => p.ContentType.Equals

                mainDocumentPart.CreateRelationship(settingsUri, TargetMode.Internal, "");

                XDocument settings = XDocument.Parse
                                         (@"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?>
                <w:settings xmlns:o='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office' xmlns:r='' xmlns:m='' xmlns:v='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml' xmlns:w10='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word' xmlns:w='' xmlns:sl=''>
                  <w:zoom w:percent='100' />
                  <w:defaultTabStop w:val='720' />
                  <w:characterSpacingControl w:val='doNotCompress' />
                  <w:compat />
                    <w:rsidRoot w:val='00217F62' />
                    <w:rsid w:val='001915A3' />
                    <w:rsid w:val='00217F62' />
                    <w:rsid w:val='00A906D8' />
                    <w:rsid w:val='00AB5A74' />
                    <w:rsid w:val='00F071AE' />
                    <m:mathFont m:val='Cambria Math' />
                    <m:brkBin m:val='before' />
                    <m:brkBinSub m:val='--' />
                    <m:smallFrac m:val='off' />
                    <m:dispDef />
                    <m:lMargin m:val='0' />
                    <m:rMargin m:val='0' />
                    <m:defJc m:val='centerGroup' />
                    <m:wrapIndent m:val='1440' />
                    <m:intLim m:val='subSup' />
                    <m:naryLim m:val='undOvr' />
                  <w:themeFontLang w:val='en-IE' w:bidi='ar-SA' />
                  <w:clrSchemeMapping w:bg1='light1' w:t1='dark1' w:bg2='light2' w:t2='dark2' w:accent1='accent1' w:accent2='accent2' w:accent3='accent3' w:accent4='accent4' w:accent5='accent5' w:accent6='accent6' w:hyperlink='hyperlink' w:followedHyperlink='followedHyperlink' />
                    <o:shapedefaults v:ext='edit' spidmax='2050' />
                    <o:shapelayout v:ext='edit'>
                      <o:idmap v:ext='edit' data='1' />
                  <w:decimalSymbol w:val='.' />
                  <w:listSeparator w:val=',' />

                XElement themeFontLang = settings.Root.Element(XName.Get("themeFontLang", DocX.w.NamespaceName));
                themeFontLang.SetAttributeValue(XName.Get("val", DocX.w.NamespaceName), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

                // Save the settings document.
                using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(settingsPart.GetStream()))
                settingsPart = package.GetPart(settingsUri);
		protected static void AddHtmlTagCompletionData (CompletionDataList list, HtmlSchema schema, XName parentName)
			if (schema == null)
			if (parentName.IsValid) {
				list.AddRange (schema.CompletionProvider.GetChildElementCompletionData (parentName.FullName));
			} else {
				list.AddRange (schema.CompletionProvider.GetElementCompletionData ());
Esempio n. 56
        /// <summary>
        /// If this document does not contain a /word/styles.xml add the default one generated by Microsoft Word.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package"></param>
        /// <param name="mainDocumentPart"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static XDocument AddDefaultStylesXml(Package package)
            XDocument stylesDoc;
            // Create the main document part for this package
            PackagePart word_styles = package.CreatePart(new Uri("/word/styles.xml", UriKind.Relative), "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.styles+xml", CompressionOption.Maximum);

            stylesDoc = HelperFunctions.DecompressXMLResource("Novacode.Resources.default_styles.xml.gz");
            XElement lang = stylesDoc.Root.Element(XName.Get("docDefaults", DocX.w.NamespaceName)).Element(XName.Get("rPrDefault", DocX.w.NamespaceName)).Element(XName.Get("rPr", DocX.w.NamespaceName)).Element(XName.Get("lang", DocX.w.NamespaceName));

            lang.SetAttributeValue(XName.Get("val", DocX.w.NamespaceName), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            // Save /word/styles.xml
            using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(word_styles.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))
                stylesDoc.Save(tw, SaveOptions.None);

            PackagePart mainDocumentPart = package.GetParts().Where
                p => p.ContentType.Equals

            mainDocumentPart.CreateRelationship(word_styles.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, "");
		protected void AddHtmlAttributeValueCompletionData (CompletionDataList list, HtmlSchema schema, 
		    XName tagName, XName attributeName)
			list.AddRange (schema.CompletionProvider.GetAttributeValueCompletionData (tagName.FullName, 
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The date time.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static XElement ToXElementDateTime(this DateTime value, XName name)
     if (value.Kind != DateTimeKind.Utc)
         value = value.ToUniversalTime();
     return new XElement(name, value.ToString(Formats.XmlDateTime));
Esempio n. 59
		protected override void ShallowCopyFrom (XObject copyFrom)
			base.ShallowCopyFrom (copyFrom);
			WebFormsDirective copyFromEl = (WebFormsDirective)copyFrom;
			name =; //XName is immutable value type
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets an array of <see cref="XElement"/> matching the specified <paramref name="name"/> and parses each element using <paramref name="callback"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the items to be returned.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="element">The parent <see cref="XElement"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="name">An instance of <see cref="XName"/> identifying the elements.</param>
 /// <param name="callback">A callback function for parsing the element.</param>
 /// <returns>The elements as parsed by the specified <paramref name="callback"/>.</returns>
 public static T[] GetElements <T>(this XElement element, XName name, Func <XElement, T> callback)
     return(element?.Elements(name).Select(callback).ToArray() ?? new T[0]);