Esempio n. 1
        public static nHydrate.DataImport.SQLObject ToDatabaseObject(this Entity item)
            var retval = new nHydrate.DataImport.Entity();

            retval.Name             = item.Name;
            retval.Schema           = item.Schema;
            retval.AllowCreateAudit = item.AllowCreateAudit;
            retval.AllowModifyAudit = item.AllowModifyAudit;
            retval.AllowTimestamp   = item.AllowTimestamp;
            retval.IsTenant         = item.IsTenant;

            foreach (var f in item.Fields)
                retval.FieldList.Add(new nHydrate.DataImport.Field()
                    Collate      = f.Collate,
                    DataType     = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), f.DataType.ToString(), true),
                    DefaultValue = f.Default,
                    Identity     = (f.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database),
                    IsIndexed    = f.IsIndexed,
                    IsUnique     = f.IsUnique,
                    Length       = f.Length,
                    Name         = f.Name,
                    Nullable     = f.Nullable,
                    PrimaryKey   = f.IsPrimaryKey,
                    Scale        = f.Scale,
                    SortOrder    = f.SortOrder,

Esempio n. 2
        public static string GetChangedText(this nHydrate.DataImport.Entity item, nHydrate.DataImport.Entity target)
            var retval = string.Empty;

            #region Fields
            var addedFields   = target.FieldList.Where(x => !item.FieldList.Select(z => z.Name).Contains(x.Name)).ToList();
            var deletedFields = item.FieldList.Where(x => !target.FieldList.Select(z => z.Name).Contains(x.Name)).ToList();
            var commonFields  = item.FieldList.Where(x => target.FieldList.Select(z => z.Name).Contains(x.Name)).ToList();

            if (addedFields.Count > 0)
                retval += "\r\nAdded fields: " + string.Join(", ", addedFields.Select(x => x.Name).OrderBy(x => x).ToList()) + "\r\n";

            if (deletedFields.Count > 0)
                retval += "\r\nDeleted fields: " + string.Join(", ", deletedFields.Select(x => x.Name).OrderBy(x => x).ToList()) + "\r\n";

            foreach (var field in commonFields)
                var t = field.GetChangedText(target.FieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == field.Name));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t))
                    retval += "Changed field (" + field.Name + ")\r\n" + t + "\r\n";

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a new DSL model into a data import model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="diagram"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static nHydrate.DataImport.Database Convert(nHydrateModel model, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Diagram diagram)
            var database = new nHydrate.DataImport.Database();

            #region Load the entities
            foreach (var entity in model.Entities)
                var newEntity = new nHydrate.DataImport.Entity();
                newEntity.ID               = entity.Id;
                newEntity.Name             = entity.Name;
                newEntity.Schema           = entity.Schema;
                newEntity.AllowCreateAudit = entity.AllowCreateAudit;
                newEntity.AllowModifyAudit = entity.AllowModifyAudit;
                newEntity.AllowTimestamp   = entity.AllowTimestamp;
                newEntity.IsTenant         = entity.IsTenant;

                #region Load the fields
                foreach (var field in entity.Fields)
                    var newField = new nHydrate.DataImport.Field();
                    newField.ID           = field.Id;
                    newField.Nullable     = field.Nullable;
                    newField.DataType     = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), field.DataType.ToString());
                    newField.DefaultValue = field.Default;
                    newField.Identity     = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    newField.IsIndexed    = field.IsIndexed;
                    newField.IsReadOnly   = field.IsReadOnly;
                    newField.Length       = field.Length;
                    newField.Name         = field.Name;
                    newField.PrimaryKey   = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newField.Scale        = field.Scale;

            #region Load Relations
            foreach (var shape in diagram.NestedChildShapes)
                if (shape is EntityAssociationConnector)
                    var connector = shape as EntityAssociationConnector;
                    var parent    = connector.FromShape.ModelElement as Entity;
                    var child     = connector.ToShape.ModelElement as Entity;

                    var relation = connector.ModelElement as EntityHasEntities;

                    var parentTable = database.EntityList.FirstOrDefault(x => parent != null && x.Name == parent.Name);
                    var childTable  = database.EntityList.FirstOrDefault(x => child != null && x.Name == child.Name);

                    //If we found both parent and child tables...
                    if (parentTable != null && childTable != null)
                        var newRelation = new nHydrate.DataImport.Relationship();
                        newRelation.ID           = shape.Id;
                        newRelation.TargetEntity = childTable;
                        newRelation.RoleName     = ((EntityHasEntities)connector.ModelElement).RoleName;
                        newRelation.SourceEntity = parentTable;

                        //Create the column links
                        var fieldList = model.RelationFields.Where(x => relation != null && x.RelationID == relation.Id);
                        foreach (var columnSet in fieldList)
                            var field1 = parent.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == columnSet.SourceFieldId);
                            var field2 = child.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == columnSet.TargetFieldId);

                            var column1 = parentTable.FieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => field1 != null && x.Name == field1.Name);
                            var column2 = childTable.FieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => field2 != null && x.Name == field2.Name);

                            newRelation.RelationshipColumnList.Add(new nHydrate.DataImport.RelationshipDetail()
                                ParentField = column1,
                                ChildField  = column2,

            #region Load Views
            foreach (var view in model.Views)
                var newView = new nHydrate.DataImport.View();
                newView.ID     = view.Id;
                newView.Name   = view.Name;
                newView.Schema = view.Schema;
                newView.SQL    = view.SQL;

                //Load the fields
                foreach (var field in view.Fields)
                    var newField = new nHydrate.DataImport.Field();
                    newField.ID       = field.Id;
                    newField.Nullable = field.Nullable;
                    //newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newField.DataType     = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), field.DataType.ToString());
                    newField.DefaultValue = field.Default;
                    //newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    //newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newField.Length = field.Length;
                    newField.Name   = field.Name;
                    //newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newField.Scale = field.Scale;

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a new DSL model into a data import model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="diagram"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static nHydrate.DataImport.Database Convert(nHydrateModel model, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Diagram diagram)
            var database = new nHydrate.DataImport.Database();
            database.Collate = model.Collate;

            #region Load the entities
            foreach (var entity in model.Entities.Where(x => x.IsGenerated))
                var newEntity = new nHydrate.DataImport.Entity();
                newEntity.ID = entity.Id;
                newEntity.Name = entity.Name;
                newEntity.Schema = entity.Schema;
                newEntity.AllowCreateAudit = entity.AllowCreateAudit;
                newEntity.AllowModifyAudit = entity.AllowModifyAudit;
                newEntity.AllowTimestamp = entity.AllowTimestamp;
                newEntity.IsTenant = entity.IsTenant;

                #region Load the fields
                foreach (var field in entity.Fields)
                    var newField = new nHydrate.DataImport.Field();
                    newField.ID = field.Id;
                    newField.Nullable = field.Nullable;
                    newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newField.DataType = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), field.DataType.ToString());
                    newField.DefaultValue = field.Default;
                    newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newField.IsReadOnly = field.IsReadOnly;
                    newField.Length = field.Length;
                    newField.Name = field.Name;
                    newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newField.Scale = field.Scale;
                    newField.IsBrowsable = field.IsBrowsable;

            #region Load Relations
            foreach (var shape in diagram.NestedChildShapes)
                if (shape is EntityAssociationConnector)
                    var connector = shape as EntityAssociationConnector;
                    var parent = connector.FromShape.ModelElement as Entity;
                    var child = connector.ToShape.ModelElement as Entity;

                    var relation = connector.ModelElement as EntityHasEntities;

                    var parentTable = database.EntityList.FirstOrDefault(x => parent != null && x.Name == parent.Name);
                    var childTable = database.EntityList.FirstOrDefault(x => child != null && x.Name == child.Name);

                    //If we found both parent and child tables...
                    if (parentTable != null && childTable != null)
                        var newRelation = new nHydrate.DataImport.Relationship();
                        newRelation.ID = shape.Id;
                        newRelation.TargetEntity = childTable;
                        newRelation.RoleName = ((EntityHasEntities)connector.ModelElement).RoleName;
                        newRelation.SourceEntity = parentTable;

                        //Create the column links
                        var fieldList = model.RelationFields.Where(x => relation != null && x.RelationID == relation.Id);
                        foreach (var columnSet in fieldList)
                            var field1 = parent.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == columnSet.SourceFieldId);
                            var field2 = child.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == columnSet.TargetFieldId);

                            var column1 = parentTable.FieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => field1 != null && x.Name == field1.Name);
                            var column2 = childTable.FieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => field2 != null && x.Name == field2.Name);

                            newRelation.RelationshipColumnList.Add(new nHydrate.DataImport.RelationshipDetail()
                                ParentField = column1,
                                ChildField = column2,



            #region Load Stored Procedures
            foreach (var storedProc in model.StoredProcedures.Where(x => x.IsGenerated))
                var newStoredProc = new nHydrate.DataImport.StoredProc();
                newStoredProc.ID = storedProc.Id;
                newStoredProc.Name = storedProc.Name;
                newStoredProc.Schema = storedProc.Schema;
                newStoredProc.SQL = storedProc.SQL;

                //Load the fields
                foreach (var field in storedProc.Fields)
                    var newField = new nHydrate.DataImport.Field();
                    newField.ID = field.Id;
                    newField.Nullable = field.Nullable;
                    //newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newField.DataType = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), field.DataType.ToString());
                    newField.DefaultValue = field.Default;
                    //newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    //newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newField.Length = field.Length;
                    newField.Name = field.Name;
                    //newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newField.Scale = field.Scale;

                //Load the parameters
                foreach (var parameter in storedProc.Parameters)
                    var newParameter = new nHydrate.DataImport.Parameter();
                    newParameter.ID = parameter.Id;
                    newParameter.Nullable = parameter.Nullable;
                    //newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newParameter.DataType = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), parameter.DataType.ToString());
                    newParameter.DefaultValue = parameter.Default;
                    //newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    //newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newParameter.Length = parameter.Length;
                    newParameter.Name = parameter.Name;
                    //newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newParameter.Scale = parameter.Scale;


            #region Load Views
            foreach (var view in model.Views.Where(x => x.IsGenerated))
                var newView = new nHydrate.DataImport.View();
                newView.ID = view.Id;
                newView.Name = view.Name;
                newView.Schema = view.Schema;
                newView.SQL = view.SQL;

                //Load the fields
                foreach (var field in view.Fields)
                    var newField = new nHydrate.DataImport.Field();
                    newField.ID = field.Id;
                    newField.Nullable = field.Nullable;
                    //newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newField.DataType = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), field.DataType.ToString());
                    newField.DefaultValue = field.Default;
                    //newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    //newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newField.Length = field.Length;
                    newField.Name = field.Name;
                    //newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newField.Scale = field.Scale;


            #region Load Functions
            foreach (var function in model.Functions.Where(x => x.IsGenerated))
                var newFunction = new nHydrate.DataImport.Function();
                newFunction.ID = function.Id;
                newFunction.Name = function.Name;
                newFunction.Schema = function.Schema;
                newFunction.SQL = function.SQL;

                //Load the fields
                foreach (var field in function.Fields)
                    var newField = new nHydrate.DataImport.Field();
                    newField.ID = field.Id;
                    newField.Nullable = field.Nullable;
                    //newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newField.DataType = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), field.DataType.ToString());
                    newField.DefaultValue = field.Default;
                    //newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    //newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newField.Length = field.Length;
                    newField.Name = field.Name;
                    //newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newField.Scale = field.Scale;

                //Load the parameters
                foreach (var parameter in function.Parameters)
                    var newParameter = new nHydrate.DataImport.Parameter();
                    newParameter.ID = parameter.Id;
                    newParameter.Nullable = parameter.Nullable;
                    //newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newParameter.DataType = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), parameter.DataType.ToString());
                    newParameter.DefaultValue = parameter.Default;
                    //newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    //newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newParameter.Length = parameter.Length;
                    newParameter.Name = parameter.Name;
                    //newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newParameter.Scale = parameter.Scale;


            return database;