Esempio n. 1
        public static void FastIntersectOrientedBoxPlane(
            XMVector center,
            XMVector extents,
            XMVector axis0,
            XMVector axis1,
            XMVector axis2,
            XMVector plane,
            out XMVector outside,
            out XMVector inside)
            // Compute the distance to the center of the box.
            XMVector dist = XMVector4.Dot(center, plane);

            // Project the axes of the box onto the normal of the plane.  Half the
            // length of the projection (sometime called the "radius") is equal to
            // h(u) * abs(n dot b(u))) + h(v) * abs(n dot b(v)) + h(w) * abs(n dot b(w))
            // where h(i) are extents of the box, n is the plane normal, and b(i) are the
            // axes of the box.
            XMVector radius = XMVector3.Dot(plane, axis0);

            radius.Y = XMVector3.Dot(plane, axis1).Y;
            radius.Z = XMVector3.Dot(plane, axis2).Z;
            radius   = XMVector3.Dot(extents, radius.Abs());

            // Outside the plane?
            outside = XMVector.Greater(dist, radius);

            // Fully inside the plane?
            inside = XMVector.Less(dist, -radius);
Esempio n. 2
        public static bool CalculateEigenVectorsFromCovarianceMatrix(
            float cxx,
            float cyy,
            float czz,
            float cxy,
            float cxz,
            float cyz,
            out XMVector pV1,
            out XMVector pV2,
            out XMVector pV3)
            // Calculate the eigenvalues by solving a cubic equation.
            float e = -(cxx + cyy + czz);
            float f = (cxx * cyy) + (cyy * czz) + (czz * cxx) - (cxy * cxy) - (cxz * cxz) - (cyz * cyz);
            float g = (cxy * cxy * czz) + (cxz * cxz * cyy) + (cyz * cyz * cxx) - (cxy * cyz * cxz * 2.0f) - (cxx * cyy * czz);

            float ev1, ev2, ev3;

            if (!Internal.SolveCubic(e, f, g, out ev1, out ev2, out ev3))
                // set them to arbitrary orthonormal basis set
                pV1 = XMGlobalConstants.IdentityR0;
                pV2 = XMGlobalConstants.IdentityR1;
                pV3 = XMGlobalConstants.IdentityR2;

            return(Internal.CalculateEigenVectors(cxx, cxy, cxz, cyy, cyz, czz, ev1, ev2, ev3, out pV1, out pV2, out pV3));
Esempio n. 3
        public static bool XMVector3AllTrue(XMVector v)
            // Duplicate the fourth element from the first element.
            XMVector c = new XMVector(v.X, v.Y, v.Z, v.X);

            return(XMVector4.EqualIntR(c, XMVector.TrueInt).IsAllTrue);
Esempio n. 4
        public static bool NearEqual(XMVector p1, XMVector p2, XMVector epsilon)
            XMVector np1 = XMPlane.Normalize(p1);
            XMVector np2 = XMPlane.Normalize(p2);

            return XMVector4.NearEqual(np1, np2, epsilon);
Esempio n. 5
        public static XMVector XMPlaneTransform(XMVector plane, XMVector rotation, XMVector translation)
            XMVector v_normal = XMVector3.Rotate(plane, rotation);
            XMVector vD       = XMVector.SplatW(plane) - XMVector3.Dot(v_normal, translation);

            return(new XMVector(v_normal.X, v_normal.Y, v_normal.Z, vD.W));
Esempio n. 6
        public static XMVector RotationRollPitchYawFromVector(XMVector angles)
            XMVector sign       = XMVector.FromFloat(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
            XMVector halfAngles = XMVector.Multiply(angles, XMGlobalConstants.OneHalf);

            XMVector sinAngles;
            XMVector cosAngles;

            halfAngles.SinCos(out sinAngles, out cosAngles);

            XMVector p0 = new XMVector(sinAngles.X, cosAngles.X, cosAngles.X, cosAngles.X);
            XMVector y0 = new XMVector(cosAngles.Y, sinAngles.Y, cosAngles.Y, cosAngles.Y);
            XMVector r0 = new XMVector(cosAngles.Z, cosAngles.Z, sinAngles.Z, cosAngles.Z);
            XMVector p1 = new XMVector(cosAngles.X, sinAngles.X, sinAngles.X, sinAngles.X);
            XMVector y1 = new XMVector(sinAngles.Y, cosAngles.Y, sinAngles.Y, sinAngles.Y);
            XMVector r1 = new XMVector(sinAngles.Z, sinAngles.Z, cosAngles.Z, sinAngles.Z);

            XMVector q1 = XMVector.Multiply(p1, sign);
            XMVector q0 = XMVector.Multiply(p0, y0);

            q1 = XMVector.Multiply(q1, y1);
            q0 = XMVector.Multiply(q0, r0);

            return(XMVector.MultiplyAdd(q1, r1, q0));
Esempio n. 7
        private void LoadCam(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var context = this.DataContext as WorkspaceVM;

            if (context != null)
                OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
                if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                    var      lines          = File.ReadLines(openFileDialog.FileName);
                    var      camPos         = lines.ElementAt(0).Split(' ');
                    var      scrCen         = lines.ElementAt(1).Split(' ');
                    var      angle          = lines.ElementAt(2);
                    XMVector cameraPosition = new XMVector();
                    XMVector screenCenter   = new XMVector();
                    int      viewAngle      = 90;
                    if (camPos.Length >= 3)
                        cameraPosition = new XMVector(float.Parse(camPos[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), float.Parse(camPos[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), float.Parse(camPos[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), 1);
                    if (scrCen.Length >= 3)
                        screenCenter = new XMVector(float.Parse(scrCen[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), float.Parse(scrCen[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), float.Parse(scrCen[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), 1);
                    int.TryParse(angle, out viewAngle);
                    context.LoadCamera(cameraPosition, screenCenter, viewAngle);
        public bool Intersects(BoundingSphere sh)
            XMVector sphereCenter = sh.Center;
            XMVector sphereRadius = XMVector.Replicate(sh.Radius);

            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            XMVector boxMin = boxCenter - boxExtents;
            XMVector boxMax = boxCenter + boxExtents;

            //// Find the distance to the nearest point on the box.
            //// for each i in (x, y, z)
            //// if (SphereCenter(i) < BoxMin(i)) d2 += (SphereCenter(i) - BoxMin(i)) ^ 2
            //// else if (SphereCenter(i) > BoxMax(i)) d2 += (SphereCenter(i) - BoxMax(i)) ^ 2

            XMVector d = XMGlobalConstants.Zero;

            // Compute d for each dimension.
            XMVector lessThanMin    = XMVector.Less(sphereCenter, boxMin);
            XMVector greaterThanMax = XMVector.Greater(sphereCenter, boxMax);

            XMVector minDelta = sphereCenter - boxMin;
            XMVector maxDelta = sphereCenter - boxMax;

            // Choose value for each dimension based on the comparison.
            d = XMVector.Select(d, minDelta, lessThanMin);
            d = XMVector.Select(d, maxDelta, greaterThanMax);

            // Use a dot-product to square them and sum them together.
            XMVector d2 = XMVector3.Dot(d, d);

            return(XMVector3.LessOrEqual(d2, XMVector.Multiply(sphereRadius, sphereRadius)));
        public PlaneIntersectionType Intersects(XMVector plane)
            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMPlaneIsUnit(plane), "Reviewed");

            // Load the box.
            XMVector v_center  =;
            XMVector v_extents = this.extents;

            // Set w of the center to one so we can dot4 with a plane.
            v_center.W = 1.0f;

            XMVector outside, inside;

            Internal.FastIntersectAxisAlignedBoxPlane(v_center, v_extents, plane, out outside, out inside);

            // If the box is outside any plane it is outside.
            if (XMVector4.EqualInt(outside, XMVector.TrueInt))

            // If the box is inside all planes it is inside.
            if (XMVector4.EqualInt(inside, XMVector.TrueInt))

            // The box is not inside all planes or outside a plane it intersects.
Esempio n. 10
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingBox box)
            XMVector centerA  =;
            XMVector extentsA = this.extents;

            XMVector centerB  =;
            XMVector extentsB = box.extents;

            XMVector minA = centerA - extentsA;
            XMVector maxA = centerA + extentsA;

            XMVector minB = centerB - extentsB;
            XMVector maxB = centerB + extentsB;

            // for each i in (x, y, z) if a_min(i) > b_max(i) or b_min(i) > a_max(i) then return false
            XMVector disjoint = XMVector.OrInt(XMVector.Greater(minA, maxB), XMVector.Greater(minB, maxA));

            if (Internal.XMVector3AnyTrue(disjoint))

            // for each i in (x, y, z) if a_min(i) <= b_min(i) and b_max(i) <= a_max(i) then A contains B
            XMVector inside = XMVector.AndInt(XMVector.LessOrEqual(minA, minB), XMVector.LessOrEqual(maxB, maxA));

            return(Internal.XMVector3AllTrue(inside) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects);
Esempio n. 11
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingOrientedBox box)
            if (!box.Intersects(this))

            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            // Subtract off the AABB center to remove a subtract below
            XMVector o_center = box.Center - boxCenter;

            XMVector o_extents     = box.Extents;
            XMVector o_orientation = box.Orientation;

            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMQuaternionIsUnit(o_orientation), "Reviewed");

            XMVector inside = XMVector.TrueInt;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoundingOrientedBox.CornerCount; i++)
                XMVector c = XMVector3.Rotate(o_extents * CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], o_orientation) + o_center;
                XMVector d = c.Abs();
                inside = XMVector.AndInt(inside, XMVector.LessOrEqual(d, boxExtents));

            return(XMVector3.EqualInt(inside, XMVector.TrueInt) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects);
Esempio n. 12
        public ContainmentType Contains(XMVector point)
            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            return(XMVector3.InBounds(point - boxCenter, boxExtents) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Disjoint);
Esempio n. 13
        public BoundingBox Transform(float scale, XMVector rotation, XMVector translation)
            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMQuaternionIsUnit(rotation), "Reviewed");

            // Load center and extents.
            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            XMVector vectorScale = XMVector.Replicate(scale);

            // Compute and transform the corners and find new min/max bounds.
            XMVector corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[0], boxCenter);

            corner = XMVector3.Rotate(corner * vectorScale, rotation) + translation;

            XMVector min, max;

            min = max = corner;

            for (int i = 1; i < BoundingBox.CornerCount; i++)
                corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], boxCenter);
                corner = XMVector3.Rotate(corner * vectorScale, rotation) + translation;

                min = XMVector.Min(min, corner);
                max = XMVector.Max(max, corner);

            // Store center and extents.
            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
Esempio n. 14
        public BoundingBox Transform(XMMatrix m)
            // Load center and extents.
            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            // Compute and transform the corners and find new min/max bounds.
            XMVector corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[0], boxCenter);

            corner = XMVector3.Transform(corner, m);

            XMVector min, max;

            min = max = corner;

            for (int i = 1; i < BoundingBox.CornerCount; i++)
                corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], boxCenter);
                corner = XMVector3.Transform(corner, m);

                min = XMVector.Min(min, corner);
                max = XMVector.Max(max, corner);

            // Store center and extents.
            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
        internal void TransformFrameAbsolute(SdkMeshFile file, double time)
            int tick = file.GetAnimationKeyFromTime(time);

            if (this.AnimationFrameIndex != -1)
                SdkMeshAnimationFrame animationFrame   = file.AnimationFrames[this.AnimationFrameIndex];
                SdkMeshAnimationKey   animationKey     = animationFrame.AnimationKeys[tick];
                SdkMeshAnimationKey   animationKeyOrig = animationFrame.AnimationKeys[0];

                XMMatrix mTrans1 = XMMatrix.Translation(-animationKeyOrig.Translation.X, -animationKeyOrig.Translation.Y, -animationKeyOrig.Translation.Z);
                XMMatrix mTrans2 = XMMatrix.Translation(animationKey.Translation.X, animationKey.Translation.Y, animationKey.Translation.Z);

                XMVector quat1 = animationKeyOrig.Orientation;
                quat1 = XMQuaternion.Inverse(quat1);
                XMMatrix mRot1  = XMMatrix.RotationQuaternion(quat1);
                XMMatrix mInvTo = mTrans1 * mRot1;

                XMVector quat2 = animationKey.Orientation;
                XMMatrix mRot2 = XMMatrix.RotationQuaternion(quat2);
                XMMatrix mFrom = mRot2 * mTrans2;

                XMMatrix mOutput = mInvTo * mFrom;
                this.TransformedFrameMatrix = mOutput;
Esempio n. 16
        public static bool Intersects(XMVector origin, XMVector direction, XMVector v0, XMVector v1, XMVector v2, out float distance)
            float uCoordinate;
            float vCoordinate;

            return(TriangleTest.Intersects(origin, direction, v0, v1, v2, out uCoordinate, out vCoordinate, out distance));
Esempio n. 17
        public static XMVector BaryCentricV(XMVector q0, XMVector q1, XMVector q2, XMVector f, XMVector g)
            Debug.Assert(f.Y == f.X && f.Z == f.X && f.W == f.X, "Reviewed");
            Debug.Assert(g.Y == g.X && g.Z == g.X && g.W == g.X, "Reviewed");

            XMVector epsilon = XMVector.FromSplatConstant(1, 16);
            XMVector s       = XMVector.Add(f, g);

            XMVector result;

            if (XMVector4.InBounds(s, epsilon))
                result = q0;
                XMVector q01 = XMQuaternion.SlerpV(q0, q1, s);
                XMVector q02 = XMQuaternion.SlerpV(q0, q2, s);
                XMVector gs  = s.Reciprocal();
                gs = XMVector.Multiply(g, gs);

                result = XMQuaternion.SlerpV(q01, q02, gs);

Esempio n. 18
        public static PlaneIntersectionType Intersects(XMVector v0, XMVector v1, XMVector v2, XMVector plane)
            XMVector one = XMGlobalConstants.One;

            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMPlaneIsUnit(plane), "Reviewed");

            // Set w of the points to one so we can dot4 with a plane.
            XMVector tV0 = new XMVector(v0.X, v0.Y, v0.Z, one.W);
            XMVector tV1 = new XMVector(v1.X, v1.Y, v1.Z, one.W);
            XMVector tV2 = new XMVector(v2.X, v2.Y, v2.Z, one.W);

            XMVector outside, inside;

            Internal.FastIntersectTrianglePlane(tV0, tV1, tV2, plane, out outside, out inside);

            // If the triangle is outside any plane it is outside.
            if (XMVector4.EqualInt(outside, XMVector.TrueInt))

            // If the triangle is inside all planes it is inside.
            if (XMVector4.EqualInt(inside, XMVector.TrueInt))

            // The triangle is not inside all planes or outside a plane it intersects.
Esempio n. 19
        public static XMVector FresnelTerm(XMVector cosIncidentAngle, XMVector refractionIndex)
            Debug.Assert(!XMVector4.IsInfinite(cosIncidentAngle), "Reviewed");

            //// Result = 0.5f * (g - c)^2 / (g + c)^2 * ((c * (g + c) - 1)^2 / (c * (g - c) + 1)^2 + 1) where
            //// c = CosIncidentAngle
            //// g = sqrt(c^2 + RefractionIndex^2 - 1)

            XMVector g = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(refractionIndex, refractionIndex, XMGlobalConstants.NegativeOne);

            g = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(cosIncidentAngle, cosIncidentAngle, g);
            g = g.Abs().Sqrt();

            XMVector s = XMVector.Add(g, cosIncidentAngle);
            XMVector d = XMVector.Subtract(g, cosIncidentAngle);

            XMVector v0 = XMVector.Multiply(d, d);
            XMVector v1 = XMVector.Multiply(s, s).Reciprocal();

            v0 = XMVector.Multiply(XMGlobalConstants.OneHalf, v0);
            v0 = XMVector.Multiply(v0, v1);

            XMVector v2 = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(cosIncidentAngle, s, XMGlobalConstants.NegativeOne);
            XMVector v3 = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(cosIncidentAngle, d, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            v2 = XMVector.Multiply(v2, v2);
            v3 = XMVector.Multiply(v3, v3);
            v3 = v3.Reciprocal();
            v2 = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(v2, v3, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            return(XMVector.Multiply(v0, v2).Saturate());
Esempio n. 20
 public void evaluate(XMVector p)
     if (p.X < MinX.X)
         MinX = new XMVector(p);
     if (p.Y < MinY.Y)
         MinY = new XMVector(p);
     if (p.Z < MinZ.Z)
         MinZ = new XMVector(p);
     if (p.X > MaxX.X)
         MaxX = new XMVector(p);
     if (p.Y > MaxY.Y)
         MaxY = new XMVector(p);
     if (p.Z > MaxZ.Z)
         MaxZ = new XMVector(p);
Esempio n. 21
        public static bool XMVector3AllTrue(XMVector v)
            // Duplicate the fourth element from the first element.
            XMVector c = new XMVector(v.X, v.Y, v.Z, v.X);

            return XMVector4.EqualIntR(c, XMVector.TrueInt).IsAllTrue;
Esempio n. 22
        public static XMVector FresnelTerm(XMVector cosIncidentAngle, XMVector refractionIndex)
            Debug.Assert(!XMVector4.IsInfinite(cosIncidentAngle), "Reviewed");

            //// Result = 0.5f * (g - c)^2 / (g + c)^2 * ((c * (g + c) - 1)^2 / (c * (g - c) + 1)^2 + 1) where
            //// c = CosIncidentAngle
            //// g = sqrt(c^2 + RefractionIndex^2 - 1)

            XMVector g = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(refractionIndex, refractionIndex, XMGlobalConstants.NegativeOne);
            g = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(cosIncidentAngle, cosIncidentAngle, g);
            g = g.Abs().Sqrt();

            XMVector s = XMVector.Add(g, cosIncidentAngle);
            XMVector d = XMVector.Subtract(g, cosIncidentAngle);

            XMVector v0 = XMVector.Multiply(d, d);
            XMVector v1 = XMVector.Multiply(s, s).Reciprocal();
            v0 = XMVector.Multiply(XMGlobalConstants.OneHalf, v0);
            v0 = XMVector.Multiply(v0, v1);

            XMVector v2 = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(cosIncidentAngle, s, XMGlobalConstants.NegativeOne);
            XMVector v3 = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(cosIncidentAngle, d, XMGlobalConstants.One);
            v2 = XMVector.Multiply(v2, v2);
            v3 = XMVector.Multiply(v3, v3);
            v3 = v3.Reciprocal();
            v2 = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(v2, v3, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            return XMVector.Multiply(v0, v2).Saturate();
Esempio n. 23
 public static bool EqualInt(XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
     return ((uint*)&v1)[0] == ((uint*)&v2)[0]
         && ((uint*)&v1)[1] == ((uint*)&v2)[1]
         && ((uint*)&v1)[2] == ((uint*)&v2)[2]
         && ((uint*)&v1)[3] == ((uint*)&v2)[3];
Esempio n. 24
        public static XMVector ClampLength(XMVector v, float lengthMin, float lengthMax)
            XMVector clampMax = XMVector.Replicate(lengthMax);
            XMVector clampMin = XMVector.Replicate(lengthMin);

            return(XMVector4.ClampLengthV(v, clampMin, clampMax));
Esempio n. 25
 public static bool EqualInt(XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
     return(((uint *)&v1)[0] == ((uint *)&v2)[0] &&
            ((uint *)&v1)[1] == ((uint *)&v2)[1] &&
            ((uint *)&v1)[2] == ((uint *)&v2)[2] &&
            ((uint *)&v1)[3] == ((uint *)&v2)[3]);
Esempio n. 26
        public static XMVector RefractV(XMVector incident, XMVector normal, XMVector refractionIndex)
            //// Result = RefractionIndex * Incident - Normal * (RefractionIndex * dot(Incident, Normal) +
            //// sqrt(1 - RefractionIndex * RefractionIndex * (1 - dot(Incident, Normal) * dot(Incident, Normal))))

            XMVector zero = XMVector.Zero;
            XMVector incidentDotNormal = XMVector4.Dot(incident, normal);

            // R = 1.0f - RefractionIndex * RefractionIndex * (1.0f - IDotN * IDotN)
            XMVector r = XMVector.NegativeMultiplySubtract(incidentDotNormal, incidentDotNormal, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            r = XMVector.Multiply(r, refractionIndex);
            r = XMVector.NegativeMultiplySubtract(r, refractionIndex, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            if (XMVector4.LessOrEqual(r, zero))
                // Total internal reflection
                // R = RefractionIndex * IDotN + sqrt(R)
                r = r.Sqrt();
                r = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(refractionIndex, incidentDotNormal, r);

                // Result = RefractionIndex * Incident - Normal * R
                XMVector result = XMVector.Multiply(refractionIndex, incident);
                result = XMVector.NegativeMultiplySubtract(normal, r, result);

Esempio n. 27
 public static bool IsNaN(XMVector v)
     return(XMVector.IsNaN(v.X) ||
            XMVector.IsNaN(v.Y) ||
            XMVector.IsNaN(v.Z) ||
Esempio n. 28
 public static bool IsInfinite(XMVector v)
     return(XMVector.IsInfinite(v.X) ||
            XMVector.IsInfinite(v.Y) ||
            XMVector.IsInfinite(v.Z) ||
Esempio n. 29
 public static bool NotEqualInt(XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
     return(((uint *)&v1)[0] != ((uint *)&v2)[0] ||
            ((uint *)&v1)[1] != ((uint *)&v2)[1] ||
            ((uint *)&v1)[2] != ((uint *)&v2)[2] ||
            ((uint *)&v1)[3] != ((uint *)&v2)[3]);
Esempio n. 30
 public static bool InBounds(XMVector v, XMVector bounds)
     return(v.X <= bounds.X && v.X >= -bounds.X &&
            v.Y <= bounds.Y && v.Y >= -bounds.Y &&
            v.Z <= bounds.Z && v.Z >= -bounds.Z &&
            v.W <= bounds.W && v.W >= -bounds.W);
Esempio n. 31
        public static bool NearEqual(XMVector p1, XMVector p2, XMVector epsilon)
            XMVector np1 = XMPlane.Normalize(p1);
            XMVector np2 = XMPlane.Normalize(p2);

            return(XMVector4.NearEqual(np1, np2, epsilon));
Esempio n. 32
        public static BoundingBox CreateFromPoints(XMFloat3[] points)
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("points");

            if (points.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("points");

            // Find the minimum and maximum x, y, and z
            XMVector v_min, v_max;

            v_min = v_max = points[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < points.Length; i++)
                XMVector point = points[i];

                v_min = XMVector.Min(v_min, point);
                v_max = XMVector.Max(v_max, point);

            // Store center and extents.
            return(new BoundingBox((v_min + v_max) * 0.5f, (v_max - v_min) * 0.5f));
Esempio n. 33
 public static XMVector AngleBetweenNormals(XMVector n1, XMVector n2)
            .Dot(n1, n2)
            .Clamp(XMGlobalConstants.NegativeOne, XMGlobalConstants.One)
        public void Init()
                XMFloat3 vecEye = new XMFloat3(100.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f);
                XMFloat3 vecAt  = new XMFloat3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                XMFloat3 vecUp  = new XMFloat3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

                this.ViewerCameraView       = XMMatrix.LookAtLH(vecEye, vecAt, vecUp);
                this.ViewerCameraProjection = XMMatrix.PerspectiveFovLH(XMMath.PIDivFour, 1.0f, 0.05f, 1.0f);
                this.ViewerCameraNearClip   = 0.05f;
                this.ViewerCameraFarClip    = 1.0f;

                XMFloat3 vecEye = new XMFloat3(-320.0f, 300.0f, -220.3f);
                XMFloat3 vecAt  = new XMFloat3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                XMFloat3 vecUp  = new XMFloat3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

                this.LightCameraWorld       = XMMatrix.Identity;
                this.LightCameraView        = XMMatrix.LookAtLH(vecEye, vecAt, vecUp);
                this.LightCameraProjection  = XMMatrix.PerspectiveFovLH(XMMath.PIDivFour, 1.0f, 0.1f, 1000.0f);
                this.LightCameraEyePoint    = vecEye;
                this.LightCameraLookAtPoint = vecAt;

            this.ActiveCameraView       = this.ViewerCameraView;
            this.ActiveCameraProjection = this.ViewerCameraProjection;

            this.MeshLength = 1.0f;
Esempio n. 35
        public static XMComparisonRecord EqualR(XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
            uint cr = 0;

            if (v1.X == v2.X && v1.Y == v2.Y)
                cr = XMComparisonRecord.MaskTrue;
            else if (v1.X != v2.X && v1.Y != v2.Y)
                cr = XMComparisonRecord.MaskFalse;

            return new XMComparisonRecord(cr);
Esempio n. 36
        public static XMComparisonRecord EqualIntR(XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
            uint cr = 0;

            if (((uint*)&v1)[0] == ((uint*)&v2)[0]
                && ((uint*)&v1)[1] == ((uint*)&v2)[1])
                cr = XMComparisonRecord.MaskTrue;
            else if (((uint*)&v1)[0] != ((uint*)&v2)[0]
                && ((uint*)&v1)[1] != ((uint*)&v2)[1])
                cr = XMComparisonRecord.MaskFalse;

            return new XMComparisonRecord(cr);
Esempio n. 37
        public static XMVector TransformNormal(XMVector v, XMMatrix m)
            XMVector y = XMVector.SplatY(v);
            XMVector x = XMVector.SplatX(v);

            XMVector result = XMVector.Multiply(y, ((XMVector*)&m)[1]);
            result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(x, ((XMVector*)&m)[0], result);

            return result;
Esempio n. 38
        public static XMVector TransformCoord(XMVector v, XMMatrix m)
            XMVector y = XMVector.SplatY(v);
            XMVector x = XMVector.SplatX(v);

            XMVector result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(y, ((XMVector*)&m)[1], ((XMVector*)&m)[3]);
            result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(x, ((XMVector*)&m)[0], result);

            XMVector w = XMVector.SplatW(result);
            return XMVector.Divide(result, w);
Esempio n. 39
        public static XMVector IntersectLine(XMVector line1Point1, XMVector line1Point2, XMVector line2Point1, XMVector line2Point2)
            XMVector v1 = XMVector.Subtract(line1Point2, line1Point1);
            XMVector v2 = XMVector.Subtract(line2Point2, line2Point1);
            XMVector v3 = XMVector.Subtract(line1Point1, line2Point1);

            XMVector c1 = XMVector2.Cross(v1, v2);
            XMVector c2 = XMVector2.Cross(v2, v3);

            XMVector result;
            XMVector zero = XMVector.Zero;

            if (XMVector2.NearEqual(c1, zero, XMGlobalConstants.Epsilon))
                if (XMVector2.NearEqual(c2, zero, XMGlobalConstants.Epsilon))
                    // Coincident
                    result = XMGlobalConstants.Infinity;
                    // Parallel
                    result = XMGlobalConstants.QNaN;
                //// Intersection point = Line1Point1 + V1 * (C2 / C1)

                XMVector scale = c1.Reciprocal();
                scale = XMVector.Multiply(c2, scale);

                result = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(v1, scale, line1Point1);

            return result;
Esempio n. 40
        public static XMVector LinePointDistance(XMVector linePoint1, XMVector linePoint2, XMVector point)
            //// Given a vector PointVector from LinePoint1 to Point and a vector
            //// LineVector from LinePoint1 to LinePoint2, the scaled distance 
            //// PointProjectionScale from LinePoint1 to the perpendicular projection
            //// of PointVector onto the line is defined as:
            ////     PointProjectionScale = dot(PointVector, LineVector) / LengthSq(LineVector)

            XMVector pointVector = XMVector.Subtract(point, linePoint1);
            XMVector lineVector = XMVector.Subtract(linePoint2, linePoint1);

            XMVector lengthSq = XMVector2.LengthSquare(lineVector);

            XMVector pointProjectionScale = XMVector2.Dot(pointVector, lineVector);
            pointProjectionScale = XMVector.Divide(pointProjectionScale, lengthSq);

            XMVector distanceVector = XMVector.Multiply(lineVector, pointProjectionScale);
            distanceVector = XMVector.Subtract(pointVector, distanceVector);

            return XMVector2.Length(distanceVector);
Esempio n. 41
        public static XMVector AngleBetweenVectors(XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
            XMVector l1 = XMVector2.ReciprocalLength(v1);
            XMVector l2 = XMVector2.ReciprocalLength(v2);
            XMVector dot = XMVector2.Dot(v1, v2);

            l1 = XMVector.Multiply(l1, l2);

            return XMVector.Multiply(dot, l1)
                .Clamp(XMGlobalConstants.NegativeOne, XMGlobalConstants.One)
Esempio n. 42
        public static XMVector Normalize(XMVector v)
            XMVector result = XMVector2.Length(v);
            float length = result.X;

            // Prevent divide by zero
            if (length > 0)
                length = 1.0f / length;

            result.X = v.X * length;
            result.Y = v.Y * length;
            result.Z = v.Z * length;
            result.W = v.W * length;

            return result;
Esempio n. 43
 public static XMVector Length(XMVector v)
     return XMVector2.LengthSquare(v)
Esempio n. 44
 public static XMVector Refract(XMVector incident, XMVector normal, float refractionIndex)
     XMVector index = XMVector.Replicate(refractionIndex);
     return XMVector2.RefractV(incident, normal, index);
Esempio n. 45
        public static XMVector Reflect(XMVector incident, XMVector normal)
            //// Result = Incident - (2 * dot(Incident, Normal)) * Normal

            XMVector result;
            result = XMVector2.Dot(incident, normal);
            result = XMVector.Add(result, result);
            result = XMVector.NegativeMultiplySubtract(result, normal, incident);
            return result;
Esempio n. 46
        public static XMVector ClampLengthV(XMVector v, XMVector lengthMin, XMVector lengthMax)
            Debug.Assert(lengthMin.Y == lengthMin.X, "Reviewed");
            Debug.Assert(lengthMax.Y == lengthMax.X, "Reviewed");
            Debug.Assert(XMVector2.GreaterOrEqual(lengthMin, XMGlobalConstants.Zero), "Reviewed");
            Debug.Assert(XMVector2.GreaterOrEqual(lengthMax, XMGlobalConstants.Zero), "Reviewed");
            Debug.Assert(XMVector2.GreaterOrEqual(lengthMax, lengthMin), "Reviewed");

            XMVector lengthSq = XMVector2.LengthSquare(v);
            XMVector zero = XMVector.Zero;
            XMVector reciprocalLength = lengthSq.ReciprocalSqrt();

            XMVector infiniteLength = XMVector.EqualInt(lengthSq, XMGlobalConstants.Infinity);
            XMVector zeroLength = XMVector.Equal(lengthSq, zero);

            XMVector length = XMVector.Multiply(lengthSq, reciprocalLength);
            XMVector normal = XMVector.Multiply(v, reciprocalLength);

            XMVector select = XMVector.EqualInt(infiniteLength, zeroLength);
            length = XMVector.Select(lengthSq, length, select);
            normal = XMVector.Select(lengthSq, normal, select);

            XMVector controlMax = XMVector.Greater(length, lengthMax);
            XMVector controlMin = XMVector.Less(length, lengthMin);

            XMVector clampLength = XMVector.Select(length, lengthMax, controlMax);
            clampLength = XMVector.Select(clampLength, lengthMin, controlMin);

            XMVector result = XMVector.Multiply(normal, clampLength);

            // Preserve the original vector (with no precision loss) if the length falls within the given range
            XMVector control = XMVector.EqualInt(controlMax, controlMin);
            result = XMVector.Select(result, v, control);

            return result;
Esempio n. 47
        public static XMVector ClampLength(XMVector v, float lengthMin, float lengthMax)
            XMVector clampMax = XMVector.Replicate(lengthMax);
            XMVector clampMin = XMVector.Replicate(lengthMin);

            return XMVector2.ClampLengthV(v, clampMin, clampMax);
Esempio n. 48
        public static bool NearEqual(XMVector v1, XMVector v2, XMVector epsilon)
            float dx = Math.Abs(v1.X - v2.X);
            float dy = Math.Abs(v1.Y - v2.Y);

            return dx <= epsilon.X
                && dy <= epsilon.Y;
Esempio n. 49
 public static bool InBounds(XMVector v, XMVector bounds)
     return v.X <= bounds.X && v.X >= -bounds.X
         && v.Y <= bounds.Y && v.Y >= -bounds.Y;
Esempio n. 50
        public static XMVector NormalizeEst(XMVector v)
            //// XMVector2NormalizeEst uses a reciprocal estimate and
            //// returns QNaN on zero and infinite vectors.

            XMVector result;
            result = XMVector2.ReciprocalLength(v);
            result = XMVector.Multiply(v, result);
            return result;
Esempio n. 51
        public static XMVector Cross(XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
            //// [ V1.x*V2.y - V1.y*V2.x, V1.x*V2.y - V1.y*V2.x ]

            float cross = (v1.X * v2.Y) - (v1.Y - v2.X);

            return XMVector.Replicate(cross);
Esempio n. 52
 public static XMVector LengthSquare(XMVector v)
     return XMVector2.Dot(v, v);
Esempio n. 53
 public static bool IsInfinite(XMVector v)
     return XMVector.IsInfinite(v.X) || XMVector.IsInfinite(v.Y);
Esempio n. 54
 public static XMVector Dot(XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
     return XMVector.Replicate((v1.X * v2.X) + (v1.Y * v2.Y));
Esempio n. 55
        public static XMVector RefractV(XMVector incident, XMVector normal, XMVector refractionIndex)
            //// Result = RefractionIndex * Incident - Normal * (RefractionIndex * dot(Incident, Normal) + 
            //// sqrt(1 - RefractionIndex * RefractionIndex * (1 - dot(Incident, Normal) * dot(Incident, Normal))))

            float incidentDotNormal = (incident.X * normal.X) + (incident.Y * normal.Y);

            // R = 1.0f - RefractionIndex * RefractionIndex * (1.0f - IDotN * IDotN)
            float rY = 1.0f - (incidentDotNormal * incidentDotNormal);
            float rX = 1.0f - (rY * refractionIndex.X * refractionIndex.X);
            rY = 1.0f - (rY * refractionIndex.Y * refractionIndex.Y);

            if (rX >= 0.0f)
                rX = (refractionIndex.X * refractionIndex.X) - (normal.X * ((refractionIndex.X * incidentDotNormal) + (float)Math.Sqrt(rX)));
                rX = 0.0f;

            if (rY >= 0.0f)
                rY = (refractionIndex.Y * incident.Y) - (normal.Y * ((refractionIndex.Y * incidentDotNormal) + (float)Math.Sqrt(rY)));
                rY = 0.0f;

            return new XMVector(rX, rY, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Esempio n. 56
 public static bool IsNaN(XMVector v)
     return XMVector.IsNaN(v.X) || XMVector.IsNaN(v.Y);
Esempio n. 57
 public static XMVector Orthogonal(XMVector v)
     return new XMVector(-v.Y, v.X, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Esempio n. 58
 public static XMVector AngleBetweenNormals(XMVector n1, XMVector n2)
     return XMVector2.Dot(n1, n2)
         .Clamp(XMGlobalConstants.NegativeOne, XMGlobalConstants.One)
Esempio n. 59
 public static XMVector ReciprocalLength(XMVector v)
     return XMVector2.LengthSquare(v)
Esempio n. 60
 public static bool Equal(XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
     return v1.X == v2.X && v1.Y == v2.Y;