public void _04_HorizontalWrapPanelHasToBeInTheSecondRowOfTheGridAndContains8Ellipses() { Assert.That(_wrapPanel, Is.Not.Null, "There has to be a wrapPanel on the window"); Assert.That(_wrapPanel.GetValue(Grid.RowProperty), Is.EqualTo(1), "Grid should contain a WrapPanel in its second row"); Assert.That(_wrapPanel.Orientation, Is.EqualTo(Orientation.Horizontal), "The orientation of the WrapPanel has to be Horizontal"); Assert.That(_radioButtons.Count, Is.EqualTo(2), "The GroupBox has to contain 2 radioButtons"); Assert.That(_ellipses.All(r => r.Parent == _wrapPanel), Is.True, "All the ellipses should be within the wrapPanel"); Assert.That(_ellipses.Count, Is.EqualTo(8), "There have to be 8 ellipses within the WrapPanel"); }