/// <summary>
    /// Moves the player from the current position to the end position.
    /// Parameters: Vault speed, will the player climb on top of the object? and the end position.
    /// </summary>
    private IEnumerator Vault(float speed, bool climb, Vector3 endPosition)
        // Locks the player so it can not move.
        controller.isClimbing = true;

        float t = 0.0f; // Movement progress.

        Vector3 start = transform.position;
        Vector3 end   = transform.position + (transform.up * endPosition.y) + (transform.forward * endPosition.z);

        cameraAnimations.PlayParkourAnimation(); // Play vault animation on camera.
        weaponManager.Vault(climb);              // Play vault animation on the current weapon.

        while (t < 1.0f)
            t += Time.deltaTime * speed;                      // Increase movement progress.
            transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(start, end, t); // Moves the player from the current position to the end position.
            yield return(null);
        controller.isClimbing = false;