private static void SendAnnoyGump(Mobile m) { if (m.NetState != null && m.NetState.Version < Required) { Gump g = new WarningGump(1060637, 30720, String.Format( "Your client is out of date. Please update your client.<br>This server recommends that your client version be at least {0}.<br> <br>You are currently using version {1}.<br> <br>To patch, run UOPatch.exe inside your Ultima Online folder.", Recommended, m.NetState.Version), 0xFFC000, 480, 360, delegate { m.SendMessage("You will be reminded of this again."); if (m_OldClientResponse == OldClientResponse.LenientKick) { m.SendMessage( "Old clients will be kicked after {0} days of character age and {1} hours of play time", m_AgeLeniency, m_GameTimeLeniency); } Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(Utility.Random(5, 15)), () => SendAnnoyGump(m)); }, null, false); g.Dragable = false; g.Closable = false; g.Resizable = false; m.SendGump(g); } }
private static void SendAnnoyGump(Mobile m) { if (m.NetState != null && m.NetState.Version < Required) { // Scriptiz : on change UOPatch.exe en UO.exe et on traduit //Gump g = new WarningGump( 1060637, 30720, String.Format( "Your client is out of date. Please update your client.<br>This server recommends that your client version be at least {0}.<br> <br>You are currently using version {1}.<br> <br>To patch, run UO.exe inside your Ultima Online folder.", Required, m.NetState.Version ), 0xFFC000, 480, 360, Gump g = new WarningGump(1060637, 30720, String.Format("Votre client n'est pas à jour. Merci d'effectuer les mises à jour.<br>Ce serveur recommande que vous utilisiez au moins la version {0} du client.<br> <br>Votre version actuelle est la version {1}.<br> <br>Pour mettre à jour, lancez UO.exe à partir du dossier Ultima Online.", Required, m.NetState.Version), 0xFFC000, 480, 360, delegate(Mobile mob, bool selection, object o) { //m.SendMessage( "You will be reminded of this again." ); m.SendMessage("Vous serez averti à nouveau."); if (m_OldClientResponse == OldClientResponse.LenientKick) { m.SendMessage("Old clients will be kicked after {0} days of character age and {1} hours of play time", m_AgeLeniency, m_GameTimeLeniency); } // Scriptiz : une fois suffit :) //Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromMinutes( Utility.Random( 5, 15 ) ), delegate { SendAnnoyGump( m ); } ); }, null, false); g.Dragable = false; g.Closable = false; g.Resizable = false; m.SendGump(g); } }
private static void SendAnnoyGump(Mobile m) { if (m.NetState != null && m.NetState.Version < Required) { Gump g = new WarningGump(1060637, 30720, String.Format("Your client is out of date. Please update your client.<br>This server recommends that your client version be at least {0}.<br> <br>You are currently using version {1}.<br> <br>To patch, run UOPatch.exe inside your Ultima Online folder.", Required, m.NetState.Version), 0xFFC000, 480, 360, delegate(Mobile mob, bool selection, object o) { m.SendMessage("You will be reminded of this again."); Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20), delegate { SendAnnoyGump(m); }); }, null, false); g.Dragable = false; g.Closable = false; g.Resizable = false; m.SendGump(g); } }
private static void SendAnnoyGump(Mobile m) { if (m.NetState != null) { Gump g = new WarningGump( 1060637, 30720, $"Your client is invalid.<br>This server recommends that your client version is {GetVersionExpression()}.<br> <br>You are currently using version {m.NetState.Version}.", 0xFFC000, 480, 360, okay => KickMessage(m, okay), false ) { Draggable = false, Closable = false, Resizable = false, }; m.SendGump(g); } }
public override void OnResponse(Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 1) { int price; string name; string desc; if ((String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.GetTextEntry(0).Text)) || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(info.GetTextEntry(0).Text)) || (info.GetTextEntry(0).Text.Length < 3)) { sender.Mobile.SendMessage(StringList.InvalidName); string[] param = { info.GetTextEntry(0).Text, info.GetTextEntry(1).Text, info.GetTextEntry(2).Text, info.GetTextEntry(3).Text }; sender.Mobile.SendGump(new AddAuctionGump(Mob, Cont, Item, param)); return; } if ((String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.GetTextEntry(1).Text)) || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(info.GetTextEntry(1).Text)) || (info.GetTextEntry(1).Text.Length < 3)) { sender.Mobile.SendMessage(StringList.InvalidDesc); string[] param = { info.GetTextEntry(0).Text, info.GetTextEntry(1).Text, info.GetTextEntry(2).Text, info.GetTextEntry(3).Text }; sender.Mobile.SendGump(new AddAuctionGump(Mob, Cont, Item, param)); return; } if ((!int.TryParse(info.GetTextEntry(2).Text, out price)) || (price < 0) || price >= int.MaxValue) { sender.Mobile.SendMessage(StringList.InvalidPrice); string[] param = { info.GetTextEntry(0).Text, info.GetTextEntry(1).Text, info.GetTextEntry(2).Text, info.GetTextEntry(3).Text }; sender.Mobile.SendGump(new AddAuctionGump(Mob, Cont, Item, param)); return; } int days = 0; if ((!int.TryParse(info.GetTextEntry(3).Text, out days)) || (days < 1) || days > 365) { sender.Mobile.SendMessage(StringList.InvalidDuration); string[] param = { info.GetTextEntry(0).Text, info.GetTextEntry(1).Text, info.GetTextEntry(2).Text, info.GetTextEntry(3).Text }; sender.Mobile.SendGump(new AddAuctionGump(Mob, Cont, Item, param)); return; } if (Item.ParentEntity != Mob.Backpack) { Mob.SendMessage(StringList.MustBeOnPack); string[] param = { info.GetTextEntry(0).Text, info.GetTextEntry(1).Text, info.GetTextEntry(2).Text, info.GetTextEntry(3).Text }; sender.Mobile.SendGump(new AddAuctionGump(Mob, Cont, Item, param)); return; } name = info.GetTextEntry(0).Text; desc = info.GetTextEntry(1).Text; WarningGump wg = new WarningGump( 1074862, 0xffffff, String.Format(StringList.StartAuctWarnMessage, name, price > 0 ? price.ToString() + StringList.StartAuctGold : StringList.StartAuctDonation), 0xffffff, 340, 180, new WarningGumpCallback(Accepted), new ObjectHolder(name, desc, Mob, Item, Cont, days, price)); sender.Mobile.SendGump(wg); return; } sender.Mobile.SendGump(new AuctionGump(Mob, Cont)); }