Esempio n. 1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     startTimer = timer;
     wander     = GetComponent <WanderBehavior>();
     seek       = GetComponent <SeekBehavior>();
     arrive     = GetComponent <ArriveBehavior>();
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     timer  = transitionTime;
     agent  = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     wander = GetComponent <WanderBehavior>();
     seek   = GetComponent <SeekBehavior>();
     flee   = GetComponent <FleeBehavior>();
Esempio n. 3
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     agent  = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     wander = GetComponent <WanderBehavior>();
     seek   = GetComponent <SeekBehavior>();
     flee   = GetComponent <FleeBehavior>();
     Energy = maxEnergy;
Esempio n. 4
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     timer  = transitionTime;
     agent  = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     wander = GetComponent <WanderBehavior>();
     arrive = GetComponent <ArriveBehavior>();
     flee   = GetComponent <Flee>();
Esempio n. 5
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     currentState = new Stack <IState>();
     wanderState  = GetComponent <WanderBehavior>();
     evadeState   = GetComponent <EvadeWander>();
     seekState    = GetComponent <seeker>();
    void FlyAndShootUpdate()
        Vector3 _acceleration = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        //_acceleration += WanderBehavior.Calculate(gameobject, weight);
        _acceleration = BehaviourUpdate.BehaviourUpdated(WanderBehavior.WanderMove(this.transform, enemyData.WanderRadius, enemyData.WanderDistance, enemyData.WanderJitter, 3.0f), enemyData.WanderBehaviorWeight);
        //_acceleration += (Vector3)(BehaviourUpdate.BehaviourUpdated(WallAvoidance.WallAvoidanceCalculation(transform,_botLeftBound.position.x,_topRightBound.position.x,_topRightBound.position.y,_botLeftBound.position.y),enemyData.WallAvoidWeight));
        _velocity += _acceleration * Time.deltaTime;

        if (_velocity.magnitude > enemyData.MaxSpeed)
            _velocity *= enemyData.MaxSpeed;

        if (transform.position.x < _botLeftBound.position.x)
            _velocity.x *= -1;
        if (transform.position.x > _topRightBound.position.x)
            _velocity.x *= -1;
        if (transform.position.y < _topRightBound.position.y)
            _velocity.y *= -1;
        if (transform.position.y > _botLeftBound.position.y)
            _velocity.y *= -1;

        transform.position += _velocity * Time.deltaTime;
        if (_nextAttackTime < Time.time)
            animator.SetBool("Shoot", true);
            Invoke("unplayAnimation", 0.5f);
            //var targetlist = LevelManager.Instance.Train.GetTurrets();
            _nextAttackTime = Time.time + enemyData.AttackDelay + Random.Range(-enemyData.AttackDelay * 0.1f, enemyData.AttackDelay * 0.1f);
            Invoke("delayshoot", 0.75f);
        if (_nextAttackTime < (Time.time + enemyData.AttackDelay - enemyData.AttackDelay * 0.1f))
Esempio n. 7
    void Start()
        m_SteeringBehavior = new WanderBehavior();

        Color color = new Color(Random.Range(0, 1f), Random.Range(0, 1f), Random.Range(0, 1f));

        foreach (Renderer renderer in gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>())
            renderer.materials[0].color = color;

        m_CurrentCol = -1;
        m_CurrentRow = -1;
Esempio n. 8
    public void Start()
        //steerings.Add(new SeekSteering { target = seekTarget });//seeks target
        //steerings.Add(new FleeSteering { target = fleeTarget });//flees target

        wander = new WanderBehavior {
            radius = wanderRadius, distance = wanderDistance
        };                                                                               //wanders

        steerings.Add(new pursueBehavior {
            target = pursueTarget
        });                                                         //pursue target
        steerings.Add(new evadeBehavior {
            target = evadeTarget
Esempio n. 9
    void WanderIdle()
        Vector3 _acceleration = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        _acceleration = BehaviourUpdate.BehaviourUpdated(WanderBehavior.WanderMove(this.transform, enemyData.WanderRadius, enemyData.WanderDistance, enemyData.WanderJitter, 1.0f), enemyData.WanderBehaviorWeight);
        _velocity    += _acceleration * Time.deltaTime;

        if (_velocity.magnitude > enemyData.MaxSpeed)
            _velocity *= enemyData.MaxSpeed;

        if (transform.position.x > _botLeftBound.position.x + 1.0f)
            _velocity.x *= -1;
        if (transform.position.x < _topRightBound.position.x - 1.0f)
            _velocity.x *= -1;
        if (transform.position.y < _topRightBound.position.y - 2.0f)
            _velocity.y *= -1;
        if (transform.position.y > _botLeftBound.position.y + 2.0f)
            _velocity.y *= -1;

        transform.position += _velocity * Time.deltaTime;

        if (_nextAttackTime < Time.time)
            mCurrentState = State.MoveToTarget;
            // _nextAttackTime = enemyData.AttackDelay + Time.time;
Esempio n. 10
            public SteeringSystem(IEntity self) : base(self)
                Wander = new WanderBehavior <WPP>(self)
                    Parameters = new WPP(1, 0.24f)

                PathFollow = new PathFollowingBehavior <WPP>(self)
                    Parameters = new WPP(2, 1)

                Arrive = new ArriveBehavior <WPP>(self)
                    Parameters = new WPP(3, 1)
                AlignTarget = new AlignTargetBehavior <WPP>(self)
                    Parameters = new WPP(3, 1f)

                Erratic = new ErraticOutburstBehavior <WPP>(self)
                    Parameters = new WPP(4, 1f)

                FlockSeparate = new FlockSeparationBehavior <WPP>(self)
                    Parameters = new WPP(0.42f)
                AvoidWalls = new ObstacleAvoidanceBehavior <WPP>(self)
                    Parameters = new WPP(0.84f)
                AlignVelocity = new AlignVelocityBehavior <WPP>(self)
                    Parameters = new WPP(1)
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        coreBlinkAnimation = GetComponentInChildren <BlinkDamageAnimation> ();
        currentHealth      = maxHealth;
        difficulty         = 0;

        wanderBehavior = GetComponent <WanderBehavior> ();
        followBehavior = GetComponent <FollowBehavior> ();

        shieldSpawner  = GetComponentInChildren <ShieldSpawner> ();
        gunSpawner     = GetComponentInChildren <GunSpawner> ();
        wallGunSpawner = GetComponentInChildren <WallGunSpawner> ();
        targetFire     = GetComponent <TargettedFireBehavior> ();
        trapSpawner    = GetComponentInChildren <TrapSpawner> ();

        nextBehaviorStartTime = Time.time + behaviorDelay;
        nextBehaviorEndTime   = nextBehaviorStartTime + behaviorDuration;
//		targetFire.setStatus (true);
//		wallGunSpawner.setStatus (true);

        gameController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <GameController> ();
Esempio n. 12
        private void setUpBehaviors()
            //This is where you can add new behaviors, or change the ordering
            //Behaviors at the end of the array take precedence over earlier

            WanderBehavior wb = new WanderBehavior(this, rand);
            GoToResourceBehavior gtrb = new GoToResourceBehavior(this);
            TakeResourceBehavior trb = new TakeResourceBehavior(this);
            GoToHQBehavior gthqb = new GoToHQBehavior(this);
            DepositResourcesBehavior drb = new DepositResourcesBehavior(this);
            GoToTowerBehavior gttb = new GoToTowerBehavior(this);
            RestoreTowerBehavior rtb = new RestoreTowerBehavior(this);
            HelpTeammateBehavior htb = new HelpTeammateBehavior(this);
            AttackEnemyBehavior aeb = new AttackEnemyBehavior(this, rand);

            bManager = new BehaviorManager(new IBehavior[]{wb, gtrb, trb, gthqb, drb, gttb, rtb, htb, aeb});

            //In this example, aeb takes precedence over all other behaviors
            //In other words, attacking an enemy is more important than
            //anything else

            //The wandering behavior is only activated if there is nothing
            //else to do
Esempio n. 13
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     agent         = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     wander        = GetComponent <WanderBehavior>();
     currentEnergy = maxEnergy;
Esempio n. 14
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     wander = GetComponent <WanderBehavior>();
     agent  = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
Esempio n. 15
 private void Start()
     WanderBehavior = new WanderBehavior(WanderRadius, WanderDistance, Jitter);
Esempio n. 16
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     wander    = GetComponent <WanderBehavior>();
     interpose = GetComponent <InterposeBehavior>();
     rb        = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
    public void GroupBehaviours()
        Vector3 _acceleration = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        foreach (var agent in swarmNeighbors)
            if (!agent.Attacking)
                _acceleration   = BehaviourUpdate.BehaviourUpdated(WanderBehavior.WanderMove(agent.transform, enemyData.WanderRadius, enemyData.WanderDistance, enemyData.WanderJitter, 1.0f), enemyData.WanderBehaviorWeight);
                _acceleration  += (Vector3)BehaviourUpdate.BehaviourUpdated(CohesionBehavior.CalculateMove(agent.transform, swarmNeighborsTrans), enemyData.CohesionBehaviorWeight);
                _acceleration  += (Vector3)BehaviourUpdate.BehaviourUpdated(SeparationBehavior.SeparationMove(agent.transform, swarmNeighborsTrans, enemyData.SeparationBehaviorRadius), enemyData.SeparationBehaviorWeight);
                _acceleration  += (Vector3)BehaviourUpdate.BehaviourUpdated(AlignmentBehavior.CalculateMove(agent.transform, swarmNeighborsTrans), enemyData.AlignmentBehaviorWeight);
                agent.Velocity += _acceleration * Time.deltaTime;
                if (agent.Velocity.magnitude > enemyData.MaxSpeed)
                    agent.Velocity *= enemyData.MaxSpeed;

                if (agent.transform.position.x < _bottomLeft.position.x)
                    agent.Velocity *= -1;
                if (agent.transform.position.x > _topright.position.x)
                    agent.Velocity *= -1;
                if (agent.transform.position.y < _topright.position.y)
                    agent.Velocity *= -1;
                if (agent.transform.position.y > _bottomLeft.position.y)
                    agent.Velocity *= -1;
                //agent.transform.position += agent.Velocity * Time.deltaTime;
                _acceleration   = BehaviourUpdate.BehaviourUpdated(SeekBehaviour.SeekMove(agent.transform, agent.Target, enemyData.Swarm_AttackSpeed), enemyData.SeekBehaviorWeight);
                agent.Velocity += _acceleration * Time.deltaTime;
            Vector3 deltaPos = agent.Velocity * Time.deltaTime;
            if (deltaPos.x == 0 && deltaPos.y == 0)
                Debug.Log("Enemy is stuck!");

            agent.transform.position += agent.Velocity * Time.deltaTime;
            //_acceleration += (Vector3)(BehaviourUpdate.BehaviourUpdated(WallAvoidance.WallAvoidanceCalculation(agent.transform, _bottomLeft.position.x, _topright.position.x, _topright.position.y, _bottomLeft.position.y), enemyData.WallAvoidWeight));
        //transform.position += _velocity * Time.deltaTime;
        //        {
        //            move = BehaviourUpdate.BehaviourUpdated(CohesionBehavior.CalculateMove(agent.transform, swarmNeighbors), 5.0f);
        //            move *= speed;
        //            if (move.sqrMagnitude > squareMaxSpeed)
        //            {
        //                move = move.normalized * maxSpeed;
        //            }
        //            agent.transform.position += (Vector3)move * Time.deltaTime;
        //        }
Esempio n. 18
    void FlyAndShootUpdate()
        Vector3 _acceleration = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        //_acceleration += WanderBehavior.Calculate(gameobject, weight);
        _acceleration = BehaviourUpdate.BehaviourUpdated(WanderBehavior.WanderMove(this.transform, enemyData.WanderRadius, enemyData.WanderDistance, enemyData.WanderJitter, 3.0f), enemyData.WanderBehaviorWeight);
        //_acceleration += WallAvoidance.Calculate(gameobject, weight);
        //_acceleration += (Vector3)(BehaviourUpdate.BehaviourUpdated(WallAvoidance.WallAvoidanceCalculation(transform,_botLeftBound.position.x,_topRightBound.position.x,_topRightBound.position.y,_botLeftBound.position.y),enemyData.WallAvoidWeight));
        _velocity += _acceleration * Time.deltaTime;

        if (_velocity.magnitude > enemyData.MaxSpeed)
            _velocity *= enemyData.MaxSpeed;

        //if (Mathf.Abs(transform.position.x - _botLeftBound.position.x) > 1.0f)
        if (transform.position.x < _botLeftBound.position.x)
            //_velocity = new Vector3(-_velocity.x, _velocity.y, _velocity.z);
            _velocity.x *= -1;
        //if (Mathf.Abs(transform.position.x - _topRightBound.position.x) > 1.0f)
        if (transform.position.x > _topRightBound.position.x)
            //_velocity = new Vector3(-_velocity.x, _velocity.y, _velocity.z);
            _velocity.x *= -1;
        //if (Mathf.Abs(transform.position.y - _topRightBound.position.y) > 1.0f)
        if (transform.position.y < _topRightBound.position.y)
            //_velocity = new Vector3(_velocity.x, -_velocity.y, _velocity.z);
            _velocity.y *= -1;
        //if (Mathf.Abs(transform.position.y - _botLeftBound.position.y) > 1.0f)
        if (transform.position.y > _botLeftBound.position.y)
            //_velocity = new Vector3(_velocity.x, -_velocity.y, _velocity.z);
            _velocity.y *= -1;

        transform.position += _velocity * Time.deltaTime;

        if (_nextAttackTime < Time.time)
            var targetlist   = _trainData.ListTurret;
            int targetSize   = targetlist.Length;
            int randomtarget = Random.Range(0, targetSize);
            _nextAttackTime = Time.time + enemyData.AttackDelay + Random.Range(-enemyData.AttackDelay * 0.1f, enemyData.AttackDelay * 0.1f);

            GameObject projectile = _objectPoolManager.GetObjectFromPool("BasicEnemy_Projectile");
            projectile.transform.position = transform.position;
            Vector3 targetPos = targetlist[randomtarget].gameObject.transform.position;
            projectile.GetComponent <EnemyProjectile>().SetData(targetPos, EnemyTypeCheck.Type.Basic);