public static extern SafeFindHandle FindFirstFileExW( string lpFileName, FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId, out WIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData, FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS fSearchOp, IntPtr lpSearchFilter, FINDEX_ADDITIONAL_FLAGS dwAdditionalFlags);
public string ResolveShortcut(string filename) { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); // TODO: if I can get hold of the hwnd call resolve first. This handles moved and renamed files. // ((IShellLinkW)link).Resolve(hwnd, 0) StringBuilder sbPath = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); StringBuilder sbDesc = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); StringBuilder sbArgs = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); StringBuilder sbWorkDir = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); StringBuilder sbIconLocn = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); int iIconNum = 0; WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sbPath, sbPath.Capacity, out data, 0); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetDescription(sbDesc, sbDesc.Capacity); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetArguments(sbArgs, sbDesc.Capacity); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetWorkingDirectory(sbWorkDir, sbWorkDir.Capacity); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetIconLocation(sbIconLocn, sbIconLocn.Capacity, out iIconNum); return(sbPath.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes this instance. /// </summary> private void Init() { WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); string searchPath = Path.Combine(searchData.path, "*"); handle = UnsafeNativeMethods.FindFirstFileExW(searchPath, infoLevel, findData, NativeEnums.FindExSearchOp.NameMatch, IntPtr.Zero, additionalFlags); if (handle.IsInvalid) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (error != NativeConstants.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && error != NativeConstants.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { HandleError(error); } else { // If no matching files are found exit when MoveNext is called. // This may happen for an empty root directory. state = STATE_FINISH; } } else { AddToVisitedDirectories(searchData.path); state = STATE_INIT; if (FirstFileIncluded(findData)) { current = CreateFilePath(findData); } } }
private static extern SafeSearchHandle FindFirstFileEx( string lpFileName, FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId, out WIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData, FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS fSearchOp, IntPtr lpSearchFilter, int dwAdditionalFlags);
public bool ResolveShortcut(string shortcut, out string filepath, out string arguments) { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(shortcut, STGM_READ); // TODO: if I can get hold of the hwnd call resolve first. This handles moved and renamed files. // ((IShellLinkW)link).Resolve(hwnd, 0) StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(path, path.Capacity, out data, 0); StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetArguments(args, args.Capacity); filepath = path.ToString(); arguments = args.ToString(); if (!File.Exists(filepath)) { return(false); } return(true); }
// Retrieve the target path using Shell Link public string retrieveTargetPath(string path) { var link = new ShellLink(); const int STGM_READ = 0; ((IPersistFile)link).Load(path, STGM_READ); var hwnd = new _RemotableHandle(); ((IShellLinkW)link).Resolve(ref hwnd, 0); const int MAX_PATH = 260; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); var data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(buffer, buffer.Capacity, ref data, SLGP_FLAGS.SLGP_SHORTPATH); var target = buffer.ToString(); // To set the app description if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { buffer = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetDescription(buffer, MAX_PATH); description = buffer.ToString(); } // To release unmanaged memory Marshal.ReleaseComObject(link); return(target); }
private void Init() { WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); string searchPath = Path.Combine(searchData.path, "*"); handle = UnsafeNativeMethods.FindFirstFileExW( searchPath, infoLevel, findData, NativeEnums.FindExSearchOp.NameMatch, IntPtr.Zero, additionalFlags); if (handle.IsInvalid) { handle.Dispose(); handle = null; state = STATE_FINISH; } else { state = STATE_INIT; if (FirstFileIncluded(findData)) { current = CreateFilePath(findData); } } }
public extern static System.IntPtr FindFirstFileTransactedW( [System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lpFileName, FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId, out WIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData, FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS fSearchOp, System.IntPtr lpSearchFilter, int dwAdditionalFlags, System.IntPtr hTransaction);
/// <summary> /// Adds the directory to search list if it has not already been searched. /// </summary> /// <param name="findData">The find data.</param> private void AddDirectoryToSearchList(WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData) { string path = Path.Combine(searchData.path, findData.cFileName); if (IsNewDirectory(path)) { searchDirectories.Enqueue(new SearchData(path)); } }
public static string ResolveShortcut(string pFileName) { ShellLink wLink = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)wLink).Load(pFileName, STGM_READ); StringBuilder wPath = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW wData = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)wLink).GetPath(wPath, wPath.Capacity, out wData, 0); return(wPath.ToString()); }
public static string ResolveShortcut(string filename) { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0); return(sb.ToString()); }
private string CreateFilePath(WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData) { if (shellLinkTarget != null) { return shellLinkTarget; } else { return Path.Combine(searchData.path, findData.cFileName); } }
public static string Resolve(string filename) { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); // If I can get hold of the hwnd call resolve first. This handles moved and renamed files. // ((IShellLinkW)link).Resolve(hwnd, 0) StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0); return(sb.ToString()); }
public static string ResolveShortcut(string filename) { // this gets the full path from a shortcut (.lnk file). ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); (( IPersistFile )link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); (( IShellLinkW )link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0); string finalString = sb.ToString(); if (finalString.Length == 0) { finalString = filename; } // If the the shortcut's target resolves to the Program Files or System32 directory, and the user is on a // 64-bit machine, the final string may actually point to C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Windows\SYSWOW64. // This is due to File System Redirection in Windows -- // Unfortunately the solution there doesn't appear to work for 32-bit apps on 64-bit machines. // We will provide a workaround here: string newPath = ValidateShortcutPath(finalString, "SysWOW64", "System32"); if (File.Exists(newPath) && !File.Exists(finalString)) { // the file is actually stored in System32 instead of SysWOW64. Let's update it. finalString = newPath; } newPath = ValidateShortcutPath(finalString, "Program Files (x86)", "Program Files"); if (File.Exists(newPath) && !File.Exists(finalString)) { // the file is actually stored in Program Files instead of Program Files (x86). Let's update it. finalString = newPath; } // the lnk may incorrectly resolve to the C:\Windows\Installer directory. Check for this. if (finalString.ToLower().IndexOf("windows\\installer") > -1) { finalString = filename; } if (File.Exists(finalString)) { return(finalString); } else { return(filename); } }
private bool FirstFileIncluded(WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData) { if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & NativeConstants.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == NativeConstants.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (searchOption == SearchOption.AllDirectories && !findData.cFileName.Equals(".") && !findData.cFileName.Equals("..")) { AddDirectoryToSearchList(findData); } } else { return(IsFileIncluded(findData)); } return(false); }
private bool FirstFileIncluded(WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData) { if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & NativeConstants.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == NativeConstants.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (searchOption == SearchOption.AllDirectories && !findData.cFileName.Equals(".") && !findData.cFileName.Equals("..")) { searchDirectories.Enqueue(new SearchData(searchData, findData.cFileName)); } } else { return IsFileIncluded(findData); } return false; }
// Retrieve the target path using Shell Link public string RetrieveTargetPath(string path) { var link = new ShellLink(); const int STGM_READ = 0; try { ((IPersistFile)link).Load(path, STGM_READ); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException ex) { ProgramLogger.LogException($"|Win32| ShellLinkHelper.retrieveTargetPath | {path} | Path could not be retrieved", ex); return(String.Empty); } var hwnd = new _RemotableHandle(); ((IShellLinkW)link).Resolve(ref hwnd, 0); const int MAX_PATH = 260; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); var data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(buffer, buffer.Capacity, ref data, SLGP_FLAGS.SLGP_SHORTPATH); var target = buffer.ToString(); // To set the app description if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { buffer = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetDescription(buffer, MAX_PATH); description = buffer.ToString(); StringBuilder argumentBuffer = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetArguments(argumentBuffer, argumentBuffer.Capacity); Arguments = argumentBuffer.ToString(); // Set variable to true if the program takes in any arguments if (argumentBuffer.Length != 0) { hasArguments = true; } } return(target); }
public static string ResolveShortcut(string filename) { var link = new ShellLink(); try { ((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); var sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); var data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0); return(sb.ToString()); } finally { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(link); } }
private static FileInformation PopulateFileInformation(WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData, String path) { FileInformation fileInformation = new FileInformation(); fileInformation.FileAttribute = Convert.ToUInt16(findData.dwFileAttributes); fileInformation.LastWriteTime = findData.ftLastWriteTime.ToDateTime(); fileInformation.LastAccessTime = findData.ftLastAccessTime.ToDateTime(); fileInformation.CreationTime = findData.ftCreationTime.ToDateTime(); //nFileSizeHigh * (MAXDWORD + 1)) +nFileSizeLow -- from MS DOCS long DWORDMAX = UInt32.MaxValue; fileInformation.FileSize = (findData.nFileSizeHigh * (DWORDMAX + 1)) + findData.nFileSizeLow; path = path.EndsWith(@"\") ? path : path + @"\"; fileInformation.FullPath = path + findData.cFileName; return(fileInformation); }
public void FindFirstFile() { string sys32Path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); IntPtr handle = NativeMethods.FindFirstFileW(Path.Combine(sys32Path, "n") + "*", out data); Assert.NotEqual(handle, IntPtr.Zero); List <string> list = new List <string>(); list.Add(data.cFileName); while (NativeMethods.FindNextFileW(handle, out data)) { list.Add(data.cFileName); } Assert.True(list.Count > 3); NativeMethods.FindClose(handle); }
public static string Resolve(string filename) { #if !__MonoCS__ ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); // TODO: if I can get hold of the hwnd call resolve first. This handles moved and renamed files. // ((IShellLinkW)link).Resolve(hwnd, 0) StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0); return sb.ToString(); #else if (!SIL.IO.RobustFile.Exists(filename)) return string.Empty; return SIL.IO.RobustFile.ReadAllText(filename); #endif }
public static string Resolve(string filename) { // We can only resolve shortcuts on Windows if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Win32NT) { return(filename); } ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); (link as IPersistFile).Load(filename, STGM_READ); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); (link as IShellLinkW).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0); return(sb.ToString()); }
public static string Resolve(string filename) { #if !__MonoCS__ ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); // TODO: if I can get hold of the hwnd call resolve first. This handles moved and renamed files. // ((IShellLinkW)link).Resolve(hwnd, 0) StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0); return(sb.ToString()); #else if (!SIL.IO.RobustFile.Exists(filename)) { return(string.Empty); } return(SIL.IO.RobustFile.ReadAllText(filename)); #endif }
internal static string GetPath(string filename) { string path = null; try { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0); path = sb.ToString(); } catch { } return(path); }
private bool IsFileIncluded(WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData) { if (findData.cFileName.EndsWith(".lnk", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && dereferenceLinks) { if (shellLink.Load(Path.Combine(searchData.path, findData.cFileName))) { bool isDirectory; string target = ResolveShortcutTarget(shellLink.Path, out isDirectory); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { if (isDirectory) { if (IsNewDirectory(target)) { // If the shortcut target is a directory, add it to the search list. searchDirectories.Enqueue(new SearchData(target)); } } else if (FileMatchesFilter(target)) { shellLinkTarget = target; return(true); } } } } else if (FileMatchesFilter(findData.cFileName)) { if (needsPathDiscoveryDemand) { DoDemand(searchData.path); needsPathDiscoveryDemand = false; } shellLinkTarget = null; return(true); } return(false); }
private FileEntry GetFileEntry(string fullPath, WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData) { if (!_configuration.IncludeHidden && (findData.dwFileAttributes & (FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.Hidden)) == (FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.Hidden)) { return(null); } var fileEntry = new FileEntry { Fullname = fullPath, Size = ((long)findData.nFileSizeHigh << 0x20) | findData.nFileSizeLow }; if (_configuration.IncludeFileDates) { fileEntry.Created = Utils.FileTimeToDateTimeOffset(findData.ftCreationTime); fileEntry.Modified = Utils.FileTimeToDateTimeOffset(findData.ftLastWriteTime); } return(fileEntry); }
public static bool ResolveShortcut(out string realFilePath, string linkFilePath) { realFilePath = "<invalid>"; try { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(linkFilePath, STGM_READ); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0); realFilePath = sb.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static ShortcutInfo ResolveShortcut(string filename) { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); var filePathStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); var data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(filePathStringBuilder, filePathStringBuilder.Capacity, out data, 0); StringBuilder argumentsStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetArguments(argumentsStringBuilder, MAX_PATH); return(new ShortcutInfo { Path = filePathStringBuilder.ToString(), Arguments = argumentsStringBuilder.ToString(), }); }
public static void ResolveShortcut(string filename, out string name, out string command, out string args, out string description, out string iconLocation, out int iconIndex) { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); //((IShellLinkW)link).Resolve(IntPtr.Zero, SLR_FLAGS.SLR_ANY_MATCH); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, SLGP_FLAGS.SLGP_RAWPATH); command = sb.ToString(); sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetArguments(sb, sb.Capacity); args = sb.ToString(); description = ""; try { sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetDescription(sb, sb.Capacity); description = sb.ToString(); } catch (COMException ex) { } sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); var hresult = ((IShellLinkW)link).GetIconLocation(sb, sb.Capacity, out iconIndex); iconLocation = sb.ToString(); if (hresult != 0) { //CoreLib.Log("GetIconLocation result: " + hresult); } name = GetLocalizedName.GetName(filename); }
// Retrieve the target path using Shell Link public string retrieveTargetPath(string path) { var link = new ShellLink(); const int STGM_READ = 0; ((IPersistFile)link).Load(path, STGM_READ); var hwnd = new _RemotableHandle(); ((IShellLinkW)link).Resolve(ref hwnd, 0); const int MAX_PATH = 260; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); var data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(buffer, buffer.Capacity, ref data, SLGP_FLAGS.SLGP_SHORTPATH); var target = buffer.ToString(); // To set the app description if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { buffer = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetDescription(buffer, MAX_PATH); description = buffer.ToString(); StringBuilder argumentBuffer = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetArguments(argumentBuffer, argumentBuffer.Capacity); Arguments = argumentBuffer.ToString(); // Set variable to true if the program takes in any arguments if (argumentBuffer.Length != 0) { hasArguments = true; } } return(target); }
static extern IntPtr FindFirstFileW([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string lpFileName, out WIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData);
/// <summary> /// Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. /// </returns> public bool MoveNext() { WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); switch (state) { case STATE_INIT: state = STATE_FIND_FILES; if (current != null) { return true; } else { goto case STATE_FIND_FILES; } case STATE_FIND_FILES: do { if (handle == null) { searchData = searchDirectories.Dequeue(); string searchPath = Path.Combine(searchData.path, "*"); handle = UnsafeNativeMethods.FindFirstFileExW( searchPath, infoLevel, findData, NativeEnums.FindExSearchOp.NameMatch, IntPtr.Zero, additionalFlags); if (handle.IsInvalid) { handle.Dispose(); handle = null; if (searchDirectories.Count > 0) { continue; } else { state = STATE_FINISH; goto case STATE_FINISH; } } needPathDiscoveryDemand = true; if (FirstFileIncluded(findData)) { current = CreateFilePath(findData); return true; } } while (UnsafeNativeMethods.FindNextFileW(handle, findData)) { if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & NativeConstants.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { if (IsFileIncluded(findData)) { current = CreateFilePath(findData); return true; } } else if (searchOption == SearchOption.AllDirectories && !findData.cFileName.Equals(".") && !findData.cFileName.Equals("..")) { searchDirectories.Enqueue(new SearchData(searchData, findData.cFileName)); } } handle.Dispose(); handle = null; } while (searchDirectories.Count > 0); state = STATE_FINISH; goto case STATE_FINISH; case STATE_FINISH: Dispose(); break; } return false; }
public static IEnumerable<FileInfo> GetFiles(DirectoryInfo startDirectory, string pattern, bool recurse) { // We suppressed this demand for each p/invoke call, so demand it upfront once new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Demand(); // Validate parameters Verify.IsNotNull(startDirectory, "startDirectory"); Verify.IsNeitherNullNorEmpty(pattern, "pattern"); // Setup var findData = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); var directories = new Stack<DirectoryInfo>(); directories.Push(startDirectory); // Process each directory. Only push new directories if we're recursing. ErrorModes origErrorMode = NativeMethods.SetErrorMode(ErrorModes.FailCriticalErrors); try { while (directories.Count > 0) { // Get the name of the next directory and the corresponding search pattern DirectoryInfo dir = directories.Pop(); string dirPath = dir.FullName.Trim(); if (dirPath.Length == 0) { continue; } char lastChar = dirPath[dirPath.Length - 1]; if (lastChar != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar && lastChar != Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar) { dirPath += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } // Process all files in that directory using (SafeFindHandle handle = NativeMethods.FindFirstFileW(dirPath + pattern, findData)) { Win32Error error; if (handle.IsInvalid) { error = Win32Error.GetLastError(); if (error == Win32Error.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || error == Win32Error.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { continue; } Assert.AreNotEqual(Win32Error.ERROR_SUCCESS, error); ((HRESULT)error).ThrowIfFailed(); } do { if (!Utility.IsFlagSet((int)findData.dwFileAttributes, (int)FileAttributes.Directory)) { yield return new FileInfo(dirPath + findData.cFileName); } } while (NativeMethods.FindNextFileW(handle, findData)); error = Win32Error.GetLastError(); if (error != Win32Error.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { ((HRESULT)error).ThrowIfFailed(); } } // Push subdirectories onto the stack if we are recursing. if (recurse) { // In a volatile system we can't count on all the file information staying valid. // Catch reasonable exceptions and move on. try { foreach (DirectoryInfo childDir in dir.GetDirectories()) { try { FileAttributes attrib = File.GetAttributes(childDir.FullName); // If it's not a hidden, system folder, nor a reparse point if (!Utility.IsFlagSet((int)attrib, (int)(FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.ReparsePoint))) { directories.Push(childDir); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { // Shouldn't see this. Assert.Fail(); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { } } } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { } } } } finally { NativeMethods.SetErrorMode(origErrorMode); } }
public static extern bool FindNextFileW(IntPtr hFindFile, out WIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData);
public bool ResolveShortcut(string shortcut, out string filepath, out string arguments) { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(shortcut, STGM_READ); // TODO: if I can get hold of the hwnd call resolve first. This handles moved and renamed files. // ((IShellLinkW)link).Resolve(hwnd, 0) StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(path, path.Capacity, out data, 0); StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetArguments(args, args.Capacity); filepath = path.ToString(); arguments = args.ToString(); if (!File.Exists(filepath)) return false; return true; }
public static void ResolveShortcut(string filename, out string name, out string command, out string args, out string description, out string iconLocation, out int iconIndex) { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); // TODO: if I can get hold of the hwnd call resolve first. This handles moved and renamed files. //((IShellLinkW)link).Resolve(IntPtr.Zero, SLR_FLAGS.SLR_ANY_MATCH); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, SLGP_FLAGS.SLGP_RAWPATH); command = sb.ToString(); sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); //MAX_PATH? ((IShellLinkW)link).GetArguments(sb, sb.Capacity); args = sb.ToString(); description = ""; try { sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); //MAX_PATH? ((IShellLinkW)link).GetDescription(sb, sb.Capacity); description = sb.ToString(); } catch (COMException ex) { } sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); //MAX_PATH? var hresult = ((IShellLinkW)link).GetIconLocation(sb, sb.Capacity, out iconIndex); iconLocation = sb.ToString(); if (hresult != 0) { CoreLib.Log("GetIconLocation result: " + hresult); } name = GetLocalizedName.GetName(filename); }
public static string ResolveShortcut(string filename) { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); // TODO: if I can get hold of the hwnd call resolve first. This handles moved and renamed files. // ((IShellLinkW)link).Resolve(hwnd, 0) StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0); return sb.ToString(); }
private static extern bool FindNextFile(IntPtr hFindFile, out WIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData);
private static extern IntPtr FindFirstFileW(string lpFileName, out WIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData);
/// <summary> /// Resolves a shell shortcut's target path /// </summary> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string ResolveShortcut(string filename) { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0); return sb.ToString(); }
static extern Boolean FindNextFileW(IntPtr hFindFile, out WIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData);
public static bool ResolveShortcut(out string realFilePath, string linkFilePath) { realFilePath = "<invalid>"; try { ShellLink link = new ShellLink(); ((IPersistFile)link).Load(linkFilePath, STGM_READ); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); ((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0); realFilePath = sb.ToString(); } catch(Exception) { return false; } return true; }
public static extern bool FindNextFile(SafeFindHandle hFindFile, out WIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData);