Esempio n. 1
        public override void Initialize()
            // Compute the Eye position into the entity
            _entityEyeOffset = new Vector3(0, Player.DefaultSize.Y / 100 * 80, 0);

            // Set Position
            // Set the entity world position following the position received from server
            _worldPosition = Player.Position;

            // Compute the initial Player world bounding box
            VisualVoxelEntity.RefreshWorldBoundingBox(ref _worldPosition);

            // Init Velret physic simulator
            _physicSimu = new VerletSimulator(ref VisualVoxelEntity.LocalBBox)
                WithCollisionBouncing = false
            _physicSimu.ConstraintFct += _entityCollisionManager.IsCollidingWithEntity;       //Check against entities first
            _physicSimu.ConstraintFct += _landscapeManager.IsCollidingWithTerrain;            //Landscape checking after

            _entityRotations = new EntityRotations(_inputsManager, _physicSimu);
            _entityRotations.EntityRotationSpeed = Player.RotationSpeed;
            _entityRotations.SetOrientation(Player.HeadRotation, _worldPosition + _entityEyeOffset);

            // Set displacement mode
            _playerCharacter.DisplacementMode = Player.DisplacementMode;
    public void Start()
        switch (simulationMode)
        case SimulationMode.Verlet:
            verletSimulator = new VerletSimulator(ref verletConstants)
                simulationManager = this,
                targetManager     = TargetManager,
                particleDisplayer = Displayer

        case SimulationMode.Euler:
            eulerSimulator = new EulerSimulator(ref eulerConstants)
                simulationManager = this,
                targetManager     = TargetManager,
                particleDisplayer = Displayer

        // Call this from here to make sure all the required variables are set
Esempio n. 3
        void Start()
            debuggers = new List <GameObject>();
            particles = new List <VParticle>();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var p = new VParticle(Vector3.right * i);

                var sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                sphere.transform.localScale = * 0.25f;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (i != count - 1)
                    var a = particles[i];
                    var b = particles[i + 1];
                    var e = new VEdge(a, b);

            simulator = new VerletSimulator(particles);
        private static bool IsSlopeCollisionDetection(VerletSimulator physicSimu, VisualEntity entityTesting, ref BoundingBox playerBoundingBox, ref BoundingBox playerBoundingBox2Evaluate, ref Vector3D newPosition2Evaluate, ref Vector3D previousPosition, ItemOrientation slopeOrientation, bool onSlidingSlope, out bool isSliding)
            isSliding = false;

            Vector3 entityPosition = newPosition2Evaluate.AsVector3();
            float   posi           = 0.0f;

            float L = 0.0f;
            float H = entityTesting.WorldBBox.Maximum.Y - entityTesting.WorldBBox.Minimum.Y;

            switch (slopeOrientation)
            case ItemOrientation.North:
                L    = entityTesting.WorldBBox.Maximum.Z - entityTesting.WorldBBox.Minimum.Z;
                posi = (entityPosition.Z + playerBoundingBox.Maximum.Z) - entityTesting.WorldBBox.Minimum.Z;

            case ItemOrientation.South:
                L    = entityTesting.WorldBBox.Maximum.Z - entityTesting.WorldBBox.Minimum.Z;
                posi = entityTesting.WorldBBox.Maximum.Z - (entityPosition.Z + playerBoundingBox.Minimum.Z);

            case ItemOrientation.East:
                L    = entityTesting.WorldBBox.Maximum.X - entityTesting.WorldBBox.Minimum.X;
                posi = entityTesting.WorldBBox.Maximum.X - (entityPosition.X + playerBoundingBox.Minimum.X);

            case ItemOrientation.West:
                L    = entityTesting.WorldBBox.Maximum.X - entityTesting.WorldBBox.Minimum.X;
                posi = (entityPosition.X + playerBoundingBox.Maximum.X) - entityTesting.WorldBBox.Minimum.X;


            float posiOriginal = posi;

            posi = posi / L;
            float Y = posi * H;

            Y = Math.Min(Math.Max(Y, 0), 1);

            if (onSlidingSlope)
                return(SlidingSlope(physicSimu, entityTesting, Y, ref newPosition2Evaluate, ref previousPosition, slopeOrientation, out isSliding));

            //Apply only if new Y is >= Current Y
            if (entityTesting.WorldBBox.Minimum.Y + Y > newPosition2Evaluate.Y)
                return(NormalSlope(physicSimu, entityTesting, Y, ref newPosition2Evaluate, ref previousPosition));
                physicSimu.AllowJumping = true;
        //Entity vs Player Collision detection
        //Used by physics engine
        public void IsCollidingWithEntity(VerletSimulator physicSimu, ref BoundingBox playerBoundingBox, ref Vector3D newPosition2Evaluate, ref Vector3D previousPosition, ref Vector3D originalPosition)
            if (IsDirty)

            IsCollidingWithEntity(physicSimu, AroundEntities(), ref playerBoundingBox, ref newPosition2Evaluate, ref previousPosition, ref originalPosition);
Esempio n. 6
        public void Update(DynamicUpdateState gameTime)
            var elapsedS = (float)gameTime.RealTime.TotalSeconds;

            Vector3D newPos;

            VerletSimulator.Simulate(elapsedS, out newPos);
            Npc.DynamicEntity.Position = newPos;

            VerletSimulator.CurPosition = Npc.DynamicEntity.Position;

            if (IsMoving)
                if (Vector3D.DistanceSquared(_pathTargetPoint, Npc.DynamicEntity.Position) < 0.1d)

                _moveDirection = _pathTargetPoint - Npc.DynamicEntity.Position;

                _jump            = _moveDirection.Y > 0;
                _moveDirection.Y = 0;

                //if (Vector3D.DistanceSquared(VerletSimulator.PrevPosition, VerletSimulator.CurPosition) < 0.01f)
                //    if (Math.Abs(_moveDirection.X) < Math.Abs(_moveDirection.Z))
                //        _moveDirection.Z = 0.1f * Math.Sign(_moveDirection.Z);
                //    else
                //        _moveDirection.X = 0.1f * Math.Sign(_moveDirection.X);


                VerletSimulator.Impulses.Add(new Impulse(elapsedS)
                    ForceApplied = _moveDirection.AsVector3() * Npc.DynamicEntity.MoveSpeed * (_runAway ? 2f : 1f)

                if (_jump && VerletSimulator.OnGround)
                    VerletSimulator.Impulses.Add(new Impulse(elapsedS)
                        ForceApplied = Vector3.UnitY * 22

            if (_leader != null && Vector3D.Distance(_leader.Position, Npc.DynamicEntity.Position) > FollowStayDistance)
                if (IsMoving && Vector3D.Distance(new Vector3D(_path.Goal) + CubeCenter, _leader.Position) < FollowStayDistance)

Esempio n. 7
        void Start()
            debuggers = new List <GameObject>();
            particles = new List <Node>();

            var offset = -count * 0.5f;

            for (int y = 0; y < count; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
                    var p = new Node(y * Vector3.forward + (Vector3.right * (x - offset)));

                    var sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                    sphere.transform.localScale = * 0.25f;

            for (int y = 0; y < count; y++)
                if (y != count - 1)
                    for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
                        var index = y * count + x;
                        var c     = particles[index];

                        if (x != count - 1)
                            var right = particles[index + 1];
                            var re    = new Edge(c, right);
                            c.Connect(re); right.Connect(re);
                        var down = particles[index + count];
                        var de   = new Edge(c, down);
                        c.Connect(de); down.Connect(de);
                    for (int x = 0; x < count - 1; x++)
                        var index = y * count + x;
                        var c     = particles[index];
                        var right = particles[index + 1];
                        var re    = new Edge(c, right);
                        c.Connect(re); right.Connect(re);

            simulator = new VerletSimulator(particles);
        private static bool NormalSlope(VerletSimulator physicSimu, VisualEntity entityTesting, float Y, ref Vector3D newPosition2Evaluate, ref Vector3D previousPosition)
            if (((entityTesting.WorldBBox.Minimum.Y + Y) - newPosition2Evaluate.Y) < 0.3f)
                //Push up the player, and stabilize its physic simulation
                newPosition2Evaluate.Y = entityTesting.WorldBBox.Minimum.Y + Y;
                previousPosition.Y     = newPosition2Evaluate.Y;

                physicSimu.OnGround     = true;
                physicSimu.AllowJumping = true;
Esempio n. 9
        public MoveAI(ServerNpc parentNpc)
            _parentNpc = parentNpc;

            var size = parentNpc.DynamicEntity.DefaultSize;
            var bb   = new BoundingBox(Vector3.Zero, size);

            size.Y = 0;
            bb     = bb.Offset(-size / 2);

            VerletSimulator = new VerletSimulator(ref bb);
            VerletSimulator.ConstraintFct += Npc.Server.LandscapeManager.IsCollidingWithTerrain;

            FollowKeepDistance = 3;
            FollowStayDistance = 5;
        public static void IsCollidingWithEntity(VerletSimulator physicSimu, IEnumerable <VisualEntity> aroundEntities, ref BoundingBox playerBoundingBox, ref Vector3D newPosition2Evaluate, ref Vector3D previousPosition, ref Vector3D originalPosition)
            bool isSliding = false;

            foreach (var entityTesting in aroundEntities)
                if (!entityTesting.Entity.IsPlayerCollidable)

                //Compute the New world located player bounding box, that will be use for collision detection
                var  playerBoundingBox2Evaluate = new BoundingBox(playerBoundingBox.Minimum + newPosition2Evaluate.AsVector3(), playerBoundingBox.Maximum + newPosition2Evaluate.AsVector3());
                bool isEntityOnSliding;
                CollisionCheck(physicSimu, entityTesting, ref playerBoundingBox, ref playerBoundingBox2Evaluate, ref newPosition2Evaluate, ref previousPosition, out isEntityOnSliding);
                isSliding |= isEntityOnSliding;

            physicSimu.IsSliding = isSliding;
Esempio n. 11
 void Start()
     vcam      = FindObjectOfType <CinemachineVirtualCamera>();
     particles = new List <Node>();
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         var p = new Node(Vector3.down * i, Joints[i]);
     particles[(int)LimbsEnum.Hips].lockInGrip   = true;
     particles[(int)LimbsEnum.Hips].lockPosition = particles[(int)LimbsEnum.Hips].model.transform.position;
     startPoint = Joints[(int)LimbsEnum.Hips].transform.position.y;
     simulator         = new VerletSimulator(particles);
     simulator.freezeZ = FreezZ;
     InfoMessageText = "Go Up";
        private static void CollisionCheck(VerletSimulator physicSimu, VisualEntity entityTesting, ref BoundingBox entityBoundingBox, ref BoundingBox boundingBox2Evaluate, ref Vector3D newPosition2Evaluate, ref Vector3D previousPosition, out bool isSliding)
            isSliding = false;

            if (entityTesting.WorldBBox.Intersects(ref boundingBox2Evaluate))
                if (entityTesting.Entity is Ladder)
                    physicSimu.isInContactWithLadder = true;

                //Special treatment in case of an IOrientedSlope entity
                if (entityTesting.Entity is IOrientedSlope)
                    IOrientedSlope entity = (IOrientedSlope)entityTesting.Entity;
                    if (entity.IsOrientedSlope)
                        SlopeCollisionDetection(physicSimu, entityTesting, ref entityBoundingBox, ref boundingBox2Evaluate, ref newPosition2Evaluate, ref previousPosition, entity.Orientation, entity.IsSlidingSlope, out isSliding);

                switch (entityTesting.Entity.CollisionType)
                case Utopia.Shared.Entities.Entity.EntityCollisionType.BoundingBox:
                    BoundingBoxCollision(physicSimu, entityTesting, ref entityBoundingBox, ref boundingBox2Evaluate, ref newPosition2Evaluate, ref previousPosition);

                case Utopia.Shared.Entities.Entity.EntityCollisionType.Model:
                    ModelCollisionDetection(physicSimu, entityTesting, ref entityBoundingBox, ref boundingBox2Evaluate, ref newPosition2Evaluate, ref previousPosition);

        private static void SlopeCollisionDetection(VerletSimulator physicSimu, VisualEntity entityTesting, ref BoundingBox playerBoundingBox, ref BoundingBox playerBoundingBox2Evaluate, ref Vector3D newPosition2Evaluate, ref Vector3D previousPosition, ItemOrientation slopeOrientation, bool OnSlidingSlope, out bool isSliding)
            if (IsSlopeCollisionDetection(physicSimu, entityTesting, ref playerBoundingBox, ref playerBoundingBox2Evaluate, ref newPosition2Evaluate, ref previousPosition, slopeOrientation, OnSlidingSlope, out isSliding))
                Vector3D newPositionWithColliding = previousPosition;

                newPositionWithColliding.X = newPosition2Evaluate.X;
                playerBoundingBox2Evaluate = new BoundingBox(playerBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), playerBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());
                if (entityTesting.WorldBBox.Intersects(ref playerBoundingBox2Evaluate))
                    newPositionWithColliding.X = previousPosition.X;

                newPositionWithColliding.Z = newPosition2Evaluate.Z;
                playerBoundingBox2Evaluate = new BoundingBox(playerBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), playerBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());
                if (entityTesting.WorldBBox.Intersects(ref playerBoundingBox2Evaluate))
                    newPositionWithColliding.Z = previousPosition.Z;

                newPosition2Evaluate = newPositionWithColliding;
        private static void BoundingBoxCollision(VerletSimulator physicSimu, VisualEntity entityTesting, ref BoundingBox entityBoundingBox, ref BoundingBox boundingBox2Evaluate, ref Vector3D newPosition2Evaluate, ref Vector3D previousPosition)
            Vector3D newPositionWithColliding = previousPosition;

            newPositionWithColliding.Y = newPosition2Evaluate.Y;
            boundingBox2Evaluate       = new BoundingBox(entityBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), entityBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());
            if (entityTesting.WorldBBox.Intersects(ref boundingBox2Evaluate))
                //If falling
                if (newPositionWithColliding.Y <= previousPosition.Y)
                    newPositionWithColliding.Y = entityTesting.WorldBBox.Maximum.Y; //previousPosition.Y;
                    newPositionWithColliding.Y = previousPosition.Y;
                previousPosition.Y = newPositionWithColliding.Y;
                _onEntityTop       = true;

            newPositionWithColliding.X = newPosition2Evaluate.X;
            boundingBox2Evaluate       = new BoundingBox(entityBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), entityBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());
            if (entityTesting.WorldBBox.Intersects(ref boundingBox2Evaluate, 0.001f))
                newPositionWithColliding.X = previousPosition.X;
                _onEntityTop = false;

            newPositionWithColliding.Z = newPosition2Evaluate.Z;
            boundingBox2Evaluate       = new BoundingBox(entityBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), entityBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());
            if (entityTesting.WorldBBox.Intersects(ref boundingBox2Evaluate, 0.001f))
                newPositionWithColliding.Z = previousPosition.Z;
                _onEntityTop = false;

            //Set the NEW player position after collision tests
            newPosition2Evaluate = newPositionWithColliding;

            // ? Am I on "TOP" of an object ???
            if (_onEntityTop == true)
                physicSimu.OnGround = true;

            if (entityTesting.Entity is IDynamicEntity)
                //Send an impulse message to the Entity, following my "LookAtVector" !
                float impulsePower = 1;
                if (_input.ActionsManager.isTriggered(UtopiaActions.Move_Run))
                    impulsePower = 2;

                _server.ServerConnection.Send(new EntityImpulseMessage
                    DynamicEntityId = (entityTesting.Entity as IDynamicEntity).DynamicId,
                    Vector3         = MQuaternion.GetLookAtFromQuaternion(_player.Player.HeadRotation) * impulsePower
        private static bool SlidingSlope(VerletSimulator physicSimu, VisualEntity entityTesting, float Y, ref Vector3D newPosition2Evaluate, ref Vector3D previousPosition, ItemOrientation slopeOrientation, out bool isSliding)
            isSliding = false;

            if (entityTesting.WorldBBox.Minimum.Y + Y >= newPosition2Evaluate.Y)
                if (((entityTesting.WorldBBox.Minimum.Y + Y) - newPosition2Evaluate.Y) < 0.3f)
                    Y = Y - (float)(newPosition2Evaluate.Y - Math.Floor(newPosition2Evaluate.Y));

                    if (Y < 0.001 || Y >= 0.999)
                        Y = 0.02f;

                    newPosition2Evaluate.Y += entityTesting.Entity.Friction;

                    isSliding = true;

                    switch (slopeOrientation)
                    case ItemOrientation.North:
                        newPosition2Evaluate.Z = newPosition2Evaluate.Z - Y;
                        if (physicSimu.IsSliding == false)
                            physicSimu.SliddingForce = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);

                    case ItemOrientation.South:

                        newPosition2Evaluate.Z = newPosition2Evaluate.Z + Y;

                        if (physicSimu.IsSliding == false)
                            physicSimu.SliddingForce = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);


                    case ItemOrientation.East:
                        newPosition2Evaluate.X = newPosition2Evaluate.X + Y;

                        if (physicSimu.IsSliding == false)
                            physicSimu.SliddingForce = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);


                    case ItemOrientation.West:
                        newPosition2Evaluate.X = newPosition2Evaluate.X - Y;

                        if (physicSimu.IsSliding == false)
                            physicSimu.SliddingForce = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);



                physicSimu.AllowJumping = true;
        private static void ModelCollisionDetection(VerletSimulator physicSimu, VisualEntity entityTesting, ref BoundingBox playerBoundingBox, ref BoundingBox playerBoundingBox2Evaluate, ref Vector3D newPosition2Evaluate, ref Vector3D previousPosition)
            if (entityTesting.SkipOneCollisionTest)
                entityTesting.SkipOneCollisionTest = false;

            Vector3D newPositionWithColliding = previousPosition;

            _onEntityTop = null;

            newPositionWithColliding.X = newPosition2Evaluate.X;
            playerBoundingBox2Evaluate = new BoundingBox(playerBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), playerBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());
            if (IsCollidingWithModel(entityTesting, playerBoundingBox2Evaluate))
                //logger.Debug("ModelCollisionDetection X detected tested {0}, assigned (= previous) {1}", newPositionWithColliding.X, previousPosition.X);

                newPositionWithColliding.X = previousPosition.X;
                _onEntityTop          = false;
                Player.YForceApplying = entityTesting.Entity.YForceOnSideHit;

            newPositionWithColliding.Z = newPosition2Evaluate.Z;
            playerBoundingBox2Evaluate = new BoundingBox(playerBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), playerBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());
            if (IsCollidingWithModel(entityTesting, playerBoundingBox2Evaluate))
                //logger.Debug("ModelCollisionDetection Z detected tested {0}, assigned (= previous) {1}", newPositionWithColliding.Z, previousPosition.Z);

                newPositionWithColliding.Z = previousPosition.Z;
                _onEntityTop          = false;
                Player.YForceApplying = entityTesting.Entity.YForceOnSideHit;

            newPositionWithColliding.Y = newPosition2Evaluate.Y;
            playerBoundingBox2Evaluate = new BoundingBox(playerBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), playerBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());
            if (IsCollidingWithModel(entityTesting, playerBoundingBox2Evaluate))
                //logger.Debug("ModelCollisionDetection Y detected tested {0}, assigned (= previous) {1}", newPositionWithColliding.Y, previousPosition.Y);

                newPositionWithColliding.Y = previousPosition.Y;
                if (_onEntityTop == null)
                    _onEntityTop = true;
                if (_isOnGround)
                    playerBoundingBox2Evaluate.Minimum.Y -= 0.01f;
                    if (IsCollidingWithModel(entityTesting, playerBoundingBox2Evaluate))
                        _onEntityTop = true;

            //Set the NEW player position after collision tests
            newPosition2Evaluate = newPositionWithColliding;

            if (_onEntityTop == true)
                physicSimu.OnGround     = true;
                _isOnGround             = true;
                physicSimu.AllowJumping = true;
                _isOnGround = false;

            playerBoundingBox2Evaluate = new BoundingBox(playerBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), playerBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());
            if (_onEntityTop != true && IsCollidingWithModel(entityTesting, playerBoundingBox2Evaluate))
                //I'm "Blocked" by this entity !
                //Testing, inject Force to unblock myself !

                var forceDirection = playerBoundingBox2Evaluate.GetCenter() - entityTesting.WorldBBox.GetCenter();

                physicSimu.Impulses.Add(new Impulse {
                    ForceApplied = forceDirection * 3
                entityTesting.SkipOneCollisionTest = true;
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate player move against surrounding landscape, if move not possible, it will be "rollbacked"
        /// It's used by the physic engine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="physicSimu"></param>
        /// <param name="localEntityBoundingBox"></param>
        /// <param name="newPosition2Evaluate"></param>
        /// <param name="previousPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="originalPosition"></param>
        public void IsCollidingWithTerrain(VerletSimulator physicSimu, ref BoundingBox localEntityBoundingBox, ref Vector3D newPosition2Evaluate, ref Vector3D previousPosition, ref Vector3D originalPosition)
            Vector3D newPositionWithColliding = previousPosition;
            TerraCubeWithPosition collidingCube;

            //Create a Bounding box with my new suggested position, taking only the X that has been changed !
            //X Testing =====================================================
            newPositionWithColliding.X = newPosition2Evaluate.X;
            BoundingBox boundingBox2Evaluate = new BoundingBox(localEntityBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), localEntityBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());

            //If my new X position, make me placed "inside" a block, then invalid the new position
            if (IsSolidToPlayer(ref boundingBox2Evaluate, true, out collidingCube))
                //logger.Debug("ModelCollisionDetection X detected tested {0}, assigned (= previous) {1}", newPositionWithColliding.X, previousPosition.X);

                newPositionWithColliding.X = previousPosition.X;
                if (collidingCube.BlockProfile.YBlockOffset > 0 || physicSimu.OnOffsettedBlock > 0)
                    float offsetValue = (float)((1 - collidingCube.BlockProfile.YBlockOffset));
                    if (physicSimu.OnOffsettedBlock > 0)
                        offsetValue -= (1 - physicSimu.OnOffsettedBlock);
                    if (offsetValue <= 0.5)
                        if (collidingCube.BlockProfile.YBlockOffset == 0 && collidingCube.Position.Y + 1 < AbstractChunk.ChunkSize.Y)
                            //Check if an other block is place over the hitted one
                            var overcube = GetCubeAt(new Vector3I(collidingCube.Position.X, collidingCube.Position.Y + 1, collidingCube.Position.Z));
                            if (overcube.Id == WorldConfiguration.CubeId.Air)
                                physicSimu.OffsetBlockHitted = offsetValue;
                            physicSimu.OffsetBlockHitted = offsetValue;

            //Z Testing =========================================================
            newPositionWithColliding.Z = newPosition2Evaluate.Z;
            boundingBox2Evaluate       = new BoundingBox(localEntityBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), localEntityBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());

            //If my new Z position, make me placed "inside" a block, then invalid the new position
            if (IsSolidToPlayer(ref boundingBox2Evaluate, true, out collidingCube))
                //logger.Debug("ModelCollisionDetection Z detected tested {0}, assigned (= previous) {1}", newPositionWithColliding.Z, previousPosition.Z);

                newPositionWithColliding.Z = previousPosition.Z;
                if (collidingCube.BlockProfile.YBlockOffset > 0 || physicSimu.OnOffsettedBlock > 0)
                    float offsetValue = (float)((1 - collidingCube.BlockProfile.YBlockOffset));
                    if (physicSimu.OnOffsettedBlock > 0)
                        offsetValue -= (1 - physicSimu.OnOffsettedBlock);
                    if (offsetValue <= 0.5)
                        if (collidingCube.BlockProfile.YBlockOffset == 0 && collidingCube.Position.Y + 1 < AbstractChunk.ChunkSize.Y)
                            //Check if an other block is place over the hitted one
                            var overcube = GetCubeAt(new Vector3I(collidingCube.Position.X, collidingCube.Position.Y + 1, collidingCube.Position.Z));
                            if (overcube.Id == WorldConfiguration.CubeId.Air)
                                physicSimu.OffsetBlockHitted = offsetValue;
                            physicSimu.OffsetBlockHitted = offsetValue;

            //Y Testing ======================================================
            newPositionWithColliding.Y = newPosition2Evaluate.Y;
            boundingBox2Evaluate       = new BoundingBox(localEntityBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), localEntityBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());

            //If my new Y position, make me placed "inside" a block, then invalid the new position
            if (IsSolidToPlayer(ref boundingBox2Evaluate, true, out collidingCube))
                //If was Jummping "before" entering inside the cube
                if (previousPosition.Y >= newPositionWithColliding.Y)
                    //If the movement between 2 Y is too large, use the GroundBelowEntity value
                    if (Math.Abs(newPositionWithColliding.Y - previousPosition.Y) > 1 || physicSimu.isInContactWithLadder)
                        previousPosition.Y = physicSimu.GroundBelowEntity;
                        //Raise Up until the Ground, next the previous position
                        if (collidingCube.BlockProfile.YBlockOffset > 0)
                            previousPosition.Y = MathHelper.Floor(previousPosition.Y + 1) - collidingCube.BlockProfile.YBlockOffset;
                            previousPosition.Y = MathHelper.Floor(originalPosition.Y);

                    physicSimu.OffsetBlockHitted = 0;
                    physicSimu.OnGround          = true; // On ground ==> Activite the force that will counter the gravity !!

                //logger.Debug("ModelCollisionDetection Y detected tested {0}, assigned (= previous) {1}", newPositionWithColliding.Y, previousPosition.Y);

                newPositionWithColliding.Y = previousPosition.Y;
                //No collision with Y, is the block below me solid to entity ?
                boundingBox2Evaluate.Minimum.Y -= 0.01f;
                if (IsSolidToPlayer(ref boundingBox2Evaluate, true, out collidingCube))
                    physicSimu.OnGround = true; // On ground ==> Activite the force that will counter the gravity !!

            //Check to see if new destination is not blocking me
            boundingBox2Evaluate = new BoundingBox(localEntityBoundingBox.Minimum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3(), localEntityBoundingBox.Maximum + newPositionWithColliding.AsVector3());
            if (IsSolidToPlayer(ref boundingBox2Evaluate, true, out collidingCube))
                //logger.Debug("Block STUCK tested {0}, assigned {1}", newPositionWithColliding, previousPosition);
                newPositionWithColliding    = originalPosition;
                newPositionWithColliding.Y += 0.1;

            newPosition2Evaluate = newPositionWithColliding;
Esempio n. 18
 public EntityRotations(InputsManager inputManager, VerletSimulator physicSimu)
     _inputsManager = inputManager;
     _physicSimu    = physicSimu;