Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle launching of the MSA editor.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void HandleChooser()
            VectorReferenceLauncher vrl = null;

            using (MsaInflectionFeatureListDlg dlg = new MsaInflectionFeatureListDlg())
                IFsFeatStruc originalFs = m_obj as IFsFeatStruc;

                Slice parentSlice = Slice;
                if (originalFs == null)
                    int owningFlid;
                    int parentSliceClass = parentSlice.Object.ClassID;
                    switch (parentSliceClass)
                    case MoAffixAllomorph.kclsidMoAffixAllomorph:
                        IMoAffixAllomorph allo = parentSlice.Object as IMoAffixAllomorph;
                        owningFlid = (parentSlice as MsaInflectionFeatureListDlgLauncherSlice).Flid;
                        dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, m_mediator, allo, owningFlid);

                        IMoMorphSynAnalysis msa = parentSlice.Object as IMoMorphSynAnalysis;
                        owningFlid = (parentSlice as MsaInflectionFeatureListDlgLauncherSlice).Flid;
                        dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, m_mediator, msa, owningFlid);
                    dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, m_mediator, originalFs);

                const string ksPath = "/group[@id='Linguistics']/group[@id='Morphology']/group[@id='FeatureChooser']/";
                dlg.Text     = m_mediator.StringTbl.GetStringWithXPath("InflectionFeatureTitle", ksPath);
                dlg.Prompt   = m_mediator.StringTbl.GetStringWithXPath("InflectionFeaturePrompt", ksPath);
                dlg.LinkText = m_mediator.StringTbl.GetStringWithXPath("InflectionFeatureLink", ksPath);
                DialogResult result = dlg.ShowDialog(parentSlice.FindForm());
                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    if (dlg.FS != null)
                        m_obj = dlg.FS;
                    m_msaInflectionFeatureListDlgLauncherView.Init(m_mediator, dlg.FS);
                else if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    // Get the VectorReferenceLauncher for the Inflection Features slice.
                    // Since we're not changing tools, we want to change the chooser dialog.
                    // See LT-5913 for motivation.
                    Control ctl = this.Parent;
                    while (ctl != null && !(ctl is Slice))
                        ctl = ctl.Parent;
                    Slice slice = ctl as Slice;
                    if (slice != null)
                        DataTree dt = slice.ContainingDataTree;
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Controls.Count; ++i)
                            Slice sliceT = dt.FieldOrDummyAt(i);
                            vrl = sliceT.Control as VectorReferenceLauncher;
                            if (vrl != null)
                                if (vrl.Flid == (int)PartOfSpeech.PartOfSpeechTags.kflidInflectableFeats)
                                vrl = null;
                    if (vrl == null)
                        // We do, too, need to change tools! Sometimes this slice shows up in a different context,
                        // such as the main data entry view. See LT-7167.
                        // go to m_highestPOS in editor
                        // TODO: this should be reviewed by someone who knows how these links should be done
                        // I'm just guessing.
                        // Also, is there some way to know the application name and tool name without hard coding them?
                        FdoUi.FwLink linkJump = new SIL.FieldWorks.FdoUi.FwLink("Language Explorer", "posEdit",
                                                                                dlg.HighestPOS.Guid, m_cache.ServerName, m_cache.DatabaseName);
                        m_mediator.PostMessage("FollowLink", linkJump);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle launching of the MSA editor.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void HandleChooser()
            VectorReferenceLauncher vrl = null;

            using (MsaInflectionFeatureListDlg dlg = new MsaInflectionFeatureListDlg())
                IFsFeatStruc originalFs = m_obj as IFsFeatStruc;

                Slice parentSlice = Slice;
                if (originalFs == null)
                    int owningFlid;
                    int parentSliceClass = (int)parentSlice.Object.ClassID;
                    switch (parentSliceClass)
                    case MoAffixAllomorphTags.kClassId:
                        IMoAffixAllomorph allo = parentSlice.Object as IMoAffixAllomorph;
                        owningFlid = (parentSlice as MsaInflectionFeatureListDlgLauncherSlice).Flid;
                        dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, m_mediator, m_propertyTable, allo, owningFlid);

                    /*case LexEntryInflTypeTags.kClassId:
                     *      ILexEntryInflType leit = parentSlice.Object as ILexEntryInflType;
                     *      owningFlid = (parentSlice as MsaInflectionFeatureListDlgLauncherSlice).Flid;
                     *      dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, m_mediator, leit, owningFlid);
                     *      break;*/
                        IMoMorphSynAnalysis msa = parentSlice.Object as IMoMorphSynAnalysis;
                        owningFlid = (parentSlice as MsaInflectionFeatureListDlgLauncherSlice).Flid;
                        dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, m_mediator, m_propertyTable, msa, owningFlid);
                    dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, m_mediator, m_propertyTable, originalFs,
                                   (parentSlice as MsaInflectionFeatureListDlgLauncherSlice).Flid);

                const string ksPath = "/group[@id='Linguistics']/group[@id='Morphology']/group[@id='FeatureChooser']/";
                dlg.Text     = StringTable.Table.GetStringWithXPath("InflectionFeatureTitle", ksPath);
                dlg.Prompt   = StringTable.Table.GetStringWithXPath("InflectionFeaturePrompt", ksPath);
                dlg.LinkText = StringTable.Table.GetStringWithXPath("InflectionFeatureLink", ksPath);
                DialogResult result = dlg.ShowDialog(parentSlice.FindForm());
                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    // Note that this may set m_obj to null. dlg.FS will be null if all inflection features have been
                    // removed. That is a valid state for this slice; m_obj deleted is not.
                    m_obj = dlg.FS;
                    m_msaInflectionFeatureListDlgLauncherView.Init(m_cache, dlg.FS);
                else if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    // Get the VectorReferenceLauncher for the Inflection Features slice.
                    // Since we're not changing tools, we want to change the chooser dialog.
                    // See LT-5913 for motivation.
                    Control ctl = this.Parent;
                    while (ctl != null && !(ctl is Slice))
                        ctl = ctl.Parent;
                    Slice slice = ctl as Slice;
                    if (slice != null)
                        DataTree dt = slice.ContainingDataTree;
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Slices.Count; ++i)
                            Slice sliceT = dt.FieldOrDummyAt(i);
                            vrl = sliceT.Control as VectorReferenceLauncher;
                            if (vrl != null)
                                if (vrl.Flid == PartOfSpeechTags.kflidInflectableFeats)
                                vrl = null;
                    if (vrl == null)
                        // We do, too, need to change tools! Sometimes this slice shows up in a different context,
                        // such as the main data entry view. See LT-7167.
                        // go to m_highestPOS in editor
                        // TODO: this should be reviewed by someone who knows how these links should be done
                        // I'm just guessing.
                        // Also, is there some way to know the application name and tool name without hard coding them?
                        var linkJump = new FwLinkArgs("posEdit", dlg.HighestPOS.Guid);
                        m_mediator.PostMessage("FollowLink", linkJump);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle launching of the phonological feature editor.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void HandleChooser()
            VectorReferenceLauncher vrl = null;

            using (PhonologicalFeatureChooserDlg dlg = new PhonologicalFeatureChooserDlg())
                IFsFeatStruc originalFs       = null;
                Slice        parentSlice      = Slice;
                int          parentSliceClass = parentSlice.Object.ClassID;
                int          owningFlid       = (parentSlice as PhonologicalFeatureListDlgLauncherSlice).Flid;
                switch (parentSliceClass)
                case PhPhoneme.kclsidPhPhoneme:
                    IPhPhoneme phoneme = parentSlice.Object as IPhPhoneme;
                    if (phoneme.FeaturesOAHvo != 0)
                        originalFs = phoneme.FeaturesOA;

                case PhNCFeatures.kclsidPhNCFeatures:
                    IPhNCFeatures features = parentSlice.Object as IPhNCFeatures;
                    if (features.FeaturesOAHvo != 0)
                        originalFs = features.FeaturesOA;

                int longNameOldLen = 0;
                if (originalFs != null && originalFs.LongName != null)
                    longNameOldLen = originalFs.LongName.Length;

                if (originalFs == null)
                    dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, m_mediator, parentSlice.Object, owningFlid);
                    dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, m_mediator, originalFs);

                DialogResult result = dlg.ShowDialog(parentSlice.FindForm());
                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    if (dlg.FS != null)
                        int tagLongName = m_cache.VwCacheDaAccessor.GetVirtualHandlerName("FsFeatStruc", "LongNameTSS").Tag;
                        m_obj = dlg.FS;
                        m_cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, parentSlice.Object.Hvo, owningFlid,
                                            0, 1, 0);
                        dlg.FS.UpdateFeatureLongName(tagLongName, longNameOldLen);
                else if (result != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    if (vrl == null)