Esempio n. 1
        /* Simulates the forward kinematics,
         * given a solution. */

        public PositionRotation ForwardKinematics(float[] Solution)
            Vector3Class prevPoint = new Vector3Class(Joints[0].transform.position);

            // Takes object initial rotation into account
            QuaternionClass rotation = new QuaternionClass();

            for (int i = 1; i < Joints.Length; i++)
                QuaternionClass angleAxis = new QuaternionClass();
                angleAxis.convertFromAxisAngle(Joints[i - 1].Axis, Solution[i - 1]);

                rotation *= angleAxis;
                Vector3Class nextPoint = prevPoint + rotation.multiplyVec3(rotation, Joints[i].StartOffset);

                if (DebugDraw)
                    Debug.DrawLine(prevPoint.GetValues(), nextPoint.GetValues(),;

                prevPoint = nextPoint;

            // The end of the effector
            return(new PositionRotation(prevPoint, rotation));
Esempio n. 2
    void DrawLines()
        Vector3Class angularVec = new Vector3Class(curAngularVelX, 0, curAngularVelZ);

        angularVec = angularVec.CrossProduct(angularVec, stringVector);

        Debug.DrawLine(pos2.position, angularVec.GetValues(),;
Esempio n. 3
    public void ResetPendulum(Vector3Class pos)
        //actualiza la posicion de pos2 para setear la bola segn el target de la escena
        pos2.position = pos.GetValues();
        List <CilinderBody> tempRopeSegments = new List <CilinderBody>();

        //recibir las posiciones de los 2 extremos de la cuerda
        Vector3Class initPos = new Vector3Class(pos1.transform.position);
        Vector3Class endPos  = new Vector3Class(pos2.transform.position);

        //generador de los puntos de la cuerda, en resumen hace un vector entre pos1,pos2
        Vector3Class stringVector = endPos - initPos;

        stringVector = stringVector.Normalize(stringVector);

        List <Vector3Class> ropePositions = new List <Vector3Class>();

        //determina el punto inicial de todos los segmentos con
        //"largo segmento * posicion en lista * direccion normalizadapos1pos2 + pos1"
        for (int i = 0; i < stringPartitions; i++)
            Vector3Class partPos = initPos;
            partPos += stringVector * i * stringPartLength;
        //se añaden todos los segmentos con la posicion deseada
        //se introducen los elementos al reves para facilitar algunos calculos
        for (int i = ropePositions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            tempRopeSegments.Add(new CilinderBody(ropePositions[i]));
        ropeSegments = tempRopeSegments;

        //actualiza posicion del objeto bola
        pos2.position = ropeSegments[0].pos.GetValues();
Esempio n. 4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (statusSimulation != States.done)
            timer += Time.deltaTime;

        if (startSimulation /*Input.GetKeyDown("space")*/ && statusSimulation == States.done)
            startSimulation  = false;
            statusSimulation = States.init;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                fingers[i].GetComponent <FingerManager>().CloseHand();

        if (statusSimulation == States.init && timer > timeToStartSimulation) //empieza movimiento pendulo con la mano
            roboticHand.perfFollow = true;
            timer            = 0;
            statusSimulation = States.simulationHandFollow;

        if (statusSimulation == States.simulationHandFollow && timer > timeToStopHandFollow - 0.2f && !openedHands) //la mano empieza a soltar la bola
            openedHands = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                fingers[i].GetComponent <FingerManager>().OpenHand();

        if (statusSimulation == States.simulationHandFollow && timer > timeToStopHandFollow) //la mano deja de seguir al pendulo
            roboticHand.perfFollow = false;
            target.position        = defHandPos.position;
            statusSimulation = States.simulationNoHand;

        if (statusSimulation == States.simulationNoHand && timer > timeToStopSimulation) //la mano se dirige a la posicion predict
            bool reachable = false;

            Vector3Class tPos        = pendulum.CalculateFuturePosition(timeToPredictStopPosition);
            Vector3Class baseHandPos = new Vector3Class(roboticHand.transform.position);
            while (!reachable)
                tPos = pendulum.CalculateFuturePosition(timeToPredictStopPosition);

                if (tPos.Distance(tPos, baseHandPos) < 2.2f)
                    reachable = true;
                    timeToPredictStopPosition += 0.5f;
            target.position = tPos.GetValues();
            timer            = 0;
            statusSimulation = States.closeHand;

        if (statusSimulation == States.closeHand && timer > timeToPredictStopPosition - 0.3f) //se empiezan a cerrar las manos
            statusSimulation = States.stopPendulum;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                fingers[i].GetComponent <FingerManager>().CloseHand();

        if (statusSimulation == States.stopPendulum && timer > timeToPredictStopPosition) //se para el pendulo
            timeToPredictStopPosition = initStopTime;
            statusSimulation          = States.done;
            openedHands = false;
Esempio n. 5
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            target = new Vector3Class(Destination.transform.position);

            if (this.tag == "offset")
                //Algunos ajustes para que la mano se posicione relativamente del target con mas realismo
                Vector3Class P = new Vector3Class(BaseJoint.transform.position); //Joints[0].transform.position ??
                Vector3Class Q = new Vector3Class(Destination.transform.position);

                //Normalizar distancia de Q(Pendulo) a P(Effector) y multiplicar por el radio de la bola del pendulo + offset adicional de ajuste para obtener el offset del target total:
                Vector3Class offsetTarget = Q - P;
                //Debug.Log("x" + offsetTarget.x + "y" + offsetTarget.y + "z" + offsetTarget.z);

                float totalOffset = 0.3f; //<-Poner aqui un offset adicional... En realidad sería la mitad del grosor de la mano si el endefector HAND estuviese justo a la mitad.
                offsetTarget   = offsetTarget.Normalize(offsetTarget) * (offsetTarget.Size() - totalOffset);
                offsetTarget  += P;       //Actualiza posicion del objetivo
                offsetTarget.y = target.y;
                target         = offsetTarget;

            if (perfFollow && tag == "arm")
                int counterWhile = 0;
                while (counterWhile < 20)
                    if (ErrorFunction(target, Solution) > StopThreshold)
                        for (int i = 0; i < Joints.Length; i++)
                if (ErrorFunction(target, Solution) > StopThreshold)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Joints.Length; i++)

            if (DebugDraw)
                Debug.DrawLine(Effector.transform.position, target.GetValues(),;
                Debug.DrawLine(Destination.transform.position, target.GetValues(), new Color(0, 0.5f, 0));
Esempio n. 6
 public void NewPendulumAngle(Vector3Class angle)
     transform.localEulerAngles = angle.GetValues();