public void drawHex(Vector2 position, Color color, SpriteBatch spritebatch) { Rectangle pixelRectangle = new Rectangle((int)(this.position.X + position.X * hexsize) - 18, (int)(this.position.Y + (hexsize * map.getPlanelength() - position.Y * hexsize - 1) - (position.X % 2) * (0.5f * hexsize)) + 18, hexsize, hexsize); spritebatch.Draw(Vars_Func.getPixel(), pixelRectangle, color); }
override public void DrawModel(Camera camera, Vector3 drawPosition, Color drawColor, bool isEnlightend, float lightPower) { if (typ == Vars_Func.CreatureTyp.HQCreatur) { tempPosition = drawPosition; drawPosition = new Vector3(drawPosition.X, drawPosition.Y, drawPosition.Z + Vars_Func.getCreatureParams(typ).X); Matrix modelMatrix = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateScale(Vars_Func.getCreatureParams(typ).Y) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(Vars_Func.getCreatureParams(typ).Z) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(0) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(camera.Rotation) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(drawPosition); this.model.Color = drawColor; this.model.Draw(camera, modelMatrix, !(drawColor.Equals(Color.White)), isEnlightend, lightPower); drawPosition = new Vector3(drawPosition.X, drawPosition.Y, drawPosition.Z + Vars_Func.getCreatureParams(typ).X + tempZ); Matrix mouthMatrix = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateScale(Vars_Func.getCreatureParams(typ).Y) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(Vars_Func.getCreatureParams(typ).Z) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(0) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(camera.Rotation) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(drawPosition); Vars_Func.getHQMouthModel().Color = drawColor; Vars_Func.getHQMouthModel().Draw(camera, mouthMatrix, !(drawColor.Equals(Color.White)), isEnlightend, lightPower); } else { if (currentState == Vars_Func.CreatureState.Fighting) { drawPosition = fightPosition; } else if (currentState == Vars_Func.CreatureState.Starting) { drawPosition = startPosition; } else { drawPosition = tempPosition; } drawPosition = new Vector3(drawPosition.X, drawPosition.Y, drawPosition.Z + Vars_Func.getCreatureParams(typ).X); Matrix modelMatrix = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateScale(Vars_Func.getCreatureParams(typ).Y) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(Vars_Func.getCreatureParams(typ).Z) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(0) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(degree) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(drawPosition); //Vars_Func.getCreatureModell(typ).Color = drawColor; //Vars_Func.getCreatureModell(typ).Draw(camera, modelMatrix); this.model.Color = drawColor; this.model.Draw(camera, modelMatrix, !(drawColor.Equals(Color.White)), isEnlightend, lightPower); Vars_Func.getCreatureShadow(typ).Draw(camera, modelMatrix, !(drawColor.Equals(Color.White)), isEnlightend, lightPower); } }
override public void DrawModel(Renderer.Camera camera, Vector3 drawPosition, Color drawColor, bool isEnlightend, float lightPower) { drawPosition = new Vector3(drawPosition.X, drawPosition.Y, drawPosition.Z + Vars_Func.getNestParams(typ).X); Matrix modelMatrix = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateScale(Vars_Func.getNestParams(typ).Y) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(Vars_Func.getNestParams(typ).Z) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(0) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(0) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(drawPosition); Vars_Func.getNestModell(typ).Color = drawColor; Vars_Func.getNestModell(typ).Draw(camera, modelMatrix, !(drawColor.Equals(Color.White)), isEnlightend, lightPower / 2); if (typ == Vars_Func.NestTyp.Farm) { Vars_Func.getFarmInput().Color = drawColor; float zValue = MathHelper.Lerp(0.3f, -0.1f, ((float)(Player.Food) / 3000)); Vector3 farmPostion = new Vector3(drawPosition.X, drawPosition.Y, drawPosition.Z - zValue); Matrix farmMatrix = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateScale(Vars_Func.getNestParams(typ).Y) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(Vars_Func.getNestParams(typ).Z) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(0) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(0) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(farmPostion); Vars_Func.getFarmInput().Draw(camera, farmMatrix, !(drawColor.Equals(Color.White)), isEnlightend, lightPower / 2); } else if (typ == Vars_Func.NestTyp.Temple) { Vars_Func.getTempelBath().Color = drawColor; Vars_Func.getTempelStone().Color = drawColor; float zRoationSpeed = MathHelper.Lerp(0.1f, 1, ((float)(Player.Mana) / 30000)); rotationSpeed += zRoationSpeed; Matrix tempelMatrix = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateScale(Vars_Func.getNestParams(typ).Y) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(Vars_Func.getNestParams(typ).Z) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(0) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotationSpeed) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(drawPosition); Vars_Func.getTempelStone().Draw(camera, tempelMatrix, !(drawColor.Equals(Color.White)), isEnlightend, lightPower / 2); Vector3 tempelBathPosition = new Vector3(drawPosition.X, drawPosition.Y, drawPosition.Z + 1f); Matrix tempelBathMatrix = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateScale(10) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(Vars_Func.getNestParams(typ).Z) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(0) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(0) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(tempelBathPosition); Vars_Func.getTempelBath().Draw(camera, tempelBathMatrix, !(drawColor.Equals(Color.White)), isEnlightend, lightPower / 2); } }
override public void DrawModel(Camera camera, Vector3 drawPosition, Color drawColor, bool isEnlightend, float lightPower) { Matrix modelMatrix = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateScale(1) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(0) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(0) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(0) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(drawPosition); Vars_Func.getUpgradeModell(typ).Color = drawColor; Vars_Func.getUpgradeModell(typ).Draw(camera, modelMatrix, !(drawColor.Equals(Color.White)), isEnlightend, lightPower); }
protected override void Initialize() { gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.StartMenu; hexagonSideLength = 1; //dont change mapDrawWidth = 10; //dont go over 15 planeLength = 50; //need an even number! minimapSize = 5 * planeLength; //in pixel frameTimeCounter = 0; frames = 0; drawFrame = 0; updateTimeCounter = 0; updates = 0; drawUpdates = 0; showIngameMenu = false; buttonIsPressed = false; reinitializeDone = false; timeCounter = 0.0f; minDelayTime = 100.0f; Vars_Func.loadContent(Content); map = new Map(planeLength, Logic.Vars_Func.HexTyp.Sand, true, hexagonSideLength); Mapgenerator.generateMap(map, planeLength, (int)(planeLength / 10), (int)(planeLength / 5), false); //cameraposition HQ.X * 1.5, HQ.Y * 1.75 camera = new Camera(new Vector3((map.HQPosition.X * 1.5f) + 1, (map.HQPosition.Y * 1.75f) - 10 + 0.875f, 11), new Vector3((map.HQPosition.X * 1.5f) + 1, (map.HQPosition.Y * 1.75f) + 0.875f, 0), Vector3.UnitZ, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, 0.5f, 1000.0f, planeLength, hexagonSideLength); view = camera.View; projection = camera.Projection; keyboard = Keyboard.GetState(); mouseState = Mouse.GetState(); mousePosition = Vars_Func.mousepos(GraphicsDevice, mouseState, projection, view); minimap = new Minimap(map, new Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth - minimapSize, 0), new Vector2(minimapSize, minimapSize)); BasicGUI.createGUI(); StartMenu_GUI.createGUI(); MainMenu_GUI.createGUI(); Highscore_GUI.createGUI(); Setting_GUI.createGUI(); IngameMenu_GUI.createGUI(); Confirm_GUI.createGUI(); GameOver_GUI.createGUI(); IntroMenu_GUI.createGUI(); //InsertNameGUI.createGUI(); base.Initialize(); Interaction.Game = this; reinitializeDone = true; }
override public void DrawModel(Camera camera, Vector3 drawPosition, Color drawColor, bool isEnlightend, float lightPower) { drawPosition = tempPosition; drawPosition = new Vector3(drawPosition.X, drawPosition.Y, drawPosition.Z + 0.5f); Matrix modelMatrix = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateScale(0.05f) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.PiOver2) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(0) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(degree) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(drawPosition); //Vars_Func.getCreatureModell(typ).Color = drawColor; //Vars_Func.getCreatureModell(typ).Draw(camera, modelMatrix); this.model.Color = drawColor; this.model.Draw(camera, modelMatrix, !(drawColor.Equals(Color.White)), isEnlightend, lightPower); Vars_Func.getImpShadow().Draw(camera, modelMatrix, !(drawColor.Equals(Color.White)), isEnlightend, lightPower); }
public Imp(Vector2 position, Environment.Map map) { actionTimeCounter = 0; hp = 100; damage = 0; thingTyp = Vars_Func.ThingTyp.Imp; this.position = position; path = new Stack <Vector2>(); map.getHexagonAt(position).Imps.Add(this); map.ImpList.Add(this); currentJob = new Job(Vars_Func.ImpJob.Idle); this.model = new CharacterModel(Vars_Func.getImpModell().Model, Vars_Func.getImpModell().AnimationClip); updatePlayer = true; currentHex = map.getHexagonAt(position); oldHex = map.getHexagonAt(position); targetHex = null; animationSpeeds = new float[4]; animationSpeeds[0] = 2; animationSpeeds[1] = 1; animationSpeeds[2] = 1; animationSpeeds[3] = 1; }
public void reinitialize() { Player.Gold = 1000; Player.Mana = 2000; Player.Food = 200; Player.Score = 0; Spells.SummonImpCost = 0; BasicGUI.SelectedThingTyp = Vars_Func.ThingTyp.length; hexagonSideLength = 1; //dont change mapDrawWidth = 10; //dont go over 15 planeLength = 50; //need an even number! minimapSize = 5 * planeLength; //in pixel frameTimeCounter = 0; frames = 0; drawFrame = 0; updateTimeCounter = 0; updates = 0; drawUpdates = 0; timeCounter = 0.0f; WaveController.restart(); map = new Map(planeLength, Logic.Vars_Func.HexTyp.Sand, true, hexagonSideLength); Mapgenerator.generateMap(map, planeLength, (int)(planeLength / 10), (int)(planeLength / 5), false); camera = new Camera(new Vector3((map.HQPosition.X * 1.5f) + 1, (map.HQPosition.Y * 1.75f) - 10 + 0.875f, 11), new Vector3((map.HQPosition.X * 1.5f) + 1, (map.HQPosition.Y * 1.75f) + 0.875f, 0), Vector3.UnitZ, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, 0.5f, 1000.0f, planeLength, hexagonSideLength); view = camera.View; projection = camera.Projection; keyboard = Keyboard.GetState(); mouseState = Mouse.GetState(); mousePosition = Vars_Func.mousepos(GraphicsDevice, mouseState, projection, view); minimap = new Minimap(map, new Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth - minimapSize, 0), new Vector2(minimapSize, minimapSize)); base.Initialize(); Interaction.Game = this; GC.Collect(); }
override public void DrawModel(Renderer.Camera camera, Vector3 drawPosition, Color drawColor, bool isEnlightend, float lightPower) { Matrix modelMatrix = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateScale(1) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(0 /*MathHelper.PiOver2*/) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(0) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(0) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(drawPosition); Logic.Vars_Func.getWallModell(typ).Color = drawColor; Texture2D externalText = null; float percent = ((float)hp / initHP); if (percent <= 0.25f) { switch (typ) { case Vars_Func.WallTyp.Stone: externalText = Vars_Func.getWall_RockTexture(2); break; case Vars_Func.WallTyp.Gold: externalText = Vars_Func.getWall_GoldTexture(2); break; case Vars_Func.WallTyp.Diamond: externalText = Vars_Func.getWall_DiamondTexture(2); break; } } if (percent <= 0.5f) { switch (typ) { case Vars_Func.WallTyp.Stone: externalText = Vars_Func.getWall_RockTexture(1); break; case Vars_Func.WallTyp.Gold: externalText = Vars_Func.getWall_GoldTexture(1); break; case Vars_Func.WallTyp.Diamond: externalText = Vars_Func.getWall_DiamondTexture(1); break; } } if (percent <= 0.75f) { switch (typ) { case Vars_Func.WallTyp.Stone: externalText = Vars_Func.getWall_RockTexture(0); break; case Vars_Func.WallTyp.Gold: externalText = Vars_Func.getWall_GoldTexture(0); break; case Vars_Func.WallTyp.Diamond: externalText = Vars_Func.getWall_DiamondTexture(0); break; } } Logic.Vars_Func.getWallModell(typ).DrawTexture(camera, modelMatrix, externalText, !(drawColor.Equals(Color.White)), isEnlightend, lightPower); }
public Creature(Vars_Func.CreatureTyp typ, Vector2 position, Nest home, Vars_Func.ThingTyp allignment, Environment.Map map, int[] upgrades, int startage = 0) { switch (typ) { case Vars_Func.CreatureTyp.Beetle: this.typ = typ; this.position = position; this.home = home; thingTyp = allignment; size = 1; speed = 1 + upgrades[2] * 0.2f; actionTimeCounter = 0; vision = 4; damageTaken = 0; hp = 200 + upgrades[1] * 100; damage = 10 + upgrades[0] * 4; age = startage; maxAge = 100; ageModifire = 1; map.getHexagonAt(position).Obj = this; map.Creatures.Add(this); animationSpeeds = new float[2]; animationSpeeds[0] = 2.5f; animationSpeeds[1] = 1; break; case Vars_Func.CreatureTyp.Skeleton: this.typ = typ; this.position = position; this.home = home; thingTyp = allignment; size = 1; speed = 1 + upgrades[2] * 0.2f; actionTimeCounter = 0; vision = 4; damageTaken = 0; hp = 100 + upgrades[1] * 50; damage = 15 + upgrades[0] * 6; age = startage; maxAge = 120; ageModifire = 1; map.getHexagonAt(position).Obj = this; map.Creatures.Add(this); animationSpeeds = new float[2]; animationSpeeds[0] = 2; animationSpeeds[1] = 0.8f; break; case Vars_Func.CreatureTyp.Knight: this.typ = typ; this.position = position; this.home = home; thingTyp = allignment; size = 1; speed = 1; actionTimeCounter = 0; vision = 4; damageTaken = 0; hp = 150; damage = 10; age = startage; ageModifire = 1; map.getHexagonAt(position).Obj = this; map.Heroes.Add(this); currentState = Vars_Func.CreatureState.Starting; startHex = map.getHexagonAt(home.Position); startLerpCounter = 0; reachGround = false; animationSpeeds = new float[3]; animationSpeeds[0] = 2; animationSpeeds[1] = 0.8f; animationSpeeds[2] = 1; break; case Vars_Func.CreatureTyp.HQCreatur: this.typ = typ; this.position = position; this.home = home; thingTyp = allignment; size = 1; speed = 1; actionTimeCounter = 0; vision = 4; damageTaken = 0; hp = 5000; damage = 500; age = startage; ageModifire = 1; map.getHexagonAt(position).Obj = this; map.Creatures.Add(this); map.getHexagonAt(position).IsHQ = true; map.getHexagonAt(position).EnlightendHexagon(map); currentState = Vars_Func.CreatureState.PingPong; animationSpeeds = new float[2]; animationSpeeds[0] = 1; animationSpeeds[1] = 1; // Some Fireball Test //map.getHexagonAt(position).Fireball = Vars_Func.getFireBall(); break; } this.model = new CharacterModel(Vars_Func.getCreatureModell(typ).Model); model.AnimationClip = Vars_Func.getCreatureModell(typ).AnimationClip; updatePlayer = true; currentHex = map.getHexagonAt(position); oldHex = map.getHexagonAt(position); targetHex = null; oldTargetHex = null; tempZ = 0; }
public Nest(Vars_Func.NestTyp typ, Vector2 position, Environment.Map map, Vector2 targetPosition) { nextUpgradeCost = 100; Environment.Hexagon hex = map.getHexagonAt(position); if (typ != Vars_Func.NestTyp.Entrance) { map.Rooms.ElementAt(map.getHexagonAt(position).RoomNumber - 1).NestType = typ; map.Rooms.ElementAt(map.getHexagonAt(position).RoomNumber - 1).RoomObject = this; } possibleNextNestHexagons = new List <Vector2>(); nestHexagons = new List <Vector2>(); nestHexagons.Add(position); switch (typ) { case Vars_Func.NestTyp.Entrance: hex.Building = true; hex.Nest = true; map.Entrances.Add(this); hex.IsEntrance = true; hex.EnlightendHexagon(map); map.Light = Vars_Func.getEntranceRayModel(); thingTyp = Vars_Func.ThingTyp.Nest; break; case Vars_Func.NestTyp.Beetle: hex.Typ = Vars_Func.HexTyp.BeetleNest; hex.Building = true; hex.Nest = true; getsFeeded = false; maxNutrition = 500f; nutrition = 0f; upgrades = new List <Upgrade>(); thingTyp = Vars_Func.ThingTyp.Nest; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Vector2 neighbor = hex.Neighbors[i]; nestHexagons.Add(neighbor); map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Typ = Vars_Func.HexTyp.BeetleNest; map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Building = true; map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Nest = true; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Vector2 neighbor = hex.Neighbors[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) { Vector2 nextNeighbor = map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Neighbors[j]; if (!map.getHexagonAt(nextNeighbor).Nest&& map.getHexagonAt(nextNeighbor).RoomNumber == map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).RoomNumber&& !possibleNextNestHexagons.Contains(nextNeighbor)) { possibleNextNestHexagons.Add(nextNeighbor); } } } map.Nests.Add(this); break; case Vars_Func.NestTyp.Skeleton: hex.Typ = Vars_Func.HexTyp.Graveyard; hex.Building = true; hex.Nest = true; getsFeeded = false; maxNutrition = 500f; nutrition = 0f; upgrades = new List <Upgrade>(); thingTyp = Vars_Func.ThingTyp.Nest; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Vector2 neighbor = hex.Neighbors[i]; nestHexagons.Add(neighbor); map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Typ = Vars_Func.HexTyp.Graveyard; map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Building = true; map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Nest = true; map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).GrowObject = Vars_Func.GrowObject.Graveyard; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Vector2 neighbor = hex.Neighbors[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) { Vector2 nextNeighbor = map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Neighbors[j]; if (!map.getHexagonAt(nextNeighbor).Nest&& map.getHexagonAt(nextNeighbor).RoomNumber == map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).RoomNumber&& !possibleNextNestHexagons.Contains(nextNeighbor)) { possibleNextNestHexagons.Add(nextNeighbor); } } } map.Nests.Add(this); break; case Vars_Func.NestTyp.Farm: hex.Typ = Vars_Func.HexTyp.Farm; hex.Building = true; hex.Nest = true; nutrition = 1; maxNutrition = 1; thingTyp = Vars_Func.ThingTyp.Nest; food = 0; getsHarvested = false; foodCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Vector2 neighbor = hex.Neighbors[i]; nestHexagons.Add(neighbor); map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Typ = Vars_Func.HexTyp.Farm; map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Building = true; map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Nest = true; map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).GrowObject = Vars_Func.GrowObject.Farm; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Vector2 neighbor = hex.Neighbors[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) { Vector2 nextNeighbor = map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Neighbors[j]; if (!map.getHexagonAt(nextNeighbor).Nest&& map.getHexagonAt(nextNeighbor).RoomNumber == map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).RoomNumber&& !possibleNextNestHexagons.Contains(nextNeighbor)) { possibleNextNestHexagons.Add(nextNeighbor); } } } map.Farms.Add(this); break; case Vars_Func.NestTyp.Temple: hex.Typ = Vars_Func.HexTyp.Temple; hex.Building = true; hex.Nest = true; nutrition = 1; maxNutrition = 1; thingTyp = Vars_Func.ThingTyp.Nest; foodCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Vector2 neighbor = hex.Neighbors[i]; nestHexagons.Add(neighbor); map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Typ = Vars_Func.HexTyp.Temple; map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Building = true; map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Nest = true; map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).GrowObject = Vars_Func.GrowObject.Temple; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Vector2 neighbor = hex.Neighbors[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) { Vector2 nextNeighbor = map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Neighbors[j]; if (!map.getHexagonAt(nextNeighbor).Nest&& map.getHexagonAt(nextNeighbor).RoomNumber == map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).RoomNumber&& !possibleNextNestHexagons.Contains(nextNeighbor)) { possibleNextNestHexagons.Add(nextNeighbor); } } } map.Temples.Add(this); break; } this.typ = typ; this.position = position; this.targetPosition = targetPosition; hex.Obj = this; }
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { //Frames per second frameTimeCounter += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; ++frames; if (frameTimeCounter >= 1000) { drawFrame = frames; frames = 0; frameTimeCounter -= 1000; } GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); effect.View = camera.View; effect.Projection = camera.Projection; effect.VertexColorEnabled = true; effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0].Apply(); map.DrawModel(camera, indexOfMiddleHexagon, camera.Target, mapDrawWidth); spriteBatch.Begin(); //if (Interaction.GameState != Vars_Func.GameState.MainMenu && // Interaction.GameState != Vars_Func.GameState.Highscore && // Interaction.GameState != Vars_Func.GameState.Tutorial) //{ // minimap.drawMinimap(spriteBatch, indexOfMiddleHexagon); //} //GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, mouseState, camera, map); //GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, minimap, indexOfMiddleHexagon); ////spriteBatch.DrawString(font, mouseState.X.ToString() + " : " + mouseState.Y.ToString(), new Vector2(20, 200), Color.Black); ////spriteBatch.DrawString(font, mousePosition.X.ToString() + " : " + mousePosition.Y.ToString() + " : " + mousePosition.Z.ToString(), new Vector2(20, 220), Color.Black); //spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "FPS: " + drawFrame.ToString(), new Vector2(20, 240), Color.Black); //spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "UPS: " + drawUpdates.ToString(), new Vector2(20, 260), Color.Black); switch (gamestate) { #region Startmenu case Vars_Func.GameState.StartMenu: StartMenu_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); break; #endregion #region Mainmenu case Vars_Func.GameState.MainMenu: // Draw the old one unil menu is ready if (!MainMenu_GUI.UpdateReady) { StartMenu_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } else { MainMenu_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } break; #endregion #region Ingame case Vars_Func.GameState.Ingame: if (reinitializeDone) { //minimap.drawMinimap(spriteBatch, indexOfMiddleHexagon); BasicGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, minimap, indexOfMiddleHexagon); //spriteBatch.DrawString(font, mouseState.X.ToString() + " : " + mouseState.Y.ToString(), new Vector2(20, 200), Color.Black); //spriteBatch.DrawString(font, mousePosition.X.ToString() + " : " + mousePosition.Y.ToString() + " : " + mousePosition.Z.ToString(), new Vector2(20, 220), Color.Black); //spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "FPS: " + drawFrame.ToString(), new Vector2(20, 240), Color.Black); //spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "UPS: " + drawUpdates.ToString(), new Vector2(20, 260), Color.Black); if (showIngameMenu) { if (!IngameMenu_GUI.UpdateReady) { //Do nothing } else { IngameMenu_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } } } else { MainMenu_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } break; #endregion #region Highscore case Vars_Func.GameState.Highscore: if (showIngameMenu) { if (!Highscore_GUI.UpdateReady) { IngameMenu_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } else { Highscore_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } } else { if (!Highscore_GUI.UpdateReady) { MainMenu_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } else { Highscore_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } } break; #endregion #region Settings case Vars_Func.GameState.Settings: if (showIngameMenu) { if (!Setting_GUI.UpdateReady) { IngameMenu_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } else { Setting_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); if (Setting_GUI.UseFullscreen && ! {; } else if (!Setting_GUI.UseFullscreen && {; } } } else { if (!Setting_GUI.UpdateReady) { MainMenu_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } else { Setting_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); if (Setting_GUI.UseFullscreen && ! {; } else if (!Setting_GUI.UseFullscreen && {; } } } break; #endregion #region Confirm case Vars_Func.GameState.Confirm: if (!Confirm_GUI.UpdateReady) { BasicGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, minimap, indexOfMiddleHexagon); IngameMenu_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } else { BasicGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, minimap, indexOfMiddleHexagon); Confirm_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } break; #endregion #region GameOver case Vars_Func.GameState.GameOver: if (!GameOver_GUI.UpdateReady) { BasicGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, minimap, indexOfMiddleHexagon); } else { BasicGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, minimap, indexOfMiddleHexagon); GameOver_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } break; #endregion #region Intro case Vars_Func.GameState.Intro: if (!IntroMenu_GUI.UpdateReady) { MainMenu_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } else { IntroMenu_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } break; #endregion #region Insert Name After Confirm case Vars_Func.GameState.InsertNameConfirm: if (!InsertNameGUI.UpdateReady) { BasicGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, minimap, indexOfMiddleHexagon); Confirm_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } else { BasicGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, minimap, indexOfMiddleHexagon); InsertNameGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } break; #endregion #region Insert Name Before Reset case Vars_Func.GameState.InserNameReset: if (!InsertNameGUI.UpdateReady) { BasicGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, minimap, indexOfMiddleHexagon); GameOver_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } else { BasicGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, minimap, indexOfMiddleHexagon); InsertNameGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } break; #endregion #region Insert Name Before Quit case Vars_Func.GameState.InserNameQuit: if (!InsertNameGUI.UpdateReady) { BasicGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, minimap, indexOfMiddleHexagon); GameOver_GUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } else { BasicGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font, minimap, indexOfMiddleHexagon); InsertNameGUI.Draw(spriteBatch, font); } break; #endregion default: break; } spriteBatch.Draw(Vars_Func.getCursor(), new Vector2(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y), Color.White); spriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(gameTime); }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { timeCounter += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; // updates per second updateTimeCounter += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; ++updates; if (updateTimeCounter >= 1000) { drawUpdates = updates; updates = 0; updateTimeCounter -= 1000; } //// DON'T TOUCH THIS//// keyboard = Keyboard.GetState(); lastMouseState = mouseState; mouseState = Mouse.GetState(); //mousePosition = Vars_Func.mousepos(GraphicsDevice, mouseState, projection, view); //camera.Update(gameTime, gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds, mouseState); //view = camera.View; //map.update(gameTime, gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds); ////// DON'T TOUCH THIS//// //indexOfMiddleHexagon = Vars_Func.gridColision(camera.Target, planeLength, hexagonSideLength); //Vector2 mouseover = Vars_Func.gridColision(mousePosition, planeLength, hexagonSideLength); //Vars_Func.resetHexagonColors(map); //wavecontroller.update(gameTime, map); //Interaction.Update(gameTime, map, mouseover, mouseState, lastMouseState, keyboard); //GUI.update(gameTime, map, mouseState); if (Interaction.GameState == Vars_Func.GameState.GameOver) { gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.GameOver; } switch (gamestate) { #region Startmenu case Vars_Func.GameState.StartMenu: StartMenu_GUI.update(gameTime, mouseState, keyboard); if (timeCounter > minDelayTime) { if (StartMenu_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null && StartMenu_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.StartButton) { gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.MainMenu; timeCounter = 0; } } break; #endregion #region Mainmenu case Vars_Func.GameState.MainMenu: MainMenu_GUI.update(gameTime, mouseState, keyboard); Highscore_GUI.restGUI(); Setting_GUI.restGUI(); GameOver_GUI.restGUI(); IntroMenu_GUI.restGUI(); showIngameMenu = false; if (MainMenu_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null) { if (timeCounter > minDelayTime) { switch (MainMenu_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ) { case Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.NewGameButton: reinitialize(); //gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Ingame; gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Intro; timeCounter = 0; //MainMenu_GUI.restGUI(); break; case Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.SettingsButton: gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Settings; timeCounter = 0; break; case Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.HighScoreButton: gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Highscore; timeCounter = 0; break; case Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.QuitButton: timeCounter = 0; this.Exit(); break; default: break; } } } break; #endregion #region Ingame case Vars_Func.GameState.Ingame: MainMenu_GUI.restGUI(); Setting_GUI.restGUI(); Highscore_GUI.restGUI(); Confirm_GUI.restGUI(); GameOver_GUI.restGUI(); IntroMenu_GUI.restGUI(); if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Tab) && !buttonIsPressed) { buttonIsPressed = true; showIngameMenu = !showIngameMenu; } if (!keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Tab) && buttonIsPressed) { buttonIsPressed = false; } // Add ingame menu if (showIngameMenu) { IngameMenu_GUI.update(gameTime, mouseState, keyboard); if (IngameMenu_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null) { switch (IngameMenu_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ) { case Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.NewGameButton: showIngameMenu = false; IngameMenu_GUI.restGUI(); break; case Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.SettingsButton: gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Settings; break; case Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.HighScoreButton: gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Highscore; break; case Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.StartButton: //Player.saveScore(); //reinitialize(); gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Confirm; break; default: break; } } } else { mousePosition = Vars_Func.mousepos(GraphicsDevice, mouseState, projection, view); camera.Update(gameTime, gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds, mouseState); view = camera.View; map.update(gameTime, gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds, this); //// DON'T TOUCH THIS//// indexOfMiddleHexagon = Vars_Func.gridColision(camera.Target, planeLength, hexagonSideLength); Vector2 mouseover = Vars_Func.gridColision(mousePosition, planeLength, hexagonSideLength); Vars_Func.resetHexagonColors(map); WaveController.update(gameTime, map); BasicGUI.update(gameTime, map, mouseState); Interaction.Update(gameTime, map, mouseover, mouseState, lastMouseState, keyboard); } break; #endregion #region Highscore case Vars_Func.GameState.Highscore: Highscore_GUI.update(gameTime, mouseState, keyboard); if (showIngameMenu) { IngameMenu_GUI.restGUI(); if (timeCounter > minDelayTime) { if (Highscore_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null && Highscore_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.StartButton) { gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Ingame; timeCounter = 0; } } } else { MainMenu_GUI.restGUI(); if (timeCounter > minDelayTime) { if (Highscore_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null && Highscore_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.StartButton) { gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.MainMenu; timeCounter = 0; } } } break; #endregion #region Settings case Vars_Func.GameState.Settings: Setting_GUI.update(gameTime, mouseState, lastMouseState, keyboard); if (showIngameMenu) { IngameMenu_GUI.restGUI(); if (timeCounter > minDelayTime) { if (Setting_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null && Setting_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.StartButton) { gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Ingame; timeCounter = 0; } } } else { MainMenu_GUI.restGUI(); if (timeCounter > minDelayTime) { if (Setting_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null && Setting_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.StartButton) { gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.MainMenu; timeCounter = 0; } } } break; #endregion #region Confirm case Vars_Func.GameState.Confirm: Confirm_GUI.update(gameTime, mouseState, keyboard); if (timeCounter > minDelayTime) { if (Confirm_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null && Confirm_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.NewGameButton) { showIngameMenu = false; IngameMenu_GUI.restGUI(); gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Ingame; //showIngameMenu = false; //IngameMenu_GUI.restGUI(); //gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.GameOver; timeCounter = 0; } if (Confirm_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null && Confirm_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.QuitButton) { Player.saveScore(); reinitialize(); IntroMenu_GUI.createGUI(); MainMenu_GUI.createGUI(); Highscore_GUI.createGUI(); gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.MainMenu; //gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.InsertNameConfirm; //showIngameMenu = false; //IngameMenu_GUI.restGUI(); //gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Ingame; timeCounter = 0; } } break; #endregion #region GameOver case Vars_Func.GameState.GameOver: GameOver_GUI.update(gameTime, mouseState, keyboard); if (timeCounter > minDelayTime) { if (GameOver_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null && GameOver_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.NewGameButton) { showIngameMenu = false; Player.saveScore(); reinitialize(); MainMenu_GUI.createGUI(); IngameMenu_GUI.restGUI(); Highscore_GUI.createGUI(); gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Ingame; //gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.InserNameReset; //timeCounter = 0; } if (GameOver_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null && GameOver_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.QuitButton) { Player.saveScore(); this.Exit(); //gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.InserNameQuit; //timeCounter = 0; } } break; #endregion #region Intro case Vars_Func.GameState.Intro: IntroMenu_GUI.update(gameTime, mouseState, keyboard); if (timeCounter > minDelayTime) { if (IntroMenu_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null && IntroMenu_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.NewGameButton) { MainMenu_GUI.restGUI(); reinitialize(); Setting_GUI.ShowHelp = true; gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Ingame; timeCounter = 0; } if (IntroMenu_GUI.getGUI_Button() != null && IntroMenu_GUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.QuitButton) { MainMenu_GUI.restGUI(); reinitialize(); Setting_GUI.ShowHelp = false; gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Ingame; timeCounter = 0; } } break; #endregion #region Insert Name After Confirm case Vars_Func.GameState.InsertNameConfirm: InsertNameGUI.update(gameTime, mouseState, keyboard); if (timeCounter > minDelayTime) { if (InsertNameGUI.getGUI_Button() != null && InsertNameGUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.QuitButton) { //Retrun the player name string PlayerName = InsertNameGUI.getPlayerName(); //TODO: pass on to the Player class Player.saveScore(); reinitialize(); IntroMenu_GUI.createGUI(); MainMenu_GUI.createGUI(); gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.MainMenu; timeCounter = 0; } } break; #endregion #region Insert Name Before Reset case Vars_Func.GameState.InserNameReset: InsertNameGUI.update(gameTime, mouseState, keyboard); if (timeCounter > minDelayTime) { if (InsertNameGUI.getGUI_Button() != null && InsertNameGUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.QuitButton) { //Retrun the player name string PlayerName = InsertNameGUI.getPlayerName(); //TODO: pass on to the Player class showIngameMenu = false; Player.saveScore(); reinitialize(); MainMenu_GUI.createGUI(); IngameMenu_GUI.restGUI(); gamestate = Vars_Func.GameState.Ingame; timeCounter = 0; } } break; #endregion #region Insert Name Before Quit case Vars_Func.GameState.InserNameQuit: InsertNameGUI.update(gameTime, mouseState, keyboard); if (timeCounter > minDelayTime) { if (InsertNameGUI.getGUI_Button() != null && InsertNameGUI.getGUI_Button().Typ == Vars_Func.GUI_Typ.QuitButton) { timeCounter = 0; //Retrun the player name string PlayerName = InsertNameGUI.getPlayerName(); //TODO: pass on to the Player class Player.saveScore(); this.Exit(); } } break; #endregion default: break; } base.Update(gameTime); }