private static VisualStyleClass DetermineVisualStyleClass() { VisualStyleClass style = VisualStyleClass.Other; try { style = DetermineVisualStyleClassImpl(); } catch (Exception) { } return(style); }
public static void WriteCrashLog(Exception crashEx, TextWriter stream) { string str; string str2; DateTime startupTime = Startup.StartupTime; try { str = PdnResources.GetString("CrashLog.HeaderText.Format"); } catch (Exception exception) { str = "This text file was created because crashed.\r\nPlease e-mail this file to {0} so we can diagnose and fix the problem.\r\n, --- Exception while calling PdnResources.GetString(\"CrashLog.HeaderText.Format\"): " + exception.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str2 = string.Format(str, "*****@*****.**"); } catch (Exception) { str2 = string.Empty; } stream.WriteLine(str2); string fullAppName = "err"; string str4 = "err"; string str5 = "err"; string str6 = "err"; string str7 = "err"; string str8 = "err"; string str9 = "err"; string currentDirectory = "err"; string str11 = "err"; string revision = "err"; string str13 = "err"; string str14 = "err"; string str15 = "err"; string str16 = "err"; string str17 = "err"; string cpuName = "err"; string str19 = "err"; string str20 = "err"; string str21 = "err"; string str22 = "err"; string str23 = "err"; string str24 = "err"; string str25 = "err"; string str26 = "err"; string str27 = "err"; string str28 = "err"; string str29 = "err"; string str30 = "err"; string str31 = "err"; string str32 = "err"; try { try { fullAppName = PdnInfo.FullAppName; } catch (Exception exception2) { fullAppName = Application.ProductVersion + ", --- Exception while calling PdnInfo.GetFullAppName(): " + exception2.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str4 = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } catch (Exception exception3) { str4 = "--- Exception while populating timeOfCrash: " + exception3.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str5 = ((TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - startupTime)).ToString(); } catch (Exception exception4) { str5 = "--- Exception while populating appUptime: " + exception4.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { bool hasShutdownStarted = Environment.HasShutdownStarted; bool flag2 = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.IsFinalizingForUnload(); str6 = Startup.State.ToString() + " " + (hasShutdownStarted ? "Environment.HasShutdownStarted " : string.Empty) + (flag2 ? "AppDomain.IsFinalizingForUnload " : string.Empty).Trim(); } catch (Exception exception5) { str6 = "--- Exception while populating applicationState: " + exception5.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str7 = ((((double)Environment.WorkingSet) / 1024.0)).ToString("N0") + " KiB"; } catch (Exception exception6) { str7 = "--- Exception while populating workingSet: " + exception6.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { int num4; int num5; Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); int handleCount = currentProcess.HandleCount; int count = currentProcess.Threads.Count; ProcessStatus.GetCurrentProcessGuiResources(out num4, out num5); str8 = $"{handleCount} handles, {count} threads, {num4} gdi, {num5} user"; } catch (Exception exception7) { str8 = "--- Exception while populating threadCount: " + exception7.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { currentDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory; } catch (Exception exception8) { currentDirectory = "--- Exception while populating currentDir: " + exception8.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str9 = RegistrySettings.SystemWide.GetString("TARGETDIR", "n/a"); } catch (Exception exception9) { str9 = "--- Exception while populating targetDir: " + exception9.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str11 = Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString(); } catch (Exception exception10) { str11 = "--- Exception while populating osVersion: " + exception10.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { revision = OS.Revision; } catch (Exception exception11) { revision = "--- Exception while populating osRevision: " + exception11.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str13 = OS.OSType.ToString(); } catch (Exception exception12) { str13 = "--- Exception while populating osType: " + exception12.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str14 = Processor.NativeArchitecture.ToString().ToLower(); } catch (Exception exception13) { str14 = "--- Exception while populating processorNativeArchitecture: " + exception13.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str15 = Environment.Version.ToString(); } catch (Exception exception14) { str15 = "--- Exception while populating clrVersion: " + exception14.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { bool flag3 = OS.VerifyFrameworkVersion(4, 6, 0, OS.FrameworkProfile.Client); bool flag4 = OS.VerifyFrameworkVersion(4, 6, 0, OS.FrameworkProfile.Full); str16 = ((flag3 | flag4) ? "4.6 " : string.Empty).Trim(); } catch (Exception exception15) { str16 = "--- Exception while populating fxInventory: " + exception15.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str17 = Processor.Architecture.ToString().ToLower(); } catch (Exception exception16) { str17 = "--- Exception while populating processorArchitecture: " + exception16.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { cpuName = Processor.CpuName; } catch (Exception exception17) { cpuName = "--- Exception while populating cpuName: " + exception17.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { LogicalProcessorInfo logicalProcessorInformation = Processor.GetLogicalProcessorInformation(); int num6 = logicalProcessorInformation.Packages.Count; int physicalCoreCount = logicalProcessorInformation.GetPhysicalCoreCount(); int logicalCpuCount = Processor.LogicalCpuCount; if (num6 > 1) { str19 = $"{num6.ToString()}S/{physicalCoreCount.ToString()}C/{logicalCpuCount.ToString()}T"; } else { str19 = $"{physicalCoreCount.ToString()}C/{logicalCpuCount.ToString()}T"; } } catch (Exception exception18) { str19 = "--- Exception while populating cpuCount: " + exception18.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str20 = "@ ~" + Processor.ApproximateSpeedMhz.ToString() + "MHz"; } catch (Exception exception19) { str20 = "--- Exception while populating cpuSpeed: " + exception19.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str21 = "(" + str19; foreach (string str33 in Enum.GetNames(typeof(ProcessorFeature))) { ProcessorFeature feature = (ProcessorFeature)Enum.Parse(typeof(ProcessorFeature), str33); if (Processor.IsFeaturePresent(feature)) { str21 = str21 + ", "; str21 = str21 + str33; } } if (str21.Length > 0) { str21 = str21 + ")"; } } catch (Exception exception20) { str21 = "--- Exception while populating cpuFeatures: " + exception20.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str22 = ((Memory.TotalPhysicalBytes / ((ulong)0x400L)) / ((ulong)0x400L)) + " MB"; } catch (Exception exception21) { str22 = "--- Exception while populating totalPhysicalBytes: " + exception21.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { BooleanSetting enableHardwareAcceleration = AppSettings.Instance.UI.EnableHardwareAcceleration; str23 = enableHardwareAcceleration.Value.ToString() + " (default: " + enableHardwareAcceleration.DefaultValue.ToString() + ")"; } catch (Exception exception22) { str23 = "--- Exception while populating hwAcceleration: " + exception22.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { using (IDxgiFactory1 factory = DxgiFactory1.CreateFactory1()) { IDxgiAdapter1[] items = factory.EnumerateAdapters1().ToArrayEx <IDxgiAdapter1>(); str24 = items.Select <IDxgiAdapter1, AdapterDescription1>(a => a.Description1).Select <AdapterDescription1, string>(d => $"{d.Description} (v:{d.VendorID.ToString("X")}, d:{d.DeviceID.ToString("X")}, r:{d.Revision.ToString()})").Join(", "); DisposableUtil.FreeContents <IDxgiAdapter1>(items); } } catch (Exception exception23) { str24 = "--- Exception while populating videoCardNames: " + exception23.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { str25 = AppSettings.Instance.UI.EnableAnimations.Value.ToString(); } catch (Exception exception24) { str25 = "--- Exception while populating animations: " + exception24.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { float xScaleFactor = UIUtil.GetXScaleFactor(); str26 = $"{(96f * xScaleFactor).ToString("F2")} dpi ({xScaleFactor.ToString("F2")}x scale)"; } catch (Exception exception25) { str26 = "--- Exception while populating dpiInfo: " + exception25.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { VisualStyleClass visualStyleClass = UIUtil.VisualStyleClass; PdnTheme effectiveTheme = ThemeConfig.EffectiveTheme; bool isDwmCompositionEnabled = UIUtil.IsDwmCompositionEnabled; string themeFileName = UIUtil.ThemeFileName; str27 = $"{visualStyleClass.ToString()}/{effectiveTheme.ToString()}{isDwmCompositionEnabled ? " + DWM" : ""} ({themeFileName})"; } catch (Exception exception26) { str27 = "--- Exception while populating themeInfo: " + exception26.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { string str36; string str37; string path = AppSettings.Instance.UI.Language.Path; bool flag8 = AppSettings.Instance.StorageHandler.TryGet(SettingsHive.CurrentUser, path, out str36); bool flag9 = AppSettings.Instance.StorageHandler.TryGet(SettingsHive.SystemWide, path, out str37); string[] textArray1 = new string[] { "pdnr.c: ", PdnResources.Culture.Name, ", hklm: ", flag9 ? str37 : "n/a", ", hkcu: ", flag8 ? str36 : "n/a", ", cc: ", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, ", cuic: ", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name }; str29 = string.Concat(textArray1); } catch (Exception exception27) { str29 = "--- Exception while populating localeName: " + exception27.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { bool flag10 = AppSettings.Instance.Updates.AutoCheck.Value; str28 = $"{flag10}, {AppSettings.Instance.Updates.LastCheckTimeUtc.Value.ToShortDateString()}"; } catch (Exception exception28) { str28 = "--- Exception while populating updaterInfo: " + exception28.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { List <string> strings = new List <string>(); if (AppSettings.Instance.UI.ErrorFlagsAtStartup.Value != AppSettings.Instance.UI.ErrorFlags.Value) { strings.Add("ErrorFlagsAtStartup=(" + AppSettings.Instance.UI.ErrorFlagsAtStartup.Value.ToString() + ")"); } if (AppSettings.Instance.UI.ErrorFlags.Value != AppSettings.Instance.UI.ErrorFlags.DefaultValue) { strings.Add("ErrorFlags=(" + AppSettings.Instance.UI.ErrorFlags.Value.ToString() + ")"); } if (AppSettings.Instance.UI.DefaultTextAntialiasMode.Value != AppSettings.Instance.UI.DefaultTextAntialiasMode.DefaultValue) { strings.Add("DefaultTextAntialiasMode=" + AppSettings.Instance.UI.DefaultTextAntialiasMode.Value.ToString()); } if (AppSettings.Instance.UI.DefaultTextRenderingMode.Value != AppSettings.Instance.UI.DefaultTextRenderingMode.DefaultValue) { strings.Add("DefaultTextRenderingMode=" + AppSettings.Instance.UI.DefaultTextRenderingMode.Value.ToString()); } if (AppSettings.Instance.UI.EnableCanvasHwndRenderTarget.Value != AppSettings.Instance.UI.EnableCanvasHwndRenderTarget.DefaultValue) { strings.Add("EnableCanvasHwndRenderTarget=" + AppSettings.Instance.UI.EnableCanvasHwndRenderTarget.Value.ToString()); } if (AppSettings.Instance.UI.EnableHighQualityScaling.Value != AppSettings.Instance.UI.EnableHighQualityScaling.DefaultValue) { strings.Add("EnableHighQualityScaling=" + AppSettings.Instance.UI.EnableHighQualityScaling.Value.ToString()); } if (AppSettings.Instance.UI.EnableSmoothMouseInput.Value != AppSettings.Instance.UI.EnableSmoothMouseInput.DefaultValue) { strings.Add("EnableSmoothMouseInput=" + AppSettings.Instance.UI.EnableSmoothMouseInput.Value.ToString()); } str30 = strings.Join(", "); } catch (Exception exception29) { str30 = "--- Exception while populating flagsInfo: " + exception29.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); for (int i = 0; i < assemblies.Length; i++) { Assembly assembly = assemblies[i]; string str38 = () => assembly.FullName.Eval <string>().GetValueOrDefault() ?? "<FullName?>"; string str39 = () => assembly.Location.Eval <string>().GetValueOrDefault() ?? "<Location?>"; builder.AppendFormat("{0} {1} @ {2}", Environment.NewLine, str38, str39); } str31 = builder.ToString(); } catch (Exception exception30) { str31 = "--- Exception while populating assembliesInfo: " + exception30.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } try { StringBuilder builder2 = new StringBuilder(); int num14 = Processor.Architecture.ToBitness(); foreach (ProcessStatus.ModuleFileNameAndBitness bitness in ProcessStatus.GetCurrentProcessModuleNames()) { string fileVersion; string str40 = string.Empty; if (bitness.Bitness != num14) { str40 = $" ({bitness.Bitness.ToString()}-bit)"; } try { fileVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(bitness.FileName).FileVersion; } catch (Exception exception31) { fileVersion = $"ex: {exception31.GetType().FullName}"; } object[] args = new object[] { Environment.NewLine, bitness.FileName, str40, fileVersion }; builder2.AppendFormat("{0} {1}{2}, version={3}", args); } str32 = builder2.ToString(); } catch (Exception exception32) { str32 = "--- Exception while populating nativeModulesInfo: " + exception32.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } } catch (Exception exception33) { stream.WriteLine("Exception while gathering app and system info: " + exception33.ToString()); } stream.WriteLine("Application version: " + fullAppName); stream.WriteLine("Time of crash: " + str4); stream.WriteLine("Application uptime: " + str5); stream.WriteLine("Application state: " + str6); stream.WriteLine("Working set: " + str7); stream.WriteLine("Handles and threads: " + str8); stream.WriteLine("Install directory: " + str9); stream.WriteLine("Current directory: " + currentDirectory); stream.WriteLine("OS Version: " + str11 + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(revision) ? "" : (" " + revision)) + " " + str13 + " " + str14); stream.WriteLine(".NET version: CLR " + str15 + " " + str17 + ", FX " + str16); stream.WriteLine("Processor: \"" + cpuName + "\" " + str20 + " " + str21); stream.WriteLine("Physical memory: " + str22); stream.WriteLine("Video card: " + str24); stream.WriteLine("Hardware acceleration: " + str23); stream.WriteLine("UI animations: " + str25); stream.WriteLine("UI DPI: " + str26); stream.WriteLine("UI theme: " + str27); stream.WriteLine("Updates: " + str28); stream.WriteLine("Locale: " + str29); stream.WriteLine("Flags: " + str30); stream.WriteLine(); stream.WriteLine("Exception details:"); if (crashEx == null) { stream.WriteLine("(null)"); } else { stream.WriteLine(crashEx.ToString()); Exception[] loaderExceptions = null; if (crashEx is ReflectionTypeLoadException) { loaderExceptions = ((ReflectionTypeLoadException)crashEx).LoaderExceptions; } if (loaderExceptions != null) { for (int j = 0; j < loaderExceptions.Length; j++) { stream.WriteLine(); stream.WriteLine("Secondary exception details:"); if (loaderExceptions[j] == null) { stream.WriteLine("(null)"); } else { stream.WriteLine(loaderExceptions[j].ToString()); } } } } stream.WriteLine(); stream.WriteLine("Managed assemblies: " + str31); stream.WriteLine(); stream.WriteLine("Native modules: " + str32); stream.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); stream.Flush(); }