protected virtual void Start() { // if (checkParent) { Transform p = VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.TrackingSpace); if (p != null) { target.SetParent(p, true); } } // m_ControllerInput = ControllerInputManager.instance.GetControllerInput(source); VRNode node = VRNode.None; switch (source) { case ControllerType.LeftController: node = VRNode.LeftHand; break; case ControllerType.RightController: node = VRNode.RightHand; break; } if (node != VRNode.None) { VRContext.SetAnchor(node, target); } // if (m_ControllerInput != null && canRecenter) { // Like SteamVR,hmd and controllers don't need to reset yaw angle. canRecenter = !m_ControllerInput.isAbsRotation; } // if (canRecenter) { // Invoke Recenter() on VRContext recenter event. VRContext ctx = VRContext.main; if (ctx != null) { ctx.onRecenter += Recenter; } } // return; // TODO: enabled = false; UpdatePoses.instance.onUpdatePoses += Update; }
public override bool CreateAnchor() { if (anchor != null) { return(false); } // anchor = (anchorPrefab == null || !m_IsRequestVR? // in 2D mode. new GameObject(): Object.Instantiate(anchorPrefab) ).transform; = "TrackerAnchor(Outside-In)"; anchor.SetParent(trackingSpace); // UpdateAnchorFromPlugin(); m_PlayAreaHelper = anchor.GetComponentInChildren <PlayAreaHelper>(); // m_UseAnchorProjection = true; VRContext.SetAnchor(VRNode.TrackerDefault, anchor); // // return(true); }
/// <summary> /// We will lose the VR context,when reloading level. /// Calling this function per frame can ensure that the anchor is alive. /// </summary> public virtual bool EnsureAnchor() { // <!-- TODO: VR Legacy Mode. --> // If the X-Hawk isn't connected,the game will run as legacy VR mode(Gets input events with GearVR touchpad). if (XDevicePlugin.GetInt(m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_ConnectionState, 0) != (int)DeviceConnectionState.Connected) { XDevicePlugin.SetInt(m_HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.kField_ConnectionState, (int)DeviceConnectionState.Disconnected); return(false); } // if (trackingSpace == null) { trackingSpace = VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.TrackingSpace); } // if (anchor == null) { Transform centerEyeAnchor = VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.CenterEye); if (m_IsRequestVR && centerEyeAnchor == null) { return(false); } else { // switch ((XDevicePlugin.GetInt(-1, XDevicePlugin.kField_CtxDeviceVersion, 0x4000) & 0xF000)) { case 0x3000: anchor = new GameObject("XHawkAnchor").transform; anchor.SetParent(centerEyeAnchor); anchor.localPosition = anchorPosition; anchor.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(anchorRotation); // m_UseAnchorProjection = !PlayerPrefsEx.GetBool("XimmerseTracker[Inside-out].fixShake", false); //!modifyHierarchy; VRContext.SetAnchor(VRNode.TrackerDefault, anchor); // TODO : /*if(modifyHierarchy) { * for(int i=0;i<2;++i) { * Transform hand=VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.LeftHand+i); * if(hand!=null) { * hand.SetParent(anchor,true); * } * } * }*/ if (PlayerPrefsEx.GetBool("XimmerseTracker[Inside-out].fixShake", false)) { m_AnchorMatrixQueue = new List <Matrix4x4>(8); m_M2pFrameIndex = Mathf.CeilToInt(PlayerPrefsEx.GetFloat("XimmerseTracker[Inside-out].m2pLatency", 0.0f) * VRContext.refreshRate); Log.i("XHawkInput", "m_M2pFrameIndex=" + m_M2pFrameIndex); } else { m_AnchorMatrixQueue = null; } break; case 0x4000: // float trackerHeight, trackerDepth, trackerPitch; XDevicePlugin.GetTrackerPose(m_Handle, out trackerHeight, out trackerDepth, out trackerPitch); // anchor = (anchorPrefab == null || !m_IsRequestVR? // in 2D mode. new GameObject(): Object.Instantiate(anchorPrefab) ).transform; = "TrackerAnchor(X-Hawk DK4)"; anchor.SetParent(trackingSpace); // #if XDEVICE_RELEASE if (true) { UpdateAnchorFromPlugin(); } else #endif { anchor.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, VRContext.trackingOrigin == TrackingOrigin.FloorLevel?trackerHeight:0.0f, trackerDepth); anchor.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(-trackerPitch, 180f, 0f); } // m_TrackerFrustum = anchor.GetComponentInChildren <TrackerFrustum>(); // //#if XDEVICE_RELEASE // m_UseAnchorProjection=false; //#else m_UseAnchorProjection = true; //#endif VRContext.SetAnchor(VRNode.TrackerDefault, anchor); m_AnchorMatrixQueue = null; break; default: anchor = new GameObject("Dummy Anchor").transform; anchor.SetParent(trackingSpace, false); break; } // Override anchor info. if (m_AnchorInfoCached) { anchor.localPosition = m_AnchorPosition; anchor.localRotation = m_AnchorRotation; } // if (m_IsRequestVR) { VRContext.main.onRecenter -= RecenterOnVRContextRecenter; VRContext.main.onRecenter += RecenterOnVRContextRecenter; } } } return(true); }
public override bool CreateAnchor() { if (anchor != null) { return(false); } // anchor = (anchorPrefab == null || !m_IsRequestVR? // in 2D mode. new GameObject(): Object.Instantiate(anchorPrefab) ).transform; = "TrackerAnchor(Outside-In)"; anchor.SetParent(trackingSpace); // UpdateAnchorFromPlugin(); m_PlayAreaHelper = anchor.GetComponentInChildren <PlayAreaHelper>(); // m_UseAnchorProjection = true; VRContext.SetAnchor(VRNode.TrackerDefault, anchor); // if (m_IsRequestVR && useAutoRecenter) { // Recenter hmd firstly,for aligning rotation pivot of vr device and position pivot. // In outside-in case,we never use yaw offset(Recenter() will fix the value) in hmd sdk. XDevicePlugin.SetBool(m_HmdInput.handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_IsAbsRotationBool, false); VRContext.Recenter(false); XDevicePlugin.SetBool(m_HmdInput.handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_IsAbsRotationBool, true); // if (PlayerPrefsEx.GetBool("VRDevice.forceFadeOnBadTracking")) { VRContext.FadeOut(1.0f, -1.0f); } } if (m_CenterEye == null) { m_CenterEye = VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.CenterEye); m_VRDevice = VRContext.currentDevice; } if (uiAutoRecenter != null) { goUIAutoRecenter = Instantiate(uiAutoRecenter) as GameObject; Transform originTranformAuto = uiAutoRecenter.transform; goUIAutoRecenter.transform.SetParent(VRContext.uiRootVR); goUIAutoRecenter.transform.localPosition = originTranformAuto.localPosition; goUIAutoRecenter.transform.localRotation = originTranformAuto.localRotation; goUIAutoRecenter.transform.localScale = originTranformAuto.localScale; _needAutoRecenter = true; } // TODO : Align Notice if (alignNeedTime > 0.0f) { m_UiAlign = new GameObject("Wait for Aligning", typeof(Image), typeof(UIFade)).GetComponent <Image>(); m_UiAlign.gameObject.SetActive(false); // m_UiAlign.material = Resources.Load <Material>("UI/MatNotice"); m_UiAlign.sprite = uiAlignSprite; m_UiAlign.type = Image.Type.Filled; m_UiAlign.fillMethod = Image.FillMethod.Radial360; m_UiAlign.fillOrigin = 2; m_UiAlign.fillAmount = 0.0f; // RectTransform t = m_UiAlign.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); t.SetParent(VRContext.uiRootVR); t.localPosition = Vector3.forward * 0.8f; t.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; t.localScale = * 0.0016f; t.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, 80f); t.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, 80f); // m_UiAlignFade = m_UiAlign.GetComponent <UIFade>(); m_UiAlignFade.durationOut = 0.25f; m_UiAlignFade.onBecameInvisible.AddListener(() => { m_UiAlign.gameObject.SetActive(false); }); } // TODO : LookAt Notice if (true) { m_UiLookAtFade = new GameObject("Look At XHawk", typeof(UIFade), typeof(Image)).GetComponent <UIFade>(); m_UiLookAtFade.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = uiXHawkSprite; m_UiLookAtFade.GetComponent <Image>().material = Resources.Load <Material>("UI/MatNotice"); m_UiLookAtFade.durationIn = .25f; m_UiLookAtFade.durationOut = .16f; m_UiLookAtFade.onBecameInvisible.AddListener(() => { m_UiLookAtFade.gameObject.SetActive(false); }); m_UiLookAtFade.gameObject.SetActive(false); RectTransform t = m_UiLookAtFade.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); t.SetParent(VRContext.uiRootVR); t.localPosition = Vector3.forward * 0.85f; t.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; t.localScale = * 0.0016f; t.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, 80f); t.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, 80f); // m_UiLookAt = new GameObject("Dummy-LookAt").transform; m_UiLookAt.SetParent(t); m_UiLookAt.localPosition =; m_UiLookAt.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; m_UiLookAt.localScale =; // t = new GameObject("LookAt", typeof(Image)).GetComponent <RectTransform>(); t.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = uiLookAtSprite; t.GetComponent <Image>().material = Resources.Load <Material>("UI/MatNotice"); t.SetParent(m_UiLookAt); t.localPosition = Vector3.forward * 80.0f; t.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90.0f, 0.0f, -90.0f)); t.localScale =; t.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, 40f); t.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, 40f); } return(true); }
protected virtual void Start() { // if (checkParent) { Transform p = VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.TrackingSpace); if (p != null) { target.SetParent(p, true); } } // if (source == ControllerType.None && string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceName)) { if (name.ToLower().IndexOf("left") != -1) { source = ControllerType.LeftController; } else if (name.ToLower().IndexOf("right") != -1) { source = ControllerType.RightController; } } if (source != ControllerType.None) { m_ControllerInput = ControllerInputManager.instance.GetControllerInput(source); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceName)) { m_ControllerInput = ControllerInputManager.instance.GetControllerInput(sourceName); } // VRNode node = VRNode.None; switch (source) { case ControllerType.LeftController: node = VRNode.LeftHand; break; case ControllerType.RightController: node = VRNode.RightHand; break; } if (node != VRNode.None) { VRContext.SetAnchor(node, target); } // if (m_ControllerInput != null && canRecenter) { // Like SteamVR,hmd and controllers don't need to reset yaw angle. //canRecenter=!m_ControllerInput.isAbsRotation; } // if (canRecenter) { // Invoke Recenter() on VRContext recenter event. VRContext ctx = VRContext.main; if (ctx != null) { ctx.onRecenter += Recenter; } } // return; }