Esempio n. 1
    // Leave game queue
    public IEnumerator cancel(Action <Exception> cb)
        if (handshakeCompletedCb == null)
            cb(new Exception("Could not cancel, not inside queue"));
            yield break;

        if (currentGameId != null)
            cb(new Exception("Could not cancel, already handshaking"));
            yield break;

        if (game.tCurrentGame != null)
            cb(new Exception("Could not cancel, already inside a game"));
            yield break;

        JObject           arguments = new JObject();
        UsercommandStatus status    = this.command("cancel", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        if (status.error == null)
            handshakeCompletedCb = null;

Esempio n. 2
    // Enter game queue and wait for handshake sequence
    public IEnumerator queue(string type, int deckId, Action <Exception> cb)
        // Make sure we are clean before entering queue again.
        // We want to hard fail here so that bugs can be fixed.
        if (handshakeCompletedCb != null)
            logger.error("Already in the queue");
            yield break;

        // Any current game setup
        currentGameId = null;

        // Continue with queuing
        handshakeCompletedCb = cb;

        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("type", new JValue(type));
        arguments.Add("deckId", new JValue(deckId));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("queue", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        if (status.error != null)
Esempio n. 3
    public IEnumerator useRecoveryItem(Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("useRecoveryItem", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 4
    public IEnumerator isAssociated(Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("isAssociated", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 5
    public IEnumerator startDeviceMigration(Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("startDeviceMigration", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 6
    public IEnumerator releasePhysicalCard(Action <Exception> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("releasePhysicalCard", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

Esempio n. 7
    public IEnumerator setMain(Action <Exception> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("setMain", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

Esempio n. 8
    public IEnumerator getEvent(string eventType, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("eventType", new JValue(eventType));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("getEvent", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 9
    public IEnumerator setFreeword(string freeword, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("freeword", new JValue(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(freeword))));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("setFreeword", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 10
    public IEnumerator changeDeckMain(int deckId, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("deckId", new JValue(deckId));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("changeDeckMain", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 11
    public IEnumerator getMatch(string color, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("color", new JValue(color));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("getMatch", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 12
    public IEnumerator endTurn(string gameId, Action <Exception> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("gameId", new JValue(gameId));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("endTurn", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

Esempio n. 13
    public IEnumerator Revenge(Action <Exception> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("gameId", tCurrentGame["gameId"]);

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("revenge", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

Esempio n. 14
    public IEnumerator registerSerial(string[] serialCodeArray, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add(new JProperty("serialArray", serialCodeArray));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("registerSerial", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 15
    public IEnumerator FixCpuUserRecords(Action <Exception> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("userId", new JValue(GameSettings.UserId));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("fixCpuUserRecords", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

Esempio n. 16
    public IEnumerator doGasha(string gashaId, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("gashaId", new JValue(gashaId));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("doGasha", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 17
    public IEnumerator releaseSerial(string serialCode, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("serial", new JValue(serialCode));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("releaseSerial", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 18
    public IEnumerator setInitialSetting(string color, string emblemId, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("color", new JValue(color));
        arguments.Add("emblemId", new JValue(emblemId));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("setInitialSetting", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 19
    public IEnumerator Start(List <string> burnCards, Action <Exception> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("gameId", tCurrentGame["gameId"]);
        arguments.Add("burnCards", new JArray(burnCards));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("start", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

Esempio n. 20
    public IEnumerator changeDeckName(int deckId, string deckName, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("deckId", new JValue(deckId));
        arguments.Add("deckName", new JValue(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(deckName))));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("changeDeckName", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 21
    public IEnumerator validateMatch(int deckId, string matchId, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("deckId", new JValue(deckId));
        arguments.Add("matchId", new JValue(matchId));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("validateMatch", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 22
    public IEnumerator AnswerQuestion(JToken questionAnswer, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("gameId", tCurrentGame["gameId"]);
        arguments.Add("questionAnswers", questionAnswer);

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("answerQuestion", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 23
    public IEnumerator TapIcon(string instanceId, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("gameId", tCurrentGame["gameId"]);
        arguments.Add("instanceId", new JValue(instanceId));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("tapIcon", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 24
    public IEnumerator changeDeckCard(int deckId, string[] cardIdArray, string deckType, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("deckId", new JValue(deckId));
        arguments.Add(new JProperty("cardIdArray", cardIdArray));
        arguments.Add("deckType", new JValue(deckType));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("changeDeckCard", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 25
    public IEnumerator AttackEnemy(string boardAttackerId, string boardReceiverId, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("gameId", tCurrentGame["gameId"]);
        arguments.Add("boardAttackerId", new JValue(boardAttackerId));
        arguments.Add("boardReceiverId", new JValue(boardReceiverId));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("attackEnemy", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 26
    public IEnumerator checkVersion(Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();
        var     os        = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android ? "Android" : "iOS";

        arguments.Add("os", new JValue(os));
        arguments.Add("version", new JValue(BundleVersion.Get()));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("checkVersion", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 27
    public IEnumerator registerGuest(Action <Exception> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("registerGuest", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        if (status.error == null)
            GameSettings.UserId = (string)status.result["userId"];

Esempio n. 28
    public IEnumerator registerKantanId(Action <Exception> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("os", new JValue(GameSettings.ClientOS));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("registerKantanId", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        if (status.error == null)
            GameSettings.UserId = (string)status.result["userId"];

Esempio n. 29
    public IEnumerator endDeviceMigration(string code, Action <Exception, JToken> cb)
        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("code", new JValue(code));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("endDeviceMigration", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);

        if (status.error == null)
            GameSettings.IsMigrated = 1;
            GameSettings.UserId     = null;

        cb(status.error, status.result);
Esempio n. 30
    public IEnumerator queue(int userDeckId, string cpuId, Action <Exception> cb)
        logger.debug("userDeckId " + userDeckId);
        logger.debug("cpuId " + cpuId);

        currentGameId = null;
        cbTemp        = cb;

        JObject arguments = new JObject();

        arguments.Add("userDeckId", new JValue(userDeckId));
        arguments.Add("cpuId", new JValue(cpuId));

        UsercommandStatus status = this.command("queue", arguments);

        while (!status.done)
            yield return(null);