public MFTestResults CompositeDeviceTest()
            MFTestResults testResult = MFTestResults.Pass;

            // Gain access to all USB controllers
            UsbController[] controllers = UsbController.GetControllers();

            // Set up all buttons to be monitored
            buttons.up    = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin) 43, true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.down  = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin) 42, true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.left  = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin) 48, true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.right = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin) 44, true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.b1    = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin) 40, true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.b2    = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin) 45, true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.b3    = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin) 46, true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.done  = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin) 47, true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);

            // Use the first available USB controller if it exists
            if (controllers.Length < 1)
                Debug.Print("No USB controllers exist for this device - we're done!");
            UsbController UsbPort = controllers[0];

            // Configure the USB port and open streams to both interfaces
            if (!ConfigureMouseAndPinger(UsbPort))      // If USB configure fails, we're done
                testResult = MFTestResults.Fail;
            UsbStream pinger = UsbPort.CreateUsbStream(1, 2);                      // Pinger writes to endpoint 1 and reads from endpoint 2
            UsbStream mouse  = UsbPort.CreateUsbStream(3, UsbStream.NullEndpoint); // Mouse is write only to endpoint 3

            MouseAndPingerLoop(mouse, pinger);                                     // Behave like both a mouse and "TinyBooter

            // Done being a mouse and a pinger.  Start being just a pinger
            Thread.Sleep(500);          // Keep USB port disconnected for half a second to be sure host has seen
            if (!ConfigurePinger(UsbPort))
                testResult = MFTestResults.Fail;
            pinger = UsbPort.CreateUsbStream(1, 2);       // Pinger writes to endpoint 1 and reads from endpoint 2

            // Done being just a pinger.  Start being a mouse and pinger again
            Thread.Sleep(500);          // Keep USB port disconnected for half a second to be sure host has seen

        static bool SendMouseReport(UsbStream stream, bool button1, bool button2, bool button3, byte Xmovement, byte Ymovement)
            byte[] report = new byte[3];

            report[0] = (byte)((button1 ? 1 : 0) | (button2 ? 2 : 0) | (button3 ? 4 : 0));
            report[1] = Xmovement;
            report[2] = Ymovement;

            stream.Write(report, 0, 3);
        static void MouseAndPingerLoop(UsbStream mouse, UsbStream pinger)
            // Allocate in and out packets for "TinyBooter" simulation
            WireProtocol.WP_Packet inPacket;                                        // Allocate packet for Pinger input
            UInt16 seq = 0;                                                         // Initialize Pinger packet sequence number

            // While done button is not pressed
            while (buttons.done.Read())
                // Perform these operations once every 10 milliseconds (actually a bit more than 10 milliseconds)
                // We've asked the host to query for mouse info at least every 10 milliseconds, but it actually
                // queries every 8 milliseconds - it's OK not to respond to every query.

                byte xChange = 0;
                byte yChange = 0;

                // Make the mouse move by 3 steps each sample time if any movement button is pressed
                if (!buttons.up.Read())
                    yChange = 0xFD;
                if (!buttons.down.Read())
                    yChange = 3;
                if (!buttons.left.Read())
                    xChange = 0xFD;
                if (!buttons.right.Read())
                    xChange = 3;

                // Report to host the condition of "movement" or of the buttons
                SendMouseReport(mouse, !buttons.b1.Read(), !buttons.b2.Read(), !buttons.b3.Read(), xChange, yChange);

                // If a good WireProtocol packet was received from the host
                if (WireProtocol.ReadPacket(pinger, out inPacket))
                    RespondToPacket(pinger, inPacket, seq);

            // Wait for the done button to be released
            while (!buttons.done.Read())
            // Sends the given WP_Packet (header) and
            public static void SendPacket(UsbStream stream, WP_Packet packet, byte[] data)
                int index;

                // Create a buffer whose size is large enough to contain both the WP_Packet (header)
                // and data so that they may be sent as a single packet.
                byte[] buffer = new byte[WP_Packet.packetSize + data.Length];

                // Marshal the signature string into the buffer
                for (index = 0; index < packet.m_signature.Length && index < WP_Packet.m_crcHeader_offset; index++)
                    buffer[index] = (byte)packet.m_signature[index];
                while (index++ < WP_Packet.m_crcHeader_offset)
                    buffer[index] = 0;      // Fill to end with zeros
                // Marshal the WP_Packet (header) into the buffer.  Note that the CRC values start as zero
                // so that the CRC of the WP_Packet (header) may be computed the same for host and target.
                WriteUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_crcHeader_offset, 0);
                WriteUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_crcData_offset, 0);
                WriteUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_cmd_offset, (UInt32)packet.m_cmd);
                WriteUINT16(buffer, WP_Packet.m_seq_offset, packet.m_seq);
                WriteUINT16(buffer, WP_Packet.m_seqReply_offset, packet.m_seqReply);
                WriteUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_flags_offset, packet.m_flags);
                WriteUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_size_offset, (UInt32)data.Length);

                // Copy the data to the buffer
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                    buffer[WP_Packet.packetSize + i] = data[i];

                // Calculate the CRC of the data
                if (data.Length != 0)
                    packet.m_crcData = SUPPORT_ComputeCRC(data, 0, data.Length, 0);
                    WriteUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_crcData_offset, packet.m_crcData);

                // Calculate the CRC of the packet header
                packet.m_crcHeader = SUPPORT_ComputeCRC(buffer, 0, WP_Packet.packetSize, 0);
                WriteUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_crcHeader_offset, packet.m_crcHeader);

                // Write out the complete packet to the USB stream
                stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            // Check the given UsbStream for a valid WireProtocol packet (header).  Returns true
            // along with the WP_Packet (header) if available.  Returns false if nothing valid received as yet.
            public static bool ReadPacket(UsbStream stream, out WP_Packet packet)
                packet = new WP_Packet();
                byte[] buffer = new byte[WP_Packet.packetSize];       // Size of marshalled WP_Packet
                int    nRead;

                // Read in enough data for a complete WP_Packet (header)
                nRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, WP_Packet.packetSize);

                // If there were not enough bytes to fill the complete WP_Packet, it's no good
                if (nRead != WP_Packet.packetSize)

                // Unmarshal the signature string from the buffer to the WP_Packet
                packet.m_signature = "";
                for (int i = 0; (i < WP_Packet.m_crcHeader_offset) && (buffer[i] != 0); i++)
                    packet.m_signature += (char)buffer[i];

                // Unmarshal the rest of the buffer into the WP_Packet structure.
                packet.m_crcHeader = ReadUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_crcHeader_offset);
                packet.m_crcData   = ReadUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_crcData_offset);
                packet.m_seq       = ReadUINT16(buffer, WP_Packet.m_seq_offset);
                packet.m_seqReply  = ReadUINT16(buffer, WP_Packet.m_seqReply_offset);
                packet.m_flags     = ReadUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_flags_offset);
                packet.m_size      = ReadUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_size_offset);
                packet.m_cmd       = (Commands)ReadUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_cmd_offset);

                // The header CRC must first be zeroed to calculate the correct header CRC
                WriteUINT32(buffer, WP_Packet.m_crcHeader_offset, 0);

                // If the calculated CRC does not match that of the packet, it is no good
                if (packet.m_crcHeader != SUPPORT_ComputeCRC(buffer, 0, WP_Packet.packetSize, 0))

        // Accepts only a good packet.  If the packet is a Ping, the Ping response (ACK) is sent.
        // Otherwise, the command is NAK'ed.
        static bool RespondToPacket(UsbStream pinger, WireProtocol.WP_Packet inPacket, UInt16 seq)
            WireProtocol.WP_Packet outPacket = new WireProtocol.WP_Packet();

            // Allocate space for any data following the packet
            int size = (int)(inPacket.m_size & 0xFFFF);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[size];

            // Read in the data that came with the packet
            if (inPacket.m_size != 0)
                pinger.Read(buffer, 0, size);

            // Fill in the blanks of the response packet
            outPacket.m_signature = "MSdbgV1";                // Standard target signature
            outPacket.m_cmd       = inPacket.m_cmd;           // Show which command this is a response to
            outPacket.m_seq       = seq++;                    // Keep track of the target message sequence number
            outPacket.m_seqReply  = inPacket.m_seq;           // Show which host packet sequence number this is a response to

            // If the host packet was a Ping
            if (inPacket.m_cmd == WireProtocol.Commands.Ping)
                byte[] data = new byte[8];                          // The Ping has an 8 byte data response
                outPacket.m_flags = 0x8003;                         // Return a low-priority ACK
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    data[i] = 0;                                    // Initialize all bytes of the data response to zero
                data[0] = 1;                                        // This tells the host that we are TinyBooter
                data[4] = 2;                                        // This is an innoccuous flag value
                WireProtocol.SendPacket(pinger, outPacket, data);   // Send response to the Ping
                outPacket.m_flags = 0x4003;                                     // Return a low-priority NACK
                WireProtocol.SendPacket(pinger, outPacket, new byte[0]);        // Signal to the host that we don't know what to do with the command
Esempio n. 7
        public bool Open()
            bool succeed = true;

            started = false;

            UsbController[] usbControllers = UsbController.GetControllers();

            if (usbControllers.Length < 1)
                succeed = false;

            if (succeed)
                usbController = usbControllers[0];

                    succeed = ConfigureHID();

                    if (succeed)
                        succeed = usbController.Start();

                    if (succeed)
                        stream = usbController.CreateUsbStream(WRITE_ENDPOINT, READ_ENDPOINT);
                catch (Exception)
                    succeed = false;

            started = true;
        static void PingerLoop(UsbStream pinger)
            // Allocate in and out packets for "TinyBooter" simulation
            WireProtocol.WP_Packet inPacket;                                        // Allocate packet for Pinger input
            UInt16 seq = 0;                                                         // Initialize Pinger packet sequence number

            // While the done button is not pressed
            while (buttons.done.Read())
                Thread.Sleep(10);       // No need to respond in a hurry

                if (WireProtocol.ReadPacket(pinger, out inPacket))
                    RespondToPacket(pinger, inPacket, seq);

            // Wait for the done button to be released
            while (!buttons.done.Read())
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Execution entry point.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main()
            // Gain access to all USB controllers.
            UsbController[] controllers = UsbController.GetControllers();

            HardwareProvider hwProvider = new HardwareProvider();

            // Set up all buttons to be monitored.
            buttons.Up = new InputPort(hwProvider.GetButtonPins(Button.VK_UP),
                                       true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.Down = new InputPort(hwProvider.GetButtonPins(Button.VK_DOWN),
                                         true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.Left = new InputPort(hwProvider.GetButtonPins(Button.VK_LEFT),
                                         true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.Right = new InputPort(hwProvider.GetButtonPins(Button.VK_RIGHT),
                                          true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.LeftMouseButton = new InputPort(hwProvider.GetButtonPins(Button.VK_BACK),
                                                    true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.RightMouseButton = new InputPort(hwProvider.GetButtonPins(Button.VK_HOME),
                                                     true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.Toggle = new InputPort(hwProvider.GetButtonPins(Button.VK_SELECT),
                                           true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
            buttons.Done = new InputPort(hwProvider.GetButtonPins(Button.VK_MENU),
                                         true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);

            // Use the first available USB controller, if it exists.
            if (controllers.Length < 1)
                Debug.Print("No USB controllers exist for this device - we're done.");
            UsbController UsbPort     = controllers[0];
            UsbStream     mouseStream = null;

            if (UsbPort.Status == UsbController.PortState.Running)
                    "USB controller 0 is up and running - are you debugging with USB?");

                    "Make sure your platform supports overriding the debug transport.");


                ConfigureUsbPort(UsbPort, true);

                mouseStream = UsbPort.CreateUsbStream(3, UsbStream.NullEndpoint);
            catch (Exception e)
                    "Mouse stream could not be created due to exception " +
                    "Perhaps your native configuration does not contain endpoint 3?");

            // Be a mouse until the Done button is pressed.
            MouseLoop(UsbPort, mouseStream);

Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="port"></param>
        /// <param name="mouse"></param>
        static void MouseLoop(UsbController port, UsbStream mouse)
            // Mouse report storage.
            byte[] report = new byte[5];

            // Offsets into mouse report storage.
            const byte BUTTONS    = 0;
            const byte X_MOVEMENT = 1;
            const byte Y_MOVEMENT = 2;

            // Size of mouse movement for each report (every 10 mS).
            const byte mouseStep = 3;
            bool       fAddMouse = true;

            // While the Done button is not pressed...
            while (buttons.Done.Read())
                // Perform this operation once every 10 milliseconds (actually a
                // bit more than 10 milliseconds).  We've asked the host to
                // query for mouse info at least every 10 milliseconds, but it
                // actually queries every 8 milliseconds - it's OK not to
                // respond to every query.

                report[X_MOVEMENT] = 0;      // Zero X movement
                report[Y_MOVEMENT] = 0;      // Zero Y movement

                // Add X,Y movement to the mouse report.
                if (!buttons.Left.Read())
                    report[X_MOVEMENT] -= mouseStep;
                if (!buttons.Right.Read())
                    report[X_MOVEMENT] += mouseStep;
                if (!buttons.Up.Read())
                    report[Y_MOVEMENT] -= mouseStep;
                if (!buttons.Down.Read())
                    report[Y_MOVEMENT] += mouseStep;

                if (!buttons.Toggle.Read())
                    if (mouse != null)
                        mouse = null;

                    fAddMouse = !fAddMouse;

                    ConfigureUsbPort(port, fAddMouse);

                    if (fAddMouse)
                        mouse = port.CreateUsbStream(3, UsbStream.NullEndpoint);

                // Add the button state to the mouse report.
                report[BUTTONS] = (byte)((!buttons.LeftMouseButton.Read() ?
                                          1 : 0) | (!buttons.RightMouseButton.Read() ? 2 : 0));

                if (mouse != null)
                    // Send the mouse report to the host.
                    mouse.Write(report, 0, 3);

            // Wait for the Done button to be released.
            while (!buttons.Done.Read())
Esempio n. 11
        public static bool Init()
            Cdc vsp = new Cdc();

            //activedevice is null
            Controller.ActiveDevice = vsp;

            // Send "Hello world!" to PC every second. (Append a new line too)
            //byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello world!\r\n");
            while (true)
                // Check if connected to PC
                if (Controller.State !=
                    Debug.Print("Waiting to connect to PC...");
                //    vsp.Stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            // See if the hardware supports USB
            UsbController[] controllers = UsbController.GetControllers();
            // Bail out if USB is not supported on this hardware!
            if (0 == controllers.Length)
                Debug.Print("USB is not supported on this hardware!");

            foreach (UsbController controller in controllers)
                if (controller.Status != UsbController.PortState.Stopped)

            // Find a free USB controller
            UsbController usbController = null;

            foreach (UsbController controller in controllers)
                if (controller.Status == UsbController.PortState.Stopped)
                    usbController = controller;
            // If no free USB controller
            if (null == usbController)
                Debug.Print("All available USB controllers already in use. Set the device to use Ethernet or Serial debugging.");

            {   // Configure the USB controller
                if (ConfigureUSBController(usbController))
                    usbStream              = usbController.CreateUsbStream(WRITE_EP, READ_EP);
                    usbStream.ReadTimeout  = 60000;
                    usbStream.WriteTimeout = 60000;
                    throw new Exception();
            catch (Exception)
                Debug.Print("USB stream could not be created, error " + usbController.ConfigurationError.ToString());
