private static Udbus.v4v.v4vConnection TryV4VConnection(Udbus.Serialization.UdbusDelegates.D_io_debug io_debug, Udbus.Core.Logging.ILog log) { Udbus.v4v.v4vConnection result = null; try { Udbus.v4v.v4vConnection create = new Udbus.v4v.v4vConnection(io_debug); result = create; } catch (Udbus.Serialization.Exceptions.TransportFailureException transportEx) { log.Exception("Failed to create V4V transport. {0}", transportEx); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Exception("Error creating V4V transport. {0}", ex); } return result; }
private static bool SetRegistryValue(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key, string name, string value, Udbus.Core.Logging.ILog log) { bool result = false; try { key.SetValue(name, value); result = true; } catch (System.ArgumentNullException argnullEx) { if (log != null) { log.Exception("Failed to set registry key (argument null) \"{0}\\{1}\" to \"{2}\". {3}", key.Name, name, value, argnullEx); } } catch (System.ArgumentException argEx) { if (log != null) { log.Exception("Failed to set registry key (argument exception) \"{0}\\{1}\" to \"{2}\". {3}", key.Name, name, value, argEx); } } catch (System.ObjectDisposedException objdispEx) { if (log != null) { log.Exception("Failed to set registry key (object disposed) \"{0}\\{1}\" to \"{2}\". {3}", key.Name, name, value, objdispEx); } } catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException unauthEx) { if (log != null) { log.Exception("Failed to set registry key (unauthorised) \"{0}\\{1}\" to \"{2}\". {3}", key.Name, name, value, unauthEx); } } catch (System.Security.SecurityException secEx) { if (log != null) { log.Exception("Failed to set registry key (security exception) \"{0}\\{1}\" to \"{2}\". {3}", key.Name, name, value, secEx); } } catch (System.IO.IOException ioEx) { if (log != null) { log.Exception("Failed to set registry key (io exception) \"{0}\\{1}\" to \"{2}\". {3}", key.Name, name, value, ioEx); } } return result; }
private static Udbus.Core.ServiceConnectionParams TryServiceConnectionParams(Udbus.v4v.v4vConnection connection, Udbus.Core.Logging.ILog log) { Udbus.Core.ServiceConnectionParams result = null; try { Udbus.Core.ServiceConnectionParams create = new Udbus.Core.ServiceConnectionParams(connection); result = create; } catch (Udbus.Serialization.Exceptions.UdbusAuthorisationException authex) { log.Exception("Authorisation Error creating ServiceConnectionParams. {0}", authex); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Exception("Error creating ServiceConnectionParams. {0}", ex); } return result; }