Esempio n. 1
            public override String to_script(bRobotBrand type, bool cont)
                string cmd;
                switch (type)
                    case (bRobotBrand.UNKNOWN):
                        return "Unknown robot model";

                    // URSCRIPT
                    case (bRobotBrand.UR):
                        Types.UR.AxisAngle aa = new Types.UR.AxisAngle(Rhino.Geometry.Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, this.waypoint));
                        if (this.axis)
                            cmd = String.Format("movep([{0:0.000}, {1:0.000}, {2:0.000}, {3:0.000}, {4:0.000}, {5:0.000}], a={6:0.000}, v={7:0.000}",
                                    this.q[0], this.q[1], this.q[2],
                                    this.q[3], this.q[4], this.q[5],
                                    this.qdd, this.qd);
                            cmd = String.Format("movep(p[{0:0.000}, {1:0.000}, {2:0.000}, {3:0.000}, {4:0.000}, {5:0.000}], a={6:0.000}, v={7:0.000}",
                                    this.waypoint.Origin.X * 0.001, this.waypoint.Origin.Y * 0.001, this.waypoint.Origin.Z * 0.001,
                                    aa.x * aa.angle, aa.y * aa.angle, aa.z * aa.angle,
                                    this.qdd, this.qd);

                        if (r > 0.0001)
                            cmd += String.Format(", r={0:0.0000}", r * 0.001);
                        cmd += ")\n";
                        return cmd;

                    // KUKA KRL
                    case (bRobotBrand.KUKA):
                        Types.KUKA.kukaABC k1 = new Types.KUKA.kukaABC(Rhino.Geometry.Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, this.waypoint));
                        cmd = "SPL {" + String.Format("X {0:0.0000}, Y {1:0.0000}, Z {2:0.0000}, A {3:0.0000}, B {4:0.0000}, C {5:0.0000},",
                            k1.x, k1.y, k1.z, k1.a, k1.b, k1.c)
                            + "E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0, E5 0, E6 0}";
                        if (cont)
                            cmd += "\n";
                        //cmd += " C_VEL\n";
                            cmd += "\n";
                        return cmd;

                    // ABB RAPID
                    case (bRobotBrand.ABB):
                        Quaternion quat;

                return "circular move";
Esempio n. 2
            public override String to_script(bRobotBrand type, bool cont)
                string cmd;
                switch (type)
                    case (bRobotBrand.UNKNOWN):
                        return "Unknown robot model";
                    case (bRobotBrand.UR):
                        Types.UR.AxisAngle aa = new Types.UR.AxisAngle(Rhino.Geometry.Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, this.waypoint));
                        if (this.axis)
                            cmd = String.Format("movej([{0:0.0000}, {1:0.0000}, {2:0.0000}, {3:0.0000}, {4:0.0000}, {5:0.0000}], a={6:0.0000}, v={7:0.0000}",
                                this.q[0], this.q[1], this.q[2],
                                this.q[3], this.q[4], this.q[5],
                                this.qdd, this.qd);
                            cmd = String.Format("movej(p[{0:0.0000}, {1:0.0000}, {2:0.0000}, {3:0.0000}, {4:0.0000}, {5:0.0000}], a={6:0.0000}, v={7:0.0000}",
                                this.waypoint.Origin.X * 0.001, this.waypoint.Origin.Y * 0.001, this.waypoint.Origin.Z * 0.001,
                                aa.x * aa.angle, aa.y * aa.angle, aa.z * aa.angle,
                                this.qdd, this.qd);

                        if (r > 0.0001)
                            cmd += String.Format(", r = {0:0.0000}", r * 0.001);
                        cmd += ")\n";
                        return cmd;

                    case (bRobotBrand.KUKA):
                        Types.KUKA.kukaABC k = new Types.KUKA.kukaABC(Rhino.Geometry.Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, this.waypoint));
                        //cmd = "PTP {" + String.Format("X {0:0.0000}, Y {1:0.0000}, Z {2:0.0000}, A {3:0.0000}, B {4:0.0000}, C {5:0.0000},",
                        //k.x, k.y, k.z, k.a, k.b, k.c)
                        //+ String.Format("E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0, E5 0, E6 0, S {0}, T {1}", k.s, k.t) + "}";
                        cmd = "PTP {" + String.Format("X {0:0.0000}, Y {1:0.0000}, Z {2:0.0000}, A {3:0.0000}, B {4:0.0000}, C {5:0.0000},",
                            k.x, k.y, k.z, k.a, k.b, k.c)
                            "E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0, E5 0, E6 0 }";
                        if (cont)
                            cmd += "\n";
                        //cmd += " C_PTP\n";
                            cmd += "\n";
                        return cmd;
                    case (bRobotBrand.ABB):

                return "joint move";
Esempio n. 3
            public override String to_script(bRobotBrand type, bool cont)
                switch (type)
                    case (bRobotBrand.UNKNOWN):
                        return "Unknown robot model";
                    case (bRobotBrand.UR):
                        Types.UR.AxisAngle q1 = new Types.UR.AxisAngle(Rhino.Geometry.Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, this.waypoint));
                        Types.UR.AxisAngle q2 = new Types.UR.AxisAngle(Rhino.Geometry.Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, this.waypoint2));

                        return String.Format("movec(p[{0:0.0000}, {1:0.0000}, {2:0.0000}, {3:0.0000}, {4:0.0000}, {5:0.0000}], p[{6:0.0000}, {7:0.0000}, {8:0.0000}, {9:0.0000}, {10:0.0000}, {11:0.0000}], a={12:0.0000}, v={13:0.0000})",
                            this.waypoint.Origin.X * 0.001, this.waypoint.Origin.Y * 0.001, this.waypoint.Origin.Z * 0.001,
                            q1.x, q1.y, q1.z,
                            this.waypoint2.Origin.X * 0.001, this.waypoint2.Origin.Y * 0.001, this.waypoint2.Origin.Z * 0.001,
                            q2.x, q2.y, q2.z,
                            this.qdd, this.qd);

                    case (bRobotBrand.KUKA):
                        Types.KUKA.kukaABC k1 = new Types.KUKA.kukaABC(Rhino.Geometry.Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, this.waypoint));
                        Types.KUKA.kukaABC k2 = new Types.KUKA.kukaABC(Rhino.Geometry.Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, this.waypoint2));
                        string cmd = String.Format("CIRC {X {0:0.000}, Y {1:0.000}, Z {2:0.000}, A {3:0.000}, B {4:0.000}, C {5:0.000},",
                            k1.x, k1.y, k1.z, k1.a, k1.b, k1.c)
                            + String.Format("X {0:0.000}, Y {1:0.000}, Z {2:0.000}, A {3:0.000}, B {4:0.000}, C {5:0.000},",
                            k2.x, k2.y, k2.z, k2.a, k2.b, k2.c)
                            + "E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0, E5 0, E6 0}";
                        if (cont)
                            cmd += " C_VEL\n";
                            cmd += "\n";
                        return cmd;
                    case (bRobotBrand.ABB):

                return "circular move";
Esempio n. 4
            public override int Write()
                if (this.Robot.Type() != bRobotBrand.KUKA)
                    System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("Invalid robot type for program. Is it a KUKA robot?");
                    throw argEx;

                // GET INIT DATA
                this.program = "";
                this.acceleration = 100;
                this.velocity = 100;

                // Compile robot program

                /* HEADER */
                //this.program = "&ACCESS RVO\n";
                this.program = "DEF " + + "()\n";
                this.program += "; Program generated by Brick v0.1\n; Brick is written by Tom Svilans\n;\n\n";

                /* INITIALIZATION */

                /* replace with proper joint max velocities and speeds */
                this.program += String.Format("INT I\nBAS (#INITMOV,0 )\nFOR I = 1 TO 6\n$VEL_AXIS[I] = {0}\n$ACC_AXIS[I] = {1}\n$VEL_EXTAX[I] = {0}\n$ACC_EXTAX[I] = {1}\nENDFOR\n\n", this.velocity, this.acceleration);
                /* set mode to 'tool on robot' */
                this.program += "$IPO_MODE = #BASE\n";
                /* replace with radius */
                this.program += String.Format("$APO.CDIS = {0}\n", 100); // approximate distance
                this.program += String.Format("$APO.CVEL = {0}\n", 100); // approximate velocity
                /* set advance pointer */
                this.program += String.Format("$ADVANCE = {0}\n", 3);

                /* set tool data */
                //this.program += String.Format("TOOL_DATA[{0}] = ", 14) + "{" + String.Format("X {0}, Y {1}, Z {2}, A {3}, B {4}, C {5}", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + "}\n"; // set tool number and offset frame
                //this.program += String.Format("$TOOL = TOOL_DATA[{0}]\n", 1); // tool number

                /* get tool parameters */
                Types.KUKA.kukaABC ttr = new Types.KUKA.kukaABC(robot.Tool.RootToTCP);
                this.program += "$TOOL = {" + String.Format("X {0}, Y {1}, Z {2}, A {3}, B {4}, C {5}", ttr.x, ttr.y, ttr.z, ttr.a, ttr.b, ttr.c) + "}\n";
                //this.program += "$TOOL = {" + String.Format("X {0}, Y {1}, Z {2}, A {3}, B {4}, C {5}", 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0) + "}\n"; // tool number

                /* set base data */
                this.program += String.Format("BASE_DATA[{0}]", 17) + " = {" + String.Format("X {0}, Y {1}, Z {2}, A {3}, B {4}, C {5}", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + "}\n";
                /* activate base */
                this.program += String.Format("$BASE = BASE_DATA[{0}]\n", 17); // use base 17 as 0 base
                /* active base with external axis */
                //this.program += String.Format("$BASE = EK(MACHINE_DEF[2].ROOT, MACHINE_DEF[2].MECH_TYPE, BASE_DATA[{0}]: ", 17) + "{x 0, y 0, z 0, a 0, b 0, c 0})\n"; // use base 17 as 0 base

                this.program += "\n"; // breathing room...

                /* replace with initial acceleration */
                this.program += String.Format("$ACC.CP = {0}\n", this.acceleration * 0.006);
                /* replace with initial velocity */
                this.program += String.Format("$VEL.CP = {0}\n", this.velocity * 0.002);

                this.program += String.Format("$VEL.ORI1 = {0}\n", (int)(this.velocity / 3));
                this.program += String.Format("$ACC.ORI1 = {0}\n", (int)(this.acceleration / 2));
                this.program += String.Format("$VEL.ORI2 = {0}\n", (int)(this.velocity / 3));
                this.program += String.Format("$ACC.ORI2 = {0}\n", (int)(this.acceleration / 2));

                //this.program += "$H_POS = {" + String.Format("A1 {0}, A2 {1}, A3 {2}, A4 {3}, A5 {4}, A6 {5},",
                //    0, -80, 120, 0, -40, 0) +
                //    String.Format(" E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0, E5 0, E6 0, T '{0}', S '{1}'", 0, 0) + "}\n";
                double r2d = 180.0 / Math.PI;
                this.program += "$H_POS = {" + String.Format("A1 {0}, A2 {1}, A3 {2}, A4 {3}, A5 {4}, A6 {5},",
                    qHome[0] * r2d, qHome[1] * r2d, qHome[2] * r2d, qHome[3] * r2d, qHome[4] * r2d, qHome[5] * r2d) +
                    " E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0, E5 0, E6 0}\n";
                this.program += "PTP $H_POS\n\n"; // go to home position

                /* WRITE COMMANDS */

                /* set current velocity and acceleration values, if they differ, write speed command too */
                int last = this.commands.Count - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < this.commands.Count; ++i)
                    switch (this.commands[i].Type())
                        case (CommandType.MoveCommand):
                            /* cast command as MoveCommand */
                            bMoveBase movcmd = (bMoveBase)this.commands[i];

                            /* handle continuous movements */
                            bool cont = true;
                            if (i < last)
                                if (this.commands[i + 1].Type() == CommandType.MoveCommand)

                                    /* check if next move is a stop move (not continuous) */
                                    bMoveBase movnxt = (bMoveBase)this.commands[i + 1];
                                    if (movnxt.MovementType() == bMoveBase.MoveType.Stop)
                                        cont = false;
                            /* if it is the last command, not continous */
                                cont = false;

                            /* transform waypoint to local coordinates */
                            movcmd.Transform(Transform.PlaneToPlane(robot.Position, Plane.WorldXY));

                            /* where to put this? needs to go between below if-else block for splines... */
                            if ((movcmd.MovementType() != bMoveBase.MoveType.Stop) && (Math.Abs(movcmd.Velocity - this.velocity) > 0.0001))
                                /* update current velocity to new one */
                                this.velocity = movcmd.Velocity;

                                /* record change in velocity */
                                this.program += String.Format("$VEL.CP = {0}\n", this.velocity); // record change in velocity and convert from mm/s to m/s

                            /* handle spline moves */
                            if (movcmd.MovementType() == bMoveBase.MoveType.Process && !spline)
                                /* start spline block */
                                this.spline = true;
                                this.program += "SPLINE\n";
                            else if (movcmd.MovementType() != bMoveBase.MoveType.Process && spline)
                                /* end spline block */
                                this.program += "ENDSPLINE\n";
                                this.spline = false;

                            /* write command in KRL */
                            this.program += movcmd.to_script(bRobotBrand.KUKA, cont);

                            /* put waypoint back into world space */
                            movcmd.Transform(Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, robot.Position));

                        case (CommandType.IOCommand):
                            /* cast command as IOCommand */
                            bIOBase iocmd = (bIOBase)this.commands[i];

                            /* write command in KRL*/
                            this.program += iocmd.to_script(bRobotBrand.KUKA);

                if (this.spline)
                    /* if spline block is open, close it */
                    this.spline = false;
                    this.program += "ENDSPLINE\n";

                /* return home and end it */
                this.program += "PTP $H_POS\n\n";
                this.program += "\nEND\n";

                return 1;