Esempio n. 1
            public string ToTriStateString(TriState Value, string DefaultItem = "")
                // 1406 DM
                switch (Value)
                case TriState.True:
                    if (DefaultItem.Length == 0)
                        DefaultItem = "Ticked";

                case TriState.False:
                    if (DefaultItem.Length == 0)
                        DefaultItem = "Unticked";

                    if (DefaultItem.Length == 0)
                        DefaultItem = "(N/A)";

        public override string SetFieldValue(object value, ISitecoreService service)
            if (value is TriState)
                TriState state = (TriState)value;
                switch (state)
                case TriState.Default:

                case TriState.No:

                case TriState.Yes:

                throw new MapperException("Value is not of type {0}".Formatted(typeof(TriState).FullName));
 internal ServicePoint(Uri address, TimerThread.Queue defaultIdlingQueue, int defaultConnectionLimit, string lookupString, bool userChangedLimit, bool proxyServicePoint)
     this.m_HostName = string.Empty;
     this.m_ProxyServicePoint = proxyServicePoint;
     this.m_Address = address;
     this.m_ConnectionName = address.Scheme;
     this.m_Host = address.DnsSafeHost;
     this.m_Port = address.Port;
     this.m_IdlingQueue = defaultIdlingQueue;
     this.m_ConnectionLimit = defaultConnectionLimit;
     this.m_HostLoopbackGuess = TriState.Unspecified;
     this.m_LookupString = lookupString;
     this.m_UserChangedLimit = userChangedLimit;
     this.m_UseNagleAlgorithm = ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm;
     this.m_Expect100Continue = ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue;
     this.m_ConnectionGroupList = new Hashtable(10);
     this.m_ConnectionLeaseTimeout = -1;
     this.m_ReceiveBufferSize = -1;
     this.m_UseTcpKeepAlive = ServicePointManager.s_UseTcpKeepAlive;
     this.m_TcpKeepAliveTime = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveTime;
     this.m_TcpKeepAliveInterval = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveInterval;
     this.m_Understands100Continue = true;
     this.m_HttpBehaviour = System.Net.HttpBehaviour.Unknown;
     this.m_IdleSince = DateTime.Now;
     this.m_ExpiringTimer = this.m_IdlingQueue.CreateTimer(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate, this);
        // Private methods
        private void Initialize()
            _encoding                = Encoding.UTF8;
            _omitXmlDecl             = false;
            _newLineHandling         = NewLineHandling.Replace;
            _newLineChars            = Environment.NewLine; // "\r\n" on Windows, "\n" on Unix
            _indent                  = TriState.Unknown;
            _indentChars             = "  ";
            _newLineOnAttributes     = false;
            _closeOutput             = false;
            _namespaceHandling       = NamespaceHandling.Default;
            _conformanceLevel        = ConformanceLevel.Document;
            _checkCharacters         = true;
            _writeEndDocumentOnClose = true;

            _outputMethod = XmlOutputMethod.Xml;
            _mergeCDataSections       = false;
            _mediaType                = null;
            _docTypeSystem            = null;
            _docTypePublic            = null;
            _standalone               = XmlStandalone.Omit;
            _doNotEscapeUriAttributes = false;

            _useAsync   = false;
            _isReadOnly = false;
Esempio n. 5
        private void LoadSettings()
            // Toolbar Size
            __sUIButtonsLarge.Checked = !S.Toolbar24;

            // Gimmicks
            __sGimmick.Checked = S.Gimmicks;

            // File Associations
            TriState isAssoc = S.IsAssociatedWithFiles;

            __sAssoc.CheckState =
                isAssoc == TriState.True  ? CheckState.Checked :
                isAssoc == TriState.False ? CheckState.Unchecked : CheckState.Indeterminate;

            __sAssoc.Enabled = Miscellaneous.IsElevatedAdministrator;

            // Load Assemblies
            if (S.LoadAssemblies != null)
                foreach (String filename in S.LoadAssemblies)
                    LibraryEntry ent = new LibraryEntry(filename);
        /// <summary>
        ///   Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WeakConcurrentDictionary&lt;TKey, TValue&gt;"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collection">The collection to copy into the dictionary.</param>
        /// <param name="concurrencyLevel">The estimated number of threads that will update the lookup concurrently.</param>
        /// <param name="capacity">The initial number of elements that the lookup can contain.</param>
        /// <param name="comparer">The comparer to use when comparing keys.</param>
        /// <param name="allowResurrection">
        ///   If set to <see langword="true"/> then allow resurrections.
        ///   If unset will allow resurrection if the type does not support dispose.</param>
        public WeakConcurrentDictionary(
            [CanBeNull] IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> > collection,
            int concurrencyLevel = 0,
            int capacity         = 0,
            [CanBeNull] IEqualityComparer <TKey> comparer = null,
            TriState allowResurrection = default(TriState))
            // Create underlying dictionary.
            _dictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary <TKey, WeakReference <TValue> >(
                concurrencyLevel < 1 ? 4 * Environment.ProcessorCount : concurrencyLevel,
                capacity < 1 ? 32 : capacity,
                comparer ?? EqualityComparer <TKey> .Default);

            // Set allow resurrection.
            _allowResurrection = allowResurrection == TriState.Undefined
                ? !ObservableWeakReference <TValue> .Disposable
                : allowResurrection == TriState.Yes;

            // We are only observing finalization if the type supports it and we're not allowing resurrection.
            _observable = !_allowResurrection && ObservableWeakReference <TValue> .ObservableFinalize;

            if (collection == null)

            // ReSharper disable AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
            foreach (KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> kvp in collection)
                Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
            // ReSharper restore AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
Esempio n. 7
        private void InternalSetTriState(TriState state)
            ThreeStateTreeView treeView = base.TreeView as ThreeStateTreeView;

            if (treeView != null)
                WinFormsUI.Controls.NativeMethods.TVITEM lParam = new WinFormsUI.Controls.NativeMethods.TVITEM {
                    mask      = 24,
                    hItem     = base.Handle,
                    stateMask = 61440
                switch (state)
                case TriState.Unchecked:
                    lParam.state |= 4096;

                case TriState.Checked:
                    lParam.state |= 8192;

                case TriState.Indeterminate:
                    lParam.state |= 12288;

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("state");
                WinFormsUI.Controls.NativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(base.TreeView, base.TreeView.Handle), 4365, 0, ref lParam);
 internal ServicePoint(Uri address, TimerThread.Queue defaultIdlingQueue, int defaultConnectionLimit, string lookupString, bool userChangedLimit, bool proxyServicePoint)
     this.m_HostName          = string.Empty;
     this.m_ProxyServicePoint = proxyServicePoint;
     this.m_Address           = address;
     this.m_ConnectionName    = address.Scheme;
     this.m_Host                   = address.DnsSafeHost;
     this.m_Port                   = address.Port;
     this.m_IdlingQueue            = defaultIdlingQueue;
     this.m_ConnectionLimit        = defaultConnectionLimit;
     this.m_HostLoopbackGuess      = TriState.Unspecified;
     this.m_LookupString           = lookupString;
     this.m_UserChangedLimit       = userChangedLimit;
     this.m_UseNagleAlgorithm      = ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm;
     this.m_Expect100Continue      = ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue;
     this.m_ConnectionGroupList    = new Hashtable(10);
     this.m_ConnectionLeaseTimeout = -1;
     this.m_ReceiveBufferSize      = -1;
     this.m_UseTcpKeepAlive        = ServicePointManager.s_UseTcpKeepAlive;
     this.m_TcpKeepAliveTime       = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveTime;
     this.m_TcpKeepAliveInterval   = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveInterval;
     this.m_Understands100Continue = true;
     this.m_HttpBehaviour          = System.Net.HttpBehaviour.Unknown;
     this.m_IdleSince              = DateTime.Now;
     this.m_ExpiringTimer          = this.m_IdlingQueue.CreateTimer(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate, this);
Esempio n. 9
        protected override void OnTick()
            if (Trade.IsExecuting)

            //Local declaration
            TriState _Open_Sell_Position = new TriState();
            TriState _Open_Buy_Position  = new TriState();

            //Step 1
            _Open      = MarketSeries.Open.Last(1);
            _Close     = MarketSeries.Close.Last(1);
            _Transform = Transform(_Candle_Points, 2);

            //Step 2

            //Step 3

            //Step 4

            //Step 5
            if ((((_Open - (_Close)) >= _Transform) && (MarketSeries.TickVolume.LastValue == 1)))
                _Open_Sell_Position = _OpenPosition(0, true, Symbol.Code, TradeType.Sell, _Lots, 10, _SL_Points, _TP_Points, "");
            if ((((_Close - (_Open)) >= _Transform) && (MarketSeries.TickVolume.LastValue == 1)))
                _Open_Buy_Position = _OpenPosition(0, true, Symbol.Code, TradeType.Buy, _Lots, 10, _SL_Points, _TP_Points, "");
Esempio n. 10
        protected override void OnTick()
            if (Trade.IsExecuting)

            //Local declaration
            TriState _Open_Sell_Position = new TriState();
            TriState _Open_Buy_Position = new TriState();

            //Step 1
            _Open = MarketSeries.Open.Last(1);
            _Close = MarketSeries.Close.Last(1);
            _Transform = Transform(_Candle_Points, 2);

            //Step 2

            //Step 3

            //Step 4

            //Step 5
            if ((((_Open - (_Close)) >= _Transform) && (MarketSeries.TickVolume.LastValue == 1)))
                _Open_Sell_Position = _OpenPosition(0, true, Symbol.Code, TradeType.Sell, _Lots, 10, _SL_Points, _TP_Points, "");
            if ((((_Close - (_Open)) >= _Transform) && (MarketSeries.TickVolume.LastValue == 1)))
                _Open_Buy_Position = _OpenPosition(0, true, Symbol.Code, TradeType.Buy, _Lots, 10, _SL_Points, _TP_Points, "");

Esempio n. 11
// Private methods
        void Initialize()
            encoding                = Encoding.UTF8;
            omitXmlDecl             = false;
            newLineHandling         = NewLineHandling.Replace;
            newLineChars            = Environment.NewLine; // "\r\n" on Windows, "\n" on Unix
            indent                  = TriState.Unknown;
            indentChars             = "  ";
            newLineOnAttributes     = false;
            closeOutput             = false;
            namespaceHandling       = NamespaceHandling.Default;
            conformanceLevel        = ConformanceLevel.Document;
            checkCharacters         = true;
            writeEndDocumentOnClose = true;

            outputMethod = XmlOutputMethod.Xml;
            mergeCDataSections       = false;
            mediaType                = null;
            docTypeSystem            = null;
            docTypePublic            = null;
            standalone               = XmlStandalone.Omit;
            doNotEscapeUriAttributes = false;

            useAsync = false;
            isReadOnly = false;
Esempio n. 12
 public PackageState(uint uid, TriState state, string info)
     this.uid   = uid;
     this.state = state;  = info;  = new uint[0];
Esempio n. 13
        protected override void OnTick()
            if (Trade.IsExecuting)

            //Local declaration
            TriState _Close_Position = new TriState();
            TriState _Close_Position_2 = new TriState();
            TriState _Buy = new TriState();
            TriState _Sell = new TriState();

            //Step 1
            _Moving_Average_200MA = i_Moving_Average_200MA.Result.Last(0);
            _Relative_Strength_Index = i_Relative_Strength_Index.Result.Last(0);
            _Moving_Average_5MA = i_Moving_Average_5MA.Result.Last(0);

            //Step 2
            _Compare_7 = (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _Moving_Average_5MA);
            _Compare_4 = (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _Moving_Average_5MA);

            //Step 3
            _AND_2 = ((_Relative_Strength_Index < 5) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _Moving_Average_200MA) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _Moving_Average_5MA) && (i_Relative_Strength_Index_2.Result.Last(1) < _Relative_Strength_Index));
            if (_Compare_7)
                _Close_Position = _ClosePosition(1, Symbol.Code, 0);
            _AND = ((_Relative_Strength_Index > 95) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _Moving_Average_5MA) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _Moving_Average_200MA) && (_Relative_Strength_Index > i_Relative_Strength_Index_2.Result.Last(1)));
            if (_Compare_4)
                _Close_Position_2 = _ClosePosition(2, Symbol.Code, 0);

            //Step 4
            if (_AND_2)
                _Buy = Buy(1, _Open_Lot, 1, _StopLoss_Pips, 1, 0, 0, _MaxOpenTrade, _MaxTradingFreqMins, "");
            if (_AND)
                _Sell = Sell(2, _Open_Lot, 1, _StopLoss_Pips, 1, 0, 0, _MaxOpenTrade, _MaxTradingFreqMins, "");

Esempio n. 14
 private void OnTriState(TriState t)
     if (TriStateProperty != null)
Esempio n. 15
        protected override void OnTick()
            if (Trade.IsExecuting)

            //Local declaration
            TriState _Close_Position = new TriState();
            TriState _Close_Position_2 = new TriState();
            TriState _Sell = new TriState();
            TriState _Buy = new TriState();

            //Step 1
            _Relative_Strength_Index = i_Relative_Strength_Index.Result.Last(0);
            _Moving_Average_200MA = i_Moving_Average_200MA.Result.Last(0);
            _Moving_Average_5MA = i_Moving_Average_5MA.Result.Last(0);

            //Step 2
            _Compare_7 = (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _Moving_Average_5MA);
            _Compare_4 = (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _Moving_Average_5MA);

            //Step 3
            _AND_2 = ((_Relative_Strength_Index < 5) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _Moving_Average_200MA) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _Moving_Average_5MA));
            if (_Compare_7)
                _Close_Position = _ClosePosition(1, Symbol.Code, 0);
            if (_Compare_4)
                _Close_Position_2 = _ClosePosition(2, Symbol.Code, 0);
            _AND = ((_Relative_Strength_Index > 95) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _Moving_Average_5MA) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _Moving_Average_200MA));

            //Step 4
            if (_AND)
                _Sell = Sell(2, 0.5, 0, 360, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0, "");
            if (_AND_2)
                _Buy = Buy(1, 0.5, 0, 360, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0, "");

Esempio n. 16
        internal void SetAutoValues()
            if (this.owner is TextBoxBase)
            else if (this.owner is NumericUpDown)
            else if (this.owner is CheckBox)
            else if (this.owner is RadioButton)
            else if (this.owner is Button)
            // DataGridViewCell ??
            // TreeNode ??

            _hidden = owner.Visible ? TriState.False : TriState.True;

            // determine label
            Control prevControl = this.owner.Parent?.GetNextControl(this.owner, false);

            if (prevControl != null && prevControl is Label)
                _labeledBy = prevControl;
Esempio n. 17
        protected override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)

            situationTokenizedTexts = new Dictionary <ExtendedSituation, List <List <Token> > >();

            isRandom      = node.GetBoolean("Random", false);
            resetOnLaunch = node.GetBoolean("ResetOnLaunch", false);

            evaOnly = node.GetEnum("EvaOnly", TriState.UseDefault);

            foreach (ConfigNode section in node.GetNodes())
                string name =;
                    ExtendedSituation situation = (ExtendedSituation)(object)ConfigNode.ParseEnum(typeof(ExtendedSituation), name);

                    if (!situationTokenizedTexts.ContainsKey(situation))
                        situationTokenizedTexts.Add(situation, new List <List <Token> >());
                        messageIndices.Add(situation, -1);
                    Historian.Print($"Unrecognised situation block {name} in TEXT_LIST");
 /// <summary>
 ///   Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WeakConcurrentDictionary&lt;TKey, TValue&gt;"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="concurrencyLevel">The estimated number of threads that will update the lookup concurrently.</param>
 /// <param name="capacity">The initial number of elements that the lookup can contain.</param>
 /// <param name="comparer">The comparer to use when comparing keys.</param>
 /// <param name="allowResurrection">
 ///   If set to <see langword="true"/> then allow resurrections.
 ///   If unset will allow resurrection if the type does not support dispose.
 /// </param>
 public WeakConcurrentDictionary(
     int concurrencyLevel = 0,
     int capacity         = 0,
     [CanBeNull] IEqualityComparer <TKey> comparer = null,
     TriState allowResurrection = default(TriState))
     : this(null, concurrencyLevel, capacity, comparer, allowResurrection)
Esempio n. 19
 private void SetTriState(TriState state)
     this.triState = state;
     if (((base.TreeView != null) && base.TreeView.IsHandleCreated) && (base.Handle != IntPtr.Zero))
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Miracle.FileZilla.Api.Test.RandomTriStateSequenceGenerator"/> class
        /// for a specific range of TriStates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minTriState">The lower bound of the TriState range.</param>
        /// <param name="maxTriState">The uppder bound of the TriState range.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// <paramref name="minTriState"/> is greater than <paramref name="maxTriState"/>.
        /// </exception>
        public RandomTriStateSequenceGenerator(TriState minTriState, TriState maxTriState)
            if (minTriState >= maxTriState)
                throw new ArgumentException("The 'minTriState' argument must be less than the 'maxTriState'.");

            this.randomizer = new RandomNumericSequenceGenerator((byte)minTriState, (byte)maxTriState);
Esempio n. 21
        public void TriState_ToString_DefaultsToYesNoUnknownStyle()
            TriState testTriState = (Random.Next() % 3 - 1);

                "The string representation of a TriState should default to YesUnknownNo formatting.");
Esempio n. 22
        public void TriState_IFormattableWithFormatT_GivesSameResultAsToStringTrueUndefinedFalse()
            TriState testTriState = (Random.Next() % 3 - 1);

                testTriState.ToString("T", null),
                "The result of IFormattable.ToString with format 'T' should be the same as ToString with style TrueUndefinedFalse.");
Esempio n. 23
        public void TriState_IFormattableWithFormatY_GivesSameResultAsToStringYesUnknownNo()
            TriState testTriState = (Random.Next() % 3 - 1);

                testTriState.ToString("Y", null),
                "The result of IFormattable.ToString with format 'Y' should be the same as ToString with style YesUnknownNo.");
Esempio n. 24
        public void TriState_IFormattableWithFormatN_GivesSameResultAsToStringNegativeEqualPositive()
            TriState testTriState = (Random.Next() % 3 - 1);

                testTriState.ToString("N", null),
                "The result of IFormattable.ToString with format 'N' should be the same as ToString with style NegativeEqualPositive.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Miracle.FileZilla.Api.Test.RandomTriStateSequenceGenerator"/> class
        /// for a specific range of TriStates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minTriState">The lower bound of the TriState range.</param>
        /// <param name="maxTriState">The uppder bound of the TriState range.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// <paramref name="minTriState"/> is greater than <paramref name="maxTriState"/>.
        /// </exception>
        public RandomTriStateSequenceGenerator(TriState minTriState, TriState maxTriState)
            if (minTriState >= maxTriState)
                throw new ArgumentException("The 'minTriState' argument must be less than the 'maxTriState'.");

            this.randomizer = new RandomNumericSequenceGenerator((byte)minTriState, (byte)maxTriState);
Esempio n. 26
 public Variable(Definition def, string name, DataType dataType, Value value, bool isArg, TriState isInitialized, bool isUsed)
     _def           = def;
     _name          = name;
     _dataType      = dataType;
     _value         = value;
     _isArg         = isArg;
     _isInitialized = isInitialized;
     _isUsed        = isUsed;
Esempio n. 27
        public void TriState_IFormattableWithInvalidStyle_ThrowsFormatException()
            Random   randSource       = new Random();
            TriState testTriState     = (Random.Next() % 3 - 1);
            String   testInvalidStyle = "ThisIsNotAValidStyleType";

            TriState.Style testStyle;
            Assert.IsFalse(Enum.TryParse(testInvalidStyle, false, out testStyle));
            String value = testTriState.ToString("ThisIsNotAValidStyleType", null);
Esempio n. 28
        public static string FormatCurrency(object o, int NumDigitsAfterDecimal, TriState IncludeLeadingDigit, TriState UseParensForNegativeNumbers, TriState GroupDigits)
            if (o == null || o is DateTime)
                throw (new Exception("Invalid currency expression"));
            string sValue = String.Format("{0:$#,#}", o);

Esempio n. 29
 private void SetAppDomain(bool useSandBoxAppDomain)
     if (useSandBoxAppDomain)
         m_executeInSandbox = TriState.True;
     m_executeInSandbox = TriState.False;
Esempio n. 30
        protected override void OnTick()
            if (Trade.IsExecuting)

            //Local declaration
            TriState _CloseShortPosition = new TriState();
            TriState _CloseLongPosition  = new TriState();
            TriState _Buy = new TriState();
            TriState _LongSimple_TrailingStop  = new TriState();
            TriState _ShortSimple_TrailingStop = new TriState();
            TriState _Sell = new TriState();

            //Step 1
            _TrendMovingAverage   = i_TrendMovingAverage.Result.Last(0);
            _Intermediate_SMA     = i_Intermediate_SMA.Result.Last(0);
            _RSI_StopLoss         = i_RSI_StopLoss.Result.Last((int)_wRSI_Shift);
            _TriggerMovingAverage = i_TriggerMovingAverage.Result.Last(0);
            _RSI = i_RSI.Result.Last((int)_cRSI_MA_Shift);

            //Step 2
            _CompareCloseShort = (_RSI_StopLoss <= _wRSI_CloseShortLevel);
            _CompareCloseLong  = (_RSI_StopLoss >= _wRSI_CloseLongLevel);

            //Step 3
            _AND_2 = ((MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _TriggerMovingAverage) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last((int)_OHLC_Shift) < _TrendMovingAverage) && (_RSI > _cRSI_OverBoughtLevel) && (MarketData.GetSeries(TimeFrame.Daily).Close.Last((int)_OHLC_Shift) < _Intermediate_SMA));
            if (_CompareCloseShort)
                _CloseShortPosition = _ClosePosition((_MagicNumber + (1)), Symbol.Code, 0);
            _AND = ((MarketSeries.Close.Last((int)_OHLC_Shift) > _TrendMovingAverage) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _TriggerMovingAverage) && (_RSI < _cRSI_OverSoldLevel) && (MarketData.GetSeries(TimeFrame.Daily).Close.Last((int)_OHLC_Shift) > _Intermediate_SMA));
            _AgregateArithmetic = ((i_Average_True_Range.Result.Last((int)_ATR_MA) * (_Pips_Multiplier)) * (_ATR_Risk_Multiplier));
            if (_CompareCloseLong)
                _CloseLongPosition = _ClosePosition(_MagicNumber, Symbol.Code, 0);

            //Step 4

            //Step 5

            //Step 6
            if (_AND)
                _Buy = Buy(_MagicNumber, _LotSize, 1, ((Symbol.Ask + (_AgregateArithmetic)) / (_EquityIndexDivisor)), 0, 0, 1, _MaxOpenTrades, _MaxFreqMins, "");
            _LongSimple_TrailingStop  = Simple_Trailing_Stop(_MagicNumber, 0, (Symbol.Ask + (_AgregateArithmetic)), ((Symbol.Ask + (_AgregateArithmetic)) / (_TrailingStop_Dividsor_Value)));
            _ShortSimple_TrailingStop = Simple_Trailing_Stop((_MagicNumber + (1)), 0, (Symbol.Ask + (_AgregateArithmetic)), ((Symbol.Ask + (_AgregateArithmetic)) / (_TrailingStop_Dividsor_Value)));
            if (_AND_2)
                _Sell = Sell((_MagicNumber + (1)), _LotSize, 1, ((Symbol.Ask + (_AgregateArithmetic)) / (_EquityIndexDivisor)), 0, 0, 1, _MaxOpenTrades, _MaxFreqMins, "");
 internal unsafe HttpListenerRequest(System.Net.HttpListenerContext httpContext, RequestContextBase memoryBlob)
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext) + " memoryBlob# " + ValidationHelper.HashString((IntPtr) memoryBlob.RequestBlob));
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.Associate(Logging.HttpListener, this, httpContext);
     this.m_HttpContext = httpContext;
     this.m_MemoryBlob = memoryBlob;
     this.m_BoundaryType = BoundaryType.None;
     this.m_RequestId = memoryBlob.RequestBlob.RequestId;
     this.m_ConnectionId = memoryBlob.RequestBlob.ConnectionId;
     this.m_SslStatus = (memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pSslInfo == null) ? SslStatus.Insecure : ((memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pSslInfo.SslClientCertNegotiated == 0) ? SslStatus.NoClientCert : SslStatus.ClientCert);
     if ((memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pRawUrl != null) && (memoryBlob.RequestBlob.RawUrlLength > 0))
         this.m_RawUrl = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr) memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pRawUrl, memoryBlob.RequestBlob.RawUrlLength);
     UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_COOKED_URL cookedUrl = memoryBlob.RequestBlob.CookedUrl;
     if ((cookedUrl.pHost != null) && (cookedUrl.HostLength > 0))
         this.m_CookedUrlHost = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr) cookedUrl.pHost, cookedUrl.HostLength / 2);
     if ((cookedUrl.pAbsPath != null) && (cookedUrl.AbsPathLength > 0))
         this.m_CookedUrlPath = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr) cookedUrl.pAbsPath, cookedUrl.AbsPathLength / 2);
     if ((cookedUrl.pQueryString != null) && (cookedUrl.QueryStringLength > 0))
         this.m_CookedUrlQuery = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr) cookedUrl.pQueryString, cookedUrl.QueryStringLength / 2);
     this.m_Version = new Version(memoryBlob.RequestBlob.Version.MajorVersion, memoryBlob.RequestBlob.Version.MinorVersion);
     this.m_ClientCertState = ListenerClientCertState.NotInitialized;
     this.m_KeepAlive = TriState.Unspecified;
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext) + " RequestUri:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(this.RequestUri) + " Content-Length:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(this.ContentLength64) + " HTTP Method:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(this.HttpMethod));
     if (Logging.On)
         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("HttpListenerRequest Headers:\n");
         for (int i = 0; i < this.Headers.Count; i++)
             builder.Append(" : ");
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", builder.ToString());
Esempio n. 32
        protected override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)

            foreach (ExtendedSituation key in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(ExtendedSituation)))
                situations.Add(key, Parser.GetTokens(node.GetString(key.ToString(), "")));

            evaOnly = node.GetEnum("EvaOnly", TriState.UseDefault);
        public void SetFieldValue_StateDefault_ReturnsEmptyString()
            TriState value = TriState.Default;

            var result = _handler.SetFieldValue(value, null);

            Assert.AreEqual("", result);
 internal unsafe HttpListenerRequest(System.Net.HttpListenerContext httpContext, RequestContextBase memoryBlob)
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext) + " memoryBlob# " + ValidationHelper.HashString((IntPtr)memoryBlob.RequestBlob));
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.Associate(Logging.HttpListener, this, httpContext);
     this.m_HttpContext  = httpContext;
     this.m_MemoryBlob   = memoryBlob;
     this.m_BoundaryType = BoundaryType.None;
     this.m_RequestId    = memoryBlob.RequestBlob.RequestId;
     this.m_ConnectionId = memoryBlob.RequestBlob.ConnectionId;
     this.m_SslStatus    = (memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pSslInfo == null) ? SslStatus.Insecure : ((memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pSslInfo.SslClientCertNegotiated == 0) ? SslStatus.NoClientCert : SslStatus.ClientCert);
     if ((memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pRawUrl != null) && (memoryBlob.RequestBlob.RawUrlLength > 0))
         this.m_RawUrl = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pRawUrl, memoryBlob.RequestBlob.RawUrlLength);
     UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_COOKED_URL cookedUrl = memoryBlob.RequestBlob.CookedUrl;
     if ((cookedUrl.pHost != null) && (cookedUrl.HostLength > 0))
         this.m_CookedUrlHost = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)cookedUrl.pHost, cookedUrl.HostLength / 2);
     if ((cookedUrl.pAbsPath != null) && (cookedUrl.AbsPathLength > 0))
         this.m_CookedUrlPath = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)cookedUrl.pAbsPath, cookedUrl.AbsPathLength / 2);
     if ((cookedUrl.pQueryString != null) && (cookedUrl.QueryStringLength > 0))
         this.m_CookedUrlQuery = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)cookedUrl.pQueryString, cookedUrl.QueryStringLength / 2);
     this.m_Version         = new Version(memoryBlob.RequestBlob.Version.MajorVersion, memoryBlob.RequestBlob.Version.MinorVersion);
     this.m_ClientCertState = ListenerClientCertState.NotInitialized;
     this.m_KeepAlive       = TriState.Unspecified;
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext) + " RequestUri:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(this.RequestUri) + " Content-Length:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(this.ContentLength64) + " HTTP Method:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(this.HttpMethod));
     if (Logging.On)
         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("HttpListenerRequest Headers:\n");
         for (int i = 0; i < this.Headers.Count; i++)
             builder.Append(" : ");
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", builder.ToString());
Esempio n. 35
            public bool IsBlockElement()
                if (_isBlockElement == TriState.Undefined)
                    _isBlockElement = this.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element &&
                                      ? TriState.True : TriState.False;;

                return(_isBlockElement == TriState.True);
        public void SetFieldValue_StateYes_ReturnsStringOne()
            TriState value = TriState.Yes;

            var result = _handler.SetFieldValue(value, null);

            Assert.AreEqual("1", result);
 internal FtpDataStream(NetworkStream networkStream, FtpWebRequest request, TriState writeOnly)  {
     GlobalLog.Print("FtpDataStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::FtpDataStream");
     m_Readable = true;
     m_Writeable = true;
     if (writeOnly == TriState.True) {
         m_Readable = false;
     } else if (writeOnly == TriState.False) {
         m_Writeable = false;
     m_NetworkStream = networkStream;
     m_Request = request;
Esempio n. 38
        internal FtpDataStream(NetworkStream networkStream, FtpWebRequest request, TriState writeOnly)
            if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) NetEventSource.Info(this);

            _readable = true;
            _writeable = true;
            if (writeOnly == TriState.True)
                _readable = false;
            else if (writeOnly == TriState.False)
                _writeable = false;
            _networkStream = networkStream;
            _request = request;
 public override bool CanResetValue(object component)
     if (this.canReset == TriState.Unknown)
         this.canReset = TriState.Yes;
         Array a = (Array) component;
         for (int i = 0; i < this.descriptors.Length; i++)
             if (!this.descriptors[i].CanResetValue(this.GetPropertyOwnerForComponent(a, i)))
                 this.canReset = TriState.No;
     return (this.canReset == TriState.Yes);
Esempio n. 40
        internal FtpDataStream(NetworkStream networkStream, FtpWebRequest request, TriState writeOnly)
            if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled)
                GlobalLog.Print("FtpDataStream#" + LoggingHash.HashString(this) + "::FtpDataStream");

            _readable = true;
            _writeable = true;
            if (writeOnly == TriState.True)
                _readable = false;
            else if (writeOnly == TriState.False)
                _writeable = false;
            _networkStream = networkStream;
            _request = request;
// Private methods
        void Initialize() {
            encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            omitXmlDecl = false;
            newLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Replace;
            newLineChars = Environment.NewLine; // "\r\n" on Windows, "\n" on Unix
            indent = TriState.Unknown;
            indentChars = "  ";
            newLineOnAttributes = false;
            closeOutput = false;
            namespaceHandling = NamespaceHandling.Default;
            conformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document;
            checkCharacters = true;
            writeEndDocumentOnClose = true;

            outputMethod = XmlOutputMethod.Xml;
            mergeCDataSections = false;
            mediaType = null;
            docTypeSystem = null;
            docTypePublic = null;
            standalone = XmlStandalone.Omit;
            doNotEscapeUriAttributes = false;

            useAsync = false;
            isReadOnly = false;
Esempio n. 42
 /// <summary>
 /// Forces the the list collection wrapper to reset it's internal trackers (i.e. resynchronize with the list).
 /// </summary>
 public void Refresh()
     isReadonly = TriState.NotAssigned;
     isFixedSize = TriState.NotAssigned;
     count = -1;
        internal ServicePoint(string host, int port, TimerThread.Queue defaultIdlingQueue, int defaultConnectionLimit, string lookupString, bool userChangedLimit, bool proxyServicePoint) {
            GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor(" + lookupString+")");
            if (Logging.On) Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "ServicePoint", host + ":" + port);
            m_ProxyServicePoint     = proxyServicePoint;
            m_ConnectionName        = "ByHost:"+host+":"+port.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            m_IdlingQueue           = defaultIdlingQueue;
            m_ConnectionLimit       = defaultConnectionLimit;
            m_HostLoopbackGuess     = TriState.Unspecified;
            m_LookupString          = lookupString;
            m_UserChangedLimit      = userChangedLimit;
            m_ConnectionGroupList   = new Hashtable(10);
            m_ConnectionLeaseTimeout = System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite;
            m_ReceiveBufferSize     = -1;
            m_Host = host;
            m_Port = port;
            m_HostMode = true;

            // upon creation, the service point should be idle, by default
            m_IdleSince             = DateTime.Now;
            m_ExpiringTimer         = m_IdlingQueue.CreateTimer(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate, this);
            m_IdleConnectionGroupTimeoutDelegate = new TimerThread.Callback(IdleConnectionGroupTimeoutCallback);
Esempio n. 44
 public AsyncTriState(TriState newValue) {
     Value = newValue;
Esempio n. 45
        private void CompleteStartRequest(bool onSubmitThread, HttpWebRequest request, TriState needReConnect) {
            GlobalLog.Enter("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest", ValidationHelper.HashString(request));
            GlobalLog.ThreadContract(ThreadKinds.Unknown, "Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest");

            if (needReConnect == TriState.True) {
                // Socket is not alive.

                GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest() Queue StartConnection Delegate ");
                try {
                    if (request.Async) {
                        CompleteStartConnection(true, request);
                    else if (onSubmitThread) {
                        CompleteStartConnection(false, request);
                    // else - fall through and wake up other thread
                catch (Exception exception) {
                    GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest(): exception: " + exception.ToString());
                    if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception)) throw;
                    // Should not be here because CompleteStartConnection and below tries to catch everything

                // If neeeded wake up other thread where SubmitRequest was called
                if (!request.Async) {
                    GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest() Invoking Async Result");
                    request.ConnectionAsyncResult.InvokeCallback(new AsyncTriState(needReConnect));

                GlobalLog.Leave("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest", "needReConnect");

            // From now on the request.SetRequestSubmitDone must be called or it may hang
            // For a [....] request the write side reponse windowwas opened in HttpWebRequest.SubmitRequest
            if (request.Async)

            ConnectStream writeStream = new ConnectStream(this, request);

            // Call the request to let them know that we have a write-stream, this might invoke Send() call
            if (request.Async || onSubmitThread) {
            else {
                GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest() Invoking Async Result");
            GlobalLog.Leave("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest");
 public static string FormatPercent(object Expression, int NumDigitsAfterDecimal, TriState IncludeLeadingDigit, TriState UseParensForNegativeNumbers, TriState GroupDigits)
Esempio n. 47
        private void InternalWriteStartNextRequest(HttpWebRequest request, ref bool calledCloseConnection, ref TriState startRequestResult, ref HttpWebRequest nextRequest, ref ConnectionReturnResult returnResult) {
            GlobalLog.ThreadContract(ThreadKinds.Unknown, "Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::InternalWriteStartNextRequest");

            lock(this) {

                GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::WriteStartNextRequest() setting WriteDone:" + m_WriteDone.ToString() + " to true");
                m_WriteDone = true;

                // If we're not doing keep alive, and the read on this connection
                // has already completed, now is the time to close the
                // connection.
                //need to wait for read to set the error
                if (!m_KeepAlive || m_Error != WebExceptionStatus.Success || !CanBePooled) {
                    GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::WriteStartNextRequest() m_WriteList.Count:" + m_WriteList.Count);
                    if (m_ReadDone) {
                        // We could be closing because of an unexpected keep-alive
                        // failure, ie we pipelined a few requests and in the middle
                        // the remote server stopped doing keep alive. In this
                        // case m_Error could be success, which would be misleading.
                        // So in that case we'll set it to connection closed.

                        if (m_Error == WebExceptionStatus.Success) {
                            // Only reason we could have gotten here is because
                            // we're not keeping the connection alive.
                            m_Error = WebExceptionStatus.KeepAliveFailure;

                        // PrepareCloseConnectionSocket is called with the critical section
                        // held. Note that we know since it's not a keep-alive
                        // connection the read half wouldn't have posted a receive
                        // for this connection, so it's OK to call PrepareCloseConnectionSocket now.
                        PrepareCloseConnectionSocket(ref returnResult);
                        calledCloseConnection = true;
                    else {
                        if (m_Error!=WebExceptionStatus.Success) {
                            GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::WriteStartNextRequest() a Failure, m_Error = " + m_Error.ToString());
                else {
                    // If we're pipelining, we get get the next request going
                    // as soon as the write is done. Otherwise we have to wait
                    // until both read and write are done.

                    GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::WriteStartNextRequest() Non-Error m_WriteList.Count:" + m_WriteList.Count + " m_WaitList.Count:" + m_WaitList.Count);

                    if (m_Pipelining || m_ReadDone)
                        nextRequest = CheckNextRequest();
                    if (nextRequest != null)
                        // This codepath doesn't handle the case where the server has closed the Connection because we
                        // just finished using it and didn't get a Connection: close header.
                        startRequestResult = StartRequest(nextRequest, false);
                        GlobalLog.Assert(startRequestResult != TriState.Unspecified, "WriteStartNextRequest got TriState.Unspecified from StartRequest, things are about to hang!");
            } // lock
Esempio n. 48
        private void InternalSetTriState(TriState state)
            ThreeStateTreeView treeView = base.TreeView as ThreeStateTreeView;
            if (treeView != null)
                WinFormsUI.Controls.NativeMethods.TVITEM lParam = new WinFormsUI.Controls.NativeMethods.TVITEM {
                    mask = 24,
                    hItem = base.Handle,
                    stateMask = 61440
                switch (state)
                    case TriState.Unchecked:
                        lParam.state |= 4096;

                    case TriState.Checked:
                        lParam.state |= 8192;

                    case TriState.Indeterminate:
                        lParam.state |= 12288;

                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("state");
                WinFormsUI.Controls.NativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(base.TreeView, base.TreeView.Handle), 4365, 0, ref lParam);
Esempio n. 49
 public static string FormatCurrency(object o, int NumDigitsAfterDecimal, TriState IncludeLeadingDigit, TriState UseParensForNegativeNumbers, TriState GroupDigits)
     // 07/31/2006 Paul.  We will always format with thousands separator and zero decimal places.
     //string sCurrencySymbol = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol;
     if ( o == null || o is DateTime )
         throw(new Exception("Invalid currency expression"));
     string sValue = String.Format("{0:$#,#}", o);
     return sValue;
        // constructors
        internal ServicePoint(Uri address, TimerThread.Queue defaultIdlingQueue, int defaultConnectionLimit, string lookupString, bool userChangedLimit, bool proxyServicePoint) {
            GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor(" + lookupString+")");
            if (Logging.On) Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "ServicePoint", address.DnsSafeHost + ":" + address.Port);

            m_ProxyServicePoint     = proxyServicePoint;
            m_Address               = address;
            m_ConnectionName        = address.Scheme;
            m_Host                  = address.DnsSafeHost;
            m_Port                  = address.Port;
            m_IdlingQueue           = defaultIdlingQueue;
            m_ConnectionLimit       = defaultConnectionLimit;
            m_HostLoopbackGuess     = TriState.Unspecified;
            m_LookupString          = lookupString;
            m_UserChangedLimit      = userChangedLimit;
            m_UseNagleAlgorithm     = ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm;
            m_Expect100Continue     = ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue;
            m_ConnectionGroupList   = new Hashtable(10);
            m_ConnectionLeaseTimeout = System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite;
            m_ReceiveBufferSize     = -1;
            m_UseTcpKeepAlive       = ServicePointManager.s_UseTcpKeepAlive;
            m_TcpKeepAliveTime      = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveTime;
            m_TcpKeepAliveInterval  = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveInterval;

            // it would be safer to make sure the server is 1.1
            // but assume it is at the beginning, and update it later
            m_Understands100Continue = true;
            m_HttpBehaviour         = HttpBehaviour.Unknown;

            // upon creation, the service point should be idle, by default
            m_IdleSince             = DateTime.Now;
            m_ExpiringTimer         = m_IdlingQueue.CreateTimer(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate, this);
            m_IdleConnectionGroupTimeoutDelegate = new TimerThread.Callback(IdleConnectionGroupTimeoutCallback);
Esempio n. 51
        internal HttpWebRequest(Uri uri, ServicePoint servicePoint) {
            if(Logging.On)Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "HttpWebRequest", uri);

            CheckConnectPermission(uri, false);

            m_StartTimestamp = NetworkingPerfCounters.GetTimestamp();

            // OOPS, This ctor can also be called with FTP scheme but then it should only allowed if going through the proxy
            // Something to think about...
            //if ((object)uri.Scheme != (object)Uri.UriSchemeHttp && (object)uri.Scheme != (object)Uri.UriSchemeHttps)
                //throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("uri");

            GlobalLog.Print("HttpWebRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor(" + uri.ToString() + ")");
            // internal constructor, HttpWebRequest cannot be created directly
            // but only through WebRequest.Create() method
            // set defaults
            _HttpRequestHeaders         = new WebHeaderCollection(WebHeaderCollectionType.HttpWebRequest);
            _Proxy                      = WebRequest.InternalDefaultWebProxy;
            _HttpWriteMode              = HttpWriteMode.Unknown;
            _MaximumAllowedRedirections = 50;
            _Timeout                    = WebRequest.DefaultTimeout;
            _TimerQueue                 = WebRequest.DefaultTimerQueue;
            _ReadWriteTimeout           = DefaultReadWriteTimeout;
            _MaximumResponseHeadersLength = DefaultMaximumResponseHeadersLength;
            _ContentLength              = -1;
            _originalContentLength      = -1;
            _OriginVerb                 = KnownHttpVerb.Get;
            _OriginUri                  = uri;
            _Uri                        = _OriginUri;
            _ServicePoint               = servicePoint;
            _RequestIsAsync             = TriState.Unspecified;
            m_ContinueTimeout          = DefaultContinueTimeout;
            m_ContinueTimerQueue        = s_ContinueTimerQueue;


            _NextExtension      = 10;

            if(Logging.On)Logging.Exit(Logging.Web, this, "HttpWebRequest", null);
Esempio n. 52
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate boiler-plate code to create an Xml iterator that controls a nested iterator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Iterator iter;
        ///     iter.Create(filter [, orSelf]);
        ///         ...nested iterator...
        ///     navInput = nestedNested;
        ///     goto LabelCall;
        /// LabelNext:
        ///     navInput = null;
        /// LabelCall:
        ///     switch (iter.MoveNext(navInput)) {
        ///         case IteratorState.NoMoreNodes: goto LabelNextCtxt;
        ///         case IteratorState.NextInputNode: goto LabelNextNested;
        ///     }
        /// </remarks>
        private void CreateContainerIterator(QilUnary ndDod, string iterName, Type iterType, MethodInfo methCreate, MethodInfo methNext,
                                                   XmlNodeKindFlags kinds, QilName ndName, TriState orSelf)
            // Iterator iter;
            LocalBuilder locIter = _helper.DeclareLocal(iterName, iterType);
            Label lblOnEndNested;
            QilLoop ndLoop = (QilLoop)ndDod.Child;
            Debug.Assert(ndDod.NodeType == QilNodeType.DocOrderDistinct && ndLoop != null);

            // iter.Create(filter [, orSelf]);
            _helper.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca, locIter);
            LoadSelectFilter(kinds, ndName);
            if (orSelf != TriState.Unknown)
                _helper.LoadBoolean(orSelf == TriState.True);

            // Generate nested iterator (branch to lblOnEndNested when iteration is complete)
            lblOnEndNested = _helper.DefineLabel();
            StartNestedIterator(ndLoop, lblOnEndNested);
            _iterCurr.Storage = _iterNested.Storage;

            GenerateContainerIterator(ndDod, locIter, lblOnEndNested, methNext, typeof(XPathNavigator));
Esempio n. 53
        // PERF:
        // removed some double initializations.
        // perf went from:
        // clocks per instruction CPI: 9,098.72 to 1,301.14
        // %app exclusive time: 2.92 to 0.43
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>
        ///       Basic Constructor for HTTP Protocol Class, Initializes to basic header state.
        ///    </para>
        /// </devdoc>
        internal HttpWebRequest(Uri uri, ServicePoint servicePoint)
            if(Logging.On)Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "HttpWebRequest", uri);

            (new WebPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect, uri)).Demand();

            // OOPS, This ctor can also be called with FTP scheme but then it should only allowed if going through the proxy
            // Something to think about...
            //if ((object)uri.Scheme != (object)Uri.UriSchemeHttp && (object)uri.Scheme != (object)Uri.UriSchemeHttps)
                //throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("uri");

            GlobalLog.Print("HttpWebRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor(" + uri.ToString() + ")");
            // internal constructor, HttpWebRequest cannot be created directly
            // but only through WebRequest.Create() method
            // set defaults
            _HttpRequestHeaders         = new WebHeaderCollection(WebHeaderCollectionType.HttpWebRequest);
            _Proxy                      = WebRequest.InternalDefaultWebProxy;
            _HttpWriteMode              = HttpWriteMode.Unknown;
            _MaximumAllowedRedirections = 50;
            _Timeout                    = WebRequest.DefaultTimeout;
            _TimerQueue                 = WebRequest.DefaultTimerQueue;
            _ReadWriteTimeout           = DefaultReadWriteTimeout;
            _MaximumResponseHeadersLength = DefaultMaximumResponseHeadersLength;
            _ContentLength              = -1;
            _OriginVerb                 = KnownHttpVerb.Get;
            _OriginUri                  = uri;
            _Uri                        = _OriginUri;
            _ServicePoint               = servicePoint;
            _RequestIsAsync             = TriState.Unspecified;


            if(Logging.On)Logging.Exit(Logging.Web, this, "HttpWebRequest", null);
Esempio n. 54
 private void SetTriState(TriState state)
     this.triState = state;
     if (((base.TreeView != null) && base.TreeView.IsHandleCreated) && (base.Handle != IntPtr.Zero))
 internal ServicePoint(string host, int port, TimerThread.Queue defaultIdlingQueue, int defaultConnectionLimit, string lookupString, bool userChangedLimit, bool proxyServicePoint)
     this.m_HostName = string.Empty;
     this.m_ProxyServicePoint = proxyServicePoint;
     this.m_ConnectionName = "ByHost:" + host + ":" + port.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     this.m_IdlingQueue = defaultIdlingQueue;
     this.m_ConnectionLimit = defaultConnectionLimit;
     this.m_HostLoopbackGuess = TriState.Unspecified;
     this.m_LookupString = lookupString;
     this.m_UserChangedLimit = userChangedLimit;
     this.m_ConnectionGroupList = new Hashtable(10);
     this.m_ConnectionLeaseTimeout = -1;
     this.m_ReceiveBufferSize = -1;
     this.m_Host = host;
     this.m_Port = port;
     this.m_HostMode = true;
     this.m_IdleSince = DateTime.Now;
     this.m_ExpiringTimer = this.m_IdlingQueue.CreateTimer(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate, this);
Esempio n. 56
        internal HttpListenerRequest(HttpListenerContext httpContext, RequestContextBase memoryBlob)
            if (Logging.On) Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext) + " memoryBlob# " + ValidationHelper.HashString((IntPtr) memoryBlob.RequestBlob));
            if(Logging.On)Logging.Associate(Logging.HttpListener, this, httpContext);
            m_HttpContext = httpContext;
            m_MemoryBlob = memoryBlob;
            m_BoundaryType = BoundaryType.None;

            // Set up some of these now to avoid refcounting on memory blob later.
            m_RequestId = memoryBlob.RequestBlob->RequestId;
            m_ConnectionId = memoryBlob.RequestBlob->ConnectionId;
            m_SslStatus = memoryBlob.RequestBlob->pSslInfo == null ? SslStatus.Insecure :
                memoryBlob.RequestBlob->pSslInfo->SslClientCertNegotiated == 0 ? SslStatus.NoClientCert :
            if (memoryBlob.RequestBlob->pRawUrl != null && memoryBlob.RequestBlob->RawUrlLength > 0) {
                m_RawUrl = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr) memoryBlob.RequestBlob->pRawUrl, memoryBlob.RequestBlob->RawUrlLength);
            UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_COOKED_URL cookedUrl = memoryBlob.RequestBlob->CookedUrl;
            if (cookedUrl.pHost != null && cookedUrl.HostLength > 0) {
                m_CookedUrlHost = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)cookedUrl.pHost, cookedUrl.HostLength / 2);
            if (cookedUrl.pAbsPath != null && cookedUrl.AbsPathLength > 0) {
                m_CookedUrlPath = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)cookedUrl.pAbsPath, cookedUrl.AbsPathLength / 2);
            if (cookedUrl.pQueryString != null && cookedUrl.QueryStringLength > 0) {
                m_CookedUrlQuery = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)cookedUrl.pQueryString, cookedUrl.QueryStringLength / 2);
            m_Version = new Version(memoryBlob.RequestBlob->Version.MajorVersion, memoryBlob.RequestBlob->Version.MinorVersion);
            m_ClientCertState = ListenerClientCertState.NotInitialized;
            m_KeepAlive = TriState.Unspecified;
            GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor() RequestId:" + RequestId + " ConnectionId:" + m_ConnectionId + " RawConnectionId:" + memoryBlob.RequestBlob->RawConnectionId + " UrlContext:" + memoryBlob.RequestBlob->UrlContext + " RawUrl:" + m_RawUrl + " Version:" + m_Version.ToString() + " Secure:" + m_SslStatus.ToString());
            if(Logging.On)Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#"+ ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext)+ " RequestUri:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(RequestUri) + " Content-Length:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(ContentLength64) + " HTTP Method:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(HttpMethod));
            // Log headers
            if(Logging.On) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("HttpListenerRequest Headers:\n");
                for (int i=0; i<Headers.Count; i++) {
                    sb.Append(" : ");
                Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", sb.ToString());
Esempio n. 57
        TriState Buy(double magicIndex, double Lots, int StopLossMethod, double stopLossValue, int TakeProfitMethod, double takeProfitValue, double Slippage, double MaxOpenTrades, double MaxFrequencyMins, string TradeComment)
            double? stopLossPips, takeProfitPips;
            int numberOfOpenTrades = 0;
            var res = new TriState();

            foreach (Position pos in Positions.FindAll("FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), Symbol))

            if (MaxOpenTrades > 0 && numberOfOpenTrades >= MaxOpenTrades)
                return res;

            if (MaxFrequencyMins > 0)
                if (((TimeSpan)(Server.Time - LastTradeExecution)).TotalMinutes < MaxFrequencyMins)
                    return res;

                foreach (Position pos in Positions.FindAll("FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), Symbol))
                    if (((TimeSpan)(Server.Time - pos.EntryTime)).TotalMinutes < MaxFrequencyMins)
                        return res;

            int pipAdjustment = (int)(Symbol.PipSize / Symbol.TickSize);

            if (stopLossValue > 0)
                if (StopLossMethod == 0)
                    stopLossPips = stopLossValue / pipAdjustment;
                else if (StopLossMethod == 1)
                    stopLossPips = stopLossValue;
                    stopLossPips = (Symbol.Ask - stopLossValue) / Symbol.PipSize;
                stopLossPips = null;

            if (takeProfitValue > 0)
                if (TakeProfitMethod == 0)
                    takeProfitPips = takeProfitValue / pipAdjustment;
                else if (TakeProfitMethod == 1)
                    takeProfitPips = takeProfitValue;
                    takeProfitPips = (takeProfitValue - Symbol.Ask) / Symbol.PipSize;
                takeProfitPips = null;

            Slippage /= pipAdjustment;
            long volume = Symbol.NormalizeVolume(Lots * 100000, RoundingMode.ToNearest);

            if (!ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, volume, "FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), stopLossPips, takeProfitPips, Slippage, TradeComment).IsSuccessful)
                return false;
            LastTradeExecution = Server.Time;
            return true;
Esempio n. 58
 // Constructor
 public CodeBlock(Bookmark bookmark, TriState hasBraces)
     : base(bookmark)
     HasBraces = hasBraces;
 /// <include file='doc\PropertyDescriptor.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PropertyDescriptor.CanResetValue"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>
 ///       When overridden in a derived class, indicates whether
 ///       resetting the <paramref name="component "/>will change the value of the
 ///    <paramref name="component"/>.
 /// </para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public override bool CanResetValue(object component) {
     Debug.Assert(component is Array, "MergePropertyDescriptor::CanResetValue called with non-array value");
     if (canReset == TriState.Unknown) {
          canReset = TriState.Yes;
          Array a = (Array)component;
          for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.Length; i++) {
              if (!descriptors[i].CanResetValue(GetPropertyOwnerForComponent(a, i))) {
                  canReset = TriState.No;
      return (canReset == TriState.Yes);
Esempio n. 60
        // Parse a brace enclosed statement block
        ast.CodeBlock ParseStatementBlock(TriState BracesInOutput)
            var bmk = t.GetBookmark();

            // Opening brace

            // Statements
            var code = new ast.CodeBlock(bmk, BracesInOutput);

            // Closing brace

            return code;