Beispiel #1
            public string ToTriStateString(TriState Value, string DefaultItem = "")
                // 1406 DM
                switch (Value)
                case TriState.True:
                    if (DefaultItem.Length == 0)
                        DefaultItem = "Ticked";

                case TriState.False:
                    if (DefaultItem.Length == 0)
                        DefaultItem = "Unticked";

                    if (DefaultItem.Length == 0)
                        DefaultItem = "(N/A)";

        public override string SetFieldValue(object value, ISitecoreService service)
            if (value is TriState)
                TriState state = (TriState)value;
                switch (state)
                case TriState.Default:

                case TriState.No:

                case TriState.Yes:

                throw new MapperException("Value is not of type {0}".Formatted(typeof(TriState).FullName));
 internal ServicePoint(Uri address, TimerThread.Queue defaultIdlingQueue, int defaultConnectionLimit, string lookupString, bool userChangedLimit, bool proxyServicePoint)
     this.m_HostName = string.Empty;
     this.m_ProxyServicePoint = proxyServicePoint;
     this.m_Address = address;
     this.m_ConnectionName = address.Scheme;
     this.m_Host = address.DnsSafeHost;
     this.m_Port = address.Port;
     this.m_IdlingQueue = defaultIdlingQueue;
     this.m_ConnectionLimit = defaultConnectionLimit;
     this.m_HostLoopbackGuess = TriState.Unspecified;
     this.m_LookupString = lookupString;
     this.m_UserChangedLimit = userChangedLimit;
     this.m_UseNagleAlgorithm = ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm;
     this.m_Expect100Continue = ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue;
     this.m_ConnectionGroupList = new Hashtable(10);
     this.m_ConnectionLeaseTimeout = -1;
     this.m_ReceiveBufferSize = -1;
     this.m_UseTcpKeepAlive = ServicePointManager.s_UseTcpKeepAlive;
     this.m_TcpKeepAliveTime = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveTime;
     this.m_TcpKeepAliveInterval = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveInterval;
     this.m_Understands100Continue = true;
     this.m_HttpBehaviour = System.Net.HttpBehaviour.Unknown;
     this.m_IdleSince = DateTime.Now;
     this.m_ExpiringTimer = this.m_IdlingQueue.CreateTimer(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate, this);
        // Private methods
        private void Initialize()
            _encoding                = Encoding.UTF8;
            _omitXmlDecl             = false;
            _newLineHandling         = NewLineHandling.Replace;
            _newLineChars            = Environment.NewLine; // "\r\n" on Windows, "\n" on Unix
            _indent                  = TriState.Unknown;
            _indentChars             = "  ";
            _newLineOnAttributes     = false;
            _closeOutput             = false;
            _namespaceHandling       = NamespaceHandling.Default;
            _conformanceLevel        = ConformanceLevel.Document;
            _checkCharacters         = true;
            _writeEndDocumentOnClose = true;

            _outputMethod = XmlOutputMethod.Xml;
            _mergeCDataSections       = false;
            _mediaType                = null;
            _docTypeSystem            = null;
            _docTypePublic            = null;
            _standalone               = XmlStandalone.Omit;
            _doNotEscapeUriAttributes = false;

            _useAsync   = false;
            _isReadOnly = false;
Beispiel #5
        private void LoadSettings()
            // Toolbar Size
            __sUIButtonsLarge.Checked = !S.Toolbar24;

            // Gimmicks
            __sGimmick.Checked = S.Gimmicks;

            // File Associations
            TriState isAssoc = S.IsAssociatedWithFiles;

            __sAssoc.CheckState =
                isAssoc == TriState.True  ? CheckState.Checked :
                isAssoc == TriState.False ? CheckState.Unchecked : CheckState.Indeterminate;

            __sAssoc.Enabled = Miscellaneous.IsElevatedAdministrator;

            // Load Assemblies
            if (S.LoadAssemblies != null)
                foreach (String filename in S.LoadAssemblies)
                    LibraryEntry ent = new LibraryEntry(filename);
        /// <summary>
        ///   Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WeakConcurrentDictionary&lt;TKey, TValue&gt;"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collection">The collection to copy into the dictionary.</param>
        /// <param name="concurrencyLevel">The estimated number of threads that will update the lookup concurrently.</param>
        /// <param name="capacity">The initial number of elements that the lookup can contain.</param>
        /// <param name="comparer">The comparer to use when comparing keys.</param>
        /// <param name="allowResurrection">
        ///   If set to <see langword="true"/> then allow resurrections.
        ///   If unset will allow resurrection if the type does not support dispose.</param>
        public WeakConcurrentDictionary(
            [CanBeNull] IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> > collection,
            int concurrencyLevel = 0,
            int capacity         = 0,
            [CanBeNull] IEqualityComparer <TKey> comparer = null,
            TriState allowResurrection = default(TriState))
            // Create underlying dictionary.
            _dictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary <TKey, WeakReference <TValue> >(
                concurrencyLevel < 1 ? 4 * Environment.ProcessorCount : concurrencyLevel,
                capacity < 1 ? 32 : capacity,
                comparer ?? EqualityComparer <TKey> .Default);

            // Set allow resurrection.
            _allowResurrection = allowResurrection == TriState.Undefined
                ? !ObservableWeakReference <TValue> .Disposable
                : allowResurrection == TriState.Yes;

            // We are only observing finalization if the type supports it and we're not allowing resurrection.
            _observable = !_allowResurrection && ObservableWeakReference <TValue> .ObservableFinalize;

            if (collection == null)

            // ReSharper disable AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
            foreach (KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> kvp in collection)
                Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
            // ReSharper restore AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
Beispiel #7
        private void InternalSetTriState(TriState state)
            ThreeStateTreeView treeView = base.TreeView as ThreeStateTreeView;

            if (treeView != null)
                WinFormsUI.Controls.NativeMethods.TVITEM lParam = new WinFormsUI.Controls.NativeMethods.TVITEM {
                    mask      = 24,
                    hItem     = base.Handle,
                    stateMask = 61440
                switch (state)
                case TriState.Unchecked:
                    lParam.state |= 4096;

                case TriState.Checked:
                    lParam.state |= 8192;

                case TriState.Indeterminate:
                    lParam.state |= 12288;

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("state");
                WinFormsUI.Controls.NativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(base.TreeView, base.TreeView.Handle), 4365, 0, ref lParam);
 internal ServicePoint(Uri address, TimerThread.Queue defaultIdlingQueue, int defaultConnectionLimit, string lookupString, bool userChangedLimit, bool proxyServicePoint)
     this.m_HostName          = string.Empty;
     this.m_ProxyServicePoint = proxyServicePoint;
     this.m_Address           = address;
     this.m_ConnectionName    = address.Scheme;
     this.m_Host                   = address.DnsSafeHost;
     this.m_Port                   = address.Port;
     this.m_IdlingQueue            = defaultIdlingQueue;
     this.m_ConnectionLimit        = defaultConnectionLimit;
     this.m_HostLoopbackGuess      = TriState.Unspecified;
     this.m_LookupString           = lookupString;
     this.m_UserChangedLimit       = userChangedLimit;
     this.m_UseNagleAlgorithm      = ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm;
     this.m_Expect100Continue      = ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue;
     this.m_ConnectionGroupList    = new Hashtable(10);
     this.m_ConnectionLeaseTimeout = -1;
     this.m_ReceiveBufferSize      = -1;
     this.m_UseTcpKeepAlive        = ServicePointManager.s_UseTcpKeepAlive;
     this.m_TcpKeepAliveTime       = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveTime;
     this.m_TcpKeepAliveInterval   = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveInterval;
     this.m_Understands100Continue = true;
     this.m_HttpBehaviour          = System.Net.HttpBehaviour.Unknown;
     this.m_IdleSince              = DateTime.Now;
     this.m_ExpiringTimer          = this.m_IdlingQueue.CreateTimer(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate, this);
Beispiel #9
        protected override void OnTick()
            if (Trade.IsExecuting)

            //Local declaration
            TriState _Open_Sell_Position = new TriState();
            TriState _Open_Buy_Position  = new TriState();

            //Step 1
            _Open      = MarketSeries.Open.Last(1);
            _Close     = MarketSeries.Close.Last(1);
            _Transform = Transform(_Candle_Points, 2);

            //Step 2

            //Step 3

            //Step 4

            //Step 5
            if ((((_Open - (_Close)) >= _Transform) && (MarketSeries.TickVolume.LastValue == 1)))
                _Open_Sell_Position = _OpenPosition(0, true, Symbol.Code, TradeType.Sell, _Lots, 10, _SL_Points, _TP_Points, "");
            if ((((_Close - (_Open)) >= _Transform) && (MarketSeries.TickVolume.LastValue == 1)))
                _Open_Buy_Position = _OpenPosition(0, true, Symbol.Code, TradeType.Buy, _Lots, 10, _SL_Points, _TP_Points, "");
Beispiel #10
        protected override void OnTick()
            if (Trade.IsExecuting)

            //Local declaration
            TriState _Open_Sell_Position = new TriState();
            TriState _Open_Buy_Position = new TriState();

            //Step 1
            _Open = MarketSeries.Open.Last(1);
            _Close = MarketSeries.Close.Last(1);
            _Transform = Transform(_Candle_Points, 2);

            //Step 2

            //Step 3

            //Step 4

            //Step 5
            if ((((_Open - (_Close)) >= _Transform) && (MarketSeries.TickVolume.LastValue == 1)))
                _Open_Sell_Position = _OpenPosition(0, true, Symbol.Code, TradeType.Sell, _Lots, 10, _SL_Points, _TP_Points, "");
            if ((((_Close - (_Open)) >= _Transform) && (MarketSeries.TickVolume.LastValue == 1)))
                _Open_Buy_Position = _OpenPosition(0, true, Symbol.Code, TradeType.Buy, _Lots, 10, _SL_Points, _TP_Points, "");

Beispiel #11
// Private methods
        void Initialize()
            encoding                = Encoding.UTF8;
            omitXmlDecl             = false;
            newLineHandling         = NewLineHandling.Replace;
            newLineChars            = Environment.NewLine; // "\r\n" on Windows, "\n" on Unix
            indent                  = TriState.Unknown;
            indentChars             = "  ";
            newLineOnAttributes     = false;
            closeOutput             = false;
            namespaceHandling       = NamespaceHandling.Default;
            conformanceLevel        = ConformanceLevel.Document;
            checkCharacters         = true;
            writeEndDocumentOnClose = true;

            outputMethod = XmlOutputMethod.Xml;
            mergeCDataSections       = false;
            mediaType                = null;
            docTypeSystem            = null;
            docTypePublic            = null;
            standalone               = XmlStandalone.Omit;
            doNotEscapeUriAttributes = false;

            useAsync = false;
            isReadOnly = false;
Beispiel #12
 public PackageState(uint uid, TriState state, string info)
     this.uid   = uid;
     this.state = state;  = info;  = new uint[0];
Beispiel #13
        protected override void OnTick()
            if (Trade.IsExecuting)

            //Local declaration
            TriState _Close_Position = new TriState();
            TriState _Close_Position_2 = new TriState();
            TriState _Buy = new TriState();
            TriState _Sell = new TriState();

            //Step 1
            _Moving_Average_200MA = i_Moving_Average_200MA.Result.Last(0);
            _Relative_Strength_Index = i_Relative_Strength_Index.Result.Last(0);
            _Moving_Average_5MA = i_Moving_Average_5MA.Result.Last(0);

            //Step 2
            _Compare_7 = (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _Moving_Average_5MA);
            _Compare_4 = (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _Moving_Average_5MA);

            //Step 3
            _AND_2 = ((_Relative_Strength_Index < 5) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _Moving_Average_200MA) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _Moving_Average_5MA) && (i_Relative_Strength_Index_2.Result.Last(1) < _Relative_Strength_Index));
            if (_Compare_7)
                _Close_Position = _ClosePosition(1, Symbol.Code, 0);
            _AND = ((_Relative_Strength_Index > 95) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _Moving_Average_5MA) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _Moving_Average_200MA) && (_Relative_Strength_Index > i_Relative_Strength_Index_2.Result.Last(1)));
            if (_Compare_4)
                _Close_Position_2 = _ClosePosition(2, Symbol.Code, 0);

            //Step 4
            if (_AND_2)
                _Buy = Buy(1, _Open_Lot, 1, _StopLoss_Pips, 1, 0, 0, _MaxOpenTrade, _MaxTradingFreqMins, "");
            if (_AND)
                _Sell = Sell(2, _Open_Lot, 1, _StopLoss_Pips, 1, 0, 0, _MaxOpenTrade, _MaxTradingFreqMins, "");

Beispiel #14
 private void OnTriState(TriState t)
     if (TriStateProperty != null)
Beispiel #15
        protected override void OnTick()
            if (Trade.IsExecuting)

            //Local declaration
            TriState _Close_Position = new TriState();
            TriState _Close_Position_2 = new TriState();
            TriState _Sell = new TriState();
            TriState _Buy = new TriState();

            //Step 1
            _Relative_Strength_Index = i_Relative_Strength_Index.Result.Last(0);
            _Moving_Average_200MA = i_Moving_Average_200MA.Result.Last(0);
            _Moving_Average_5MA = i_Moving_Average_5MA.Result.Last(0);

            //Step 2
            _Compare_7 = (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _Moving_Average_5MA);
            _Compare_4 = (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _Moving_Average_5MA);

            //Step 3
            _AND_2 = ((_Relative_Strength_Index < 5) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _Moving_Average_200MA) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _Moving_Average_5MA));
            if (_Compare_7)
                _Close_Position = _ClosePosition(1, Symbol.Code, 0);
            if (_Compare_4)
                _Close_Position_2 = _ClosePosition(2, Symbol.Code, 0);
            _AND = ((_Relative_Strength_Index > 95) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _Moving_Average_5MA) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _Moving_Average_200MA));

            //Step 4
            if (_AND)
                _Sell = Sell(2, 0.5, 0, 360, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0, "");
            if (_AND_2)
                _Buy = Buy(1, 0.5, 0, 360, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0, "");

Beispiel #16
        internal void SetAutoValues()
            if (this.owner is TextBoxBase)
            else if (this.owner is NumericUpDown)
            else if (this.owner is CheckBox)
            else if (this.owner is RadioButton)
            else if (this.owner is Button)
            // DataGridViewCell ??
            // TreeNode ??

            _hidden = owner.Visible ? TriState.False : TriState.True;

            // determine label
            Control prevControl = this.owner.Parent?.GetNextControl(this.owner, false);

            if (prevControl != null && prevControl is Label)
                _labeledBy = prevControl;
Beispiel #17
        protected override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)

            situationTokenizedTexts = new Dictionary <ExtendedSituation, List <List <Token> > >();

            isRandom      = node.GetBoolean("Random", false);
            resetOnLaunch = node.GetBoolean("ResetOnLaunch", false);

            evaOnly = node.GetEnum("EvaOnly", TriState.UseDefault);

            foreach (ConfigNode section in node.GetNodes())
                string name =;
                    ExtendedSituation situation = (ExtendedSituation)(object)ConfigNode.ParseEnum(typeof(ExtendedSituation), name);

                    if (!situationTokenizedTexts.ContainsKey(situation))
                        situationTokenizedTexts.Add(situation, new List <List <Token> >());
                        messageIndices.Add(situation, -1);
                    Historian.Print($"Unrecognised situation block {name} in TEXT_LIST");
 /// <summary>
 ///   Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WeakConcurrentDictionary&lt;TKey, TValue&gt;"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="concurrencyLevel">The estimated number of threads that will update the lookup concurrently.</param>
 /// <param name="capacity">The initial number of elements that the lookup can contain.</param>
 /// <param name="comparer">The comparer to use when comparing keys.</param>
 /// <param name="allowResurrection">
 ///   If set to <see langword="true"/> then allow resurrections.
 ///   If unset will allow resurrection if the type does not support dispose.
 /// </param>
 public WeakConcurrentDictionary(
     int concurrencyLevel = 0,
     int capacity         = 0,
     [CanBeNull] IEqualityComparer <TKey> comparer = null,
     TriState allowResurrection = default(TriState))
     : this(null, concurrencyLevel, capacity, comparer, allowResurrection)
Beispiel #19
 private void SetTriState(TriState state)
     this.triState = state;
     if (((base.TreeView != null) && base.TreeView.IsHandleCreated) && (base.Handle != IntPtr.Zero))
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Miracle.FileZilla.Api.Test.RandomTriStateSequenceGenerator"/> class
        /// for a specific range of TriStates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minTriState">The lower bound of the TriState range.</param>
        /// <param name="maxTriState">The uppder bound of the TriState range.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// <paramref name="minTriState"/> is greater than <paramref name="maxTriState"/>.
        /// </exception>
        public RandomTriStateSequenceGenerator(TriState minTriState, TriState maxTriState)
            if (minTriState >= maxTriState)
                throw new ArgumentException("The 'minTriState' argument must be less than the 'maxTriState'.");

            this.randomizer = new RandomNumericSequenceGenerator((byte)minTriState, (byte)maxTriState);
Beispiel #21
        public void TriState_ToString_DefaultsToYesNoUnknownStyle()
            TriState testTriState = (Random.Next() % 3 - 1);

                "The string representation of a TriState should default to YesUnknownNo formatting.");
Beispiel #22
        public void TriState_IFormattableWithFormatT_GivesSameResultAsToStringTrueUndefinedFalse()
            TriState testTriState = (Random.Next() % 3 - 1);

                testTriState.ToString("T", null),
                "The result of IFormattable.ToString with format 'T' should be the same as ToString with style TrueUndefinedFalse.");
Beispiel #23
        public void TriState_IFormattableWithFormatY_GivesSameResultAsToStringYesUnknownNo()
            TriState testTriState = (Random.Next() % 3 - 1);

                testTriState.ToString("Y", null),
                "The result of IFormattable.ToString with format 'Y' should be the same as ToString with style YesUnknownNo.");
Beispiel #24
        public void TriState_IFormattableWithFormatN_GivesSameResultAsToStringNegativeEqualPositive()
            TriState testTriState = (Random.Next() % 3 - 1);

                testTriState.ToString("N", null),
                "The result of IFormattable.ToString with format 'N' should be the same as ToString with style NegativeEqualPositive.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Miracle.FileZilla.Api.Test.RandomTriStateSequenceGenerator"/> class
        /// for a specific range of TriStates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minTriState">The lower bound of the TriState range.</param>
        /// <param name="maxTriState">The uppder bound of the TriState range.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// <paramref name="minTriState"/> is greater than <paramref name="maxTriState"/>.
        /// </exception>
        public RandomTriStateSequenceGenerator(TriState minTriState, TriState maxTriState)
            if (minTriState >= maxTriState)
                throw new ArgumentException("The 'minTriState' argument must be less than the 'maxTriState'.");

            this.randomizer = new RandomNumericSequenceGenerator((byte)minTriState, (byte)maxTriState);
Beispiel #26
 public Variable(Definition def, string name, DataType dataType, Value value, bool isArg, TriState isInitialized, bool isUsed)
     _def           = def;
     _name          = name;
     _dataType      = dataType;
     _value         = value;
     _isArg         = isArg;
     _isInitialized = isInitialized;
     _isUsed        = isUsed;
Beispiel #27
        public void TriState_IFormattableWithInvalidStyle_ThrowsFormatException()
            Random   randSource       = new Random();
            TriState testTriState     = (Random.Next() % 3 - 1);
            String   testInvalidStyle = "ThisIsNotAValidStyleType";

            TriState.Style testStyle;
            Assert.IsFalse(Enum.TryParse(testInvalidStyle, false, out testStyle));
            String value = testTriState.ToString("ThisIsNotAValidStyleType", null);
Beispiel #28
        public static string FormatCurrency(object o, int NumDigitsAfterDecimal, TriState IncludeLeadingDigit, TriState UseParensForNegativeNumbers, TriState GroupDigits)
            if (o == null || o is DateTime)
                throw (new Exception("Invalid currency expression"));
            string sValue = String.Format("{0:$#,#}", o);

Beispiel #29
 private void SetAppDomain(bool useSandBoxAppDomain)
     if (useSandBoxAppDomain)
         m_executeInSandbox = TriState.True;
     m_executeInSandbox = TriState.False;
Beispiel #30
        protected override void OnTick()
            if (Trade.IsExecuting)

            //Local declaration
            TriState _CloseShortPosition = new TriState();
            TriState _CloseLongPosition  = new TriState();
            TriState _Buy = new TriState();
            TriState _LongSimple_TrailingStop  = new TriState();
            TriState _ShortSimple_TrailingStop = new TriState();
            TriState _Sell = new TriState();

            //Step 1
            _TrendMovingAverage   = i_TrendMovingAverage.Result.Last(0);
            _Intermediate_SMA     = i_Intermediate_SMA.Result.Last(0);
            _RSI_StopLoss         = i_RSI_StopLoss.Result.Last((int)_wRSI_Shift);
            _TriggerMovingAverage = i_TriggerMovingAverage.Result.Last(0);
            _RSI = i_RSI.Result.Last((int)_cRSI_MA_Shift);

            //Step 2
            _CompareCloseShort = (_RSI_StopLoss <= _wRSI_CloseShortLevel);
            _CompareCloseLong  = (_RSI_StopLoss >= _wRSI_CloseLongLevel);

            //Step 3
            _AND_2 = ((MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) > _TriggerMovingAverage) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last((int)_OHLC_Shift) < _TrendMovingAverage) && (_RSI > _cRSI_OverBoughtLevel) && (MarketData.GetSeries(TimeFrame.Daily).Close.Last((int)_OHLC_Shift) < _Intermediate_SMA));
            if (_CompareCloseShort)
                _CloseShortPosition = _ClosePosition((_MagicNumber + (1)), Symbol.Code, 0);
            _AND = ((MarketSeries.Close.Last((int)_OHLC_Shift) > _TrendMovingAverage) && (MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) < _TriggerMovingAverage) && (_RSI < _cRSI_OverSoldLevel) && (MarketData.GetSeries(TimeFrame.Daily).Close.Last((int)_OHLC_Shift) > _Intermediate_SMA));
            _AgregateArithmetic = ((i_Average_True_Range.Result.Last((int)_ATR_MA) * (_Pips_Multiplier)) * (_ATR_Risk_Multiplier));
            if (_CompareCloseLong)
                _CloseLongPosition = _ClosePosition(_MagicNumber, Symbol.Code, 0);

            //Step 4

            //Step 5

            //Step 6
            if (_AND)
                _Buy = Buy(_MagicNumber, _LotSize, 1, ((Symbol.Ask + (_AgregateArithmetic)) / (_EquityIndexDivisor)), 0, 0, 1, _MaxOpenTrades, _MaxFreqMins, "");
            _LongSimple_TrailingStop  = Simple_Trailing_Stop(_MagicNumber, 0, (Symbol.Ask + (_AgregateArithmetic)), ((Symbol.Ask + (_AgregateArithmetic)) / (_TrailingStop_Dividsor_Value)));
            _ShortSimple_TrailingStop = Simple_Trailing_Stop((_MagicNumber + (1)), 0, (Symbol.Ask + (_AgregateArithmetic)), ((Symbol.Ask + (_AgregateArithmetic)) / (_TrailingStop_Dividsor_Value)));
            if (_AND_2)
                _Sell = Sell((_MagicNumber + (1)), _LotSize, 1, ((Symbol.Ask + (_AgregateArithmetic)) / (_EquityIndexDivisor)), 0, 0, 1, _MaxOpenTrades, _MaxFreqMins, "");
 internal unsafe HttpListenerRequest(System.Net.HttpListenerContext httpContext, RequestContextBase memoryBlob)
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext) + " memoryBlob# " + ValidationHelper.HashString((IntPtr) memoryBlob.RequestBlob));
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.Associate(Logging.HttpListener, this, httpContext);
     this.m_HttpContext = httpContext;
     this.m_MemoryBlob = memoryBlob;
     this.m_BoundaryType = BoundaryType.None;
     this.m_RequestId = memoryBlob.RequestBlob.RequestId;
     this.m_ConnectionId = memoryBlob.RequestBlob.ConnectionId;
     this.m_SslStatus = (memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pSslInfo == null) ? SslStatus.Insecure : ((memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pSslInfo.SslClientCertNegotiated == 0) ? SslStatus.NoClientCert : SslStatus.ClientCert);
     if ((memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pRawUrl != null) && (memoryBlob.RequestBlob.RawUrlLength > 0))
         this.m_RawUrl = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr) memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pRawUrl, memoryBlob.RequestBlob.RawUrlLength);
     UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_COOKED_URL cookedUrl = memoryBlob.RequestBlob.CookedUrl;
     if ((cookedUrl.pHost != null) && (cookedUrl.HostLength > 0))
         this.m_CookedUrlHost = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr) cookedUrl.pHost, cookedUrl.HostLength / 2);
     if ((cookedUrl.pAbsPath != null) && (cookedUrl.AbsPathLength > 0))
         this.m_CookedUrlPath = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr) cookedUrl.pAbsPath, cookedUrl.AbsPathLength / 2);
     if ((cookedUrl.pQueryString != null) && (cookedUrl.QueryStringLength > 0))
         this.m_CookedUrlQuery = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr) cookedUrl.pQueryString, cookedUrl.QueryStringLength / 2);
     this.m_Version = new Version(memoryBlob.RequestBlob.Version.MajorVersion, memoryBlob.RequestBlob.Version.MinorVersion);
     this.m_ClientCertState = ListenerClientCertState.NotInitialized;
     this.m_KeepAlive = TriState.Unspecified;
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext) + " RequestUri:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(this.RequestUri) + " Content-Length:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(this.ContentLength64) + " HTTP Method:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(this.HttpMethod));
     if (Logging.On)
         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("HttpListenerRequest Headers:\n");
         for (int i = 0; i < this.Headers.Count; i++)
             builder.Append(" : ");
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", builder.ToString());
        protected override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)

            foreach (ExtendedSituation key in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(ExtendedSituation)))
                situations.Add(key, Parser.GetTokens(node.GetString(key.ToString(), "")));

            evaOnly = node.GetEnum("EvaOnly", TriState.UseDefault);
        public void SetFieldValue_StateDefault_ReturnsEmptyString()
            TriState value = TriState.Default;

            var result = _handler.SetFieldValue(value, null);

            Assert.AreEqual("", result);
 internal unsafe HttpListenerRequest(System.Net.HttpListenerContext httpContext, RequestContextBase memoryBlob)
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext) + " memoryBlob# " + ValidationHelper.HashString((IntPtr)memoryBlob.RequestBlob));
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.Associate(Logging.HttpListener, this, httpContext);
     this.m_HttpContext  = httpContext;
     this.m_MemoryBlob   = memoryBlob;
     this.m_BoundaryType = BoundaryType.None;
     this.m_RequestId    = memoryBlob.RequestBlob.RequestId;
     this.m_ConnectionId = memoryBlob.RequestBlob.ConnectionId;
     this.m_SslStatus    = (memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pSslInfo == null) ? SslStatus.Insecure : ((memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pSslInfo.SslClientCertNegotiated == 0) ? SslStatus.NoClientCert : SslStatus.ClientCert);
     if ((memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pRawUrl != null) && (memoryBlob.RequestBlob.RawUrlLength > 0))
         this.m_RawUrl = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)memoryBlob.RequestBlob.pRawUrl, memoryBlob.RequestBlob.RawUrlLength);
     UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_COOKED_URL cookedUrl = memoryBlob.RequestBlob.CookedUrl;
     if ((cookedUrl.pHost != null) && (cookedUrl.HostLength > 0))
         this.m_CookedUrlHost = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)cookedUrl.pHost, cookedUrl.HostLength / 2);
     if ((cookedUrl.pAbsPath != null) && (cookedUrl.AbsPathLength > 0))
         this.m_CookedUrlPath = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)cookedUrl.pAbsPath, cookedUrl.AbsPathLength / 2);
     if ((cookedUrl.pQueryString != null) && (cookedUrl.QueryStringLength > 0))
         this.m_CookedUrlQuery = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)cookedUrl.pQueryString, cookedUrl.QueryStringLength / 2);
     this.m_Version         = new Version(memoryBlob.RequestBlob.Version.MajorVersion, memoryBlob.RequestBlob.Version.MinorVersion);
     this.m_ClientCertState = ListenerClientCertState.NotInitialized;
     this.m_KeepAlive       = TriState.Unspecified;
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext) + " RequestUri:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(this.RequestUri) + " Content-Length:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(this.ContentLength64) + " HTTP Method:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(this.HttpMethod));
     if (Logging.On)
         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("HttpListenerRequest Headers:\n");
         for (int i = 0; i < this.Headers.Count; i++)
             builder.Append(" : ");
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", builder.ToString());
Beispiel #35
            public bool IsBlockElement()
                if (_isBlockElement == TriState.Undefined)
                    _isBlockElement = this.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element &&
                                      ? TriState.True : TriState.False;;

                return(_isBlockElement == TriState.True);
        public void SetFieldValue_StateYes_ReturnsStringOne()
            TriState value = TriState.Yes;

            var result = _handler.SetFieldValue(value, null);

            Assert.AreEqual("1", result);
 internal FtpDataStream(NetworkStream networkStream, FtpWebRequest request, TriState writeOnly)  {
     GlobalLog.Print("FtpDataStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::FtpDataStream");
     m_Readable = true;
     m_Writeable = true;
     if (writeOnly == TriState.True) {
         m_Readable = false;
     } else if (writeOnly == TriState.False) {
         m_Writeable = false;
     m_NetworkStream = networkStream;
     m_Request = request;
Beispiel #38
        internal FtpDataStream(NetworkStream networkStream, FtpWebRequest request, TriState writeOnly)
            if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) NetEventSource.Info(this);

            _readable = true;
            _writeable = true;
            if (writeOnly == TriState.True)
                _readable = false;
            else if (writeOnly == TriState.False)
                _writeable = false;
            _networkStream = networkStream;
            _request = request;
 public override bool CanResetValue(object component)
     if (this.canReset == TriState.Unknown)
         this.canReset = TriState.Yes;
         Array a = (Array) component;
         for (int i = 0; i < this.descriptors.Length; i++)
             if (!this.descriptors[i].CanResetValue(this.GetPropertyOwnerForComponent(a, i)))
                 this.canReset = TriState.No;
     return (this.canReset == TriState.Yes);
Beispiel #40
        internal FtpDataStream(NetworkStream networkStream, FtpWebRequest request, TriState writeOnly)
            if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled)
                GlobalLog.Print("FtpDataStream#" + LoggingHash.HashString(this) + "::FtpDataStream");

            _readable = true;
            _writeable = true;
            if (writeOnly == TriState.True)
                _readable = false;
            else if (writeOnly == TriState.False)
                _writeable = false;
            _networkStream = networkStream;
            _request = request;
// Private methods
        void Initialize() {
            encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            omitXmlDecl = false;
            newLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Replace;
            newLineChars = Environment.NewLine; // "\r\n" on Windows, "\n" on Unix
            indent = TriState.Unknown;
            indentChars = "  ";
            newLineOnAttributes = false;
            closeOutput = false;
            namespaceHandling = NamespaceHandling.Default;
            conformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document;
            checkCharacters = true;
            writeEndDocumentOnClose = true;

            outputMethod = XmlOutputMethod.Xml;
            mergeCDataSections = false;
            mediaType = null;
            docTypeSystem = null;
            docTypePublic = null;
            standalone = XmlStandalone.Omit;
            doNotEscapeUriAttributes = false;

            useAsync = false;
            isReadOnly = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Forces the the list collection wrapper to reset it's internal trackers (i.e. resynchronize with the list).
 /// </summary>
 public void Refresh()
     isReadonly = TriState.NotAssigned;
     isFixedSize = TriState.NotAssigned;
     count = -1;
        internal ServicePoint(string host, int port, TimerThread.Queue defaultIdlingQueue, int defaultConnectionLimit, string lookupString, bool userChangedLimit, bool proxyServicePoint) {
            GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor(" + lookupString+")");
            if (Logging.On) Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "ServicePoint", host + ":" + port);
            m_ProxyServicePoint     = proxyServicePoint;
            m_ConnectionName        = "ByHost:"+host+":"+port.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            m_IdlingQueue           = defaultIdlingQueue;
            m_ConnectionLimit       = defaultConnectionLimit;
            m_HostLoopbackGuess     = TriState.Unspecified;
            m_LookupString          = lookupString;
            m_UserChangedLimit      = userChangedLimit;
            m_ConnectionGroupList   = new Hashtable(10);
            m_ConnectionLeaseTimeout = System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite;
            m_ReceiveBufferSize     = -1;
            m_Host = host;
            m_Port = port;
            m_HostMode = true;

            // upon creation, the service point should be idle, by default
            m_IdleSince             = DateTime.Now;
            m_ExpiringTimer         = m_IdlingQueue.CreateTimer(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate, this);
            m_IdleConnectionGroupTimeoutDelegate = new TimerThread.Callback(IdleConnectionGroupTimeoutCallback);
 public AsyncTriState(TriState newValue) {
     Value = newValue;
        private void CompleteStartRequest(bool onSubmitThread, HttpWebRequest request, TriState needReConnect) {
            GlobalLog.Enter("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest", ValidationHelper.HashString(request));
            GlobalLog.ThreadContract(ThreadKinds.Unknown, "Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest");

            if (needReConnect == TriState.True) {
                // Socket is not alive.

                GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest() Queue StartConnection Delegate ");
                try {
                    if (request.Async) {
                        CompleteStartConnection(true, request);
                    else if (onSubmitThread) {
                        CompleteStartConnection(false, request);
                    // else - fall through and wake up other thread
                catch (Exception exception) {
                    GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest(): exception: " + exception.ToString());
                    if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception)) throw;
                    // Should not be here because CompleteStartConnection and below tries to catch everything

                // If neeeded wake up other thread where SubmitRequest was called
                if (!request.Async) {
                    GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest() Invoking Async Result");
                    request.ConnectionAsyncResult.InvokeCallback(new AsyncTriState(needReConnect));

                GlobalLog.Leave("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest", "needReConnect");

            // From now on the request.SetRequestSubmitDone must be called or it may hang
            // For a [....] request the write side reponse windowwas opened in HttpWebRequest.SubmitRequest
            if (request.Async)

            ConnectStream writeStream = new ConnectStream(this, request);

            // Call the request to let them know that we have a write-stream, this might invoke Send() call
            if (request.Async || onSubmitThread) {
            else {
                GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest() Invoking Async Result");
            GlobalLog.Leave("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CompleteStartRequest");
 public static string FormatPercent(object Expression, int NumDigitsAfterDecimal, TriState IncludeLeadingDigit, TriState UseParensForNegativeNumbers, TriState GroupDigits)
        private void InternalWriteStartNextRequest(HttpWebRequest request, ref bool calledCloseConnection, ref TriState startRequestResult, ref HttpWebRequest nextRequest, ref ConnectionReturnResult returnResult) {
            GlobalLog.ThreadContract(ThreadKinds.Unknown, "Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::InternalWriteStartNextRequest");

            lock(this) {

                GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::WriteStartNextRequest() setting WriteDone:" + m_WriteDone.ToString() + " to true");
                m_WriteDone = true;

                // If we're not doing keep alive, and the read on this connection
                // has already completed, now is the time to close the
                // connection.
                //need to wait for read to set the error
                if (!m_KeepAlive || m_Error != WebExceptionStatus.Success || !CanBePooled) {
                    GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::WriteStartNextRequest() m_WriteList.Count:" + m_WriteList.Count);
                    if (m_ReadDone) {
                        // We could be closing because of an unexpected keep-alive
                        // failure, ie we pipelined a few requests and in the middle
                        // the remote server stopped doing keep alive. In this
                        // case m_Error could be success, which would be misleading.
                        // So in that case we'll set it to connection closed.

                        if (m_Error == WebExceptionStatus.Success) {
                            // Only reason we could have gotten here is because
                            // we're not keeping the connection alive.
                            m_Error = WebExceptionStatus.KeepAliveFailure;

                        // PrepareCloseConnectionSocket is called with the critical section
                        // held. Note that we know since it's not a keep-alive
                        // connection the read half wouldn't have posted a receive
                        // for this connection, so it's OK to call PrepareCloseConnectionSocket now.
                        PrepareCloseConnectionSocket(ref returnResult);
                        calledCloseConnection = true;
                    else {
                        if (m_Error!=WebExceptionStatus.Success) {
                            GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::WriteStartNextRequest() a Failure, m_Error = " + m_Error.ToString());
                else {
                    // If we're pipelining, we get get the next request going
                    // as soon as the write is done. Otherwise we have to wait
                    // until both read and write are done.

                    GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::WriteStartNextRequest() Non-Error m_WriteList.Count:" + m_WriteList.Count + " m_WaitList.Count:" + m_WaitList.Count);

                    if (m_Pipelining || m_ReadDone)
                        nextRequest = CheckNextRequest();
                    if (nextRequest != null)
                        // This codepath doesn't handle the case where the server has closed the Connection because we
                        // just finished using it and didn't get a Connection: close header.
                        startRequestResult = StartRequest(nextRequest, false);
                        GlobalLog.Assert(startRequestResult != TriState.Unspecified, "WriteStartNextRequest got TriState.Unspecified from StartRequest, things are about to hang!");
            } // lock
Beispiel #48
        private void InternalSetTriState(TriState state)
            ThreeStateTreeView treeView = base.TreeView as ThreeStateTreeView;
            if (treeView != null)
                WinFormsUI.Controls.NativeMethods.TVITEM lParam = new WinFormsUI.Controls.NativeMethods.TVITEM {
                    mask = 24,
                    hItem = base.Handle,
                    stateMask = 61440
                switch (state)
                    case TriState.Unchecked:
                        lParam.state |= 4096;

                    case TriState.Checked:
                        lParam.state |= 8192;

                    case TriState.Indeterminate:
                        lParam.state |= 12288;

                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("state");
                WinFormsUI.Controls.NativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(base.TreeView, base.TreeView.Handle), 4365, 0, ref lParam);
Beispiel #49
 public static string FormatCurrency(object o, int NumDigitsAfterDecimal, TriState IncludeLeadingDigit, TriState UseParensForNegativeNumbers, TriState GroupDigits)
     // 07/31/2006 Paul.  We will always format with thousands separator and zero decimal places.
     //string sCurrencySymbol = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol;
     if ( o == null || o is DateTime )
         throw(new Exception("Invalid currency expression"));
     string sValue = String.Format("{0:$#,#}", o);
     return sValue;
        // constructors
        internal ServicePoint(Uri address, TimerThread.Queue defaultIdlingQueue, int defaultConnectionLimit, string lookupString, bool userChangedLimit, bool proxyServicePoint) {
            GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor(" + lookupString+")");
            if (Logging.On) Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "ServicePoint", address.DnsSafeHost + ":" + address.Port);

            m_ProxyServicePoint     = proxyServicePoint;
            m_Address               = address;
            m_ConnectionName        = address.Scheme;
            m_Host                  = address.DnsSafeHost;
            m_Port                  = address.Port;
            m_IdlingQueue           = defaultIdlingQueue;
            m_ConnectionLimit       = defaultConnectionLimit;
            m_HostLoopbackGuess     = TriState.Unspecified;
            m_LookupString          = lookupString;
            m_UserChangedLimit      = userChangedLimit;
            m_UseNagleAlgorithm     = ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm;
            m_Expect100Continue     = ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue;
            m_ConnectionGroupList   = new Hashtable(10);
            m_ConnectionLeaseTimeout = System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite;
            m_ReceiveBufferSize     = -1;
            m_UseTcpKeepAlive       = ServicePointManager.s_UseTcpKeepAlive;
            m_TcpKeepAliveTime      = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveTime;
            m_TcpKeepAliveInterval  = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveInterval;

            // it would be safer to make sure the server is 1.1
            // but assume it is at the beginning, and update it later
            m_Understands100Continue = true;
            m_HttpBehaviour         = HttpBehaviour.Unknown;

            // upon creation, the service point should be idle, by default
            m_IdleSince             = DateTime.Now;
            m_ExpiringTimer         = m_IdlingQueue.CreateTimer(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate, this);
            m_IdleConnectionGroupTimeoutDelegate = new TimerThread.Callback(IdleConnectionGroupTimeoutCallback);
Beispiel #51
        internal HttpWebRequest(Uri uri, ServicePoint servicePoint) {
            if(Logging.On)Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "HttpWebRequest", uri);

            CheckConnectPermission(uri, false);

            m_StartTimestamp = NetworkingPerfCounters.GetTimestamp();

            // OOPS, This ctor can also be called with FTP scheme but then it should only allowed if going through the proxy
            // Something to think about...
            //if ((object)uri.Scheme != (object)Uri.UriSchemeHttp && (object)uri.Scheme != (object)Uri.UriSchemeHttps)
                //throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("uri");

            GlobalLog.Print("HttpWebRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor(" + uri.ToString() + ")");
            // internal constructor, HttpWebRequest cannot be created directly
            // but only through WebRequest.Create() method
            // set defaults
            _HttpRequestHeaders         = new WebHeaderCollection(WebHeaderCollectionType.HttpWebRequest);
            _Proxy                      = WebRequest.InternalDefaultWebProxy;
            _HttpWriteMode              = HttpWriteMode.Unknown;
            _MaximumAllowedRedirections = 50;
            _Timeout                    = WebRequest.DefaultTimeout;
            _TimerQueue                 = WebRequest.DefaultTimerQueue;
            _ReadWriteTimeout           = DefaultReadWriteTimeout;
            _MaximumResponseHeadersLength = DefaultMaximumResponseHeadersLength;
            _ContentLength              = -1;
            _originalContentLength      = -1;
            _OriginVerb                 = KnownHttpVerb.Get;
            _OriginUri                  = uri;
            _Uri                        = _OriginUri;
            _ServicePoint               = servicePoint;
            _RequestIsAsync             = TriState.Unspecified;
            m_ContinueTimeout          = DefaultContinueTimeout;
            m_ContinueTimerQueue        = s_ContinueTimerQueue;


            _NextExtension      = 10;

            if(Logging.On)Logging.Exit(Logging.Web, this, "HttpWebRequest", null);
Beispiel #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate boiler-plate code to create an Xml iterator that controls a nested iterator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Iterator iter;
        ///     iter.Create(filter [, orSelf]);
        ///         ...nested iterator...
        ///     navInput = nestedNested;
        ///     goto LabelCall;
        /// LabelNext:
        ///     navInput = null;
        /// LabelCall:
        ///     switch (iter.MoveNext(navInput)) {
        ///         case IteratorState.NoMoreNodes: goto LabelNextCtxt;
        ///         case IteratorState.NextInputNode: goto LabelNextNested;
        ///     }
        /// </remarks>
        private void CreateContainerIterator(QilUnary ndDod, string iterName, Type iterType, MethodInfo methCreate, MethodInfo methNext,
                                                   XmlNodeKindFlags kinds, QilName ndName, TriState orSelf)
            // Iterator iter;
            LocalBuilder locIter = _helper.DeclareLocal(iterName, iterType);
            Label lblOnEndNested;
            QilLoop ndLoop = (QilLoop)ndDod.Child;
            Debug.Assert(ndDod.NodeType == QilNodeType.DocOrderDistinct && ndLoop != null);

            // iter.Create(filter [, orSelf]);
            _helper.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca, locIter);
            LoadSelectFilter(kinds, ndName);
            if (orSelf != TriState.Unknown)
                _helper.LoadBoolean(orSelf == TriState.True);

            // Generate nested iterator (branch to lblOnEndNested when iteration is complete)
            lblOnEndNested = _helper.DefineLabel();
            StartNestedIterator(ndLoop, lblOnEndNested);
            _iterCurr.Storage = _iterNested.Storage;

            GenerateContainerIterator(ndDod, locIter, lblOnEndNested, methNext, typeof(XPathNavigator));
Beispiel #53
        // PERF:
        // removed some double initializations.
        // perf went from:
        // clocks per instruction CPI: 9,098.72 to 1,301.14
        // %app exclusive time: 2.92 to 0.43
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>
        ///       Basic Constructor for HTTP Protocol Class, Initializes to basic header state.
        ///    </para>
        /// </devdoc>
        internal HttpWebRequest(Uri uri, ServicePoint servicePoint)
            if(Logging.On)Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "HttpWebRequest", uri);

            (new WebPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect, uri)).Demand();

            // OOPS, This ctor can also be called with FTP scheme but then it should only allowed if going through the proxy
            // Something to think about...
            //if ((object)uri.Scheme != (object)Uri.UriSchemeHttp && (object)uri.Scheme != (object)Uri.UriSchemeHttps)
                //throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("uri");

            GlobalLog.Print("HttpWebRequest#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor(" + uri.ToString() + ")");
            // internal constructor, HttpWebRequest cannot be created directly
            // but only through WebRequest.Create() method
            // set defaults
            _HttpRequestHeaders         = new WebHeaderCollection(WebHeaderCollectionType.HttpWebRequest);
            _Proxy                      = WebRequest.InternalDefaultWebProxy;
            _HttpWriteMode              = HttpWriteMode.Unknown;
            _MaximumAllowedRedirections = 50;
            _Timeout                    = WebRequest.DefaultTimeout;
            _TimerQueue                 = WebRequest.DefaultTimerQueue;
            _ReadWriteTimeout           = DefaultReadWriteTimeout;
            _MaximumResponseHeadersLength = DefaultMaximumResponseHeadersLength;
            _ContentLength              = -1;
            _OriginVerb                 = KnownHttpVerb.Get;
            _OriginUri                  = uri;
            _Uri                        = _OriginUri;
            _ServicePoint               = servicePoint;
            _RequestIsAsync             = TriState.Unspecified;


            if(Logging.On)Logging.Exit(Logging.Web, this, "HttpWebRequest", null);
Beispiel #54
 private void SetTriState(TriState state)
     this.triState = state;
     if (((base.TreeView != null) && base.TreeView.IsHandleCreated) && (base.Handle != IntPtr.Zero))
 internal ServicePoint(string host, int port, TimerThread.Queue defaultIdlingQueue, int defaultConnectionLimit, string lookupString, bool userChangedLimit, bool proxyServicePoint)
     this.m_HostName = string.Empty;
     this.m_ProxyServicePoint = proxyServicePoint;
     this.m_ConnectionName = "ByHost:" + host + ":" + port.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     this.m_IdlingQueue = defaultIdlingQueue;
     this.m_ConnectionLimit = defaultConnectionLimit;
     this.m_HostLoopbackGuess = TriState.Unspecified;
     this.m_LookupString = lookupString;
     this.m_UserChangedLimit = userChangedLimit;
     this.m_ConnectionGroupList = new Hashtable(10);
     this.m_ConnectionLeaseTimeout = -1;
     this.m_ReceiveBufferSize = -1;
     this.m_Host = host;
     this.m_Port = port;
     this.m_HostMode = true;
     this.m_IdleSince = DateTime.Now;
     this.m_ExpiringTimer = this.m_IdlingQueue.CreateTimer(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate, this);
        internal HttpListenerRequest(HttpListenerContext httpContext, RequestContextBase memoryBlob)
            if (Logging.On) Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext) + " memoryBlob# " + ValidationHelper.HashString((IntPtr) memoryBlob.RequestBlob));
            if(Logging.On)Logging.Associate(Logging.HttpListener, this, httpContext);
            m_HttpContext = httpContext;
            m_MemoryBlob = memoryBlob;
            m_BoundaryType = BoundaryType.None;

            // Set up some of these now to avoid refcounting on memory blob later.
            m_RequestId = memoryBlob.RequestBlob->RequestId;
            m_ConnectionId = memoryBlob.RequestBlob->ConnectionId;
            m_SslStatus = memoryBlob.RequestBlob->pSslInfo == null ? SslStatus.Insecure :
                memoryBlob.RequestBlob->pSslInfo->SslClientCertNegotiated == 0 ? SslStatus.NoClientCert :
            if (memoryBlob.RequestBlob->pRawUrl != null && memoryBlob.RequestBlob->RawUrlLength > 0) {
                m_RawUrl = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr) memoryBlob.RequestBlob->pRawUrl, memoryBlob.RequestBlob->RawUrlLength);
            UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_COOKED_URL cookedUrl = memoryBlob.RequestBlob->CookedUrl;
            if (cookedUrl.pHost != null && cookedUrl.HostLength > 0) {
                m_CookedUrlHost = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)cookedUrl.pHost, cookedUrl.HostLength / 2);
            if (cookedUrl.pAbsPath != null && cookedUrl.AbsPathLength > 0) {
                m_CookedUrlPath = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)cookedUrl.pAbsPath, cookedUrl.AbsPathLength / 2);
            if (cookedUrl.pQueryString != null && cookedUrl.QueryStringLength > 0) {
                m_CookedUrlQuery = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)cookedUrl.pQueryString, cookedUrl.QueryStringLength / 2);
            m_Version = new Version(memoryBlob.RequestBlob->Version.MajorVersion, memoryBlob.RequestBlob->Version.MinorVersion);
            m_ClientCertState = ListenerClientCertState.NotInitialized;
            m_KeepAlive = TriState.Unspecified;
            GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor() RequestId:" + RequestId + " ConnectionId:" + m_ConnectionId + " RawConnectionId:" + memoryBlob.RequestBlob->RawConnectionId + " UrlContext:" + memoryBlob.RequestBlob->UrlContext + " RawUrl:" + m_RawUrl + " Version:" + m_Version.ToString() + " Secure:" + m_SslStatus.ToString());
            if(Logging.On)Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", "httpContext#"+ ValidationHelper.HashString(httpContext)+ " RequestUri:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(RequestUri) + " Content-Length:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(ContentLength64) + " HTTP Method:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(HttpMethod));
            // Log headers
            if(Logging.On) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("HttpListenerRequest Headers:\n");
                for (int i=0; i<Headers.Count; i++) {
                    sb.Append(" : ");
                Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.HttpListener, this, ".ctor", sb.ToString());
Beispiel #57
        TriState Buy(double magicIndex, double Lots, int StopLossMethod, double stopLossValue, int TakeProfitMethod, double takeProfitValue, double Slippage, double MaxOpenTrades, double MaxFrequencyMins, string TradeComment)
            double? stopLossPips, takeProfitPips;
            int numberOfOpenTrades = 0;
            var res = new TriState();

            foreach (Position pos in Positions.FindAll("FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), Symbol))

            if (MaxOpenTrades > 0 && numberOfOpenTrades >= MaxOpenTrades)
                return res;

            if (MaxFrequencyMins > 0)
                if (((TimeSpan)(Server.Time - LastTradeExecution)).TotalMinutes < MaxFrequencyMins)
                    return res;

                foreach (Position pos in Positions.FindAll("FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), Symbol))
                    if (((TimeSpan)(Server.Time - pos.EntryTime)).TotalMinutes < MaxFrequencyMins)
                        return res;

            int pipAdjustment = (int)(Symbol.PipSize / Symbol.TickSize);

            if (stopLossValue > 0)
                if (StopLossMethod == 0)
                    stopLossPips = stopLossValue / pipAdjustment;
                else if (StopLossMethod == 1)
                    stopLossPips = stopLossValue;
                    stopLossPips = (Symbol.Ask - stopLossValue) / Symbol.PipSize;
                stopLossPips = null;

            if (takeProfitValue > 0)
                if (TakeProfitMethod == 0)
                    takeProfitPips = takeProfitValue / pipAdjustment;
                else if (TakeProfitMethod == 1)
                    takeProfitPips = takeProfitValue;
                    takeProfitPips = (takeProfitValue - Symbol.Ask) / Symbol.PipSize;
                takeProfitPips = null;

            Slippage /= pipAdjustment;
            long volume = Symbol.NormalizeVolume(Lots * 100000, RoundingMode.ToNearest);

            if (!ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, volume, "FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), stopLossPips, takeProfitPips, Slippage, TradeComment).IsSuccessful)
                return false;
            LastTradeExecution = Server.Time;
            return true;
Beispiel #58
 // Constructor
 public CodeBlock(Bookmark bookmark, TriState hasBraces)
     : base(bookmark)
     HasBraces = hasBraces;
 /// <include file='doc\PropertyDescriptor.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PropertyDescriptor.CanResetValue"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>
 ///       When overridden in a derived class, indicates whether
 ///       resetting the <paramref name="component "/>will change the value of the
 ///    <paramref name="component"/>.
 /// </para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public override bool CanResetValue(object component) {
     Debug.Assert(component is Array, "MergePropertyDescriptor::CanResetValue called with non-array value");
     if (canReset == TriState.Unknown) {
          canReset = TriState.Yes;
          Array a = (Array)component;
          for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.Length; i++) {
              if (!descriptors[i].CanResetValue(GetPropertyOwnerForComponent(a, i))) {
                  canReset = TriState.No;
      return (canReset == TriState.Yes);
Beispiel #60
        // Parse a brace enclosed statement block
        ast.CodeBlock ParseStatementBlock(TriState BracesInOutput)
            var bmk = t.GetBookmark();

            // Opening brace

            // Statements
            var code = new ast.CodeBlock(bmk, BracesInOutput);

            // Closing brace

            return code;