protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Message m = new Mesage(); // String tgid, String TID, String booking_id //reply.Text = m.getCorrespondence(); Tour_Guide tg = new Tour_Guide(Session["username"].ToString()); tg.setInfo(); String tgid = tg.getTGID(); String TID = Session["TID"].ToString(); String tour_id = Session["tourID"].ToString(); Booking b = new Booking(); String booking_id = b.getBookingIDByTID_tourID(TID, tour_id); String[] readerArr = booking_id.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref readerArr, readerArr.Length - 1); String bk_id = readerArr[0]; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("booking results " + booking_id); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("TID " + TID); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("tour_id " + tour_id); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("booking_id " + bk_id); Session["booking_id"] = bk_id; Message m = new Message(); int maxID = -1; //(String sender_id, String receiver_id, String booking_id, String sender_type, String receiver_type) maxID = m.getLatestMessageID(TID, tgid, bk_id, "TR", "TG"); //String highestMessageID = ""; //if (maxID.Length != 0) //{ // String[] maxIDArr = maxID.Split(';'); // Array.Resize(ref maxIDArr, maxIDArr.Length - 1); // highestMessageID = maxIDArr[0]; //} if (maxID == -1) { reply.Text = "WRONG INDEX"; } else { String msg = m.getCorrespondence(maxID); reply.Text = msg; if (msg.Length != 0) { String[] msgArr = msg.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref msgArr, msgArr.Length - 1); reply.Text = msgArr[0]; } } //reply.Text = m.getCorrespondence(tgid, TID, booking_id); //reply.Text = " HLELO"; }
protected void submitMessage(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tour_Guide tg = new Tour_Guide(Session["username"].ToString()); tg.setInfo(); String tgid = tg.getTGID(); Message m = new Message(); String TID = Session["TID"].ToString(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(TID); String tour_id = Session["tourID"].ToString(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(tour_id); Booking b = new Booking(); String reader = b.getBookingIDByTID_tourID(TID, tour_id); String[] readerArr = reader.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref readerArr, readerArr.Length - 1); String booking_id = readerArr[0]; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; String date = dt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); String msg = TGmsg.Text; m.sendMessageToTR(booking_id, tour_id, tgid, TID, date, msg); Response.Redirect("~/viewTRList.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tour_Guide tg = new Tour_Guide(Session["username"].ToString()); tg.setInfo(); String tgid = tg.getTGID(); Booking b = new Booking(); // tourID, touristID, ratings Tour t = new Tour(); String tour_ids = t.getTourID_completed(tgid); // tourIDs under this tg if (tour_ids != "") { String[] tour_idsArr = tour_ids.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref tour_idsArr, tour_idsArr.Length - 1); for (int i = 0; i < tour_idsArr.Length; i++) { String tourID = tour_idsArr[i]; String reader = b.getTourID_TID_rating(tourID); // tourid, tid, rating if (reader != "") { String[] readerArr = reader.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref readerArr, readerArr.Length - 1); int loops = readerArr.Length / 3; int count = 0; for (int j = 0; j < loops; j++) { TableRow detailsRow = new TableRow(); TableCell tourIDCell = new TableCell(); tourIDCell.Text = readerArr[count]; // tour_id detailsRow.Cells.Add(tourIDCell); count += 1; TableCell tidCell = new TableCell(); tidCell.Text = readerArr[count]; // tourist id detailsRow.Cells.Add(tidCell); count += 1; TableCell countCell = new TableCell(); countCell.Text = readerArr[count]; // rating detailsRow.Cells.Add(countCell); viewRFTRTable.Rows.Add(detailsRow); count += 1; } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tour_Guide tg = new Tour_Guide(Session["username"].ToString()); tg.setInfo(); Tour t = new Tour(); String tgid = tg.getTGID(); String reader = t.viewTourHistoryList(tgid); // tour id and tour name String[] readerArr = reader.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref readerArr, readerArr.Length - 1); // int touristCount = tg.countTourists(readerArr[0].ToString()); //testing1.Text = readerArr[0].ToString(); //testing2.Text = readerArr[1].ToString(); //testing3.Text = readerArr[2].ToString(); //testing4.Text = readerArr[3].ToString(); //tourtotalTR.Text = touristCount.ToString(); Booking b = new Booking(); int loops = readerArr.Length / 2; int count = 0; int touristArrCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) { LinkButton s = new LinkButton(); s.Text = readerArr[count].ToString(); s.Click += new EventHandler(setTourId); TableRow detailsRow = new TableRow(); TableCell tgidCell = new TableCell(); //tgidCell.Controls.Add(link); tgidCell.Controls.Add(s); //tgidCell.Text = readerArr[count].ToString(); detailsRow.Cells.Add(tgidCell); count += 1; TableCell tidCell = new TableCell(); tidCell.Text = readerArr[count].ToString(); detailsRow.Cells.Add(tidCell); TableCell countCell = new TableCell(); countCell.Text = b.countTourists(readerArr[touristArrCounter].ToString()).ToString(); detailsRow.Cells.Add(countCell); TGTHistListTable.Rows.Add(detailsRow); count += 1; touristArrCounter += 2; } }
protected void submitTour(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tour_Guide tg = new Tour_Guide(Session["username"].ToString()); tg.setInfo(); Tour t = new Tour(); String tgid = tg.getTGID(); t.create_Tour(tgid, tourName.Text, tourCat.Text, tourCityCountry.Text, tourStartDate.Text, tourEndDate.Text, tourDesc.Text, tourPrice.Text, "Upcoming"); Response.Redirect("~/homeTG.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tour_Guide tg = new Tour_Guide(Session["username"].ToString()); tg.setInfo(); String tgid = tg.getTGID(); // select tourid from tour where tgid = tgid and status = completed --TOUR TABLE Tour t = new Tour(); String reader = t.getTourID_completed(tgid); String[] readerArr = reader.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref readerArr, readerArr.Length - 1); Booking b = new Booking(); for (int i = 0; i < readerArr.Length; i++) { int count = 0; String tourID = readerArr[i]; String tourID_TID_feedback = b.getTourID_TID_feedback(tourID); // tourid, touristid, feedback --BOOKING TABLE if (tourID_TID_feedback != "") { String[] tourID_TID_feedbackArr = tourID_TID_feedback.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref tourID_TID_feedbackArr, tourID_TID_feedbackArr.Length - 1); int loops = tourID_TID_feedbackArr.Length / 3; for (int j = 0; j < loops; j++) { TableRow detailsRow = new TableRow(); TableCell tourIDCell = new TableCell(); tourIDCell.Text = tourID_TID_feedbackArr[count].ToString(); detailsRow.Cells.Add(tourIDCell); count += 1; TableCell tidCell = new TableCell(); tidCell.Text = tourID_TID_feedbackArr[count].ToString(); detailsRow.Cells.Add(tidCell); count += 1; TableCell countCell = new TableCell(); countCell.Text = tourID_TID_feedbackArr[count].ToString(); detailsRow.Cells.Add(countCell); viewFBFTRTable.Rows.Add(detailsRow); count += 1; } } } }
protected void submitFeedback(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tour_Guide tg = new Tour_Guide(Session["username"].ToString()); tg.setInfo(); Tour t = new Tour(); String tgid = tg.getTGID(); // tgid, bookingid, rating, feedback String TID = Session["TID"].ToString(); String tour_id = Session["tourID"].ToString(); Booking b = new Booking(); String reader = b.getBookingIDByTID_tourID(TID, tour_id); String[] readerArr = reader.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref readerArr, readerArr.Length - 1); String booking_id = readerArr[0]; String ratings = ""; if (rating1.Checked) { ratings = rating1.Text; } else if (rating2.Checked) { ratings = rating2.Text; } else if (rating3.Checked) { ratings = rating3.Text; } else if (rating4.Checked) { ratings = rating4.Text; } else { ratings = rating5.Text; } String feedback = TRFB.Text; TR_Ratings trr = new TR_Ratings(); trr.sendRatingsAndFeedback(tgid, booking_id, ratings, feedback); Response.Redirect("~/viewTRofT.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tour_Guide tg = new Tour_Guide(Session["username"].ToString()); tg.setInfo(); String tgid = tg.getTGID(); TR_Ratings trr = new TR_Ratings(); Booking b = new Booking(); String reader = trr.getBookingID(tgid); // booking_id String[] readerArr = reader.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref readerArr, readerArr.Length - 1); if (readerArr.Length != 0) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < readerArr.Length; i++) { String booking_id = readerArr[i]; String tid_tour_id = b.getTourID_TID(booking_id); String[] tid_tour_idArr = tid_tour_id.Split(';'); // tid & tour_id Array.Resize(ref tid_tour_idArr, tid_tour_idArr.Length - 1); TableRow detailsRow = new TableRow(); TableCell tourIDCell = new TableCell(); tourIDCell.Text = tid_tour_idArr[1].ToString(); // tour_id detailsRow.Cells.Add(tourIDCell); TableCell tidCell = new TableCell(); tidCell.Text = tid_tour_idArr[0].ToString(); // tid detailsRow.Cells.Add(tidCell); String feedback = trr.getFeedback(tgid, booking_id); String[] feedbackArr = feedback.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref feedbackArr, feedbackArr.Length - 1); TableCell countCell = new TableCell(); countCell.Text = feedbackArr[count]; detailsRow.Cells.Add(countCell); viewFB2TRTable.Rows.Add(detailsRow); count += 1; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tour_Guide tg = new Tour_Guide(Session["username"].ToString()); tg.setInfo(); String tgid = tg.getTGID(); // tourID, touristID, ratings // select booking_id, rating FROM TR_Ratings where TGID = tgid AND rating IS NOT NULL TR_Ratings trr = new TR_Ratings(); String reader = trr.getBookingID_rating(tgid); // booking_id, rating String[] readerArr = reader.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref readerArr, readerArr.Length - 1); int loops = readerArr.Length / 2; int bookingCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) { String booking_id = readerArr[bookingCount]; // 2 String rating = readerArr[bookingCount + 1]; // 3 Booking b = new Booking(); String tourID_TID = b.getTourID_TID(booking_id); // tour_id, TID String[] tourID_TIDArr = tourID_TID.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref tourID_TIDArr, tourID_TIDArr.Length - 1); TableRow detailsRow = new TableRow(); TableCell tourIDCell = new TableCell(); tourIDCell.Text = tourID_TIDArr[0]; // tour_id detailsRow.Cells.Add(tourIDCell); TableCell tidCell = new TableCell(); tidCell.Text = tourID_TIDArr[1]; // tourist id detailsRow.Cells.Add(tidCell); TableCell countCell = new TableCell(); countCell.Text = rating; detailsRow.Cells.Add(countCell); viewR2TRTable.Rows.Add(detailsRow); bookingCount += 2; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tour_Guide tg = new Tour_Guide(Session["username"].ToString()); tg.setInfo(); tourID.Text = Session["tourID"].ToString(); String tgid = tg.getTGID(); String TID = Session["tourID"].ToString(); Tour t = new Tour(); String reader = t.ViewTourInfo(TID); String[] readerArr = reader.Split(';'); var startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(readerArr[0].ToString()).Date; tourStartDate.Text = startDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); var endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(readerArr[1].ToString()).Date; tourEndDate.Text = endDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); int days = (int)(endDate - startDate).TotalDays; tourDuration.Text = days.ToString(); tourStatus.Text = readerArr[2].ToString(); tourName.Text = readerArr[3].ToString(); tourDesc.Text = readerArr[4].ToString(); categoryText.Text = readerArr[5].ToString(); tourCityCountry.Text = readerArr[6].ToString(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tour_Guide tg = new Tour_Guide(Session["username"].ToString()); tg.setInfo(); //String reader = tg.ViewUpcomingTours(); Tour t = new Tour(); String tgid = tg.getTGID(); String reader = t.ViewUpcomingTours(tgid); String[] readerArr = reader.Split(';'); Array.Resize(ref readerArr, readerArr.Length - 1); int tuple_length = readerArr.Length + 1; int loops = tuple_length / 3; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) { //HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); //String hyperlink = "~/viewUpTourList.aspx"; //link.NavigateUrl = hyperlink; //link.Text = readerArr[count].ToString(); //link.Attributes.Add("onclick", "setTourId"); LinkButton s = new LinkButton(); s.Text = readerArr[count].ToString(); s.Click += new EventHandler(setTourId); TableRow detailsRow = new TableRow(); TableCell tgidCell = new TableCell(); //tgidCell.Controls.Add(link); tgidCell.Controls.Add(s); //tgidCell.Text = readerArr[count].ToString(); detailsRow.Cells.Add(tgidCell); count += 1; TableCell tidCell = new TableCell(); tidCell.Text = readerArr[count].ToString(); detailsRow.Cells.Add(tidCell); count += 1; TableCell userCell = new TableCell(); userCell.Text = readerArr[count].ToString(); detailsRow.Cells.Add(userCell); TGUpTourListTable.Rows.Add(detailsRow); count += 1; } /* * for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) * { * TableRow detailsRow = new TableRow(); * TableCell tgidCell = new TableCell(); * tgidCell.Text = readerArr[i].ToString(); * detailsRow.Cells.Add(tgidCell); * * //count += 1; * TableCell tidCell = new TableCell(); * tidCell.Text = readerArr[i].ToString(); * detailsRow.Cells.Add(tidCell); * * //count += 1; * TableCell userCell = new TableCell(); * userCell.Text = readerArr[i].ToString(); * detailsRow.Cells.Add(userCell); * * TGUpTourListTable.Rows.Add(detailsRow); * //count = 0; * }*/ }