/// <summary> Calculate the force feedback levels based on material properties. </summary>
    private void UpdateFeedback()
        if (TouchedObject != null)
            Vector3 O = TouchedObject.transform.TransformPoint(entryOrigin); //O origin of collider on touch
            Vector3 E = TouchedObject.transform.TransformPoint(entryPoint);  //E point where the collider touched the object
            Vector3 P = transform.position;                                  //P current collider position

            if (debugDirections)
                Debug.DrawLine(O, E);
                Debug.DrawLine(O, P);
            Vector3 OE = (E - O).normalized;
            Vector3 OP = P - O;
            if (OP.magnitude > 0 && OE.magnitude > 0)
                float cos = Vector3.Dot(OE, OP) / (/*OE.magnitude */ OP.magnitude); //removed OE.magnitude since it is normalized now.
                DistanceInCollider = OP.magnitude * cos;
                DistanceInCollider = 0;

            //we have calculated the distance, now for the material (if any is present)
            if (TouchedMaterialScript != null)
                ForceLevel = TouchedMaterialScript.CalculateForce(DistanceInCollider, (int)this.handLocation);
            //now for the deform script if it exists
            if (TouchedDeformScript != null && DistanceInCollider > 0)
                Vector3 deformPoint = transform.position;
                // limits the position to go no further than the maximum.
                if (DistanceInCollider > TouchedDeformScript.maxDisplacement)
                    deformPoint = O + (OE * TouchedDeformScript.maxDisplacement);
                TouchedDeformScript.AddDeformation(-OE, deformPoint, DistanceInCollider);