Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] arguments)
            const string address = "tcp://localhost:5555";

            //const string service_name = "echo";


            Console.WriteLine("[TitanicClient] Staring Titanic Client\n");
            Console.WriteLine("[TitanicClient] {0} / #{1} Messages\n\n", s_verbose ? "verbose" : "silent", s_runs);

            // wait to allow MDP/Titanic Broker to complete start up

            using (ITitanicClient client = new TitanicClient(address))
                if (s_verbose)
                    client.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e.Info);

                for (var i = 0; i < s_runs; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("[TitanicClient] Loop #{0} entered ...", i);

                    var data = "ERROR! NO REPLY";

                    // does 5 retries to get the reply
                    var reply = client.GetResult("echo", "Hallo World", 5);

                    if (reply == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t[TitanicClient] ran into a problem, received 'null' in loop #{0}", i);

                    data = reply.Item1 != null?Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reply.Item1) : data;

                    if (data != "Hallo World")
                        Console.WriteLine("\t[TitanicClient] Hallo World != {0} on loop #{1} with status {2}", data, i, reply.Item2);

                    if (!ReferenceEquals(reply.Item1, null) && reply.Item2 == TitanicReturnCode.Ok)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t[TitanicClient] Status = {0} - Reply = {1}", reply.Item2, data);

            Console.WriteLine("\n[TitanicClient] To exit press any key!");
Esempio n. 2
        public void GetResult_StringString_ShouldReturnExpectedResult()
            const string expected_phrase = "Thank God Its Friday";
            var          replyFrame      = new NetMQFrame(expected_phrase);

            var fakeMDPClient = new MDPTestClientForTitanicClient {
                ReplyDataFrame = replyFrame
            var sut = new TitanicClient(fakeMDPClient);

            var result = sut.GetResult("echo", expected_phrase);

Esempio n. 3
        public void GetResult_StringIntegerGeneric_ReturnExpectedResult()
            var expected   = new TestEntity();
            var replyFrame = new NetMQFrame(expected.ConvertToBytes());

            var fakeMDPClient = new MDPTestClientForTitanicClient {
                ReplyDataFrame = replyFrame
            var sut = new TitanicClient(fakeMDPClient);

            var result = sut.GetResult <TestEntity, TestEntity> ("echo", expected);

Esempio n. 4
        private static void Main (string[] arguments)
            const string address = "tcp://localhost:5555";
            //const string service_name = "echo";

            SetParameter (arguments);

            Console.WriteLine ("[TitanicClient] Staring Titanic Client\n");
            Console.WriteLine ("[TitanicClient] {0} / #{1} Messages\n\n", s_verbose ? "verbose" : "silent", s_runs);

            // wait to allow MDP/Titanic Broker to complete start up
            Thread.Sleep (500);

            using (ITitanicClient client = new TitanicClient (address))
                if (s_verbose)
                    client.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine (e.Info);

                for (var i = 0; i < s_runs; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine ("[TitanicClient] Loop #{0} entered ...", i);

                    var data = "ERROR! NO REPLY";

                    // does 5 retries to get the reply
                    var reply = client.GetResult ("echo", "Hallo World", 5);

                    if (reply == null)
                        Console.WriteLine ("\t[TitanicClient] ran into a problem, received 'null' in loop #{0}", i);

                    data = reply.Item1 != null ? Encoding.UTF8.GetString (reply.Item1) : data;

                    if (data != "Hallo World")
                        Console.WriteLine ("\t[TitanicClient] Hallo World != {0} on loop #{1} with status {2}", data, i, reply.Item2);

                    if (!ReferenceEquals (reply.Item1, null) && reply.Item2 == TitanicReturnCode.Ok)
                        Console.WriteLine ("\t[TitanicClient] Status = {0} - Reply = {1}", reply.Item2, data);

            Console.WriteLine ("\n[TitanicClient] To exit press any key!");
            Console.ReadKey ();
Esempio n. 5
        public void GetResult_StringIntegerGeneric_ReturnExpectedResult ()
            var expected = new TestEntity ();
            var replyFrame = new NetMQFrame (expected.ConvertToBytes ());

            var fakeMDPClient = new MDPTestClientForTitanicClient { ReplyDataFrame = replyFrame };
            var sut = new TitanicClient (fakeMDPClient);

            var result = sut.GetResult<TestEntity, TestEntity> ("echo", expected);

            result.Item2.Should ().Be (TitanicReturnCode.Ok);
            result.Item1.Id.Should ().Be (expected.Id);
            result.Item1.Name.Should ().Be (expected.Name);
Esempio n. 6
        public void GetResult_StringStringEncoding_ShouldReturnExpectedResult ()
            var enc = Encoding.Unicode;
            const string expected_phrase = "Thank God Its Friday";
            var replyFrame = new NetMQFrame (enc.GetBytes (expected_phrase));

            var fakeMDPClient = new MDPTestClientForTitanicClient { ReplyDataFrame = replyFrame };
            var sut = new TitanicClient (fakeMDPClient);

            var result = sut.GetResult ("echo", expected_phrase, enc);

            result.Item2.Should ().Be (TitanicReturnCode.Ok);
            result.Item1.Should ().Be (enc.GetString (replyFrame.Buffer));