
        /// <summary>
        /// Turn functionality.
        /// If user turn, prompts for row, then column, then attempts to insert at chosen location.
        /// If AI turn, generates 2 random integers from 0 to 3 for row and column, then attempts to insert at that location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handler">Socket connection is made through.</param>
        /// <param name="board">Existing TicTacToeBoard</param>
        /// <param name="player">X or O to place</param>
        /// <param name="rng">Randum number generator. If null, it is user turn. If it exists, AI turn.</param>
        private static void Turn(Socket handler, TicTacToeBoard board, string player, Random rng = null)
            int row, col, BytesReceived;

            byte[] IncomingBuffer = new byte[1024];
            bool   valid          = false;

            do                   //attempt to place token, repeat until valid location chosen
                if (rng == null) //if rng is null, we're processing player actions
                    //Get row
                    SendMessage(handler, $"<T>Please enter the row to place an {player}: ");
                    BytesReceived = handler.Receive(IncomingBuffer);
                    var x = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(IncomingBuffer, 0, BytesReceived);
                    row = Int32.Parse(x);

                    //Get column
                    SendMessage(handler, $"<T>Please enter the column to place an {player}: ");
                    BytesReceived = handler.Receive(IncomingBuffer);
                    col           = Int32.Parse(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(IncomingBuffer, 0, BytesReceived));

                    if (!board.CheckPosition(row, col))
                        HandleInvalid(handler, row, col, player, true);
                else            //if rng is not null, it's ai move
                    row = rng.Next(0, 3);
                    col = rng.Next(0, 3);

                    //Log move to server, whether valid or invalid.
                    if (!board.CheckPosition(row, col))
                        HandleInvalid(handler, row, col, player, false);
                        SendMessage(handler, $"<M>Computer played at ({row},{col})");

                valid = board.Insert(row, col, player[0]);
            } while (!valid);
            Console.WriteLine($"GAME EVENT : {player} at ({row},{col})");
        }//Turn(Socket, TicTacToeBoard, string, Random)