Esempio n. 1
        // Returns true if all paragraphs in a range belong to the same block,
        // so they can be easily grouped and ungrouped.
        internal static bool IsListOperationApplicable(TextRange range)
            // First check, if range start/end are parented by ListItems within the same parent list.
            if (IsRangeWithinSingleList(range))

            // Adjust range end so that it does not affect a following paragraph.
            TextPointer end = (TextPointer)TextRangeEdit.GetAdjustedRangeEnd(range.Start, range.End);

            // Now try plain Paragraphs
            Block firstBlock = range.Start.ParagraphOrBlockUIContainer;
            Block lastBlock  = end.ParagraphOrBlockUIContainer;

            if (firstBlock != null && lastBlock != null && firstBlock.Parent == lastBlock.Parent)

            // Allow list editing at potential paragraph positions, this includes
            // positions in initial RichTextBox, empty TableCell, empty ListItem where paragraphs were not yet created.
            if (range.IsEmpty && TextPointerBase.IsAtPotentialParagraphPosition(range.Start))

        // Token: 0x06003879 RID: 14457 RVA: 0x000FD0D4 File Offset: 0x000FB2D4
        private static void CreateImplicitParagraphIfNeededAndUpdateSelection(TextSelection thisSelection)
            TextPointer textPointer = thisSelection.Start;

            if (TextPointerBase.IsAtPotentialParagraphPosition(textPointer))
                textPointer = TextRangeEditTables.EnsureInsertionPosition(textPointer);
                thisSelection.Select(textPointer, textPointer);
Esempio n. 3
        private static void CreateImplicitParagraphIfNeededAndUpdateSelection(TextSelection thisSelection)
            // Create implicit paragraph if we are at a potential paragraph position, such as empty FlowDocument, TableCell.
            TextPointer position = thisSelection.Start;

            if (TextPointerBase.IsAtPotentialParagraphPosition(position))
                position = TextRangeEditTables.EnsureInsertionPosition(position);
                thisSelection.Select(position, position);
        // Token: 0x06003B82 RID: 15234 RVA: 0x0010EF28 File Offset: 0x0010D128
        internal static bool ConvertParagraphsToListItems(TextRange range, TextMarkerStyle markerStyle)
            if (range.IsEmpty && TextPointerBase.IsAtPotentialParagraphPosition(range.Start))
                TextPointer textPointer = TextRangeEditTables.EnsureInsertionPosition(range.Start);
                ((ITextRange)range).Select(textPointer, textPointer);
            Block       paragraphOrBlockUIContainer = range.Start.ParagraphOrBlockUIContainer;
            TextPointer textPointer2 = (TextPointer)TextRangeEdit.GetAdjustedRangeEnd(range.Start, range.End);
            Block       paragraphOrBlockUIContainer2 = textPointer2.ParagraphOrBlockUIContainer;

            if (paragraphOrBlockUIContainer == null || paragraphOrBlockUIContainer2 == null || paragraphOrBlockUIContainer.Parent != paragraphOrBlockUIContainer2.Parent || (paragraphOrBlockUIContainer.Parent is ListItem && paragraphOrBlockUIContainer.PreviousBlock == null))
            Block block = paragraphOrBlockUIContainer;

            while (block != paragraphOrBlockUIContainer2 && block != null)
                if (block is Table || block is Section)
                block = block.NextBlock;
            ListItem listItem = paragraphOrBlockUIContainer.Parent as ListItem;

            if (listItem != null)
                Block block3;
                for (Block block2 = paragraphOrBlockUIContainer; block2 != null; block2 = block3)
                    block3 = ((block2 == paragraphOrBlockUIContainer2) ? null : (block2.ElementEnd.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) as Block));
                    Invariant.Assert(block2.Parent is ListItem);
                new List
                    MarkerStyle = markerStyle
                }.Apply(paragraphOrBlockUIContainer, paragraphOrBlockUIContainer2);
Esempio n. 5
        internal static bool ConvertParagraphsToListItems(TextRange range, TextMarkerStyle markerStyle)
            if (range.IsEmpty && TextPointerBase.IsAtPotentialParagraphPosition(range.Start))
                TextPointer insertionPosition = TextRangeEditTables.EnsureInsertionPosition(range.Start);
                ((ITextRange)range).Select(insertionPosition, insertionPosition);

            Block firstBlock = range.Start.ParagraphOrBlockUIContainer;

            TextPointer end       = (TextPointer)TextRangeEdit.GetAdjustedRangeEnd(range.Start, range.End);
            Block       lastBlock = end.ParagraphOrBlockUIContainer;

            // We assume that a range contains a sequence of one-level paragraphs.
            // Otherwise the operation is disabled.
            if (firstBlock == null || lastBlock == null || firstBlock.Parent != lastBlock.Parent ||
                firstBlock.Parent is ListItem && firstBlock.PreviousBlock == null)
                // Either the paragraphs belong to different scopes or first of them has a bullet already.
                // We cannot convert them into bulleted lists.

            // Check that all top-level elements of selection are Paragraphs.
            // We do not apply the command to Tables or Sections.
            for (Block block = firstBlock; block != lastBlock && block != null; block = block.NextBlock)
                if (block is Table || block is Section)

            ListItem parentListItem = firstBlock.Parent as ListItem;

            if (parentListItem != null)
                // Paragraphs are inside of ListItem already.

                // Split a current ListItem before each of selected blocks
                Block block = firstBlock;
                while (block != null)
                    Block nextBlock = block == lastBlock ? null : block.ElementEnd.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) as Block;

                    Invariant.Assert(block.Parent is ListItem);

                    block = nextBlock;
                // Create a list around all paragraphs
                List list = new List();
                list.MarkerStyle = markerStyle;
                list.Apply(firstBlock, lastBlock);

                // Merge with neighboring lists
                //MergeLists(list.ElementEnd);  // start with End to not loose an instance of "list" during merging with the following list

        // Token: 0x06003B81 RID: 15233 RVA: 0x0010EEB8 File Offset: 0x0010D0B8
        internal static bool IsListOperationApplicable(TextRange range)
            if (TextRangeEditLists.IsRangeWithinSingleList(range))
            TextPointer textPointer = (TextPointer)TextRangeEdit.GetAdjustedRangeEnd(range.Start, range.End);
            Block       paragraphOrBlockUIContainer  = range.Start.ParagraphOrBlockUIContainer;
            Block       paragraphOrBlockUIContainer2 = textPointer.ParagraphOrBlockUIContainer;

            return((paragraphOrBlockUIContainer != null && paragraphOrBlockUIContainer2 != null && paragraphOrBlockUIContainer.Parent == paragraphOrBlockUIContainer2.Parent) || (range.IsEmpty && TextPointerBase.IsAtPotentialParagraphPosition(range.Start)));