Esempio n. 1
        // Predicate which returns true if list items in this range are within the scope of the same parent list.
        private static bool IsRangeWithinSingleList(TextRange range)
            ListItem startListItem = TextPointerBase.GetListItem(range.Start);

            // Adjust range end so that it does not affect a following paragraph.
            TextPointer end         = (TextPointer)TextRangeEdit.GetAdjustedRangeEnd(range.Start, range.End);
            ListItem    endListItem = TextPointerBase.GetListItem(end);

            // Check if the ListItems belong to one List wrapper.
            if (startListItem != null && endListItem != null && startListItem.Parent == endListItem.Parent)

            // In case of nested lists, it may be the case that start and end list item do not belong to one list wrapper,
            // yet no visual list boundary is crossed.
            // e.g.
            //  * aa
            //      * bb
            //      * cc
            // Special case so that list operations are applicable in this scenario.
            if (startListItem != null && endListItem != null)
                while (end.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd)
                    if (end.Parent == startListItem.Parent)
                    end = end.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);

Esempio n. 2
        // Assumes that a range contains a sequence of same-level ListItems.
        // Converts all these ListItems into Paragraphs and
        // either adds them to preceding ListItem (as non-bulleted continuation)
        // or pulls them out of a List if they start in the beginning of a List
        internal static void ConvertListItemsToParagraphs(TextRange range)
            ListItem firstListItem = TextPointerBase.GetListItem(range.Start);
            ListItem lastListItem  = TextPointerBase.GetListItem((TextPointer)TextRangeEdit.GetAdjustedRangeEnd(range.Start, range.End));

            // The range must be in a sequence of ListItems belonging to one List wrapper
            if (firstListItem == null || lastListItem == null || firstListItem.Parent != lastListItem.Parent || !(firstListItem.Parent is List))

            List listToRemove = null;

            ListItem leadingListItem = firstListItem.PreviousListItem;

            if (leadingListItem != null)
                // We have a leading ListItem, so pull selected items into it
                leadingListItem.Reposition(leadingListItem.ContentStart, lastListItem.ElementEnd);
                // We do not have a leading ListItem. So pull selected items out of a list

                // Cut wrapping list after endListItem
                if (lastListItem.NextListItem != null)

                // Set list to remove
                listToRemove = firstListItem.List;

            // Remove ListItems from all selected blocks
            ListItem listItem = firstListItem;

            while (listItem != null)
                ListItem nextListItem = listItem.ElementEnd.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) as ListItem;

                // If this is an empty <ListItem></ListItem>, insert an explicit paragraph in it before deleting the list item.
                if (listItem.ContentStart.CompareTo(listItem.ContentEnd) == 0)

                listItem.Reposition(null, null);
                listItem = listItem == lastListItem ? null : nextListItem;

            // If we have a list to remove, remove it and set its FlowDirection to its children
            if (listToRemove != null)
                FlowDirection flowDirection = (FlowDirection)listToRemove.GetValue(Paragraph.FlowDirectionProperty);
                listToRemove.Reposition(null, null);
                TextRangeEdit.SetParagraphProperty(range.Start, range.End, Paragraph.FlowDirectionProperty, flowDirection);
        // Token: 0x06003870 RID: 14448 RVA: 0x000FCC00 File Offset: 0x000FAE00
        internal static void DecreaseIndentation(TextEditor This)
            TextSelection textSelection     = (TextSelection)This.Selection;
            ListItem      listItem          = TextPointerBase.GetListItem(textSelection.Start);
            ListItem      immediateListItem = TextPointerBase.GetImmediateListItem(textSelection.Start);

            TextEditorLists.DecreaseIndentation(textSelection, listItem, immediateListItem);
Esempio n. 4
        // Common handler for all list editing commands
        private static void OnListCommand(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args)
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(target);

            if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.AcceptsRichContent || !(This.Selection is TextSelection))


            if (!TextRangeEditLists.IsListOperationApplicable((TextSelection)This.Selection))

            using (This.Selection.DeclareChangeBlock())
                TextSelection thisSelection = (TextSelection)This.Selection;

                ListItem parentListItem    = TextPointerBase.GetListItem(thisSelection.Start);
                ListItem immediateListItem = TextPointerBase.GetImmediateListItem(thisSelection.Start);
                List     list = parentListItem == null ? null : (List)parentListItem.Parent;

                // Forget previously suggested horizontal position

                // Execute the command
                if (args.Command == EditingCommands.ToggleBullets)
                    ToggleBullets(thisSelection, parentListItem, immediateListItem, list);
                else if (args.Command == EditingCommands.ToggleNumbering)
                    ToggleNumbering(thisSelection, parentListItem, immediateListItem, list);
                else if (args.Command == EditingCommands.RemoveListMarkers)
                else if (args.Command == EditingCommands.IncreaseIndentation)
                    IncreaseIndentation(thisSelection, parentListItem, immediateListItem);
                else if (args.Command == EditingCommands.DecreaseIndentation)
                    DecreaseIndentation(thisSelection, parentListItem, immediateListItem);
        // Token: 0x06003874 RID: 14452 RVA: 0x000FCCBC File Offset: 0x000FAEBC
        private static void OnListCommand(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args)
            TextEditor textEditor = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(target);

            if (textEditor == null || !textEditor._IsEnabled || textEditor.IsReadOnly || !textEditor.AcceptsRichContent || !(textEditor.Selection is TextSelection))
            if (!TextRangeEditLists.IsListOperationApplicable((TextSelection)textEditor.Selection))
            using (textEditor.Selection.DeclareChangeBlock())
                TextSelection textSelection     = (TextSelection)textEditor.Selection;
                ListItem      listItem          = TextPointerBase.GetListItem(textSelection.Start);
                ListItem      immediateListItem = TextPointerBase.GetImmediateListItem(textSelection.Start);
                List          list = (listItem == null) ? null : ((List)listItem.Parent);
                if (args.Command == EditingCommands.ToggleBullets)
                    TextEditorLists.ToggleBullets(textSelection, listItem, immediateListItem, list);
                else if (args.Command == EditingCommands.ToggleNumbering)
                    TextEditorLists.ToggleNumbering(textSelection, listItem, immediateListItem, list);
                else if (args.Command == EditingCommands.RemoveListMarkers)
                else if (args.Command == EditingCommands.IncreaseIndentation)
                    TextEditorLists.IncreaseIndentation(textSelection, listItem, immediateListItem);
                else if (args.Command == EditingCommands.DecreaseIndentation)
                    TextEditorLists.DecreaseIndentation(textSelection, listItem, immediateListItem);
        // Token: 0x06003B83 RID: 15235 RVA: 0x0010F058 File Offset: 0x0010D258
        internal static void ConvertListItemsToParagraphs(TextRange range)
            ListItem listItem  = TextPointerBase.GetListItem(range.Start);
            ListItem listItem2 = TextPointerBase.GetListItem((TextPointer)TextRangeEdit.GetAdjustedRangeEnd(range.Start, range.End));

            if (listItem == null || listItem2 == null || listItem.Parent != listItem2.Parent || !(listItem.Parent is List))
            List     list             = null;
            ListItem previousListItem = listItem.PreviousListItem;

            if (previousListItem != null)
                previousListItem.Reposition(previousListItem.ContentStart, listItem2.ElementEnd);
                if (listItem2.NextListItem != null)
                list = listItem.List;
            ListItem listItem4;

            for (ListItem listItem3 = listItem; listItem3 != null; listItem3 = ((listItem3 == listItem2) ? null : listItem4))
                listItem4 = (listItem3.ElementEnd.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) as ListItem);
                if (listItem3.ContentStart.CompareTo(listItem3.ContentEnd) == 0)
                listItem3.Reposition(null, null);
            if (list != null)
                FlowDirection flowDirection = (FlowDirection)list.GetValue(Block.FlowDirectionProperty);
                list.Reposition(null, null);
                TextRangeEdit.SetParagraphProperty(range.Start, range.End, Block.FlowDirectionProperty, flowDirection);
        // Token: 0x06003B86 RID: 15238 RVA: 0x0010F434 File Offset: 0x0010D634
        private static bool IsRangeWithinSingleList(TextRange range)
            ListItem    listItem    = TextPointerBase.GetListItem(range.Start);
            TextPointer textPointer = (TextPointer)TextRangeEdit.GetAdjustedRangeEnd(range.Start, range.End);
            ListItem    listItem2   = TextPointerBase.GetListItem(textPointer);

            if (listItem != null && listItem2 != null && listItem.Parent == listItem2.Parent)
            if (listItem != null && listItem2 != null)
                while (textPointer.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd)
                    if (textPointer.Parent == listItem.Parent)
                    textPointer = textPointer.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
Esempio n. 8
        internal static bool UnindentListItems(TextRange range)
            // If listitems in this range cross a list boundary, we cannot unindent them.
            if (!IsRangeWithinSingleList(range))

            ListItem firstListItem = TextPointerBase.GetListItem(range.Start);
            ListItem lastListItem  = TextPointerBase.GetListItem((TextPointer)TextRangeEdit.GetAdjustedRangeEnd(range.Start, range.End));

            // At this point it is possible that lastListItem is a child of
            // firstListItem.
            // This is due to a special case in IsRangeWithinSingleList
            // which allows the input TextRange to cross List boundaries only
            // in the case where the TextRange ends adjacent to an insertion
            // position at the same level as the start, e.g.:
            //    - parent item
            //      - start item (range starts here)
            //          - child item (range ends here)
            //      <start item must not have any siblings>
            // Here we check for that special case and ensure that
            // lastListItem is at the same level as firstListItem.

            TextElement parent = (TextElement)lastListItem.Parent;

            while (parent != firstListItem.Parent)
                lastListItem = parent as ListItem;
                parent       = (TextElement)parent.Parent;
            if (lastListItem == null)
                // This can happen if the input is a fragment, a collection
                // of ListItems not parented by an outer List.

            // Cut wrapping list before startListItem
            if (firstListItem.PreviousListItem != null)

            // Cut wrapping list after endListItem
            if (lastListItem.NextListItem != null)

            // Remove List wrapper from selected items
            List unindentedList = (List)firstListItem.Parent;

            // Check whether we have outer ListItem
            ListItem outerListItem = unindentedList.Parent as ListItem;

            if (outerListItem != null)
                // Selected items belong to a nested list.
                // So we need to pull them to the level of enclosing ListItem, i.e. cut this ListItem.
                // In this case we also need to include trailing list into the last of selected items

                // Remove a wrapping List from selected items
                unindentedList.Reposition(null, null);

                // Remember end position of outerListItem to pull any trailing list or other blocks into the last of selected listitems
                TextPointer outerListItemEnd = outerListItem.ContentEnd;

                if (outerListItem.ContentStart.CompareTo(firstListItem.ElementStart) == 0)
                    // There is nothing before first list item; so outer list item would be empty - just delete it
                    outerListItem.Reposition(null, null);
                    // Wrap all stuff preceding firstListItem in outerListItem
                    outerListItem.Reposition(outerListItem.ContentStart, firstListItem.ElementStart);

                if (outerListItemEnd.CompareTo(lastListItem.ElementEnd) == 0)
                    // There are no following siblings to pull into last selected item; do nothing.
                    // Pull trailing items (following siblings to the selected ones) into the last selected item

                    // Remember a position to merge any trailing list after lastListItem
                    TextPointer mergePosition = lastListItem.ContentEnd;

                    // Reposition last selectd ListItem so that it includes trailing list (or other block) as its children
                    lastListItem.Reposition(lastListItem.ContentStart, outerListItemEnd);

                    // Merge any trailing list with a sublist outdented with our listitem
                // Selected items are not in nested list.
                // We need to simply unwrap them and convert to paragraphs

                TextPointer start = unindentedList.ElementStart;
                TextPointer end   = unindentedList.ElementEnd;

                // Save the list's FlowDirection value, to apply later to its children.
                object listFlowDirectionValue = unindentedList.GetValue(Paragraph.FlowDirectionProperty);

                // Remove a wrapping List from selected items
                unindentedList.Reposition(null, null);

                // Remove ListItems from all selected items
                ListItem listItem = firstListItem;
                while (listItem != null)
                    ListItem nextListItem = listItem.ElementEnd.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) as ListItem;

                    // If this is an empty <ListItem></ListItem>, insert an explicit paragraph in it before deleting the list item.
                    if (listItem.ContentStart.CompareTo(listItem.ContentEnd) == 0)

                    listItem.Reposition(null, null);
                    listItem = listItem == lastListItem ? null : nextListItem;

                // Apply FlowDirection of the list just deleted to all its children.
                TextRangeEdit.SetParagraphProperty(start, end, Paragraph.FlowDirectionProperty, listFlowDirectionValue);

                // Merge lists on boundaries

        // Token: 0x06003B85 RID: 15237 RVA: 0x0010F26C File Offset: 0x0010D46C
        internal static bool UnindentListItems(TextRange range)
            if (!TextRangeEditLists.IsRangeWithinSingleList(range))
            ListItem listItem  = TextPointerBase.GetListItem(range.Start);
            ListItem listItem2 = TextPointerBase.GetListItem((TextPointer)TextRangeEdit.GetAdjustedRangeEnd(range.Start, range.End));

            for (TextElement textElement = (TextElement)listItem2.Parent; textElement != listItem.Parent; textElement = (TextElement)textElement.Parent)
                listItem2 = (textElement as ListItem);
            if (listItem2 == null)
            if (listItem.PreviousListItem != null)
            if (listItem2.NextListItem != null)
            List     list      = (List)listItem.Parent;
            ListItem listItem3 = list.Parent as ListItem;

            if (listItem3 != null)
                list.Reposition(null, null);
                TextPointer contentEnd = listItem3.ContentEnd;
                if (listItem3.ContentStart.CompareTo(listItem.ElementStart) == 0)
                    listItem3.Reposition(null, null);
                    listItem3.Reposition(listItem3.ContentStart, listItem.ElementStart);
                if (contentEnd.CompareTo(listItem2.ElementEnd) != 0)
                    TextPointer contentEnd2 = listItem2.ContentEnd;
                    listItem2.Reposition(listItem2.ContentStart, contentEnd);
                TextPointer elementStart = list.ElementStart;
                TextPointer elementEnd   = list.ElementEnd;
                object      value        = list.GetValue(Block.FlowDirectionProperty);
                list.Reposition(null, null);
                ListItem listItem5;
                for (ListItem listItem4 = listItem; listItem4 != null; listItem4 = ((listItem4 == listItem2) ? null : listItem5))
                    listItem5 = (listItem4.ElementEnd.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) as ListItem);
                    if (listItem4.ContentStart.CompareTo(listItem4.ContentEnd) == 0)
                    listItem4.Reposition(null, null);
                TextRangeEdit.SetParagraphProperty(elementStart, elementEnd, Block.FlowDirectionProperty, value);