public string CommentTests(string commaSeparatedIDs, string mess) { try { TestRun.CommentTestRuns(commaSeparatedIDs, mess); } catch (Exception e) { return(e.ToString()); } return("OK"); }
public string RunTest(string strRequestID, string strCommandName, string strUserName, string strTestRunID) { // if it is release, we need rerun test in the last TESTREQUESTS with the same version string SQL_Command = "select (select max( from TESTREQUESTS t where t.versionid = x.versionid and t.ProgAbb = x.ProgAbb) , x.ProgAbb from TESTREQUESTS x where = $id"; string ProgAbb; string strLastReqestID; using (DataSet ds = CbstHelper.GetDataSet(SQL_Command.Replace("$id", strRequestID))) { ProgAbb = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString(); strLastReqestID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); } if (ProgAbb.ToUpper() == "ADMIN") { strRequestID = strLastReqestID; } strCommandName = (strCommandName.Replace('`', '"').Replace('~', '\\')); // get db type from strCommandName string dbtype = GetParam(strCommandName, "dbtype:"); dbtype = (dbtype == "" ? "NULL" : "'" + dbtype + "'"); string y3dv = GetParam(strCommandName, "special:"); y3dv = (y3dv.Contains("3DV") ? "1" : "NULL"); // get PCName from strCommandName string strSQLPCName = "", sPCName = GetParam(strCommandName, "PCName:"); if (sPCName == "") { strSQLPCName = "NULL"; } else { strSQLPCName = "(select T1.ID from PCS T1 where T1.PCNAME = '" + sPCName + "')"; if (strCommandName.IndexOf("\"PCName:") < 0) { sPCName = " PCName:" + sPCName; } else { sPCName = " \"PCName:" + sPCName + "\""; } } string strGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string strPRIORITY = "4"; string strSetSQL = @"INSERT INTO SCHEDULE (COMMAND, REQUESTID, PCID, USERID, PRIORITY, SEQUENCENUMBER, SEQUENCEGUID, DBTYPE, Y3DV) VALUES" + " ('" + strCommandName + "', " + strRequestID + "," + strSQLPCName + ",(select T2.ID from PERSONS T2 where T2.USER_LOGIN = '******'), " + strPRIORITY + ",2, '" + strGuid + "', " + dbtype + ", " + y3dv + ")"; strSetSQL = strSetSQL.ToUpper(); CbstHelper.SQLExecute(strSetSQL); TestRun.CommentTestRuns(strTestRunID, "Rerun"); FeedLog("Next command has been rerun: " + strCommandName); return("OK"); }