public async void EG_trigger_missing_secret()
            var egEvent = TestFactory.CreateEventGridEvent("foo");

            egEvent.Subject = string.Empty;

            var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <System.ArgumentException>("name", () =>
                                                                         AKVRotation.RunAsync(egEvent, logger));
        public async void EG_trigger_not_vault_event()
            var egEvent = TestFactory.CreateEventGridEvent("foo");

            // NOTE: this is a resource URI that is not for vaults.
            egEvent.Topic = "/subscriptions/REDACTED/resourceGroups/demos/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account";

            var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <System.UriFormatException>(() =>
                                                                          AKVRotation.RunAsync(egEvent, logger));

            var foo = ((ListLogger)logger).Logs.AsEnumerable <string>();

            Assert.Collection <string>(foo,
                                       s => Assert.Equal("C# Event trigger function processed a request.", s),
                                       s => Assert.Equal("Secret Name: foo", s),
                                       s => Assert.Equal("Key Vault Name: ", s),
                                       s => Assert.Equal("Secret Version: ", s));

            Assert.All(foo, s => Assert.DoesNotContain("error", s));
        public async void EG_trigger_missing_secretVersion()
            var egEvent = TestFactory.CreateEventGridEvent("foo");

            egEvent.Data = TestFactory.GetEventGridData(string.Empty);
            // TODO: do we need validation of the secret version at all?
            // TODO: this still results in an actual HTTP call.
            //var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<Azure.RequestFailedException>(() =>
            //    AKVRotation.RunAsync(egEvent, logger));

            var exceptions = new System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Type>()

            var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync <System.Exception>(() => AKVRotation.RunAsync(egEvent, logger));

            output.WriteLine($"actual exception was {ex.GetType().ToString()} ");
            Assert.Contains(ex.GetType(), exceptions);

            // NOTE: the following two won't work as depending upon environment
            // the first case if there is a remnant of az config an AuthN fails
            // the second occurs in a printine environment
            // ideally Secret can be separated to be a pure DTO and a SecretManager class
            // created alongside to initiate the "validate" or actual call to Azure.
            // await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync<Azure.Identity.AuthenticationFailedException>( () => {
            //     var ex = AKVRotation.RunAsync(egEvent, logger);
            //     return ex;
            // });

            // await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync<Azure.RequestFailedException>( () => {
            //     var ex = AKVRotation.RunAsync(egEvent, logger);
            //     return ex;
            // });