public void doAlignmentTest1() { var rf = new RunFactory(); var run = rf.CreateRun(DeconTools.UnitTesting2.FileRefs.RawDataMSFiles.OrbitrapStdFile1); var deconToolsResultFile = Path.Combine(FileRefs.ImportedData, "QC_Shew_08_04-pt5-2_11Jan09_Sphinx_08-11-18_targetedFeatures.txt"); var importer = new UnlabelledTargetedResultFromTextImporter(deconToolsResultFile); var repo = importer.Import(); var massTagFile = @"\\protoapps\UserData\Slysz\Data\MassTags\qcshew_standard_file_allMassTags.txt"; var mtc = new TargetCollection(); var mtimporter = new MassTagFromTextFileImporter(massTagFile); mtc = mtimporter.Import(); var aligner = new NETAndMassAligner(); aligner.SetFeaturesToBeAligned(repo.Results); aligner.SetReferenceMassTags(mtc.TargetList); aligner.Execute(run); float testScan = 6005; var testNET1 = run.NetAlignmentInfo.GetNETValueForScan((int)testScan); //note - this is Multialign's Assert.AreEqual(0.3253423m, (decimal)testNET1); }
public void ExportNET_andMass_AlignmentDataTest1() { var exportNETFilename = Path.Combine(FileRefs.OutputFolderPath, "exportedNETAlignmentInfo1.txt"); var exportMassFilename = Path.Combine(FileRefs.OutputFolderPath, "exportedMassAlignmentInfo1.txt"); var rf = new RunFactory(); var run = rf.CreateRun(DeconTools.UnitTesting2.FileRefs.RawDataMSFiles.OrbitrapStdFile1); var deconToolsResultFile = Path.Combine(FileRefs.ImportedData, "QC_Shew_08_04-pt5-2_11Jan09_Sphinx_08-11-18_targetedFeatures.txt"); var importer = new UnlabelledTargetedResultFromTextImporter(deconToolsResultFile); var repo = importer.Import(); var massTagFile = @"\\protoapps\UserData\Slysz\Data\MassTags\qcshew_standard_file_allMassTags.txt"; var mtc = new TargetCollection(); var mtimporter = new MassTagFromTextFileImporter(massTagFile); mtc = mtimporter.Import(); var aligner = new NETAndMassAligner(); aligner.SetFeaturesToBeAligned(repo.Results); aligner.SetReferenceMassTags(mtc.TargetList); aligner.Execute(run); var exporter = new NETAlignmentInfoToTextExporter(exportNETFilename); exporter.ExportAlignmentInfo(run.AlignmentInfo); var massInfoexporter = new MassAlignmentInfoToTextExporter(exportMassFilename); massInfoexporter.ExportAlignmentInfo(run.AlignmentInfo); }
public override TargetCollection GetRuntimeBuildList( ) { TargetCollection sc = new TargetCollection(); sc.Add(@"awscalculobuquesgranelero", "dll"); return(sc); }
public void AddNewTargetNullName() { project.LoadXml(ProjectContentSeveralTargets); TargetCollection targets = project.Targets; targets.AddNewTarget(null); }
public void WithInputs(TargetCollection targets, List <int> inputsReceived) { "Given a target with inputs 1 and 2" .x(() => Ensure(ref targets).Add(CreateTarget("default", new[] { 1, 2 }, input => Ensure(ref inputsReceived).Add(input)))); "When I run the target" .x(() => targets.RunAsync(new List <string>(), default, default, default));
public void NotExistentDependencies(TargetCollection targets, TestConsole console, bool anyRan, Exception exception) { "Given a target" .x(() => Ensure(ref targets).Add(CreateTarget("first", () => anyRan = true))); "And a second target which depends on the first target and a non-existent target" .x(() => targets.Add(CreateTarget("second", new[] { "first", "non-existing" }, () => anyRan = true))); "And a third target which depends on the second target and another non-existent target" .x(() => targets.Add(CreateTarget("third", new[] { "second", "also-non-existing" }, () => anyRan = true))); "When I run the third target" .x(async() => exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => targets.RunAsync(new List <string> { "third" }, console = new TestConsole()))); "Then the operation fails" .x(() => Assert.NotNull(exception)); "And I am told that the first non-existent target could not be found" .x(() => Assert.Contains("non-existing, required by second", exception.Message)); "And I am told that the second non-existent target could not be found" .x(() => Assert.Contains("also-non-existing, required by third", exception.Message)); "And the other targets are not run" .x(() => Assert.False(anyRan)); }
public void RemoveTargetFromImport() { Project p = GetProjectThatImportsAnotherProject(null, null); TargetCollection targets = p.Targets; targets.RemoveTarget(GetSpecificTargetFromProject(p, "t2")); }
bool DoLast() { if (Last <= 0) { return(false); } Skip = (int)(TargetCollection.Count(_Query) - Skip - Last); First = Last; if (Skip >= 0) { return(false); } First += Skip; if (First <= 0) { if (Count) { WriteObject(0); } return(true); } Skip = 0; return(false); }
public override TargetCollection GetRuntimeBuildList( ) { TargetCollection sc = new TargetCollection(); sc.Add(@"awscalculartanqueros", "dll"); return(sc); }
public override TargetCollection GetRuntimeBuildList( ) { TargetCollection sc = new TargetCollection(); sc.Add(@"awscalcularportavehiculosrorosoap", "dll"); return(sc); }
public void Validate() { CosmosAccount.Validate(); StorageAccount.Validate(); SourceCollection.Validate(); TargetCollection.Validate(); }
public void ExistsWhenTargetDoesNotExist() { project.LoadXml(ProjectContentSeveralTargets); TargetCollection targets = project.Targets; Assertion.AssertEquals(false, targets.Exists("tNot")); }
public void IsSynchronizedDefault() { project.LoadXml(ProjectContentSeveralTargets); TargetCollection targets = project.Targets; Assertion.AssertEquals(false, targets.IsSynchronized); }
public void CountWithNoTargets() { project.LoadXml(ProjectContentNoTargets); TargetCollection targets = project.Targets; Assertion.AssertEquals(0, targets.Count); }
public void ExistsWhenTargetExists() { project.LoadXml(ProjectContentSeveralTargets); TargetCollection targets = project.Targets; Assertion.AssertEquals(true, targets.Exists("t2")); }
public void CountWithImportedTargets() { string importProjectContents = @" <Project xmlns=''> <Target Name='t2'> <Message Text='imported.t2.task' /> </Target> <Target Name='t3' /> </Project> "; string projectContents = @" <Project xmlns=''> <Target Name='t1'> <Message Text='parent.t1.task' /> </Target> <Import Project='import.proj' /> </Project> "; Project p = GetProjectThatImportsAnotherProject(importProjectContents, projectContents); TargetCollection targets = p.Targets; Assertion.AssertEquals(3, targets.Count); }
public void NestedDependencies(TargetCollection targets, TestConsole console, List <string> ran) { "Given a target" .x(() => Ensure(ref targets).Add(CreateTarget("first", () => Ensure(ref ran).Add("first")))); "And a second target which depends on the first target" .x(() => targets.Add(CreateTarget("second", new[] { "first" }, () => Ensure(ref ran).Add("second")))); "And a third target which depends on the second target" .x(() => targets.Add(CreateTarget("third", new[] { "second" }, () => Ensure(ref ran).Add("third")))); "When I run the third target" .x(() => targets.RunAsync(new List <string> { "third" }, console = new TestConsole())); "Then all targets are run" .x(() => Assert.Equal(3, ran.Count)); "And the first target is run first" .x(() => Assert.Equal("first", ran[0])); "And the second target is run second" .x(() => Assert.Equal("second", ran[1])); "And the third target is run third" .x(() => Assert.Equal("third", ran[2])); }
public void DependencyOrderWhenParallelAndSkipping( TargetCollection targets, TestConsole console, int clock, int buildStartTime, int test1StartTime, int test2StartTime) { "Given a target that takes a long time to start up" .x(() => Ensure(ref targets).Add(CreateTarget( "build", () => { Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); // a weak way to encourage the tests to run first buildStartTime = Interlocked.Increment(ref clock); }))); "And a second target which depends on the first target" .x(() => targets.Add(CreateTarget("test1", new[] { "build" }, () => test1StartTime = Interlocked.Increment(ref clock)))); "And a third target which depends on the first target" .x(() => targets.Add(CreateTarget("test2", new[] { "build" }, () => test2StartTime = Interlocked.Increment(ref clock)))); "When I run all the targets with parallelism, skipping dependencies" .x(() => targets.RunAsync(new List <string> { "--parallel", "--skip-dependencies", "test1", "test2", "build" }, console = new TestConsole())); "Then the first target is run first" .x(() => Assert.Equal(1, buildStartTime)); "And the other targets are run later" .x(() => Assert.Equal(5, test1StartTime + test2StartTime)); }
public void CopyToSimple() { project.LoadXml(ProjectContentSeveralTargets); TargetCollection targets = project.Targets; object[] array = new object[targets.Count]; targets.CopyTo(array, 0); List <string> listOfTargets = new List <string>(); foreach (Target t in array) { listOfTargets.Add(t.Name); } // This originates in a hashtable, whose ordering is undefined // and indeed changes in CLR4 listOfTargets.Sort(); Assertion.AssertEquals(targets["t1"].Name, listOfTargets[0]); Assertion.AssertEquals(targets["t2"].Name, listOfTargets[1]); Assertion.AssertEquals(targets["t3"].Name, listOfTargets[2]); Assertion.AssertEquals(targets["t4"].Name, listOfTargets[3]); Assertion.AssertEquals(targets["t5"].Name, listOfTargets[4]); }
public void ExistsOfImportedTarget() { Project p = GetProjectThatImportsAnotherProject(null, null); TargetCollection targets = p.Targets; Assertion.AssertEquals(true, targets.Exists("t4")); }
public void CopyToNull() { project.LoadXml(ProjectContentSeveralTargets); TargetCollection targets = project.Targets; targets.CopyTo(null, 0); }
public void ExistsWhenImportedTargetAndParentTargetHaveSameName() { string importProjectContents = @" <Project xmlns=''> <Target Name='t1'> <Message Text='imported.t2.task' /> </Target> </Project> "; string parentProjectContents = @" <Project xmlns=''> <Target Name='t1'> <Message Text='parent.t1.task' /> </Target> <Target Name='t2' /> <Import Project='import.proj' /> </Project> "; Project p = GetProjectThatImportsAnotherProject(importProjectContents, parentProjectContents); TargetCollection targets = p.Targets; Assertion.AssertEquals(true, targets.Exists("t1")); }
public void CountMany() { project.LoadXml(ProjectContentSeveralTargets); TargetCollection targets = project.Targets; Assertion.AssertEquals(5, targets.Count); }
public void AddNewTargetEmptyStringName() { project.LoadXml(ProjectContentSeveralTargets); TargetCollection targets = project.Targets; targets.AddNewTarget(String.Empty); }
public override TargetCollection GetRuntimeBuildList( ) { TargetCollection sc = new TargetCollection(); sc.Add(@"home", "dll"); return(sc); }
public void cannotFindMassTag_test1() { // var testFile = DeconTools.UnitTesting2.FileRefs.RawDataMSFiles.OrbitrapStdFile1; var peaksTestFile = DeconTools.UnitTesting2.FileRefs.PeakDataFiles.OrbitrapPeakFile_scans5500_6500; var massTagFile = @"\\protoapps\UserData\Slysz\Data\MassTags\QCShew_Formic_MassTags_Bin10_all.txt"; var run = RunUtilities.CreateAndAlignRun(testFile, peaksTestFile); var mtc = new TargetCollection(); var mtimporter = new MassTagFromTextFileImporter(massTagFile); mtc = mtimporter.Import(); var testMassTagID = 26523; run.CurrentMassTag = (from n in mtc.TargetList where n.ID == testMassTagID && n.ChargeState == 1 select n).First(); TargetedWorkflowParameters parameters = new BasicTargetedWorkflowParameters(); var workflow = new BasicTargetedWorkflow(run, parameters); workflow.Execute(); var result = run.ResultCollection.GetTargetedResult(run.CurrentMassTag) as MassTagResult; Assert.IsNull(result.IsotopicProfile); Assert.IsNull(result.ScanSet); Assert.IsNull(result.ChromPeakSelected); Assert.IsTrue(result.FailedResult); Assert.AreEqual(DeconTools.Backend.Globals.TargetedResultFailureType.ChrompeakNotFoundWithinTolerances, result.FailureType); }
void DoDistinct() { foreach (var it in TargetCollection.Distinct(Distinct, _Query)) { WriteObject(Actor.ToObject(it)); } }
public void AddNewTargetSpecialCharacterName() { project.LoadXml(ProjectContentSeveralTargets); TargetCollection targets = project.Targets; targets.AddNewTarget("%24%40%3b%5c%25"); }
public override TargetCollection GetRuntimeBuildList( ) { TargetCollection sc = new TargetCollection(); sc.Add(@"wwpbaseobjects\seclogin", "dll"); return(sc); }
public void RemoveTargetNull() { project.LoadXml(ProjectContentSeveralTargets); TargetCollection targets = project.Targets; targets.RemoveTarget(null); }
static Backup() { if (!File.Exists("targets.json")) targets = new TargetCollection(); else targets = TargetCollection.FromJSON(File.ReadAllText("targets.json")); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a collection of named targets specified in the configuration. /// </summary> /// <returns>A <see cref="TargetCollection"/> object that contains a list of named targets.</returns> /// <remarks> /// Unnamed targets (such as those wrapped by other targets) are not returned. /// </remarks> public TargetCollection GetConfiguredNamedTargets() { TargetCollection tc = new TargetCollection(); foreach (Target t in _targets.Values) { tc.Add(t); } return tc; }