Esempio n. 1
        public FP ComputeSquaredDistanceToPoint(TSVector Point)
            FP DistSquared = FP.Zero;

            if (Point.x < min.x)
                DistSquared += TSMath.Sqrt(Point.x - min.x);
            else if (Point.x > max.x)
                DistSquared += TSMath.Sqrt(Point.x - max.x);

            if (Point.z < min.z)
                DistSquared += TSMath.Sqrt(Point.z - min.z);
            else if (Point.z > max.z)
                DistSquared += TSMath.Sqrt(Point.z - max.z);

Esempio n. 2
        internal static FP CalculateHValue(IInt2 gridPos1, IInt2 gridPos2, Heuristic heuristic)
            FP h = FP.Zero;

            switch (heuristic)
            case Heuristic.Euclidean:
                h = TSMath.Sqrt((gridPos1 - gridPos2).sqrMagnitudeLong) * HeuristicFactor;

            case Heuristic.Manhattan:
                h = (Math.Abs(gridPos2.x - gridPos1.x) + Math.Abs(gridPos2.y - gridPos1.y)) * HeuristicFactor;
                //  return h;

            case Heuristic.DiagonalManhattan:
                IInt2 p = gridPos2 - gridPos1;
                p.x = Math.Abs(p.x);
                p.y = Math.Abs(p.y);
                int diag  = Math.Min(p.x, p.y);
                int diag2 = Math.Max(p.x, p.y);
                h = ((CustomMath.DiagonalCost * diag + (diag2 - diag))) * HeuristicFactor;
            return(h * GridMap.GetNodeSize());
Esempio n. 3
 private TSVector TargetPosition(int index, TSVector sphere, int agentsnum)
     if (agentsnum != 0)
         int separation = 150;
         agentsPerSide[index] = agentsnum / 3 + (agentsnum % 3 > 0 ? 1 : 0);
         int length           = agentsnum * 200;
         int side             = index % 3;
         FP  lengthMultiplier = (index / 3) / (FP)agentsPerSide[side];
         lengthMultiplier = 1 - (lengthMultiplier - (int)lengthMultiplier);
         FP height = length / 2 * TSMath.Sqrt(3); // Equilaterial triangle height
         if (index == 0)
             return(sphere + new TSVector(separation * (index % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1) * (((index - 1) / 2) + 1), 0, separation * (((index - 1) / 2) + 1)));
Esempio n. 4
        public override bool IsColliding(ref TSMatrix orientation1, ref TSMatrix orientation2, ref TSVector position1, ref TSVector position2,
                                         out TSVector point, out TSVector point1, out TSVector point2, out TSVector normal, out FP penetration)
            // Used variables
            TSVector center1, center2;

            // Initialization of the output
            point       = point1 = point2 = normal =;
            penetration = FP.Zero;

            SphereShape sphere1 = this.Shape1 as SphereShape;
            SphereShape sphere2 = this.Shape2 as SphereShape;

            // Get the center of sphere1 in world coordinates -> center1
            sphere1.SupportCenter(out center1);
            TSVector.Transform(ref center1, ref orientation1, out center1);
            TSVector.Add(ref position1, ref center1, out center1);

            // Get the center of sphere2 in world coordinates -> center2
            sphere2.SupportCenter(out center2);
            TSVector.Transform(ref center2, ref orientation2, out center2);
            TSVector.Add(ref position2, ref center2, out center2);

            TSVector c12 = TSVector.Subtract(center1, center2);
            FP       dot = TSVector.Dot(c12, c12);
            FP       r   = sphere1.radius + sphere2.radius;

            if (dot <= r * r)
                //Get the unit direction from the first sphere's center to the second sphere's center.
                TSVector.Subtract(ref center2, ref center1, out normal);
                if (normal.sqrMagnitude < TSMath.Epsilon)
                    // Spheres are on the same position, we can choose any normal vector.
                    // Possibly it would be better to consider the object movement (velocities), but
                    // it is not important since this case should be VERY rare.
                    normal = TSVector.forward;
                    normal = normal.normalized;

                FP r1 = sphere1.radius;
                FP r2 = sphere2.radius;

                point1 = normal * r1 + center1;
                point2 = TSVector.Negate(normal) * r2 + center2;

                TSVector.Negate(ref normal, out normal);
                penetration = r - TSMath.Sqrt(dot);
Esempio n. 5
            public void QueryRec(int i, QTBound r)
                var radius = TSMath.Min(TSMath.Max((nodes[i].maxSpeed + speed) * timeHorizon, TRadius), maxRadius); //+ TRadius,warning

                if (nodes[i].childNode1 == i)
                    // Leaf node
                    for (T a = nodes[i].nextData; a != null; a = (T)
                        FP v = T.InsertNeighbour(a, radius * radius);
                        if (v < maxRadius * maxRadius)
                            maxRadius = TSMath.Sqrt(v);
                    TSVector min =, max =;
                    // Not a leaf node
                    TSVector c =;
                    if (p.x - radius < c.x)
                        if (p.z - radius < c.z)
                            QueryRec(nodes[i].childNode1, QTBound.MinMaxQTBound(r.min, c));
                            radius = TSMath.Min(radius, maxRadius);
                        if (p.z + radius > c.z)
                            min.Set(r.min.x, 0, c.z);
                            max.Set(c.x, 0, r.max.z);
                            QueryRec(nodes[i].childNode2, QTBound.MinMaxQTBound(min, max));
                            radius = TSMath.Min(radius, maxRadius);

                    if (p.x + radius > c.x)
                        if (p.z - radius < c.z)
                            max.Set(r.max.x, 0, c.z);
                            min.Set(c.x, 0, r.min.z);
                            QueryRec(nodes[i].childNode3, QTBound.MinMaxQTBound(min, max));
                            radius = TSMath.Min(radius, maxRadius);
                        if (p.z + radius > c.z)
                            QueryRec(nodes[i].childNode4, QTBound.MinMaxQTBound(c, r.max));
Esempio n. 6
        /** Evaluate gradient and value of the cost function at velocity p */
        TSVector2 EvaluateGradient(VOBuffer vos, TSVector2 p, out FP value)
            TSVector2 gradient =;

            value = 0;

            // Avoid other agents
            for (int i = 0; i < vos.length; i++)
                FP  w;
                var grad = vos.buffer[i].ScaledGradient(p, out w);
                if (w > value)
                    value    = w;
                    gradient = grad;

            // Move closer to the desired velocity
            var dirToDesiredVelocity  = desiredVelocity - p;
            var distToDesiredVelocity = dirToDesiredVelocity.magnitude;

            if (distToDesiredVelocity > CustomMath.EPSILON)
                gradient += dirToDesiredVelocity * (DesiredVelocityWeight / distToDesiredVelocity);
                value    += distToDesiredVelocity * DesiredVelocityWeight;

            // Prefer speeds lower or equal to the desired speed
            // and avoid speeds greater than the max speed
            var sqrSpeed = p.LengthSquared();

            if (sqrSpeed > desiredSpeed * desiredSpeed)
                var speed = TSMath.Sqrt(sqrSpeed);

                if (speed > maxSpeed)
                    FP MaxSpeedWeight = 3;
                    value    += MaxSpeedWeight * (speed - maxSpeed);
                    gradient -= MaxSpeedWeight * (p / speed);

                // Scale needs to be strictly greater than DesiredVelocityWeight
                // otherwise the agent will not prefer the desired speed over
                // the maximum speed
                FP scale = 2 * DesiredVelocityWeight;
                value    += scale * (speed - desiredSpeed);
                gradient -= scale * (p / speed);

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// 圆和边的平面动态相交检测(注意是边的平面 并不是线段)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tedge"></param>
        /// <param name="crd"></param>
        /// <returns>是否在该段时间内相交</returns>
        public static bool CheckCircle_LineContact(tableEdge tedge, CircleRunData crd, ref FP t_percent)
            TSVector2 Sc = PointToLineDir(tedge.start, tedge.end, crd.cur_pos);
            TSVector2 Se = PointToLineDir(tedge.start, tedge.end, crd.next_pos);

            TSVector2 Scnormal = Sc.normalized;
            TSVector2 Senormal = Se.normalized;
            //TSVector2 Scnormal = Sc.normalized;
            //TSVector2 Senormal = Se.normalized;
            //只有两种结果 同向和 反向
            FP result = TSVector2.Dot(Scnormal, Senormal);              //1同向,0垂直,-1反向

            FP Scnorm = TSMath.Sqrt(TSMath.Abs(TSVector2.Dot(Sc, Sc))); //Sc模
            FP Senorm = TSMath.Sqrt(TSMath.Abs(TSVector2.Dot(Se, Se))); //Se模

            //FP radius_square = crd.radius * crd.radius;

            if (result > 0 && Scnorm > crd.radius && Senorm > crd.radius)//Sc,Se同向,俩圆圆半径大于到直线距离,不相交
            else//相交 求t
                FP S = 0;
                if (result > 0)
                    S = Scnorm - Senorm;
                    S = Scnorm + Senorm;
                //TSVector2 sce = Sc - Se;
                //FP S = TSMath.Sqrt( TSVector2.Dot(sce, sce));
                t_percent = (Scnorm - crd.radius) / S;//圆心到达撞击点的距离/圆心经过的总距离 来求出时间占比
                if (t_percent > 1)

                //if (t_percent < 0)
                //    if (Detection.CheckCircle_tableEdgeEndContact(crd, tedge, ref t_percent))
                //    {
                //        Debug.Log("修正");
                //    }
                return(t_percent >= 0?true:false);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forceToApply">basic force</param>
        /// <param name="basicVelocity">basic Velocity</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected TSVector ApplySeperateForce(TSVector toAcc, List <IAgentBehaviour> agents, bool bSkipStatic)//,out bool isTminStaticAgent
            int      count         = agents.Count;
            TSVector boidsVelocity =;
            TSVector forceToApply  =;
                TSVector totalForce         =;
                int      neighboursCountSep = 0;
                FP       radius             = _behaviour.colliderRadius * 4;
                FP       sepSqr             = radius * radius;//
                FP       nrSqr = _behaviour.baseData.neighbourRadiusSqr * FP.EN2 * 25;
                for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                    IAgentBehaviour a = agents[j];// _behaviour.neighbours
                    Boids.BoidsBehaviourSeparation(_behaviour, a, sepSqr, ref totalForce, ref neighboursCountSep, bSkipStatic);

                if (count > 0)
                    TSVector sep = totalForce * (_behaviour.baseData.maxForce) / count;

                    FP lenSqr = sep.sqrMagnitude;
                    if (lenSqr > _behaviour.baseData.maxForceSqr)
                        FP fval = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce / TSMath.Sqrt(lenSqr);
                        sep = sep * fval;
                    forceToApply = sep;
                    if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                        if (FP.Abs(forceToApply.x) > GridMap.SCALE * 1000 || FP.Abs(forceToApply.z) > GridMap.SCALE * 1000)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("forceToApply error!");

            if (forceToApply !=
                FP max = TSMath.Max(TSMath.Abs(forceToApply.x), TSMath.Abs(forceToApply.z));
                if (max > _behaviour.baseData.maxForce * FP.EN1 * 7)
                    forceToApply = forceToApply / max;
                    forceToApply = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce * forceToApply.normalized * FP.EN1 * 6;
                return((forceToApply + toAcc) * _behaviour.baseData.invMass);//
            return(forceToApply + toAcc);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called once before iteration starts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestep">The 5simulation timestep</param>
        public override void PrepareForIteration(FP timestep)
            effectiveMass = body1.invInertiaWorld + body2.invInertiaWorld;

            softnessOverDt = softness / timestep;

            effectiveMass.M11 += softnessOverDt;
            effectiveMass.M22 += softnessOverDt;
            effectiveMass.M33 += softnessOverDt;

            TSMatrix.Inverse(ref effectiveMass, out effectiveMass);

            TSMatrix orientationDifference;

            TSMatrix.Multiply(ref initialOrientation1, ref initialOrientation2, out orientationDifference);
            TSMatrix.Transpose(ref orientationDifference, out orientationDifference);

            TSMatrix q = orientationDifference * body2.invOrientation * body1.orientation;
            TSVector axis;

            FP x = q.M32 - q.M23;
            FP y = q.M13 - q.M31;
            FP z = q.M21 - q.M12;

            FP r = TSMath.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
            FP t = q.M11 + q.M22 + q.M33;

            FP angle = FP.Atan2(r, t - 1);

            axis = new TSVector(x, y, z) * angle;

            if (r != FP.Zero)
                axis = axis * (FP.One / r);

            bias = axis * biasFactor * (-FP.One / timestep);

            // Apply previous frame solution as initial guess for satisfying the constraint.
            if (!body1.IsStatic)
                body1.angularVelocity += TSVector.Transform(accumulatedImpulse, body1.invInertiaWorld);
            if (!body2.IsStatic)
                body2.angularVelocity += TSVector.Transform(-FP.One * accumulatedImpulse, body2.invInertiaWorld);
Esempio n. 10
        public override bool IsColliding(ref TSMatrix orientation1, ref TSMatrix orientation2, ref TSVector position1, ref TSVector position2,
                                         out TSVector point, out TSVector point1, out TSVector point2, out TSVector normal, out FP penetration)
            // Used variables
            TSVector center1, center2;

            // Initialization of the output
            point       = point1 = point2 = normal =;
            penetration = FP.Zero;

            SphereShape sphere1 = this.Shape1 as SphereShape;
            SphereShape sphere2 = this.Shape2 as SphereShape;

            // Get the center of sphere1 in world coordinates -> center1
            sphere1.SupportCenter(out center1);
            TSVector.Transform(ref center1, ref orientation1, out center1);
            TSVector.Add(ref position1, ref center1, out center1);

            // Get the center of sphere2 in world coordinates -> center2
            sphere2.SupportCenter(out center2);
            TSVector.Transform(ref center2, ref orientation2, out center2);
            TSVector.Add(ref position2, ref center2, out center2);

            TSVector c12 = TSVector.Subtract(center1, center2);
            FP       dot = TSVector.Dot(c12, c12);
            FP       r   = sphere1.radius + sphere2.radius;

            if (dot <= r * r)
                //Get the unit direction from the first sphere's center to the second sphere's center.
                TSVector.Subtract(ref center2, ref center1, out normal);
                normal = normal.normalized;

                FP r1 = sphere1.radius;
                FP r2 = sphere2.radius;

                point1 = normal * r1 + center1;
                point2 = TSVector.Negate(normal) * r2 + center2;

                TSVector.Negate(ref normal, out normal);
                penetration = r - TSMath.Sqrt(dot);
Esempio n. 11
    public static FP LineCircleIntersectionFactor(TSVector circleCenter, TSVector linePoint1, TSVector linePoint2, FP radius)
        FP  segmentLength;
        var normalizedDirection = Normalize(linePoint2 - linePoint1, out segmentLength);
        var dirToStart          = linePoint1 - circleCenter;

        var dot          = TSVector.Dot(dirToStart, normalizedDirection);
        var discriminant = dot * dot - (dirToStart.sqrMagnitude - radius * radius);

        if (discriminant < 0)
            // No intersection, pick closest point on segment
            discriminant = 0;

        var t = -dot + TSMath.Sqrt(discriminant);

        return(segmentLength > EPSILON ? t / segmentLength : 1);
Esempio n. 12
        public FP Distance(FP x, FP y)
            FP distanceSquared = 0;
            FP greatestMin     = TSMath.Max(X1, x);
            FP leastMax        = TSMath.Min(X2, x);

            if (greatestMin > leastMax)
                distanceSquared += TSMath.Pow(greatestMin - leastMax, 2);
            greatestMin = TSMath.Max(Y1, y);
            leastMax    = TSMath.Min(Y2, y);
            if (greatestMin > leastMax)
                distanceSquared += TSMath.Pow(greatestMin - leastMax, 2);

Esempio n. 13
 // static readonly FP r_dstMaxSqrInv =(FP.One / r_factor)* (FP.One / r_factor)*10;
 //Separation navigation
 internal static void BoidsBehaviourSeparation(IAgentBehaviour agent, IAgentBehaviour a, FP nrSqr, ref TSVector totalForce, ref int neighboursCount, bool bSkipStatic)
     if (a != agent && a.enabled)
         TSVector otherPos = a.position;
         if (agent.agent == null)//static agent
             if (bSkipStatic)
             otherPos =;
         TSVector pushForce   = (agent.position - otherPos);
         FP       distanceSqr = pushForce.sqrMagnitude;
         if (distanceSqr < nrSqr)//&& distanceSqr > 0
             //Vector to other agent
             //var length = pushForce.Normalize(); //
             FP r = (agent.colliderRadius + a.colliderRadius);
             // FP dst = distanceSqr;// TSMath.Sqrt(distanceSqr);
             FP fWeight   = 0;
             FP dstMax    = r_factor * r;
             FP rSqr      = r * r;
             FP dstMaxSqr = dstMax * dstMax;
             FP dst       = TSMath.Sqrt(distanceSqr);
             // fWeight =  (1 - (dst - r) / (agent.neighbourRadius - r));//(r+CustomMath.FPHalf- dst)/ dst;//
             if (distanceSqr > rSqr && distanceSqr < dstMaxSqr)
                 //if ( a.agent != null)
                     fWeight = (1 - (dst - r) / (agent.neighbourRadius - r)); // (dstMax);// (1 - (dst - r) / (agent.neighbourQTRadius - r));
                     if (a.agent == null)                                     //static agent
                         fWeight *= 10;
             else if (rSqr >= distanceSqr)
                 if (distanceSqr > r_staticFactorSqr * rSqr)
                     fWeight = 1 + CustomMath.FPHalf / 2;
                 else if (dst > FP.One / 10 * GridMap.SCALE)
                         fWeight = (r / dst * 2);
                         fWeight = fWeight * fWeight;
                     if (pushForce ==
                         pushForce = agent.velocity - a.velocity;
                     fWeight = 10;
             fWeight = TSMath.Min(30, fWeight);
             if (fWeight > 0)
                 totalForce = totalForce + (CustomMath.Normalize(pushForce) * fWeight);
Esempio n. 14
        public override FP ComputeSubmergedArea(ref TSVector2 normal, FP offset, ref Transform xf, out TSVector2 sc)
            sc =;

            TSVector2 p = MathUtils.Mul(ref xf, Position);
            FP        l = -(TSVector2.Dot(normal, p) - offset);

            if (l < -Radius + Settings.Epsilon)
                //Completely dry
            if (l > Radius)
                //Completely wet
                sc = p;
                return(Settings.Pi * _2radius);

            FP l2   = l * l;
            FP area = _2radius * (FP)((TSMath.Asin((l / Radius)) + TSMath.PiOver2) + l * TSMath.Sqrt(_2radius - l2));
            // TODO - PORT
            //FP com = -2.0f / 3.0f * (FP)Math.Pow(_2radius - l2, 1.5f) / area;
            FP com = new FP(-2) / new FP(3) * (FP)Math.Pow((_2radius - l2).AsFloat(), 1.5f) / area;

            sc.x = p.x + normal.x * com;
            sc.y = p.y + normal.y * com;

Esempio n. 15
        internal static TSVector2 computeForces(IAgentBehaviour behaviour, List <CircleObstacleAngleData> circleObstacles, TSVector basicVelocity, bool bUseForwardPos,
                                                FP maxTime, FP obstacleMaxTime, out bool isTminStaticAgent, out FP time, ref bool isCollidering, bool bIgnoreObstacle = false)//,
            time = -1;
            TSVector2 F =;
            List <IAgentBehaviour> neighbours = behaviour.neighbours;
            int icount = neighbours.Count;

            isTminStaticAgent = false;
            FP       tmin       = FP.MaxValue;
            TSVector forwardPos =;

            if (bUseForwardPos)
                forwardPos = behaviour.position + basicVelocity.normalized * behaviour.colliderRadius;
            TSVector pos = (bUseForwardPos ? forwardPos : behaviour.position);

            // compute the anticipatory force from each neighbor
            for (int i = 0; i < icount; ++i)
                IAgentBehaviour other = neighbours[i];
                FP radiusSum          = other.colliderRadius;// + behaviour.colliderRadius;
                if (!bUseForwardPos)
                    radiusSum = other.colliderRadius + behaviour.colliderRadius;
                if (behaviour != other)
                    maxTime = other.agent == null? obstacleMaxTime:maxTime;
                    F      += ComputeForce(behaviour, pos, other.position, radiusSum, other.agent == null, maxTime,
                                           basicVelocity, other.velocity, ref isTminStaticAgent, ref tmin, ref time, ref isCollidering);
                    if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG && behaviour.agent != null)
                        if (TSMath.Abs(F.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 1000 ||
                            TSMath.Abs(F.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 1000)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("F over flow!");
            if (!bIgnoreObstacle)
                FP       dirDst  = GridMap.blockDirDst;
                TSVector testDir = basicVelocity.normalized;
                TSVector pos2    = behaviour.position + testDir * dirDst;

                TSVector blockedPos  =;
                bool     hasObstacle =, pos2
                                                                                      , behaviour.pathManager._queryStack, ref blockedPos);
                if (hasObstacle)
                    F    = F - CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(testDir) * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                    time = FP.EN1;//near static obstacle
                    isTminStaticAgent = true;
            // behaviour.pathManager._queryStack.Clear();
            //icount = circleObstacles.Count;
            //bool temp=false;
            //for (int i = 0; i < icount; ++i)
            //    CircleObstacle other = circleObstacles[i];
            //    FP radiusSum = other._radius;// + behaviour.colliderRadius;
            //    if (!bUseForwardPos)
            //    {
            //        radiusSum = other._radius + behaviour.colliderRadius;
            //    }
            //    maxTime = obstacleMaxTime;
            //    F += ComputeForce(behaviour, pos, CustomMath.TSVec2ToVec(other._center), radiusSum, true, maxTime,
            //             basicVelocity,, ref isTminStaticAgent, ref tmin, ref time,ref temp);
            //forces from static obstacles
            List <LineObstacle> obstacleNeighbours = behaviour.neighbourObstacles;
            icount = obstacleNeighbours.Count;
            TSVector2 position        = CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(behaviour.position);
            TSVector2 velocity        = CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(basicVelocity);
            FP        radiusSqr       = behaviour.colliderRadius * behaviour.colliderRadius;
            FP        neighbourDstSqr = behaviour.neighbourRadius * behaviour.neighbourRadius;
            for (int i = 0; i < icount; ++i)
                LineObstacle obstacle = obstacleNeighbours[i];
                TSVector2    n_w      = CustomMath.ClosestPointLineSegment(obstacle._p1, obstacle._p2, position) - position;
                FP           d_w      = n_w.LengthSquared();

                if (velocity * n_w < 0 || d_w == radiusSqr || d_w > neighbourDstSqr) // Agent is moving away from obstacle, already colliding or obstacle too far away

                FP radius = d_w < radiusSqr?TSMath.Sqrt(d_w) : behaviour.colliderRadius;   // correct the radius, if the Agent is already colliding

                FP   a = velocity * velocity;
                bool discCollision = false, segmentCollision = false;
                FP   t_min = FP.MaxValue;

                FP        c = FP.Zero, b = FP.Zero, discr = FP.Zero;
                FP        b_temp = FP.Zero, discr_temp = FP.Zero, c_temp = FP.Zero, D_temp = FP.Zero;
                TSVector2 w_temp =, w =, o1_temp =
                , o2_temp =, o_temp =, o =, w_o =;

                // time-to-collision with disc_1 of the capped rectangle (capsule)
                w_temp     = obstacle._p1 - position;
                b_temp     = w_temp * velocity;
                c_temp     = w_temp * w_temp - (radius * radius);
                discr_temp = b_temp * b_temp - a * c_temp;
                if (discr_temp > 0 && (a < -CustomMath.EPSILON || a > CustomMath.EPSILON))
                    discr_temp = TSMath.Sqrt(discr_temp);
                    FP t = (b_temp - discr_temp) / a;
                    if (t > 0 && t < C_MaxColliderTime)
                        t_min         = t;
                        b             = b_temp;
                        discr         = discr_temp;
                        w             = w_temp;
                        c             = c_temp;
                        discCollision = true;

                // time-to-collision with disc_2 of the capsule
                w_temp     = obstacle._p2 - position;
                b_temp     = w_temp * velocity;
                c_temp     = w_temp * w_temp - (radius * radius);
                discr_temp = b_temp * b_temp - a * c_temp;
                if (discr_temp > 0 && (a < -CustomMath.EPSILON || a > CustomMath.EPSILON))
                    discr_temp = TSMath.Sqrt(discr_temp);
                    FP t = (b_temp - discr_temp) / a;
                    if (t > 0 && t < t_min)
                        t_min         = t;
                        b             = b_temp;
                        discr         = discr_temp;
                        w             = w_temp;
                        c             = c_temp;
                        discCollision = true;

                // time-to-collision with segment_1 of the capsule
                o1_temp = obstacle._p1 + radius * obstacle._normal;
                o2_temp = obstacle._p2 + radius * obstacle._normal;
                o_temp  = o2_temp - o1_temp;

                D_temp = CustomMath.det(velocity, o_temp);
                if (D_temp != 0)
                    FP inverseDet = 1 / D_temp;
                    FP t          = CustomMath.det(o_temp, position - o1_temp) * inverseDet;
                    FP s          = CustomMath.det(velocity, position - o1_temp) * inverseDet;
                    if (t > 0 && s >= 0 && s <= 1 && t < t_min)
                        t_min            = t;
                        o                = o_temp;
                        w_o              = position - o1_temp;
                        discCollision    = false;
                        segmentCollision = true;

                // time-to-collision with segment_2 of the capsule
                o1_temp = obstacle._p1 - radius * obstacle._normal;
                o2_temp = obstacle._p2 - radius * obstacle._normal;
                o_temp  = o2_temp - o1_temp;

                D_temp = CustomMath.det(velocity, o_temp);
                if (D_temp != 0)
                    FP inverseDet = 1 / D_temp;
                    FP t          = CustomMath.det(o_temp, position - o1_temp) * inverseDet;
                    FP s          = CustomMath.det(velocity, position - o1_temp) * inverseDet;
                    if (t > 0 && s >= 0 && s <= 1 && t < t_min)
                        t_min            = t;
                        o                = o_temp;
                        w_o              = position - o1_temp;
                        discCollision    = false;
                        segmentCollision = true;
                bool      bMax = false;
                TSVector2 val  =;
                if (discCollision)
                    if (t_min < FP.EN1 * 2)
                        bMax = true;
                        // F += (-(velocity - (b * velocity - a * w) / discr)).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                        val = -_k *System.Math.Exp((-t_min / _t0).AsFloat()) * (velocity - (b * velocity - a * w) / discr)
                              / (a * System.Math.Pow(t_min.AsFloat(), _m)) * (_m / t_min + FP.One / _t0);
                    if (bMax || TSMath.Abs(val.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce ||
                        TSMath.Abs(val.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce)
                        val = (-(velocity - (b * velocity - a * w) / discr)).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                    F += val;
                else if (segmentCollision)
                    if (t_min < FP.EN1 * 2)
                        bMax = true;
                        //   F += (CustomMath.det(velocity, o)* new TSVector2(-o.y, o.x)).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                        val = _k * System.Math.Exp((-t_min / _t0).AsFloat()) / (System.Math.Pow(t_min.AsFloat(), _m)
                                                                                * CustomMath.det(velocity, o)) * (_m / t_min + FP.One / _t0) * new TSVector2(-o.y, o.x);
                    if (bMax || TSMath.Abs(val.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce ||
                        TSMath.Abs(val.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce)
                        val = (CustomMath.det(velocity, o) * new TSVector2(-o.y, o.x)).normalized
                              * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                    F += val;
                if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG && behaviour.agent != null)
                    if (TSMath.Abs(F.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 1000 ||
                        TSMath.Abs(F.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 1000)
                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("F over flow!");
                return(F);// + desiredF;
            //    return desiredF;
Esempio n. 16
            /** Creates a VO for avoiding another agent.
             * Note that the segment is directed, the agent will want to be on the left side of the segment.
            public static VO SegmentObstacle(TSVector2 segmentStart, TSVector2 segmentEnd, TSVector2 offset, FP radius, FP inverseDt, FP inverseDeltaTime)
                var vo = new VO();

                // Adjusted so that a parameter weightFactor of 1 will be the default ("natural") weight factor
                vo.weightFactor = 1;
                // Just higher than anything else
                vo.weightBonus = TSMath.Max(radius, 1) * 40;

                var closestOnSegment = CustomMath.ClosestPointOnSegment(segmentStart, segmentEnd,;

                // Collision?
                if (closestOnSegment.magnitude <= radius)
                    vo.colliding = true;

                    vo.line1  = closestOnSegment.normalized * (closestOnSegment.magnitude - radius) * 3 / 10 * inverseDeltaTime;
                    vo.dir1   = new TSVector2(vo.line1.y, -vo.line1.x).normalized;
                    vo.line1 += offset;

                    vo.cutoffDir  =;
                    vo.cutoffLine =;
                    vo.dir2       =;
                    vo.line2      =;
                    vo.radius     = 0;

                    vo.segmentStart =;
                    vo.segmentEnd   =;
                    vo.segment      = false;
                    vo.colliding = false;

                    segmentStart *= inverseDt;
                    segmentEnd   *= inverseDt;
                    radius       *= inverseDt;

                    var cutoffTangent = (segmentEnd - segmentStart).normalized;
                    vo.cutoffDir   = cutoffTangent;
                    vo.cutoffLine  = segmentStart + new TSVector2(-cutoffTangent.y, cutoffTangent.x) * radius;
                    vo.cutoffLine += offset;

                    // See documentation for details
                    // The call to Max is just to prevent floating point errors causing NaNs to appear
                    var startSqrMagnitude = segmentStart.LengthSquared();
                    var normal1           = -ComplexMultiply(segmentStart, new TSVector2(radius, TSMath.Sqrt(TSMath.Max(0, startSqrMagnitude - radius * radius)))) / startSqrMagnitude;
                    var endSqrMagnitude   = segmentEnd.LengthSquared();
                    var normal2           = -ComplexMultiply(segmentEnd, new TSVector2(radius, -TSMath.Sqrt(TSMath.Max(0, endSqrMagnitude - radius * radius)))) / endSqrMagnitude;

                    vo.line1 = segmentStart + normal1 * radius + offset;
                    vo.line2 = segmentEnd + normal2 * radius + offset;

                    // Note that the normals are already normalized
                    vo.dir1 = new TSVector2(normal1.y, -normal1.x);
                    vo.dir2 = new TSVector2(normal2.y, -normal2.x);

                    vo.segmentStart = segmentStart;
                    vo.segmentEnd   = segmentEnd;
                    vo.radius       = radius;
                    vo.segment      = true;

Esempio n. 17
        static TSVector2 ComputeForce(IAgentBehaviour behaviour, TSVector pos, TSVector otherPosition,
                                      FP radiusSum, bool isStatic, FP maxTime, TSVector basicVelocity, TSVector otherVelocity
                                      , ref bool isTminStaticAgent, ref FP tmin, ref FP time, ref bool isCollidering)
            TSVector2 F   =;
            TSVector  dir = otherPosition - pos;

            if (otherVelocity == && TSVector.Dot(dir, basicVelocity) <= 0)

            FP distanceSq = dir.sqrMagnitude;
            FP radiusSq   = radiusSum * radiusSum;

            //  bool newMin = false;
            // if (distanceSq != radiusSq)
                // if ForceBasedAgents are actually colliding use their separation distance
                TSVector2 v = CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(basicVelocity - otherVelocity);//warning
                if (distanceSq < radiusSq)
                    isCollidering = true;
                    FP r = radiusSum - TSMath.Sqrt(distanceSq);
                    radiusSq = r * r;
                    //F = -CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(dir).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 3;
                    //return F;
                TSVector2 w = CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(dir);

                FP a     = v * v;
                FP b     = w * v;
                FP c     = w * w - radiusSq;
                FP discr = b * b - a * c;//(a*t^2-2*b*t+w*w-rSqr=0)
                if (discr > 0 && (a < -CustomMath.EPSILON || a > CustomMath.EPSILON))
                    discr = TSMath.Sqrt(discr);
                    FP        t    = (b - discr) / a;
                    bool      bMax = false;
                    TSVector2 val  =;

                    if (t > 0 && t < maxTime)
                        if (t < tmin)
                            tmin = t;
                            time = t;
                            isTminStaticAgent = isStatic;
                            //  newMin = true;
                        TSVector2 vecDir = (v - (b * v - a * w));
                        //other.agent!=null? (v - (b * v - a * w))
                        //: CustomMath.perpendicular(v - (b * v - a * w));
                        //int rIdx=behaviour.pathManager.RadomIdx()%2;
                        //   vecDir = rIdx == 0 ? vecDir : vecDir * -1;
                        if (t < FP.EN1 * 2)
                            bMax = true;
                            //  F +=(-(v - (b * v - a * w) / discr)).normalized*behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                            //-_k * System.Math.Exp((-t / _t0).AsFloat()) * (v - (b * v - a * w) / discr)
                            // (a * System.Math.Pow(t.AsFloat(), _m)) * (_m / t + FP.One / _t0);
                            FP fValX = -t / _t0;
                            val = -_k *CustomMath.ApproximateExp2(fValX) * vecDir
                                  / (discr * a * t * t) * (_m / t + FP.One / _t0);//System.Math.Exp(().AsFloat())//System.Math.Pow(t.AsFloat(), _m)
                        if (bMax || TSMath.Abs(val.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * c_maxForceFactor ||
                            TSMath.Abs(val.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * c_maxForceFactor)
                            FP maxXY = TSMath.Max(TSMath.Abs(vecDir.x), TSMath.Abs(vecDir.y));
                            if (maxXY > 1)
                                vecDir = vecDir / maxXY;
                            val = -(vecDir).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce * c_maxForceFactor;
                        //    F = val;//only the most threatening agent
                        F = val;

Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算球和球的互相作用方向
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //public static TSVector2[] CheckCircle_CircleCollision(CircleRunData runCircle, CircleRunData staticCircle)
        //    TSVector2 V = runCircle.next_pos - runCircle.cur_pos;
        //    TSVector2 U = staticCircle.next_pos - staticCircle.cur_pos;
        //    TSVector2 AB = staticCircle.cur_pos - runCircle.cur_pos;
        //    TSVector2 BA = runCircle.cur_pos - staticCircle.cur_pos;
        //    TSVector2 Vx = TSVector2.Dot(V, AB.normalized)*AB.normalized;
        //    TSVector2 Vy = V - Vx;
        //    TSVector2 Ux = TSVector2.Dot(U, BA.normalized) * BA.normalized;
        //    TSVector2 Uy = U - Ux;
        //    V = Ux + Vy;//反弹后的方向
        //    U = Vx + Uy;//反弹后的方向
        //    return new TSVector2[2] { V,U };
        //public static TSVector2[] CheckCircle_CircleCollision(TSVector2 V, TSVector2 U)
        //    TSVector2 Vx = new TSVector2(V.x, 0);
        //    TSVector2 Vy = new TSVector2(0, V.y);
        //    TSVector2 Ux = new TSVector2(U.x, 0);
        //    TSVector2 Uy = new TSVector2(0, U.y);
        //    V = Ux + Vy;//反弹后的方向
        //    U = Vx + Uy;//反弹后的方向
        //    return new TSVector2[2] { V, U };
        /// <summary>
        /// 圆和圆的动态相交检测(根据相对运动,抽象为一方是运动,另一方是静止)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cd"></param>
        /// <param name="crd"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CheckCircle_CircleContact(CircleRunData runCircle, CircleRunData staticCircle, FP deltaTime, ref FP _percent)
            TSVector2 VA = runCircle.next_pos - runCircle.cur_pos;
            TSVector2 VB = staticCircle.next_pos - staticCircle.cur_pos;
            //两个运动方向描述为一方运动另一方静止 so
            TSVector2 VAB  = VA - VB;                                  //runCircle相对于staticCircle的运动方向pc
            TSVector2 Idir = staticCircle.cur_pos - runCircle.cur_pos; //射线起点到静态圆的方向
            //FP Idir_length_square = TSVector2.Dot(Idir, Idir);
            FP Idir_length_square   = Idir.LengthSquared();
            FP static_radius_square = (staticCircle.radius * 2) * (staticCircle.radius * 2);

            //Func<TSVector2,FP,FP> calHitInfo = (e_dir,a_projvalue) =>
            //    //TSVector2 e_dir = staticCircle.cur_pos - runCircle.cur_pos;
            //    //FP a_projvalue = TSMath.Abs(TSVector2.Dot(e_dir, VAB.normalized));
            //    a_projvalue = TSMath.Abs(a_projvalue);
            //    FP b_squar = TSVector2.Dot(e_dir, e_dir) - a_projvalue * a_projvalue;
            //    FP f = TSMath.Sqrt(static_radius_square - b_squar);
            //    FP t = a_projvalue - f;//碰撞到静态圆所走的路程,总路程是runCircle.cur_pos+VAB*delataTime;
            //    return t /*/ (VAB * deltaTime).magnitude*/;//求出占比

            if (Idir_length_square < static_radius_square) //射线起点在圆心内部,相交
                //_percent =  calHitInfo();
                //_percent = 1;//一开始就相交的
                FP a_projvalue = TSVector2.Dot(Idir, VAB.normalized);
                if (a_projvalue < 0)//球体位于射线原点的后面 不相交
                    FP m_square = Idir_length_square - a_projvalue * a_projvalue; //球心到投影点距离的平方
                    if (m_square - static_radius_square > 0)                      //预测不相交
                        //var t = calHitInfo(Idir, a_projvalue);
                        FP   b_squar = m_square;
                        FP   f       = TSMath.Sqrt(static_radius_square - b_squar); //理论上来说 f是开跟后的结果,应该有俩个值?
                        FP   t1      = a_projvalue - f;                             //碰撞到静态圆所走的路程,总路程是runCircle.cur_pos+VAB*delataTime;
                        FP   t2      = a_projvalue + f;
                        FP   per     = 0;
                        bool isFlag  = false;
                        if (t1 > 0 && t1 - VAB.magnitude < 0)
                            isFlag = true;
                            if (VAB.magnitude < 0)
                            per = t1 / VAB.magnitude;

                        if (t2 > 0 && t2 - VAB.magnitude < 0)
                            isFlag = true;
                            if (VAB.magnitude < 0)
                            var per2 = t2 / VAB.magnitude;
                            if (per2 < per)
                                per = per2;
                        _percent = per;
                        if (isFlag && _percent < FP.EN4)
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the avoid direction vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selfPos">This unit's position.</param>
        /// <param name="currentVelocity">This unit's current velocity.</param>
        /// <param name="otherPos">The other unit's position.</param>
        /// <param name="otherVelocity">The other unit's velocity.</param>
        /// <param name="combinedRadius">The combined radius.</param>
        /// <returns>An avoidance direction vector, if a collision is detected.</returns>
        private static TSVector GetAvoidDirectionVector(TSVector selfPos, TSVector currentVelocity, TSVector otherPos, TSVector otherVelocity, FP combinedRadius, out TSVector selfCollisionPos)
            selfCollisionPos =;
            // use a 2nd degree polynomial function to determine intersection points between moving units with a velocity and radius
            FP a = ((currentVelocity.x - otherVelocity.x) * (currentVelocity.x - otherVelocity.x)) +
                   ((currentVelocity.z - otherVelocity.z) * (currentVelocity.z - otherVelocity.z));
            FP b = (2 * (selfPos.x - otherPos.x) * (currentVelocity.x - otherVelocity.x)) +
                   (2 * (selfPos.z - otherPos.z) * (currentVelocity.z - otherVelocity.z));
            FP c = ((selfPos.x - otherPos.x) * (selfPos.x - otherPos.x)) +
                   ((selfPos.z - otherPos.z) * (selfPos.z - otherPos.z)) -
                   (combinedRadius * combinedRadius);

            FP d = (b * b) - (4 * a * c);

            if (d <= 0)
                // if there are not 2 intersection points, then skip

            // compute "heavy" calculations only once
            FP dSqrt   = TSMath.Sqrt(d);
            FP doubleA = 2 * a;

            // compute roots, which in this case are actually time values informing of when the collision starts and ends
            FP t1 = (-b + dSqrt) / doubleA;
            FP t2 = (-b - dSqrt) / doubleA;

            if (t1 < 0 && t2 < 0)
                // if both times are negative, the collision is behind us (compared to velocity direction)

            // find the lowest non-negative time, since this will be where the collision time interval starts
            FP time = 0;

            if (t1 < 0)
                time = t2;
            else if (t2 < 0)
                time = t1;
                time = TSMath.Min(t1, t2);

            // the collision time we want is actually 25 % within the collision
            time += TSMath.Abs(t2 - t1) * _collisionTimeFactor;

            // compute actual collision positions
            selfCollisionPos = selfPos + (currentVelocity * time);
            // _selfCollisionPos = selfCollisionPos;
            TSVector otherCollisionPos = otherPos + (otherVelocity * time);

            // _lastAvoidPos = otherPos;

            // return an avoid vector from the other's collision position to this unit's collision position
            return(otherCollisionPos - selfCollisionPos);
Esempio n. 20
        private bool Collide(TSVector sphereCenter, FP r, ref TSVector[] vertices,
                             ref TSVector point, ref TSVector point1, ref TSVector point2, ref TSVector resultNormal, ref FP penetration)
            TSVector c     = sphereCenter;
            TSVector delta =;

            TSVector normal = TSVector.Cross(vertices[1] - vertices[0], vertices[2] - vertices[0]);

            normal = TSVector.Normalize(normal);
            TSVector p1ToCentre        = c - vertices[0];
            FP       distanceFromPlane = TSVector.Dot(p1ToCentre, normal);

            if (distanceFromPlane < FP.Zero)
                //triangle facing the other way
                distanceFromPlane *= -1;
                normal            *= -1;

            FP   contactMargin        = FP.Zero; //TODO: PersistentManifold.ContactBreakingThreshold;
            bool isInsideContactPlane = distanceFromPlane < r + contactMargin;
            bool isInsideShellPlane   = distanceFromPlane < r;

            FP deltaDotNormal = TSVector.Dot(delta, normal);

            if (!isInsideShellPlane && deltaDotNormal >= FP.Zero)

            // Check for contact / intersection
            bool     hasContact   = false;
            TSVector contactPoint =;

            if (isInsideContactPlane)
                if (FaceContains(ref c, ref vertices, ref normal))
                    // Inside the contact wedge - touches a point on the shell plane
                    hasContact   = true;
                    contactPoint = c - normal * distanceFromPlane;
                    // Could be inside one of the contact capsules
                    FP       contactCapsuleRadiusSqr = (r + contactMargin) * (r + contactMargin);
                    TSVector nearestOnEdge           =;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        TSVector pa, pb;
                        pa = vertices[i];
                        pb = vertices[(i + 1) % 3];

                        FP distanceSqr = SegmentSquareDistance(pa, pb, c, ref nearestOnEdge);
                        if (distanceSqr < contactCapsuleRadiusSqr)
                            // Yep, we're inside a capsule
                            contactCapsuleRadiusSqr = distanceSqr;
                            hasContact   = true;
                            contactPoint = nearestOnEdge;

            if (hasContact)
                FP       MaxOverlap      = FP.Zero; // TODO:
                TSVector contactToCentre = c - contactPoint;
                FP       distanceSqr     = contactToCentre.sqrMagnitude;
                if (distanceSqr < (r - MaxOverlap) * (r - MaxOverlap))
                    FP distance = TSMath.Sqrt(distanceSqr);
                    resultNormal = contactToCentre;
                    resultNormal = TSVector.Normalize(resultNormal);
                    point        = contactPoint;
                    point1       = point;
                    resultNormal = TSVector.Negate(resultNormal);
                    point2       = sphereCenter + resultNormal * r;
                    penetration  = r - distance;

                if (TSVector.Dot(delta, contactToCentre) >= FP.Zero)

                // Moving towards the contact point -> collision
                point = point1 = point2 = contactPoint;
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// 检测圆是否和线段的端点相交,参考了俩个动态圆的动态相交测试,都是转化为射线和圆的相交测试
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CheckCircle_tableEdgeEndContact(CircleRunData runCircle, tableEdge segement, ref FP _percent, ref TSVector2 _nearestPos)
            TSVector2 cirPos     = runCircle.cur_pos;
            TSVector2 nearestPos =;

            if (TSVector2.DistanceSquared(runCircle.cur_pos, segement.start) < TSVector2.DistanceSquared(runCircle.cur_pos, segement.end))
                _nearestPos = nearestPos = segement.start;
                _nearestPos = nearestPos = segement.end;
            //TSVector2 VA = runCircle.next_pos - runCircle.cur_pos;
            //TSVector2 VB = staticCircle.next_pos - staticCircle.cur_pos;
            //两个运动方向描述为一方运动另一方静止 so
            //TSVector2 VAB = VA - VB;//runCircle相对于staticCircle的运动方向pc
            TSVector2 VAB  = runCircle.next_pos - runCircle.cur_pos; //动态圆射线运动方向
            TSVector2 Idir = nearestPos - cirPos;                    //射线起点到静态圆的方向
            //FP Idir_length_square = TSVector2.Dot(Idir, Idir);
            FP Idir_length_square   = Idir.LengthSquared();
            FP static_radius_square = runCircle.radius * runCircle.radius;

            if (Idir_length_square < static_radius_square)//射线起点在圆心内部,相交
                //_percent =  calHitInfo();
                //_percent = 1;//一开始就相交的
                FP a_projvalue = TSVector2.Dot(Idir, VAB.normalized);
                if (a_projvalue < 0)//球体位于射线原点的后面 不相交
                    FP m_square = Idir_length_square - a_projvalue * a_projvalue; //球心到投影点距离的平方
                    if (m_square - static_radius_square > 0)                      //预测不相交
                        //var t = calHitInfo(Idir, a_projvalue);
                        FP   b_squar = m_square;
                        FP   f       = TSMath.Sqrt(static_radius_square - b_squar); //理论上来说 f是开跟后的结果,应该有俩个值?
                        FP   t1      = a_projvalue - f;                             //碰撞到静态圆所走的路程,总路程是runCircle.cur_pos+VAB*delataTime;
                        FP   t2      = a_projvalue + f;
                        FP   per     = 0;
                        bool isFlag  = false;
                        if (t1 > 0 && t1 - VAB.magnitude < FP.EN8)
                            isFlag = true;
                            if (VAB.magnitude < 0)
                            per = t1 / VAB.magnitude;

                        if (t2 > 0 && t2 - VAB.magnitude < 0)
                            isFlag = true;
                            if (VAB.magnitude < 0)
                            var per2 = t2 / VAB.magnitude;
                            if (per2 < per)
                                per = per2;
                        _percent = per;
                        if (_percent > 1)

                        if (isFlag && _percent < FP.EN4)
Esempio n. 22
        public override FP ComputeSubmergedArea(ref TSVector2 normal, FP offset, ref Transform xf, out TSVector2 sc)
            sc =;
            TSVector2 tSVector = MathUtils.Mul(ref xf, this.Position);
            FP        fP       = -(TSVector2.Dot(normal, tSVector) - offset);
            bool      flag     = fP < -base.Radius + Settings.Epsilon;
            FP        result;

            if (flag)
                result = 0;
                bool flag2 = fP > base.Radius;
                if (flag2)
                    sc     = tSVector;
                    result = Settings.Pi * this._2radius;
                    FP y   = fP * fP;
                    FP fP2 = this._2radius * (TSMath.Asin(fP / base.Radius) + TSMath.PiOver2 + fP * TSMath.Sqrt(this._2radius - y));
                    FP y2  = new FP(-2) / new FP(3) * Math.Pow((double)(this._2radius - y).AsFloat(), 1.5) / fP2;
                    sc.x   = tSVector.x + normal.x * y2;
                    sc.y   = tSVector.y + normal.y * y2;
                    result = fP2;
Esempio n. 23
        public FP GetSphereDistance(ref BoxShape box, ref TSVector boxPosition, ref TSMatrix boxOrientation, ref TSVector sphereCenter, FP radius,
                                    ref TSVector pointOnBox, ref TSVector pointOnSphere, ref TSVector normal)
            FP margins;

            bounds[0] = TSVector.Negate(box.halfSize);
            bounds[1] = box.halfSize;

            margins = FP.Zero; //TODO: box.Margin; //also add sphereShape margin?

            boundsVec[0] = bounds[0];
            boundsVec[1] = bounds[1];

            TSVector marginsVec = * margins;

            // add margins
            bounds[0] += marginsVec;
            bounds[1] -= marginsVec;

            TSVector prel, v3P;
            FP       sep = FP.MaxValue;
            FP       sepThis;

            // convert  point in local space
            TSVector.Subtract(ref sphereCenter, ref boxPosition, out sphereCenter);
            TSMatrix invBoxOrientation;

            TSMatrix.Inverse(ref boxOrientation, out invBoxOrientation);
            TSVector.Transform(ref sphereCenter, ref invBoxOrientation, out prel);

            bool found = false;

            v3P = prel;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                int j = i < 3 ? 0 : 1;
                if ((sepThis = (TSVector.Dot(v3P - bounds[j], n[i]))) > FP.Zero)
                    v3P   = v3P - n[i] * sepThis;
                    found = true;

            if (found)
                bounds[0] = boundsVec[0];
                bounds[1] = boundsVec[1];

                normal        = TSVector.Normalize(prel - v3P);
                pointOnBox    = v3P + normal * margins;
                pointOnSphere = prel - normal * radius;

                if ((TSVector.Dot(pointOnSphere - pointOnBox, normal)) > FP.Zero)

                FP seps2 = (pointOnBox - pointOnSphere).sqrMagnitude;

                //if this fails, fallback into deeper penetration case, below
                if (seps2 > TSMath.Epsilon)
                    // transform back in world space
                    TSVector.Transform(ref pointOnBox, ref boxOrientation, out pointOnBox);
                    TSVector.Add(ref pointOnBox, ref boxPosition, out pointOnBox);
                    TSVector.Transform(ref pointOnSphere, ref boxOrientation, out pointOnSphere);
                    TSVector.Add(ref pointOnSphere, ref boxPosition, out pointOnSphere);

                    sep     = -TSMath.Sqrt(seps2);
                    normal  = (pointOnBox - pointOnSphere);
                    normal *= FP.One / sep;
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forceToApply">basic force</param>
        /// <param name="basicVelocity">basic Velocity</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected TSVector ApplyForce(FP deltaTime, TSVector desiredDirection, TSVector basicVelocity, TSVector pos, List <IAgentBehaviour> agents, bool bUsePreForce, bool bSkipStatic)//
            // isTminStaticAgent = false;
            int      count         = agents.Count;
            TSVector boidsVelocity =;
            //TSVector forceToApply =;
            TSVector forceToApply   =;
            TSVector avoidObstacle  =;
            FP       mAvoidObstacle = FP.Zero;

            if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.terrainSeperation) && false)
                avoidObstacle = Boids.BoidsBehaviourAvoidObstacle(pos,, basicVelocity);
                //desiredDirection = (desiredDirection + dir * S_terrainSepFactor);
                //    desiredDirection = desiredDirection.normalized;
                avoidObstacle = CustomMath.Normalize(avoidObstacle, out mAvoidObstacle);
            if (desiredDirection !=
                desiredDirection = CustomMath.Normalize(desiredDirection);
                forceToApply    += Boids.SteerTowards(_behaviour, desiredDirection, basicVelocity);
            if (mAvoidObstacle > FP.Zero)
                forceToApply += Boids.SteerTowards(_behaviour, avoidObstacle, basicVelocity);
            if (PathFindingManager.c_useAvoidUnit)
                if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.avoidUnit))
                    TSVector avoidVector = SteerForUnitAvoidance.GetDesiredSteering(_behaviour);
                    TSVector force       = TSVector.ClampMagnitude(avoidVector / deltaTime * _behaviour.baseData.invMass, _behaviour.baseData.maxForce);
                    forceToApply += force;
                //else if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.collisionAvoidance))
                // //   bool isTminStaticAgent = false;
                //    forceToApply += CustomMath.TSVec2ToVec(ForceBasedAgent.computeForces(_behaviour, basicVelocity,out isTminStaticAgent));

            if (_activeBoids > 0 && !bUsePreForce &&
                (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.seperation) || IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.cohesion) ||
                // int count =(i%3== _updateStart)? this.neighbours.Count:0;//_group._thiss
                TSVector totalForce          =;
                TSVector averageHeading      =;
                TSVector centerOfMass        =;
                int      neighboursCountSep  = 0;
                int      neighboursCountAlig = 0;
                int      neighboursCountCoh  = 0;
                FP       radius = _behaviour.colliderRadius * 4;
                FP       sepSqr = radius * radius;//
                FP       nrSqr  = _behaviour.baseData.neighbourRadiusSqr * FP.EN2 * 25;
                for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                    IAgentBehaviour a = agents[j];// _behaviour.neighbours
                    if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.seperation))
                        Boids.BoidsBehaviourSeparation(_behaviour, a, sepSqr, ref totalForce, ref neighboursCountSep, bSkipStatic);
                    if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.alignment))
                        Boids.BoidsBehaviourAlignment(_behaviour, a, nrSqr, ref averageHeading, ref neighboursCountAlig);
                    if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.cohesion))
                        Boids.BoidsBehaviourCohesion(_behaviour, a, nrSqr, ref centerOfMass, ref neighboursCountCoh);
                    if (a.enabled && a.agent == null) //the ally neighbour has a target,
                                                      //cause this agent change type to atar type targeted to the same target
                        PathFindingAgentBehaviour agent = _behaviour as PathFindingAgentBehaviour;
                        if (agent.AgentType == EAgentType.flowFiled)
                            TSVector target         = (a as PathFindingAgentBehaviour).targetPos;
                            bool     isDefaultTaget = target == a.baseData.defaultTargetPos;
                            if (target != TSVector.MaxValue && target != TSVector.MinValue && !isDefaultTaget)
                                agent.stopMoving = false;
                                agent._hasNeighbourTargetedDefaultPos = true;
                                target.y = 0;
                                agent.SetNewTargetPos(target, true);
                            if (!isDefaultTaget)
                                agent.preVelocity =;
                                forceToApply      =;
                                // agent.velocity =;
                                // agent.ChangeAgentType(EAgentType.astar);

                if (count > 0)
                    TSVector sep =;
                    if (totalForce !=
                        //totalForce.Multiply(agent.maxForce / neighboursCount)
                        sep = totalForce * (_behaviour.baseData.maxForce) / neighboursCountSep;
                        //sep=Boids.SteerTowards(_behaviour, sep, basicVelocity);
                        FP lenSqr = sep.sqrMagnitude;
                        if (lenSqr > _behaviour.baseData.maxForceSqr)
                            FP fval = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce / TSMath.Sqrt(lenSqr);
                            sep = sep * fval;
                    TSVector avh =;
                    if (averageHeading != //average heading
                        averageHeading = averageHeading / (neighboursCountAlig);
                        avh            = Boids.SteerTowards(_behaviour, CustomMath.Normalize(averageHeading), basicVelocity);
                    //average position
                    TSVector coh =;
                    if (centerOfMass != seek that position
                        centerOfMass = centerOfMass + _behaviour.position;
                        centerOfMass = centerOfMass / neighboursCountCoh;
                        coh          = Boids.BoidsBehaviourSeek(_behaviour, basicVelocity, centerOfMass);
                    _preBoidsForce = sep * S_seperationFactor + avh * S_alignmentFactor + coh * S_cohesionFactor;
                    forceToApply  += _preBoidsForce;
                    if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                        if (FP.Abs(forceToApply.x) > GridMap.SCALE * 1000 || FP.Abs(forceToApply.z) > GridMap.SCALE * 1000)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("forceToApply error!");
            else if (bUsePreForce)
                forceToApply += _preBoidsForce;

            if (forceToApply !=
                if (TSMath.Abs(forceToApply.x) > _behaviour.baseData.maxForce ||
                    TSMath.Abs(forceToApply.z) > _behaviour.baseData.maxForce)
                //FP lengthSquared = forceToApply.sqrMagnitude;
                //if (lengthSquared > _behaviour.baseData.maxForceSqr)//&& _activeBoids!=(byte)EBoidsActiveType.seperation)
                    forceToApply = forceToApply * FP.EN3;
                    forceToApply = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce * forceToApply.normalized;
                return(forceToApply * _behaviour.baseData.invMass);//