private SystemClassDB FindEDSM(HistoryEntry syspos, SQLiteConnectionSystem conn = null, bool reload = false) { if (syspos.System.status == SystemStatusEnum.EDSC || (!reload && syspos.System.id_edsm == -1)) // if set already, or we tried and failed.. { return(null); } bool ownconn = false; try { if (conn == null) { ownconn = true; conn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem(); } return(SystemClassDB.FindEDSM(syspos.System, conn)); } finally { if (ownconn && conn != null) { conn.Dispose(); } } }
public static HistoryEntry FromJournalEntry(JournalEntry je, HistoryEntry prev, bool checkedsm, out bool journalupdate, SQLiteConnectionSystem conn = null, EDCommander cmdr = null) { ISystem isys = prev == null ? new SystemClassDB("Unknown") : prev.System; int indexno = prev == null ? 1 : prev.Indexno + 1; int mapcolour = 0; journalupdate = false; bool starposfromedsm = false; bool firstdiscover = false; if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location || je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump) { JournalLocOrJump jl = je as JournalLocOrJump; JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as JournalFSDJump; ISystem newsys; if (jl.HasCoordinate) // LAZY LOAD IF it has a co-ord.. the front end will when it needs it { newsys = new SystemClassDB(jl.StarSystem, jl.StarPos.X, jl.StarPos.Y, jl.StarPos.Z); newsys.id_edsm = jl.EdsmID < 0 ? 0 : jl.EdsmID; // pass across the EDSMID for the lazy load process. if (jfsd != null && jfsd.JumpDist <= 0 && isys.HasCoordinate) // if we don't have a jump distance (pre 2.2) but the last sys does have pos, we can compute distance and update entry { jfsd.JumpDist = SystemClassDB.Distance(isys, newsys); // fill it out here journalupdate = true; } } else { // Default one newsys = new SystemClassDB(jl.StarSystem); newsys.id_edsm = jl.EdsmID; if (checkedsm) // see if we can find the right system { SystemClassDB s = SystemClassDB.FindEDSM(newsys, conn); // has no co-ord, did we find it? if (s != null) // yes, use, and update the journal with the esdmid, and also the position if we have a co-ord { // so next time we don't have to do this again.. if (jl.HasCoordinate) { s.x = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.X * 32.0) / 32.0; s.y = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.Y * 32.0) / 32.0; s.z = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.Z * 32.0) / 32.0; } newsys = s; if (jfsd != null && jfsd.JumpDist <= 0 && newsys.HasCoordinate && isys.HasCoordinate) // if we don't have a jump distance (pre 2.2) but the last sys does, we can compute { jfsd.JumpDist = SystemClassDB.Distance(isys, newsys); // fill it out here. EDSM systems always have co-ords, but we should check anyway journalupdate = true; } if (jl.EdsmID <= 0 && newsys.id_edsm > 0) { journalupdate = true; } } } } if (jfsd != null) { if (jfsd.JumpDist <= 0 && isys.HasCoordinate && newsys.HasCoordinate) // if no JDist, its a really old entry, and if previous has a co-ord { jfsd.JumpDist = SystemClassDB.Distance(isys, newsys); // fill it out here journalupdate = true; } mapcolour = jfsd.MapColor; } isys = newsys; starposfromedsm = jl.HasCoordinate ? jl.StarPosFromEDSM : newsys.HasCoordinate; firstdiscover = jl.EDSMFirstDiscover; } string summary, info, detailed; je.FillInformation(out summary, out info, out detailed); HistoryEntry he = new HistoryEntry { Indexno = indexno, EntryType = je.EventTypeID, Journalid = je.Id, journalEntry = je, System = isys, EventTimeUTC = je.EventTimeUTC, MapColour = mapcolour, EdsmSync = je.SyncedEDSM, EDDNSync = je.SyncedEDDN, EGOSync = je.SyncedEGO, StartMarker = je.StartMarker, StopMarker = je.StopMarker, EventSummary = summary, EventDescription = info, EventDetailedInfo = detailed, IsStarPosFromEDSM = starposfromedsm, IsEDSMFirstDiscover = firstdiscover, Commander = cmdr ?? EDCommander.GetCommander(je.CommanderId) }; // WORK out docked/landed state if (prev != null) { if (prev.docked.HasValue) // copy docked.. { he.docked = prev.docked; } if (prev.landed.HasValue) { he.landed = prev.landed; } he.shiptype = prev.shiptype; he.shipid = prev.shipid; he.whereami = prev.whereami; he.onCrewWithCaptain = prev.onCrewWithCaptain; he.gamemode = prev.gamemode; =; } if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location) { JournalLocation jl = je as JournalLocation; he.docked = jl.Docked; he.whereami = jl.Docked ? jl.StationName : jl.Body; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Docked) { JournalDocked jl = je as JournalDocked; he.docked = true; he.whereami = jl.StationName; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Undocked) { he.docked = false; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Touchdown) { he.landed = true; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Liftoff) { he.landed = false; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.SupercruiseEntry) { he.whereami = (je as JournalSupercruiseEntry).StarSystem; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.SupercruiseExit) { he.whereami = (je as JournalSupercruiseExit).Body; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump) { he.whereami = (je as JournalFSDJump).StarSystem; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame) { JournalLoadGame jl = je as JournalLoadGame; he.onCrewWithCaptain = null; // can't be in a crew at this point he.gamemode = jl.GameMode; // set game mode = jl.Group; // and group, may be empty he.landed = jl.StartLanded; if (jl.Ship.IndexOf("buggy", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1) // load game with buggy, can't tell what ship we get back into, so ignore { he.shiptype = (je as JournalLoadGame).Ship; he.shipid = (je as JournalLoadGame).ShipId; } } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.ShipyardBuy) // BUY does not have ship id, but the new entry will that is written later - journals 8.34 { he.shiptype = (je as JournalShipyardBuy).ShipType; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.ShipyardNew) { he.shiptype = (je as JournalShipyardNew).ShipType; he.shipid = (je as JournalShipyardNew).ShipId; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.ShipyardSwap) { he.shiptype = (je as JournalShipyardSwap).ShipType; he.shipid = (je as JournalShipyardSwap).ShipId; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.JoinACrew) { he.onCrewWithCaptain = (je as JournalJoinACrew).Captain; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.QuitACrew) { he.onCrewWithCaptain = null; } if (prev != null && prev.travelling) // if we are travelling.. { he.travelled_distance = prev.travelled_distance; he.travelled_missingjump = prev.travelled_missingjump; he.travelled_jumps = prev.travelled_jumps; if (he.IsFSDJump && !he.MultiPlayer) // if jump, and not multiplayer.. { double dist = ((JournalFSDJump)je).JumpDist; if (dist <= 0) { he.travelled_missingjump++; } else { he.travelled_distance += dist; he.travelled_jumps++; } } he.travelled_seconds = prev.travelled_seconds; TimeSpan diff = he.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(prev.EventTimeUTC); if (he.EntryType != JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame && diff < new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0)) // time between last entry and load game is not real time { he.travelled_seconds += diff; } if (he.StopMarker || he.StartMarker) { //Debug.WriteLine("Travelling stop at " + he.Indexno); he.travelling = false; he.EventDetailedInfo += ((he.EventDetailedInfo.Length > 0) ? Environment.NewLine : "") + "Travelled " + he.travelled_distance.ToStringInvariant("0.0") + " LY" + ", " + he.travelled_jumps + " jumps" + ((he.travelled_missingjump > 0) ? ", " + he.travelled_missingjump + " unknown distance jumps" : "") + ", time " + he.travelled_seconds; he.travelled_distance = 0; he.travelled_seconds = new TimeSpan(0); } else { he.travelling = true; if (he.IsFSDJump) { he.EventDetailedInfo += ((he.EventDetailedInfo.Length > 0) ? Environment.NewLine : "") + "Travelling" + " distance " + he.travelled_distance.ToString("0.0") + " LY" + ", " + he.travelled_jumps + " jumps" + ((he.travelled_missingjump > 0) ? ", " + he.travelled_missingjump + " unknown distance jumps" : "") + ", time " + he.travelled_seconds; } } } if (he.StartMarker) { //Debug.WriteLine("Travelling start at " + he.Indexno); he.travelling = true; } return(he); }