Esempio n. 1
        public System.String ProcessText(System.String text)
            text = text.Trim();
            var remoteTypograf = new ArtLebedevStudio.WebServices.Typograf();

            return remoteTypograf.ProcessText (text, _entityType, _useBr, _useP, _maxNobr);
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert from HL7 format to Common Data Format.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hl7Format">HL7 format.</param>
 public override void FromHl7Format(System.String hl7Format)
     _uid = hl7Format.Trim();
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert from DICOM format to Common Data Format.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dicomFormat">DICOM format.</param>
 public override void FromDicomFormat(System.String dicomFormat)
     _uid = dicomFormat.Trim();
		/// <summary> Set the value of the attribute and the quote character.
		/// If the value is pure whitespace, assign it 'as is' and reset the
		/// quote character. If not, check for leading and trailing double or
		/// single quotes, and if found use this as the quote character and
		/// the inner contents of <code>value</code> as the real value.
		/// Otherwise, examine the string to determine if quotes are needed
		/// and an appropriate quote character if so. This may involve changing
		/// double quotes within the string to character references.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="value">The new value.
		/// </param>
		public virtual void SetRawValue(System.String value_Renamed)
			char ch;
			bool needed;
			bool singleq;
			bool doubleq;
			System.String ref_Renamed;
			System.Text.StringBuilder buffer;
			char quote;
			quote = (char) (0);
			if ((null != value_Renamed) && (0 != value_Renamed.Trim().Length))
				if (value_Renamed.StartsWith("'") && value_Renamed.EndsWith("'") && (2 <= value_Renamed.Length))
					quote = '\'';
					value_Renamed = value_Renamed.Substring(1, (value_Renamed.Length - 1) - (1));
				else if (value_Renamed.StartsWith("\"") && value_Renamed.EndsWith("\"") && (2 <= value_Renamed.Length))
					quote = '"';
					value_Renamed = value_Renamed.Substring(1, (value_Renamed.Length - 1) - (1));
					// first determine if there's whitespace in the value
					// and while we're at it find a suitable quote character
					needed = false;
					singleq = true;
					doubleq = true;
					for (int i = 0; i < value_Renamed.Length; i++)
						ch = value_Renamed[i];
						if ('\'' == ch)
							singleq = false;
							needed = true;
						else if ('"' == ch)
							doubleq = false;
							needed = true;
						else if (!('-' == ch) && !('.' == ch) && !('_' == ch) && !(':' == ch) && !System.Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch))
							needed = true;
					// now apply quoting
					if (needed)
						if (doubleq)
							quote = '"';
						else if (singleq)
							quote = '\'';
							// uh-oh, we need to convert some quotes into character
							// references, so convert all double quotes into &#34;
							quote = '"';
							ref_Renamed = "&quot;"; // Translate.encode (quote);
							// JDK 1.4: value = value.replaceAll ("\"", ref);
							buffer = new System.Text.StringBuilder(value_Renamed.Length * (ref_Renamed.Length - 1));
							for (int i = 0; i < value_Renamed.Length; i++)
								ch = value_Renamed[i];
								if (quote == ch)
							value_Renamed = buffer.ToString();
		/// <summary> Create a whitespace attribute with the value given.</summary>
		/// <param name="value">The value of this attribute.
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException">if the value contains other than
		/// whitespace. To set a real value use {@link #Attribute(String,String)}.
		/// </exception>
		public TagAttribute(System.String value_Renamed)
			if (0 != value_Renamed.Trim().Length)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("non whitespace value");
				SetQuote((char) 0);
Esempio n. 6
        private void processAtomLoopBlock(System.String firstLine)
            int atomLabel = -1; // -1 means not found in this block
            int atomSymbol = -1;
            int atomFractX = -1;
            int atomFractY = -1;
            int atomFractZ = -1;
            int atomRealX = -1;
            int atomRealY = -1;
            int atomRealZ = -1;
            System.String line = firstLine.Trim();
            int headerCount = 0;
            bool hasParsableInformation = false;
            while (line != null && line[0] == '_')
                if (line.Equals("_atom_site_label") || line.Equals("_atom_site_label_atom_id"))
                    atomLabel = headerCount;
                    hasParsableInformation = true;
                    //"label found in col: " + atomLabel);
                else if (line.StartsWith("_atom_site_fract_x"))
                    atomFractX = headerCount;
                    hasParsableInformation = true;
                    //"frac x found in col: " + atomFractX);
                else if (line.StartsWith("_atom_site_fract_y"))
                    atomFractY = headerCount;
                    hasParsableInformation = true;
                    //"frac y found in col: " + atomFractY);
                else if (line.StartsWith("_atom_site_fract_z"))
                    atomFractZ = headerCount;
                    hasParsableInformation = true;
                    //"frac z found in col: " + atomFractZ);
                else if (line.Equals("_atom_site.Cartn_x"))
                    atomRealX = headerCount;
                    hasParsableInformation = true;
                    //"cart x found in col: " + atomRealX);
                else if (line.Equals("_atom_site.Cartn_y"))
                    atomRealY = headerCount;
                    hasParsableInformation = true;
                    //"cart y found in col: " + atomRealY);
                else if (line.Equals("_atom_site.Cartn_z"))
                    atomRealZ = headerCount;
                    hasParsableInformation = true;
                    //"cart z found in col: " + atomRealZ);
                else if (line.Equals("_atom_site.type_symbol"))
                    atomSymbol = headerCount;
                    hasParsableInformation = true;
                    //"type_symbol found in col: " + atomSymbol);
                    //logger.warn("Ignoring atom loop block field: " + line);
                line = input.ReadLine().Trim();
            if (hasParsableInformation == false)
                //"No parsable info found");
                // now that headers are parsed, read the data
                while (line != null && line.Length > 0 && line[0] != '#')
                    //logger.debug("new row");
                    SupportClass.Tokenizer tokenizer = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(line);
                    if (tokenizer.Count < headerCount)
                        //logger.warn("Column count mismatch; assuming continued on next line");
                        //logger.debug("Found #expected, #found: " + headerCount + ", " + tokenizer.Count);
                        tokenizer = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(line + input.ReadLine());
                    int colIndex = 0;
                    // process one row
                    IAtom atom = crystal.Builder.newAtom("C");
                    Point3d frac = new Point3d();
                    Point3d real = new Point3d();
                    bool hasFractional = false;
                    bool hasCartesian = false;
                    while (tokenizer.HasMoreTokens())
                        System.String field = tokenizer.NextToken();
                        //logger.debug("Parsing col,token: " + colIndex + "=" + field);
                        if (colIndex == atomLabel)
                            if (atomSymbol == -1)
                                // no atom symbol found, use label
                                System.String element = extractFirstLetters(field);
                                atom.Symbol = element;
                            atom.ID = field;
                        else if (colIndex == atomFractX)
                            hasFractional = true;
                            frac.x = parseIntoDouble(field);
                        else if (colIndex == atomFractY)
                            hasFractional = true;
                            frac.y = parseIntoDouble(field);
                        else if (colIndex == atomFractZ)
                            hasFractional = true;
                            frac.z = parseIntoDouble(field);
                        else if (colIndex == atomSymbol)
                            atom.Symbol = field;
                        else if (colIndex == atomRealX)
                            hasCartesian = true;
                            //logger.debug("Adding x3: " + parseIntoDouble(field));
                            real.x = parseIntoDouble(field);
                        else if (colIndex == atomRealY)
                            hasCartesian = true;
                            //logger.debug("Adding y3: " + parseIntoDouble(field));
                            real.y = parseIntoDouble(field);
                        else if (colIndex == atomRealZ)
                            hasCartesian = true;
                            //logger.debug("Adding x3: " + parseIntoDouble(field));
                            real.z = parseIntoDouble(field);
                    if (hasCartesian)
                        Vector3d a = crystal.A;
                        Vector3d b = crystal.B;
                        Vector3d c = crystal.C;
                        frac = CrystalGeometryTools.cartesianToFractional(a, b, c, real);
                    if (hasFractional)
                    //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Object.toString' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
                    //logger.debug("Adding atom: " + atom);

                    // look up next row
                    line = input.ReadLine().Trim();
Esempio n. 7
        public virtual LdapResponseQueue Bind(int version, System.String dn, sbyte[] passwd, LdapResponseQueue queue, LdapConstraints cons)
            int msgId;
            BindProperties bindProps;
            if (cons == null)
                cons = defSearchCons;

            if ((System.Object) dn == null)
                dn = "";
                dn = dn.Trim();

            if (passwd == null)
                passwd = new sbyte[]{};

            bool anonymous = false;
            if (passwd.Length == 0)
                anonymous = true; // anonymous, passwd length zero with simple bind
                dn = ""; // set to null if anonymous

            LdapMessage msg = new LdapBindRequest(version, dn, passwd, cons.getControls());

            msgId = msg.MessageID;
            bindProps = new BindProperties(version, dn, "simple", anonymous, null, null);

            // For bind requests, if not connected, attempt to reconnect
            if (!conn.Connected)
                if ((System.Object) conn.Host != null)
                    conn.connect(conn.Host, conn.Port);
                    throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.CONNECTION_IMPOSSIBLE, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null);

            // The semaphore is released when the bind response is queued.

            return SendRequestToServer(msg, cons.TimeLimit, queue, bindProps);
Esempio n. 8
		virtual protected System.String init(System.String input, System.Boolean cc_on)
			System.Char c;
			System.Text.StringBuilder output = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
			input = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(input.Trim(), "(\\s)+", MyMin.SPACE.ToString());
			for (System.Int32 i = 0, l = input.Length; i < l; i++)
				c = input[i];
				switch (c)
					case MyMin.SPACE:
						if (++i < l)
							if (this.action(input[i]))
								if (-1 < (i - 2))
									if (this.action(input[i - 2]))
					case '/':
						if (++i < l)
							c = input[i];
							if (c == '*')
								if (++i < l)
									l = input.IndexOf("*/", i);
									if (-1 < l)
										i = l + 2;
										l = input.Length;
										if (i < l)
											input = System.String.Format("{0};{1}", input.Substring(0, i), input.Substring(i + 1));
										throw new MyMinException("Unterminated comment.");
									throw new MyMinException("Unterminated comment.");
			return output.ToString().TrimEnd();
        /// <summary>
        /// Method executes when a control point invokes the ContentDirectory.Search action.
        /// The method will recursively search all descendent objects and determine if
        /// the objects match the search criteria. All objects that match the search
        /// criteria will be included in a flat DIDL-Lite listing of media objects
        /// in the response. Sort criteria and filter criteria are just applied in
        /// the same manner as a browse request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="containerID">Container to search from.</param>
        /// <param name="searchCriteria">Valid CDS search criteria string.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">
        /// Comma separated value list of metadata property names to include in the response.
        /// Return * for all metadata.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="startingIndex">Given the entire possible response set, return a subset beginning with this index in the result set.</param>
        /// <param name="requestedCount">Given the entire possible response set, return a subset totalling no more than this many.</param>
        /// <param name="sortCriteria">Specify a comma-separated value list of metadata properties, with a + or - char before each property name to indicate ascending/descending order.</param>
        /// <param name="Result">DIDL-Lite response for desired result set.</param>
        /// <param name="numberReturned">Number of media objects returned in the response. 0 if browsing object metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="totalMatches">Total number of media objects in entire result set. 0 if browsing object metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="updateID">The UpdateID of the object - ignore if an object.item entry. Applies only to object.container entries.</param>
        private void SinkCd_Search(System.String containerID, System.String searchCriteria, System.String filter, System.UInt32 startingIndex, System.UInt32 requestedCount, System.String sortCriteria, out System.String Result, out System.UInt32 numberReturned, out System.UInt32 totalMatches, out System.UInt32 updateID)
                numberReturned = 0;
                Result = "";
                totalMatches = 0;
                updateID = 0;

                // Get the container with the ID.

                IDvMedia entry = this.GetCdsEntry(containerID);
                if (entry.IsContainer == false)
                    throw new Error_NoSuchContainer("("+containerID+")");
                DvMediaContainer container = (DvMediaContainer) entry;

                // Issue a search from the container.
                // Search requires a MediaComparer to determine whether an entry matches
                // against the searchCriteria.
                // Sorting is optional, but it requires that we traverse the entire subtree
                // in order to reply properly.
                IList entries;
                if (sortCriteria.Trim() == "")
                    MediaComparer postfix = new MediaComparer(searchCriteria);
                    entries = container.Search(postfix, startingIndex, requestedCount, out totalMatches);
                    MediaSorter sorter = new MediaSorter(true, sortCriteria);
                    MediaComparer postfix = new MediaComparer(searchCriteria);
                    entries = container.SearchSorted(postfix, sorter, startingIndex, requestedCount, out totalMatches);

                for (int rem=0; rem < startingIndex; rem++)

                numberReturned = Convert.ToUInt32(entries.Count);
                updateID = container.UpdateID;

                // Get the XML response for this result set.
                // Be sure to grab the list of base URLs.
                ArrayList properties = GetFilters(filter);
                string[] baseUrls = GetBaseUrlsByInterfaces();
                Result = BuildXmlRepresentation(baseUrls, properties, entries);

            catch (Exception e)
                Exception ne = new Exception("MediaServer.SinkCd_Search()", e);
                throw ne;
Esempio n. 10
		virtual protected void init(System.String input, System.Boolean cc_on)
			this.input = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(input.Trim(), "(\n\r|\r\n|\r|\n)+", MyMin.LF.ToString());
            this.input = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(this.input.Trim(), "(\\\\\n)+", "");//有问题,修改之
			this.length = this.input.Length;
			this.cc_on = cc_on;
			this.a = MyMin.LF;
			while (this.a != MyMin.EOS)
				switch (this.a)
					case MyMin.SPACE:
						this.action(this.isAlNum(this.b) ? 1 : 2);
					case MyMin.LF:
						switch (this.b)
							case '{':
							case '[':
							case '(':
							case '+':
							case '-':
							case MyMin.SPACE:
								this.action(this.isAlNum(this.b) ? 1 : 2);
						switch (this.b)
							case MyMin.SPACE:
								this.action(this.isAlNum(this.a) ? 1 : 3);
							case MyMin.LF:
								switch (this.a)
									case '}':
									case ']':
									case ')':
									case '+':
									case '-':
									case '"':
									case '\'':
										this.action(this.isAlNum(this.a) ? 1 : 3);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method executes when a control point invokes the ContentDirectory.Browse action.
        /// Depending on the input parameters, the method either returns the metadata
        /// for the specified object, or the method returns the metadata of all child objects
        /// if direct children metadata was requested and the specified object is actually
        /// a container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectID">Browse the metadata or the children of this object</param>
        /// <param name="browseFlag">Indicate whether metadata or child object metadata is desired</param>
        /// <param name="filter">Comma separated value list of metadata properties indicates desired metadata properties to include in response, use * for all.</param>
        /// <param name="startingIndex">Given the entire possible response set, return a subset beginning with this index in the result set.</param>
        /// <param name="requestedCount">Given the entire possible response set, return a subset totalling no more than this many.</param>
        /// <param name="sortCriteria">Specify a comma-separated value list of metadata properties, with a + or - char before each property name to indicate ascending/descending order.</param>
        /// <param name="Result">DIDL-Lite response for desired result set.</param>
        /// <param name="numberReturned">Number of media objects returned in the response. 0 if browsing object metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="totalMatches">Total number of media objects in entire result set. 0 if browsing object metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="updateID">The UpdateID of the object - ignore if an object.item entry. Applies only to object.container entries.</param>
        private void SinkCd_Browse(System.String objectID, DvContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag browseFlag, System.String filter, System.UInt32 startingIndex, System.UInt32 requestedCount, System.String sortCriteria, out System.String Result, out System.UInt32 numberReturned, out System.UInt32 totalMatches, out System.UInt32 updateID)
                numberReturned = 0;
                Result = "";
                totalMatches = 0;

                if (requestedCount == 0)
                    requestedCount = Convert.ToUInt32(int.MaxValue);

                // Get the item identified by the ID, or throw an exception
                // if the item doesn't exist.
                IDvMedia entry = this.GetCdsEntry(objectID);

                // Issue a browse on the entry if it's a container and we're browing children.
                // Return the results in entries. Apply sorting if appropriate.
                IList entries;
                if ((entry.IsContainer) && (browseFlag == DvContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag.BROWSEDIRECTCHILDREN))
                    DvMediaContainer container = (DvMediaContainer) entry;
                    if (sortCriteria.Trim() == "")
                        entries = container.Browse(startingIndex, requestedCount, out totalMatches);
                        MediaSorter sorter = new MediaSorter(true, sortCriteria);
                        entries = container.BrowseSorted(startingIndex, requestedCount, sorter, out totalMatches);

                    numberReturned = Convert.ToUInt32(entries.Count);
                    updateID = container.UpdateID;
                    // We're browsing an item or a container's metadata, so simply set the entry to be
                    // the only return value.
                    entries = new ArrayList();
                    totalMatches = 1;
                    numberReturned = 1;
                    IDvMedia dvMedia = (IDvMedia) entry;
                    DvMediaContainer container = dvMedia as DvMediaContainer;

                    if (container == null)
                        container = (DvMediaContainer) dvMedia.Parent;

                    updateID = container.UpdateID;

                // Get the XML response for this result set.
                // Be sure to grab the list of base URLs.
                ArrayList properties = GetFilters(filter);
                string[] baseUrls = GetBaseUrlsByInterfaces();
                Result = BuildXmlRepresentation(baseUrls, properties, entries);
            catch (Exception e)
                Exception ne = new Exception("MediaServerDevice.SinkCd_Browse()", e);
                throw ne;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary> Parse the specified selector.</summary>
        /// <param name="selector">Selector.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="trace">Flag to enable/disable tracing.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> Returns the parse state. The parse state consists of the root
        /// of the parse tree and the identifiers encountered during the parse.
        /// </returns>
        public static SelectorParseState doParse(System.String selector, bool trace)
                if (selector == null)
                    throw new System.NullReferenceException("NULL selector");
                else if (selector.Trim().Length == 0)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Empty selector");

                return new SelectorParser().parse(selector, trace);
            catch (ParseException ex)
                throw new InvalidSelectorException(ex);
Esempio n. 13
    public System.String ShowAllActiveLanguage(System.Boolean showAllOpt, System.String bgColor, System.String OnChangeEvt, System.String SelLang, bool showOnlySiteEnabled)
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        LanguageData[] language_data;
        SiteAPI m_refSiteApi = new SiteAPI();
        int LanguageId = m_refSiteApi.ContentLanguage;
            if (OnChangeEvt == "")
                OnChangeEvt = "SelLanguage(this.value)";
            if (SelLang.Trim() != "")
                LanguageId = Convert.ToInt32(SelLang);
            language_data = m_refSiteApi.GetAllActiveLanguages();
            result = new StringBuilder();
            if (m_refAPI.EnableMultilingual == 1)
                result.Append("<select id=\"frm_langID\" name=\"frm_langID\" OnChange=\"" + OnChangeEvt + "\">" + "\r\n");
                if (showAllOpt)
                    result.Append("<option value=\"" + Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.ALL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES + "\"");
                    if (LanguageId == Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.ALL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES)
                        result.Append(" selected=\"selected\"");
                if (!(language_data == null))

                    foreach (LanguageData lang in language_data)
                        result.Append(AddLanguageOption(lang, LanguageId, showOnlySiteEnabled));
        catch (Exception)
            result.Length = 0;
        return (result.ToString());
Esempio n. 14
		public virtual LdapResponseQueue Bind(int version, System.String dn, sbyte[] passwd, LdapResponseQueue queue, LdapConstraints cons, string mech)
			int msgId;
			BindProperties bindProps;
			if (cons == null)
				cons = defSearchCons;
			if ((System.Object) dn == null)
				dn = "";
				dn = dn.Trim();
			if (passwd == null)
				passwd = new sbyte[]{};
			bool anonymous = false;
			if (passwd.Length == 0)
				anonymous = true; // anonymous, passwd length zero with simple bind
				dn = ""; // set to null if anonymous

			LdapMessage msg;
			if (mech != null)
				msg = new LdapBindRequest(version, "", mech, passwd, cons.getControls());
				msg = new LdapBindRequest(version, dn, passwd, cons.getControls());
			msgId = msg.MessageID;
			bindProps = new BindProperties(version, dn, "simple", anonymous, null, null);
			// For bind requests, if not connected, attempt to reconnect
			if (!conn.Connected)
				if ((System.Object) conn.Host != null)
					conn.connect(conn.Host, conn.Port);
					throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.CONNECTION_IMPOSSIBLE, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null);
			// stopping reader to enable stream replace after secure binding is complete, see Connection.ReplaceStreams()
			if (mech != null)
				if (conn.BindSemIdClear) {
					// need to acquire a semaphore only if bindSemId is clear
					// because if we receive SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS the semaphore is not
					// released when the response is queued
					conn.BindSemId = msgId;
			// The semaphore is released when the bind response is queued.
			return SendRequestToServer(msg, cons.TimeLimit, queue, bindProps);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary> Removes all unecessary whitespace from the given String (intended to be used with Primitive values).  
        /// This includes leading and trailing whitespace, and repeated space characters.  Carriage returns, 
        /// line feeds, and tabs are replaced with spaces. 
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual System.String removeWhitespace(System.String s)
            s = s.Replace('\r', ' ');
            s = s.Replace('\n', ' ');
            s = s.Replace('\t', ' ');

            bool repeatedSpacesExist = true;
            while (repeatedSpacesExist)
                int loc = s.IndexOf("  ");
                if (loc < 0)
                    repeatedSpacesExist = false;
                    System.Text.StringBuilder buf = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    buf.Append(s.Substring(0, (loc) - (0)));
                    buf.Append(" ");
                    buf.Append(s.Substring(loc + 2));
                    s = buf.ToString();
            return s.Trim();
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove rfc 2822 comments
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldValue"><c>string</c> to uncomment</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        // TODO: refactorize this
        public static System.String uncommentString( System.String fieldValue )
            if ( fieldValue==null || fieldValue.Equals(System.String.Empty) )
                return fieldValue;
            if ( fieldValue.IndexOf('(')==-1 )
                return fieldValue.Trim();
            const int a = 0;
            const int b = 1;
            const int c = 2;

            System.Text.StringBuilder buf = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            int leftSqureCount = 0;
            bool isQuotedPair = false;
            int state = a;

            for (int i = 0; i < fieldValue.Length; i ++) {
                switch (state) {
                    case a:
                        if (fieldValue[i] == '"') {
                            state = c;
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!isQuotedPair, "quoted-pair");
                        else if (fieldValue[i] == '(') {
                            state = b;
                            leftSqureCount ++;
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!isQuotedPair, "quoted-pair");
                    case b:
                        if (!isQuotedPair) {
                            if (fieldValue[i] == '(')
                                leftSqureCount ++;
                            else if (fieldValue[i] == ')') {
                                leftSqureCount --;
                                if (leftSqureCount == 0) {
                                    buf.Append(' ');
                                    state = a;
                    case c:
                        if (!isQuotedPair) {
                            if (fieldValue[i] == '"')
                                state = a;

                if (state != a) { //quoted-pair
                    if (isQuotedPair)
                        isQuotedPair = false;
                        isQuotedPair = fieldValue[i] == '\\';
                if (state != b)

            return buf.ToString().Trim();
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary> Formats a String to fit into the connectiontable.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s">   The String to be formated
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="le">  The length of the String
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>       The String to be written in the connectiontable
 /// </returns>
 private System.String formatMDLString(System.String s, int le)
     s = s.Trim();
     if (s.Length > le)
         return s.Substring(0, (le) - (0));
     int l;
     l = le - s.Length;
     for (int f = 0; f < l; f++)
         s += " ";
     return s;