// GET: /DetailView/
        public ActionResult Index()
            dynamic uavDetailList = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            uavDetailList.UAVs = db.UAVs.ToList();
            uavDetailList.FlightStates = db.FlightStates.ToList();
            uavDetailList.missions = db.Missions.ToList();
            uavDetailList.Configurations = db.Configurations.ToList();
            uavDetailList.Eventlog = db.EventLogs.ToList();

            string name = (string)Session["current_user"];

            if(name != null)
                var curUser = (from u in db.Users
                               where u.username.Equals(name)
                              select new
                                  username = u.username,
                                  user_id = u.user_id,
                    ViewBag.currentUser = curUser;

            return View(uavDetailList);
Esempio n. 2
 private object CreateAnonymousObjectFromDictionary(Dictionary<string,object> properties)
     var obj = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
     var props = (ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)obj;
     foreach (var x in properties) props.Add(x);
     return obj;
Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult biogasfullscreen()
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            string title = WebRequest.GetString("t", true);

            string w = WebRequest.GetString("w", true);
            string h = WebRequest.GetString("h", true);
            string n = WebRequest.GetString("n", true);
            string m = WebRequest.GetString("m", true);
            string acl = WebRequest.GetString("acl", true);
            string acr = WebRequest.GetString("acr", true);
            string line = WebRequest.GetString("line", true);
            #region 图表
            var one = materialService.GetOneMaterialSpecification(m);
            var chart = costanalysisService.GetFlexChart("CC10");
            chart.charttype = line;
            chart.title = (one != null ? one.MaterialSpecificationName : "") + title;
            chart.height = int.Parse(h);
            chart.width = int.Parse(w);
            chart.leftprecision = int.Parse(acl);
            chart.rightprecision = int.Parse(acr);
            chart.customercode = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code;
            chart.url = Utils.GetFlexAddress();
            data.chart = JsonHelper.ToJson(chart);
            LogHelper.Info(Masterpage.CurrUser.alias, "401032:客户," + Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code + ",查看全屏图表,耗材为:" + m);
            return View("chartfullscreen", data);
Esempio n. 4
 public static dynamic GetAjaxRet(int result_code, string message)
     dynamic ret = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
     ret.result = result_code;
     ret.message = message;
     return ret;
Esempio n. 5
        public object LogOn(LoginModel model)
            dynamic result = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            result.success = AuthorityService.Logon(model.UserName, model.Password, model.RememberMe);
            return result;
 public ActionResult Edit(int id)
     //var company = uow.Repository<TBL_COMPANIES>().GetById(id);
     dynamic model = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
     model.companyId = id;
     return PartialView("Edit", model);
Esempio n. 7
 public ActionResult canreturntab(string order, string no)
     dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
     var had = stockinService.ReturnDetailList(no, order);
     var orderdetail = stockinService.ReturnDetailListByOrder(order).ToList();
     if (had != null && had.Count > 0)
         foreach (var item in orderdetail)
             var h = had.FirstOrDefault(p => p.purchaseDetailSn == item.purchaseDetailSn);
             if (h != null)
                 item.returnAmount = h.returnAmount;
                 item.depotId = h.depotId;
                 item.depotName = h.depotName;
                 item.returnSn = h.returnSn;
                 item.returnNo = h.returnNo;
                 item.remark = h.remark;
     var depots = stockinService.QueryDepot(1).Select(x => new SelectListItem { Text = x.depotName, Value = x.depotId.ToString() }).ToList();
     data.depots = depots;
     data.no = no;
     data.order = order;
     data.list = orderdetail;
     return PartialView(data);
Esempio n. 8
 public ActionResult bioefficiencysop(int? page, int? pagesize)
     string unit = WebRequest.GetString("unit", true);
     string start = WebRequest.GetString("start", true);
     string end = WebRequest.GetString("end", true);
     dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
     var list = managementService.GetCustomerBioefficiencySop(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, unit, start, end);
     int _page = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1;
     int _pagesize = pagesize.HasValue ? pagesize.Value : 14;
     var vs = list.ToPagedList(_page, _pagesize);
     data.list = vs;
     data.unit = unit;
     data.start = start;
     data.end = end;
     data.pageSize = _pagesize;
     data.pageIndex = _page;
     data.totalCount = vs.TotalCount;
     data.ddlunit = managementService.GetStandardProcessUnitDDL(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code);
     string otherparam = "";
     if (unit != "") otherparam += "&unit=" + unit;
     if (start != "") otherparam += "&start=" + start;
     if (end != "") otherparam += "&end=" + end;
     data.otherParam = otherparam;
     LogHelper.Info(Masterpage.CurrUser.alias, "607011:客户," + Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code + ",生物增效SOP列表,第" + _page + "页");
     return View(data);
Esempio n. 9
        public ActionResult canreturnrlist(int? page, int? pagesize, int supplier, string no, string query)
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            var had = stockoutService.GetReturnHadOut(no);
            var all = stockoutService.GetCanReturn(supplier,query);
            #region 合并
            if (all != null && had != null)
                foreach (var item in all)
                    var h = had.FirstOrDefault(p => p.text == item.text);
                    if (h == null) had.Add(item);

            int _page = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1;
            int _pagesize = pagesize.HasValue ? pagesize.Value : 12;
            var vs = had.ToPagedList(_page, _pagesize);
            data.no = no;
            data.query = query;
            data.supplier = supplier;
            data.list = vs;
            data.pageSize = _pagesize;
            data.pageIndex = _page;
            data.totalCount = vs.TotalCount;
            return PartialView(data);
Esempio n. 10
        // GET: /Map/GoogleMap
        public ActionResult GoogleMap()
            dynamic uav_event_user = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            uav_event_user.UAVs = db.UAVs.ToList();
            uav_event_user.Eventlog = db.EventLogs.ToList();
            uav_event_user.Operator = db.Users.ToList();
            uav_event_user.missions = db.Missions.ToList();

            string name = (string)Session["current_user"];

            if(name != null)
                var curUser = (from u in db.Users
                               where u.username.Equals(name)
                              select new
                                  username = u.username,
                                  user_id = u.user_id,

                if (curUser != null)
                    var assignedUavs = (from u in db.UAVs
                                       where u.User_user_id == curUser.user_id
                                        select u.Id).ToList();

                    ViewBag.currentUser = curUser;
                    ViewBag.assignedUavs = assignedUavs;

            return View(uav_event_user);
Esempio n. 11
        public ActionResult createpost()
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            LogHelper.Info(Masterpage.CurrUser.alias, "804012:客户," + Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code + ",创建在线答疑");
            return PartialView("createpost", data);
Esempio n. 12
        public ActionResult Login(string url, string v1, string v2, string remember_me)
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            data.url = url;
            data.v1 = v1;
            data.v2 = v2;
            data.message = SessionHelper.GetSession("AutoNeedLogin");//异地登录时,会有提示信息
            Session["WebSessionId"] = Session.SessionID;
            var sid = SessionHelper.SessionId;
            SessionHelper.SetSession("SessionHelperSessionId", sid);
            string uid = "";
            bool remember = false;
            var rmb = CookieHelper.GetCookieValue("remember_me");
            if (rmb != null && rmb == "on")
                uid = CookieHelper.GetCookieValue("remember_userid");
                remember = true;
            data.remember = remember;
            data.uid = uid;
            #region 加密狗
            //Dog dog = new Dog(100);
            //// Read the string variable from the dog
            //dog.DogAddr = 0;			// The address read
            //dog.DogBytes = 10;			// The number of bytes read

            //bool hdog = (dog.Retcode == 0);
              bool hdog = true;
             data.dog = hdog;
            return View(data);
        /// <summary>
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject expandoObject1 = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            this.browserControl1 = new BinaryAnalysis.UI.Controls.BrowserControl();
            // browserControl1
            this.browserControl1.BaseModel = expandoObject1;
            this.browserControl1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            this.browserControl1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
            this.browserControl1.Name = "browserControl1";
            this.browserControl1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(686, 552);
            this.browserControl1.TabIndex = 0;
            // BrowserWindow
            this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
            this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(686, 552);
            this.Name = "BrowserWindow";
            this.Text = "BrowserWindow";

Esempio n. 14
        public static dynamic ParseQueryString(this string queryString)
            dynamic parsedQueryString = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            var nameV = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString)) return parsedQueryString;

            var pairs = queryString.Split('&');
            foreach (var pair in pairs)
                var parts = pair.Split(new []{'='}, 2);

                var name = System.Uri.UnescapeDataString(parts[0]);
                var value = parts.Length == 1 ? string.Empty : System.Uri.UnescapeDataString(parts[1]);

                nameV.Add(name, value);
            //DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Dictionary<int, List<int>>));

            //using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
            //    serializer.WriteObject(ms, nameV);
            var temp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(nameV, new KeyValuePairConverter());

            return temp;
Esempio n. 15
 public static dynamic CreateExpandoObject()
     dynamic bag = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
     bag.Name = "Eddy";
     bag.Display = (Action<string>) ((text) => Console.WriteLine(text));
     return bag;
Esempio n. 16
        public JsonResult(Gale.REST.Queryable.Primitive.Result response, int offset, int limit)
            List<object> _items = new List<object>();

            foreach (var data in response.data)
                int ordinal = 0;

                var plainObject = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                var groupedFields = new SortedList<string, KeyValuePair<Gale.REST.Queryable.Primitive.Reflected.Field, Object>>();

                foreach (var field in response.fields)
                    if (field.Name.IndexOf("_") > 0)
                        groupedFields.Add(field.Name, new KeyValuePair<Gale.REST.Queryable.Primitive.Reflected.Field, object>(field, data[ordinal]));
                        //Add Direct Property
                        ((IDictionary<String, Object>)plainObject).Add(field.Name, data[ordinal]);

                //Order the Grouped Fields
                var grouped = groupedFields.GroupBy((field) =>
                    return field.Key.Substring(0, field.Key.IndexOf("_")); ;

                foreach (var group in grouped)
                    var diggedObject = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

                    foreach (var field in group)
                        var columnKey = field.Key.Substring(field.Key.IndexOf("_") + 1);

                        ((IDictionary<String, Object>)diggedObject).Add(columnKey, field.Value.Value);

                    //Add Digged Object
                    ((IDictionary<String, Object>)plainObject).Add(group.Key, diggedObject);


                ordinal = 0;

            //Set Values into the Base Response
            base.offset = offset;
            base.limit = limit;
            base.total = response.total;
            base.items = _items;
            base.elapsedTime = response.elapsedTime.ToString("t");
Esempio n. 17
 public ActionResult rolelist()
     dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
     var list = ucenterService.GetRoleListByCustomerCode(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code);
     data.list = list;
     data.message = SessionHelper.GetSession("rolelistmessage");
     return View(data);
Esempio n. 18
        // GET: ManagerView
        public ActionResult Index()
            dynamic uavManagerList = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            uavManagerList.UAVs = db.UAVs.ToList();
            uavManagerList.Eventlog = db.EventLogs.ToList();
            uavManagerList.Operator = db.UserRoles.ToList();

            return View(uavManagerList);
Esempio n. 19
        public ActionResult billdetailview(string key, string where)
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            if (where == null) where = "";
            var list = ServiceDB.Instance.QueryModelList<V_BillCostDetail>(" select * from V_BillCostDetail  where billNo='" + key + "' " + where + "  order by cost desc ").ToList();

            data.list = list;
            return PartialView(data);
        public object StringifyAmount()
            dynamic flexible;
            flexible = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            var dictionary = (IDictionary<string, object>)flexible;
            dictionary.Add(Name, Qty);

            return dictionary;
 public ActionResult Index()
     dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
     var mslist = _ModuleFunctionRepos.GetModuleByRole(Masterpage.AdminCurrUser.role_guid);
     var ms =  mslist.Where(f => f.ModuleFunctionType == "M" && f.ModuleFunctionId.StartsWith("B")).ToList();
     data.list1 = ms;
     data.person = Masterpage.AdminCurrUser.alias;
     data.list2 = mslist;
     return View(data);
Esempio n. 22
        public void MethodGetsDynamicButSpecifiedWithExplicitType()
            var sut = Substitute.For<IInterface>();

            dynamic expando = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            var result = sut.GetsDynamic(expando);

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(1));
Esempio n. 23
        public ActionResult backdetailview()
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            var no = WebRequest.GetString("no", true);
            var list = ServiceDB.Instance.QueryModelList<V_DelegateBackDetail>("select * from V_DelegateBackDetail where backNo='" + no + "'");

            data.no = no;
            data.list = list;
            return PartialView(data);
 public static object ToAnonymousType (this IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> dict)
     var eo = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject ();
     var eoColl = (ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)eo;
     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in dict)
         eoColl.Add (kvp);
     return (dynamic)eo;
Esempio n. 25
        public void MethodGetsDynamicAsAnArgumentAndReturnsDynamic()
            var sut = Substitute.For<IInterface>();

            dynamic expando = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            var result = sut.ReturnsAndGetsDynamic(expando);

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(1));
 public InfluxDataSenderConfiguration(bool isEnabled, int maxQueueSize, string url, string databaseName, string userName, string password, TimeSpan? requestTimeout)
     IsEnabled = isEnabled;
     MaxQueueSize = maxQueueSize;
     Properties = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
     Properties.Url = url;
     Properties.DatabaseName = databaseName;
     Properties.UserName = userName;
     Properties.Password = password;
     Properties.RequestTimeout = requestTimeout;
Esempio n. 27
        public Task Invoke(IDictionary<string, object> env)
            Microsoft.Owin.OwinContext ctx = new Microsoft.Owin.OwinContext(env);

            string path = ctx.Request.Uri.AbsolutePath;

            Type t = null;

            if (!apis.TryGetValue(path, out t))
                return _next(env);

            IRequest req = Pioneer.WxSdk.JsonService.FromStream(t, ctx.Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8) as IRequest;

            if (req == null)
                ctx.Response.StatusCode = 400;
                return ctx.Response.WriteAsync("");

            if (SdkConfig.Instance.Deploy != Deploy.Server)
                SdkConfig.Instance.Deploy = Deploy.Server;

            dynamic rsp = null;

                rsp = req.GetResponse();
                rsp.Successed = true;
            catch (WxException we)
                rsp = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                rsp.Successed = false;
                rsp.ErrorMessage = we.Message;
                rsp.ErrorCode = we.ErrorCode;
            catch (Exception e)
                rsp = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                rsp.Successed = false;
                rsp.ErrorMessage = e.Message;
                rsp.ErrorCode = "";

            string retjson = JsonService.ToJson(rsp);

            ctx.Response.ContentType = "text/json,charset=UTF8";

            return ctx.Response.WriteAsync(retjson);
        protected override void Execute()
            var response = _elasticClient.Search(sd => sd
                .Filter(f => f.Exists("src_ip") && f.Missing("geo_json"))

            var cnt = 0;
            while (response.Documents.Any())
                foreach (var hit in response.DocumentsWithMetaData)
                    var ip = (string)hit.Source.src_ip;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip) ||
                        string.Equals(ip, "") ||
                        string.Equals(ip, "::1"))

                    var ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
                    var geoIp = _geoIpFetcher.Fetch(ipAddress);
                    var latitude = double.Parse(geoIp.Latitude);
                    var longitude = double.Parse(geoIp.Longitude);

                    dynamic updateDoc = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                    updateDoc.geo_country_name = geoIp.CountryName;
                    updateDoc.geo_country_code = geoIp.CountryCode;
                    updateDoc.geo_city = geoIp.City;
                    updateDoc.geo_longitude = geoIp.Longitude;
                    updateDoc.geo_latitude = geoIp.Latitude;
                    updateDoc.geo_json = new[] { longitude, latitude };
                    updateDoc.geo_description = string.Format("{0} - {1}", geoIp.CountryName, geoIp.City);

                    _elasticClient.Update<object>(u => u

                response = _elasticClient.Scroll("1m", response.ScrollId);

            if (cnt > 0)
                Logger.InfoFormat("Processed {0} new log messages", cnt);
        public ActionResult MonthWiseTours()
            dynamic model = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            model.result = from tours in db.mst_tour_dates
                           orderby tours.Year, tours.Month,tours.Day
                         select tours;

            model.resultCount = (from tours in db.mst_tour_dates
                                 orderby tours.Year, tours.Month, tours.Day
                                 select tours).Count();

            return PartialView("_DateOfJourneys", model);
 public ActionResult AddModuleFunction(Entities::Models.ModuleFunction instance, string id, string hidtype)
     dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
     data.one = new Entities::Models.ModuleFunction();
     if (hidtype == "add")
         return PartialView(new Entities::Models.ModuleFunction());
     if (hidtype == "update")
         return View(_ModuleFunctionRepos.GetModuleFunctionById(id));
     return PartialView(data);
Esempio n. 31
        public static void Execute()
            var num1 = 1;


            num1 = 2;

            num1 += 3; // num1 = num1 + 3

            num1 -= 4; // num1 = num1 - 4

            num1 *= 5; // num1 = num1 * 5

            num1 /= 6; // num1 = num1 / 6

            num1++; // num1 = num1 + 1

            num1--; // num1 - 1

            // Atribuição por cópia de valor
            int a = 1;
            int b = a;


            // Atribuição por referência
            dynamic c = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            c.name = "Maria";

            dynamic d = c;

            d.name = "Bruno";
Esempio n. 32
        public static void Executar()
            dynamic meuObjeto = "teste";

            meuObjeto = 3;



            dynamic aluno = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            aluno.nome  = "Maria";
            aluno.nota  = 8.9;
            aluno.idade = 24;

            Console.WriteLine($"{aluno.nome} {aluno.nota} {aluno.idade}");
        public static List <dynamic> ObtenerDetalleEjecucion(int idProyecto)
            List <dynamic> detalleEjecucion = new List <dynamic>();
            var            res = _context.SP_TB_PROYECTO_ACTIVIDAD_ObtenerDetalleEjecucion(idProyecto);

            foreach (var a in res)
                dynamic act = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                act.ID_EJECUCION          = a.ID_EJECUCION;
                act.DESCRIPCION           = a.DESCRIPCION;
                act.FECHA         = a.FECHA;
                act.SEMANA_INICIO = a.SEMANA_INICIO.ToShortDateString();
                act.SEMANA_FIN    = a.SEMANA_FIN.ToShortDateString();
                act.MONTO         = a.MONTO_EJECUTADO;
        public ActionResult CustomerCollectionList(int?page, int?pagesize, string code, string unit, string key)
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            if (unit == null || unit == "")
                unit = "0000";
            var list = _customerRepos.GetCustomerCollection(code, unit, key);

            int _page     = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1;
            int _pagesize = pagesize.HasValue ? pagesize.Value : 10;
            var vs        = list.ToPagedList(_page, _pagesize);

            data.code = code;
            data.unit = unit;
            data.key  = key;
            var pointcates = _customerRepos.GetDDLPointCategory();
            var diacates   = _customerRepos.GetDDLDiangosticCategory();

            data.pointcates = pointcates;
            data.diacates   = diacates;
            data.list       = vs;
            data.pageSize   = _pagesize;
            data.pageIndex  = _page;
            data.totalCount = vs.TotalCount;
            string otherparam = "";

            if (code != "")
                otherparam += "&code=" + code;
            if (unit != "")
                otherparam += "&unit=" + unit;
            if (key != "")
                otherparam += "&key=" + key;
            data.otherParam = otherparam;
Esempio n. 35
        List<object> GetUserOverviewList(List<DBC.User> userList)
            var now = DateTime.Now;
            var todayBegin = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 0, 0, 0);
            var todayEnd = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 23, 59, 59);
            var list = new List<object>();
            foreach (var u in userList)
                var dayBetting = 0;
                    var sql = string.Format("select sum(total) from {0},{1} where {1}.id={0}.userid and time>? and time<? and ({0}.userid=? or {1}.parent=?)", DBTables.Betting, DBTables.User);
                    dayBetting =Utility.ToInt32(DB.SExecuteScalar(sql, todayBegin, todayEnd, u.ID, u.ID));
                var dayWinning = 0;
                    var sql = string.Format("select sum(winning) from {0},{1} where {1}.id={0}.userid and time>? and time<? and ({0}.userid=? or {1}.parent=?)", DBTables.Betting, DBTables.User);
                    dayWinning = Utility.ToInt32(DB.SExecuteScalar(sql, todayBegin, todayEnd, u.ID, u.ID));
                var totalBetting = 0;
                    var sql = string.Format("select sum(total) from {0},{1} where {1}.id={0}.userid and ({0}.userid=? or {1}.parent=?)", DBTables.Betting, DBTables.User);
                    totalBetting = Utility.ToInt32(DB.SExecuteScalar(sql, u.ID, u.ID));
                var totalWinning = 0;
                    var sql = string.Format("select sum(winning) from {0},{1} where {1}.id={0}.userid and ({0}.userid=? or {1}.parent=?)", DBTables.Betting, DBTables.User);
                    totalWinning = Utility.ToInt32(DB.SExecuteScalar(sql, u.ID, u.ID));

                dynamic o = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                o.user = u;
                o.dayBetting = dayBetting;
                o.dayWinning = dayWinning;
                o.totalBetting = totalBetting;
                o.totalWinning = totalWinning;
            return list;
        public async Task <ActionResultDto> Execute(ContextDto context)

                var orderClause = sortName + " " + sortDir;

                var biz = new GetListQuanLyHopDongByCriteriaBiz(context);
                biz.HOP_DONG_ID = QuanLyHopDongId;

                biz.SKIP         = _start;
                biz.TAKE         = _length;
                biz.ORDER_CLAUSE = orderClause;

                var list = (await biz.Execute());

                var total = 0;

                if (list.Count() > 0)
                    var obj = list.FirstOrDefault();

                    total = Protector.Int(obj.MAXCNT);

                dynamic _metaData = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                _metaData.draw  = _draw;
                _metaData.total = total;

                return(ActionHelper.returnActionResult(HttpStatusCode.OK, list, _metaData));
            catch (BaseException ex)
                return(ActionHelper.returnActionError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.Message));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ActionHelper.returnActionError(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message));
Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Repository
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="projectId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string[] CreateRepository(string name, string projectId)
                string[] repository = new string[2];
                dynamic  objJson    = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                objJson.name       = name;
                objJson.project    = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                objJson.project.id = projectId;
                string json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objJson);
                using (var client = GetHttpClient())
                    var jsonContent = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    var method      = new HttpMethod("POST");

                    var request = new HttpRequestMessage(method, _configuration.UriString + "/_apis/git/repositories?api-version=" + _configuration.VersionNumber)
                        Content = jsonContent
                    var response = client.SendAsync(request).Result;

                    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        var     responseDetails = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                        JObject objResponse     = JObject.Parse(responseDetails);
                        repository[0] = objResponse["id"].ToString();
                        repository[1] = objResponse["name"].ToString();
                        var    errorMessage = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                        string error        = Utility.GeterroMessage(errorMessage.Result.ToString());
                        this.LastFailureMessage = error;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Debug(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "\t" + "CreateRepository" + "\t" + ex.Message + "\t" + "\n" + ex.StackTrace + "\n");
            return(new string[] { });
Esempio n. 38
        public dynamic NODEA73FA1AFE7B6DB2724FAB8904D670723(dynamic param)
            System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <String, Object> GLOBAL_OUTPUT = param.GLOBAL_OUTPUT;

            object V = null; if (GLOBAL_OUTPUT.ContainsKey("NODEF89B9A17AB067A623D3F02B19BDE1A8B"))

                try { V = ((dynamic)GLOBAL_OUTPUT["NODEF89B9A17AB067A623D3F02B19BDE1A8B"]).V; } catch (Exception e) { }


            dynamic d = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            d.FUNCTIONNAMETOINVOKE = "null";

Esempio n. 39
        public void Should_filter_a_list_of_dynamic_types()
            dynamic expando = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            expando.Foo = "Bar";
            var enumerable =
                new System.Dynamic.IDynamicMetaObjectProvider[] { expando };

            var data = QueryableFactory.CreateQueryable(enumerable)
                       .Where(new[] { new FilterDescriptor
                                          Member   = "Foo",
                                          Operator = FilterOperator.IsEqualTo,
                                          Value    = "Bar"
                                      } }

Esempio n. 40
        public async Task <IActionResult> ResetPassword(ResetPasswordViewModel modal)
            bool   success = false;
            string message = string.Empty;

            ViewData["Title"] = "Reset Password";
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Please fill the required fields.");
            var result = await _userRepository.Email_ConfirmationAsync(modal.UserKey, modal.SecurityCode);

            if (result.Success)
                var user = result.Data as User;
                user.Password = modal.Password;
                result        = await _userRepository.Change_PasswordAsync(user);

                if (result.Success)
                    dynamic templeteObj = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                    templeteObj.Message = result.Message;

                    var Templete = _emailSender.GetMailTemplate(templeteObj, "Password_Changed_Successfully.cshtml");

                    await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(user.FirstName, user.Email, result.Message, Templete);

                    success = true; message = result.Message;
                    message = result.Message;
                message = result.Message;
            ViewBag.Success = success;
            ViewBag.Message = message;
Esempio n. 41
        public static List <Object> ObtenerNotificacionesNuevas(int _idUsuario)
            List <Object> notificaciones = new List <Object>();
            var           res            = _context.SP_TB_NOTIFICACION_ObtenerNuevasNotificacionesPorIdUsuario(_idUsuario);

            foreach (var n in res)
                dynamic notificacion = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                notificacion.IdNotificacion      = n.ID_NOTIFICACION;
                notificacion.IdEstadoProceso     = n.ID_ESTADO_PROCESO;
                notificacion.CodigoEstadoProceso = n.CODIGO_ESTADO_PROCESO;
                notificacion.Descripcion         = n.DESCRIPCION_ESTADO_PROCESO;
                notificacion.Icono = n.ICONO_ESTADO_PROCESO;
                notificacion.Color = n.COLOR_ESTADO_PROCESO;
                notificacion.Fecha = n.FECHA_CREA;
        public async Task <System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject> HttpContentToVariables(MultipartMemoryStreamProvider req)
            dynamic res = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            foreach (HttpContent contentPart in req.Contents)
                var    contentDisposition = contentPart.Headers.ContentDisposition;
                string varname            = contentDisposition.Name;

                if (varname == "\"file\"")
                    Stream stream = await contentPart.ReadAsStreamAsync();

                    res.fileName    = String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentDisposition.FileName) ? "" : contentDisposition.FileName.Trim('"');
                    res.excelStream = stream;
Esempio n. 43
        public ActionResult dictionary(int?page)
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            var     key  = WebRequest.GetString("key", true);

            data.key = key;
            var list = systemService.GetDictionaryList(key);

            int _page     = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1;
            int _pagesize = 17;
            var vs        = list.ToPagedList(_page, _pagesize);

            data.list       = vs;
            data.pageSize   = _pagesize;
            data.pageIndex  = _page;
            data.totalCount = vs.TotalCount;
            data.otherParam = "&key=" + key;
        public ActionResult AddCustomerConstruction(string code, string unit, string hidtype)
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            data.unit = unit;
            data.code = code;
            data.one  = new Entities::Models.CustomerConstruction();
            //if (hidtype == "add")
            //    return PartialView(new Entities::Models.CustomerConstruction());
            //if (hidtype == "update")

            //    return PartialView(_CustomerConstructionRepos.GetCustomerConstructionByCode(code));

Esempio n. 45
        public ActionResult requiredetail(string no)
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            var     list = purchaseService.RequireDetailList(no);
            List <PurchaseRequireDetailModel> temp    = (List <PurchaseRequireDetailModel>)SessionHelper.GetSession("NE" + no + Masterpage.CurrUser.staffid);
            List <PurchaseRequireDetailModel> newlist = new List <PurchaseRequireDetailModel>();

            if (temp != null && temp.Count > 0)
            if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in list)
                    var h = newlist.FirstOrDefault(p => p.materialNo == item.materialNo);
                    if (h != null)
                        newlist.AddRange(list.Select(p => new PurchaseRequireDetailModel
                            detailSn      = p.detailSn,
                            materialNo    = p.materialNo,
                            requireNo     = p.requireNo,
                            orderAmount   = p.orderAmount,
                            materialModel = p.materialModel,
                            materialName  = p.materialName, materialTu = p.materialTu,
                            remark        = p.remark,
                            createDate    = p.createDate,
                            materialUnit  = p.materialUnit, needdate = p.needdate,
                            type          = ""
            data.list = newlist;
            data.no   = no;
            SessionHelper.SetSession("NE" + no + Masterpage.CurrUser.staffid, newlist);
            return(PartialView("requiredetail", data));
Esempio n. 46
        dynamic CreateExpando()
            // Need a rounded date as DB can't store millis
            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            now = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second);

            // Setup a record
            dynamic o = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            o.title        = string.Format("insert {0}", r.Next());
            o.draft        = true;
            o.content      = string.Format("insert {0}", r.Next());
            o.date_created = now;
            o.date_edited  = now;
            o.state        = (int)State.Maybe;

Esempio n. 47
        public async Task <ActionResultDto> Execute(ContextDto context)

                var biz = new GetListQuanHeGiaDinhByIdBiz(context);
                biz.FIELD         = fields;
                biz.SEARCH_STRING = search;
                biz.ORDER_CLAUSE  = sortName + " " + sortDir;
                biz.SKIP          = _start;
                biz.TAKE          = _length;
                biz.LOGIN_ID      = _loginId;

                var result = await biz.Execute();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(biz.MESSAGE) == false)
                    throw new BaseException(biz.MESSAGE.Split('|')[2]);

                dynamic _metaData = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                _metaData.draw  = _draw;
                _metaData.total = 0;

                if (result.Count() > 0)
                    var obj = result.FirstOrDefault();
                    _metaData.total = Protector.Int(obj.MAXCNT);

                return(ActionHelper.returnActionResult(HttpStatusCode.OK, result, _metaData));
            catch (BaseException ex)
                return(ActionHelper.returnActionError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.Message));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ActionHelper.returnActionError(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message));
Esempio n. 48
        public ActionResult IndexToken(int?page, int?pagesize, string name, string first)
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            if (name == null)
                name = "";
            var list = _tokenRepos.GetTokenById(name);

            int _page     = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1;
            int _pagesize = pagesize.HasValue ? pagesize.Value : 12;
            var vs        = list.ToPagedList(_page, _pagesize);
            var firstone  = new DynamicToken();

            if (first != null && first != "")
                firstone = list.FirstOrDefault(p => p.TokenCode == first);
                var firspage = vs.IndexOf(firstone);
                if (firspage == -1)
                    vs.Insert(0, firstone);
                else if (firspage > 0)
                    vs.Insert(0, firstone);
            data.name       = name;
            data.list       = vs;
            data.pageSize   = _pagesize;
            data.pageIndex  = _page;
            data.totalCount = vs.TotalCount;
            string otherparam = "";

            if (name != "")
                otherparam += "&name=" + name;
            data.otherParam = otherparam;
        public async Task <ActionResultDto> Execute(ContextDto context)

                var orderClause = sortName + " " + sortDir;
                var total       = 0;

                var biz = new GetListNhanVienByCriteriaBiz(context);
                biz.FIELD         = fields;
                biz.SEARCH_STRING = search;

                biz.SKIP         = _start;
                biz.TAKE         = _length;
                biz.ORDER_CLAUSE = orderClause;

                IEnumerable <dynamic> listNhanVien = await biz.Execute();

                if (listNhanVien.Count() > 0)
                    var obj = listNhanVien.FirstOrDefault();

                    total = Protector.Int(obj.MAXCNT);

                dynamic _metaData = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                _metaData.draw  = _draw;
                _metaData.total = total;

                return(ActionHelper.returnActionResult(HttpStatusCode.OK, listNhanVien, _metaData));
            catch (FormatException ex)
                return(ActionHelper.returnActionError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ActionHelper.returnActionError(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message));
        /// <summary>
        /// Ham xu ly chinh, chi nhan 1 bien moi truong
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Bien moi truong</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ActionResultDto> Execute(ContextDto context)

                var total = 0;

                GetListKhoTonKhoByCriteriaBiz biz = new GetListKhoTonKhoByCriteriaBiz(context);

                biz.TU_NGAY     = _tuNgay;
                biz.DEN_NGAY    = _denNgay;
                biz.KHO_HANG_ID = _khoHangId;
                biz.SKIP        = _start;
                biz.TAKE        = _length;
                biz.LOGIN_ID    = LoginId;

                IEnumerable <dynamic> list = await biz.Execute();

                if (list.Count() > 0)
                    var obj = list.FirstOrDefault();

                    total = Protector.Int(obj.MAXCNT);

                dynamic _metaData = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                _metaData.draw  = _draw;
                _metaData.total = total;

                return(ActionHelper.returnActionResult(HttpStatusCode.OK, list, _metaData));
            catch (FormatException ex)
                return(ActionHelper.returnActionError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ActionHelper.returnActionError(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message));
Esempio n. 51
        public dynamic HTML_Select()
                // -- Objet dynamic -- //
                dynamic donnee = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

                // -- Valeur vide -- //
                donnee.html_code    = $"<option value=\"\" title=\"{App_Lang.Lang.Select}...\">{App_Lang.Lang.Select}...</option>";
                donnee.html_libelle = $"<option value=\"\" title=\"{App_Lang.Lang.Select}...\">{App_Lang.Lang.Select}...</option>";

                // -- Ajout des options -- //

                foreach (var val in Lister())
                    donnee.html_code    += $"<option value=\"{val.id}\" title=\"{val.code}\">{val.code}</option>";
                    donnee.html_libelle += $"<option value=\"{val.id}\" title=\"{val.libelle}\">{val.libelle}</option>";

                // -- Retourner l'objet -- //
            #region Catch
            catch (Exception ex)
                // -- Vérifier la nature de l'exception -- //
                if (!GBException.Est_GBexception(ex))
                    // -- Log -- //

                    // -- Renvoyer l'exception -- //
                    throw new GBException(App_Lang.Lang.Error_message_notification);
                    // -- Renvoyer l'exception -- //
                    throw new GBException(ex.Message);
Esempio n. 52
        public ActionResult materialprice(int?page)
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            var     sup  = WebRequest.GetString("sup", true);
            var     mat  = WebRequest.GetString("mat", true);
            var     no   = WebRequest.GetString("no", true);
            var     type = WebRequest.GetString("type", true);

            data.mat     = mat;
            data.sup     = sup;
            data.no      = no;
            data.type    = type;
            string where = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sup))
                where += " and supplierName like '%" + sup + "%' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                where += " and type=" + type + " ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mat))
                where += " and (materialmodel like '%" + mat + "%' or materialname like '%" + mat + "%' or tunumber like '%" + mat + "%'  or pinyin like '%" + mat + "%' )";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(no))
                where += " and materialNo like '%" + no + "%'";
            var list = ServiceDB.Instance.QueryModelList <V_MaterialPriceModel>("select * from V_MaterialPriceModel where supplierid>0 " + where + " order by supplierName asc,materialname asc ");

            int _page     = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1;
            int _pagesize = 17;
            var vs        = list.ToPagedList(_page, _pagesize);

            data.list       = vs;
            data.pageSize   = _pagesize;
            data.pageIndex  = _page;
            data.totalCount = vs.TotalCount;
            data.otherParam = "&mat=" + mat + "&sup=" + sup + "&no=" + no + "&type=" + type;
Esempio n. 53
        static async void GetPageAsyncTest()
            var model = new PageInput();

            model.OrderStr  = "ActionValue";
            model.PageIndex = 0;  // 当前索引,第一页
            model.PageSize  = 2;  // 每页多少条
            model.Offset    = model.PageIndex * model.PageSize;

            var     sqlWhere = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            dynamic pms1     = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            dynamic pms2     = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            //sqlWhere.Append(" where ActionValue=@ActionValue");
            //pms1.ActionValue = 8;

            //sqlWhere.Append(" and ActionName like @ActionName");
            //pms1.ActionName = string.Format("%{0}%", "查询");

            pms2 = pms1;

            pms2.OrderStr = model.OrderStr;

            var pageOutput = await new DapperRepositoryBase <Action>().GetPageAsync(model, "Act_Action", sqlWhere.ToString(), pms1, pms2) as PageOutput;

            var list = new List <Action>();

            foreach (dynamic item in pageOutput.Records)
                list.Add(new Action
                    ActionId    = item.ActionId,
                    ActionName  = item.ActionName,
                    ActionValue = item.ActionValue

            foreach (var item in list)
                Console.WriteLine(item.ActionId + " " + item.ActionName + " " + item.ActionValue);
Esempio n. 54
        public async Task <ActionResultDto> Execute(ContextDto context)

                var biz = new InsertChiTietBiz(context);
                biz.PhieuBaoHanhChiTietId = 0;
                biz.PhieuBaoHanhId        = _PhieuBaoHanhId;
                biz.ThietBi           = _ThietBi;
                biz.TenThietBi        = TenThietBi;
                biz.MoTa              = MoTa;
                biz.ThietBiThayThe    = _ThietBiThayThe;
                biz.TenThietBiThayThe = TenThietBiThayThe;
                biz.TrangThaiThietBi  = TrangThaiThietBi;
                biz.ChiPhi            = _ChiPhi;
                biz.ThueVAT           = _ThueVAT;
                biz.TienThue          = _TienThue;
                biz.KhuyenMai         = _KhuyenMai;
                biz.LOGIN_ID          = _LoginId;

                var result = await biz.Execute();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(biz.MESSAGE) == false)
                    throw new BaseException(biz.MESSAGE.Split('|')[2]);

                dynamic _metaData = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

                return(ActionHelper.returnActionResult(HttpStatusCode.OK, result, _metaData));
            catch (BaseException ex)
                return(ActionHelper.returnActionError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.Message));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ActionHelper.returnActionError(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message));
Esempio n. 55
        public IActionResult listUser(string SearchTerm)
            List <dynamic> listUserDetails = new List <dynamic>();

                DataTable dt = Data.User.listUser(SearchTerm);
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        dynamic listUser = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                        listUser.userId       = (int)dt.Rows[i]["userId"];
                        listUser.name         = (dt.Rows[i]["name"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[i]["name"].ToString());
                        listUser.phoneNumber  = (dt.Rows[i]["phoneNumber"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[i]["phoneNumber"].ToString());
                        listUser.profileImage = (dt.Rows[i]["profileImage"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[i]["profileImage"].ToString());
                        listUser.gender       = (dt.Rows[i]["gender"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[i]["gender"].ToString());
                        listUser.role         = (dt.Rows[i]["role"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[i]["role"].ToString());
                        listUser.latitude     = (dt.Rows[i]["latitude"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[i]["latitude"].ToString());
                        listUser.longitude    = (dt.Rows[i]["longitude"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[i]["longitude"].ToString());
                        listUser.country      = (dt.Rows[i]["country"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[i]["country"].ToString());
                        listUser.state        = (dt.Rows[i]["state"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[i]["state"].ToString());
                        listUser.cityName     = (dt.Rows[i]["cityName"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[i]["cityName"].ToString());
                        listUser.address      = (dt.Rows[i]["address"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[i]["address"].ToString());
                        listUser.createdDate  = (dt.Rows[i]["createdDate"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[i]["createdDate"].ToString());
                        listUser.savedDisplay = (dt.Rows[i]["savedDisplay"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : (int)dt.Rows[i]["savedDisplay"]);
                        listUser.savedRoutes  = (dt.Rows[i]["savedRoutes"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : (int)dt.Rows[i]["savedRoutes"]);
                    return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.OK, listUserDetails));
                    return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.OK, listUserDetails));
            catch (Exception e)
                string SaveErrorLog = Data.Common.SaveErrorLog("listUser", e.Message);
                return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new { ErrorMessage = e.Message }));
Esempio n. 56
        public async Task <dynamic> Execute(ContextDto context)
                if (MaTrangThai == "3")
                    NgayKetThuc = DateTime.Now;
                dynamic result = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                var     repo   = new IssueRepository(context);
                await repo.UpdatePartial(this,

                result.data = this;
                InsertLuocSuAction ls = new InsertLuocSuAction();
                ls.InsertLuocSu(context, "Issue", IssueId, "Update", NguoiTao);
                return(returnActionResult(this, null));
            catch (FormatException ex)
                return(returnActionError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.Message));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(returnActionError(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message));
Esempio n. 57
        public static object ShapeList <TSource>(this IList <TSource> obj, string fields)
            List <string> lstOfFields = new List <string>();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fields))
            lstOfFields = fields.Split(',').ToList();
            List <string> lstOfFieldsToWorkWith = new List <string>(lstOfFields);

            List <System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject> lsobjectToReturn = new List <System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject>();

            if (!lstOfFieldsToWorkWith.Any())
                foreach (var kj in obj)
                    System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject objectToReturn = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

                    foreach (var field in lstOfFieldsToWorkWith)
                            var fieldValue = kj.GetType()
                                             .GetProperty(field.Trim(), BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
                                             .GetValue(kj, null);
                            ((IDictionary <String, Object>)objectToReturn).Add(field.Trim(), fieldValue);

Esempio n. 58
        public static string[] GetInfo()
                dynamic MyObject = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

                MyObject.Username = CurrentUser.Username;
                MyObject.Name     = CurrentUser.Name;
                MyObject.Family   = CurrentUser.Family;
                MyObject.Address  = CurrentUser.Address;
                MyObject.Email    = CurrentUser.Email;
                MyObject.Mobile   = CurrentUser.Mobile;

                #region GetProfilgePictures
                var RootPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Pictures/Profiles");
                var FileName = MethodExtension.GetMd5Hash(CurrentUser.salt.ToString() + CurrentUser.ID) + ".*";

                var files = Directory.GetFiles(RootPath, FileName);

                if (files.Count() > 0)
                    FileName = Path.GetFileName(files[0]);
                    FileName = "default-profile.png";

                MyObject.PictureUrl = FileName;

                return(new string[2] {
                    "1", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(MyObject)
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new string[2] {
                    "0", ex.Message
Esempio n. 59
        private deaths_by_age_enum get_age_classifier(System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject p_source_object)
            deaths_by_age_enum result = deaths_by_age_enum.blank;;

            object val        = get_value(p_source_object, "death_certificate/demographics/age");
            int    value_test = 0;

            if (val != null && int.TryParse(val.ToString(), out value_test))
                if (value_test < 20)
                    result = deaths_by_age_enum.age_less_than_20;
                else if (value_test < 20)
                    result = deaths_by_age_enum.age_less_than_20;
                else if (value_test >= 20 && value_test <= 24)
                    result = deaths_by_age_enum.age_20_to_24;
                else if (value_test >= 25 && value_test <= 29)
                    result = deaths_by_age_enum.age_25_to_29;
                else if (value_test >= 30 && value_test <= 34)
                    result = deaths_by_age_enum.age_30_to_34;
                else if (value_test >= 35 && value_test <= 44)
                    result = deaths_by_age_enum.age_35_to_44;
                else if (value_test >= 45)
                    result = deaths_by_age_enum.age_45_and_above;

Esempio n. 60
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Database db = Rmes.DA.Base.DB.GetInstance();

            foreach (DataGridViewRow r in dataGridView1.Rows)
                if (!r.IsNewRow)
                    dynamic a           = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                    string  keyColName  = "";
                    string  keyColValue = "";
                    foreach (DataGridViewCell c in r.Cells)
                        string key = dataGridView1.Columns[c.ColumnIndex].Name;
                        string val = c.Value.ToString();
                        if (key.Equals("RMES_ID"))
                            keyColName  = key;
                            keyColValue = val;
                        ((IDictionary <string, object>)a).Add(key, val);
                    if (keyColName.Equals(string.Empty))
                    string aa = db.ExecuteScalar <string>("select RMES_ID from " + cmbTables.SelectedValue.ToString() + " where RMES_ID=@0", keyColValue);

                    if (aa == null || aa.Equals(string.Empty))
                        object b = db.Insert(cmbTables.SelectedValue.ToString(), keyColName, false, a);
                        MessageBox.Show(b.ToString(), "insert");
                        int kk = db.Update(cmbTables.SelectedValue.ToString(), keyColName, a);
                        MessageBox.Show(kk.ToString(), "udate");