public override bool parse(Stream stream, SunflowAPI api) { //string localDir = Path.GetFullPath(filename); numLightSamples = 1; Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.start(); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Parsing stream ..."); try { p = new Systems.Parser(stream); while (true) { string token = p.getNextToken(); if (token == null) break; if (token == "image") { UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Reading image settings ..."); parseImageBlock(api); } else if (token == "background") { UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Reading background ..."); parseBackgroundBlock(api); } else if (token == "accel") { UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Reading accelerator type ..."); p.getNextToken(); UI.printWarning(UI.Module.API, "Setting accelerator type is not recommended - ignoring"); } else if (token == "filter") { UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Reading image filter type ..."); parseFilter(api); } else if (token == "bucket") { UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Reading bucket settings ..."); api.parameter("bucket.size", p.getNextInt()); api.parameter("bucket.order", p.getNextToken()); api.options(SunflowAPI.DEFAULT_OPTIONS); } else if (token == "photons") { UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Reading photon settings ..."); parsePhotonBlock(api); } else if (token == "gi") { UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Reading global illumination settings ..."); parseGIBlock(api); } else if (token == "lightserver") { UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Reading light server settings ..."); parseLightserverBlock(api); } else if (token == "trace-depths") { UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Reading trace depths ..."); parseTraceBlock(api); } else if (token == "camera") { parseCamera(api); } else if (token == "shader") { if (!parseShader(api)) return false; } else if (token == "modifier") { if (!parseModifier(api)) return false; } else if (token == "override") { api.shaderOverride(p.getNextToken(), p.getNextbool()); } else if (token == "object") { parseObjectBlock(api); } else if (token == "instance") { parseInstanceBlock(api); } else if (token == "light") { parseLightBlock(api); } else if (token == "texturepath") { string path = p.getNextToken(); //if (!new File(path).isAbsolute()) // path = localDir + File.separator + path; api.addTextureSearchPath(Path.GetFullPath(path)); } else if (token == "includepath") { string path = p.getNextToken(); //if (!new File(path).isAbsolute()) // path = localDir + File.separator + path; api.addIncludeSearchPath(Path.GetFullPath(path)); } else if (token == "include") { string file = p.getNextToken(); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Including: \"{0}\" ...", file); api.parse(file); } else UI.printWarning(UI.Module.API, "Unrecognized token {0}", token); } p.close(); } catch (Exception e) { UI.printError(UI.Module.API, "{0}", e); return false; } timer.end(); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Done parsing."); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.API, "Parsing time: {0}", timer.ToString()); return true; }
public override bool parse(Stream stream, SunflowAPI api) { try { SunflowSharp.Systems.Parser p = new SunflowSharp.Systems.Parser(stream); p.checkNextToken("version"); p.checkNextToken("3.04"); p.checkNextToken("TransformBegin"); if (p.peekNextToken("Procedural")) { // read procedural shave rib bool done1 = false; while (!done1) { p.checkNextToken("DelayedReadArchive"); p.checkNextToken("["); string f = p.getNextToken(); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Reading voxel: \"{0}\" ...", f); api.parse(f); p.checkNextToken("]"); while (true) { string t = p.getNextToken(); if (t == null || t == "TransformEnd") { done1 = true; break; } else if (t == "Procedural") break; } } return true; } bool cubic = false; if (p.peekNextToken("Basis")) { cubic = true; // u basis p.checkNextToken("catmull-rom"); p.checkNextToken("1"); // v basis p.checkNextToken("catmull-rom"); p.checkNextToken("1"); } while (p.peekNextToken("Declare")) { p.getNextToken(); // name p.getNextToken(); // interpolation & type } int index = 0; bool done = false; p.checkNextToken("Curves"); do { if (cubic) p.checkNextToken("cubic"); else p.checkNextToken("linear"); int[] nverts = parseIntArray(p); for (int i = 1; i < nverts.Length; i++) { if (nverts[0] != nverts[i]) { UI.printError(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Found variable number of hair segments"); return false; } } int nhairs = nverts.Length; UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Parsed {0} hair curves", nhairs); api.parameter("segments", nverts[0] - 1); p.checkNextToken("nonperiodic"); p.checkNextToken("P"); float[] points = parseFloatArray(p); if (points.Length != 3 * nhairs * nverts[0]) { UI.printError(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Invalid number of points - expecting {0} - found {0}", nhairs * nverts[0], points.Length / 3); return false; } api.parameter("points", "point", "vertex", points); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Parsed {0} hair vertices", points.Length / 3); p.checkNextToken("width"); float[] w = parseFloatArray(p); if (w.Length != nhairs * nverts[0]) { UI.printError(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Invalid number of hair widths - expecting {0} - found {0}", nhairs * nverts[0], w.Length); return false; } api.parameter("widths", "float", "vertex", w); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Parsed {0} hair widths", w.Length); string name = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", "[Stream]", index); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Creating hair object \"{0}\"", name); api.geometry(name, new Hair()); api.instance(name + ".instance", name); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Searching for next curve group ..."); while (true) { string t = p.getNextToken(); if (t == null || t == "TransformEnd") { done = true; break; } else if (t == "Curves") break; } index++; } while (!done); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Finished reading rib file"); } catch (Exception e) { UI.printError(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - File not found: {0}", "[Stream]"); return false; } return true; }
public override bool parse(Stream stream, SunflowAPI api) { try { SunflowSharp.Systems.Parser p = new SunflowSharp.Systems.Parser(stream); p.checkNextToken("version"); p.checkNextToken("3.04"); p.checkNextToken("TransformBegin"); if (p.peekNextToken("Procedural")) { // read procedural shave rib bool done1 = false; while (!done1) { p.checkNextToken("DelayedReadArchive"); p.checkNextToken("["); string f = p.getNextToken(); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Reading voxel: \"{0}\" ...", f); api.parse(f); p.checkNextToken("]"); while (true) { string t = p.getNextToken(); if (t == null || t == "TransformEnd") { done1 = true; break; } else if (t == "Procedural") { break; } } } return(true); } bool cubic = false; if (p.peekNextToken("Basis")) { cubic = true; // u basis p.checkNextToken("catmull-rom"); p.checkNextToken("1"); // v basis p.checkNextToken("catmull-rom"); p.checkNextToken("1"); } while (p.peekNextToken("Declare")) { p.getNextToken(); // name p.getNextToken(); // interpolation & type } int index = 0; bool done = false; p.checkNextToken("Curves"); do { if (cubic) { p.checkNextToken("cubic"); } else { p.checkNextToken("linear"); } int[] nverts = parseIntArray(p); for (int i = 1; i < nverts.Length; i++) { if (nverts[0] != nverts[i]) { UI.printError(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Found variable number of hair segments"); return(false); } } int nhairs = nverts.Length; UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Parsed {0} hair curves", nhairs); api.parameter("segments", nverts[0] - 1); p.checkNextToken("nonperiodic"); p.checkNextToken("P"); float[] points = parseFloatArray(p); if (points.Length != 3 * nhairs * nverts[0]) { UI.printError(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Invalid number of points - expecting {0} - found {0}", nhairs * nverts[0], points.Length / 3); return(false); } api.parameter("points", "point", "vertex", points); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Parsed {0} hair vertices", points.Length / 3); p.checkNextToken("width"); float[] w = parseFloatArray(p); if (w.Length != nhairs * nverts[0]) { UI.printError(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Invalid number of hair widths - expecting {0} - found {0}", nhairs * nverts[0], w.Length); return(false); } api.parameter("widths", "float", "vertex", w); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Parsed {0} hair widths", w.Length); string name = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", "[Stream]", index); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Creating hair object \"{0}\"", name); api.geometry(name, new Hair()); api.instance(name + ".instance", name); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Searching for next curve group ..."); while (true) { string t = p.getNextToken(); if (t == null || t == "TransformEnd") { done = true; break; } else if (t == "Curves") { break; } } index++; } while (!done); UI.printInfo(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - Finished reading rib file"); } catch (Exception e) { UI.printError(UI.Module.USER, "RIB - File not found: {0}", "[Stream]"); return(false); } return(true); }