Esempio n. 1
    void UpdateInstruction(ARTrackedImage trackedImage)
        var planeParentGo = trackedImage.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
        var planeGo       = planeParentGo.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
        var canvasGroup   = trackedImage.GetComponentInChildren <CanvasGroup>();
        var text          = trackedImage.GetComponentInChildren <Text>();

        // Disable/Enable the visuals based on if this is the current instruction and it is tracked
        if (trackedImage == currentInsruction && trackedImage.trackingState != TrackingState.None)
            canvasGroup.alpha = 1f;

            // The image extents is only valid when the image is being tracked
            trackedImage.transform.localScale = new Vector3(trackedImage.size.x, trackedImage.size.y, trackedImage.size.y);

            // Set the texture
            var material = planeGo.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().material;
            material.mainTexture = (trackedImage.referenceImage.texture == null) ? defaultTexture : trackedImage.referenceImage.texture;

            // Update the step number
            if (stepper != null)
                text.text = "Step: " + stepper.GetCurrentStep().Number;
            canvasGroup.alpha = 0f;