protected virtual List <IStep> GetAvailableSteps() { StepFactory sf = new StepFactory(); List <IStep> steps = sf.GetStepsOfType <ICommonStep>(); return(steps); }
public void BeforeTest() { _hotelSystemDouble = A.Fake <HotelSystem>(); _stepFactoryDouble = A.Fake <StepFactory>(); _stepExecutorDouble = A.Fake <StepsExecutor>(); _subject = new ReserveHotelUsecase(_hotelSystemDouble, _stepFactoryDouble, _stepExecutorDouble); }
protected override StepResult HandleResult(string result, Queue <ConfigInitWizardStep> steps, Config config, string workingDirectory) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result)) { return(StepResult.InvalidResponseSelected()); } var configureBranchStep = StepFactory.CreateStep <ConfigureBranch>(); switch (result) { case "0": steps.Enqueue(configureBranchStep.WithData(name, branchConfig)); return(StepResult.Ok()); case "1": branchConfig.Tag = string.Empty; steps.Enqueue(configureBranchStep.WithData(name, branchConfig)); return(StepResult.Ok()); default: branchConfig.Tag = result; steps.Enqueue(configureBranchStep.WithData(name, branchConfig)); return(StepResult.Ok()); } }
/// <summary> /// returns a description of the failure /// </summary> /// <param name="p_Test"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string GenerateFailedLog(IRun p_Test) { try { StepFactory sf = p_Test.StepFactory as StepFactory; if (sf == null) { return(""); } IList stepList = sf.NewList("") as IList; if (stepList == null) { return(""); } //var stList = p_Test.StepFactory.NewList(""); //string l_szReturn = ""; string l_szFailedMessage = ""; //' loop on each step in the steps foreach (IStep s in stepList) { if (s.Status == "Failed") { l_szFailedMessage += s["ST_DESCRIPTION"] + "'\n\r"; } } return(l_szFailedMessage); } catch { return(""); } }
protected override StepResult HandleResult(string result, Queue <ConfigInitWizardStep> steps, Config config, string workingDirectory) { if (int.TryParse(result, out var parsed)) { if (parsed == 0) { steps.Enqueue(StepFactory.CreateStep <EditConfigStep>()); return(StepResult.Ok()); } try { var foundBranch = OrderedBranches(config).ElementAt(parsed - 1); var branchConfig = foundBranch.Value; if (branchConfig == null) { branchConfig = new BranchConfig { Name = foundBranch.Key }; config.Branches.Add(foundBranch.Key, branchConfig); } steps.Enqueue(StepFactory.CreateStep <ConfigureBranch>().WithData(foundBranch.Key, branchConfig)); return(StepResult.Ok()); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } } return(StepResult.InvalidResponseSelected()); }
public void GetStepsWithEmptySettings() { //Arrange //Act //Assert IEnumerable <IStep> steps = new StepFactory().Get(new Settings()); }
internal bool Add(Run therun) { try { StepFactory runstepF = therun.StepFactory as StepFactory; Step thestep = runstepF.AddItem(_stepName) as Step; thestep.Status = _status; thestep["ST_ACTUAL"] = _actual; //add actual field thestep["ST_DESCRIPTION"] = _Description; thestep["ST_EXPECTED"] = _Expected; thestep.Post(); //add step if (File.Exists(_attachmentPath + "\\" + _attachmentName)) { AttachmentFactory attachFact = thestep.Attachments as AttachmentFactory; Attachment attachfile; IExtendedStorage extStor; attachfile = attachFact.AddItem(_attachmentName) as Attachment; attachfile.Post(); extStor = attachfile.AttachmentStorage as IExtendedStorage; extStor.ClientPath = _attachmentPath; extStor.Save(_attachmentName, true); } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } return(true); }
public override string Solve() { var lines = InputReader.ReadLines(); var steps = new StepFactory(_settings.StepSettings).Create(lines); var orderer = new InstructionHelper(); return(orderer.Order(steps)); }
public UseCaseFactory() { _hotelSystem = new HotelSystem(); _stepFactory = new StepFactory(); _stepExecutor = new StepsExecutor(); _systemInit = new SystemInit(); _systemInit.AddHotels(_hotelSystem); }
public LinkedList <IStep> Build() { IStepFactory stepFactory = new StepFactory(); var settings = new ConfigurationFactory().Get(_configFiles.Values); var steps = stepFactory.Get(settings); return(new LinkedList <IStep>(steps)); }
protected override List <IStep> GetAvailableSteps() { List <IStep> steps = base.GetAvailableSteps(); StepFactory sf = new StepFactory(); steps.AddRange(sf.GetStepsOfType <IScaleUnitStep>()); return(steps); }
public override string Solve() { var lines = InputReader.ReadLines(); var steps = new StepFactory(_settings.StepSettings).Create(lines); var instructionHelper = new InstructionHelper(); var time = instructionHelper.TimeToAssemble(steps, _settings.WorkerSettings.WorkerCount); return(time.ToString()); }
public void StepFactory_AllowsSettingDurationOffset(string line, char testedStep, int duration, int durationOffset, StepSettings stepSettings) { stepSettings.DurationOffset = durationOffset; var lines = new List <string> { line }; var steps = new StepFactory(stepSettings).Create(lines); Assert.Equal(duration, steps.First(x => x.Name == testedStep).Duration); }
// for Test SequenceFile GenerateTestSequenceFile() { SequenceFile seqFile = new SequenceFile(); seqFile.Name = "TestSequenceFile"; seqFile.Description = "This is a test sequenceFile."; seqFile.Comment = "Nothing"; seqFile.Version.MarjorVersion = "1"; ISequence mainSequence = SequenceFactory.CreateSequence(SequenceTypes.Normal); mainSequence.Name = "MainSequence1"; mainSequence.Description = "Main sequence for test."; mainSequence.EnableLogging = false; mainSequence.TestTimeout = 3000; mainSequence.BreakPoint = true; IStep actionStep = StepFactory.CreateStep(StepTypes.Action); actionStep.Name = "Action step test"; actionStep.Description = "this is a test action step"; IAdaptor adaptor = AdaptorFactory.CreateAdaptor(AdaptorTypes.DotnetAdaptor); adaptor.MethodName = "Test"; adaptor.TestModuleName = "DotNetTest.dll"; adaptor.Parameters.Add(new DotNetParameter()); adaptor.Parameters.Add(new DotNetParameter("parameter1")); adaptor.Parameters.Add(new DotNetParameter("parameter2")); actionStep.Adaptor = adaptor; IStep subActionStep = StepFactory.CreateStep(StepTypes.Action); subActionStep.Name = "SubAction step test"; subActionStep.Description = "this is a sub test action step"; actionStep.Children.Add(subActionStep); mainSequence.Children.Add(actionStep); mainSequence.Children.Add(subActionStep); mainSequence.Children.Add(subActionStep); ISequence mainSequence2 = SequenceFactory.CreateSequence(SequenceTypes.Normal); mainSequence2.Name = "MainSequence2"; mainSequence2.Description = "Main sequence 2 for test."; mainSequence2.EnableLogging = false; mainSequence2.TestTimeout = 3000; mainSequence2.BreakPoint = true; seqFile.Sequences.Add(mainSequence); seqFile.Sequences.Add(mainSequence2); return(seqFile); }
public void GetStepsForConfigFileOnly() { //Arrange Settings settings = new ConfigurationFactory() .Get(FileProvider.Configuration.SettingsZipping.AsOneItemList()); //Act IEnumerable <IStep> steps = new StepFactory().Get(settings); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(3, steps.Count()); }
public void LoadOnlySharedConfiguration() { //Arrange Settings settings = new ConfigurationFactory() .Get(FileProvider.Configuration.SharedSettings.AsOneItemList()); //Act IEnumerable <IStep> steps = new StepFactory().Get(settings); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(steps.Count(), 0); }
public void Step_ParsesLineToCorrectStepsWithPrerequisiteAndNext(string line, char step1, char step2, StepSettings stepSettings) { var lines = new List <string> { line }; var steps = new StepFactory(stepSettings).Create(lines); Assert.Equal(2, steps.Count); Assert.Equal(step2, steps.First(x => x.Name == step1).NextSteps.First().Name); Assert.Empty(steps.First(x => x.Name == step2).NextSteps); Assert.Equal(step1, steps.First(x => x.Name == step2).PrerequisiteSteps.First().Name); Assert.Empty(steps.First(x => x.Name == step1).PrerequisiteSteps); }
public void InstructionHelper_IdentifiesTheFirstStep(StepSettings stepSettings) { var lines = new List <string> { "Step C must be finished before step A can begin.", "Step C must be finished before step F can begin.", }; var steps = new StepFactory(stepSettings).Create(lines); var instructionHelper = new InstructionHelper(); var result = instructionHelper.Order(steps); Assert.Equal('C', result.First()); }
protected Step astar(IntVec3 start) { if (stepCache == null) { stepCache = new StepFactory(); } stepCache.Reset(dest, costPerMoveCardinal, costPerMoveDiagonal, Math.Max(Math.Abs(start.x - dest.Cell.x), Math.Abs(start.z - dest.Cell.z)) > maxDistanceBeforeCheating, mapSizeX, mapSizeZ); openlist = openlistShared; if (openlist == null) { openlist = new Priority_Queue.FastPriorityQueue <Step>(limitForSearch + 10); openlistShared = openlist; } else { openlist.Clear(); } List <int> destCells = CalculateAllowedDestCells(map, dest, peMode, traverseParms); // Initialisierung der Open List, die Closed List ist noch leer // (die Priorität bzw. der f Wert des Startknotens ist unerheblich) Step firstStep = stepCache.getCachedOrNewStep(start, cellIndices.CellToIndex(start)); openlist.Enqueue(firstStep, 0); // diese Schleife wird durchlaufen bis entweder // - die optimale Lösung gefunden wurde oder // - feststeht, dass keine Lösung existiert while (openlist.Count != 0) { // Knoten mit dem geringsten f Wert aus der Open List entfernen Step currentStep = openlist.Dequeue(); // Wurde das Ziel gefunden? if (destCells.Contains(currentStep.currentIndx)) { return(currentStep); } if (stepCache.Count >= limitForSearch) { return(null); } // Wenn das Ziel noch nicht gefunden wurde: Nachfolgeknoten // des aktuellen Knotens auf die Open List setzen expandNode(currentStep); // der aktuelle Knoten ist nun abschließend untersucht currentStep.closed = true; //if ( drawPath ) map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(currentStep.current, 0.9f, "closed", 100); } // die Open List ist leer, es existiert kein Pfad zum Ziel return(null); }
/// <summary> /// summerizes test steps after test has run /// </summary> /// <param name="test"></param> /// <returns>a string containing descriptions of step states and messags</returns> string GetTestStepsDescFromQc(ITSTest test) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { //get runs for the test RunFactory rfactory = test.RunFactory; List runs = rfactory.NewList(""); if (runs.Count == 0) { return(""); } //get steps from run StepFactory stepFact = runs[runs.Count].StepFactory; List steps = stepFact.NewList(""); if (steps.Count == 0) { return(""); } //go over steps and format a string foreach (IStep step in steps) { sb.Append("Step: " + step.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(step.Status)) { sb.Append(", Status: " + step.Status); } string desc = step["ST_DESCRIPTION"] as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc)) { desc = "\n\t" + desc.Trim().Replace("\n", "\t").Replace("\r", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(desc)) { sb.AppendLine(desc); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { sb.AppendLine("Exception while reading step data: " + ex.Message); } return(sb.ToString().TrimEnd()); }
protected override StepResult HandleResult(string result, Queue <ConfigInitWizardStep> steps, Config config, string workingDirectory) { switch (result) { case "0": steps.Enqueue(StepFactory.CreateStep <EditConfigStep>()); return(StepResult.Ok()); case "1": steps.Enqueue(StepFactory.CreateStep <AppveyorPublicPrivate>()); return(StepResult.Ok()); } return(StepResult.Ok()); }
public void InstructionHelper_PicksNextStepAlpabeticallyFromAllAvailable(StepSettings stepSettings) { var lines = new List <string> { "Step C must be finished before step A can begin.", "Step C must be finished before step F can begin.", "Step A must be finished before step B can begin.", }; var steps = new StepFactory(stepSettings).Create(lines); var instructionHelper = new InstructionHelper(); var result = instructionHelper.Order(steps); Assert.Equal("CABF", result); }
public void InstructionHelper_TimeToAssemble_TwoWorkersSolvesTwoBlockedSteps(string line, int duration, StepSettings stepSettings, WorkerSettings workerSettings) { stepSettings.DurationOffset = 0; workerSettings.WorkerCount = 2; var lines = new List <string> { line }; var steps = new StepFactory(stepSettings).Create(lines); var instructionHelper = new InstructionHelper(); var result = instructionHelper.TimeToAssemble(steps, workerSettings.WorkerCount); Assert.Equal(duration, result); }
public void InstructionHelper_TimeToAssemble_TwoWorkersSolvesThreeSteps(StepSettings stepSettings, WorkerSettings workerSettings) { stepSettings.DurationOffset = 0; workerSettings.WorkerCount = 2; var lines = new List <string> { "Step C must be finished before step B can begin.", "Step C must be finished before step F can begin.", }; var steps = new StepFactory(stepSettings).Create(lines); var instructionHelper = new InstructionHelper(); var result = instructionHelper.TimeToAssemble(steps, workerSettings.WorkerCount); Assert.Equal(9, result); }
public void Step_ParsesTwoLinesWithThreeSteps(StepSettings stepSettings) { var lines = new List <string> { "Step C must be finished before step A can begin.", "Step C must be finished before step F can begin.", }; var steps = new StepFactory(stepSettings).Create(lines); Assert.Equal(3, steps.Count); Assert.Contains(steps.First(x => x.Name == 'A').PrerequisiteSteps, x => x.Name == 'C'); Assert.Contains(steps.First(x => x.Name == 'F').PrerequisiteSteps, x => x.Name == 'C'); Assert.Contains(steps.First(x => x.Name == 'C').NextSteps, x => x.Name == 'A'); Assert.Contains(steps.First(x => x.Name == 'C').NextSteps, x => x.Name == 'F'); }
public void GetStepsWithReferences() { //Arrange FileInfo[] configFiles = new FileInfo[] { FileProvider.Configuration.SettingsZippingWithReferences, FileProvider.Configuration.SettingsZippingWithReferencesShared }; Settings settings = new ConfigurationFactory() .Get(configFiles); //Act IEnumerable <IStep> steps = new StepFactory().Get(settings).ToList(); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(3, steps.Count()); }
protected override StepResult HandleResult(string result, Queue <ConfigInitWizardStep> steps, Config config, string workingDirectory) { switch (result) { case "0": steps.Enqueue(StepFactory.CreateStep <EditConfigStep>()); return(StepResult.Ok()); case "1": steps.Enqueue(StepFactory.CreateStep <AppVeyorSetup>().WithData(ProjectVisibility.Public)); return(StepResult.Ok()); case "2": steps.Enqueue(StepFactory.CreateStep <AppVeyorSetup>().WithData(ProjectVisibility.Private)); return(StepResult.Ok()); } return(StepResult.Ok()); }
protected override StepResult HandleResult(string result, Queue <ConfigInitWizardStep> steps, Config config, string workingDirectory) { switch (result.ToLower()) { case "y": Console.Write(@"Because you need to maintain multiple versions of your product in production at the same time, GitFlow is likely a good fit. GitFlow allows you to have new development happening on the 'develop' branch, patch issues in old minor versions with 'hotfix/' branches and support old major versions with 'support/' branches"); steps.Enqueue(StepFactory.CreateStep <PickBranchingStrategyStep>()); return(StepResult.Ok()); case "n": steps.Enqueue(StepFactory.CreateStep <PickBranchingStrategy2Step>()); return(StepResult.Ok()); } return(StepResult.InvalidResponseSelected()); }
protected override StepResult HandleResult(string result, Queue <ConfigInitWizardStep> steps, Config config, string workingDirectory) { var editConfigStep = StepFactory.CreateStep <EditConfigStep>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { steps.Enqueue(editConfigStep); return(StepResult.Ok()); } if (!SemanticVersion.TryParse(result, string.Empty, out var semVer)) { return(StepResult.InvalidResponseSelected()); } config.NextVersion = semVer.ToString("t"); steps.Enqueue(editConfigStep); return(StepResult.Ok()); }
protected override StepResult HandleResult(string result, Queue <ConfigInitWizardStep> steps, Config config, string workingDirectory) { switch (result) { case "0": steps.Enqueue(StepFactory.CreateStep <ConfigureBranches>()); return(StepResult.Ok()); case "1": steps.Enqueue(StepFactory.CreateStep <SetBranchTag>().WithData(name, branchConfig)); return(StepResult.Ok()); case "2": steps.Enqueue(StepFactory.CreateStep <SetBranchIncrementMode>().WithData(name, branchConfig)); return(StepResult.Ok()); } return(StepResult.InvalidResponseSelected()); }