protected override Vector3 CalculateStartPosition(ref Vector3 anchorPosition, Camera visibleInCamera, bool intense)
            Vector3 start = anchorPosition;
            Vector3 randomDir;

            if (visibleInCamera == null)
                randomDir = UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere;
                Vector3 randomScreenPoint = new Vector3
                    UnityEngine.Random.Range((float)visibleInCamera.pixelWidth * 0.3f, (float)visibleInCamera.pixelWidth * 0.7f),
                    UnityEngine.Random.Range((float)visibleInCamera.pixelHeight * 0.3f, (float)visibleInCamera.pixelHeight * 0.7f),
                    Random.Range(visibleInCamera.nearClipPlane, visibleInCamera.farClipPlane)
                randomDir = (visibleInCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(randomScreenPoint) - visibleInCamera.transform.position).normalized;
            start   += (randomDir * (intense ? IntenseDistance.Random() : NormalDistance.Random()));
            start.x += StartXVariance.Random();
            start.y  = StartYVariance.Random() + StartYBase.Random();
            start.z += StartZVariance.Random();

            // if the start is too close to the anchor point, push it back
            float minDistance = (intense ? IntenseDistance.Minimum : NormalDistance.Minimum);

            if (Vector3.Distance(start, anchorPosition) < minDistance)
                Vector3 startDir = (start - anchorPosition).normalized;
                start = anchorPosition + (startDir * minDistance);

        protected override Vector3 CalculateStartPosition(ref Vector3 anchorPosition, Camera visibleInCamera, bool intense)
            Vector3 start = anchorPosition;
            Vector3 randomDir;

            if (visibleInCamera == null)
                randomDir = UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere;
                Vector3 randomScreenPoint = new Vector3
                    UnityEngine.Random.Range((float)Screen.width * 0.2f, (float)Screen.width * 0.8f),
                    UnityEngine.Random.Range((float)Screen.height * 0.2f, (float)Screen.height * 0.8f),
                    visibleInCamera.farClipPlane * 0.5f
                randomDir = visibleInCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(randomScreenPoint).normalized;
            randomDir.y = Mathf.Abs(randomDir.y);
            randomDir  *= (intense ? IntenseDistance.Random() : NormalDistance.Random());
            randomDir.y = StartYBase.Random();
            start      += randomDir;
            start.x    += StartXVariance.Random();
            start.y    += StartYVariance.Random();
            start.z    += StartZVariance.Random();

            // if the start is too close to the anchor point, push it back
            float minDistance = (intense ? IntenseDistance.Minimum : NormalDistance.Minimum);

            if (Vector3.Distance(start, anchorPosition) < minDistance)
                Vector3 startDir = (start - anchorPosition).normalized;
                start = anchorPosition + (startDir * minDistance);
